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1TitleAuthor(s)JournalFiscal YearPublication YearDOI LinkAll AuthorsCategory TopicsJournal InformationKeyword Search ExpandedURLRow
2“When I needed it”: Evaluation of the use and timing of Sharsherets Thriving Again program for young breast cancer survivors.Rohan EA, Townsend JS, Fleischmann A, Stahl S, Shoretz R.Journal of Cancer Education20192018 EA, Townsend JS, Fleischmann A, Stahl S, Shoretz R.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Cancer Education (Volume: 33; Issue: 5; Pages: 976 - 982)“When I needed it”: Evaluation of the use and timing of Sharsherets Thriving Again program for young breast cancer survivors.|Rohan EA|Townsend JS, Fleischmann A, Stahl S, Shoretz R.|Journal of Cancer Education|33
310-year trends in noncommunicable disease mortality in the Caribbean region.Razzaghi H, Martin DN, Quesnel-Crooks S, Hong Y, Gregg E, Andall-Brereton G, Gawryszweski V, Saraiya M.Pan American Journal of Public Health20192019 H, Martin DN, Quesnel-Crooks S, Hong Y, Gregg E, Andall-Brereton G, Gawryszweski V, Saraiya M.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Pan American Journal of Public Health (Volume: 43; Issue: ; Pages: - )10-year trends in noncommunicable disease mortality in the Caribbean region.|Razzaghi H|Martin DN, Quesnel-Crooks S, Hong Y, Gregg E, Andall-Brereton G, Gawryszweski V, Saraiya M.|Pan American Journal of Public Health|43
42019 ASCCP risk-based management consensus guidelines for abnormal cervical cancer screening tests and cancer precursors.Perkins RB, Guido RS, Castle PE, Chelmow D, Einstein MH, Garcia F, Huh WK, Kim JJ, Moscicki AB, Nayar R, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, Schiffman M; 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines Committee.Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease20202020 RB, Guido RS, Castle PE, Chelmow D, Einstein MH, Garcia F, Huh WK, Kim JJ, Moscicki AB, Nayar R, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, Schiffman M; 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines Committee.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (Volume: 24; Issue: 2; Pages: 102 - 131)2019 ASCCP risk-based management consensus guidelines for abnormal cervical cancer screening tests and cancer precursors.|Perkins RB|Guido RS, Castle PE, Chelmow D, Einstein MH, Garcia F, Huh WK, Kim JJ, Moscicki AB, Nayar R, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, Schiffman M; 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines Committee.|Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease|24
52019 ASCCP risk-based management consensus guidelines: updates through 2023.Perkins RB, Guido RS, Castle PE, Chelmow D, Einstein MH, Garcia F, Huh WK, Kim JJ, Moscicki AB, Nayar R, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, Schiffman M; 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines Committee.Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease20242024 RB, Guido RS, Castle PE, Chelmow D, Einstein MH, Garcia F, Huh WK, Kim JJ, Moscicki AB, Nayar R, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, Schiffman M; 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines Committee.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (Volume: 28; Issue: 1; Pages: 3 - 6)2019 ASCCP risk-based management consensus guidelines: updates through 2023.|Perkins RB|Guido RS, Castle PE, Chelmow D, Einstein MH, Garcia F, Huh WK, Kim JJ, Moscicki AB, Nayar R, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, Schiffman M; 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines Committee.|Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease|28
62020 cancer incidence data in the USA reveal effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.Townsend JS.,Lancet Oncology20232023 JS.,Breast CancerJournal: Lancet Oncology (Volume: 24; Issue: 8; Pages: 825 - 826)2020 cancer incidence data in the USA reveal effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.|Townsend JS.||Lancet Oncology|24
7A collaborative, comprehensive approach to fulfilling the promise of cancer prevention and control.Coates RJ, Given LS, Lee NC, Colditz G.Cancer Causes and Control20062005 RJ, Given LS, Lee NC, Colditz G.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 16; Issue: Suppl 1; Pages: - )A collaborative, comprehensive approach to fulfilling the promise of cancer prevention and control.|Coates RJ|Given LS, Lee NC, Colditz G.|Cancer Causes and Control|16
8A combined approach to women's health is associated with a greater likelihood of repeat mammography in a population of financially disadvantaged women.Gregory-Mercado KY, Will J, True S, Royalty J, Starcher ET 2nd, Khavjou O, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Howe W.Preventing Chronic Disease20082007Gregory-Mercado KY, Will J, True S, Royalty J, Starcher ET 2nd, Khavjou O, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Howe W.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 4; Issue: 4; Pages: - )A combined approach to women's health is associated with a greater likelihood of repeat mammography in a population of financially disadvantaged women.|Gregory-Mercado KY|Will J, True S, Royalty J, Starcher ET 2nd, Khavjou O, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Howe W.|Preventing Chronic Disease|4
9A comparison of fecal immunochemical and high-sensitivity guaiac tests for colorectal cancer screening.Shapiro JA, Bobo JK, Church TR, Rex DK, Chovnick G, Thompson TD, Zauber AG, Lieberman D, Levin TR, Joseph DA, Nadel MRAmerican Journal of Gastroenterology20182017 JA, Bobo JK, Church TR, Rex DK, Chovnick G, Thompson TD, Zauber AG, Lieberman D, Levin TR, Joseph DA, Nadel MRColorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Gastroenterology (Volume: 112; Issue: 11; Pages: 1728 - 1735)A comparison of fecal immunochemical and high-sensitivity guaiac tests for colorectal cancer screening.|Shapiro JA|Bobo JK, Church TR, Rex DK, Chovnick G, Thompson TD, Zauber AG, Lieberman D, Levin TR, Joseph DA, Nadel MR|American Journal of Gastroenterology|112
10A comparison of general, genitourinary, bowel, and sexual quality of life among long term survivors of prostate, bladder, colorectal, and lung cancer.Ramsey SD, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Fedorenko CR, Kreizenbeck K, Bansal A, Thompson IM, Penson DF.Journal of Geriatric Oncology20202020 SD, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Fedorenko CR, Kreizenbeck K, Bansal A, Thompson IM, Penson DF.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Geriatric Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )A comparison of general, genitourinary, bowel, and sexual quality of life among long term survivors of prostate, bladder, colorectal, and lung cancer.|Ramsey SD|Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Fedorenko CR, Kreizenbeck K, Bansal A, Thompson IM, Penson DF.|Journal of Geriatric Oncology|
11A comprehensive analysis of neuroblastoma incidence, survival, and racial and ethnic disparities from 2001 to 2019.Campbell K., Siegel DA, Umaretiya PJ, Dai S, Heczey A, Lupo PJ, Schraw JM, Thompson TD, Scheurer ME, Foster JH.Pediatric Blood and Cancer20242023 K., Siegel DA, Umaretiya PJ, Dai S, Heczey A, Lupo PJ, Schraw JM, Thompson TD, Scheurer ME, Foster JH.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Pediatric Blood and Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )A comprehensive analysis of neuroblastoma incidence, survival, and racial and ethnic disparities from 2001 to 2019.|Campbell K.|Siegel DA, Umaretiya PJ, Dai S, Heczey A, Lupo PJ, Schraw JM, Thompson TD, Scheurer ME, Foster JH.|Pediatric Blood and Cancer|
12A conceptual framework and metrics for evaluating multicomponent interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening within an organized screening program.Subramanian S, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, DeGroff A, Soloe CS, Arena LC, Schlueter DF, Joseph DA, Wong FL.Cancer20192018 S, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, DeGroff A, Soloe CS, Arena LC, Schlueter DF, Joseph DA, Wong FL.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 124; Issue: 21; Pages: 4154 - 4162)A conceptual framework and metrics for evaluating multicomponent interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening within an organized screening program.|Subramanian S|Hoover S, Tangka FKL, DeGroff A, Soloe CS, Arena LC, Schlueter DF, Joseph DA, Wong FL.|Cancer|124
13A content analysis of news coverage of the HPV vaccine by U.S. newspapers, January 2002June 2005.Calloway C, Jorgensen CM, Saraiya M, Tsui J.Journal of Women's Health20062006 C, Jorgensen CM, Saraiya M, Tsui J.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 15; Issue: 7; Pages: 803 - 809)A content analysis of news coverage of the HPV vaccine by U.S. newspapers, January 2002June 2005.|Calloway C|Jorgensen CM, Saraiya M, Tsui J.|Journal of Women's Health|15
14A course of action on skin cancer.Moore G.,Business and Health20012001Moore G.,Skin CancerJournal: Business and Health (Volume: 19; Issue: 4; Pages: 40 - 40)A course of action on skin cancer.|Moore G.||Business and Health|19
15A door-to-door approach to cervical cancer screening.Saraiya M, Senkomago V.Lancet Global Health20152015 M, Senkomago V.Cervical CancerJournal: Lancet Global Health (Volume: 3; Issue: 2; Pages: e63 - e64)A door-to-door approach to cervical cancer screening.|Saraiya M|Senkomago V.|Lancet Global Health|3
16A framework for cancer health economics research.Halpern MT, Shih YT, Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Bradley CJ, Davidoff AJ, Sabik LM, Lipscomb J.Cancer20212020 MT, Shih YT, Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Bradley CJ, Davidoff AJ, Sabik LM, Lipscomb J.Other ResearchJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )A framework for cancer health economics research.|Halpern MT|Shih YT, Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Bradley CJ, Davidoff AJ, Sabik LM, Lipscomb J.|Cancer|
17A Gynecologic Oncology Group study of platinum-DNA adducts and excision repair cross-complementation group 1 expression in optimal, stage III epithelial ovarian cancer treated with platinum-taxane chemotherapy.Darcy KM, Tian C, Reed E.Cancer Research20072007 KM, Tian C, Reed E.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Cancer Research (Volume: 67; Issue: 9; Pages: 4474 - 4481)A Gynecologic Oncology Group study of platinum-DNA adducts and excision repair cross-complementation group 1 expression in optimal, stage III epithelial ovarian cancer treated with platinum-taxane chemotherapy.|Darcy KM|Tian C, Reed E.|Cancer Research|67
18A literature review of the social and psychological needs of ovarian cancer survivors.Roland KB, Rodriguez JL, Patterson JR, Trivers KF.Psycho-oncology20132013 KB, Rodriguez JL, Patterson JR, Trivers KF.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Psycho-oncology (Volume: 22; Issue: 11; Pages: 2408 - 2418)A literature review of the social and psychological needs of ovarian cancer survivors.|Roland KB|Rodriguez JL, Patterson JR, Trivers KF.|Psycho-oncology|22
19A meta-analysis of estrogen replacement therapy and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.Coughlin SS, Giustozzi A, Smith SJ, Lee NC.Journal of Clinical Epidemiology20002000 SS, Giustozzi A, Smith SJ, Lee NC.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (Volume: 53; Issue: 4; Pages: 367 - 375)A meta-analysis of estrogen replacement therapy and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.|Coughlin SS|Giustozzi A, Smith SJ, Lee NC.|Journal of Clinical Epidemiology|53
20A method to adjust for stage coding changes in the National Program of Cancer Registries, illustrated for colorectal cancer.Austin H, Duong LM, King J, Richardson LC, Eheman C.Journal of Registry Management20122012Austin H, Duong LM, King J, Richardson LC, Eheman C.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 39; Issue: 2; Pages: 62 - 68)A method to adjust for stage coding changes in the National Program of Cancer Registries, illustrated for colorectal cancer.|Austin H|Duong LM, King J, Richardson LC, Eheman C.|Journal of Registry Management|39
21A midpoint assessment of the American Cancer Society challenge goal to decrease cancer incidence by 25% between 1992 and 2015.Sedjo RL, Byers T, Barrera E Jr, Cohen C, Fontham ET, Newman LA, Runowicz CD, Thorson AG, Thun MJ, Ward E, Wender RC, Eyre HJ; for the ACS Cancer Incidence & Mortality Ends Committee.CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians20082007 RL, Byers T, Barrera E Jr, Cohen C, Fontham ET, Newman LA, Runowicz CD, Thorson AG, Thun MJ, Ward E, Wender RC, Eyre HJ; for the ACS Cancer Incidence & Mortality Ends Committee.Other ResearchJournal: CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (Volume: 57; Issue: 6; Pages: 326 - 340)A midpoint assessment of the American Cancer Society challenge goal to decrease cancer incidence by 25% between 1992 and 2015.|Sedjo RL|Byers T, Barrera E Jr, Cohen C, Fontham ET, Newman LA, Runowicz CD, Thorson AG, Thun MJ, Ward E, Wender RC, Eyre HJ; for the ACS Cancer Incidence & Mortality Ends Committee.|CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians|57
22A national framework for cancer surveillance in the United States.Wingo PA, Howe HL, Thun MJ, Ballard-Barbash R, Ward E, Brown ML, Sylvester J, Friedell GH, Alley L, Rowland JH, Edwards BK.Cancer Causes and Control20052005 PA, Howe HL, Thun MJ, Ballard-Barbash R, Ward E, Brown ML, Sylvester J, Friedell GH, Alley L, Rowland JH, Edwards BK.NPCRJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 16; Issue: 2; Pages: 151 - 170)A national framework for cancer surveillance in the United States.|Wingo PA|Howe HL, Thun MJ, Ballard-Barbash R, Ward E, Brown ML, Sylvester J, Friedell GH, Alley L, Rowland JH, Edwards BK.|Cancer Causes and Control|16
23A national initiative for women and healthcare providers: CDC's Inside Knowledge: Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer campaign.Rim SH, Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA.Journal of Women's Health20112011 SH, Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 20; Issue: 11; Pages: 1579 - 1585)A national initiative for women and healthcare providers: CDC's Inside Knowledge: Get the Facts About Gynecologic Cancer campaign.|Rim SH|Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA.|Journal of Women's Health|20
24A national survey of medical students beliefs and knowledge in screening for prostate cancer.Marcella S, Delnevo CD, Coughlin SSJournal of General Internal Medicine20072007 S, Delnevo CD, Coughlin SSProstate CancerJournal: Journal of General Internal Medicine (Volume: 22; Issue: 1; Pages: 80 - 85)A national survey of medical students beliefs and knowledge in screening for prostate cancer.|Marcella S|Delnevo CD, Coughlin SS|Journal of General Internal Medicine|22
25A national survey of primary care physicians colorectal cancer screening recommendations and practices.Klabunde CN, Frame PS, Meadow A, Jones E, Nadel M, Vernon SW.Preventive Medicine20032003 CN, Frame PS, Meadow A, Jones E, Nadel M, Vernon SW.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 36; Issue: 3; Pages: 352 - 362)A national survey of primary care physicians colorectal cancer screening recommendations and practices.|Klabunde CN|Frame PS, Meadow A, Jones E, Nadel M, Vernon SW.|Preventive Medicine|36
26A national survey of primary care physicians methods for screening for fecal occult blood.Nadel MR, Shapiro JS, Klabunde CN, Seeff LC, Uhler R, Smith RA, Ransohoff DF.Annals of Internal Medicine20052005 MR, Shapiro JS, Klabunde CN, Seeff LC, Uhler R, Smith RA, Ransohoff DF.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Annals of Internal Medicine (Volume: 142; Issue: 2; Pages: 86 - 94)A national survey of primary care physicians methods for screening for fecal occult blood.|Nadel MR|Shapiro JS, Klabunde CN, Seeff LC, Uhler R, Smith RA, Ransohoff DF.|Annals of Internal Medicine|142
27A need for improved understanding about USPSTF and other evidence-based recommendations.Saraiya M, Benard V, White M.Preventive Medicine20142014 M, Benard V, White M.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 60; Issue: ; Pages: 12 - 12)A need for improved understanding about USPSTF and other evidence-based recommendations.|Saraiya M|Benard V, White M.|Preventive Medicine|60
28A new methodological approach to adjust alcohol exposure distributions to improve the estimation of alcohol-attributable fractions.Parish WJ, Aldridge A, Allaire B, Ekwueme DU, Phelps D, Guy GP Jr, Thomas CC, Trogdon JG.Addiction20172017 WJ, Aldridge A, Allaire B, Ekwueme DU, Phelps D, Guy GP Jr, Thomas CC, Trogdon JG.Other ResearchJournal: Addiction (Volume: 112; Issue: 11; Pages: 2053 - 2063)A new methodological approach to adjust alcohol exposure distributions to improve the estimation of alcohol-attributable fractions.|Parish WJ|Aldridge A, Allaire B, Ekwueme DU, Phelps D, Guy GP Jr, Thomas CC, Trogdon JG.|Addiction|112
29A novel public health approach to measuring tobacco cessation needs among cancer survivors in Alaska.Underwood JM, Hyde-Rolland SJ, Thorsness J, Stewart SL.Journal of Community Health20172017 JM, Hyde-Rolland SJ, Thorsness J, Stewart SL.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: 42; Issue: 5; Pages: 956 - 961)A novel public health approach to measuring tobacco cessation needs among cancer survivors in Alaska.|Underwood JM|Hyde-Rolland SJ, Thorsness J, Stewart SL.|Journal of Community Health|42
30A phase II study of irofulven in women with recurrent and heavily pretreated ovarian cancer.Seiden MV, Gordon AN, Bodurka DC, Matulonis UA, Penson RT, Reed E, Alberts DS, Weems G, Cullen M, McGuire WP 3rd.Gynecologic Oncology20062006 MV, Gordon AN, Bodurka DC, Matulonis UA, Penson RT, Reed E, Alberts DS, Weems G, Cullen M, McGuire WP 3rd.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Gynecologic Oncology (Volume: 101; Issue: 1; Pages: 55 - 61)A phase II study of irofulven in women with recurrent and heavily pretreated ovarian cancer.|Seiden MV|Gordon AN, Bodurka DC, Matulonis UA, Penson RT, Reed E, Alberts DS, Weems G, Cullen M, McGuire WP 3rd.|Gynecologic Oncology|101
31A population study of screening history and diagnostic outcomes of women with invasive cervical cancer.Benard VB, Jackson JE, Greek A, Senkomago V, Huh WK, Thomas CC, Richardson LC.Cancer Medicine20212021 VB, Jackson JE, Greek A, Senkomago V, Huh WK, Thomas CC, Richardson LC.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )A population study of screening history and diagnostic outcomes of women with invasive cervical cancer.|Benard VB|Jackson JE, Greek A, Senkomago V, Huh WK, Thomas CC, Richardson LC.|Cancer Medicine|
32A population-based study of colorectal cancer histology in the United States, 1998-2001.Stewart SL, Wike JM, Kato I, Lewis DR, Michaud F.Cancer20062006 SL, Wike JM, Kato I, Lewis DR, Michaud F.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 112 - 141)A population-based study of colorectal cancer histology in the United States, 1998-2001.|Stewart SL|Wike JM, Kato I, Lewis DR, Michaud F.|Cancer|107
33A process evaluation of the Alaska Native Colorectal Cancer Family Outreach Program.Redwood D., Provost E, Lopez ED, Skewes M, Johnson R, Christensen C, Sacco F, Haverkamp D.Health Education and Behavior20152015 D., Provost E, Lopez ED, Skewes M, Johnson R, Christensen C, Sacco F, Haverkamp D.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Education and Behavior (Volume: 43; Issue: 1; Pages: 35 - 42)A process evaluation of the Alaska Native Colorectal Cancer Family Outreach Program.|Redwood D.|Provost E, Lopez ED, Skewes M, Johnson R, Christensen C, Sacco F, Haverkamp D.|Health Education and Behavior|43
34A proposed approach for implementing genomics-based screening programs for healthy adults.Murray MF, Evans JP, Angrist M, Chan K, Uhlmann WR, Doyle DL, Fullerton SM, Ganiats TG, Hagenkord J, Imhof S, Rim SH, Ortmann L, Aziz N, Dotson WD, Matloff E, Young K, Kaphingst K, Bradbury A, Scott, J, Wang C, Zauber A, Levine M, Korf B, Leonard DG, Wicklund C, Isham G, Khoury MJ.NAM Perspectives20192018 MF, Evans JP, Angrist M, Chan K, Uhlmann WR, Doyle DL, Fullerton SM, Ganiats TG, Hagenkord J, Imhof S, Rim SH, Ortmann L, Aziz N, Dotson WD, Matloff E, Young K, Kaphingst K, Bradbury A, Scott, J, Wang C, Zauber A, Levine M, Korf B, Leonard DG, Wicklund C, Isham G, Khoury MJ.Other ResearchJournal: NAM Perspectives (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )A proposed approach for implementing genomics-based screening programs for healthy adults.|Murray MF|Evans JP, Angrist M, Chan K, Uhlmann WR, Doyle DL, Fullerton SM, Ganiats TG, Hagenkord J, Imhof S, Rim SH, Ortmann L, Aziz N, Dotson WD, Matloff E, Young K, Kaphingst K, Bradbury A, Scott, J, Wang C, Zauber A, Levine M, Korf B, Leonard DG, Wicklund C, Isham G, Khoury MJ.|NAM Perspectives|
35A public health focus on infertility prevention, detection, and management.Macaluso M, Wright-Schnapp TJ, Chandra A, Johnson R, Satterwhite CL, Pulver A, Berman SM, Wang RY, Farr SL, Pollack LA.Fertility and Sterility20102010 M, Wright-Schnapp TJ, Chandra A, Johnson R, Satterwhite CL, Pulver A, Berman SM, Wang RY, Farr SL, Pollack LA.Other ResearchJournal: Fertility and Sterility (Volume: 93; Issue: 1; Pages: 160 - 160000000000)A public health focus on infertility prevention, detection, and management.|Macaluso M|Wright-Schnapp TJ, Chandra A, Johnson R, Satterwhite CL, Pulver A, Berman SM, Wang RY, Farr SL, Pollack LA.|Fertility and Sterility|93
36A qualitative analysis of lung cancer screening practices by primary care physicians.Henderson S, Degroff A, Richards TB, Kish-Doto J, Soloe C, Heminger C, Rohan E.Journal of Community Health20112011 S, Degroff A, Richards TB, Kish-Doto J, Soloe C, Heminger C, Rohan E.Lung CancerJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: 36; Issue: 6; Pages: 949 - 956)A qualitative analysis of lung cancer screening practices by primary care physicians.|Henderson S|Degroff A, Richards TB, Kish-Doto J, Soloe C, Heminger C, Rohan E.|Journal of Community Health|36
37A qualitative analysis of smokers perceptions about lung cancer screening.Gressard L, DeGroff AS, Richards TB, Melillo S, Kish-Doto J, Heminger CL, Rohan EA, Allen KG.BMC Public Health20172017 L, DeGroff AS, Richards TB, Melillo S, Kish-Doto J, Heminger CL, Rohan EA, Allen KG.Lung CancerJournal: BMC Public Health (Volume: 17; Issue: 1; Pages: 589 - 589)A qualitative analysis of smokers perceptions about lung cancer screening.|Gressard L|DeGroff AS, Richards TB, Melillo S, Kish-Doto J, Heminger CL, Rohan EA, Allen KG.|BMC Public Health|17
38A qualitative study of Realtor knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to radon health effects: implications for comprehensive cancer control.Momin B, McNaughton C, Galanek JD, Neri A, Gallaway MS, Puckett M.Cancer Causes and Control20192018 B, McNaughton C, Galanek JD, Neri A, Gallaway MS, Puckett M.Lung CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 29; Issue: 12; Pages: 1249 - 1255)A qualitative study of Realtor knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to radon health effects: implications for comprehensive cancer control.|Momin B|McNaughton C, Galanek JD, Neri A, Gallaway MS, Puckett M.|Cancer Causes and Control|29
39A randomized intervention to improve ongoing participation in mammography.Barr JK, Franks AL, Lee NC, Antonucci DM, Rifkind S, Schachter M.American Journal of Managed Care20012001Barr JK, Franks AL, Lee NC, Antonucci DM, Rifkind S, Schachter M.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Managed Care (Volume: 7; Issue: 9; Pages: 887 - 894)A randomized intervention to improve ongoing participation in mammography.|Barr JK|Franks AL, Lee NC, Antonucci DM, Rifkind S, Schachter M.|American Journal of Managed Care|7
40A review of genetic polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk.Coughlin SS, Hall IJ.Annals of Epidemiology20022002 SS, Hall IJ.Prostate CancerJournal: Annals of Epidemiology (Volume: 12; Issue: 3; Pages: 182 - 196)A review of genetic polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk.|Coughlin SS|Hall IJ.|Annals of Epidemiology|12
41A review of prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines: Recommendations and monitoring in the U.S.Dunne EF, Datta SD, Markowitz L.Cancer20092008 EF, Datta SD, Markowitz L.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 2995 - 3003)A review of prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines: Recommendations and monitoring in the U.S.|Dunne EF|Datta SD, Markowitz L.|Cancer|113
42A survey of Indian Health Service and tribal health providers colorectal cancer screening knowledge, perceptions, and practices.Haverkamp D, Perdue DG, Espey D, Cobb N.Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved20112011 D, Perdue DG, Espey D, Cobb N.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Volume: 22; Issue: 1; Pages: 243 - 257)A survey of Indian Health Service and tribal health providers colorectal cancer screening knowledge, perceptions, and practices.|Haverkamp D|Perdue DG, Espey D, Cobb N.|Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved|22
43A survey of obstetrician-gynecologists on their patients alcohol use during pregnancy.Diekman S, Floyd RL, Decoufle P, Shulkin J, Ebrahim SH.Obstetrics and Gynecology20002000 S, Floyd RL, Decoufle P, Shulkin J, Ebrahim SH.Other ResearchJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 95; Issue: 5; Pages: 756 - 763)A survey of obstetrician-gynecologists on their patients alcohol use during pregnancy.|Diekman S|Floyd RL, Decoufle P, Shulkin J, Ebrahim SH.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|95
44A systematic review of special events to promote breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening in the United States.Escoffery C, Rodgers KC, Kegler MC, Haardörfer R, Howard DH, Liang S, Pinsker E, Roland KB, Allen JD, Ory MG, Bastani R, Fernandez ME, Risendal BC, Byrd TL, Coronado GD.BMC Public Health20142014 C, Rodgers KC, Kegler MC, Haardörfer R, Howard DH, Liang S, Pinsker E, Roland KB, Allen JD, Ory MG, Bastani R, Fernandez ME, Risendal BC, Byrd TL, Coronado GD.Breast CancerJournal: BMC Public Health (Volume: 14; Issue: 1; Pages: 274 - 274)A systematic review of special events to promote breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening in the United States.|Escoffery C|Rodgers KC, Kegler MC, Haardörfer R, Howard DH, Liang S, Pinsker E, Roland KB, Allen JD, Ory MG, Bastani R, Fernandez ME, Risendal BC, Byrd TL, Coronado GD.|BMC Public Health|14
