2024-09-12 15:54:23 -05:00

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Raw Blame History

1DomainFederal AgencyLevel of GovernmentLocationStatusNoteLinkDate Added
218f.usFederal Governmentaccepted term18F, General Services Administration -- Note added 11/10/14 19:10https://midas.18f.us/11/10/14 19:10
33riverscfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentOhio, Pennsylvania, West Virginiaaccepted term3 Rivers/Pennsylvania West Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://3riverscfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
4aal.armyDepartment of the ArmyFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Army Applications Laboratory was established in 2018, along with the stand-up of the Army Futures Command, to act as a concierge service across the Armys Future Force Modernization Enterprise and the broader commercial marketplace of ideas. Based on the 8th floor of the Capital Factory in Austin, AALs mission is to align innovative solutions and technologies with Army problems, resources and programs to rapidly discover, validate and transition technology applications in support of Army modernization. - From https://armyfuturescommand.com/aal/. aal.army links to Army Futures Command (armyfuturescommand.com) -- 8/26/2019 DPMhttps://aal.army8/26/19 0:00
5academyadmissions.comDepartment of Defense (DOD)Federal Governmentaccepted termAir Force Academy Admissions -- Note added 3/24/14 16:11https://www.academyadmissions.com/3/24/14 16:11
6adlnet.orgDepartment of Defense (DOD)Federal Governmentaccepted termAdvanced Distributed Learning, an official website of the U.S. Government sponsored by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD P&R) -- Note added 11/13/13 14:12http://adlnet.org/11/13/13 14:11
7afacademy.af.eduDepartment of Defense (DOD)Federal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Air Force Academy email domain. -- Note added 09/01/21 16:57https://usafa.edu09/01/21 16:57
8afneurope.netDepartment of Defense (DOD)Federal Governmentaccepted termAmerican Forces Network Europe. AFN American Forces Network ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense. -- Note added 5/8/15 14:17http://www.afneurope.net/5/8/15 14:16
9afnpacific.netDepartment of Defense (DOD)Federal Governmentaccepted termAmerican Forces Network Pacific. AFN American Forces Network ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense. -- Note added 5/8/15 14:18http://afnpacific.net/5/8/15 14:17
10afpmb.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termArmed Forces Pest Management Board is a Directorate in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment (DUSD(I&E)). -- Note added 6/14/13 18:13#N/A6/6/13 18:08
11afreserve.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Air Force Reserve recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08https://afreserve.com/6/6/13 18:08
12afthunderbirds.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAir Force Thunderbirds -- Note added 9/12/14 11:40http://afthunderbirds.com/9/12/14 11:40
13ag.unr.edu/gbemFederal Governmentaccepted termGreat Basin Ecology Laboratory (GBEL), the Nevada Forestry Sciences Laboratory is part of the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Stationand is located on the University of Nevada, Reno. -- Note added 9/15/15 16:57#N/A6/6/13 18:08
14agfirst.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAgFirst Farm Credit Bank is part of the national Farm Credit System, the largest agricultural lending organization in the United States -- Note added 7/19/13 13:35http://agfirst.com/index.asp6/6/13 18:08
15agribank.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUnder the Farm Credit System's cooperative structure, AgriBank is owned by 17 affiliated Farm Credit Associations. The AgriBank District covers America's Midwest, a fifteen state area from Wyoming to Ohio and Minnesota to Arkansas. -- Note added 6/17/13 15:03#N/A6/6/13 18:08
16airdefenseartillery.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAir Defense Artillery, a magazine of the Armed Forces as listed at http://www.defense.gov/pubs/magazines.html. -- Note added 11/18/13 14:34http://airdefenseartillery.com/6/6/13 18:08
17airforce.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Air Force recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08https://www.airforce.com/6/6/13 18:08
18airspacemag.comFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian Air & Space Magazine -- Note added 8/25/14 13:00http://www.airspacemag.com/?no-ist8/25/14 13:00
19ajb.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAmerica's Job Bank, a CareerOneStop site sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. -- Note added 6/14/13 18:21#N/A6/6/13 18:08
20alaskacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentAlaskaaccepted termAlaska Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/7/13 12:14http://www.alaskacfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
21alhurra.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAlhurra Television, Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc. (as listed at http://www.bbg.gov/broadcasters/mbn/). -- Note added 11/18/13 14:45http://www.alhurra.com/7/31/13 15:03
22americanpresidents.org#N/AFederal Governmentcandidate termAmerican Presidents: Life Portraits (C-SPAN) -- Note added 6/14/13 18:23#N/A6/6/13 18:08
23americorpsconnect.org#N/AFederal Governmentaccepted termAmeriCorps Connect, Corporation for National and Community Service -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
24amtrak.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAmtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation -- Note added 11/18/13 14:58http://www.amtrak.com/home6/6/13 18:08
25amver.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAutomated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) System, sponsored by the United States Coast Guard, is a computer-based voluntary global ship reporting system used worldwide by search and rescue authorities to arrange for assistance to persons in distress at sea. -- Note added 1/23/15 15:04http://www.amver.com/1/23/15 15:03
26annualcreditreport.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAnnualCreditReport.com is the official site to help consumers to obtain their free credit report. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08https://www.annualcreditreport.com/index.action6/6/13 18:08
27armedforcessports.comFederal Governmentaccepted termArmed Forces Sports, Department of Defense -- Note added 12/5/14 20:10http://www.armedforcessports.com/12/5/14 20:10
28armyfuturescommand.comDepartment of the ArmyFederal Governmentaccepted termResponsible for leading a team of Soldiers and civilians to streamline the Armys modernization enterprise under a single command. The command enhances efficiency and effectiveness in delivering the technology necessary to maintain the Armys competitive advantage and win wars. - From https://armyfuturescommand.com/leadership/. See also https://www.army.mil/futures.https://armyfuturescommand.com/8/26/19 0:00
29askjan.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termJob Accommodation Network, a service of U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy. -- Note added 9/24/13 12:49http://askjan.org/9/24/13 12:48
30atlanticcoastcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentFloridaaccepted termAtlantic Coast Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/15/15 19:37http://www.atlanticcoastcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
31auxpa.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termU.S. Coast Guard Auxillary, Department of Public Affairs -- Note added 10/24/14 12:20http://www.auxpa.org/10/24/14 12:19
32aww.aww-sp.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAmerica's Waterway Watch is a public outreach program encouraging participants to simply report suspicious activity to the Coast Guard and/or other law enforcement agencies.  -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
33badgerlandcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWisconsinaccepted termBadgerland Combined Federal Campaign Serves following counties: ChippewaDaneDunnEu ClaireJacksonJuneauLa CrosseMonroeRockSaukVernon -- Note added 7/25/14 5:12http://www.badgerlandcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
34benefeds.comFederal Governmentaccepted termBENEFEDS, Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, U.S. http://www.opm.gov/ Office of Personnel Management -- Note added 12/2/13 19:39https://www.benefeds.com/12/2/13 19:36
35bie.eduDepartment of the InteriorFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Bureau of Indian Educations (BIE) bie.edu is an Indian education website. The BIE is institutionally accredited by the U.S. Department of Education to own and operate the .edu domain to align with the educational mission of the BIE.https://bie.edu/1/7/14 - updated 02/03/2020
36bobber.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termBobber, the official dog of the US Army Corps of Engineer's National Water Safety Program (watersafety.usace.army.mil) -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
37bushlibrary.tamu.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termGeorge H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum -- Note added 6/12/13 16:26http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/6/6/13 18:08
38buyaccessible.netFederal Governmentaccepted termSection 508 blog, U.S. General Services Administration -- Note added 6/14/13 18:27#N/A6/6/13 18:08
39capmembers.comFederal Governmentaccepted termCivil Air Patrol, US Air Force Auxiliary   -- Note added 6/14/13 18:46#N/A6/6/13 18:08
40careerinfonet.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAn American Job Center partner. CareerInfoNet.org lists the Occupational Profiles on CareerOneStop.org. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
41careeronestop.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termCareerOneStop is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
42cbacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWest Virginiaaccepted termChesapeake Bay Area Combined Federal Campaign (CBACFC) -- Note added 3/31/14 13:04http://www.cbacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
43cbp-ntep.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Training Evaluation Program, Customs and Border Patrol, Department of Homeland Security -- Note added 6/14/13 18:49#N/A6/6/13 18:08
44ccitoolsforfeds.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termComprehensive Community Initiatives Tools for Federal Staff -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://ccitoolsforfeds.org/1/10/14 19:17
45cdcnpin.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Prevention Information Network from the CDC -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://cdcnpin.org/1/10/14 19:17
46cdse.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termCenter for Development of Security Excellence, Defense Security Service, Department of Defense -- Note added 6/14/13 18:49http://cdse.edu/6/6/13 18:08
47centralcaliforniacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted termCentral Califoria Combined Federal Compaign -- Note added 3/9/15 16:55http://www.centralcaliforniacfc.org6/6/13 18:08
48centralpacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentPennsylvaniaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of Central Pennsylvania -- Note added 7/1/14 19:38http://www.centralpacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
49centraltexascfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termCentral Texas Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 3/4/15 6:46http://centraltexascfc.org/wp/6/6/13 18:08
50cf-cfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentFloridaaccepted termCentral Florida - Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/15/15 18:58http://www.cf-cfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
51cfc-centralok.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentOklahomaaccepted termcentral OK CFC -- Note added 8/28/15 16:28http://www.cfc-centralok.org/6/6/13 18:08
52cfcaaga.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentGeorgiaaccepted termGreater Atlanta-Athens Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 12/6/13 15:10http://www.cfcaaga.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
53cfcaz.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted termArizona Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 12/11/13 13:54http://cfcaz.org/6/6/13 18:08
54cfccoastalga.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentGeorgiaaccepted termCoastal Georgia Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 8/25/15 14:25http://www.cfccoastalga.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
