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Justice40 Datasets

Below is a table of all datasets that feed the CEJST application, including access links, contacts, and update information.

Indicator Group Indicator Description Notes Publisher Year(s) Source Geography Geographies available Can be updated to 2020 Census Tracts? How to update Contact Current Data Download Updated Data Download
Climate Change Expected Agriculture Loss Rate Economic loss to agricultural value resulting from natural hazards each year Field names are set in datasets.yml. Federal Emergency Management Agency 2014-2021 National Risk Index US & District of Columbia 2010 Census Tract Yes Update init function with new NRI_Table_CensusTracts.zip references in S3 & originating hazards.fema.gov download URL. Caset Zuzak, NHRAP Senior Risk Analyst. (Casey.Zuzak@fema.dhs.gov); Karen Villatoro (karen.villatoro@fema.dhs.gov); Jesse Rozelle (Jesse.Rozelle@fema.dhs.gov); Sean McNabb (Sean.McNabb@fema.dhs.gov); Charles Carson (charles.carson@fema.dhs.gov) https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/data-resources https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/data-resources
Climate Change Expected Building Loss Rate Economic loss to building value resulting from natural hazards each year Field names are set in datasets.yml. Federal Emergency Management Agency 2014-2021 National Risk Index US & District of Columbia 2010 Census Tract Yes Update init function with new NRI_Table_CensusTracts.zip references in S3 & originating hazards.fema.gov download URL. Caset Zuzak, NHRAP Senior Risk Analyst. (Casey.Zuzak@fema.dhs.gov); Karen Villatoro (karen.villatoro@fema.dhs.gov); Jesse Rozelle (Jesse.Rozelle@fema.dhs.gov); Sean McNabb (Sean.McNabb@fema.dhs.gov); Charles Carson (charles.carson@fema.dhs.gov) https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/data-resources https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/data-resources
Climate Change Expected Population Loss Rate fatalities and injuries resulting from natural hazards each year  This burden only applies for census tracts with populations greater than 20 people. Field names are set in datasets.yml. Federal Emergency Management Agency 2014-2021 National Risk Index US & District of Columbia 2010 Census Tract Yes Update init function with new NRI_Table_CensusTracts.zip references in S3 & originating hazards.fema.gov download URL. Caset Zuzak, NHRAP Senior Risk Analyst. (Casey.Zuzak@fema.dhs.gov); Karen Villatoro (karen.villatoro@fema.dhs.gov); Jesse Rozelle (Jesse.Rozelle@fema.dhs.gov); Sean McNabb (Sean.McNabb@fema.dhs.gov); Charles Carson (charles.carson@fema.dhs.gov) https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/data-resources https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/data-resources
Climate Change Projected Flood Risk projected risk to properties from projected floods, from tides, raid, riverine and storm surges within 30 years these were emailed to J40 initially. First Street Foundation projecting 2022-2052. Released in 2020 50 states, DC, PR 2010 Census Tract (we think, but documentation does not say) Updated data is available Request updated fsf_flood.zip from FSF, or potentially programmatically prepare an equivalent file using their API. Stage resulting assets in S3 and update init reference. Ed Kearns, Chief Data Officer of First Street Foundation. (ed@firststreet.org) https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-r36lzzzjacd32?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa#overview Can request again through email, or try to use proprietary API.
Climate Change Projected Wildfire Risk projected risk to properties form wildfire from fire fuels, weather, humans, and fire movement in 30 years these were emailed to J40 initially First Street Foundation projecting 2022-2052. Released in 2020 50 states, DC, PR 2010 Census Tract (we think, but documentation does not say) Updated data is available Request updated fsf_flood.zip from FSF, or potentially programmatically prepare an equivalent file using their API. Stage resulting assets in S3 and update init reference. Ed Kearns, Chief Data Officer of First Street Foundation. (ed@firststreet.org) https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-r36lzzzjacd32?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa#overview Can request again through email, or try to use proprietary API.