45A taxonomic signature of obesity in a large study of American adults.Peters BA, Shapiro JA, Church TR, Miller G, Trinh-Shevrin C, Yuen E, Friedlander C, Hayes RB, Ahn J.Scientific Reports20182018 BA, Shapiro JA, Church TR, Miller G, Trinh-Shevrin C, Yuen E, Friedlander C, Hayes RB, Ahn J.Other ResearchJournal: Scientific Reports (Volume: 8; Issue: 1; Pages: 9749 - 9749)A taxonomic signature of obesity in a large study of American adults.|Peters BA|Shapiro JA, Church TR, Miller G, Trinh-Shevrin C, Yuen E, Friedlander C, Hayes RB, Ahn J.|Scientific Reports|8
46Abatement of the survival cliff in older adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoblastic lymphoma in the United States.Bleyer A, Tai E, Siegel S, Roth M, DeAngelo DJ, Stock W.Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology20242024 A, Tai E, Siegel S, Roth M, DeAngelo DJ, Stock W.Hematologic (Blood) CancersJournal: Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Abatement of the survival cliff in older adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoblastic lymphoma in the United States.|Bleyer A|Tai E, Siegel S, Roth M, DeAngelo DJ, Stock W.|Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology|
47Ability of young women to recall past body size and age at menarche.Koprowski C, Coates RJ, Bernstein L.Obesity Research20012001 C, Coates RJ, Bernstein L.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Obesity Research (Volume: 9; Issue: 8; Pages: 478 - 485)Ability of young women to recall past body size and age at menarche.|Koprowski C|Coates RJ, Bernstein L.|Obesity Research|9
48Accelerating cervical cancer screening with human papillomavirus genotyping.Sawaya GF, Saraiya M, Soman A, Gopalani SV, Kenney K, Miller J.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20232023 GF, Saraiya M, Soman A, Gopalani SV, Kenney K, Miller J.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 64; Issue: 4; Pages: 552 - 555)Accelerating cervical cancer screening with human papillomavirus genotyping.|Sawaya GF|Saraiya M, Soman A, Gopalani SV, Kenney K, Miller J.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|64
49Acceptable and preferred cervical cancer screening intervals among U.S. women.Cooper CP, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20152015 CP, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: e99 - e107)Acceptable and preferred cervical cancer screening intervals among U.S. women.|Cooper CP|Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
50Acceptance of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer.Montano DE, Selby JV, Somkin CP, Bhat A, Nadel M.Cancer Detection and Prevention20042004 DE, Selby JV, Somkin CP, Bhat A, Nadel M.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Detection and Prevention (Volume: 28; Issue: 1; Pages: 43 - 51)Acceptance of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer.|Montano DE|Selby JV, Somkin CP, Bhat A, Nadel M.|Cancer Detection and Prevention|28
51Access to cancer care and general medical care services among cancer survivors in the United States: an analysis of 2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Moor JS, Virgo KS, Li C, Chawla N, Han X, Blanch-Hartigan D, Ekwueme DU, McNeel TS, Rodriguez JL, Yabroff KR.Public Health Reports20172016 Moor JS, Virgo KS, Li C, Chawla N, Han X, Blanch-Hartigan D, Ekwueme DU, McNeel TS, Rodriguez JL, Yabroff KR.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Public Health Reports (Volume: 131; Issue: 6; Pages: 783 - 790)Access to cancer care and general medical care services among cancer survivors in the United States: an analysis of 2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data.|de Moor JS|Virgo KS, Li C, Chawla N, Han X, Blanch-Hartigan D, Ekwueme DU, McNeel TS, Rodriguez JL, Yabroff KR.|Public Health Reports|131
52Access to high-resolution anoscopy among persons with HIV and abnormal anal cytology results.Rim SH, Saraiya M, Beer L, Tie Y, Yuan X, Weiser J.JAMA Network Open20242024 SH, Saraiya M, Beer L, Tie Y, Yuan X, Weiser J.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: JAMA Network Open (Volume: 7; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Access to high-resolution anoscopy among persons with HIV and abnormal anal cytology results.|Rim SH|Saraiya M, Beer L, Tie Y, Yuan X, Weiser J.|JAMA Network Open|7
53Access to preventive health care for cancer survivors.Yabroff KR, Short PF, Machlin S, Dowling E, Rozjabek H, Li C, McNeel T, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20132013 KR, Short PF, Machlin S, Dowling E, Rozjabek H, Li C, McNeel T, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 45; Issue: 3; Pages: 304 - 312)Access to preventive health care for cancer survivors.|Yabroff KR|Short PF, Machlin S, Dowling E, Rozjabek H, Li C, McNeel T, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|45
54Accuracy of ovarian and colon cancer risk assessments by U.S. physicians.Baldwin LM, Trivers KF, Andrilla CH, Matthews B, Miller JW, Lishner DM, Goff BA.Journal of General Internal Medicine20142014 LM, Trivers KF, Andrilla CH, Matthews B, Miller JW, Lishner DM, Goff BA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of General Internal Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Accuracy of ovarian and colon cancer risk assessments by U.S. physicians.|Baldwin LM|Trivers KF, Andrilla CH, Matthews B, Miller JW, Lishner DM, Goff BA.|Journal of General Internal Medicine|
55Accuracy of self-reported reason for colorectal cancer testing.Eberth JM, Vernon SW, White A, Abotchie PN, Coan SP.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20102010 JM, Vernon SW, White A, Abotchie PN, Coan SP.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 19; Issue: 1; Pages: 196 - 200)Accuracy of self-reported reason for colorectal cancer testing.|Eberth JM|Vernon SW, White A, Abotchie PN, Coan SP.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|19
56Achieving quality in flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer.Ashley OS, Nadel MR, Ransohoff DF.American Journal of Medicine20022001 OS, Nadel MR, Ransohoff DF.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Medicine (Volume: 111; Issue: 8; Pages: 643 - 653)Achieving quality in flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer.|Ashley OS|Nadel MR, Ransohoff DF.|American Journal of Medicine|111
57Acral lentiginous melanoma incidence by sex, race, ethnicity, and stage in the United States, 20102019.Holman DM., King JB, White A, Singh SD, Lichtenfeld JL.Preventive Medicine20232023 DM., King JB, White A, Singh SD, Lichtenfeld JL.Skin CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Acral lentiginous melanoma incidence by sex, race, ethnicity, and stage in the United States, 20102019.|Holman DM.|King JB, White A, Singh SD, Lichtenfeld JL.|Preventive Medicine|
58Activities of epidemiologists in state and territorial cancer control programs, 1999.Benard VB, Bobo JK.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice20022002 VB, Bobo JK.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (Volume: 8; Issue: 2; Pages: 10 - 25)Activities of epidemiologists in state and territorial cancer control programs, 1999.|Benard VB|Bobo JK.|Journal of Public Health Management and Practice|8
59Additional surgical intervention after radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, androgen-deprivation therapy, or watchful waiting.Berge V, Thompson T, Blackman D.European Urology20082007 V, Thompson T, Blackman D.Prostate CancerJournal: European Urology (Volume: 52; Issue: 4; Pages: 1036 - 1043)Additional surgical intervention after radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, androgen-deprivation therapy, or watchful waiting.|Berge V|Thompson T, Blackman D.|European Urology|52
60Addressing cancer survivorship through public health: An update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Fairley TL, Pollack LA, Moore AR, Smith JL.Journal of Women's Health20102009 TL, Pollack LA, Moore AR, Smith JL.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 18; Issue: 10; Pages: 1525 - 1531)Addressing cancer survivorship through public health: An update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.|Fairley TL|Pollack LA, Moore AR, Smith JL.|Journal of Women's Health|18
61Adherence of primary care physicians to evidence-based recommendations to reduce ovarian cancer mortality.Stewart SL, Townsend JS, Puckett MC, Rim SH.Journal of Women's Health20162016 SL, Townsend JS, Puckett MC, Rim SH.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 25; Issue: 3; Pages: 235 - 241)Adherence of primary care physicians to evidence-based recommendations to reduce ovarian cancer mortality.|Stewart SL|Townsend JS, Puckett MC, Rim SH.|Journal of Women's Health|25
62Adherence to guidelines for follow-up of low-grade cytologic abnormalities among medically underserved women.Benard VB, Lawson HW, Eheman CR, Anderson C, Helsel W.Obstetrics and Gynecology20052005 VB, Lawson HW, Eheman CR, Anderson C, Helsel W.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 105; Issue: 6; Pages: 132 - 328)Adherence to guidelines for follow-up of low-grade cytologic abnormalities among medically underserved women.|Benard VB|Lawson HW, Eheman CR, Anderson C, Helsel W.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|105
63Adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage III colon cancer: results from a CDC-NPCR patterns of care study.Cress RD, Sabatino SA, Wu X-C, Schymura MJ, Rycroft R, Stuckart E, Fulton J, Shen T.Clinical Medicine: Oncology20102009 RD, Sabatino SA, Wu X-C, Schymura MJ, Rycroft R, Stuckart E, Fulton J, Shen T.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Clinical Medicine: Oncology (Volume: 3; Issue: ; Pages: 107 - 119)Adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage III colon cancer: results from a CDC-NPCR patterns of care study.|Cress RD|Sabatino SA, Wu X-C, Schymura MJ, Rycroft R, Stuckart E, Fulton J, Shen T.|Clinical Medicine: Oncology|3
64Adoption and implementation of evidence-based colorectal cancer screening interventions among cancer control program grantees, 20092015.Hannon PA, Maxwell AE, Escoffery C, Vu T, Kohn MJ, Gressard L, Dillon-Sumner L, Mason C, DeGroff A.Preventing Chronic Disease20202019 PA, Maxwell AE, Escoffery C, Vu T, Kohn MJ, Gressard L, Dillon-Sumner L, Mason C, DeGroff A.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 16; Issue: ; Pages: E139 - E139)Adoption and implementation of evidence-based colorectal cancer screening interventions among cancer control program grantees, 20092015.|Hannon PA|Maxwell AE, Escoffery C, Vu T, Kohn MJ, Gressard L, Dillon-Sumner L, Mason C, DeGroff A.|Preventing Chronic Disease|16
65Adult leukemia survival trends in the United States by subtype: A population-based registry study of 370,994 patients diagnosed during 19952009.Bailey C, Richardson LC, Allemani C, Bonaventure A, Harewood R, Moore AR, Stewart SL, Weir HK, Coleman MP; CONCORD Working Group.Cancer20192018 C, Richardson LC, Allemani C, Bonaventure A, Harewood R, Moore AR, Stewart SL, Weir HK, Coleman MP; CONCORD Working Group.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 124; Issue: 19; Pages: 385 - 867)Adult leukemia survival trends in the United States by subtype: A population-based registry study of 370,994 patients diagnosed during 19952009.|Bailey C|Richardson LC, Allemani C, Bonaventure A, Harewood R, Moore AR, Stewart SL, Weir HK, Coleman MP; CONCORD Working Group.|Cancer|124
66Adults who have never been screened for colorectal cancer, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2012 and 2020.Richardson LC, King JB, Thomas CC, Richards TB, Dowling NF, Coleman King S.Preventing Chronic Disease20222022 LC, King JB, Thomas CC, Richards TB, Dowling NF, Coleman King S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 19; Issue: ; Pages: - )Adults who have never been screened for colorectal cancer, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2012 and 2020.|Richardson LC|King JB, Thomas CC, Richards TB, Dowling NF, Coleman King S.|Preventing Chronic Disease|19
67Advanced notification calls prior to mailed fecal immunochemical test in previously screened patients: a randomized controlled trial.Lee B, Patel S, Rachocki C, Issaka R, Vittinghoff E, Shapiro JA, Ladabaum U, Somsouk M.Journal of General Internal Medicine20202020 B, Patel S, Rachocki C, Issaka R, Vittinghoff E, Shapiro JA, Ladabaum U, Somsouk M.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of General Internal Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Advanced notification calls prior to mailed fecal immunochemical test in previously screened patients: a randomized controlled trial.|Lee B|Patel S, Rachocki C, Issaka R, Vittinghoff E, Shapiro JA, Ladabaum U, Somsouk M.|Journal of General Internal Medicine|
68Advancing health equity in cancer survivorship: opportunities for public health.Smith JL, Hall IJAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 JL, Hall IJBreast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: S477 - S482)Advancing health equity in cancer survivorship: opportunities for public health.|Smith JL|Hall IJ|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
69Advancing health equity through the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program.Momin B, Wanliss E, Davis L, Townsend JS, Lopez K, Steele B.Cancer Causes and Control20192018 B, Wanliss E, Davis L, Townsend JS, Lopez K, Steele B.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 29; Issue: 12; Pages: 1231 - 1237)Advancing health equity through the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program.|Momin B|Wanliss E, Davis L, Townsend JS, Lopez K, Steele B.|Cancer Causes and Control|29
70Adverse childhood experiences and the presence of cancer risk factors in adulthood: a scoping review of the literature from 2005 to 2015.Ports KA, Holman DM, Guinn AS, Pampati S, Dyer KE, Merrick MT, Lunsford NB, Metzler M.Journal of Pediatric Nursing20192019 KA, Holman DM, Guinn AS, Pampati S, Dyer KE, Merrick MT, Lunsford NB, Metzler M.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Pediatric Nursing (Volume: 44; Issue: ; Pages: 81 - 96)Adverse childhood experiences and the presence of cancer risk factors in adulthood: a scoping review of the literature from 2005 to 2015.|Ports KA|Holman DM, Guinn AS, Pampati S, Dyer KE, Merrick MT, Lunsford NB, Metzler M.|Journal of Pediatric Nursing|44
71Advertising campaign on a major Internet search engine to promote colorectal cancer screening.Cooper CP, Williams KN, Carey KA, Fowler CS, Frank M, Gelb CA.British Medical Journal20042004 CP, Williams KN, Carey KA, Fowler CS, Frank M, Gelb CA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: British Medical Journal (Volume: 328; Issue: 7449; Pages: 1179 - 1180)Advertising campaign on a major Internet search engine to promote colorectal cancer screening.|Cooper CP|Williams KN, Carey KA, Fowler CS, Frank M, Gelb CA.|British Medical Journal|328
72African American primary care physicians prostate cancer screening practices.Ross LE, Hall IJJournal of Primary Care and Community Health20142013 LE, Hall IJProstate CancerJournal: Journal of Primary Care and Community Health (Volume: 5; Issue: 1; Pages: 36 - 43)African American primary care physicians prostate cancer screening practices.|Ross LE|Hall IJ|Journal of Primary Care and Community Health|5
73Age and cancer risk: a potentially modifiable relationship.White MC, Holman DM, Boehm JE, Peipins LA, Grossman M, Jane Henley S.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20142014 MC, Holman DM, Boehm JE, Peipins LA, Grossman M, Jane Henley S.Other ResearchJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 46; Issue: 3 Suppl 1; Pages: S7 - S15)Age and cancer risk: a potentially modifiable relationship.|White MC|Holman DM, Boehm JE, Peipins LA, Grossman M, Jane Henley S.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|46
74Age- and treatment-related associations with health behavior change among breast cancer survivors.Anderson C, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR, Houck K, Chunduri M, Hodgson ME, Sabatino SA, White MC, Rodriguez JL, Nichols HB.Breast20172017 C, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR, Houck K, Chunduri M, Hodgson ME, Sabatino SA, White MC, Rodriguez JL, Nichols HB.Breast CancerJournal: Breast (Volume: 33; Issue: ; Pages: 1 - 7)Age- and treatment-related associations with health behavior change among breast cancer survivors.|Anderson C|Sandler DP, Weinberg CR, Houck K, Chunduri M, Hodgson ME, Sabatino SA, White MC, Rodriguez JL, Nichols HB.|Breast|33
75Age, race, and repeated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test use in the National Health Interview Survey.Ross LE, Uhler RJ.Ethnicity and Disease20072006Ross LE, Uhler RJ.Prostate CancerJournal: Ethnicity and Disease (Volume: 16; Issue: 1; Pages: 244 - 247)Age, race, and repeated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test use in the National Health Interview Survey.|Ross LE|Uhler RJ.|Ethnicity and Disease|16
76Age-related differences in quality of life in cancer patients: a pilot study of a cancer care coordination/home-telehealth program.Mkanta WN, Chumbler NR, Richardson LC, Kobb RF.Cancer Nursing20082007Mkanta WN, Chumbler NR, Richardson LC, Kobb RF.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer Nursing (Volume: 30; Issue: 6; Pages: 434 - 440)Age-related differences in quality of life in cancer patients: a pilot study of a cancer care coordination/home-telehealth program.|Mkanta WN|Chumbler NR, Richardson LC, Kobb RF.|Cancer Nursing|30
77Alcohol control efforts in comprehensive cancer control plans and alcohol use among adults in the USA.Henley SJ, Kanny D, Roland KB, Grossman M, Peaker B, Liu Y, Gapstur SM, White MC, Plescia M.Alcohol and Alcoholism20152014 SJ, Kanny D, Roland KB, Grossman M, Peaker B, Liu Y, Gapstur SM, White MC, Plescia M.NCCCPJournal: Alcohol and Alcoholism (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: 661 - 667)Alcohol control efforts in comprehensive cancer control plans and alcohol use among adults in the USA.|Henley SJ|Kanny D, Roland KB, Grossman M, Peaker B, Liu Y, Gapstur SM, White MC, Plescia M.|Alcohol and Alcoholism|49
78Alcohol screening and brief intervention: a potential role in cancer prevention for young adults.McKnight-Eily LR, Henley SJ, Green PP, Odom EC, Hungerford DW.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20172017 LR, Henley SJ, Green PP, Odom EC, Hungerford DW.Other ResearchJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 53; Issue: 351; Pages: S55 - S62)Alcohol screening and brief intervention: a potential role in cancer prevention for young adults.|McKnight-Eily LR|Henley SJ, Green PP, Odom EC, Hungerford DW.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|53
79Ambulatory care for cancer in the United States: Results from 2 national surveys comparing visits to physician's offices and hospital outpatient departments.Richardson LC, Tangka FK.Journal of the National Medical Association20082007Richardson LC, Tangka FK.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of the National Medical Association (Volume: 99; Issue: 12; Pages: 1350 - 1358)Ambulatory care for cancer in the United States: Results from 2 national surveys comparing visits to physician's offices and hospital outpatient departments.|Richardson LC|Tangka FK.|Journal of the National Medical Association|99
80Ambulatory care visits for Pap tests, abnormal Pap test results, and cervical cancer procedures in the United States.Saraiya M, McCaig LF, Ekwueme DU.American Journal of Managed Care20102010Saraiya M, McCaig LF, Ekwueme DU.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Managed Care (Volume: 16; Issue: 6; Pages: e137 - e144)Ambulatory care visits for Pap tests, abnormal Pap test results, and cervical cancer procedures in the United States.|Saraiya M|McCaig LF, Ekwueme DU.|American Journal of Managed Care|16
81American Cancer Society guidelines for nutrition and physical activity for cancer prevention: Reducing the risk of cancer with healthy food choices and physical activity.Byers T, Nestle M, McTiernan A, Doyl C, Currie-Williams A, Gansley T, Thun M, Aninsworth B, Bal DB, Coates RJ, Demark-Wahnefried W, Elmer PJ, Forser SB, Gann P, Givannucci EL, Hawrylewicz EJ, Heimendinger J, Konlonel KL, Kushi L, Liebman B, Martinez ME, Myers EF, Schatzkin A, Slattery M.CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians20022002Byers T, Nestle M, McTiernan A, Doyl C, Currie-Williams A, Gansley T, Thun M, Aninsworth B, Bal DB, Coates RJ, Demark-Wahnefried W, Elmer PJ, Forser SB, Gann P, Givannucci EL, Hawrylewicz EJ, Heimendinger J, Konlonel KL, Kushi L, Liebman B, Martinez ME, Myers EF, Schatzkin A, Slattery M.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (Volume: 52; Issue: 2; Pages: 92 - 119)American Cancer Society guidelines for nutrition and physical activity for cancer prevention: Reducing the risk of cancer with healthy food choices and physical activity.|Byers T|Nestle M, McTiernan A, Doyl C, Currie-Williams A, Gansley T, Thun M, Aninsworth B, Bal DB, Coates RJ, Demark-Wahnefried W, Elmer PJ, Forser SB, Gann P, Givannucci EL, Hawrylewicz EJ, Heimendinger J, Konlonel KL, Kushi L, Liebman B, Martinez ME, Myers EF, Schatzkin A, Slattery M.|CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians|52
82AMIGAS: A multicity, multicomponent cervical cancer prevention trial among Mexican American women.Byrd TL, Wilson KM, Smith JL, Coronado G, Vernon SW, Fernandez-Esquer ME, Thompson B, Ortiz M, Lairson D, Fernandez ME.Cancer20132012 TL, Wilson KM, Smith JL, Coronado G, Vernon SW, Fernandez-Esquer ME, Thompson B, Ortiz M, Lairson D, Fernandez ME.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )AMIGAS: A multicity, multicomponent cervical cancer prevention trial among Mexican American women.|Byrd TL|Wilson KM, Smith JL, Coronado G, Vernon SW, Fernandez-Esquer ME, Thompson B, Ortiz M, Lairson D, Fernandez ME.|Cancer|
83AMIGAS: Building a cervical cancer screening intervention for public health practice.Smith JL, Wilson KM, Orians CE, Byrd TL.Journal of Women's Health20132013 JL, Wilson KM, Orians CE, Byrd TL.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 22; Issue: 9; Pages: 718 - 723)AMIGAS: Building a cervical cancer screening intervention for public health practice.|Smith JL|Wilson KM, Orians CE, Byrd TL.|Journal of Women's Health|22
84An action plan for translating cancer survivorship research into care.Alfano CM, Smith T, de Moor JS, Glasgow RE, Khoury MJ, Hawkins NA, Stein KD, Rechis R, Parry C, Leach CR, Padgett L, Rowland JH.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20142014 CM, Smith T, de Moor JS, Glasgow RE, Khoury MJ, Hawkins NA, Stein KD, Rechis R, Parry C, Leach CR, Padgett L, Rowland JH.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )An action plan for translating cancer survivorship research into care.|Alfano CM|Smith T, de Moor JS, Glasgow RE, Khoury MJ, Hawkins NA, Stein KD, Rechis R, Parry C, Leach CR, Padgett L, Rowland JH.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
85An analysis of content in comprehensive cancer control plans that address chronic hepatitis B and C virus infections as major risk factors for liver cancer.Momin B, Richardson L.Journal of Community Health20122012 B, Richardson L.NCCCPJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: 37; Issue: 4; Pages: 912 - 916)An analysis of content in comprehensive cancer control plans that address chronic hepatitis B and C virus infections as major risk factors for liver cancer.|Momin B|Richardson L.|Journal of Community Health|37
86An empirical study of the use of living versus deceased controls: Associations with liver cancer in the selected cancers study.Hall HI, Caplan LS, Coughlin SS, Levine RS, Zhu K.Annals of Epidemiology20022002Hall HI, Caplan LS, Coughlin SS, Levine RS, Zhu K.Other ResearchJournal: Annals of Epidemiology (Volume: 12; Issue: 1; Pages: 15 - 20)An empirical study of the use of living versus deceased controls: Associations with liver cancer in the selected cancers study.|Hall HI|Caplan LS, Coughlin SS, Levine RS, Zhu K.|Annals of Epidemiology|12
87An epidemiologic study comparing cancer- and noncancer-associated venous thromboembolism in a racially diverse Southeastern United States county.Peseski AM, Kapoor S, Kuchibhatla M, Adamski A, Abe K, Beckman MG, Reyes NL, Richardson LC, Saber I, Schulteis R, Singh BP, Sitlinger A, Thames EH, Ortel TL.Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis20242024 AM, Kapoor S, Kuchibhatla M, Adamski A, Abe K, Beckman MG, Reyes NL, Richardson LC, Saber I, Schulteis R, Singh BP, Sitlinger A, Thames EH, Ortel TL.Other ResearchJournal: Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )An epidemiologic study comparing cancer- and noncancer-associated venous thromboembolism in a racially diverse Southeastern United States county.|Peseski AM|Kapoor S, Kuchibhatla M, Adamski A, Abe K, Beckman MG, Reyes NL, Richardson LC, Saber I, Schulteis R, Singh BP, Sitlinger A, Thames EH, Ortel TL.|Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis|
88An evaluation of dose-related HPV vaccine effectiveness using central registries in Michigan.Gargano JW, You M, Potter R, Alverson G, Swanson R, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE, Copeland G.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20222021 JW, You M, Potter R, Alverson G, Swanson R, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE, Copeland G.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )An evaluation of dose-related HPV vaccine effectiveness using central registries in Michigan.|Gargano JW|You M, Potter R, Alverson G, Swanson R, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE, Copeland G.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|
89An expanded agenda for the primary prevention of breast cancer: charting a course for the future.White MC, Kavanaugh-Lynch MMHE, Davis-Patterson S, Buermeyer N.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20202020 MC, Kavanaugh-Lynch MMHE, Davis-Patterson S, Buermeyer N.Breast CancerJournal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Volume: 17; Issue: 3; Pages: 714 - 714)An expanded agenda for the primary prevention of breast cancer: charting a course for the future.|White MC|Kavanaugh-Lynch MMHE, Davis-Patterson S, Buermeyer N.|International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health|17