55cfcforthood.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign website for the greater Fort Hood, TX area -- Note added 3/4/15 6:47http://www.cfcforthood.org/6/6/13 18:08
56cfcgive.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWashingtonaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of South Puget Sound, WA -- Note added 9/12/14 5:30http://cfcgive.org/6/6/13 18:08
57cfcgno.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentLouisianaaccepted termGreater New Orleans Area Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 8/24/15 15:47http://www.cfcgno.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
58cfcgreaterarkansas.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentArkansasaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of Greater Arkansas -- Note added 7/17/13 18:03http://cfcgreaterarkansas.org/6/6/13 18:08
59cfcgreaternc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentSouth Carolinaaccepted termNorth Carolina CFC -- Note added 8/28/15 13:20http://www.cfcgreaternc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
60cfcindiana.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentIndianaaccepted termIndiana, Kentucky, and Southwestern Ohio CFC -- Note added 8/27/15 14:17http://www.givecfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
61cfcmaine.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMaineaccepted termNorthern NE CFc -- Note added 8/27/15 18:07http://wp.northernnewenglandcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
62cfcmidsouth.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTennesseeaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of the Mid-South -- Note added 7/17/13 18:04http://cfcmidsouth.org/6/6/13 18:08
63cfcmontereysantacruz.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign Monterey/Santa Cruz -- Note added 3/9/15 17:53http://www.cfcmontereysantacruz.org/6/6/13 18:08
64cfcnca.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area -- Note added 6/7/13 17:35http://cfcnca.org/6/6/13 18:08
65cfcnexus.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termCFC (Combined Federal Campaign) Nexus -- Note added 10/7/14 12:22https://www.cfcnexus.org/_root/10/7/14 12:21
66cfcnnj.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNew Jerseyaccepted termNorthern New Jersey Combined Federal Campaign ( CFC ) -- Note added 9/22/15 14:08http://cfcnnj.org/6/6/13 18:08
67cfcnorthtexas.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termNorth Texas CFC possibly part of OK -- Note added 8/28/15 16:30http://www.dfwmetroplexcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
68cfcnps.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWashingtonaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of Nort Puget Sound, WA -- Note added 9/12/14 5:32http://www.cfcnps.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
69cfcofcva.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termCentral Virginia Area Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/6/14 13:50http://www.cfcofcva.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
70cfcofgreatersocal.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of Greater Southern CA -- Note added 3/9/15 17:56http://www.cfcofgreatersocal.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
71cfcofthecsra.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentSouth Carolinaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of the Central Savannah River Area -- Note added 8/25/15 14:25http://www.cfcofthecsra.org/6/6/13 18:08
72cfcredrivervalley.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNorth Dakotaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of the Red River Valley -- Note added 7/18/14 5:31http://www.cfcredrivervalley.org/6/6/13 18:08
73cfcsanantonio.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign Fund website for San Antonio Area -- Note added 3/4/15 6:55http://www.cfcsanantonio.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
74cfcsemi.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMichiganaccepted termSoutheastern Michigan Area CFC -- Note added 9/2/15 20:29http://www.cfcsemi.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
75cfcshr.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of South Hampton Roads (CFCSHR) -- Note added 5/30/14 13:56http://www.cfcshr.org6/6/13 18:08
76cfcsnj.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentPennsylvaniaaccepted termEastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 12/6/13 13:32http://www.cfcsnj.org/6/6/13 18:08
77cfctexasgulfcoast.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign website for theTexas Gulf Coast -- Note added 3/4/15 6:57http://www.cfctexasgulfcoast.org/6/6/13 18:08
78cfcvp.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of the Virginia Peninsula (CFCVP) -- Note added 5/30/14 13:57http://www.cfcvp.org/6/6/13 18:08
79cfcwesternmichigan.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMichiganaccepted termCFC UP-North Michigan Area (CFC Western Michigan has merged with UP-North -- Note added 9/2/15 20:29http://cfcwesternmichigan.org/6/6/13 18:08
80cfcwesternmontana.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMontanaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign (CFC) of Western Montana -- Note added 11/22/13 12:41http://cfcwesternmontana.org/6/6/13 18:08
81cfcwnc.comCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNorth Carolinaaccepted termWest NC CFC -- Note added 9/11/15 19:01http://cfcwnc.com/6/6/13 18:08
82cfe-dmha.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termCenter for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (CFE-DMHA), US Pacific Command, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI -- Note added 3/20/14 15:12http://www.cfe-dmha.org/3/20/14 15:10
83cga.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Coast Guard Academy -- Note added 1/23/14 15:30http://www.cga.edu/1/23/14 15:30
84cgaux.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termU.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary -- Note added 6/14/13 18:52http://cgaux.org/6/6/13 18:08
85cge.concursolutions.comFederal Governmentaccepted terme-Gov Travel Service, Concur Government Edition (CGE) for the General Services Administration -- Note added 1/13/14 12:01https://cge.concursolutions.com/1/13/14 11:59
86chattanoogacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTennesseeaccepted termGreater Chattanooga Area Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 6/23/14 9:39http://www.chattanoogacfc.org/13/Pages/CFC2013Main.html6/6/13 18:08
87chemcatbio.orgDepartment of Energy (DOE)Federal Governmentaccepted termChemCatBio is a U.S. Department of Energy national lab-led research and development consortium dedicated to identifying and overcoming catalysis challenges for the conversion of biomass and waste resources into fuels, chemicals, and materials. From https://www.chemcatbio.org/, retrieved 7/5/19.https://www.chemcatbio.org/7/5/19 0:00
88chicagocfc.netCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentIllinoisaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign for the Midwest -- Note added 7/1/14 19:27http://www.chicagocfc.net/6/6/13 18:08
89chicagofed.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentIllinoisaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of Chicago -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://chicagofed.org/1/10/14 19:17
90cidi.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termU.S. Agency for International Development Center for International Disaster Information -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://www.cidi.org/1/10/14 19:17
91cipm.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Science Foundation Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM). -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
92cldcentral.usalearning.netFederal Governmentaccepted termOPM Center for Leadership Development OPM's Center for Leadership Development (CLD) is dedicated to transforming leaders to better serve the Federal government. We offer educational programs built on the ECQs for every stage of your career. As the government designated provider of agency, interagency and tri-sector leadership development, we offer government-to-government courses, certificate programs, tailored solutions and technology systems by USALearning to respond to your immediate challenges and emerging needs. Our innovative services are delivered through blended and eLearning, in classroom settings at our residential centers of the Federal Executive Institute (FEI) in Charlottesville, VA, the Eastern Management Development Center (EMDC) in Washington, DC, and the Western Management Development Center (WMDC) in Denver, CO, your home agency, locations across the United States and internationally. More information can be found in the brochure. -- Note added 8/31/16 16:42https://cldcentral.usalearning.net/8/31/16 16:33
93clevelandfed.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentOhioaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of Cleveland -- Note added 6/14/13 18:56http://clevelandfed.org/6/6/13 18:08
94clu-in.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termContaminated Site Clean-Up Information, Sponsored by the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation -- Note added 6/14/13 18:57http://clu-in.org/6/6/13 18:08
95coastalbendareacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termCoastal Bend Area Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 9/9/13 19:00http://www.coastalbendareacfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
96coastalcarolinacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentSouth Carolinaaccepted termcostal carolina cfc -- Note added 8/28/15 13:40http://coastalcarolinacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
97cobank.comFederal Governmentaccepted termCoBank is a member of the Farm Credit System -- Note added 6/14/13 18:58#N/A6/6/13 18:08
98columbusbenningcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentGeorgiaaccepted termColumbus & Ft. Benning CFC -- Note added 8/25/15 14:45http://columbusbenningcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
99commissaries.comFederal Governmentaccepted termCommissaries.com, the official online resource of the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) -- Note added 10/24/13 12:54#N/A6/6/13 18:08
100cooperativepatentclassification.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) effort is a joint partnership between the USPTO and the European Patent Office where the Offices have agreed to harmonize their existing classification systems (ECLA and USPC, respectively) and migrate towards a common classification scheme. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://www.cooperativepatentclassification.org/6/6/13 18:08
101cooperhewitt.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://www.cooperhewitt.org/1/10/14 19:17
102cowvcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWest Virginiaaccepted termCentral Ohio and West Virginia Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 3/13/14 15:53http://cowvcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
103ctandwmacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMassachusettsaccepted termConnecticut and Western Massachusetts Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 8/2/13 14:36http://ctandwmacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
104cvand29palmscfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
105cybercemetery.unt.eduQuasigovernmentalFederal Governmentaccepted termhttp://cybercemetery.unt.edu/ redirects to http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/. But, left in *cybercemetary.unt.edu pattern to include the archived content found in the UNT CyberCemetary at http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/browse_expiration.htm -- Note added 11/18/13 17:47#N/A6/14/13 19:31
106d11nuscgaux.infoFederal GovernmentUtahaccepted termUnited States Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 11 Northern Region, U.S. Department of Homeland Security -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://d11nuscgaux.info/6/6/13 18:08
107d13cgaux.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Coast Guard Auxiliary District 13 -- Note added 6/14/13 17:22#N/A6/6/13 18:08
108dallasfed.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of Dallas -- Note added 6/14/13 19:01#N/A6/6/13 18:08
109deamuseum.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termhttp://www.justice.gov/dea/ Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Museum and Visitors Center -- Note added 10/27/14 11:28http://deamuseum.org/10/27/14 11:27
110defensetv.tvFederal Governmentaccepted termDefense TV -- Note added 6/9/15 13:19http://defensetv.tv/#/video:408175/news-stream6/9/15 13:18
111dfwmetroplexcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
112dhs-summit.usFederal Governmentaccepted termDHS SUMMIT, a modeling & simulation software environment that enables analysts, emergency planners, responders, and decision makers to seamlessly access integrated suites of modeling tools & data sources for planning, exercise, or operational response.  -- Note added 6/14/13 19:03#N/A6/6/13 18:08
113digitalvaults.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termDigital Vaults, the National Archives experience -- Note added 6/14/13 19:03#N/A6/6/13 18:08
114docsteach.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termDocsTeach, teacher resources from the National Archives -- Note added 6/14/13 19:04#N/A6/6/13 18:08
115dodccrp.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termCommand and Control Research Program, Department of Defense -- Note added 6/14/13 19:05#N/A6/6/13 18:08
116dodea.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termDepartment of Defense Education Activity -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
117dodsbir.netFederal Governmentaccepted termDOD Small Business Innovation Research -- Note added 8/7/14 12:27http://dodsbir.net/8/7/14 12:26
118dodstarbase.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termDoD STARBASE focuses on elementary students, primarily fifth graders. The goal is to motivate them to explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) as they continue their education. -- Note added 12/6/13 15:25http://dodstarbase.org/6/6/13 18:08
119dvbic.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termDefense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC), one of three Defense Centers of Excellence (see http://www.dcoe.health.mil/About_DCoE/Centers.aspx) -- Note added 7/31/13 17:28#N/A7/31/13 17:27
120dvidshub.netFederal Governmentaccepted termDefense Video and Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS) -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
121e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.comFederal Governmentaccepted termE2 Solutions (GSA eTravel program). See more information at http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/105399 -- Note added 11/10/15 17:05https://e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.com/ThinkCAP/e2/login;jsessionid=7HD1WCjFQSzK22XQpyS0bqh3Qb5xyGdP75Y22V1P2QzL0p8YHb0v!2010108603?execution=e1s16/6/13 18:09
122earthkam.ucsd.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termSally Ride EarthKAM (Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle school students) is a NASA educational outreach program enabling students, teachers, and the public to learn about Earth from the unique perspective of space.  -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
123earthsystemcog.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termEarth System CoG is a web environment that enables users to create project workspaces, connect projects into networks, share and consolidate information within those networks, and seamlessly link to tools for data archival, reformatting and search, data visualization, and metadata collection and display. CoG is integrated with the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) data distribution software and provides an easy to use interface to its services.  CoG is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08https://earthsystemcog.org/projects/cog/6/6/13 18:08
124earthsystemmodeling.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termEarth System Modeling Framework. ESMF is sponsored by the Department of Defense, NASA, the National Science Foundation, and NOAA -- Note added 3/20/14 15:38https://www.earthsystemcog.org/projects/esmf/6/6/13 18:08
125easternmasscfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMassachusettsaccepted termCFC of Eastern Ma. -- Note added 8/26/15 16:02http://easternmasscfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
126efts.scportal.usDepartment of DefenseFederal Governmentaccepted termThis domain requires a valid user session for access. User sessions are only granted to participating freight forwarders, such as UPS, FedEx, etc. All other users will receive a 404 response. -- Note added 12/18/2020https://www.efts.scportal.us/12/18/2020
127elcivicsonline.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termEL/Civics Online -- Note added 7/25/14 15:49http://elcivicsonline.org/7/25/14 15:49
128eng.embassyusa.cnFederal Governmentaccepted termMirror website of http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/ -- Note added 11/13/13 15:36#N/A11/13/13 15:35
129enviroflash.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termEnviroFlash, air quality notifications. EnviroFlash is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (http://www.epa.gov - EPA) with support from State and local air quality agencies. EnviroFlash provides air quality information such as forecasts and action day notifications via email for your area of interest. -- Note added 7/23/14 14:10http://www.enviroflash.info/11/13/13 14:17
130epa.maps.arcgis.comFederal Governmentaccepted termEPA GeoPlatform In May 2012, EPA launched EPA GeoPlatform based on Esri's ArcGIS Online for Organizations. EPA GeoPlatform is a framework for coordinating geospatial activities, applications, and data across the agency. EPA administrators announced that EPA GeoPlatform is available to every EPA employee as a foundation for all the agency's geospatial applications. Its policy now is that all geographic data and tools be built on EPA GeoPlatform. From http://www.esri.com/news/arcnews/fall12articles/epa-builds-map-service-on-arcgis-online-for-organizations.html ; Retrieved December 23, 2016 -- Note added 12/23/16 21:25https://epa.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html12/23/16 21:24
131epancic.org#N/AFederal Governmentcandidate termU.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Community Involvement Conference -- Note added 11/13/13 18:16#N/A11/13/13 18:16
132epaosc.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termEPA ON-SCENE COORDINATOR (OSC) WEBSITE Welcome to the EPA OSC WebSite. This site is intended to be a resource for EPA OSCs to access, track and share information with OSCs throughout the country. From https://www.epaosc.org/ ; Retrieved December 23, 2016 -- Note added 12/23/16 21:52https://www.epaosc.org/12/23/16 20:35
133epcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWest Virginiaaccepted termEastern Panhandle Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), includes Berkeley, Morgan and Jefferson counties in West Virginia -- Note added 11/19/13 13:00http://www.epcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
134ertsupport.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termERT Software Support The USEPA Environmental Response Team (ERT) specializes in environmental emergency response and Superfund Site remediation. Through experiences in the field and site-related activities, a variety of utilities and tools have been developed to assist EPA OSCs, RPMs, Task Leaders, as well as field personnel in managing and performing their site-related duties. From https://www.ertsupport.org/ ; Retrieved December 23, 2016 -- Note added 12/23/16 21:51https://www.ertsupport.org/12/23/16 20:35
135ertvideo.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termEnvironmental Response Television Environmental Response Television (ERTV) provides video support to U.S. EPA's Environmental Response Team (ERT). ERTV responds to request for the ERT to provide broadcast-quality documentary video programs on alternative hazardous waste treatment technologies, unique hazardous waster sites, site investigations, and other ERT activities. ERTV also produces 'The Environmental Response News Magazine, which combines stories and news from the 10 EPA Regions. From https://www.ertvideo.org/ ; Retrieved December 23, 2016 -- Note added 12/23/16 21:46https://www.ertvideo.org/12/23/16 20:35
136escarosacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentFloridaaccepted termFlorida Panhandle CFC - The Florida Panhandle CFC includes all federal personnel (military and civilian) and downtown federal offices of the Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton Counties in Florida. -- Note added 6/17/15 12:35http://www.floridapanhandle-cfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
137fairhousingfirst.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termContracted by HUD to provide information, materials, and technical assistance to all relevant stakeholders about the accessibility design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act as amended in 1988.  -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
138fanniemae.comFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as Fannie Mae, is a government-sponsored enterprise -- Note added 6/14/13 19:21http://fanniemae.com/portal/index.html6/6/13 18:08
139farmcreditbank.comFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termFarm Credit Bank of Texas -- Note added 6/14/13 19:22https://www.farmcreditbank.com/6/6/13 18:08
140farmermac.comFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac) is a Government-sponsored enterprise -- Note added 6/14/13 19:24http://www.farmermac.com/6/6/13 18:08
141fbiacademy.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Academy -- Note added 8/8/13 15:28http://fbilibrary.fbiacademy.edu/8/8/13 15:27
142fcc.usFederal Governmentaccepted termURL shortener for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). fcc.us pattern includes URLs such as those at https://www.google.com/searchq=site:fcc.us. Note that http://fcc.us redirects to http://www.fcc.gov. -- Note added 7/23/14 16:12#N/A6/27/14 11:44
143fd.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Defender, Office of Defender Services/Training Branch, Administrative Office of the United States Courts -- Note added 6/14/13 19:36#N/A6/6/13 18:08
144fdrlibrary.marist.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termFranklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
145fed.usFederal Governmentaccepted termfed.us pattern for several federal government websites such as www.fs.fed.us (USDA Forest Service), www.nmcourt.fed.us (US District Court), and frb.fed.us (several Federal Reserve Banks). -- Note added 7/23/14 14:11#N/A6/6/13 18:08
146federallabs.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Laboratory Consortium; the forum to develop strategies and opportunities for linking laboratory mission technologies and expertise with the marketplace. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
147federalrelay.usGeneral Services AdministrationFederal Governmentcandidate termFederal Relay was established by Congress under Public Law 100-542, the Telecommunications Accessibility Act of 1988, provides an intermediary telecommunications service for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or have speech disabilities, including federal employees, for communications with and within the Federal Government. http://federalrelay.us/about-federal-relay -- Note added 4/7/14 12:51http://federalrelay.us/4/7/14 12:51
148federalreserveeducation.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Reserve Education, a product of the Federal Reserve for educators and students -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
149fedrcc.usFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Relay Conference Captioning -- Note added 9/26/13 15:44#N/A9/26/13 15:43
150fhlb-of.comFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) Office of Finance -- Note added 6/14/13 19:38#N/A6/6/13 18:08
151fhlb-pgh.comFederal GovernmentPennsylvaniaaccepted termFederal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) Pittsburgh -- Note added 6/14/13 19:39http://www.fhlb-pgh.com/6/6/13 18:08
152fhlb.comFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) of Dallas -- Note added 6/14/13 19:40#N/A6/6/13 18:08
153fhlbanks.comFederal Governmentaccepted termThe 12 Federal Home Loan Banks are cooperatives owned by their members who are more than 7,700 community financial institutions of all sizes and many types in every U.S. state and territory. Created by Congress, the purpose of the Federal Home Loan Banks is to be a strong and reliable source of funds for local lenders to finance housing, jobs and economic growth. -- Note added 6/14/13 19:41#N/A6/6/13 18:08
154fhlbatl.comFederal GovernmentGeorgiaaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta -- Note added 6/14/13 19:00http://corp.fhlbatl.com/6/6/13 18:08
155fhlbboston.comFederal GovernmentMassachusettsaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) of Boston -- Note added 6/14/13 19:42http://www.fhlbboston.com/6/6/13 18:08