Energy Energy Cost Average annual energy costs divided by household income DOE 2018 LEAD Tool 50 states, DC, PR Census 2010 Yes, in March 2023 To-Do Aaron Vimont, developer at National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (aaron.vimont@nrel.gov); Toy Reames (tony.reames@hq.doe.gov) https://data.openei.org/submissions/573 https://www.energy.gov/scep/slsc/lead-tool To-Do
Energy PM2.5 in the air level of inhalable particles, 2.5 micrometers or smaller The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) 2017 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Health Asthma Share of people who have been told they have asthma The updated PLACES dataset is available. CDC 2016-2019 PLACES data 50 States + DC Census 2010 Tracts, Census 2010 & 2020 Counties Yes Update init function with new PLACES__Local_Data_for_Better_Health__Census_Tract_Data_202X_release.csv references, including (1) the updated file staged in S3 and (2) the originating chronicdata.cdc.gov download URL. T.J. Pierce (pwc2@cdc.gov); Sharunda Buchanan (sdb4@cdc.gov); Andrew Dent (aed5@cdc.gov) Angela Werner (myo6@cdc.gov) https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/500-Cities-Places/PLACES-Census-Tract-Data-GIS-Friendly-Format-2021-/mb5y-ytti https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/500-Cities-Places/PLACES-Local-Data-for-Better-Health-Census-Tract-D/cwsq-ngmh
Health Diabetes Share of people ages 18+ who have diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy The updated PLACES dataset is available. CDC 2016-2019 PLACES data 50 States + DC Census 2010 Tracts, Census 2010 & 2020 Counties Yes Update init function with new PLACES__Local_Data_for_Better_Health__Census_Tract_Data_202X_release.csv references, including (1) the updated file staged in S3 and (2) the originating chronicdata.cdc.gov download URL. T.J. Pierce (pwc2@cdc.gov); Sharunda Buchanan (sdb4@cdc.gov); Andrew Dent (aed5@cdc.gov) Angela Werner (myo6@cdc.gov) https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/500-Cities-Places/PLACES-Census-Tract-Data-GIS-Friendly-Format-2021-/mb5y-ytti https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/500-Cities-Places/PLACES-Local-Data-for-Better-Health-Census-Tract-D/cwsq-ngmh
Health Heart Disease Share of people ages 18+ who have been told they have heart disease The updated PLACES dataset is available. CDC 2016-2019 PLACES data 50 States + DC Census 2010 Tracts, Census 2010 & 2020 Counties Yes Update init function with new PLACES__Local_Data_for_Better_Health__Census_Tract_Data_202X_release.csv references, including (1) the updated file staged in S3 and (2) the originating chronicdata.cdc.gov download URL. T.J. Pierce (pwc2@cdc.gov); Sharunda Buchanan (sdb4@cdc.gov); Andrew Dent (aed5@cdc.gov) Angela Werner (myo6@cdc.gov) https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/500-Cities-Places/PLACES-Census-Tract-Data-GIS-Friendly-Format-2021-/mb5y-ytti https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/500-Cities-Places/PLACES-Local-Data-for-Better-Health-Census-Tract-D/cwsq-ngmh
Health Low life expectancy Average number of years a person can expect to live CDC 2010-2015 US Small Area Life Expectancy Estimates Project 50 States + DC Census 2010 Update coming 2025 Update init function once data becomes available. Elizabeth Arias (efa3@cdc.gov) https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/usaleep/usaleep.html#life-expectancy To-Do
Housing Historic Underinvestment Census tracts that experienced historic underinvestment based on redlining maps created by the federal governments Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) between 1935 and 1940. National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) Home Owners Loan Corporation 50 States + DC Census 2010 & 2020 Yes Update init function with new HRS_2020.xlsx reference in S3 https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/141121/version/V2/view https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/141121/version/V2/view
Housing Housing Cost Share of households making less than 80% of the AMI and spending more than 30% of income on housing Maybe could be found in ACS? Also: There is a note about suppressed fields in the updated datasets relative to pre-2018 data. The impacted categories come from tables that do not appear to be used in the ETL, therefore no additional changes in the pipeline should be necessary.  Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2014-2018 Comprehensive housing affordability strategy dataset 50 States + DC+ PR Census 2010 Yes Update init function with new 140.csv zipped file references, including (1) the updated file staged in S3 and (2) the originating huduser.gov download URL. Blair Russell, Office of Policy Development and Research; HUD (Blair.D.Russell@hud.gov) https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/cp.html#2006-2019_data https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/cp.html#data_2006-2021
Housing Lack of Green Space Amount of land, not including crop land, that is covered with artificial materials like concrete or pavement Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium 2019 National Land Cover Database (USGS) 48 States + DC Possibly not bound to geographies because its raster data. TPL imputed to census 2010 for us, I think. Maybe? Use same data but pre process to Census 2020 To-Do Was provided by the trust for public land but you can also get it here as image data https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/5f21cef582cef313ed940043
Housing Lack of Indoor Plumbing Share of homes without indoor kitchens or plumbing Maybe could be found in ACS? Also: There is a note about suppressed fields in the updated datasets relative to pre-2018 data. The impacted categories come from tables that do not appear to be used in the ETL, therefore no additional changes in the pipeline should be necessary.  Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2014-2018 Comprehensive housing affordability strategy dataset 50 States + DC + PR Census 2010 Yes Update init function with new 140.csv zipped file references, including (1) the updated file staged in S3 and (2) the originating huduser.gov download URL. Blair Russell, Office of Policy Development and Research; HUD (Blair.D.Russell@hud.gov) https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/cp.html#2006-2019_data https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/cp.html#data_2006-2021