90An exploration of patient navigation and community health worker activities across national comprehensive cancer control programs.Rohan EA., McDougall R, Townsend JS.Health Equity20192018 EA., McDougall R, Townsend JS.NCCCPJournal: Health Equity (Volume: 2; Issue: 1; Pages: 366 - 374)An exploration of patient navigation and community health worker activities across national comprehensive cancer control programs.|Rohan EA.|McDougall R, Townsend JS.|Health Equity|2
91An exploratory analysis of the benefits and costs of a national campaign to promote colorectal cancer screening: CDC's Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign.Ekwueme DU, Howard D, Gelb C, Rim SH, Cooper C.Value in Health20132013 DU, Howard D, Gelb C, Rim SH, Cooper C.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Value in Health (Volume: 16; Issue: 3; Pages: - )An exploratory analysis of the benefits and costs of a national campaign to promote colorectal cancer screening: CDC's Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign.|Ekwueme DU|Howard D, Gelb C, Rim SH, Cooper C.|Value in Health|16
92An organizing framework for translation in public health: the knowledge to action framework.Wilson KM, Brady TJ, Lesesne C; NCCDPHP Work Group on Translation.Preventing Chronic Disease20112011Wilson KM, Brady TJ, Lesesne C; NCCDPHP Work Group on Translation.Other ResearchJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 8; Issue: 2; Pages: - )An organizing framework for translation in public health: the knowledge to action framework.|Wilson KM|Brady TJ, Lesesne C; NCCDPHP Work Group on Translation.|Preventing Chronic Disease|8
93An update on tobacco control initiatives in comprehensive cancer control plans.Dunne K, Henderson S, Stewart SL, Moore A, Hayes NS, Jordan J, Underwood JM.Preventing Chronic Disease20132013 K, Henderson S, Stewart SL, Moore A, Hayes NS, Jordan J, Underwood JM.NCCCPJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 10; Issue: ; Pages: - )An update on tobacco control initiatives in comprehensive cancer control plans.|Dunne K|Henderson S, Stewart SL, Moore A, Hayes NS, Jordan J, Underwood JM.|Preventing Chronic Disease|10
94Analysis of participatory photojournalism in a widely disseminated skin cancer prevention program.Hall D, Kline M, Glanz KHealth Promotion Practice20112011 D, Kline M, Glanz KSkin CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 12; Issue: 5; Pages: 666 - 672)Analysis of participatory photojournalism in a widely disseminated skin cancer prevention program.|Hall D|Kline M, Glanz K|Health Promotion Practice|12
95Analysis of the benefits and costs of a national campaign to promote colorectal cancer screening: CDC's Screen for Life National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign.Ekwueme DU, Howard DH, Gelb CA, Rim SH, Cooper CP.Health Promotion Practice20142014 DU, Howard DH, Gelb CA, Rim SH, Cooper CP.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 15; Issue: 5; Pages: 750 - 758)Analysis of the benefits and costs of a national campaign to promote colorectal cancer screening: CDC's Screen for Life National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign.|Ekwueme DU|Howard DH, Gelb CA, Rim SH, Cooper CP.|Health Promotion Practice|15
96Anatomic distribution of malignant melanoma on the non-Hispanic Black patient, 19982007.Myles ZM, Buchanan N, King JB, Singh S, White A, Wu M, Ajani U.Archives of Dermatology20122012 ZM, Buchanan N, King JB, Singh S, White A, Wu M, Ajani U.NPCRJournal: Archives of Dermatology (Volume: 148; Issue: 7; Pages: 797 - 801)Anatomic distribution of malignant melanoma on the non-Hispanic Black patient, 19982007.|Myles ZM|Buchanan N, King JB, Singh S, White A, Wu M, Ajani U.|Archives of Dermatology|148
97Annual economic burden of productivity losses among adult survivors of childhood cancers.Guy GP, Jr., Berkowitz Z, Ekwueme DU, Rim SH, Yabroff KR.Pediatrics20172016 GP, Jr., Berkowitz Z, Ekwueme DU, Rim SH, Yabroff KR.Other ResearchJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: 138; Issue: S1; Pages: S15 - S21)Annual economic burden of productivity losses among adult survivors of childhood cancers.|Guy GP, Jr.|Berkowitz Z, Ekwueme DU, Rim SH, Yabroff KR.|Pediatrics|138
98Annual medical expenditure and productivity loss among colorectal, female breast, and prostate cancer survivors in the United States.Zheng Z, Yabroff KR, Guy GP Jr, Han X, Li C, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Jemal A.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20162015 Z, Yabroff KR, Guy GP Jr, Han X, Li C, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Jemal A.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 108; Issue: 5; Pages: - )Annual medical expenditure and productivity loss among colorectal, female breast, and prostate cancer survivors in the United States.|Zheng Z|Yabroff KR, Guy GP Jr, Han X, Li C, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Jemal A.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|108
99Annual out-of-pocket expenditures and financial hardship among cancer survivors aged 1864 years—United States, 20112016.Ekwueme DU, Zhao J, Rim SH, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Khushalani JS, Han X, Kent EE, Yabroff KR.MMWR20192019 DU, Zhao J, Rim SH, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Khushalani JS, Han X, Kent EE, Yabroff KR.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: MMWR (Volume: 68; Issue: 22; Pages: 494 - 499)Annual out-of-pocket expenditures and financial hardship among cancer survivors aged 1864 years—United States, 20112016.|Ekwueme DU|Zhao J, Rim SH, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Khushalani JS, Han X, Kent EE, Yabroff KR.|MMWR|68
100Annual patient time costs associated with medical care among cancer survivors in the United States.Yabroff KR., Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU, McNeel T, Rozjabek HM, Dowling E, Li C, Virgo KS.Medical Care20142014 KR., Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU, McNeel T, Rozjabek HM, Dowling E, Li C, Virgo KS.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 52; Issue: 7; Pages: 594 - 601)Annual patient time costs associated with medical care among cancer survivors in the United States.|Yabroff KR.|Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU, McNeel T, Rozjabek HM, Dowling E, Li C, Virgo KS.|Medical Care|52
101Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part II: progress toward Healthy People 2020 objectives for 4 common cancers.Henley SJ, Thomas CC, Lewis DR, Ward EM, Islami F, Wu M, Weir HK, Scott S, Sherman RL, Ma J, Kohler BA, Cronin K, Jemal A, Benard VB, Richardson LC.Cancer20202020 SJ, Thomas CC, Lewis DR, Ward EM, Islami F, Wu M, Weir HK, Scott S, Sherman RL, Ma J, Kohler BA, Cronin K, Jemal A, Benard VB, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part II: progress toward Healthy People 2020 objectives for 4 common cancers.|Henley SJ|Thomas CC, Lewis DR, Ward EM, Islami F, Wu M, Weir HK, Scott S, Sherman RL, Ma J, Kohler BA, Cronin K, Jemal A, Benard VB, Richardson LC.|Cancer|
102Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1973-1997, with a special section on colorectal cancer.Ries LA, Wingo PA, Miller DS, Howe HL, Weir HK, Rosenberg HM, Vernon SW, Cronin K, Edwards BK.Cancer20002000Ries LA, Wingo PA, Miller DS, Howe HL, Weir HK, Rosenberg HM, Vernon SW, Cronin K, Edwards BK.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 88; Issue: 10; Pages: 2398 - 2424)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1973-1997, with a special section on colorectal cancer.|Ries LA|Wingo PA, Miller DS, Howe HL, Weir HK, Rosenberg HM, Vernon SW, Cronin K, Edwards BK.|Cancer|88
103Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1973-1998, featuring cancers with recent increasing trends.Howe HL, Wingo PA, Thun MJ, Ries LA, Rosenberg HM, Feigal EG, Edwards BK.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20012001Howe HL, Wingo PA, Thun MJ, Ries LA, Rosenberg HM, Feigal EG, Edwards BK.NPCRJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 93; Issue: 11; Pages: 824 - 842)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1973-1998, featuring cancers with recent increasing trends.|Howe HL|Wingo PA, Thun MJ, Ries LA, Rosenberg HM, Feigal EG, Edwards BK.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|93
104Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1973-1999, featuring implications of age and aging on U.S. cancer burden.Edwards BK, Howe HL, Ries LAG, Thun MJ, Rosenberg HM, Yancik R, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Feigal EG.Cancer20022002Edwards BK, Howe HL, Ries LAG, Thun MJ, Rosenberg HM, Yancik R, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Feigal EG.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 94; Issue: 10; Pages: 2766 - 2792)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1973-1999, featuring implications of age and aging on U.S. cancer burden.|Edwards BK|Howe HL, Ries LAG, Thun MJ, Rosenberg HM, Yancik R, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Feigal EG.|Cancer|94
105Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2000, featuring the uses of surveillance data for cancer prevention and control.Weir HK, Thun MJ, Hankey BF, Ries LA, Howe HL, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Ward E, Anderson RN, Edwards BK.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20032003Weir HK, Thun MJ, Hankey BF, Ries LA, Howe HL, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Ward E, Anderson RN, Edwards BK.NPCRJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 95; Issue: 21; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2000, featuring the uses of surveillance data for cancer prevention and control.|Weir HK|Thun MJ, Hankey BF, Ries LA, Howe HL, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Ward E, Anderson RN, Edwards BK.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|95
106Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2001, with a special feature regarding survival.Jemal A, Clegg LX, Ward E, Ries LA, Wu X, Jamison PM, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Anderson RN, Edwards BK.Cancer20042004Jemal A, Clegg LX, Ward E, Ries LA, Wu X, Jamison PM, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Anderson RN, Edwards BK.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 101; Issue: 1; Pages: 3 - 27)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2001, with a special feature regarding survival.|Jemal A|Clegg LX, Ward E, Ries LA, Wu X, Jamison PM, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Anderson RN, Edwards BK.|Cancer|101
107Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2002, featuring population-based trends in cancer treatment.Edwards BK, Brown ML, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Ward E, Ries LA, Schrag D, Jamison PM, Jemal A, Wu XC, Friedman C, Harlan L, Warren J, Anderson RN, Pickle LW.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20062005Edwards BK, Brown ML, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Ward E, Ries LA, Schrag D, Jamison PM, Jemal A, Wu XC, Friedman C, Harlan L, Warren J, Anderson RN, Pickle LW.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 97; Issue: 19; Pages: 1407 - 1427)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2002, featuring population-based trends in cancer treatment.|Edwards BK|Brown ML, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Ward E, Ries LA, Schrag D, Jamison PM, Jemal A, Wu XC, Friedman C, Harlan L, Warren J, Anderson RN, Pickle LW.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|97
108Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2003, featuring cancer among U.S. Hispanic/Latino populations.Howe HL, Wu X, Ries LA, Cokkinides V, Ahmed F, Jemal A, Miller B, Williams M, Ward E, Wingo PA, Ramirez A, Edwards BK.Cancer20072006Howe HL, Wu X, Ries LA, Cokkinides V, Ahmed F, Jemal A, Miller B, Williams M, Ward E, Wingo PA, Ramirez A, Edwards BK.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 8; Pages: 1711 - 1742)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2003, featuring cancer among U.S. Hispanic/Latino populations.|Howe HL|Wu X, Ries LA, Cokkinides V, Ahmed F, Jemal A, Miller B, Williams M, Ward E, Wingo PA, Ramirez A, Edwards BK.|Cancer|107
109Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2004, featuring cancer in American Indians and Alaska Natives.Espey DK, Wu XC, Swan J, Wiggins C, Jim MA, Ward E, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Ries LA, Miller BA, Jemal A, Ahmed F, Cobb N, Kaur JS, Edwards BK.Cancer20082007Espey DK, Wu XC, Swan J, Wiggins C, Jim MA, Ward E, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Ries LA, Miller BA, Jemal A, Ahmed F, Cobb N, Kaur JS, Edwards BK.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 110; Issue: 10; Pages: 2119 - 2152)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2004, featuring cancer in American Indians and Alaska Natives.|Espey DK|Wu XC, Swan J, Wiggins C, Jim MA, Ward E, Wingo PA, Howe HL, Ries LA, Miller BA, Jemal A, Ahmed F, Cobb N, Kaur JS, Edwards BK.|Cancer|110
110Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2005, featuring trends in lung cancer, tobacco use, and tobacco control.Jemal A, Thun MJ, Ries LAG, Howe HL, Weir HK, Center MM, Ward E, Wu X, Eheman C, Anderson R, Ajani UA, Kohler B, Edwards BK.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20092008Jemal A, Thun MJ, Ries LAG, Howe HL, Weir HK, Center MM, Ward E, Wu X, Eheman C, Anderson R, Ajani UA, Kohler B, Edwards BK.Lung CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 100; Issue: 23; Pages: 1672 - 1694)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2005, featuring trends in lung cancer, tobacco use, and tobacco control.|Jemal A|Thun MJ, Ries LAG, Howe HL, Weir HK, Center MM, Ward E, Wu X, Eheman C, Anderson R, Ajani UA, Kohler B, Edwards BK.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|100
111Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2006, featuring colorectal cancer trends and impact of interventions (risk factors, screening, and treatment) to reduce future rates.Edwards BK, Ward E, Kohler BA, Eheman C, Zauber AG, Anderson RN, Jemal A, Schymura MJ, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Seeff LC, van Ballegooijen M, Goede SL, Ries LA.Cancer20102010Edwards BK, Ward E, Kohler BA, Eheman C, Zauber AG, Anderson RN, Jemal A, Schymura MJ, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Seeff LC, van Ballegooijen M, Goede SL, Ries LA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 116; Issue: 3; Pages: 544 - 573)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2006, featuring colorectal cancer trends and impact of interventions (risk factors, screening, and treatment) to reduce future rates.|Edwards BK|Ward E, Kohler BA, Eheman C, Zauber AG, Anderson RN, Jemal A, Schymura MJ, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Seeff LC, van Ballegooijen M, Goede SL, Ries LA.|Cancer|116
112Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752007, featuring tumors of the brain and other nervous system.Kohler BA, Ward E, McCarthy BJ, Schymura MJ, Ries LA, Eheman C, Jemal A, Anderson RN, Ajani UA, Edwards BK.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20112011 BA, Ward E, McCarthy BJ, Schymura MJ, Ries LA, Eheman C, Jemal A, Anderson RN, Ajani UA, Edwards BK.NPCRJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 103; Issue: 9; Pages: 714 - 736)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752007, featuring tumors of the brain and other nervous system.|Kohler BA|Ward E, McCarthy BJ, Schymura MJ, Ries LA, Eheman C, Jemal A, Anderson RN, Ajani UA, Edwards BK.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|103
113Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752008, featuring cancers associated with excess weight and lack of sufficient physical activity.Eheman C, Henley SJ, Ballard-Barbash R, Jacobs EJ, Schymura MJ, Noone AM, Pan L, Anderson RN, Fulton JE, Kohler BA, Jemal A, Ward E, Plescia M, Ries LA, Edwards BK.Cancer20122012 C, Henley SJ, Ballard-Barbash R, Jacobs EJ, Schymura MJ, Noone AM, Pan L, Anderson RN, Fulton JE, Kohler BA, Jemal A, Ward E, Plescia M, Ries LA, Edwards BK.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 118; Issue: 9; Pages: 233 - 366)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752008, featuring cancers associated with excess weight and lack of sufficient physical activity.|Eheman C|Henley SJ, Ballard-Barbash R, Jacobs EJ, Schymura MJ, Noone AM, Pan L, Anderson RN, Fulton JE, Kohler BA, Jemal A, Ward E, Plescia M, Ries LA, Edwards BK.|Cancer|118
114Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752009, featuring the burden and trends in human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cancers and HPV vaccination coverage levels.Jemal A, Simard EP, Dorell C, Noone AM, Markowitz LE, Kohler B, Eheman C, Saraiya M, Bandi P, Saslow D, Cronin KA, Watson M, Schiffman M, Henley SJ, Schymura MJ, Anderson RN, Yankey D, Edwards BK.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20132013 A, Simard EP, Dorell C, Noone AM, Markowitz LE, Kohler B, Eheman C, Saraiya M, Bandi P, Saslow D, Cronin KA, Watson M, Schiffman M, Henley SJ, Schymura MJ, Anderson RN, Yankey D, Edwards BK.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 105; Issue: 3; Pages: 175 - 201)Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752009, featuring the burden and trends in human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cancers and HPV vaccination coverage levels.|Jemal A|Simard EP, Dorell C, Noone AM, Markowitz LE, Kohler B, Eheman C, Saraiya M, Bandi P, Saslow D, Cronin KA, Watson M, Schiffman M, Henley SJ, Schymura MJ, Anderson RN, Yankey D, Edwards BK.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|105
115Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 19752010, featuring prevalence of comorbidity and impact on survival among persons with lung, colorectal, breast, or prostate cancer.Edwards BK, Noone A-M, Mariotto AB, Simard EP, Boscoe FP, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Cho H, Anderson RN, Kohler BA, Eheman CR, Ward EM.Cancer20142013 BK, Noone A-M, Mariotto AB, Simard EP, Boscoe FP, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Cho H, Anderson RN, Kohler BA, Eheman CR, Ward EM.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 19752010, featuring prevalence of comorbidity and impact on survival among persons with lung, colorectal, breast, or prostate cancer.|Edwards BK|Noone A-M, Mariotto AB, Simard EP, Boscoe FP, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Cho H, Anderson RN, Kohler BA, Eheman CR, Ward EM.|Cancer|
116Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 19752011, featuring incidence of breast cancer subtypes by race/ethnicity, poverty, and state.Kohler BA, Sherman RL, Howlader N, Jemal A, Ryerson AB, Henry KA, Boscoe FP, Cronin KA, Lake A, Noone AM, Henley SJ, Eheman CR, Anderson RN, Penberthy L.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20152015 BA, Sherman RL, Howlader N, Jemal A, Ryerson AB, Henry KA, Boscoe FP, Cronin KA, Lake A, Noone AM, Henley SJ, Eheman CR, Anderson RN, Penberthy L.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 107; Issue: 6; Pages: - )Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 19752011, featuring incidence of breast cancer subtypes by race/ethnicity, poverty, and state.|Kohler BA|Sherman RL, Howlader N, Jemal A, Ryerson AB, Henry KA, Boscoe FP, Cronin KA, Lake A, Noone AM, Henley SJ, Eheman CR, Anderson RN, Penberthy L.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|107
117Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752012, featuring the increasing incidence of liver cancer.Ryerson AB, Eheman CR, Altekruse SF, Ward JW, Jemal A, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Holtzman D, Lake A, Noone AM, Anderson RN, Ma J, Ly KN, Cronin KA, Penberthy L, Kohler BA.Cancer20162016 AB, Eheman CR, Altekruse SF, Ward JW, Jemal A, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Holtzman D, Lake A, Noone AM, Anderson RN, Ma J, Ly KN, Cronin KA, Penberthy L, Kohler BA.NPCRJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752012, featuring the increasing incidence of liver cancer.|Ryerson AB|Eheman CR, Altekruse SF, Ward JW, Jemal A, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Holtzman D, Lake A, Noone AM, Anderson RN, Ma J, Ly KN, Cronin KA, Penberthy L, Kohler BA.|Cancer|
118Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752014, featuring survival.Jemal A, Ward EM, Johnson CJ, Cronin KA, Ma J, Ryerson B, Mariotto A, Lake AJ, Wilson R, Sherman RL, Anderson RN, Henley SJ, Kohler BA, Penberthy L, Feuer EJ, Weir HK.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20172017 A, Ward EM, Johnson CJ, Cronin KA, Ma J, Ryerson B, Mariotto A, Lake AJ, Wilson R, Sherman RL, Anderson RN, Henley SJ, Kohler BA, Penberthy L, Feuer EJ, Weir HK.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 109; Issue: 9; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19752014, featuring survival.|Jemal A|Ward EM, Johnson CJ, Cronin KA, Ma J, Ryerson B, Mariotto A, Lake AJ, Wilson R, Sherman RL, Anderson RN, Henley SJ, Kohler BA, Penberthy L, Feuer EJ, Weir HK.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|109
119Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19992015, featuring cancer in men and women ages 2049.Ward E, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Siegel DA, Feuer EJ, Firth AU, Kohler BA, Scott S, Ma J, Anderson RN, Benard V, Cronin K.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20192019 E, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Siegel DA, Feuer EJ, Firth AU, Kohler BA, Scott S, Ma J, Anderson RN, Benard V, Cronin K.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 19992015, featuring cancer in men and women ages 2049.|Ward E|Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Siegel DA, Feuer EJ, Firth AU, Kohler BA, Scott S, Ma J, Anderson RN, Benard V, Cronin K.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
120Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part 1: National cancer statistics.Cronin KA, Scott S, Firth AU, Sung H, Henley SJ, Sherman RL, Siegel RL, Anderson RN, Kohler BA, Benard VB, Negoita S, Wiggins C, Cance WG, Jemal A.Cancer20232022 KA, Scott S, Firth AU, Sung H, Henley SJ, Sherman RL, Siegel RL, Anderson RN, Kohler BA, Benard VB, Negoita S, Wiggins C, Cance WG, Jemal A.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part 1: National cancer statistics.|Cronin KA|Scott S, Firth AU, Sung H, Henley SJ, Sherman RL, Siegel RL, Anderson RN, Kohler BA, Benard VB, Negoita S, Wiggins C, Cance WG, Jemal A.|Cancer|
121Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part 1: National cancer statistics.Islami F, Ward EM, Sung H, Cronin KA, Tangka FKL, Sherman RL, Zhao J, Anderson RN, Henley SJ, Yabroff KR, Jemal A, Benard VB.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20212021 F, Ward EM, Sung H, Cronin KA, Tangka FKL, Sherman RL, Zhao J, Anderson RN, Henley SJ, Yabroff KR, Jemal A, Benard VB.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, part 1: national cancer statistics.|Islami F|Ward EM, Sung H, Cronin KA, Tangka FKL, Sherman RL, Zhao J, Anderson RN, Henley SJ, Yabroff KR, Jemal A, Benard VB.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
122Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, part 2: Early assessment of the COVID-19 pandemics impact on cancer diagnosis.Negoita S, Chen HS, Sanchez PV, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Siegel RL, Sung H, Scott S, Benard VB, Kohler BA, Jemal A, Cronin KA.Cancer20242024 S, Chen HS, Sanchez PV, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Siegel RL, Sung H, Scott S, Benard VB, Kohler BA, Jemal A, Cronin KA.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 130; Issue: 1; Pages: 117 - 127)Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, part 2: Early assessment of the COVID-19 pandemics impact on cancer diagnosis.|Negoita S|Chen HS, Sanchez PV, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Siegel RL, Sung H, Scott S, Benard VB, Kohler BA, Jemal A, Cronin KA.|Cancer|130
123Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part 2: patient economic burden associated with cancer care.Yabroff KR, Mariotto A, Tangka F, Zhao J, Islami F, Sung H, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Ward EM.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20222021 KR, Mariotto A, Tangka F, Zhao J, Islami F, Sung H, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Ward EM.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part 2: patient economic burden associated with cancer care.|Yabroff KR|Mariotto A, Tangka F, Zhao J, Islami F, Sung H, Sherman RL, Henley SJ, Jemal A, Ward EM.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
124Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part I National cancer statistics.Henley SJ, Ward EM, Scott S, Ma J, Anderson RN, Firth AU, Thomas CC, Islami F, Weir HK, Lewis DR, Sherman RL, Wu M, Benard VB, Richardson LC, Jemal A, Cronin K, Kohler BA.Cancer20202020 SJ, Ward EM, Scott S, Ma J, Anderson RN, Firth AU, Thomas CC, Islami F, Weir HK, Lewis DR, Sherman RL, Wu M, Benard VB, Richardson LC, Jemal A, Cronin K, Kohler BA.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part I National cancer statistics.|Henley SJ|Ward EM, Scott S, Ma J, Anderson RN, Firth AU, Thomas CC, Islami F, Weir HK, Lewis DR, Sherman RL, Wu M, Benard VB, Richardson LC, Jemal A, Cronin K, Kohler BA.|Cancer|
125Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, part I: National cancer statistics.Cronin KA, Lake AJ, Scott S, Sherman RL, Noone AM, Howlader N, Henley SJ, Anderson RN, Firth AU, Ma J, Kohler BA, Jemal A.Cancer20182018 KA, Lake AJ, Scott S, Sherman RL, Noone AM, Howlader N, Henley SJ, Anderson RN, Firth AU, Ma J, Kohler BA, Jemal A.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, part I: National cancer statistics.|Cronin KA|Lake AJ, Scott S, Sherman RL, Noone AM, Howlader N, Henley SJ, Anderson RN, Firth AU, Ma J, Kohler BA, Jemal A.|Cancer|
126Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, part II: Recent changes in prostate cancer trends and disease characteristics.Negoita S, Feuer EJ, Mariotto A, Cronin KA, Petkov VI, Hussey SK, Benard V, Henley SJ, Anderson RN, Fedewa S, Sherman RL, Kohler BA, Dearmon BJ, Lake AJ, Ma J, Richardson LC, Jemal A, Penberthy L.Cancer20182018 S, Feuer EJ, Mariotto A, Cronin KA, Petkov VI, Hussey SK, Benard V, Henley SJ, Anderson RN, Fedewa S, Sherman RL, Kohler BA, Dearmon BJ, Lake AJ, Ma J, Richardson LC, Jemal A, Penberthy L.Prostate CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, part II: Recent changes in prostate cancer trends and disease characteristics.|Negoita S|Feuer EJ, Mariotto A, Cronin KA, Petkov VI, Hussey SK, Benard V, Henley SJ, Anderson RN, Fedewa S, Sherman RL, Kohler BA, Dearmon BJ, Lake AJ, Ma J, Richardson LC, Jemal A, Penberthy L.|Cancer|
127Annual screening may not decrease breast cancer deaths among women aged 40 to 49 years.Coughlin SS, Lee NC.Cancer Treatment Reviews20032003Coughlin SS, Lee NC.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Treatment Reviews (Volume: 29; Issue: 1; Pages: 55 - 57)Annual screening may not decrease breast cancer deaths among women aged 40 to 49 years.|Coughlin SS|Lee NC.|Cancer Treatment Reviews|29
128Application of population screening principles to genetic screening for adult-onset conditions.Burke W, Coughlin SS, Lee NC, Weed DL, Khoury MJ.Genetic Testing20022001Burke W, Coughlin SS, Lee NC, Weed DL, Khoury MJ.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Genetic Testing (Volume: 5; Issue: 3; Pages: 201 - 211)Application of population screening principles to genetic screening for adult-onset conditions.|Burke W|Coughlin SS, Lee NC, Weed DL, Khoury MJ.|Genetic Testing|5
129Approaches to monitoring biological outcomes for HPV vaccination: Challenges of early adopter countries.Wong CA, Saraiya M, Hariri S, Eckert L, Howlett RI, Markowitz LE, Brotherton JM, Sinka K, Martinez-Montañez OG, Kjaer SK, Dunne EFVaccine20112010Wong CA, Saraiya M, Hariri S, Eckert L, Howlett RI, Markowitz LE, Brotherton JM, Sinka K, Martinez-Montañez OG, Kjaer SK, Dunne EFHPV-Associated CancersJournal: Vaccine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Approaches to monitoring biological outcomes for HPV vaccination: Challenges of early adopter countries.|Wong CA|Saraiya M, Hariri S, Eckert L, Howlett RI, Markowitz LE, Brotherton JM, Sinka K, Martinez-Montañez OG, Kjaer SK, Dunne EF|Vaccine|
130Are National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program recipients providing services in counties heavily burdened by breast and cervical cancer?Bermudez Y, Scott L, Miller J, DeGroff A, Beckman M.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20242024 Y, Scott L, Miller J, DeGroff A, Beckman M.Breast CancerJournal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Volume: 21; Issue: 2; Pages: - )Are National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program recipients providing services in counties heavily burdened by breast and cervical cancer?|Bermudez Y|Scott L, Miller J, DeGroff A, Beckman M.|International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health|21
131Are older adults up-to-date with cancer screening and vaccinations?Shenson D, Bolen J, Adams M, Seeff L, Blackman D.Preventing Chronic Disease20052005Shenson D, Bolen J, Adams M, Seeff L, Blackman D.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 2; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Are older adults up-to-date with cancer screening and vaccinations?|Shenson D|Bolen J, Adams M, Seeff L, Blackman D.|Preventing Chronic Disease|2
132Are people being screened for colorectal cancer as recommended? Results from the National Health Interview Survey.Nadel MR, Blackman DK, Shapiro JA, Seeff LC.Preventive Medicine20022002Nadel MR, Blackman DK, Shapiro JA, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 35; Issue: 3; Pages: 199 - 206)Are people being screened for colorectal cancer as recommended? Results from the National Health Interview Survey.|Nadel MR|Blackman DK, Shapiro JA, Seeff LC.|Preventive Medicine|35
133Are there regional differences in triple-negative breast cancer among non-Hispanic Black women?Bartley SJ, Wu M, Benard V, Ambrosone C, Richardson LC.Journal of the National Medical Association20202020 SJ, Wu M, Benard V, Ambrosone C, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the National Medical Association (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Are there regional differences in triple-negative breast cancer among non-Hispanic Black women?|Bartley SJ|Wu M, Benard V, Ambrosone C, Richardson LC.|Journal of the National Medical Association|
134Are uninsured women in a national screening program having longer intervals between cervical cancer screening tests?Bartley SJ, Benard V, Tai E, Rockwell T, Kenney K, Richardson LC.Preventive Medicine20202020 SJ, Benard V, Tai E, Rockwell T, Kenney K, Richardson LC.Cervical CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Are uninsured women in a national screening program having longer intervals between cervical cancer screening tests?|Bartley SJ|Benard V, Tai E, Rockwell T, Kenney K, Richardson LC.|Preventive Medicine|
135Are we doing enough to screen for colorectal cancer? Findings from the 1999 Behavorial Risk Factor Surveillance System.Seeff LC, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR.Journal of Family Practice20022002Seeff LC, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Family Practice (Volume: 51; Issue: 9; Pages: 761 - 768)Are we doing enough to screen for colorectal cancer? Findings from the 1999 Behavorial Risk Factor Surveillance System.|Seeff LC|Shapiro JA, Nadel MR.|Journal of Family Practice|51
136Assessing cervical cancer screening coverage using a population-based behavioral risk factor survey—Thailand, 2010.Joseph R, Manosoontorn S, Petcharoen N, Sangrajrang S, Senkomago V, Saraiya M.Journal of Women's Health20162015 R, Manosoontorn S, Petcharoen N, Sangrajrang S, Senkomago V, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 24; Issue: 12; Pages: 966 - 968)Assessing cervical cancer screening coverage using a population-based behavioral risk factor survey—Thailand, 2010.|Joseph R|Manosoontorn S, Petcharoen N, Sangrajrang S, Senkomago V, Saraiya M.|Journal of Women's Health|24
137Assessing cervical cancer screening guidelines in patient education materials.Roland KB, Benard VB, Saraiya M, Hawkins NA, Brandt H, Friedman AL.Journal of Women's Health20092009Roland KB, Benard VB, Saraiya M, Hawkins NA, Brandt H, Friedman AL.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 18; Issue: 1; Pages: 51 - 12)Assessing cervical cancer screening guidelines in patient education materials.|Roland KB|Benard VB, Saraiya M, Hawkins NA, Brandt H, Friedman AL.|Journal of Women's Health|18
138Assessing follow-up care after prostate-specific antigen elevation in American Indian / Alaska Native men: a partnership approach.Tilburt JC, James KM, Koller K, Lanier AP, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Nicometo AM, Petersen WO.Progress in Community Health Partnerships20132013 JC, James KM, Koller K, Lanier AP, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Nicometo AM, Petersen WO.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Progress in Community Health Partnerships (Volume: 7; Issue: 2; Pages: 153 - 161)Assessing follow-up care after prostate-specific antigen elevation in American Indian / Alaska Native men: a partnership approach.|Tilburt JC|James KM, Koller K, Lanier AP, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Nicometo AM, Petersen WO.|Progress in Community Health Partnerships|7
139Assessing impact of HPV vaccination on cervical cancer incidence in women 1529 years in the United States, 19992017: an ecologic study.Mix JM, Van Dyne EA, Saraiya M, Hallowell BD, Thomas CC.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20212020 JM, Van Dyne EA, Saraiya M, Hallowell BD, Thomas CC.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Assessing impact of HPV vaccination on cervical cancer incidence in women 1529 years in the United States, 19992017: an ecologic study.|Mix JM|Van Dyne EA, Saraiya M, Hallowell BD, Thomas CC.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|
140Assessing screening quality in CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.Nadel MR, Royalty J, Shapiro JA, Joseph D, Seeff LC, Lane DS, Dwyer DM.Cancer20132013 MR, Royalty J, Shapiro JA, Joseph D, Seeff LC, Lane DS, Dwyer DM.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 119; Issue: Suppl 15; Pages: - )Assessing screening quality in CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.|Nadel MR|Royalty J, Shapiro JA, Joseph D, Seeff LC, Lane DS, Dwyer DM.|Cancer|119
141Assessing the impact of multicomponent interventions on colorectal cancer screening through simulation: What would it take to reach national screening targets in North Carolina?Hicklin K, OLeary MC, Nambiar S, Mayorga ME, Wheeler SB, Davis MM, Richardson LC, Tangka FKL, Lich KH.Preventive Medicine20222022 K, OLeary MC, Nambiar S, Mayorga ME, Wheeler SB, Davis MM, Richardson LC, Tangka FKL, Lich KH.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Assessing the impact of multicomponent interventions on colorectal cancer screening through simulation: What would it take to reach national screening targets in North Carolina?|Hicklin K|OLeary MC, Nambiar S, Mayorga ME, Wheeler SB, Davis MM, Richardson LC, Tangka FKL, Lich KH.|Preventive Medicine|
142Assessing the implementation of a patient navigation intervention for colonoscopy screening.DeGroff A, Gressard L, Glover-Kudon R, Rice K, Tharpe FS, Escoffery C, Gersten J, Butterly L.BMC Health Services Research20202019 A, Gressard L, Glover-Kudon R, Rice K, Tharpe FS, Escoffery C, Gersten J, Butterly L.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: BMC Health Services Research (Volume: 19; Issue: 1; Pages: 803 - 803)Assessing the implementation of a patient navigation intervention for colonoscopy screening.|DeGroff A|Gressard L, Glover-Kudon R, Rice K, Tharpe FS, Escoffery C, Gersten J, Butterly L.|BMC Health Services Research|19
143Assessment of follow-up for low-grade cytological abnormalities in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 2000-2005.Benard VB, Howe W, Saraiya M, Helsel W, Lawson HW.Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease20092008Benard VB, Howe W, Saraiya M, Helsel W, Lawson HW.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (Volume: 12; Issue: 4; Pages: 300 - 306)Assessment of follow-up for low-grade cytological abnormalities in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 2000-2005.|Benard VB|Howe W, Saraiya M, Helsel W, Lawson HW.|Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease|12
144Assessment of the quality of colonoscopy reports: results from a multicenter consortium.Lieberman DA, Faigel DO, Logan JR, Mattek N, Holub J, Eisen G, Morris C, Smith R, Nadel M.Gastrointestinal Endoscopy20092009Lieberman DA, Faigel DO, Logan JR, Mattek N, Holub J, Eisen G, Morris C, Smith R, Nadel M.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Volume: 69; Issue: 3; Pages: 645 - 653)Assessment of the quality of colonoscopy reports: results from a multicenter consortium.|Lieberman DA|Faigel DO, Logan JR, Mattek N, Holub J, Eisen G, Morris C, Smith R, Nadel M.|Gastrointestinal Endoscopy|69
145Assessment of the scientific soundness of clinical performance measures: A field test of the National Committee for Quality Assurance's colorectal cancer screening measure.Schneider EC, Nadel MR, Zaslavsky AM, McGlynn EA.Archives of Internal Medicine20082008Schneider EC, Nadel MR, Zaslavsky AM, McGlynn EA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Archives of Internal Medicine (Volume: 168; Issue: 8; Pages: 876 - 882)Assessment of the scientific soundness of clinical performance measures: A field test of the National Committee for Quality Assurance's colorectal cancer screening measure.|Schneider EC|Nadel MR, Zaslavsky AM, McGlynn EA.|Archives of Internal Medicine|168
146Assessment of the status of A National Action Plan for Cancer Survivorship in the USA.Smith JL, Pollack LA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Smith T, Rechis R, Miller A, Willis A, Miller H, Hall IJ, Fairley TL, Stone-Wiggins B.Journal of Cancer Survivorship20132013 JL, Pollack LA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Smith T, Rechis R, Miller A, Willis A, Miller H, Hall IJ, Fairley TL, Stone-Wiggins B.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Cancer Survivorship (Volume: 7; Issue: 3; Pages: 425 - 438)Assessment of the status of A National Action Plan for Cancer Survivorship in the USA.|Smith JL|Pollack LA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Smith T, Rechis R, Miller A, Willis A, Miller H, Hall IJ, Fairley TL, Stone-Wiggins B.|Journal of Cancer Survivorship|7
147Assessment of trends in cervical cancer screening rates using healthcare claims data: United States, 20032014Watson M, Benard V, Flagg EWPreventive Medicine Reports20182018 M, Benard V, Flagg EWCervical CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine Reports (Volume: 9; Issue: ; Pages: 124 - 130)Assessment of trends in cervical cancer screening rates using healthcare claims data: United States, 20032014|Watson M|Benard V, Flagg EW|Preventive Medicine Reports|9
148Association between cutaneous melanoma incidence rates among White U.S. residents and county-level estimates of solar ultraviolet exposure.Richards TB, Johnson CJ, Tatalovich Z, Cockburn M, Eide MJ, Henry KA, Lai SM, Cherala SS, Huang Y, Ajani UA.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology20122011 TB, Johnson CJ, Tatalovich Z, Cockburn M, Eide MJ, Henry KA, Lai SM, Cherala SS, Huang Y, Ajani UA.NPCRJournal: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Volume: 65; Issue: 5 Suppl 1; Pages: S50 - S57)Association between cutaneous melanoma incidence rates among White U.S. residents and county-level estimates of solar ultraviolet exposure.|Richards TB|Johnson CJ, Tatalovich Z, Cockburn M, Eide MJ, Henry KA, Lai SM, Cherala SS, Huang Y, Ajani UA.|Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology|65
149Association between glomerular filtration rate, free, total, and percent free prostate-specific antigen.Joseph DA, Thompson T, Saraiya M, Werny DM.Urology20092009Joseph DA, Thompson T, Saraiya M, Werny DM.Other ResearchJournal: Urology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Association between glomerular filtration rate, free, total, and percent free prostate-specific antigen.|Joseph DA|Thompson T, Saraiya M, Werny DM.|Urology|
150Association between reproductive factors and breast cancer survival in younger women.Trivers KF, Gammon MD, Abrahamson PE, Lund MJ, Flagg EW, Kaufman JS, Moorman PG, Cai J, Olshan AF, Porter PL, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ.Breast Cancer Research and Treatment20072007Trivers KF, Gammon MD, Abrahamson PE, Lund MJ, Flagg EW, Kaufman JS, Moorman PG, Cai J, Olshan AF, Porter PL, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Volume: 103; Issue: 1; Pages: 93 - 102)Association between reproductive factors and breast cancer survival in younger women.|Trivers KF|Gammon MD, Abrahamson PE, Lund MJ, Flagg EW, Kaufman JS, Moorman PG, Cai J, Olshan AF, Porter PL, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ.|Breast Cancer Research and Treatment|103
151Association between serious psychological distress and health care use and expenditures by cancer history.Han X, Lin CC, Li C, de Moor JS, Rodriguez JL, Kent EE, Forsythe LP.Cancer20152014 X, Lin CC, Li C, de Moor JS, Rodriguez JL, Kent EE, Forsythe LP.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Association between serious psychological distress and health care use and expenditures by cancer history.|Han X|Lin CC, Li C, de Moor JS, Rodriguez JL, Kent EE, Forsythe LP.|Cancer|
152Association between smoking status and free, total, and percent free prostate specific antigen.Li J, Thompson T, Joseph DA, Master VA.Journal of Urology20122012 J, Thompson T, Joseph DA, Master VA.Prostate CancerJournal: Journal of Urology (Volume: 187; Issue: 4; Pages: 122 - 233)Association between smoking status and free, total, and percent free prostate specific antigen.|Li J|Thompson T, Joseph DA, Master VA.|Journal of Urology|187
153Association between sports team participation and sunburn among U.S. high school students, National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2021.Holman DM., Jones SE, Cornett KA, Mouhanna F.Journal of the Dermatology Nurses Association20242024 DM., Jones SE, Cornett KA, Mouhanna F.Skin CancerJournal: Journal of the Dermatology Nurses Association (Volume: 16; Issue: 5; Pages: 173 - 176)Association between sports team participation and sunburn among U.S. high school students, National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2021.|Holman DM.|Jones SE, Cornett KA, Mouhanna F.|Journal of the Dermatology Nurses Association|16
154Association between sun protection behaviors and sunburn among U.S. adults.Holman DM, Ding H, Freeman MB, Shoemaker M.The Gerontologist20192019 DM, Ding H, Freeman MB, Shoemaker M.Skin CancerJournal: The Gerontologist (Volume: 59; Issue: S1; Pages: S17 - S27)Association between sun protection behaviors and sunburn among U.S. adults.|Holman DM|Ding H, Freeman MB, Shoemaker M.|The Gerontologist|59
155Association of cutaneous melanoma incidence with area-based socioeconomic indicators—United States, 20042006.Singh SD, Ajani UA, Johnson CJ, Roland KB, Eide M, Jemal A, Negoita S, Bayakly RA, Ekwueme DU.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology20122011Singh SD, Ajani UA, Johnson CJ, Roland KB, Eide M, Jemal A, Negoita S, Bayakly RA, Ekwueme DU.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Volume: 65; Issue: 5 Suppl 1; Pages: S58 - S68)Association of cutaneous melanoma incidence with area-based socioeconomic indicators—United States, 20042006.|Singh SD|Ajani UA, Johnson CJ, Roland KB, Eide M, Jemal A, Negoita S, Bayakly RA, Ekwueme DU.|Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology|65
156Association of regimens of hormone replacement therapy to prognostic factors among women diagnosed with breast cancer aged 50-64 years.Daling JR, Malone KE, Doody DR, Voigt LF, Bernstein L, Marchbanks PA, Coates RJ, Norman SA, Weiss LK, Ursin G, Burkman RT, Deapen D, Folger SG, McDonald JA, Simon MS, Strom BL, Spirtas R.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20042003Daling JR, Malone KE, Doody DR, Voigt LF, Bernstein L, Marchbanks PA, Coates RJ, Norman SA, Weiss LK, Ursin G, Burkman RT, Deapen D, Folger SG, McDonald JA, Simon MS, Strom BL, Spirtas R.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 12; Issue: 11 Pt 1; Pages: 117 - 181)Association of regimens of hormone replacement therapy to prognostic factors among women diagnosed with breast cancer aged 50-64 years.|Daling JR|Malone KE, Doody DR, Voigt LF, Bernstein L, Marchbanks PA, Coates RJ, Norman SA, Weiss LK, Ursin G, Burkman RT, Deapen D, Folger SG, McDonald JA, Simon MS, Strom BL, Spirtas R.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|12
157Association of UV index and sunscreen use among White high school students in the United States.Everett Jones S, O'Malley Olsen E, Michael SL, Saraiya M.Journal of School Health20142013 Jones S, O'Malley Olsen E, Michael SL, Saraiya M.Skin CancerJournal: Journal of School Health (Volume: 83; Issue: 10; Pages: 750 - 756)Association of UV index and sunscreen use among White high school students in the United States.|Everett Jones S|O'Malley Olsen E, Michael SL, Saraiya M.|Journal of School Health|83
158Associations of subsite-specific colorectal cancer incidence rates and stage of disease at diagnosis with county-level poverty, by race and sex.Wu X, Cokkinides V, Chen VW, Nadel M, Ren Y, Martin J, Ellison GL.Cancer20062006Wu X, Cokkinides V, Chen VW, Nadel M, Ren Y, Martin J, Ellison GL.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 112 - 127)Associations of subsite-specific colorectal cancer incidence rates and stage of disease at diagnosis with county-level poverty, by race and sex.|Wu X|Cokkinides V, Chen VW, Nadel M, Ren Y, Martin J, Ellison GL.|Cancer|107
159Autoimmune thyroid disease associated with environmental thyroidal irradiation.Eheman CR, Garbe P, Tuttle RM.Thyroid20032003Eheman CR, Garbe P, Tuttle RM.Other ResearchJournal: Thyroid (Volume: 13; Issue: 5; Pages: 453 - 464)Autoimmune thyroid disease associated with environmental thyroidal irradiation.|Eheman CR|Garbe P, Tuttle RM.|Thyroid|13
160Awardee-specific economic costs of providing cancer screening and health promotional services to medically underserved women eligible in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Subramanian S, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Khushalani JS, Trogdon JG, Wong FL.Cancer Causes and Control20192019 S, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Khushalani JS, Trogdon JG, Wong FL.NBCCEDPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Awardee-specific economic costs of providing cancer screening and health promotional services to medically underserved women eligible in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Subramanian S|Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Khushalani JS, Trogdon JG, Wong FL.|Cancer Causes and Control|
161Awareness and use of the prostate-specific antigen test among African-American men.Ross LE, Uhler RJ, Williams KN.Journal of the National Medical Association20052005Ross LE, Uhler RJ, Williams KN.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Journal of the National Medical Association (Volume: 97; Issue: 7; Pages: 963 - 971)Awareness and use of the prostate-specific antigen test among African-American men.|Ross LE|Uhler RJ, Williams KN.|Journal of the National Medical Association|97
162Awareness of breast cancer risk related to a positive family history and alcohol consumption among women aged 1544 years in United States.Khushalani JS., Qin J, Ekwueme DU, White A.Preventive Medicine Reports20202019 JS., Qin J, Ekwueme DU, White A.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine Reports (Volume: 17; Issue: 101029; Pages: - )Awareness of breast cancer risk related to a positive family history and alcohol consumption among women aged 1544 years in United States.|Khushalani JS.|Qin J, Ekwueme DU, White A.|Preventive Medicine Reports|17
163Awareness of dietary and alcohol guidelines among colorectal cancer survivors.Hawkins NA, Berkowitz Z, Rodriguez JL.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 NA, Berkowitz Z, Rodriguez JL.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: S50 - 517)Awareness of dietary and alcohol guidelines among colorectal cancer survivors.|Hawkins NA|Berkowitz Z, Rodriguez JL.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
164Awareness of family health history as a risk factor for disease—United States, 2004.Yoon PW, Scheuner MT, Gwinn M, Khoury MJ, Jorgensen C, Hariri S, Lyn S.MMWR20052004Yoon PW, Scheuner MT, Gwinn M, Khoury MJ, Jorgensen C, Hariri S, Lyn S.Other ResearchJournal: MMWR (Volume: 53; Issue: 44; Pages: 104 - 047)Awareness of family health history as a risk factor for disease—United States, 2004.|Yoon PW|Scheuner MT, Gwinn M, Khoury MJ, Jorgensen C, Hariri S, Lyn S.|MMWR|53
165Barriers and facilitators of cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women.Byrd TL, Chavez R, Wilson KM.Ethnicity and Disease20082007Byrd TL, Chavez R, Wilson KM.Cervical CancerJournal: Ethnicity and Disease (Volume: 17; Issue: 1; Pages: 129 - 134)Barriers and facilitators of cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women.|Byrd TL|Chavez R, Wilson KM.|Ethnicity and Disease|17
166Barriers and facilitators to implementing cancer survivorship care plans.Dulko D, Pace CM, Dittus KL, Sprague BL, Pollack LA, Hawkins NA, Geller BM.Oncology Nursing Forum20142013 D, Pace CM, Dittus KL, Sprague BL, Pollack LA, Hawkins NA, Geller BM.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Oncology Nursing Forum (Volume: 40; Issue: 6; Pages: 575 - 580)Barriers and facilitators to implementing cancer survivorship care plans.|Dulko D|Pace CM, Dittus KL, Sprague BL, Pollack LA, Hawkins NA, Geller BM.|Oncology Nursing Forum|40
167Barriers to colorectal cancer screening: A comparison of reports from primary care physicians and average-risk adults.Klabunde CN, Vernon SW, Nadel MR, Breen N, Seeff LC, Brown ML.Medical Care20052005Klabunde CN, Vernon SW, Nadel MR, Breen N, Seeff LC, Brown ML.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 43; Issue: 9; Pages: 939 - 944)Barriers to colorectal cancer screening: A comparison of reports from primary care physicians and average-risk adults.|Klabunde CN|Vernon SW, Nadel MR, Breen N, Seeff LC, Brown ML.|Medical Care|43
168Barriers to HPV vaccination among U.S. adolescents: a systematic review of the literature.Holman DM, Benard V, Roland KB, Watson M, Liddon N, Stokley S.JAMA Pediatrics20142013 DM, Benard V, Roland KB, Watson M, Liddon N, Stokley S.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: JAMA Pediatrics (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Barriers to HPV vaccination among U.S. adolescents: a systematic review of the literature.|Holman DM|Benard V, Roland KB, Watson M, Liddon N, Stokley S.|JAMA Pediatrics|
169Behavioral and community interventions to prevent skin cancer: what works?Glanz K, Halpern AC, Saraiya M.Archives of Dermatology20062006Glanz K, Halpern AC, Saraiya M.Skin CancerJournal: Archives of Dermatology (Volume: 142; Issue: 3; Pages: 356 - 360)Behavioral and community interventions to prevent skin cancer: what works?|Glanz K|Halpern AC, Saraiya M.|Archives of Dermatology|142
170Behaviors associated with ultraviolet radiation exposure in a cohort of adult survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor StudyBuchanan N, Leisenring W, Mitby PA, Meadows AT, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Mertens ACCancer20092009 N, Leisenring W, Mitby PA, Meadows AT, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Mertens ACCancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 115; Issue: S18; Pages: 437 - 384)Behaviors associated with ultraviolet radiation exposure in a cohort of adult survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study|Buchanan N|Leisenring W, Mitby PA, Meadows AT, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Mertens AC|Cancer|115
171Beliefs associated with sunscreen use among non-Hispanic White older adults.Holman DM, Glanz K, Jordan A, Bleakley A, Dasari SJournal of the Dermatology Nurses Association20232022 DM, Glanz K, Jordan A, Bleakley A, Dasari SSkin CancerJournal: Journal of the Dermatology Nurses Association (Volume: 24; Issue: 3; Pages: 107 - 112)Beliefs associated with sunscreen use among non-Hispanic White older adults.|Holman DM|Glanz K, Jordan A, Bleakley A, Dasari S|Journal of the Dermatology Nurses Association|24