156fhlbc.comFederal GovernmentIllinoisaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) of Chicago -- Note added 6/14/13 19:49http://www.fhlbc.com/Pages/default.aspx6/6/13 18:08
157fhlbcin.comFederal GovernmentOhioaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) of Cincinnati -- Note added 6/14/13 19:51https://web.fhlbcin.com/Pages/fhlbcin.aspx6/6/13 18:09
158fhlbdm.comFederal GovernmentIowaaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines -- Note added 6/17/13 14:06#N/A6/6/13 18:08
159fhlbi.comFederal GovernmentIndianaaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis -- Note added 3/24/14 15:39http://www.fhlbi.com6/6/13 18:08
160fhlbny.comFederal GovernmentNew Yorkaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank of New York -- Note added 6/17/13 14:08http://www.fhlbny.com/6/6/13 18:08
161fhlbsea.comFederal GovernmentWashingtonaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank of Seattle -- Note added 6/17/13 14:09http://www.fhlbsea.com/6/6/13 18:08
162fhlbsf.comFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco -- Note added 6/17/13 14:16#N/A6/6/13 18:08
163fhlbtopeka.comFederal GovernmentKansasaccepted termFederal Home Loan Bank of Topeka - www.fhlbtopeka.com -- Note added 6/17/13 14:18http://fhlbtopeka.com/6/6/13 18:08
164findtbresources.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termFind TB Resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -- Note added 3/24/14 15:47http://findtbresources.org/1/10/14 19:17
165firelab.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termMissoula Fire Laboratory site. US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
166fmjfee.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUSCIS Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) SEVIS I-901 Fee processing website -- Note added 11/3/15 15:41https://fmjfee.com/i901fee/desktop/index.jsp?view=desktop11/3/15 15:39
167forestryimages.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termForestry Images, a joint project of the http://www.bugwood.org/index.cfm Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health, http://www.fs.fed.us/ USDA Forest Service and http://www.isa-arbor.org/ International Society of Arboriculture. -- Note added 6/20/14 19:05http://www.forestryimages.org/6/20/14 19:04
168frbatlanta.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentGeorgiaaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08https://frbatlanta.org/6/6/13 18:08
169frbsf.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of San Francisco -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
170freddiemac.comFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), known as Freddie Mac, is a public government-sponsored enterprise (GSE). Freddie Mac is operating under a conservatorship that began on September 6, 2008, conducting its business under the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).  -- Note added 6/17/13 14:31#N/A6/6/13 18:08
171freefilefillableforms.comInternal Revenue ServiceFederal Governmentcandidate termContractor-managed system. Linked to from https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/non-filers-enter-payment-info-here. Links back to https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-freehttps://www.freefilefillableforms.com/4/10/2020
172fsafeds.comFederal Governmentaccepted termFederal Flexible Spending Account program sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management -- Note added 6/17/13 14:32https://www.fsafeds.com/fsafeds/index.asp6/6/13 18:09
173ftcampbellareacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTennesseeaccepted termFort Campbell Area & Western Kentucky CFC -- Note added 6/25/14 6:15http://www.ftcampbellareacfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
174gatewaycfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMissouriaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of the Gateway Region -- Note added 7/2/14 18:19http://www.gatewaycfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
175genomereference.orgHealth and Human Services (HHS)Federal Governmentaccepted termRedirects to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/grc1/23/20 16:24
176georgewbushlibrary.smu.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termGeorge W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum -- Note added 6/12/13 16:28http://www.georgewbushlibrary.smu.edu/Home.aspx6/12/13 16:28
177getsmartaboutdrugs.comFederal Governmentaccepted termGet Smart About Drugs, a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) supported website for parents and famlies to provide a comprehensive collection of resources to help identify and prevent drug abuse among children and young adults. -- Note added 1/29/14 17:25http://getsmartaboutdrugs.com/6/6/13 18:09
178glnpo.netFederal Governmentaccepted termGreat Lakes National Program Office This site appears to require authentication, but does have some content indexed in search engines. n'The Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) coordinates U.S. efforts with Canada under the https://www.epa.gov/glwqa Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, which includes Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. GLNPO brings together federal, state, tribal, local, and industry partners under the strategic framework of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) to accomplish the objectives of GLRI action plan which in turn fulfills the aims of the GLWQA. ' From https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/about-great-lakes-national-program-office-glnpo ; Retrieved December 23, 2016 -- Note added 12/23/16 21:34#N/A12/23/16 20:35
179goang.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAir National Guard recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
180goarmy.comFederal Governmentaccepted termU.S. Army Recruiting Site.  -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
181gocivilairpatrol.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol recruiting site. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://gocivilairpatrol.com6/6/13 18:08
182gocoastguard.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Coast Guard recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
183godirect.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termGo Direct® campaign is sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://godirect.org/1/10/14 19:17
184gopcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWashingtonaccepted termGreater Olympic Peninsula Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 11/20/14 6:58http://www.cfc0921.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
185greaterhartfordcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal Governmentaccepted term#N/A#N/A8/2/13 14:37
186greatermscfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMississippiaccepted termGreater Mississippi CFC -- Note added 7/23/14 17:23http://www.greatermscfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
187greaterwicfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWisconsinaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of Greater Wisconsin -- Note added 8/5/14 5:39http://www.greaterwicfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
188greencountrycfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentOklahomaaccepted termgreen county CFC, ok -- Note added 8/28/15 16:48http://www.greencountrycfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
189heartlandcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMissouriaccepted termHeartland Combined Federal Campaign (Kansas City, MO) -- Note added 7/23/14 14:52http://www.heartlandcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
190heartofalabamacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentAlabamaaccepted termHeart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/15/13 15:55http://heartofalabamacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
191heartofthemidlandscfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentSouth Dakotaaccepted termHeart of the Midlands Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 12/6/13 19:23http://www.heartofthemidlandscfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
192homelandsecurity.conferenceon.tvFederal Governmentaccepted termInternet Video Portal through ItsAllOn.TV I U.S. Homeland Security. Live webcasts and media for Homeland Security conferences. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
193hsdl.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termHomeland Security Digital Library at the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
194hubblesite.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termHubble Site I Space Telescope Science Institute -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
195hudexchange.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termHUD Exchange -- Note added 3/16/16 17:36https://www.hudexchange.info/3/16/16 17:35
196hudhomestore.comFederal Governmentaccepted termHUD Homes for Sale (search), US Department of Housing and Urban Development -- Note added 6/17/13 14:39#N/A6/6/13 18:08
197Hudhre.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termHomelessness Resource Exchange I US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
198hudnsphelp.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termNeighborhood Stabilization Program and Resource Exchange I US Dept. of Housing and Ubran Development -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
199huduser.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termHUD USER, a clearinghouse for housing research and development by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development -- Note added 6/17/13 14:42http://www.huduser.org/portal/index.php6/6/13 18:08
200igs.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termInternational GNSS Service (IGS), formerly the International GPS Service, is a voluntary federation of more than 200 worldwide agencies that pool resources and permanent GPS & GLONASS station data to generate precise GPS & GLONASS products. This web site is part of the IGS Central Bureau Information System (CBIS). The Central Bureau is sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology. -- Note added 6/17/13 14:51http://igs.org/6/6/13 18:08
201iipdigital.ait.org.twDepartment of State (DOS)Federal Governmentcandidate termMirror of http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/ -- Note added 11/13/13 15:16#N/A11/13/13 15:16
202illowacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentIllinoisaccepted termWestern Illinois & Eastern Iowa Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 11/20/13 19:49http://www.illowacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
203informationrx.orgHealth and Human Services (HHS)Federal Governmentaccepted termDomain registered to NIH's National Library of Medicine. Used to redirect to https://www.nlm.nih.gov/ocpl/InformationRx.html. The domain is no longer in use on a host.2/9/22
204insidevoa.comFederal Governmentaccepted termInside Voice of America (VOA), our people, programs, and events -- Note added 7/31/13 15:16http://www.insidevoa.com/7/31/13 15:15
205intermountaincfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWyomingaccepted termIntermountain Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/7/13 15:46http://intermountaincfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
206inwcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWashingtonaccepted termInland Northwest Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/8/13 19:01http://www.inwcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
207jamrs.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAs part of the Department of Defense, JAMRS engages in cooperative and interdependent partnerships with various government agencies. Affiliations listed at www.jamrs.org/aff.php. -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
208jfklibrary.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termJohn F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum -- Note added 6/12/13 16:19#N/A6/6/13 18:08
209jlab.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) is one of 17 national laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Energy -- Note added 1/29/14 17:01https://www.jlab.org1/29/14 17:01
210johnsoncity-mountainhomecfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTennesseeaccepted termJohnson City - Mountain Home CFC -- Note added 6/25/14 6:23http://www.johnsoncity-mountainhomecfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
211kansascfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentKansasaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign website for the South Central Kansas CFC -- Note added 3/24/14 15:02http://kansascfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