Housing Lead paint Share of homes that are likely to have lead paint Share of homes built before 1960, which indicates potential lead paint exposure. Tracts with extremely high home values (i.e. median home values above the 90th percentile) that are less likely to face health risks from lead paint exposure are not included. US Census 2015-2019 American Community Survey 50 States + DC.+ PR Census 2010, Census 2020 Yes, can update to ACS 2017-2021. (Need to check whether newest releases will work for us.) To-Do
Legacy Pollution Abandoned Mine Land Presence of one or more abandoned min land within the tract It looks like data is queried in the online GUI then exported. Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 2017 Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System 50 States + DC Point Data Yes, points can be mapped to any geography Update init function with new "eAMLIS export of all data.tsv.zip" file reference in S3. https://www.osmre.gov/programs/e-amlis https://amlis.osmre.gov/
Legacy Pollution Formerly used Defense Site Presence of one or more formerly used defense site within the tract US Army Corps of Engineers 2019 Formerly Used Defense Sites 50 States + DC Point Data Yes, points can be mapped to any geography To-Do https://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/Environmental/Formerly-Used-Defense-Sites/ To-Do
Legacy Pollution Proximity to Hazardous Waste Facilities count of hazardous waste facilities within 5 km The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. EPA 2020 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Legacy Pollution Proximity to Risk Management Plan Facilities count of risk management plan facilities within 5 kilometers The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. EPA 2020 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Legacy Pollution Proximity to Superfund Sites count of proposed or listed superfund or national priorities list sites within 5 km The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. EPA 2021 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Transportation Diesel particulate matter exposure amount of diesel exhaust in the air The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. EPA 2014 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Transportation transportation barriers average of relative cost and time spent on transportation This is an example of when field naming does NOT come from field_names.py. DOT 2022 Transportation Access Disadvantage 50 States + DC Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new Shapefile_and_Metadata.zip file references. https://www.transportation.gov/equity-Justice40#:~:text=Transportation%20access%20disadvantage%20identifies%20communities%20and%20places%20that%20spend%20more%2C%20and%20take%20longer%2C%20to%20get%20where%20they%20need%20to%20go.%20(4) https://www.transportation.gov/foia/foia-electronic-reading-room-category-four
Transportation traffic proximity and volume count of vehicles at major roads within 500 meters The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. DOT (via EPA) 2017 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Water and Wastewater underground storage tanks and releases formula of the density of leaking underground storage tanks and number of all active underground storage tanks within 1500 feet of the census tract boundaries The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. EPA /UST Finder 2021 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Water and Wastewater wastewater discharge modeled toxic concentrations at parts of streams within 500 meters The "LOWINCPCT" column gets renamed to "Poverty (Less than 200% of federal poverty line)" in L93. We should look at if/how that gets used since the logic we worked on lives in the census_acs ETL. EPA Risk Screening Environmental Indicators 2020 EJ Screen 50 states, DC + Islands Census 2010 & Census 2020 Yes Update init function with new EJSCREEN_202X_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip file reference. There isn't a S3 reference specified in the function, so that's something we could potentially stage to pattern match most of the other etl files. https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/ https://gaftp.epa.gov/ejscreen/
Workforce Development Linguistic isolation Share of households where no one over age 14 speaks English very well US Census 2015-2019 American Community Survey 50 States + DC.+ PR Census 2010, Census 2020 Yes, can update to ACS 2017-2021. (Need to check whether newest releases will work for us.) To-Do
Workforce Development low median income comparison of median income in the tract to the median incomes in the area US Census 2015-2019 American Community Survey 50 States + DC.+ PR Census 2010, Census 2020 Yes, can update to ACS 2017-2021. (Need to check whether newest releases will work for us.) To-Do
Workforce Development poverty share of people in households where income is at or below 100% of the federal poverty level US Census 2015-2019 American Community Survey 50 States + DC.+ PR Census 2010, Census 2020 Yes, can update to ACS 2017-2021. (Need to check whether newest releases will work for us.) To-Do
Workforce Development Unemployment number of unemployed people as a part of the labor force US Census 2015-2019 American Community Survey 50 States + DC.+ PR Census 2010, Census 2020 Yes, can update to ACS 2017-2021. (Need to check whether newest releases will work for us.) To-Do
Workforce Development High school Education Percent of people ages 25 or older whose high school education is less than a high school diploma US Census 2015-2019 American Community Survey 50 States + DC.+ PR Census 2010, Census 2020 Yes, can update to ACS 2017-2021. (Need to check whether newest releases will work for us.) To-Do
Multiple Factors Low income People in households where income is less than or equal to twice the federal poverty level, not including students enrolled in higher ed US Census 2015-2019 American Community Survey 50 States + DC.+ PR Census 2010, Census 2020 Yes, can update to ACS 2017-2021. (Need to check whether newest releases will work for us.) To-Do