172Beliefs, risk perceptions, and gaps in knowledge as barriers to colorectal cancer screening in older adults.Berkowitz Z, Hawkins NA, Peipins LA, White MC, Nadel MR.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society20082008Berkowitz Z, Hawkins NA, Peipins LA, White MC, Nadel MR.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (Volume: 56; Issue: 2; Pages: 307 - 314)Beliefs, risk perceptions, and gaps in knowledge as barriers to colorectal cancer screening in older adults.|Berkowitz Z|Hawkins NA, Peipins LA, White MC, Nadel MR.|Journal of the American Geriatrics Society|56
173Benefit of screening mammography in reducing the rate of late-stage breast cancer diagnoses (United States).Norman SA, Localio AR, Zhou L, Weber AL, Coates RJ, Malone KE, Bernstein L, Marchbanks PA, Liff JM, Lee NC, Nadel MR.Cancer Causes and Control20062006Norman SA, Localio AR, Zhou L, Weber AL, Coates RJ, Malone KE, Bernstein L, Marchbanks PA, Liff JM, Lee NC, Nadel MR.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 17; Issue: 7; Pages: 921 - 929)Benefit of screening mammography in reducing the rate of late-stage breast cancer diagnoses (United States).|Norman SA|Localio AR, Zhou L, Weber AL, Coates RJ, Malone KE, Bernstein L, Marchbanks PA, Liff JM, Lee NC, Nadel MR.|Cancer Causes and Control|17
174Better data for decision-making through Bayesian imputation of suppressed provisional COVID-19 death counts.Kao S-YZ, Tutwiler MS, Ekwueme DU, Truman BI.PLoS One20232023 S-YZ, Tutwiler MS, Ekwueme DU, Truman BI.Other ResearchJournal: PLoS One (Volume: 18; Issue: 8; Pages: - )Better data for decision-making through Bayesian imputation of suppressed provisional COVID-19 death counts.|Kao S-YZ|Tutwiler MS, Ekwueme DU, Truman BI.|PLoS One|18
175Bilateral oophorectomy prevalence among U.S. women.Adam EE, White MC, Townsend JS, Stewart SL.Journal of Women's Health20242024 EE, White MC, Townsend JS, Stewart SL.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Bilateral oophorectomy prevalence among U.S. women.|Adam EE|White MC, Townsend JS, Stewart SL.|Journal of Women's Health|
176Bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) gene promoter polymorphisms and HPRT, glycophorin A, and micronuclei mutant frequencies in human blood.Grant DJ, Hall IJ, Eastmond DA, Jones IM, Bell DA.Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis20042004Grant DJ, Hall IJ, Eastmond DA, Jones IM, Bell DA.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (Volume: 560; Issue: 1; Pages: 11 - 10)Bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) gene promoter polymorphisms and HPRT, glycophorin A, and micronuclei mutant frequencies in human blood.|Grant DJ|Hall IJ, Eastmond DA, Jones IM, Bell DA.|Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis|560
177Black-White differences in receipt and completion of adjuvant chemotherapy among breast cancer patients in a rural region of the U.S.Lipscomb J, Gillespie TW, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Pollack LA, Ryerson AB, Ward KC.Breast Cancer Research and Treatment20122012 J, Gillespie TW, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Pollack LA, Ryerson AB, Ward KC.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Volume: 133; Issue: 1; Pages: 285 - 296)Black-White differences in receipt and completion of adjuvant chemotherapy among breast cancer patients in a rural region of the U.S.|Lipscomb J|Gillespie TW, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Pollack LA, Ryerson AB, Ward KC.|Breast Cancer Research and Treatment|133
178Body mass and mortality after breast cancer diagnosis.Whiteman MK, Hillis SD, Curtis KM, McDonald JA, Wingo PA, Marchbanks PA.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20052005Whiteman MK, Hillis SD, Curtis KM, McDonald JA, Wingo PA, Marchbanks PA.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 14; Issue: 8; Pages: 200 - 014)Body mass and mortality after breast cancer diagnosis.|Whiteman MK|Hillis SD, Curtis KM, McDonald JA, Wingo PA, Marchbanks PA.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|14
179Bolivian health providers' attitudes toward alternative technologies for cervical cancer prevention: a focus on visual inspection with acetic acid and cryotherapy.Stormo AR, Altamirano VC, Pérez-Castells M, Espey D, Padilla H, Panameño K, Soria M, Santos C, Saraiya M, Luciani S.Journal of Women's Health20122012 AR, Altamirano VC, Pérez-Castells M, Espey D, Padilla H, Panameño K, Soria M, Santos C, Saraiya M, Luciani S.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 21; Issue: 8; Pages: 801 - 808)Bolivian health providers' attitudes toward alternative technologies for cervical cancer prevention: a focus on visual inspection with acetic acid and cryotherapy.|Stormo AR|Altamirano VC, Pérez-Castells M, Espey D, Padilla H, Panameño K, Soria M, Santos C, Saraiya M, Luciani S.|Journal of Women's Health|21
180BRCA genetic testing and receipt of preventive interventions among women aged 1864 years with employer-sponsored health insurance in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan areas—United States, 20092014.Kolor K, Chen Z, Grosse SD, Rodriguez JL, Green RF, Dotson WD, Bowen S, Lynch JA, Khoury MJ.MMWR Surveillance Summaries20172017 K, Chen Z, Grosse SD, Rodriguez JL, Green RF, Dotson WD, Bowen S, Lynch JA, Khoury MJ.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR Surveillance Summaries (Volume: 66; Issue: No. SS-15; Pages: 11 - 11)BRCA genetic testing and receipt of preventive interventions among women aged 1864 years with employer-sponsored health insurance in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan areas—United States, 20092014.|Kolor K|Chen Z, Grosse SD, Rodriguez JL, Green RF, Dotson WD, Bowen S, Lynch JA, Khoury MJ.|MMWR Surveillance Summaries|66
181Breast and cervical cancer carcinoma screening among women in rural and non-rural areas of the United States, 1998-1999.Coughlin SS, Thompson TD, Hall HI, Logan P, Uhler RJ.Cancer20022002Coughlin SS, Thompson TD, Hall HI, Logan P, Uhler RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 94; Issue: 11; Pages: 280 - 812)Breast and cervical cancer carcinoma screening among women in rural and non-rural areas of the United States, 1998-1999.|Coughlin SS|Thompson TD, Hall HI, Logan P, Uhler RJ.|Cancer|94
182Breast and cervical cancer mortality in the Mississippi Delta, 19791998.Hall HI, Jamison PM, Coughlin SS.Southern Medical Journal20042004Hall HI, Jamison PM, Coughlin SS.Breast CancerJournal: Southern Medical Journal (Volume: 97; Issue: 3; Pages: 264 - 272)Breast and cervical cancer mortality in the Mississippi Delta, 19791998.|Hall HI|Jamison PM, Coughlin SS.|Southern Medical Journal|97
183Breast and cervical cancer programs' success in maintaining screening during periods of high COVID-19: a qualitative multi-case study analysis.Schlueter D, Bermudez Y, Debrot KF, Ross LW, Masud M, Melillo S, Hannon PA, Miller JW.Heliyon20242024 D, Bermudez Y, Debrot KF, Ross LW, Masud M, Melillo S, Hannon PA, Miller JW.Breast CancerJournal: Heliyon (Volume: 10; Issue: 8; Pages: - )Breast and cervical cancer programs' success in maintaining screening during periods of high COVID-19: a qualitative multi-case study analysis.|Schlueter D|Bermudez Y, Debrot KF, Ross LW, Masud M, Melillo S, Hannon PA, Miller JW.|Heliyon|10
184Breast and cervical cancer screening among Appalachian women.Hall HI, Uhler RJ, Coughlin SS, Miller DS.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20022002Hall HI, Uhler RJ, Coughlin SS, Miller DS.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 11; Issue: 1; Pages: 137 - 142)Breast and cervical cancer screening among Appalachian women.|Hall HI|Uhler RJ, Coughlin SS, Miller DS.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|11
185Breast and cervical cancer screening among Asian subgroups in the USA: estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, 2008, 2010, and 2013.Shoemaker ML, White MCCancer Causes and Control20162016 ML, White MCBreast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Breast and cervical cancer screening among Asian subgroups in the USA: estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, 2008, 2010, and 2013.|Shoemaker ML|White MC|Cancer Causes and Control|
186Breast and cervical cancer screening among Hispanic subgroups in the USA: estimates from the National Health Interview Survey 2008, 2010, and 2013.Shoemaker ML, White MCCancer Causes and Control20162016 ML, White MCBreast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 27; Issue: 3; Pages: 453 - 457)Breast and cervical cancer screening among Hispanic subgroups in the USA: estimates from the National Health Interview Survey 2008, 2010, and 2013.|Shoemaker ML|White MC|Cancer Causes and Control|27
187Breast and cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1998-1999.Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Preventive Medicine20022002Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 34; Issue: 2; Pages: 242 - 251)Breast and cervical cancer screening among Hispanic women in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1998-1999.|Coughlin SS|Uhler RJ.|Preventive Medicine|34
188Breast and cervical cancer screening among migrant and seasonal farmworkers: a review.Coughlin SS, Wilson KM.Cancer Detection and Prevention20022002Coughlin SS, Wilson KM.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Detection and Prevention (Volume: 26; Issue: 3; Pages: 203 - 209)Breast and cervical cancer screening among migrant and seasonal farmworkers: a review.|Coughlin SS|Wilson KM.|Cancer Detection and Prevention|26
189Breast and cervical cancer screening among Mississippi Delta women.Hall HI, Jamison PM, Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved20042004Hall HI, Jamison PM, Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Volume: 15; Issue: 3; Pages: 375 - 389)Breast and cervical cancer screening among Mississippi Delta women.|Hall HI|Jamison PM, Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.|Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved|15
190Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Asian and Pacific Islander women in the United States, 1994-1997.Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20002000Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 9; Issue: 6; Pages: 597 - 603)Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Asian and Pacific Islander women in the United States, 1994-1997.|Coughlin SS|Uhler RJ.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|9
191Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Hispanic and non-Hispanic women residing near the United States-Mexico border, 1999-2000.Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ, Richards T, Wilson K.Family and Community Medicine20032003Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ, Richards T, Wilson K.Breast CancerJournal: Family and Community Medicine (Volume: 26; Issue: 2; Pages: 130 - 139)Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Hispanic and non-Hispanic women residing near the United States-Mexico border, 1999-2000.|Coughlin SS|Uhler RJ, Richards T, Wilson K.|Family and Community Medicine|26
192Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Hispanic women in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1998-1999.Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Preventive Medicine20022002Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 34; Issue: 2; Pages: 242 - 251)Breast and cervical cancer screening practices among Hispanic women in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1998-1999.|Coughlin SS|Uhler RJ.|Preventive Medicine|34
193Breast and cervical cancer screening rates of subgroups of Asian American women in California.Kagawa-Singer M, Pourat N, Breen N, Coughlin S, McLean TA, McNeel TS, Ponce NA.Medical Care Research and Review20082007Kagawa-Singer M, Pourat N, Breen N, Coughlin S, McLean TA, McNeel TS, Ponce NA.Breast CancerJournal: Medical Care Research and Review (Volume: 64; Issue: 6; Pages: 706 - 730)Breast and cervical cancer screening rates of subgroups of Asian American women in California.|Kagawa-Singer M|Pourat N, Breen N, Coughlin S, McLean TA, McNeel TS, Ponce NA.|Medical Care Research and Review|64
194Breast and cervical cancer screenings: a systematic economic review of patient navigation services.Chattopadhyay SK, Pillai A, Reynolds J, Jacob V, Ekwueme D, Peng Y, Cuellar AE; Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF).American Journal of Preventive Medicine20242024 SK, Pillai A, Reynolds J, Jacob V, Ekwueme D, Peng Y, Cuellar AE; Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF).Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Breast and cervical cancer screenings: a systematic economic review of patient navigation services.|Chattopadhyay SK|Pillai A, Reynolds J, Jacob V, Ekwueme D, Peng Y, Cuellar AE; Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF).|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
195Breast and cervical carcinoma mortality among women in the Appalachian region of the U.S., 1976-1996.Hall HI, Rogers JD, Weir HK, Miller DS, Uhler RH.Cancer20012000Hall HI, Rogers JD, Weir HK, Miller DS, Uhler RH.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 89; Issue: 7; Pages: 159 - 602)Breast and cervical carcinoma mortality among women in the Appalachian region of the U.S., 1976-1996.|Hall HI|Rogers JD, Weir HK, Miller DS, Uhler RH.|Cancer|89
196Breast and cervical carcinoma screening practices among women in rural and nonrural areas of the United States, 1998-1999.Coughlin SS, Thompson TD, Hall HI, Logan P, Uhler RJ.Cancer20022002Coughlin SS, Thompson TD, Hall HI, Logan P, Uhler RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 94; Issue: 11; Pages: 280 - 812)Breast and cervical carcinoma screening practices among women in rural and nonrural areas of the United States, 1998-1999.|Coughlin SS|Thompson TD, Hall HI, Logan P, Uhler RJ.|Cancer|94
197Breast and colorectal cancer recurrence and progression captured by five U.S. population-based registries: Findings from National Program of Cancer Registries patient-centered outcome research.Thompson TD, Pollack LA, Johnson CJ, Wu XC, Rees JR, Hsieh MC, Rycroft R, Culp M, Wilson R, Wu M, Zhang K, Benard V.Cancer Epidemiology20202020 TD, Pollack LA, Johnson CJ, Wu XC, Rees JR, Hsieh MC, Rycroft R, Culp M, Wilson R, Wu M, Zhang K, Benard V.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: 6; Issue: 64; Pages: 101 - 653)Breast and colorectal cancer recurrence and progression captured by five U.S. population-based registries: Findings from National Program of Cancer Registries patient-centered outcome research.|Thompson TD|Pollack LA, Johnson CJ, Wu XC, Rees JR, Hsieh MC, Rycroft R, Culp M, Wilson R, Wu M, Zhang K, Benard V.|Cancer Epidemiology|6
198Breast and colorectal cancer recurrence-free survival estimates in the US: Modeling versus active data collection.Mariotto AB, Thompson TD, Johnson C, Wu XC, Pollack LA.Cancer Epidemiology20232023 AB, Thompson TD, Johnson C, Wu XC, Pollack LA.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: 85; Issue: ; Pages: 102 - 370)Breast and colorectal cancer recurrence-free survival estimates in the US: Modeling versus active data collection.|Mariotto AB|Thompson TD, Johnson C, Wu XC, Pollack LA.|Cancer Epidemiology|85
199Breast and colorectal cancer screening and sources of cancer information among older women in the United States: results from the 2003 Health Information National Trends Survey.Coughlin SS, Berkowitz Z, Hawkins NA, Tangka F.Preventing Chronic Disease20072007Coughlin SS, Berkowitz Z, Hawkins NA, Tangka F.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 4; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Breast and colorectal cancer screening and sources of cancer information among older women in the United States: results from the 2003 Health Information National Trends Survey.|Coughlin SS|Berkowitz Z, Hawkins NA, Tangka F.|Preventing Chronic Disease|4
200Breast cancer in young women: health state utility impacts by race/ethnicity.Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Chamiec-Case L, Guy GP Jr.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162016 JG, Ekwueme DU, Chamiec-Case L, Guy GP Jr.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 50; Issue: 2; Pages: 262 - 269)Breast cancer in young women: health state utility impacts by race/ethnicity.|Trogdon JG|Ekwueme DU, Chamiec-Case L, Guy GP Jr.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|50
201Breast cancer incidence among American Indian and Alaska Native women: U.S., 1999-2004.Wingo PA, King J, Swan J, Coughlin SS, Kaur JS, Erb-Alvarez JA, Jackson-Thompson J, Arambula Solomon TG.Cancer20082008Wingo PA, King J, Swan J, Coughlin SS, Kaur JS, Erb-Alvarez JA, Jackson-Thompson J, Arambula Solomon TG.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S5; Pages: 119 - 202)Breast cancer incidence among American Indian and Alaska Native women: U.S., 1999-2004.|Wingo PA|King J, Swan J, Coughlin SS, Kaur JS, Erb-Alvarez JA, Jackson-Thompson J, Arambula Solomon TG.|Cancer|113
202Breast cancer incidence among Nebraska women: early- and late-stage trends, 19952009.Yeoman K, Ryerson AB, Koziol N, Buss B, Safranek T.Journal of Registry Management20152014Yeoman K, Ryerson AB, Koziol N, Buss B, Safranek T.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 41; Issue: 3; Pages: 154 - 157)Breast cancer incidence among Nebraska women: early- and late-stage trends, 19952009.|Yeoman K|Ryerson AB, Koziol N, Buss B, Safranek T.|Journal of Registry Management|41
203Breast cancer incidence and stage at diagnosis in the six US-Affiliated Pacific Islands.Gopalani SV, Qin J, Baksa J, Thompson TD, Senkomago V, Pordell P, Jeong Y, Reichhardt M, Palafox N, Buenconsejo-Lum L.Cancer Epidemiology20242024 SV, Qin J, Baksa J, Thompson TD, Senkomago V, Pordell P, Jeong Y, Reichhardt M, Palafox N, Buenconsejo-Lum L.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Breast cancer incidence and stage at diagnosis in the six US-Affiliated Pacific Islands.|Gopalani SV|Qin J, Baksa J, Thompson TD, Senkomago V, Pordell P, Jeong Y, Reichhardt M, Palafox N, Buenconsejo-Lum L.|Cancer Epidemiology|
204Breast cancer mortality among American Indian and Alaska Native women, 19902009White A, Richardson LC, Li C, Ekwueme DU, Kaur JSAmerican Journal of Public Health20142014 A, Richardson LC, Li C, Ekwueme DU, Kaur JSBreast CancerJournal: American Journal of Public Health (Volume: 104; Issue: ; Pages: - )Breast cancer mortality among American Indian and Alaska Native women, 19902009|White A|Richardson LC, Li C, Ekwueme DU, Kaur JS|American Journal of Public Health|104
205Breast cancer patients receiving guideline-concordant adjuvant therapy regimens have better all-cause and disease-specific survival: new findings from rural Georgia.Lipscomb J, Guy GP, Gillespie T, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Ward KC.Value in Health20132013 J, Guy GP, Gillespie T, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Ward KC.Breast CancerJournal: Value in Health (Volume: 16; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Breast cancer patients receiving guideline-concordant adjuvant therapy regimens have better all-cause and disease-specific survival: new findings from rural Georgia.|Lipscomb J|Guy GP, Gillespie T, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Ward KC.|Value in Health|16
206Breast cancer risk and provider recommendation for mammography among recently unscreened women in the United States.Sabatino SA, Burns RB, Davis RB, Phillips RS, McCarthy EP.Journal of General Internal Medicine20062006Sabatino SA, Burns RB, Davis RB, Phillips RS, McCarthy EP.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of General Internal Medicine (Volume: 21; Issue: 4; Pages: 285 - 291)Breast cancer risk and provider recommendation for mammography among recently unscreened women in the United States.|Sabatino SA|Burns RB, Davis RB, Phillips RS, McCarthy EP.|Journal of General Internal Medicine|21
207Breast cancer risk assessment and management in primary care: Provider attitudes, practices, and barriers.Sabatino SA, McCarthy EP, Phillips RS, Burns RB.Cancer Detection and Prevention20082007Sabatino SA, McCarthy EP, Phillips RS, Burns RB.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Detection and Prevention (Volume: 31; Issue: 5; Pages: 375 - 383)Breast cancer risk assessment and management in primary care: Provider attitudes, practices, and barriers.|Sabatino SA|McCarthy EP, Phillips RS, Burns RB.|Cancer Detection and Prevention|31
208Breast cancer screening among adult women—Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2010.Miller JW, King JB, Joseph DA, Richardson LC.MMWR20122012Miller JW, King JB, Joseph DA, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 61; Issue: 2; Pages: 46 - 50)Breast cancer screening among adult women—Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United States, 2010.|Miller JW|King JB, Joseph DA, Richardson LC.|MMWR|61
209Breast cancer screening among low-income or uninsured women: results from the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, July 1995 to March 2002 (United States).Eheman CR, Benard VB, Blackman D, Lawson HW, Anderson C, Helsel W, Lee NC.Cancer Causes and Control20062006Eheman CR, Benard VB, Blackman D, Lawson HW, Anderson C, Helsel W, Lee NC.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 17; Issue: 1; Pages: 29 - 38)Breast cancer screening among low-income or uninsured women: results from the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, July 1995 to March 2002 (United States).|Eheman CR|Benard VB, Blackman D, Lawson HW, Anderson C, Helsel W, Lee NC.|Cancer Causes and Control|17
210Breast cancer screening among women by nativity, birthplace, and length of time in the United States.Clarke TC, Endeshaw M, Duran D, Saraiya M.National Health Statistics Reports20202019Clarke TC, Endeshaw M, Duran D, Saraiya M.Breast CancerJournal: National Health Statistics Reports (Volume: 129; Issue: ; Pages: 11 - 15)Breast cancer screening among women by nativity, birthplace, and length of time in the United States.|Clarke TC|Endeshaw M, Duran D, Saraiya M.|National Health Statistics Reports|129
211Breast cancer screening among women with Medicaid, 20062008: a multilevel analysis.Mobley LR, Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Wang J, Hall IJ, Singh SD.Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities20162016 LR, Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Wang J, Hall IJ, Singh SD.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (Volume: 4; Issue: 3; Pages: 446 - 454)Breast cancer screening among women with Medicaid, 20062008: a multilevel analysis.|Mobley LR|Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Wang J, Hall IJ, Singh SD.|Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities|4
212Breast cancer screening and socioeconomic status—35 metropolitan areas, 2000 and 2002.Coughlin SS, King J, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU.MMWR20062005Coughlin SS, King J, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 54; Issue: 39; Pages: 981 - 985)Breast cancer screening and socioeconomic status—35 metropolitan areas, 2000 and 2002.|Coughlin SS|King J, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU.|MMWR|54
213Breast cancer screening beliefs, recommendations, and practices: primary care physicians in the United States.Meissner HI, Klabunde CN, Han PK, Benard VB, Breen N.Cancer20112011Meissner HI, Klabunde CN, Han PK, Benard VB, Breen N.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Breast cancer screening beliefs, recommendations, and practices: primary care physicians in the United States.|Meissner HI|Klabunde CN, Han PK, Benard VB, Breen N.|Cancer|
214Breast cancer screening practices among women in the United States, 2000.Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ, Bobo JK, Caplan L.Cancer Causes and Control20042004Coughlin SS, Uhler RJ, Bobo JK, Caplan L.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 15; Issue: 2; Pages: 159 - 170)Breast cancer screening practices among women in the United States, 2000.|Coughlin SS|Uhler RJ, Bobo JK, Caplan L.|Cancer Causes and Control|15
215Breast cancer survival among males by race, ethnicity, age, geographic region, and stage—United States, 20072016Ellington TD, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Miller JWMMWR20202020 TD, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Miller JWBreast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 69; Issue: 41; Pages: 148 - 484)Breast cancer survival among males by race, ethnicity, age, geographic region, and stage—United States, 20072016|Ellington TD|Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Miller JW|MMWR|69
216Breast cancer survival in the U.S. and Europe: A CONCORD high-resolution study.Allemani C, Sant M, Weir HK, Richardson LC, Baili P, Storm H, Siesling S, Torrella-Ramos A, Voogd AC, Aareleid T, Ardanaz E, Berrino F, Bielska-Lasota M, Bolick S, Cirilli C, Colonna M, Contiero P, Cress R, Crocetti E, Fulton JP, Grosclaude P, Hakulinen T, Izarzugaza MI, Malmström P, Peignaux K, Primic-Žakelj M, Rachtan J, Diba CS, Sánchez MJ, Schymura MJ, Shen T, Traina A, Tryggvadottir L, Tumino R, Velten M, Vercelli M, Wolf HJ, Woronoff AS, Wu X, Coleman MP.International Journal of Cancer20122012 C, Sant M, Weir HK, Richardson LC, Baili P, Storm H, Siesling S, Torrella-Ramos A, Voogd AC, Aareleid T, Ardanaz E, Berrino F, Bielska-Lasota M, Bolick S, Cirilli C, Colonna M, Contiero P, Cress R, Crocetti E, Fulton JP, Grosclaude P, Hakulinen T, Izarzugaza MI, Malmström P, Peignaux K, Primic-Žakelj M, Rachtan J, Diba CS, Sánchez MJ, Schymura MJ, Shen T, Traina A, Tryggvadottir L, Tumino R, Velten M, Vercelli M, Wolf HJ, Woronoff AS, Wu X, Coleman MP.Breast CancerJournal: International Journal of Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Breast cancer survival in the U.S. and Europe: A CONCORD high-resolution study.|Allemani C|Sant M, Weir HK, Richardson LC, Baili P, Storm H, Siesling S, Torrella-Ramos A, Voogd AC, Aareleid T, Ardanaz E, Berrino F, Bielska-Lasota M, Bolick S, Cirilli C, Colonna M, Contiero P, Cress R, Crocetti E, Fulton JP, Grosclaude P, Hakulinen T, Izarzugaza MI, Malmström P, Peignaux K, Primic-Žakelj M, Rachtan J, Diba CS, Sánchez MJ, Schymura MJ, Shen T, Traina A, Tryggvadottir L, Tumino R, Velten M, Vercelli M, Wolf HJ, Woronoff AS, Wu X, Coleman MP.|International Journal of Cancer|