212kb.cert.org/vulsFederal Governmentaccepted termVulerability Notes Database I Carnegie Mellon. Sponsored by the Dept of Homeland Security -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls6/6/13 18:08
213kcp.comDepartment of Energy (DOE)Federal GovernmentKansasaccepted termRedirects to https://kcnsc.doe.gov/.http://kcp.com/8/27/19 0:00
214kennedy-center.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Kennedy Center has represented a unique public/private partnership. As the nation's living memorial to President Kennedy, the Center receives federal funding each year to pay for maintenance and operation of the building, a federal facility. However, the Center's artistic programs and education initiatives are paid for almost entirely through ticket sales and gifts from individuals, corporations, and private foundations. See http://www.kennedy-center.org/about/history.html -- Note added 7/23/14 14:22#N/A6/6/13 18:08
215knowitall.org/nasaFederal Governmentaccepted termAward-winning science, math and technology videos for grades K-8 I NASA -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
216knowyouroptions.comFederal Governmentaccepted termFannie Mae -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://knowyouroptions.com/1/10/14 19:17
217kosmetica.kiev.ua#N/AFederal Governmentcandidate termMirror website of http://www.nsf.gov -- Note added 11/13/13 17:05#N/A11/13/13 17:04
218ktcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
219lbjlibrary.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termLBJ Presidential Library -- Note added 6/12/13 16:21#N/A6/12/13 16:21
220leopold.wilderness.netFederal Governmentaccepted termAldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute I Rocky Mountain Research Station I U.S. Forest Service -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
221lifeasamarine.comFederal Governmentaccepted termLife as a Marine, a resource for parents and mentors - U.S. Marine Corps -- Note added 4/3/14 19:11http://www.lifeasamarine.com/4/3/14 19:11
222literacydirectory.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAmerica's Literacy Directory, U.S. Department of Education's http://lincs.ed.gov/ Literacy Information and Communication System -- Note added 11/20/13 14:36https://literacydirectory.org/11/20/13 14:35
223livingmemorialsproject.netFederal Governmentaccepted termLiving Memorials Project (USDA Forest Service) 'This initiative invokes the resonating power of trees to bring people together and create lasting, living memorials to the victims of terrorism, their families, communities, and the nation.'-- 'About' page -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
224locationaffordability.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termLocation Affordability Portal -- Note added 4/12/16 16:59http://www.locationaffordability.info/4/12/16 16:57
225makersinspaces.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termMakers in American Spaces “Makers in American Spaces” is managed by U.S. State Department Information Resource Officers working with the Office of American Spaces in the Bureau of International Information Programs. This blog offers the opportunity for participants to discuss new trends in American Spaces, specifically those focused on “making and doing.” The contributors to “Makers in American Spaces” come from around the globe and work in or with U.S. Embassy Information Resource Centers, American Corners, Binational Centers, and other American Spaces partners overseas. Some of us are seasoned makers, while others are just starting out; what unites us is our appreciation for the creativity, experimentation, and collaboration that makerspaces foster. We hope this blog community provides inspiration for ideas and information sharing. Have something to contribute? Please contact us by emailing us at this address: makersinspaces@state.gov. We'd be happy to invite you to join the conversation! -- Note added 7/12/16 16:59http://www.makersinspaces.org/7/12/16 16:57
226manufacturingusa.comFederal Governmentaccepted termManufacturing USA at work Already, Manufacturing USA has established or announced nine manufacturing innovation institutes, with six more planned by the end of 2017. Within each institute, manufacturers of all sizes partner with academia and government to share manufacturing technology and workforce challenges - and build a robust, sustainable R&D infrastructure. Our Partners Institutes reach across the entire manufacturing industry and serve members from four critical sectors: private industry, nonprofit, academia and government. Program Details The Manufacturing USA network is operated by the interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, headquartered at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the Department of Commerce. From https://www.manufacturingusa.com/about - January 26, 2017 -- Note added 1/26/17 19:12https://www.manufacturingusa.com/1/26/17 19:11
227maricopacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentArizonaaccepted termMaricopa County (AZ) Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 12/13/13 13:12http://maricopacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
228marineforlife.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termMarine for Life, a Marine Corps organization that provides nationwide assistance to Marines who are returning to civilian life, Marine reservists and all Marine veterans throughout their lives. Marine For Life also assists Sailors who have served with Marine Corps units. -- Note added 1/27/14 17:20http://www.marineforlife.org/1/27/14 17:20
229marinemarathon.comFederal Governmentaccepted termMarine Corps Marathon -- Note added 4/3/14 19:12http://www.marinemarathon.com/4/3/14 19:12
230marines.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Marine Corps recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
231marshallcenter.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termGeorge C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies -- Note added 3/24/14 15:51http://www.marshallcenter.org/mcpublicweb/en/6/6/13 18:08
232martinoticias.comFederal Governmentaccepted termRadio Martí y TV Martí, Noticias Martí (see http://www.bbg.gov/broadcasters/ocb/) -- Note added 7/31/13 15:11#N/A7/31/13 14:34
233mcmregistration.comFederal Governmentaccepted termMarine Corps Marathon Registration -- Note added 4/3/14 19:13http://mcmregistration.com/4/3/14 19:13
234mdacareers.comFederal Governmentaccepted termMissile Defense Agency Careers site. Related to mda.mil/careers, though that site times out Content is indexed on mdacareers.com at other subdomains in addition to the jobs.mdacareers.com location, so registering the entire domain. n-DPM 3/2/2017 -- Note added 3/2/17 16:53https://jobs.mdacareers.com/3/2/17 16:49
235metrodenvercfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentColoradoaccepted termRocky Mountain Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/14/14 7:05http://www.metrodenvercfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
236miamivalleycfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentOhioaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign for the Miami Valley CFC -- Note added 3/25/14 13:14http://www.miamivalleycfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
237micanaldepanama.comFederal Governmentaccepted termAutoridad del Canal de Panamá (Panama Canal Authority) -- Note added 3/24/14 16:16http://micanaldepanama.com/6/26/13 16:02
238michcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentMichiganaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign website for the Mid-Michigan CFC. -- Note added 9/3/15 15:37http://michcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
239midlandsareacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentSouth Carolinaaccepted termSC CFC -- Note added 8/28/15 14:00http://www.palmettostatecfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
240minneapolisfed.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentMinnesotaaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis -- Note added 6/17/13 15:51http://www.minneapolisfed.org/6/6/13 18:08
241moneyfactory.comFederal Governmentaccepted termBureau of Engraving and Printing, U.S. Department of the Treasury - http://moneyfactory.com/ -- Note added 11/13/13 14:06#N/A11/13/13 14:05
242myedaccount.comFederal Governmentaccepted termMyEdAccount, National Student Loan Data System, U.S. Department of Education -- Note added 11/20/13 15:09#N/A11/20/13 15:09
243myfuture.comFederal Governmentaccepted termMyfuture.com helps young adults plan their next steps in life by bringing together the most recently available information about colleges, careers and military service opportunities from the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Defense, Education and Labor. Developed by the Department of Defense and Joint Advertising Market Research & Studies (JAMRS), myfuture.com features career, college and military content, allowing users to explore all possibilities and gain insight into each option. -- Note added 3/9/15 19:01http://www.myfuture.com/6/6/13 18:08
244mymcx.comFederal Governmentaccepted termMy Marine Corps Exchange -- Note added 4/3/14 19:15http://mymcx.com/4/3/14 19:15
245mynextmove.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termMy Next Move is developed and maintained by the National Center for ONET Development, under the sponsorship of the US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA) through a grant to the North Carolina Department of Commerce (www.mynextmove.org/help/about/). -- Note added 7/23/14 13:23http://www.mynextmove.org/6/6/13 18:09
246myskillsmyfuture.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termmySkills myFuture is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://myskillsmyfuture.org/1/10/14 19:17
247nagb.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThe National Assessment Governing Board meets quarterly to make decisions on the http://www.nagb.org/naep/what-naep.html - National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Created by Congress in 1988, the Governing Board is made up of 26 members, including governors, state legislators, local and state school officials, educators and researchers, business representatives, and members of the general public. Members are appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Education. -- Note added 11/13/13 14:54http://www.nagb.org/11/13/13 14:52
248nahyp.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards The National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award is the Nation's highest honor for out-of-school arts and humanities programs that celebrate the creativity of America's young people, particularly those from underserved communities. This award recognizes and supports excellence in programs that open new pathways to learning, self-discovery, and achievement. Each year, the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards recognize 12 outstanding programs in the United States, from a wide range of urban and rural settings. -- Note added 1/25/17 15:17http://www.nahyp.org/1/25/17 15:15
249nasa-usa.de#N/AFederal Governmentcandidate termMirror of http://www.nasa.gov -- Note added 11/13/13 15:17#N/A11/13/13 14:38
250nasa.orau.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNASA Postdoctoral Program adminstered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities. -- Note added 6/26/13 15:33#N/A6/6/13 18:08
251nasarealworldinworld.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termRealWorld-InWorld NASA Engineering Design Challenge -- Note added 6/26/13 15:36#N/A6/6/13 18:08
252nationalatlas.comFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Atlas, U.S. Department of the Interior. The .org and .com domains are mirrors of nationalatlas.gov. -- Note added 11/13/13 16:08#N/A11/13/13 16:07
253nationalatlas.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Atlas, U.S. Department of the Interior. The .org and .com domains are mirrors of nationalatlas.gov. -- Note added 11/13/13 16:07#N/A11/13/13 15:07
254nationalguard.comFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Guard recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://www.nationalguard.com/6/6/13 18:08
255nationalserviceresources.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThe National Service Knowledge Network is administered by ETR Associates, the knowledge management training and technical assistance provider to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). -- Note added 6/26/13 15:43#N/A6/6/13 18:08
256nationalzoostore.tamretail.netFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Zoo Store, Smithsonian National Zoological Park -- Note added 6/26/13 15:44#N/A6/6/13 18:08
257navy.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Navy recruiting site -- Note added 3/9/15 19:05http://www.navy.com/6/6/13 18:08
258navyoutreach.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNavy Office of Community Outreach (NAVCO), a field activity of the U.S. Navy Chief of Information (CHINFO) -- Note added 9/18/15 12:55http://www.navyoutreach.org/9/18/15 12:54
259navyreserve.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Navy Reserve recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
260nccicevents.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termSubmitted by Cameron Dixon, DHS CISA. Only occasionally used for publishing event content. - DPM 5/7/2019 -- Note added 5/7/19 14:20https://nccicevents.org/5/7/19 14:17
261ncjrs.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termncjrs.org doesn't resolve (with or without 'www'). ncjrs.org pattern is listed here to include National Criminal Justice Reference Service applications held in subdomains such as http://ovc.ncjrs.org/ovcproviderforum/, http://askjj.ncjrs.org/, http://bja.ncjrs.org/g2g/. The main NCJRS website is https://www.ncjrs.gov/. -- Note added 7/23/14 14:41#N/A11/13/13 15:30
262ncwvcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWest Virginiaaccepted termNorth Central West Virginia Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/24/14 5:42http://ncwvcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
263ndu.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Defense University -- Note added 3/24/14 16:14http://www.ndu.edu/6/6/13 18:08
264neabigread.orgNational Endowment for the Arts (NEA)Federal Governmentaccepted termNEA Big Read An initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest, the NEA Big Read broadens our understanding of our world, our communities, and ourselves through the joy of sharing a good book. Showcasing a diverse range of contemporary titles that reflect many different voices and perspectives, the NEA Big Read aims to inspire conversation and discovery. -- Note added 11/25/16 15:37http://www.neabigread.org/11/25/16 15:35
265necfuture.comFederal Governmentaccepted termNorth East Corridor Future Federal Railroad Administration US Department of Transportation n NEC FUTURE is a comprehensive planning effort to define, evaluate, and prioritize future investments in the Northeast Corridor (NEC), from Washington, D.C. to Boston. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) launched NEC FUTURE in February 2012 to consider the role of rail passenger service in the context of current and future transportation demands. Through the NEC FUTURE program, the FRA will determine a long-term vision and investment program for the NEC, and provide a http://necfuture.com/about/tier1.aspx Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) andhttp://necfuture.com/about/service_dev_plan.aspx Service Development Plan (SDP) in 2016 in support of that vision. -- Note added 8/31/16 16:41http://necfuture.com/8/31/16 16:33
266nefl-sega-cfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentGeorgiaaccepted termNORTHEAST FLORIDA~SOUTHEAST GEORGIA REGIONAL COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN -- Note added 6/30/15 12:07http://nefl-sega-cfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
267nepacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal Governmentaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
268nevadacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNevadaaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
269newhire-reporting.comFederal Governmentaccepted termIn 1996, Congress enacted a law called the 'Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act,' or PRWORA, as part of Welfare Reform. This legislation created the requirement for employers in all 50 states to report their new hires and re-hires to a state directory. New hire reporting speeds up the child support income withholding order process, expedites collection of child support from parents who change jobs frequently, and quickly locates non-custodial parents to help in establishing paternity and child support orders. -- Note added 11/12/15 12:46http://newhire-reporting.com/nc-newhire/Index.aspx6/6/13 18:08
270newmexicocfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNew Mexicoaccepted termDesert Southwest Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/16/14 5:30http://www.desertswcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
271newyorkfed.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentNew Yorkaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of New York -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://newyorkfed.org/1/10/14 19:17
272niamsp2b2.comFederal Governmentaccepted termNIAMS Public Partnership Blue Book Password-protected site. URL submitted to comply with M-17-06 n n-DPM -- Note added 1/18/17 19:12https://www.niamsp2b2.com1/18/17 19:10
273nianet.org/LARSS-2012Federal Governmentaccepted termNASA Langley Research Center home of the Langley Aerospace Research Student Scholars (LARSS) program -- Note added 6/26/13 15:47http://nia-cms.nianet.org/LARSS-2012/index.aspx6/6/13 18:08
274niapublications.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termOrder National Institute on Aging publications -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://newcart.niapublications.org/1/10/14 19:17
275noradsanta.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNorth American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Santa Tracker -- Note added 12/5/13 14:42http://www.noradsanta.org/6/6/13 18:08
276norcalcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign of Northern California (CFC Norcal) -- Note added 12/4/13 20:03http://www.norcalcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
277northcoastcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentPennsylvaniaaccepted termNorth Coast Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 3/25/14 13:53http://www.northcoastcfc.org/site/pp.aspx?c=lpISKUOtFoG&b=55933036/6/13 18:08
278northernlightscfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWisconsinaccepted termNorthern Lights Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/17/14 5:49http://www.northernlightscfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
279northernnewenglandcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVermontaccepted termNorthern New England Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 8/14/14 5:38http://northernnewenglandcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
280northwestfloridacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentFloridaaccepted termNorthwest, FL Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/30/15 12:26http://northwestfloridacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
281nps.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termNaval Postgraduate School -- Note added 1/24/14 13:21http://nps.edu/1/24/14 13:21
282nsopw.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termDru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW), a partnership between the U.S. Department of Justice and state, territorial, and tribal governments. This .org domain is a mirror of http://www.nsopw.gov. -- Note added 11/13/13 16:20#N/A11/13/13 16:19
283nutmegcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal Governmentaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
284nwguardian.comFederal GovernmentWashingtonaccepted termNorthwest Guardian, authorized newspaper of the Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington -- Note added 1/3/14 13:13http://www.nwguardian.com/1/3/14 13:12
285nyccfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNew Yorkaccepted termCombined Federal Campaign (CFC) of New York City -- Note added 9/26/14 19:02http://www.nyccfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
286okaloosa-waltoncfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentFloridaaccepted termThe Florida Panhandle Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 7/1/15 18:17http://www.floridapanhandle-cfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
287onecpd.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termOneCPD Resource Exchange, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17https://www.onecpd.info/1/10/14 19:17
288onetonline.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAn American Job Center partner. ONET OnLine is created for the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, by the National Center for ONET Development. -- Note added 7/23/14 13:24#N/A6/6/13 18:08
289onslowcountycfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNorth Carolinaaccepted termOnslow County CFC -- Note added 9/15/15 17:42http://www.onslowcountycfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
290opengovplatform.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Open Government Platform is being developed by the Indian National Informatics Centre and the Data.gov team at the U.S. General Services Administration. -- Note added 6/26/13 15:56#N/A6/6/13 18:08
291orvcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentOhioaccepted termOhio River Valley Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 3/26/14 18:45http://www.orvcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
292oup.orgDepartment of Housing and Urban DevelopmentFederal Governmentaccepted termHUD Office of University Partnerships -- Note added 11/20/13 12:58#N/A6/6/13 18:08
293ownyourlimits.orgDepartment of DefenseFederal Governmentaccepted termOwn Your Limits, a U.S. Department of Defense program, is an educational campaign for the U.S. military. The mission of the campaign is to help Service members learn to drink responsibly, if they choose to drink alcohol. - from https://www.ownyourlimits.org/ 3/12/20https://www.ownyourlimits.org/3/12/2020
294pacificnwcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentWashingtonaccepted termPacific Northwest Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 6/20/14 7:19http://pacificnwcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
295pancanal.comFederal Governmentaccepted termPanama Canal Authority -- Note added 3/24/14 16:15http://pancanal.com/eng/6/6/13 18:08
296pantex.comDepartment of Energy (DOE)Federal GovernmentTexasaccepted termRedirects to https://pantex.energy.gov.https://pantex.com/8/27/19 0:00
297pbgc.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termPension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. This .org domain is a mirror of http://www.pbgc.gov/. -- Note added 11/13/13 15:50#N/A11/13/13 15:50
298pcaobus.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termPublic Company Accounting Oversight Board -- Note added 9/26/14 16:06http://pcaobus.org/Pages/default.aspx9/26/14 16:05
299peakcfc.comCombined Federal CampaignFederal Governmentaccepted termPikes Peak Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/14/14 6:42http://www.peakcfc.com/_root/6/6/13 18:08
300pepfar.netFederal Governmentaccepted termPEPFAR Dashboard, Department of State -- Note added 4/23/15 18:14http://data.pepfar.net/4/23/15 17:00
301philadelphiafed.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentPennsylvaniaaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://philadelphiafed.org/1/10/14 19:17
302phpartners.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Library of Medicine's Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce, which is a collaboration of U.S. government agencies, public health organizations, and health sciences libraries which provides timely, convenient access to selected public health resources on the Internet. -- Note added 12/4/15 15:22http://phpartners.org/6/17/13 15:44
303plswebportal.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termIMLS Public Libraries Survey -- Note added 3/16/16 17:38https://www.plswebportal.org/3/16/16 17:37
304potomaccfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termWebsite of the Potomac Combined Federal Campaign, representing federal government employees and service members in a geographic area ranging from Stafford County to Caroline County and Culpepper to King and Queen County encompassing Marine Corps Base Quantico, Ft. A.P. Hill and Naval Support Activity (Dahlgren), as well as the local and regional US Post Offices. -- Note added 6/20/14 13:54http://www.potomaccfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
305predict.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate established the PREDICT Coordinating Center (PCC) to centralize data sharing management activities for the distributed repository. PREDICT, the Protected Repository for the Defense of Infrastructure Against Cyber Threats, is a community of producers of security-relevant network operations data and researchers in networking and information security. OMB # 1640-0012 / Expires 12/31/2013 -- Note added 6/26/13 16:05#N/A6/6/13 18:08