217Breast cancer treatment costs in younger, privately insured women.Allaire BT, Ekwueme DU, Poehler D, Thomas CC, Guy GP Jr, Subramanian S, Trogdon JG.Breast Cancer Research and Treatment20172017 BT, Ekwueme DU, Poehler D, Thomas CC, Guy GP Jr, Subramanian S, Trogdon JG.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Volume: 164; Issue: 2; Pages: 429 - 436)Breast cancer treatment costs in younger, privately insured women.|Allaire BT|Ekwueme DU, Poehler D, Thomas CC, Guy GP Jr, Subramanian S, Trogdon JG.|Breast Cancer Research and Treatment|164
218Breast cancer-related employment disruption and financial hardship in the Sister Study.Meernik C., Sandler DP, Peipins LA, Hodgson ME, Blinder VS, Wheeler SB, Nichols HB.JNCI Cancer Spectrum20212021 C., Sandler DP, Peipins LA, Hodgson ME, Blinder VS, Wheeler SB, Nichols HB.Breast CancerJournal: JNCI Cancer Spectrum (Volume: 5; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Breast cancer-related employment disruption and financial hardship in the Sister Study.|Meernik C.|Sandler DP, Peipins LA, Hodgson ME, Blinder VS, Wheeler SB, Nichols HB.|JNCI Cancer Spectrum|5
219Breast cancer-related perceptions and practices of health professionals working in Brazil's network of primary care units.Hallowell BD, Puricelli Perin DM, Simoes EJ, Paez DC, Parra DC, Brownson RC, Saraiya M.Preventive Medicine20182017 BD, Puricelli Perin DM, Simoes EJ, Paez DC, Parra DC, Brownson RC, Saraiya M.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 106; Issue: ; Pages: 216 - 223)Breast cancer-related perceptions and practices of health professionals working in Brazil's network of primary care units.|Hallowell BD|Puricelli Perin DM, Simoes EJ, Paez DC, Parra DC, Brownson RC, Saraiya M.|Preventive Medicine|106
220Breast cancer-screening data for assessing quality of services—New York State, 2000-2003.Hutton BJ, Bradt EK, Chen JH, Gobrecht P, O'Connell J, Pedulla A, Signorelli T, Bisner S, Hoffman DP, Lawson HW.MMWR20042004Hutton BJ, Bradt EK, Chen JH, Gobrecht P, O'Connell J, Pedulla A, Signorelli T, Bisner S, Hoffman DP, Lawson HW.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 53; Issue: 21; Pages: 455 - 457)Breast cancer-screening data for assessing quality of services—New York State, 2000-2003.|Hutton BJ|Bradt EK, Chen JH, Gobrecht P, O'Connell J, Pedulla A, Signorelli T, Bisner S, Hoffman DP, Lawson HW.|MMWR|53
221Breast MRI use uncommon among U.S. women.Miller JW, Sabatino S, Thompson TD, Breen N, White MC, Ryerson AB, Taplin SH, Ballard-Barbash R.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20132012 JW, Sabatino S, Thompson TD, Breen N, White MC, Ryerson AB, Taplin SH, Ballard-Barbash R.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 22; Issue: 1; Pages: 159 - 166)Breast MRI use uncommon among U.S. women.|Miller JW|Sabatino S, Thompson TD, Breen N, White MC, Ryerson AB, Taplin SH, Ballard-Barbash R.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|22
222Breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening test use in the US territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.Gopalani SV, Soman A, Shapiro JA, Miller JW, Ortiz-Ortiz KJ, Castañeda-Avila MA, Buenconsejo-Lum LE, Fredericks LE, Tortolero-Luna G, Saraiya M.Cancer Epidemiology20232023 SV, Soman A, Shapiro JA, Miller JW, Ortiz-Ortiz KJ, Castañeda-Avila MA, Buenconsejo-Lum LE, Fredericks LE, Tortolero-Luna G, Saraiya M.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening test use in the US territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.|Gopalani SV|Soman A, Shapiro JA, Miller JW, Ortiz-Ortiz KJ, Castañeda-Avila MA, Buenconsejo-Lum LE, Fredericks LE, Tortolero-Luna G, Saraiya M.|Cancer Epidemiology|
223Breast, cervical, and colorectal carcinoma screening in a demographically defined region of the southern United States.Coughlin SS, Thompson TD, Seeff L, Richards T, Stallings F.Cancer20032002Coughlin SS, Thompson TD, Seeff L, Richards T, Stallings F.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 95; Issue: 10; Pages: 221 - 227)Breast, cervical, and colorectal carcinoma screening in a demographically defined region of the southern United States.|Coughlin SS|Thompson TD, Seeff L, Richards T, Stallings F.|Cancer|95
224Breastfeeding and breast cancer risk reduction: implications for Black mothers.Anstey EH, Shoemaker ML, Barrera CM, ONeil ME, Verma AB, Holman DM.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20172017 EH, Shoemaker ML, Barrera CM, ONeil ME, Verma AB, Holman DM.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 53; Issue: 351; Pages: S40 - S46)Breastfeeding and breast cancer risk reduction: implications for Black mothers.|Anstey EH|Shoemaker ML, Barrera CM, ONeil ME, Verma AB, Holman DM.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|53
225Bridging the gap among clinical practice guidelines for pain management in cancer and sickle cell disease.Schatz AA, Oliver TK, Swarm RA, Paice JA, Darbari DS, Dowell D, Meghani SH, Winckworth-Prejsnar K, Bruera E, Plovnick RM, Richardson L, Vapiwala N, Wollins D, Hudis CA, Carlson RW.JCO Oncology Practice20202020 AA, Oliver TK, Swarm RA, Paice JA, Darbari DS, Dowell D, Meghani SH, Winckworth-Prejsnar K, Bruera E, Plovnick RM, Richardson L, Vapiwala N, Wollins D, Hudis CA, Carlson RW.Other ResearchJournal: JCO Oncology Practice (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Bridging the gap among clinical practice guidelines for pain management in cancer and sickle cell disease.|Schatz AA|Oliver TK, Swarm RA, Paice JA, Darbari DS, Dowell D, Meghani SH, Winckworth-Prejsnar K, Bruera E, Plovnick RM, Richardson L, Vapiwala N, Wollins D, Hudis CA, Carlson RW.|JCO Oncology Practice|
226Bridging the gap in potentially excess deaths between rural and urban counties in the United States.Garcia MC, Faul M, Dowling NF, Thomas CC, Iademarco MF.Public Health Reports20202020 MC, Faul M, Dowling NF, Thomas CC, Iademarco MF.Rural / Urban HealthJournal: Public Health Reports (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Bridging the gap in potentially excess deaths between rural and urban counties in the United States.|Garcia MC|Faul M, Dowling NF, Thomas CC, Iademarco MF.|Public Health Reports|
227Building capacity for cervical cancer prevention in U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands: The Pacific Against Cervical Cancer Project.Qin J, Scarinci I, Lu E, Senkomago V, Nguyen DTN, Abonales L, Soin K, Edilyong J, Reichhardt M, Marfel M, Simms K, Canfell K, Maxwell K, Saraiya M, Palafox N.Journal of Women's Health20242024 J, Scarinci I, Lu E, Senkomago V, Nguyen DTN, Abonales L, Soin K, Edilyong J, Reichhardt M, Marfel M, Simms K, Canfell K, Maxwell K, Saraiya M, Palafox N.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Building capacity for cervical cancer prevention in U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands: The Pacific Against Cervical Cancer Project.|Qin J|Scarinci I, Lu E, Senkomago V, Nguyen DTN, Abonales L, Soin K, Edilyong J, Reichhardt M, Marfel M, Simms K, Canfell K, Maxwell K, Saraiya M, Palafox N.|Journal of Women's Health|
228Building the infrastructure for nationwide cancer surveillance and control—a comparison between the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program (United States).Wingo PA, Jamison PM, Hiatt RA, Weir HK, Gargiullo PM, Hutton M, Lee NC, and Hall HI.Cancer Causes and Control20032003Wingo PA, Jamison PM, Hiatt RA, Weir HK, Gargiullo PM, Hutton M, Lee NC, and Hall HI.NPCRJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 14; Issue: 2; Pages: 175 - 193)Building the infrastructure for nationwide cancer surveillance and control—a comparison between the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program (United States).|Wingo PA|Jamison PM, Hiatt RA, Weir HK, Gargiullo PM, Hutton M, Lee NC, and Hall HI.|Cancer Causes and Control|14
229Burden among partner caregivers of patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer within 1 year after diagnosis: an economic perspective.Li C, Zeliadt SB, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Moinpour CM, Penson DF, Thompson IM, Keane TE, Ramsey SD.Supportive Care in Cancer20132013 C, Zeliadt SB, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Moinpour CM, Penson DF, Thompson IM, Keane TE, Ramsey SD.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Supportive Care in Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Burden among partner caregivers of patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer within 1 year after diagnosis: an economic perspective.|Li C|Zeliadt SB, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Ekwueme DU, Moinpour CM, Penson DF, Thompson IM, Keane TE, Ramsey SD.|Supportive Care in Cancer|
230Burden of cervical cancer in the United States, 1998-2003.Watson M, Saraiya M, Benard V, Coughlin SS, Flowers LC, Cokkinides V, Schwenn M, Huang Y, Giuliano AR.Cancer20092008Watson M, Saraiya M, Benard V, Coughlin SS, Flowers LC, Cokkinides V, Schwenn M, Huang Y, Giuliano AR.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 285 - 864)Burden of cervical cancer in the United States, 1998-2003.|Watson M|Saraiya M, Benard V, Coughlin SS, Flowers LC, Cokkinides V, Schwenn M, Huang Y, Giuliano AR.|Cancer|113
231Burden of invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the penis in the United States, 1998-2003.Hernandez BY, Barnholtz-Sloan J, German RR, Giuliano AR, Goodman MT, King JB, Negoita S, Villalon-Gomez JM.Cancer20092008Hernandez BY, Barnholtz-Sloan J, German RR, Giuliano AR, Goodman MT, King JB, Negoita S, Villalon-Gomez JM.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 288 - 891)Burden of invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the penis in the United States, 1998-2003.|Hernandez BY|Barnholtz-Sloan J, German RR, Giuliano AR, Goodman MT, King JB, Negoita S, Villalon-Gomez JM.|Cancer|113
232Burden of potentially human papillomavirus-associated cancers of the oropharynx and oral cavity in the U.S., 1998-2003.Ryerson AB, Peters ES, Coughlin SS, Chen VW, Gillison ML, Reichman ME, Wu X, Chaturvedi AK, Kawaoka K.Cancer20092008Ryerson AB, Peters ES, Coughlin SS, Chen VW, Gillison ML, Reichman ME, Wu X, Chaturvedi AK, Kawaoka K.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 290 - 909)Burden of potentially human papillomavirus-associated cancers of the oropharynx and oral cavity in the U.S., 1998-2003.|Ryerson AB|Peters ES, Coughlin SS, Chen VW, Gillison ML, Reichman ME, Wu X, Chaturvedi AK, Kawaoka K.|Cancer|113
233Can donated media placements reach intended audiences?Cooper CP, Gelb CA, Chu J, Polonec L.Health Promotion Practice20132013 CP, Gelb CA, Chu J, Polonec L.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 14; Issue: 5; Pages: 656 - 662)Can donated media placements reach intended audiences?|Cooper CP|Gelb CA, Chu J, Polonec L.|Health Promotion Practice|14
234Can high-grade cervical lesions be managed in a single clinic visit?Richardson LC, Benard VB.Nature Clinical Practice Oncology20062006Richardson LC, Benard VB.Cervical CancerJournal: Nature Clinical Practice Oncology (Volume: 3; Issue: 8; Pages: 420 - 421)Can high-grade cervical lesions be managed in a single clinic visit?|Richardson LC|Benard VB.|Nature Clinical Practice Oncology|3
235Can we predict the outcomes of national colorectal cancer screening and can predictions help us plan?Seeff LC, Tangka FK.Gastroenterology20062005Seeff LC, Tangka FK.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Gastroenterology (Volume: 129; Issue: 4; Pages: 133 - 342)Can we predict the outcomes of national colorectal cancer screening and can predictions help us plan?|Seeff LC|Tangka FK.|Gastroenterology|129
236Cancer among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999-2004.Wiggins CL, Espey DK, Wingo PA, Kaur JS, Wilson RT, Swan J, Miller BA, Jim MA, Kelly JJ, Lanier AP.Cancer20082008Wiggins CL, Espey DK, Wingo PA, Kaur JS, Wilson RT, Swan J, Miller BA, Jim MA, Kelly JJ, Lanier AP.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S5; Pages: 114 - 152)Cancer among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999-2004.|Wiggins CL|Espey DK, Wingo PA, Kaur JS, Wilson RT, Swan J, Miller BA, Jim MA, Kelly JJ, Lanier AP.|Cancer|113
237Cancer collection efforts in the United States provide clinically relevant data on all primary brain and other CNS tumors.Kruchko C, Gittleman H, Ruhl J, Hofferkamp J, Ward EM, Ostrom QT, Sherman RL, Jones SF, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Wilson RJ.Neuro-Oncology Practice20192019 C, Gittleman H, Ruhl J, Hofferkamp J, Ward EM, Ostrom QT, Sherman RL, Jones SF, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Wilson RJ.NPCRJournal: Neuro-Oncology Practice (Volume: 6; Issue: 5; Pages: 330 - 339)Cancer collection efforts in the United States provide clinically relevant data on all primary brain and other CNS tumors.|Kruchko C|Gittleman H, Ruhl J, Hofferkamp J, Ward EM, Ostrom QT, Sherman RL, Jones SF, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Wilson RJ.|Neuro-Oncology Practice|6
238Cancer disparities among non-Hispanic urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations in the United States, 19992017.Melkonian SC, Jim MA, Pete D, Poel A, Dominguez AE, Echo-Hawk A, Zhang S, Wilson RJ, Haverkamp D, Petras L, Pohlenz ACancer20222022 SC, Jim MA, Pete D, Poel A, Dominguez AE, Echo-Hawk A, Zhang S, Wilson RJ, Haverkamp D, Petras L, Pohlenz AHealth Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer disparities among non-Hispanic urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations in the United States, 19992017.|Melkonian SC|Jim MA, Pete D, Poel A, Dominguez AE, Echo-Hawk A, Zhang S, Wilson RJ, Haverkamp D, Petras L, Pohlenz A|Cancer|
239Cancer distribution among Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander subgroups—United States, 20152019Bock S, Henley SJ, ONeil ME, Singh SD, Thompson TD, Wu M.MMWR20232023 S, Henley SJ, ONeil ME, Singh SD, Thompson TD, Wu M.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 72; Issue: 16; Pages: 421 - 425)Cancer distribution among Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander subgroups—United States, 20152019|Bock S|Henley SJ, ONeil ME, Singh SD, Thompson TD, Wu M.|MMWR|72
240Cancer in American Indian and Alaska Native young adults (ages 20-44 years): U.S., 1999-2004.Weir HK, Jim MA, Marrett LD, Fairley T.Cancer20082008Weir HK, Jim MA, Marrett LD, Fairley T.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S5; Pages: 115 - 167)Cancer in American Indian and Alaska Native young adults (ages 20-44 years): U.S., 1999-2004.|Weir HK|Jim MA, Marrett LD, Fairley T.|Cancer|113
241Cancer in Appalachia, 20012003.Wingo PA, Tucker TC, Jamison PM, Martin H, McLaughlin C, Bayakly R, Bolick-Aldrich S, Colsher P, Indian R, Knight K, Neloms S, Wilson R, Richards TB.Cancer20082008Wingo PA, Tucker TC, Jamison PM, Martin H, McLaughlin C, Bayakly R, Bolick-Aldrich S, Colsher P, Indian R, Knight K, Neloms S, Wilson R, Richards TB.NPCRJournal: Cancer (Volume: 112; Issue: 1; Pages: 181 - 192)Cancer in Appalachia, 20012003.|Wingo PA|Tucker TC, Jamison PM, Martin H, McLaughlin C, Bayakly R, Bolick-Aldrich S, Colsher P, Indian R, Knight K, Neloms S, Wilson R, Richards TB.|Cancer|112
242Cancer in Canada: stage at diagnosis.Bryan S., Masoud H, Weir HK, Woods R, Lockwood G, Smith L, Brierley J, Gospodarowicz M, Badets N.Health Reports20192018Bryan S., Masoud H, Weir HK, Woods R, Lockwood G, Smith L, Brierley J, Gospodarowicz M, Badets N.Other ResearchJournal: Health Reports (Volume: 29; Issue: 12; Pages: 21 - 25)Cancer in Canada: stage at diagnosis.|Bryan S.|Masoud H, Weir HK, Woods R, Lockwood G, Smith L, Brierley J, Gospodarowicz M, Badets N.|Health Reports|29
243Cancer incidence among children and adolescents in the United States, 2001-2003.Li J, Thompson TD, Miller JW, Pollack LA, Stewart SL.Pediatrics20082008Li J, Thompson TD, Miller JW, Pollack LA, Stewart SL.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: 121; Issue: 6; Pages: 147 - 477)Cancer incidence among children and adolescents in the United States, 2001-2003.|Li J|Thompson TD, Miller JW, Pollack LA, Stewart SL.|Pediatrics|121
244Cancer incidence and mortality through 2020.Weir HK, White MCPreventing Chronic Disease20162016 HK, White MCNPCRJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 13; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer incidence and mortality through 2020.|Weir HK|White MC|Preventing Chronic Disease|13
245Cancer incidence in Appalachia, 20042011.Wilson RJ, Ryerson AB, Singh SD, King JB.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20162016 RJ, Ryerson AB, Singh SD, King JB.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 25; Issue: 2; Pages: 250 - 258)Cancer incidence in Appalachia, 20042011.|Wilson RJ|Ryerson AB, Singh SD, King JB.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|25
246Cancer incidence in older adults in the United States: characteristics, specificity, and completeness of the data.Weir HK, Sherman R, Yu M, Gershman S, Hofer BM, Wu M, Green D.Journal of Registry Management20212020Weir HK, Sherman R, Yu M, Gershman S, Hofer BM, Wu M, Green D.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 47; Issue: 3; Pages: 150 - 160)Cancer incidence in older adults in the United States: characteristics, specificity, and completeness of the data.|Weir HK|Sherman R, Yu M, Gershman S, Hofer BM, Wu M, Green D.|Journal of Registry Management|47
247Cancer incidence projections in the United States between 2015 and 2050.Weir HK, Thompson TD, Stewart SL, White MC.Preventing Chronic Disease20212021 HK, Thompson TD, Stewart SL, White MC.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 18; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer incidence projections in the United States between 2015 and 2050.|Weir HK|Thompson TD, Stewart SL, White MC.|Preventing Chronic Disease|18
248Cancer incidence rates and trends among children and adolescents in the United States, 2001—2009.Siegel DA, King J, Tai E, Buchanan N, Ajani UA, Li J.Pediatrics20142014 DA, King J, Tai E, Buchanan N, Ajani UA, Li J.NPCRJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer incidence rates and trends among children and adolescents in the United States, 2001—2009.|Siegel DA|King J, Tai E, Buchanan N, Ajani UA, Li J.|Pediatrics|
249Cancer Internet search activity on a major search engine, United States 2001-2003.Cooper CP, Mallon KP, Leadbetter S, Pollack LA, Peipins LA.Journal of Medical Internet Research20052005Cooper CP, Mallon KP, Leadbetter S, Pollack LA, Peipins LA.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Medical Internet Research (Volume: 7; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Cancer Internet search activity on a major search engine, United States 2001-2003.|Cooper CP|Mallon KP, Leadbetter S, Pollack LA, Peipins LA.|Journal of Medical Internet Research|7
250Cancer mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States: regional differences in Indian health, 1994-1998.Espey DK, Cobb N, Paisano R.MMWR20032003Espey DK, Cobb N, Paisano R.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 52; Issue: 30; Pages: 704 - 707)Cancer mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States: regional differences in Indian health, 1994-1998.|Espey DK|Cobb N, Paisano R.|MMWR|52
251Cancer mortality surveillance—United States, 1990-2000.Stewart SL, King JB, Thompson TD, Friedman C, Wingo PA.MMWR20042004Stewart SL, King JB, Thompson TD, Friedman C, Wingo PA.NPCRJournal: MMWR (Volume: 53; Issue: SS03; Pages: 11 - 108)Cancer mortality surveillance—United States, 1990-2000.|Stewart SL|King JB, Thompson TD, Friedman C, Wingo PA.|MMWR|53
252Cancer outcomes research in a rural area: A multi-institution partnership model.Goodman M, Almon L, Bayakly R, Butler S, Crosby C, Diiorio C, Ekwueme D, Fletcher D, Fowler J, Gillespie T, Glanz K, Hall I, Lee J, Liff J, Lipscomb J, Pollack LA, Richardson LC, Roberts P, Steenland K, Ward K.Journal of Community Health20092009Goodman M, Almon L, Bayakly R, Butler S, Crosby C, Diiorio C, Ekwueme D, Fletcher D, Fowler J, Gillespie T, Glanz K, Hall I, Lee J, Liff J, Lipscomb J, Pollack LA, Richardson LC, Roberts P, Steenland K, Ward K.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: 34; Issue: 1; Pages: 23 - 32)Cancer outcomes research in a rural area: A multi-institution partnership model.|Goodman M|Almon L, Bayakly R, Butler S, Crosby C, Diiorio C, Ekwueme D, Fletcher D, Fowler J, Gillespie T, Glanz K, Hall I, Lee J, Liff J, Lipscomb J, Pollack LA, Richardson LC, Roberts P, Steenland K, Ward K.|Journal of Community Health|34
253Cancer plan index: a measure for assessing the quality of cancer plans.Rochester P, Adams E, Porterfield DS, Holden D, McAleer K, Steele CB.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice20122011Rochester P, Adams E, Porterfield DS, Holden D, McAleer K, Steele CB.NCCCPJournal: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (Volume: 17; Issue: 6; Pages: E12 - E17)Cancer plan index: a measure for assessing the quality of cancer plans.|Rochester P|Adams E, Porterfield DS, Holden D, McAleer K, Steele CB.|Journal of Public Health Management and Practice|17
254Cancer prevention and worksite health promotion: time to join forces.Cancer Prevention in the Workplace Writing Group,Preventing Chronic Disease20142014 Prevention in the Workplace Writing Group,Other ResearchJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 11; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer prevention and worksite health promotion: time to join forces.|Cancer Prevention in the Workplace Writing Group||Preventing Chronic Disease|11
255Cancer prevention during early adulthood: highlights from a meeting of experts.Holman DM, White MC, Shoemaker, ML, Massetti GM, Puckett MC, Brindis CD, on behalf of the Cancer Prevention During Early Adulthood Writing Group.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20172017 DM, White MC, Shoemaker, ML, Massetti GM, Puckett MC, Brindis CD, on behalf of the Cancer Prevention During Early Adulthood Writing Group.Other ResearchJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 53; Issue: 351; Pages: S5 - S13)Cancer prevention during early adulthood: highlights from a meeting of experts.|Holman DM|White MC, Shoemaker, ML, Massetti GM, Puckett MC, Brindis CD, on behalf of the Cancer Prevention During Early Adulthood Writing Group.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|53
256Cancer prevention for the next generation.White MC, Peipins LA, Watson M, Trivers KF, Holman DM, Rodriguez JL.Journal of Adolescent Health20132013 MC, Peipins LA, Watson M, Trivers KF, Holman DM, Rodriguez JL.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Adolescent Health (Volume: 52; Issue: 5S; Pages: S1 - S7)Cancer prevention for the next generation.|White MC|Peipins LA, Watson M, Trivers KF, Holman DM, Rodriguez JL.|Journal of Adolescent Health|52
257Cancer registries and monitoring the impact of prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines: The potential role.Saraiya M, Goodman MT, Datta SD, Chen VW, Wingo P.Cancer20092008Saraiya M, Goodman MT, Datta SD, Chen VW, Wingo P.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 304 - 057)Cancer registries and monitoring the impact of prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines: The potential role.|Saraiya M|Goodman MT, Datta SD, Chen VW, Wingo P.|Cancer|113
258Cancer risk among older adults: time for cancer prevention to go silver.White MC, Holman DM, Goodman RA, Richardson LC.The Gerontologist20192019 MC, Holman DM, Goodman RA, Richardson LC.Other ResearchJournal: The Gerontologist (Volume: 59; Issue: S1; Pages: S1 - S6)Cancer risk among older adults: time for cancer prevention to go silver.|White MC|Holman DM, Goodman RA, Richardson LC.|The Gerontologist|59
259Cancer screening among a population-based sample of insured women.Alford SH, Leadbetter S, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Scholl LE, Peipins LA.Preventive Medicine Reports20152014 SH, Leadbetter S, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Scholl LE, Peipins LA.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine Reports (Volume: 2; Issue: ; Pages: 15 - 20)Cancer screening among a population-based sample of insured women.|Alford SH|Leadbetter S, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Scholl LE, Peipins LA.|Preventive Medicine Reports|2
260Cancer screening and age in the United States and Europe.Howard DH, Richardson LC, Thorpe KE.Health Affairs20102009Howard DH, Richardson LC, Thorpe KE.Other ResearchJournal: Health Affairs (Volume: 28; Issue: 6; Pages: 183 - 847)Cancer screening and age in the United States and Europe.|Howard DH|Richardson LC, Thorpe KE.|Health Affairs|28
261Cancer screening and history of sexual violence victimization among U.S. adults.Watson-Johnson LC, Townsend JS, Basile KC, Richardson LC.Journal of Women's Health20122011Watson-Johnson LC, Townsend JS, Basile KC, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer screening and history of sexual violence victimization among U.S. adults.|Watson-Johnson LC|Townsend JS, Basile KC, Richardson LC.|Journal of Women's Health|
262Cancer screening practices among physicians in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Benard VB, Saraiya MS, Soman A, Roland KB, Yabroff KR, Miller J.Journal of Women's Health20112011Benard VB, Saraiya MS, Soman A, Roland KB, Yabroff KR, Miller J.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 20; Issue: 10; Pages: 147 - 484)Cancer screening practices among physicians in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Benard VB|Saraiya MS, Soman A, Roland KB, Yabroff KR, Miller J.|Journal of Women's Health|20
263Cancer screening prevalence and associated factors among U.S. adults.Ma Z, Richardson LC.Preventing Chronic Disease20222022 Z, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 19; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer screening prevalence and associated factors among U.S. adults.|Ma Z|Richardson LC.|Preventing Chronic Disease|19
264Cancer screening test receipt—United States, 2018.Sabatino SA, Thompson TD, White MC, Shapiro JA, de Moor J, Doria-Rose P, Clarke T, Richardson LC.MMWR20212021 SA, Thompson TD, White MC, Shapiro JA, de Moor J, Doria-Rose P, Clarke T, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 70; Issue: ; Pages: 29 - 35)Cancer screening test receipt—United States, 2018.|Sabatino SA|Thompson TD, White MC, Shapiro JA, de Moor J, Doria-Rose P, Clarke T, Richardson LC.|MMWR|70