306project-open-data.github.ioFederal Governmentaccepted termProject Open Data, Executive Office of the President -- Note added 7/26/13 18:47#N/A7/26/13 18:47
307psctool.usFederal Governmentaccepted termProduct and Service Code (PSC) Selection Tool, a tool designed to help you navigate and select PSCs quickly and accurately. The tool allows users to find the right PSC using DOD's taxonomy, an intuitive framework that groups similar PSCs together. The taxonomy divides PSCs into sixteen portfolio groups: nine services groups and seven products groups. For more information on DOD's taxonomy, see the FY2012 http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/policy/policyvault/USA004219-12-DPAP.pdf memo announcing DOD's taxonomy and the full http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/ss/docs/fy11-dpap-portfolio_group_lookup-20120716.xlsx taxonomy-to-PSC map. -- Note added 8/20/14 10:36https://psctool.us/8/20/14 10:34
308psoppc.comHealth and Human Services (HHS)Federal Governmentaccepted termPSOPPC non-.govs have been verified as belonging to HHS by checking the about pages/certificates. Redirects to https://www.psoppc.org/psoppc_web. PSOPPC was created by HHS' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).1/23/20 16:24
309psoppc.netHealth and Human Services (HHS)Federal Governmentaccepted termPSOPPC non-.govs have been verified as belonging to HHS by checking the about pages/certificates. Domain is assigned to IPs, but not in active use. PSOPPC was created by HHS' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).1/23/20 16:24
310psoppc.orgHealth and Human Services (HHS)Federal Governmentaccepted termPSOPPC non-.govs have been verified as belonging to HHS by checking the about pages/certificates. Loads at https://www.psoppc.org/psoppc_web. PSOPPC was created by HHS' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).https://www.psoppc.org/psoppc_web1/23/20 16:24
311r3coastal.comFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Federal Governmentaccepted termRegion III Coastal Analysis and Mapping, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
312radiosawa.comFederal Governmentaccepted termRadio Sawa, Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc. (see http://www.bbg.gov/broadcasters/mbn/). -- Note added 3/24/14 16:16http://www.radiosawa.com/7/31/13 15:07
313railroadersleep.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termRailroaders' Guide to Healthy Sleep -- Note added 6/20/14 17:42http://www.railroadersleep.org/6/20/14 17:41
314reagan.utexas.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termRonald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum -- Note added 6/12/13 16:28http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/6/12/13 16:28
315reaganfoundation.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termRonald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library -- Note added 6/26/13 16:08#N/A6/6/13 18:08
316realwarriors.netDepartment of DefenseFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Real Warriors Campaign encourages help-seeking behavior among service members, veterans and military families coping with invisible wounds. -- from https://www.realwarriors.net/ 3/12/20https://www.realwarriors.net/3/12/2020
317reirs.comFederal Governmentaccepted termNuclear Regulatory Commission's Radiation Exposure Information and Reporting System (REIRS) for Radiation Workers -- Note added 3/24/14 16:04http://www.reirs.com/6/6/13 18:08
318rewardsforjustice.netFederal Governmentaccepted termRewards for Justice -- Note added 7/31/13 14:25#N/A7/31/13 14:25
319rfa.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termRadio Free Asia (see http://www.bbg.gov/broadcasters/rfa/) -- Note added 1/23/14 20:59#N/A7/31/13 15:02
320rferl.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termRadio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) (see http://www.bbg.gov/broadcasters/rferl/) -- Note added 12/2/13 19:42#N/A7/31/13 15:00
321riandsemacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentRhode Islandaccepted termRhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 9/23/15 15:08http://riandsemacfc.org/Default.aspx6/6/13 18:08
322richmondfed.orgFederal Reserve BoardFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termFederal Reserve Bank of Richmond -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://www.richmondfed.org/index.cfm1/10/14 19:17
323rkb.usFederal Governmentaccepted termFEMA Responder Knowledge Base -- Note added 6/26/13 16:15#N/A6/6/13 18:08
324rmrs.nau.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termFlagstaff (AZ) Lab, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture -- Note added 6/26/13 16:17http://www.rmrs.nau.edu/6/6/13 18:08
325rockymountaincfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentColoradoaccepted termRocky Mountain CFC -- Note added 11/10/15 13:14http://www.rockymountaincfc.org/_root/11/10/15 13:14
326sanangelocfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentTexasaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
327scportal.usDepartment of DefenseFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has established a website known as the Security Cooperation Information Portal (SCIP) to enable International Customers, customer agents, and United States Government personnel, with appropriate permissions, to access a variety of features. From https://www.scportal.us/home/ accessed 12/18/2020.https://www.scportal.us12/18/2020
328senccfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentNorth Carolinaaccepted termOFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE SOUTHEASTERN NORTH CAROLINA CFC -- Note added 9/15/15 17:57http://www.senccfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
329sepa-lehighcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentPennsylvaniaaccepted termEastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 10/1/14 20:24http://sepa-lehighcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
330sftool.ecomedes.comFederal Governmentaccepted termSFTool Product Search Your link to simpler environmentally responsible purchasing GSA has expanded our Sustainable Facilities Tool (SFTool) with a new tool that streamlines sustainable product procurement for vendors and buyers. GSA wants to make it easier for project teams to buy or specify environmentally preferable products. n -- Note added 5/17/17 17:36https://sftool.ecomedes.com/5/17/17 17:08
331si.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian Institution -- Note added 6/26/13 16:24http://www.si.edu/6/6/13 18:08
332slaa.airprojects.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termIMLS State Library Administrative Agency Survey -- Note added 3/16/16 18:27http://slaa.airprojects.org/3/16/16 18:26
333smithsonian.comFederal Governmentaccepted termsmithsonian.com and smithsonianmag.com both resolve as mirror websites to Smithsonian Magazine. -- Note added 8/25/14 12:58http://www.smithsonian.com/8/25/14 12:56
334smithsonian.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termhttp://smithsonian.org redirects to http://www.si.edu/. Smithsonian.org is included here to capture subdomains such as http://invention.smithsonian.org/ and http://lemelson.smithsonian.org/. -- Note added 8/25/14 12:31#N/A6/6/13 18:08
335smithsonianchannel.comFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian Channel -- Note added 8/25/14 12:59http://www.smithsonianchannel.com/sc/web/home8/25/14 12:59
336smithsonianeducation.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian Education, a gateway to Smithsonian educational resources -- Note added 6/26/13 16:26http://smithsonianeducation.org/6/6/13 18:08
337smithsonianjourneys.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian Journeys -- Note added 8/25/14 12:55http://www.smithsonianjourneys.org/8/25/14 12:55
338smithsonianmag.comFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian magazine -- Note added 2/7/14 19:13http://www.smithsonianmag.com/2/7/14 19:13
339smithsonianscience.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian Science -- Note added 1/10/14 19:17http://smithsonianscience.org/1/10/14 19:17
340smithsonianstore.comFederal Governmentaccepted termSmithsonian Store -- Note added 6/26/13 16:26http://www.smithsonianstore.com/home.jsp6/6/13 18:08
341smokeybear.comFederal Governmentaccepted termSmokey Bear (wildfire prevention) -- Note added 6/26/13 16:28http://smokeybear.com/6/6/13 18:08
342smokymountaincfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termSmoky Mountain Region CFC covers 26 counties, located in Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia n -- Note added 6/26/14 13:22http://www.smokymountaincfc.org/2013/Pages/CFCMain.html6/6/13 18:08
343socalcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentCaliforniaaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:08
344southwestfloridacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentFloridaaccepted termSouthwest Florida Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) -- Note added 7/1/15 18:54http://www.southwestfloridacfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
345spaceappschallenge.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNASA International Space Apps Challenge -- Note added 11/5/15 14:14https://spaceappschallenge.org/11/5/15 14:13
346stripes.comDepartment of DefenseFederal Governmentaccepted termStars and Stripes magazine -- Note added 2/7/14 19:19#N/A2/7/14 19:19
347suicidepreventionlifeline.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255) -- Note added 12/5/14 18:45#N/A1/10/14 19:17
348suncoastcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentFloridaaccepted termSuncoast Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), Tampa, FL -- The Suncoast CFC in west central Florida covers DeSoto, Hardee, Hernando, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk and Sarasota Counties. -- Note added 8/25/14 11:50http://www.suncoastcfc.org/_root/6/6/13 18:08
349supportportal.comFederal Governmentaccepted termsupportportal.com pattern to include all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's FAQs, such as http://publicaccess.supportportal.com (public access), http://iaq.supportportal.com (Indoor air quality), http://waste.supportportal.com (wastes), and http://portfoliomanager.supportportal.com (EnergyStar building support). For a more complete list of covered subdomains, see https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Asupportportal.com. -- Note added 7/23/14 14:59#N/A11/13/13 13:29
350t2health.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termNational Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2), one of three Defense Centers of Excellence (see http://www.dcoe.health.mil/About_DCoE/Centers.aspx) -- Note added 7/31/13 17:29#N/A7/31/13 17:28
351teexwmdcampus.comFederal Governmentaccepted termTexas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) and FEMA's Domestic Preparedness Campus -- Note added 6/26/13 16:47#N/A6/6/13 18:08
352thecommunityguide.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termThe Community Guide is a website that houses the official collection of all http://www.thecommunityguide.org/about/aboutTF.html Community Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) findings and the systematic reviews on which they are based. The http://www.cdc.gov/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides administrative, research, and technical support for the Community Preventive Services Task Force. Support is provided by the Community Guide Branch, Division of Epidemiology, Analysis and Library Services, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services, Office of Public Health Scientific Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). -- Note added 9/24/14 16:07http://thecommunityguide.org/9/24/14 16:06
353theshoalscfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentAlabamaaccepted termMuscle Shoals Area (Alabama) Combined Federal Campaign -- Note added 7/17/13 13:10http://www.theshoalscfc.org/2014/index.php6/6/13 18:08
354tnregionalcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal GovernmentVirginiaaccepted termTennessee regional CFC covers TN plus a few counties in neighboring states (tnregionalcfc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/TN-Regional-CFC-TN-Map.pdf). -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://tnregionalcfc.org/6/6/13 18:08
355todaysdocument.tumblr.comFederal Governmentaccepted termToday's Document, daily featured documents from the holdings of the U.S. National Archives. -- Note added 6/26/13 16:48#N/A6/6/13 18:08
356todaysmilitary.comFederal Governmentaccepted termDepartment of Defense's recruiting site -- Note added 6/6/13 18:08http://todaysmilitary.com/6/6/13 18:08