265Cancer screening test use — United States, 2013.Sabatino SA, White MC, Thompson TD, Klabunde CN.MMWR20152015Sabatino SA, White MC, Thompson TD, Klabunde CN.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer screening test use — United States, 2013.|Sabatino SA|White MC, Thompson TD, Klabunde CN.|MMWR|
266Cancer screening test use—United States, 2015.White A, Thompson TD, White MC, Sabatino SA, de Moor J, Doria-Rose PV, Geiger AM, Richardson LC.MMWR20172017 A, Thompson TD, White MC, Sabatino SA, de Moor J, Doria-Rose PV, Geiger AM, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 66; Issue: 8; Pages: 201 - 206)Cancer screening test use—United States, 2015.|White A|Thompson TD, White MC, Sabatino SA, de Moor J, Doria-Rose PV, Geiger AM, Richardson LC.|MMWR|66
267Cancer screening test use—United States, 2019.Sabatino SA., Thompson TD, White MC, Shapiro JA, Clarke TC, Croswell JM, Richardson LC.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20222022 SA., Thompson TD, White MC, Shapiro JA, Clarke TC, Croswell JM, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer screening test use—United States, 2019.|Sabatino SA.|Thompson TD, White MC, Shapiro JA, Clarke TC, Croswell JM, Richardson LC.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
268Cancer screening—United States, 2010.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,MMWR20122012Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 61; Issue: 3; Pages: 41 - 45)Cancer screening—United States, 2010.|Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).||MMWR|61
269Cancer survival in five continents: a worldwide population-based study (CONCORD).Coleman MP, Quaresma M, Berrino F, Lutz JM, De Angelis R, Capocaccia R, Baili P, Rachet B, Gatta G, Hakulinen T, Micheli A, Sant M, Weir HK, Elwood JM, Tsukuma H, Koifman S, E Silva GA, Francisci S, Santaquilani M, Verdecchia A, Storm HH, Young JL; the CONCORD Working Group.Lancet Oncology20082008Coleman MP, Quaresma M, Berrino F, Lutz JM, De Angelis R, Capocaccia R, Baili P, Rachet B, Gatta G, Hakulinen T, Micheli A, Sant M, Weir HK, Elwood JM, Tsukuma H, Koifman S, E Silva GA, Francisci S, Santaquilani M, Verdecchia A, Storm HH, Young JL; the CONCORD Working Group.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Lancet Oncology (Volume: 9; Issue: 8; Pages: 730 - 756)Cancer survival in five continents: a worldwide population-based study (CONCORD).|Coleman MP|Quaresma M, Berrino F, Lutz JM, De Angelis R, Capocaccia R, Baili P, Rachet B, Gatta G, Hakulinen T, Micheli A, Sant M, Weir HK, Elwood JM, Tsukuma H, Koifman S, E Silva GA, Francisci S, Santaquilani M, Verdecchia A, Storm HH, Young JL; the CONCORD Working Group.|Lancet Oncology|9
270Cancer survival in the United States 20072016: Results from the National Program of Cancer Registries.Ellington TD., Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Senkomago V, Wu M, Benard V, Richardson LC.PLoS One20232023 TD., Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Senkomago V, Wu M, Benard V, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: PLoS One (Volume: 18; Issue: 5; Pages: e02 - 051)Cancer survival in the United States 20072016: Results from the National Program of Cancer Registries.|Ellington TD.|Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Senkomago V, Wu M, Benard V, Richardson LC.|PLoS One|18
271Cancer survivorship: a new challenge in comprehensive cancer control.Pollack LA, Greer GE, Rowland JH, Miller A, Doneski D, Coughlin SS, Stovall E, Ulman D.Cancer Causes and Control20062005Pollack LA, Greer GE, Rowland JH, Miller A, Doneski D, Coughlin SS, Stovall E, Ulman D.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 16; Issue: s1; Pages: 51 - 59)Cancer survivorship: a new challenge in comprehensive cancer control.|Pollack LA|Greer GE, Rowland JH, Miller A, Doneski D, Coughlin SS, Stovall E, Ulman D.|Cancer Causes and Control|16
272Cancer survivorship—United States, 1971-2001.Rowland J, Mariotto A, Aziz N, Tesauro G, Feuer EJ, Blackman D, Thompson P, Pollack LA.MMWR20042004Rowland J, Mariotto A, Aziz N, Tesauro G, Feuer EJ, Blackman D, Thompson P, Pollack LA.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: MMWR (Volume: 53; Issue: 24; Pages: 526 - 529)Cancer survivorship—United States, 1971-2001.|Rowland J|Mariotto A, Aziz N, Tesauro G, Feuer EJ, Blackman D, Thompson P, Pollack LA.|MMWR|53
273Cancer survivors—United States, 2007.Rowland JH, Mariotto A, Alfano CM, Pollack LA, Weir HK, White A.MMWR20112011Rowland JH, Mariotto A, Alfano CM, Pollack LA, Weir HK, White A.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: MMWR (Volume: 60; Issue: 9; Pages: 269 - 272)Cancer survivors—United States, 2007.|Rowland JH|Mariotto A, Alfano CM, Pollack LA, Weir HK, White A.|MMWR|60
274Cancer treatment cost in the United States: Has the burden shifted over time?Tangka FK, Trogdon JG, Richardson LC, Howard D, Sabatino SA, Finkelstein EA.Cancer20102010Tangka FK, Trogdon JG, Richardson LC, Howard D, Sabatino SA, Finkelstein EA.Other ResearchJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer treatment cost in the United States: Has the burden shifted over time?|Tangka FK|Trogdon JG, Richardson LC, Howard D, Sabatino SA, Finkelstein EA.|Cancer|
275Cancer-associated venous thromboembolism: incidence and features in a racially diverse population.Raskob GE, Wendelboe AM, Campbell J, Ford L, Ding K, Bratzler DW, McCumber M, Adamski A, Abe K, Beckman MG, Reyes NL, Richardson LC.Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis20222022 GE, Wendelboe AM, Campbell J, Ford L, Ding K, Bratzler DW, McCumber M, Adamski A, Abe K, Beckman MG, Reyes NL, Richardson LC.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cancer-associated venous thromboembolism: incidence and features in a racially diverse population.|Raskob GE|Wendelboe AM, Campbell J, Ford L, Ding K, Bratzler DW, McCumber M, Adamski A, Abe K, Beckman MG, Reyes NL, Richardson LC.|Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis|
276Cancers associated with human papillomavirus in American Indian and Alaska Native populations—United States, 20132017.Melkonian SC, Henley SJ, Senkomago V, Thomas CC, Jim MA, Apostolou A, Saraiya M.MMWR20202020 SC, Henley SJ, Senkomago V, Thomas CC, Jim MA, Apostolou A, Saraiya M.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 69; Issue: 37; Pages: - )Cancers associated with human papillomavirus in American Indian and Alaska Native populations—United States, 20132017.|Melkonian SC|Henley SJ, Senkomago V, Thomas CC, Jim MA, Apostolou A, Saraiya M.|MMWR|69
277Cancers of the urinary tract among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999-2004.Wilson RT, Richardson LC, Kelly JJ, Kaur J, Jim MA, Lanier AP.Cancer20082008Wilson RT, Richardson LC, Kelly JJ, Kaur J, Jim MA, Lanier AP.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S5; Pages: 121 - 224)Cancers of the urinary tract among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999-2004.|Wilson RT|Richardson LC, Kelly JJ, Kaur J, Jim MA, Lanier AP.|Cancer|113
278Cancers that U.S. physicians believe the HPV vaccine prevents: findings from a physician survey, 2009.Saraiya M, Rosser JI, Cooper CP.Journal of Women's Health20122012 M, Rosser JI, Cooper CP.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 21; Issue: 2; Pages: 111 - 117)Cancers that U.S. physicians believe the HPV vaccine prevents: findings from a physician survey, 2009.|Saraiya M|Rosser JI, Cooper CP.|Journal of Women's Health|21
279Capture and coding of industry and occupation measures: Findings from eight National Program of Cancer Registries states.Freeman MB, Pollack LA, Rees JR, Johnson CJ, Rycroft RK, Rousseau DL, Hsieh MC; Enhancement of NPCR for Comparative Effectiveness Research Team.American Journal of Industrial Medicine20172017 MB, Pollack LA, Rees JR, Johnson CJ, Rycroft RK, Rousseau DL, Hsieh MC; Enhancement of NPCR for Comparative Effectiveness Research Team.NPCRJournal: American Journal of Industrial Medicine (Volume: 60; Issue: 8; Pages: 689 - 695)Capture and coding of industry and occupation measures: Findings from eight National Program of Cancer Registries states.|Freeman MB|Pollack LA, Rees JR, Johnson CJ, Rycroft RK, Rousseau DL, Hsieh MC; Enhancement of NPCR for Comparative Effectiveness Research Team.|American Journal of Industrial Medicine|60
280Capture of tobacco use among population-based registries: Findings from 10 National Program of Cancer Registries statesSiegel DA, Henley SJ, Wike JM, Ryerson AB, Johnson CJ, Rees JR, Pollack LA; Enhancement of NPCR for Comparative Effectiveness Research Team.Cancer20182018 DA, Henley SJ, Wike JM, Ryerson AB, Johnson CJ, Rees JR, Pollack LA; Enhancement of NPCR for Comparative Effectiveness Research Team.NPCRJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Capture of tobacco use among population-based registries: Findings from 10 National Program of Cancer Registries states|Siegel DA|Henley SJ, Wike JM, Ryerson AB, Johnson CJ, Rees JR, Pollack LA; Enhancement of NPCR for Comparative Effectiveness Research Team.|Cancer|
281Care of long-term cancer survivors: physicians seen by Medicare enrollees surviving longer than 5 years.Pollack LA, Adamache W, Ryerson AB, Eheman CR, Richardson LC.Cancer20102009Pollack LA, Adamache W, Ryerson AB, Eheman CR, Richardson LC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 115; Issue: 22; Pages: 528 - 295)Care of long-term cancer survivors: physicians seen by Medicare enrollees surviving longer than 5 years.|Pollack LA|Adamache W, Ryerson AB, Eheman CR, Richardson LC.|Cancer|115
282Case-cohort study of the association between PFAS and selected cancers among participants in the American Cancer Societys Cancer Prevention Study II LifeLink cohort.Winquist A, Hodge JM, Diver WR, Rodriguez JL, Troeschel AN, Daniel J, Teras LR.Environmental Health Perspectives20242023 A, Hodge JM, Diver WR, Rodriguez JL, Troeschel AN, Daniel J, Teras LR.Breast CancerJournal: Environmental Health Perspectives (Volume: 131; Issue: 12; Pages: - )Case-cohort study of the association between PFAS and selected cancers among participants in the American Cancer Societys Cancer Prevention Study II LifeLink cohort.|Winquist A|Hodge JM, Diver WR, Rodriguez JL, Troeschel AN, Daniel J, Teras LR.|Environmental Health Perspectives|131
283Case-control assessment of the association between non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and occupational radiation with doses assessed using a job exposure matrix.Eheman CR, Tolbert PE, Coates RJ, Devine O, Eley JW.American Journal of Industrial Medicine20002000Eheman CR, Tolbert PE, Coates RJ, Devine O, Eley JW.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: American Journal of Industrial Medicine (Volume: 38; Issue: 1; Pages: 19 - 27)Case-control assessment of the association between non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and occupational radiation with doses assessed using a job exposure matrix.|Eheman CR|Tolbert PE, Coates RJ, Devine O, Eley JW.|American Journal of Industrial Medicine|38
284Causes and disparities in death rates among urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations, 19992009.Jacobs-Wingo JL, Espey DK, Groom AV, Phillips LE, Haverkamp DS, Stanley SL.American Journal of Public Health20162016 JL, Espey DK, Groom AV, Phillips LE, Haverkamp DS, Stanley SL.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: American Journal of Public Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: e1 - e9)Causes and disparities in death rates among urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations, 19992009.|Jacobs-Wingo JL|Espey DK, Groom AV, Phillips LE, Haverkamp DS, Stanley SL.|American Journal of Public Health|
285CDC activities for improving implementation of human papillomavirus vaccination, cervical cancer screening, and surveillance worldwideSenkomago V, Duran D, Loharikar A, Hyde TB, Markowitz LE, Unger ER, Saraiya MEmerging Infectious Diseases20182017 V, Duran D, Loharikar A, Hyde TB, Markowitz LE, Unger ER, Saraiya MCervical CancerJournal: Emerging Infectious Diseases (Volume: 23; Issue: 13; Pages: - )CDC activities for improving implementation of human papillomavirus vaccination, cervical cancer screening, and surveillance worldwide|Senkomago V|Duran D, Loharikar A, Hyde TB, Markowitz LE, Unger ER, Saraiya M|Emerging Infectious Diseases|23
286CDC activities to enhance training in cancer prevention and control in field epidemiology training programs in low- and middle-income countriesSenkomago V, Joseph R, Sierra M, Van Dyne E, Endeshaw M, Duran D, Sugerman DE, Saraiya MJournal of Global Oncology20182018 V, Joseph R, Sierra M, Van Dyne E, Endeshaw M, Duran D, Sugerman DE, Saraiya MOther ResearchJournal: Journal of Global Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: 4; Pages: 19 - 19)CDC activities to enhance training in cancer prevention and control in field epidemiology training programs in low- and middle-income countries|Senkomago V|Joseph R, Sierra M, Van Dyne E, Endeshaw M, Duran D, Sugerman DE, Saraiya M|Journal of Global Oncology|
287CDC Grand Rounds: Family history and genomics as tools for cancer prevention and control.Rodriguez JL, Thomas CC, Massetti GM, Duquette D, Avner L, Iskander J, Khoury MJ, Richardson LC.MMWR20172016 JL, Thomas CC, Massetti GM, Duquette D, Avner L, Iskander J, Khoury MJ, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 65; Issue: 46; Pages: 129 - 294)CDC Grand Rounds: Family history and genomics as tools for cancer prevention and control.|Rodriguez JL|Thomas CC, Massetti GM, Duquette D, Avner L, Iskander J, Khoury MJ, Richardson LC.|MMWR|65
288CDC Grand Rounds: prevention and control of skin cancer.Watson M, Thomas CC, Massetti GM, McKenna S, Gershenwald JE, Laird S, Iskander J, Lushniak B.MMWR20162015 M, Thomas CC, Massetti GM, McKenna S, Gershenwald JE, Laird S, Iskander J, Lushniak B.Skin CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 64; Issue: 47; Pages: 131 - 314)CDC Grand Rounds: prevention and control of skin cancer.|Watson M|Thomas CC, Massetti GM, McKenna S, Gershenwald JE, Laird S, Iskander J, Lushniak B.|MMWR|64
289CDC Grand Rounds: reducing the burden of HPV-associated cancer and disease.Dunne EF, Markowitz LE, Saraiya M, Stokley S, Middleman A, Unger ER, Williams A, Iskander J; National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.MMWR20142014Dunne EF, Markowitz LE, Saraiya M, Stokley S, Middleman A, Unger ER, Williams A, Iskander J; National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: MMWR (Volume: 63; Issue: 4; Pages: 69 - 72)CDC Grand Rounds: reducing the burden of HPV-associated cancer and disease.|Dunne EF|Markowitz LE, Saraiya M, Stokley S, Middleman A, Unger ER, Williams A, Iskander J; National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.|MMWR|63
290CDC Grand Rounds: the future of cancer screening.Thomas CC, Richards TB, Plescia M, Wong FL, Ballard R, Levin TR, Calonge BN, Brawley OW, Iskander J; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).MMWR20152015Thomas CC, Richards TB, Plescia M, Wong FL, Ballard R, Levin TR, Calonge BN, Brawley OW, Iskander J; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 64; Issue: 12; Pages: 324 - 327)CDC Grand Rounds: the future of cancer screening.|Thomas CC|Richards TB, Plescia M, Wong FL, Ballard R, Levin TR, Calonge BN, Brawley OW, Iskander J; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).|MMWR|64
291CDC program evaluation framework, 2024.Kidder DP., Fierro LA, Luna E, Salvaggio H, McWhorter A, Bowen SA, Murphy-Hoefer R, Thigpen S, Alexander D, Armstead TL, August E, Bruce D, Clarke SN, Davis C, Downes A, Gill S, House LD, Kerzner M, Kun K, Mumford K, Robin L, Schlueter D, Schooley M, Valverde E, Vo L, Williams D, Young K; CDC Evaluation Framework Work Group; CDC Evaluation Framework Work Group members.MMWR20242024 DP., Fierro LA, Luna E, Salvaggio H, McWhorter A, Bowen SA, Murphy-Hoefer R, Thigpen S, Alexander D, Armstead TL, August E, Bruce D, Clarke SN, Davis C, Downes A, Gill S, House LD, Kerzner M, Kun K, Mumford K, Robin L, Schlueter D, Schooley M, Valverde E, Vo L, Williams D, Young K; CDC Evaluation Framework Work Group; CDC Evaluation Framework Work Group members.Other ResearchJournal: MMWR (Volume: 73; Issue: 6; Pages: 13 - 37)CDC program evaluation framework, 2024.|Kidder DP.|Fierro LA, Luna E, Salvaggio H, McWhorter A, Bowen SA, Murphy-Hoefer R, Thigpen S, Alexander D, Armstead TL, August E, Bruce D, Clarke SN, Davis C, Downes A, Gill S, House LD, Kerzner M, Kun K, Mumford K, Robin L, Schlueter D, Schooley M, Valverde E, Vo L, Williams D, Young K; CDC Evaluation Framework Work Group; CDC Evaluation Framework Work Group members.|MMWR|73http://10.15585/mmwr.rr7306a1291
292CDC-funded intervention research aimed at promoting colorectal cancer screening in communities.Coughlin SS, Costanza ME, Fernandez ME, Glanz K, Lee JW, Smith SA, Stroud L, Tessaro I, Westfall JM, Weissfeld JL, Blumenthal DS.Cancer20062006Coughlin SS, Costanza ME, Fernandez ME, Glanz K, Lee JW, Smith SA, Stroud L, Tessaro I, Westfall JM, Weissfeld JL, Blumenthal DS.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 119 - 204)CDC-funded intervention research aimed at promoting colorectal cancer screening in communities.|Coughlin SS|Costanza ME, Fernandez ME, Glanz K, Lee JW, Smith SA, Stroud L, Tessaro I, Westfall JM, Weissfeld JL, Blumenthal DS.|Cancer|107
293CDC's Screen for Life: A national colorectal cancer action campaign.Jorgensen C, Gelb C, Merritt T, Seeff L.Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine20012001Jorgensen C, Gelb C, Merritt T, Seeff L.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine (Volume: 10; Issue: 5; Pages: 417 - 422)CDC's Screen for Life: A national colorectal cancer action campaign.|Jorgensen C|Gelb C, Merritt T, Seeff L.|Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine|10
294Celebrating 10 years of the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, 1998 to 2008.Major A, Stewart S.Preventing Chronic Disease20102009Major A, Stewart S.NCCCPJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 6; Issue: 4; Pages: - )Celebrating 10 years of the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, 1998 to 2008.|Major A|Stewart S.|Preventing Chronic Disease|6
295Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: Increasing access to screening.Wong FL, Miller JW.Journal of Women's Health20192019 FL, Miller JW.NBCCEDPJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 28; Issue: 4; Pages: 427 - 431)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: Increasing access to screening.|Wong FL|Miller JW.|Journal of Women's Health|28
296Cervical cancer death rates among U.S.- and foreign-born women: U.S., 20052014.Hallowell BD, Endeshaw M, McKenna MT, Senkomago V, Razzaghi H, Saraiya M.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20192019 BD, Endeshaw M, McKenna MT, Senkomago V, Razzaghi H, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer death rates among U.S.- and foreign-born women: U.S., 20052014.|Hallowell BD|Endeshaw M, McKenna MT, Senkomago V, Razzaghi H, Saraiya M.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
297Cervical Cancer Incidence and Mortality Among American Indian and Alaska Native Women, 1999-2009Watson M, Benard V, Thomas C, Brayboy A, Paisano R, Becker TAmerican Journal of Public Health20142014 M, Benard V, Thomas C, Brayboy A, Paisano R, Becker TCervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Public Health (Volume: 104; Issue: Suppl 3; Pages: S41 - 422)Cervical Cancer Incidence and Mortality Among American Indian and Alaska Native Women, 1999-2009|Watson M|Benard V, Thomas C, Brayboy A, Paisano R, Becker T|American Journal of Public Health|104
298Cervical cancer incidence and trends among women aged 1529 years by county-level economic status and rurality —United States, 20072020.Agarwal R, King JB, Gopalani SV, Senkomago V.Cancer Epidemiology20252024 R, King JB, Gopalani SV, Senkomago V.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer incidence and trends among women aged 1529 years by county-level economic status and rurality —United States, 20072020.|Agarwal R|King JB, Gopalani SV, Senkomago V.|Cancer Epidemiology|
299Cervical cancer incidence in a prevaccine era in the United States, 1998-2002.Saraiya M, Ahmed F, Krishnan S, Richards TB, Unger ER, Lawson HW.Obstetrics and Gynecology20072007Saraiya M, Ahmed F, Krishnan S, Richards TB, Unger ER, Lawson HW.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 109; Issue: 2; Pages: 360 - 370)Cervical cancer incidence in a prevaccine era in the United States, 1998-2002.|Saraiya M|Ahmed F, Krishnan S, Richards TB, Unger ER, Lawson HW.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|109
300Cervical cancer incidence in the United States by area of residence, 1998-2001.Benard VB, Coughlin SS, Thompson T, Richardson LC.Obstetrics and Gynecology20072007Benard VB, Coughlin SS, Thompson T, Richardson LC.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 110; Issue: 3; Pages: 681 - 686)Cervical cancer incidence in the United States by area of residence, 1998-2001.|Benard VB|Coughlin SS, Thompson T, Richardson LC.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|110
301Cervical cancer incidence in the United States in the U.S.-Mexico border region, 1998-2003.Coughlin SS, Richards TB, Nasseri K, Weiss NS, Wiggins C, Saraiya M, Stinchcomb DG, Vensor V, Nielson C.Cancer20092008Coughlin SS, Richards TB, Nasseri K, Weiss NS, Wiggins C, Saraiya M, Stinchcomb DG, Vensor V, Nielson C.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 296 - 973)Cervical cancer incidence in the United States in the U.S.-Mexico border region, 1998-2003.|Coughlin SS|Richards TB, Nasseri K, Weiss NS, Wiggins C, Saraiya M, Stinchcomb DG, Vensor V, Nielson C.|Cancer|113
302Cervical cancer incidence in the US-affiliated Pacific Islands.Gopalani SV, Qin J, Baksa J, Thompson TD, Saraiya M, Senkomago V, Pordell P, Jeong Y, Palafox NA, Reichhardt M, Buenconsejo-Lum LE.JAMA Oncology20242024 SV, Qin J, Baksa J, Thompson TD, Saraiya M, Senkomago V, Pordell P, Jeong Y, Palafox NA, Reichhardt M, Buenconsejo-Lum LE.Cervical CancerJournal: JAMA Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer incidence in the US-affiliated Pacific Islands.|Gopalani SV|Qin J, Baksa J, Thompson TD, Saraiya M, Senkomago V, Pordell P, Jeong Y, Palafox NA, Reichhardt M, Buenconsejo-Lum LE.|JAMA Oncology|
303Cervical cancer incidence, mortality, and survival among Asian subgroups in California, 1990-2004.Bates JH, Parikh-Patel A, Hofer BM.Cancer20092008Bates JH, Parikh-Patel A, Hofer BM.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 295 - 963)Cervical cancer incidence, mortality, and survival among Asian subgroups in California, 1990-2004.|Bates JH|Parikh-Patel A, Hofer BM.|Cancer|113
304Cervical cancer mortality among foreign-born women living in the United States, 1985 to 1996.Seeff LC, McKenna MT.Cancer Detection and Prevention20032003Seeff LC, McKenna MT.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Detection and Prevention (Volume: 27; Issue: 3; Pages: 203 - 208)Cervical cancer mortality among foreign-born women living in the United States, 1985 to 1996.|Seeff LC|McKenna MT.|Cancer Detection and Prevention|27
305Cervical cancer screening among adult women in China, 2010.Wang B, He M, Chao A, Engelgau MM, Saraiya M, Wang L, Wang L.The Oncologist20152015 B, He M, Chao A, Engelgau MM, Saraiya M, Wang L, Wang L.Cervical CancerJournal: The Oncologist (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer screening among adult women in China, 2010.|Wang B|He M, Chao A, Engelgau MM, Saraiya M, Wang L, Wang L.|The Oncologist|
306Cervical cancer screening among foreign-born women by birthplace and duration in the United States.Tsui J, Saraiya M, Thompson T, Dey A, Richardson L.Journal of Women's Health20082007Tsui J, Saraiya M, Thompson T, Dey A, Richardson L.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 16; Issue: 10; Pages: 144 - 457)Cervical cancer screening among foreign-born women by birthplace and duration in the United States.|Tsui J|Saraiya M, Thompson T, Dey A, Richardson L.|Journal of Women's Health|16
307Cervical cancer screening among women aged 1830 years—United States, 20002010.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,MMWR20132013Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,Cervical CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 61; Issue: 51; Pages: - )Cervical cancer screening among women aged 1830 years—United States, 20002010.|Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).||MMWR|61
308Cervical cancer screening among women by birthplace and percent of lifetime living in the United StatesEndeshaw M, Clarke T, Senkomago V, Saraiya MJournal of Lower Genital Tract Disease20182018 M, Clarke T, Senkomago V, Saraiya MCervical CancerJournal: Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer screening among women by birthplace and percent of lifetime living in the United States|Endeshaw M|Clarke T, Senkomago V, Saraiya M|Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease|
309Cervical cancer screening among women by hysterectomy status and among women aged ≥65 years—United States, 20002010.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,MMWR20132013Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,Cervical CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 61; Issue: 51; Pages: 104 - 047)Cervical cancer screening among women by hysterectomy status and among women aged ≥65 years—United States, 20002010.|Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).||MMWR|61
310Cervical cancer screening among women in metropolitan areas of the United States by individual-level and area-based measures of socioeconomic status, 2000 to 2002.Coughlin SS, King J, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20072006Coughlin SS, King J, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 15; Issue: 11; Pages: 215 - 159)Cervical cancer screening among women in metropolitan areas of the United States by individual-level and area-based measures of socioeconomic status, 2000 to 2002.|Coughlin SS|King J, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|15
311Cervical cancer screening among women who attend sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics: background paper for 2010 STD treatment guidelines.Datta SD, Saraiya M.Emerging Infectious Diseases20122011Datta SD, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Emerging Infectious Diseases (Volume: 53; Issue: Suppl 3; Pages: S15 - 159)Cervical cancer screening among women who attend sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics: background paper for 2010 STD treatment guidelines.|Datta SD|Saraiya M.|Emerging Infectious Diseases|53