357trainex.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAbout Trainex In partnership with the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a range of training information to EPA, other federal agency, state, tribal, and local staff involved in hazardous waste management and remediation. This site includes training schedules for deliveries of many courses - both classroom and Internet-based. It is operated under contract by Environmental Management Support, Inc. n From https://trainex.org/about.cfm ; Retrieved December 23, 2016 -- Note added 12/23/16 21:15https://trainex.org/12/23/16 20:35
358trumanlibrary.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termHarry S. Truman Library and Museum -- Note added 6/12/13 16:19#N/A6/6/13 18:09
359tva.comFederal Governmentaccepted termTennessee Valley Authority -- Note added 12/12/13 20:38http://www.tva.com/12/12/13 20:35
360tvaed.comFederal Governmentaccepted termTennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Economic Development -- Note added 12/12/13 20:34http://tvaed.com/12/12/13 20:34
361tvars.comFederal Governmentaccepted termTennessee Valley Authority Retirement System -- Note added 1/2/14 20:28http://tvars.com/1/2/14 20:28
362us-mission.chFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Mission Geneva (mirror website at http://geneva.usmission.gov/) -- Note added 6/26/13 16:51#N/A6/6/13 18:09
363usafa.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Air Force Academy -- Note added 1/23/14 15:35#N/A1/23/14 15:34
364usafservices.comFederal Governmentaccepted termU.S. Air Force Services Portal - combat support and community service for Air Force personnel -- Note added 1/3/14 13:11https://www.usafservices.com/default.aspx?1/3/14 13:09
365usarmyjrotc.comFederal Governmentaccepted termRequires 'www' to resolve. -- Note added 3/24/14 16:24http://www.usarmyjrotc.com/1/10/14 19:17
366usarmymars.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAbout Army MARS The U.S. Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (AMARS) is an elite group of dedicated citizen volunteers who support the Department of Defense (DoD) in a variety of circumstances, including complex catastrophes and cyber denied or impaired conditions. MARS is a DoD program that trains, organizes and tasks volunteer Amateur Radio operators. From http://www.usarmymars.org/home/history-of-mars -- Note added 11/1/17 18:39http://www.usarmymars.org/11/1/17 18:39
367uscga.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Coast Guard Academy -- Note added 11/10/15 16:29http://uscga.edu/11/10/15 16:29
368USCGAlaska.comFederal Governmentaccepted term17th Coast Guard District, Alaska, US Department of Homeland Security -- Note added 7/23/14 15:23http://www.uscgalaska.com/6/6/13 18:09
369uscgaux.infoFederal Governmentaccepted termwww.uscgaux.info now directs to cgaux.org. This entry included for the pattern *uscgaux.info, which includes some subdomains, such as those at https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Auscgaux.info -- Note added 1/7/14 16:56http://www.uscgaux.info6/6/13 18:09
370uscgboating.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termU.S. Coast Guard's Boating Safety Division -- Note added 6/14/13 20:01#N/A6/6/13 18:09
371uscgnews.comFederal Governmentaccepted termCoast Guard's Digital Newsroom I US Coast Guard I Department of Homeland Security -- Note added 6/6/13 18:09http://www.uscgnews.com/go/site/4007/6/6/13 18:09
372uschs.org#N/AFederal Governmentcandidate termUnited States Capitol Historical Society -- Note added 8/2/13 16:31#N/A8/2/13 16:30
373usda.mannlib.cornell.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUSDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (ESMIS) is a collaborative project between Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University and several agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture -- Note added 6/12/13 18:43#N/A6/6/13 18:09
374USDirectExpress.comFederal Governmentaccepted termDirect Express is designed for people who receive federal benefits such as Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). No bank account is required. U.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service. See http://fms.treas.gov/directexpresscard/index.html -- Note added 12/16/14 19:05https://www.usdirectexpress.com/edcfdtclient/index.html#7/1/13 14:08
375usembassy-china.org.cnFederal Governmentaccepted termusembassy-china.org.cn pattern for the Embassy of the United States in China. Includes sites such as http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn, http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn, and http://shenyang.usembassy-china.org.cn. See https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Ausembassy-china.org.cn for a more complete list of subdomains. -- Note added 7/23/14 15:24#N/A6/6/13 18:08
376usma.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Military Academy (Army) - West Point -- Note added 1/23/14 15:25http://www.usma.edu/SitePages/Home.aspx1/23/14 15:25
377usmc-mccs.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termU.S. Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) -- Note added 4/3/14 14:37http://usmc-mccs.org/10/28/13 11:58
378usmcu.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termLibrary of the Marine Corps -- Note added 4/3/14 19:18http://guides.grc.usmcu.edu/4/3/14 19:17
379usmma.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Merchant Marine Academy, U.S. Department of Transportation -- Note added 3/24/14 16:22http://www.usmma.edu/1/23/14 15:31
380usna.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Naval Academy (Navy and Marine Corps) - Annapolis -- Note added 1/23/14 15:29http://www.usna.edu/homepage.php1/23/14 15:27
381usps.comFederal Governmentaccepted termUS Postal Service -- Note added 6/26/13 17:02https://www.usps.com/6/6/13 18:09
382usresponserestoration.wordpress.comFederal Governmentaccepted termNOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) blog -- Note added 6/6/13 18:09https://usresponserestoration.wordpress.com/6/6/13 18:09
383ustraveldocs.comFederal Governmentaccepted termWebsite managed by CGI Federal for the Department of State's US visa application. For example, this site is linking to from https://nz.usembassy.gov/visas/visa-information-services/ for visitors to make online appointments. -- Note added 11/3/15 16:11http://www.ustraveldocs.com/11/3/15 16:09
384usu.edu/beetleFederal Governmentaccepted termBark Beetle Research, Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture -- Note added 6/26/13 17:04#N/A6/6/13 18:09
385usuhs.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences -- Note added 1/27/14 11:55http://www.usuhs.edu/1/27/14 11:55
386vasc.org/ercFederal Governmentaccepted termEducator Resource Center for NASA Langley Research Center -- Note added 6/26/13 17:05#N/A6/6/13 18:09
387vcn.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termAn American Job Center parter. The Virtual Career Network (VCN) is an 'open source, open content' workforce services and online learning delivery platform built and operated by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) under a grant from the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the United States Department of Labor (DOL) in July 2010 to build and operate a Healthcare Virtual Career Platform (HVCP). -- Note added 6/6/13 18:09#N/A6/6/13 18:09
388veteranscrisisline.netFederal Governmentaccepted termVeterans Crisis Line -- Note added 12/5/14 18:42http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/12/5/14 18:42
389veteranshealthlibrary.orgFederal Governmentaccepted termRequires 'www' to resolve. -- Note added 3/24/14 16:23http://www.veteranshealthlibrary.org/10/25/13 20:03
390vetmedinfo.orgHealth and Human Services (HHS)Federal Governmentaccepted termDomain is registered to NIH's National Library of Medicine. Used to redirect to https://www.nlm.nih.gov/services/queries/veterinarymed.html, but no longer resolves2/9/2022
391voanews.comFederal Governmentaccepted termVoice of America (see http://www.bbg.gov/broadcasters/voa/). -- Note added 11/18/13 14:47http://www.voanews.com/7/31/13 14:30
392voatour.comFederal Governmentaccepted termVoice of America Studio Tour, a behind-the-scenes look at live broadcasting in radio, television, and the Internet in several of our 45 languages. -- Note added 7/31/13 15:14http://voatour.com/7/31/13 15:14
393war-on-pineapple.comDepartment of Homeland SecurityFederal Governmentaccepted termSubmitted by Cameron Dixon, DHS CISA. Used by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency to help people understand foreign influence. See https://web.archive.org/web/20190726194709/https:/twitter.com/CISAKrebs/status/1154462806311235584.https://www.war-on-pineapple.com/7/26/19 15:50
394waterqualitydata.usDepartment of InteriorFederal Governmentaccepted termThe waterqualitydata.us domain serves the Water Quality Portal (WQP), a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC). This site integrates publicly available water quality data from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS), the EPA STOrage and RETrieval (STORET) Data Warehouse, and the USDA ARS Sustaining The Earths Watersheds -Agricultural Research Database System (STEWARDS). The WQP serves data collected by over 400 state, federal, tribal, and local agencies. -- Note added 09/10/19https://www.waterqualitydata.us9/10/19 00:00
395westernmacfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal Governmentaccepted term#N/A#N/A6/6/13 18:09
396westernmarylandcfc.orgCombined Federal CampaignFederal Governmentaccepted termThe US Office of Personnel Management approved merging the Western Maryland Combined Federal Campaign (Western MD CFC) and the Combined Federal Campaign of Delaware into the Chesapeake Bay Area Combined Federal Campaign (CBACFC) for the 2013 campaign and beyond. http://www.cbacfc.org/index.php/news-and-events/37-western-md-cfc-and-cfc-of-delaware-merge-with-the-cbacfc -- Note added 3/31/14 13:03#N/A6/6/13 18:09
397westpoint.eduFederal Governmentaccepted termUnited States Military Academy (Army) - West Point -- Note added 1/23/14 15:26http://www.westpoint.edu/SitePages/Home.aspx1/23/14 15:26
398whitehousehistory.org#N/AFederal Governmentcandidate termThe White House Historical Association -- Note added 6/6/13 18:09#N/A6/6/13 18:09
399wibeaches.usDepartment of the InteriorFederal GovernmentWisconsinaccepted termBeach Health is coordinated by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and is funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The original project from 1999-2000 was developed in cooperation with the City of Milwaukee Health Department. Website maintained by Wisconsin Beach Health Website Staff(beachhealth@usgs.gov). U.S. Geological Survey, Wisconsin District. (From https://www.wibeaches.us/apex/f?p=BEACH:HOME) It is important to keep the website alive, as it provides real-time beach closure information to keep the public aware of beach safety conditions. WDNR purchased the domain name specifically for this project and has posted advisory signs at the beaches and printed brochures with the URL. Changing the website would be highly disruptive to the public health notification effort, particularly at the beginning of a beach season.https://www.wibeaches.us/02/03/2020
400ycq2.orgDepartment of DefenseFederal Governmentaccepted termYouCanQuit2, a U.S. Department of Defense program, is an educational campaign for the U.S. military. Originally launched in February of 2007, the mission of the campaign is to help U.S. Service members quit tobacco—for themselves and their loved ones. -- from https://www.ycq2.org/ 3/12/2020https://www.ycq2.org/3/12/20
401yes-abroad.orgDepartment of StateFederal Governmentaccepted termYES Abroad - The U.S. Department of State's Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Abroad (YES Abroad) program, provides competitive merit-based scholarships for U.S. citizens in secondary school (age 15-18.5) to study for one academic year in select countries. -- Note added 7/13/15 14:43http://yes-abroad.org/7/13/15 14:23
402yesprograms.orgDepartment of StateFederal Governmentaccepted termYES Program - The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program was established by Congress in October, 2002 in response to the events of September 11, 2001. The program is funded through the U.S. Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA) to provide scholarships for high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures. Starting in 2009, the YES Abroad program was established to provide a similar experience for U.S. students (15-18 years) to spend an academic year in select YES countries. -- Note added 7/13/15 14:22http://www.yesprograms.org/7/13/15 14:22