312Cervical cancer screening among women who gave birth in the U.S.-Mexico border region, 2005: the Brownsville-Matamoros Sister City Project for Women's Health.Castrucci BC, Echegollen Guzmán A, Saraiya M, Smith BR, Lewis KL, Coughlin SS, Gossman GL, McDonald JA, Foulkes H, Mirchandani G, Correa-Nieto Canedo L, Garcia IM, Acuña J.Preventing Chronic Disease20092008Castrucci BC, Echegollen Guzmán A, Saraiya M, Smith BR, Lewis KL, Coughlin SS, Gossman GL, McDonald JA, Foulkes H, Mirchandani G, Correa-Nieto Canedo L, Garcia IM, Acuña J.Cervical CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 5; Issue: 4; Pages: - )Cervical cancer screening among women who gave birth in the U.S.-Mexico border region, 2005: the Brownsville-Matamoros Sister City Project for Women's Health.|Castrucci BC|Echegollen Guzmán A, Saraiya M, Smith BR, Lewis KL, Coughlin SS, Gossman GL, McDonald JA, Foulkes H, Mirchandani G, Correa-Nieto Canedo L, Garcia IM, Acuña J.|Preventing Chronic Disease|5
313Cervical cancer screening among women without a cervix.Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.Journal of the American Medical Association20052004Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of the American Medical Association (Volume: 292; Issue: 13; Pages: 155 - 552)Cervical cancer screening among women without a cervix.|Saraiya M|Sawaya GF.|Journal of the American Medical Association|292
314Cervical cancer screening among young adult women in the United States.Roland KB, Benard V, Soman A, Breen N, Kepka D, Saraiya M.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20132013 KB, Benard V, Soman A, Breen N, Kepka D, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 22; Issue: 4; Pages: 580 - 588)Cervical cancer screening among young adult women in the United States.|Roland KB|Benard V, Soman A, Breen N, Kepka D, Saraiya M.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|22
315Cervical cancer screening and incidence by age: unmet needs near and after the stopping age for screening.White MC, Shoemaker ML, Benard VB.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20172017 MC, Shoemaker ML, Benard VB.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 53; Issue: 3; Pages: 392 - 395)Cervical cancer screening and incidence by age: unmet needs near and after the stopping age for screening.|White MC|Shoemaker ML, Benard VB.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|53
316Cervical cancer screening and management practices among providers in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP).Saraiya M, Irwin KL, Carlin L, Chen X, Jain N, Benard V, Montano DE.Cancer20072007Saraiya M, Irwin KL, Carlin L, Chen X, Jain N, Benard V, Montano DE.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 110; Issue: 5; Pages: 102 - 032)Cervical cancer screening and management practices among providers in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP).|Saraiya M|Irwin KL, Carlin L, Chen X, Jain N, Benard V, Montano DE.|Cancer|110
317Cervical cancer screening and prevention in 78 sexually transmitted disease clinics—United States, 20142015.McGinnis E, Meyerson BE, Meites E, Saraiya M, Griesse R, Snoek E, Haderxhanaj L, Markowitz LE, Smith W.Sexually Transmitted Diseases20172017 E, Meyerson BE, Meites E, Saraiya M, Griesse R, Snoek E, Haderxhanaj L, Markowitz LE, Smith W.Cervical CancerJournal: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Volume: 44; Issue: 10; Pages: 637 - 641)Cervical cancer screening and prevention in 78 sexually transmitted disease clinics—United States, 20142015.|McGinnis E|Meyerson BE, Meites E, Saraiya M, Griesse R, Snoek E, Haderxhanaj L, Markowitz LE, Smith W.|Sexually Transmitted Diseases|44
318Cervical cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) in four US-Affiliated Pacific Islands between 2007 and 2015.Senkomago V, Royalty J, Miller JW, Buenconsejo-Lum LE, Benard VB, Saraiya M.Cancer Epidemiology20182017 V, Royalty J, Miller JW, Buenconsejo-Lum LE, Benard VB, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: 50; Issue: ; Pages: 260 - 267)Cervical cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) in four US-Affiliated Pacific Islands between 2007 and 2015.|Senkomago V|Royalty J, Miller JW, Buenconsejo-Lum LE, Benard VB, Saraiya M.|Cancer Epidemiology|50
319Cervical cancer screening in the workplace: Research, review and evaluation.Coughlin SS, Caplan LS, Lawson HW.Journal of Occupational Health Nursing20022002Coughlin SS, Caplan LS, Lawson HW.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (Volume: 50; Issue: 1; Pages: 32 - 39)Cervical cancer screening in the workplace: Research, review and evaluation.|Coughlin SS|Caplan LS, Lawson HW.|Journal of Occupational Health Nursing|50
320Cervical cancer screening intervals preferred by U.S. womenCooper CP, Saraiya MAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine20182018 CP, Saraiya MCervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer screening intervals preferred by U.S. women|Cooper CP|Saraiya M|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
321Cervical cancer screening intervals, 2006 to 2009: moving beyond annual testing.Berkowitz Z, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.JAMA Internal Medicine20132013 Z, Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.Cervical CancerJournal: JAMA Internal Medicine (Volume: 173; Issue: 10; Pages: 922 - 924)Cervical cancer screening intervals, 2006 to 2009: moving beyond annual testing.|Berkowitz Z|Saraiya M, Sawaya GF.|JAMA Internal Medicine|173
322Cervical cancer screening measures need to evolve to continue to tell the story.Saraiya M, Watson M, Benard VB.Journal of Women's Health20132012 M, Watson M, Benard VB.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer screening measures need to evolve to continue to tell the story.|Saraiya M|Watson M, Benard VB.|Journal of Women's Health|
323Cervical cancer screening with AMIGAS: a cost-effectiveness analysis.Lairson DR, Chang YC, Byrd TL, Lee Smith J, Fernandez ME, Wilson KM.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20142014 DR, Chang YC, Byrd TL, Lee Smith J, Fernandez ME, Wilson KM.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 46; Issue: 6; Pages: 617 - 623)Cervical cancer screening with AMIGAS: a cost-effectiveness analysis.|Lairson DR|Chang YC, Byrd TL, Lee Smith J, Fernandez ME, Wilson KM.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|46
324Cervical cancer screening with both human papillomavirus and Papanicolaou testing vs. Papanicolaou testing alone: what screening intervals are physicians recommending?Saraiya M, Berkowitz Z, Yabroff KR, Wideroff L, Kobrin S, Benard V.Archives of Internal Medicine20102010Saraiya M, Berkowitz Z, Yabroff KR, Wideroff L, Kobrin S, Benard V.Cervical CancerJournal: Archives of Internal Medicine (Volume: 170; Issue: 11; Pages: 977 - 986)Cervical cancer screening with both human papillomavirus and Papanicolaou testing vs. Papanicolaou testing alone: what screening intervals are physicians recommending?|Saraiya M|Berkowitz Z, Yabroff KR, Wideroff L, Kobrin S, Benard V.|Archives of Internal Medicine|170
325Cervical cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 studyBenard V, Watson M, Saraiya M, Harewood R, Townsend JS, Stroup AM, Weir HK, Allemani CCancer20182017 V, Watson M, Saraiya M, Harewood R, Townsend JS, Stroup AM, Weir HK, Allemani CCancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 123; Issue: S24; Pages: 511 - 137)Cervical cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 study|Benard V|Watson M, Saraiya M, Harewood R, Townsend JS, Stroup AM, Weir HK, Allemani C|Cancer|123
326Cervical cancer survivors at increased risk of subsequent tobacco-related malignancies, United States, 19922008.Underwood JM, Rim SH, Fairley TL, Tai E, Stewart SL.Cancer Causes and Control20122012 JM, Rim SH, Fairley TL, Tai E, Stewart SL.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 23; Issue: 7; Pages: 100 - 016)Cervical cancer survivors at increased risk of subsequent tobacco-related malignancies, United States, 19922008.|Underwood JM|Rim SH, Fairley TL, Tai E, Stewart SL.|Cancer Causes and Control|23
327Cervical cancer-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health professionals working in Brazil's network of primary care units.Stormo AR, de Moura L, Saraiya M.The Oncologist20142014 AR, de Moura L, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: The Oncologist (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical cancer-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health professionals working in Brazil's network of primary care units.|Stormo AR|de Moura L, Saraiya M.|The Oncologist|
328Cervical carcinoma rates among young females in the United States.Benard VB, Watson M, Castle PE, Saraiya M.Obstetrics and Gynecology20132012 VB, Watson M, Castle PE, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 120; Issue: 5; Pages: 111 - 123)Cervical carcinoma rates among young females in the United States.|Benard VB|Watson M, Castle PE, Saraiya M.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|120
329Cervical precancers and cancers attributed to HPV types by race and ethnicity: Implications for vaccination, screening, and managementMix J, Saraiya M, Hallowell BD, Befano B, Cheung LC, Unger ER, Gargano JW, Markowitz LE, Castle PE, Raine-Bennett T, Walker J, Zuna R, Schiffman M, Wentzensen N, Gage JC.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20222022 J, Saraiya M, Hallowell BD, Befano B, Cheung LC, Unger ER, Gargano JW, Markowitz LE, Castle PE, Raine-Bennett T, Walker J, Zuna R, Schiffman M, Wentzensen N, Gage JC.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cervical precancers and cancers attributed to HPV types by race and ethnicity: Implications for vaccination, screening, and management|Mix J|Saraiya M, Hallowell BD, Befano B, Cheung LC, Unger ER, Gargano JW, Markowitz LE, Castle PE, Raine-Bennett T, Walker J, Zuna R, Schiffman M, Wentzensen N, Gage JC.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
330Cervical screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 1995-2001.Benard VB, Eheman CR, Lawson HW, Blackman DK, Anderson C, Helsel W, Thames SF, Lee NC.Obstetrics and Gynecology20042004Benard VB, Eheman CR, Lawson HW, Blackman DK, Anderson C, Helsel W, Thames SF, Lee NC.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 103; Issue: 3; Pages: 564 - 571)Cervical screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, 1995-2001.|Benard VB|Eheman CR, Lawson HW, Blackman DK, Anderson C, Helsel W, Thames SF, Lee NC.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|103
331Challenges and strategies in applying performance measurement to federal public health programs.Degroff A, Schooley M, Chapel T, Poister TH.Evaluation and Program Planning20112010Degroff A, Schooley M, Chapel T, Poister TH.Other ResearchJournal: Evaluation and Program Planning (Volume: 33; Issue: 4; Pages: 365 - 372)Challenges and strategies in applying performance measurement to federal public health programs.|Degroff A|Schooley M, Chapel T, Poister TH.|Evaluation and Program Planning|33
332Challenges in meeting Healthy People 2020 objectives for cancer-related preventive services, National Health Interview Survey, 2008 and 2010.Brown ML, Klabunde CN, Cronin KA, White MC, Richardson LC, McNeel TS.Preventing Chronic Disease20142014 ML, Klabunde CN, Cronin KA, White MC, Richardson LC, McNeel TS.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 11; Issue: ; Pages: - )Challenges in meeting Healthy People 2020 objectives for cancer-related preventive services, National Health Interview Survey, 2008 and 2010.|Brown ML|Klabunde CN, Cronin KA, White MC, Richardson LC, McNeel TS.|Preventing Chronic Disease|11
333Change in provider beliefs regarding cervical cancer screening intervals after an educational intervention.Benard VB, Greek A, Roland KB, Hawkins NA, Lin L, Saraiya M.Journal of Women's Health20162016 VB, Greek A, Roland KB, Hawkins NA, Lin L, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Change in provider beliefs regarding cervical cancer screening intervals after an educational intervention.|Benard VB|Greek A, Roland KB, Hawkins NA, Lin L, Saraiya M.|Journal of Women's Health|
334Changes among U.S. cancer survivors: comparing demographic, diagnostic, and health care findings from the 1992 and 2010 National Health Interview Surveys.Buchanan ND, King JB, Rodriguez JL, White A, Trivers KF, Forsythe LP, Kent EE, Rowland JH, Sabatino SA.ISRN Oncology20132013 ND, King JB, Rodriguez JL, White A, Trivers KF, Forsythe LP, Kent EE, Rowland JH, Sabatino SA.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: ISRN Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Changes among U.S. cancer survivors: comparing demographic, diagnostic, and health care findings from the 1992 and 2010 National Health Interview Surveys.|Buchanan ND|King JB, Rodriguez JL, White A, Trivers KF, Forsythe LP, Kent EE, Rowland JH, Sabatino SA.|ISRN Oncology|
335Changes in colorectal cancer incidence rates in young and older adults in the United States: what do they tell us about screening?Austin H, Jane Henley S, King J, Richardson LC, Eheman C.Cancer Causes and Control20142013 H, Jane Henley S, King J, Richardson LC, Eheman C.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 25; Issue: 2; Pages: 191 - 201)Changes in colorectal cancer incidence rates in young and older adults in the United States: what do they tell us about screening?|Austin H|Jane Henley S, King J, Richardson LC, Eheman C.|Cancer Causes and Control|25
336Changes in health insurance coverage associated with the Affordable Care Act among adults with and without a cancer historyDavidoff AJ, Guy GP Jr, Hu X, Gonzales F, Han X, Zheng Z, Parsons H, Ekwueme DU, Jemal AMedical Care20182018 AJ, Guy GP Jr, Hu X, Gonzales F, Han X, Zheng Z, Parsons H, Ekwueme DU, Jemal AOther ResearchJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 56; Issue: 3; Pages: 220 - 227)Changes in health insurance coverage associated with the Affordable Care Act among adults with and without a cancer history|Davidoff AJ|Guy GP Jr, Hu X, Gonzales F, Han X, Zheng Z, Parsons H, Ekwueme DU, Jemal A|Medical Care|56
337Changes in knowledge and beliefs about human papillomavirus and cervical cancer screening intervals in low-income women after an educational intervention.Roland KB, Benard VB, Greek A, Hawkins NA, Lin L.Journal of Primary Care and Community Health20162016 KB, Benard VB, Greek A, Hawkins NA, Lin L.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Primary Care and Community Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Changes in knowledge and beliefs about human papillomavirus and cervical cancer screening intervals in low-income women after an educational intervention.|Roland KB|Benard VB, Greek A, Hawkins NA, Lin L.|Journal of Primary Care and Community Health|
338Changes in screening test volume in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program during the COVID-19 pandemic, 20202022.Bermudez Y, DeGroff A, Miller J, Kenney K, Lockhart J, Joseph D, Richardson L.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20242024 Y, DeGroff A, Miller J, Kenney K, Lockhart J, Joseph D, Richardson L.Breast CancerJournal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Volume: 21; Issue: 7; Pages: - )Changes in screening test volume in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program during the COVID-19 pandemic, 20202022.|Bermudez Y|DeGroff A, Miller J, Kenney K, Lockhart J, Joseph D, Richardson L.|International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health|21
339Changes to cervical cancer prevention guidelines: effects on screening among U.S. women ages 1529.Henderson JT, Saraiya M, Martinez G, Harper CC, Sawaya GF.Preventive Medicine20132012 JT, Saraiya M, Martinez G, Harper CC, Sawaya GF.Cervical CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Changes to cervical cancer prevention guidelines: effects on screening among U.S. women ages 1529.|Henderson JT|Saraiya M, Martinez G, Harper CC, Sawaya GF.|Preventive Medicine|
340Changing hepatocellular carcinoma incidence and liver cancer mortality rates in the United States.Altekruse SF, Henley SJ, Cucinelli JE, McGlynn KA.American Journal of Gastroenterology20142014 SF, Henley SJ, Cucinelli JE, McGlynn KA.Other ResearchJournal: American Journal of Gastroenterology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Changing hepatocellular carcinoma incidence and liver cancer mortality rates in the United States.|Altekruse SF|Henley SJ, Cucinelli JE, McGlynn KA.|American Journal of Gastroenterology|
341Chapter 25: Education, training, and communication for HPV vaccines.Sherris J, Friedman A, Wittet S, Davies P, Steben M, Saraiya M.Vaccine20062006Sherris J, Friedman A, Wittet S, Davies P, Steben M, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Vaccine (Volume: 24; Issue: Suppl 3; Pages: S21 - 218)Chapter 25: Education, training, and communication for HPV vaccines.|Sherris J|Friedman A, Wittet S, Davies P, Steben M, Saraiya M.|Vaccine|24
342Characteristics and practices of adults who use tanning beds in private residences.Nahar VK, Rosenthal M, Lemon SC, Holman DM, Watson M, Hillhouse JJ, Pagoto SL.JAMA Dermatology20162016 VK, Rosenthal M, Lemon SC, Holman DM, Watson M, Hillhouse JJ, Pagoto SL.Skin CancerJournal: JAMA Dermatology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Characteristics and practices of adults who use tanning beds in private residences.|Nahar VK|Rosenthal M, Lemon SC, Holman DM, Watson M, Hillhouse JJ, Pagoto SL.|JAMA Dermatology|
343Characteristics and survival associated with ovarian cancer diagnosed as first cancer and ovarian cancer diagnosed subsequent to a previous cancer.Berkowitz Z, Rim SH, Peipins LA.Cancer Epidemiology20112011Berkowitz Z, Rim SH, Peipins LA.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Characteristics and survival associated with ovarian cancer diagnosed as first cancer and ovarian cancer diagnosed subsequent to a previous cancer.|Berkowitz Z|Rim SH, Peipins LA.|Cancer Epidemiology|
344Characteristics associated with genetic counseling referral and BRCA1/2 testing among women in a large integrated health system.Bellcross CA, Peipins LA, McCarty FA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Hensley Alford S, Leadbetter S.Genetics in Medicine20142014 CA, Peipins LA, McCarty FA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Hensley Alford S, Leadbetter S.Breast CancerJournal: Genetics in Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Characteristics associated with genetic counseling referral and BRCA1/2 testing among women in a large integrated health system.|Bellcross CA|Peipins LA, McCarty FA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Hensley Alford S, Leadbetter S.|Genetics in Medicine|
345Characteristics associated with recent recreational exercise among women 20 to 44 years of age.Britton JA, Gammon MD, Kelsey JL, Brogan DJ, Coates RJ, Schoenberg JB, Potischman N, Swanson CA, Stanford JL, Brinton LA.Women and Health20002000Britton JA, Gammon MD, Kelsey JL, Brogan DJ, Coates RJ, Schoenberg JB, Potischman N, Swanson CA, Stanford JL, Brinton LA.Other ResearchJournal: Women and Health (Volume: 31; Issue: 2|3; Pages: 81 - 96.)Characteristics associated with recent recreational exercise among women 20 to 44 years of age.|Britton JA|Gammon MD, Kelsey JL, Brogan DJ, Coates RJ, Schoenberg JB, Potischman N, Swanson CA, Stanford JL, Brinton LA.|Women and Health|31
346Characteristics, rates, and trends of melanoma incidence among Hispanics in the USA.Garnett E, Townsend J, Steele B, Watson M.Cancer Causes and Control20162016 E, Townsend J, Steele B, Watson M.Skin CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Characteristics, rates, and trends of melanoma incidence among Hispanics in the USA.|Garnett E|Townsend J, Steele B, Watson M.|Cancer Causes and Control|
347Characterization of a carcinogenesis rat model of ovarian preneoplasia and neoplasia.Stewart SL, Querec TD, Ochman AR, Gruver BN, Bao R, Babb JS, Wong TS, Koutroukides T, Pinnola AD, Klein-Szanto A, Hamilton TC, Patriotis C.Cancer Research20052004Stewart SL, Querec TD, Ochman AR, Gruver BN, Bao R, Babb JS, Wong TS, Koutroukides T, Pinnola AD, Klein-Szanto A, Hamilton TC, Patriotis C.Ovarian CancerJournal: Cancer Research (Volume: 64; Issue: 22; Pages: 817 - 183)Characterization of a carcinogenesis rat model of ovarian preneoplasia and neoplasia.|Stewart SL|Querec TD, Ochman AR, Gruver BN, Bao R, Babb JS, Wong TS, Koutroukides T, Pinnola AD, Klein-Szanto A, Hamilton TC, Patriotis C.|Cancer Research|64
348Characterizing clinics with differential changes in the screening rate in the Colorectal Cancer Control Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Sharma KP, Leadbetter S, DeGroff A.Cancer20212020 KP, Leadbetter S, DeGroff A.CRCCPJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Characterizing clinics with differential changes in the screening rate in the Colorectal Cancer Control Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.|Sharma KP|Leadbetter S, DeGroff A.|Cancer|
349Choropleth map design for cancer incidence, part 1.Richards TB, Berkowitz Z, Thomas CC, Foster SL, Gardner A, King JB, Ledford K, Royalty J.Preventing Chronic Disease20102010Richards TB, Berkowitz Z, Thomas CC, Foster SL, Gardner A, King JB, Ledford K, Royalty J.NPCRJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 7; Issue: 1; Pages: - )Choropleth map design for cancer incidence, part 1.|Richards TB|Berkowitz Z, Thomas CC, Foster SL, Gardner A, King JB, Ledford K, Royalty J.|Preventing Chronic Disease|7
350Choropleth map design for cancer incidence, part 2.Richards TB, Berkowitz Z, Thomas CC, Foster SL, Gardner A, King JB, Ledford K, Royalty J.Preventing Chronic Disease20102010Richards TB, Berkowitz Z, Thomas CC, Foster SL, Gardner A, King JB, Ledford K, Royalty J.NPCRJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 7; Issue: 1; Pages: - )Choropleth map design for cancer incidence, part 2.|Richards TB|Berkowitz Z, Thomas CC, Foster SL, Gardner A, King JB, Ledford K, Royalty J.|Preventing Chronic Disease|7
351Cigar smoking in men and risk of death from tobacco-related cancers.Shapiro JA, Jacobs EJ, Thun MJ.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20002000Shapiro JA, Jacobs EJ, Thun MJ.Lung CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: 92; Issue: 4; Pages: 333 - 337)Cigar smoking in men and risk of death from tobacco-related cancers.|Shapiro JA|Jacobs EJ, Thun MJ.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|92
352Circumstances of suicide among individuals with a history of cancerMassetti GM, Holland K, Jack SPD, Ragan KR, Lunsford NBPsycho-oncology20182018 GM, Holland K, Jack SPD, Ragan KR, Lunsford NBCancer SurvivorshipJournal: Psycho-oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Circumstances of suicide among individuals with a history of cancer|Massetti GM|Holland K, Jack SPD, Ragan KR, Lunsford NB|Psycho-oncology|
353Clarification from the CoC, NPCR, SEER technical workgroup.Johnson CH, Phillips JL, Stewart AK, Lewis M, Phillips JL, Adamo P, Ries L, Stinchcomb D.Journal of Registry Management20112011Johnson CH, Phillips JL, Stewart AK, Lewis M, Phillips JL, Adamo P, Ries L, Stinchcomb D.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 38; Issue: 3; Pages: 166 - 168)Clarification from the CoC, NPCR, SEER technical workgroup.|Johnson CH|Phillips JL, Stewart AK, Lewis M, Phillips JL, Adamo P, Ries L, Stinchcomb D.|Journal of Registry Management|38
354Client-directed interventions to increase community access to breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: A systematic review.Baron RC, Rimer BK, Coates RJ, Kerner J, Kalra GP, Melillo S, Habarta N, Wilson KM, Chattopadhyay S, Leeks K, Task Force on Community Preventive Services.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20082008Baron RC, Rimer BK, Coates RJ, Kerner J, Kalra GP, Melillo S, Habarta N, Wilson KM, Chattopadhyay S, Leeks K, Task Force on Community Preventive Services.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 35; Issue: 1 Suppl; Pages: S56 - 66)Client-directed interventions to increase community access to breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: A systematic review.|Baron RC|Rimer BK, Coates RJ, Kerner J, Kalra GP, Melillo S, Habarta N, Wilson KM, Chattopadhyay S, Leeks K, Task Force on Community Preventive Services.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|35
355Client-directed interventions to increase community demand for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: a systematic review.Baron RC, Rimer BK, Breslow RA, Coates RJ, Kerner J, Melillo S, Habarta N, Kalra GP, Chattopadhyay S, Wilson KM, Lee NC, Mullen PD, Coughlin SS, Briss PA; Task Force on Community Preventive Services.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20082008Baron RC, Rimer BK, Breslow RA, Coates RJ, Kerner J, Melillo S, Habarta N, Kalra GP, Chattopadhyay S, Wilson KM, Lee NC, Mullen PD, Coughlin SS, Briss PA; Task Force on Community Preventive Services.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 35; Issue: 1 Suppl; Pages: S34 - 55)Client-directed interventions to increase community demand for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: a systematic review.|Baron RC|Rimer BK, Breslow RA, Coates RJ, Kerner J, Melillo S, Habarta N, Kalra GP, Chattopadhyay S, Wilson KM, Lee NC, Mullen PD, Coughlin SS, Briss PA; Task Force on Community Preventive Services.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|35
356Clinical and programmatic costs of implementing colorectal cancer screening: Evaluation of five programs.Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Degroff A, Royalty J, Seeff LC.Evaluation and Program Planning20112010Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Degroff A, Royalty J, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Evaluation and Program Planning (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Clinical and programmatic costs of implementing colorectal cancer screening: Evaluation of five programs.|Subramanian S|Tangka FK, Hoover S, Degroff A, Royalty J, Seeff LC.|Evaluation and Program Planning|
357Clinical breast examination: Practical recommendations for optimizing performance and reporting.Saslow D, Hannan J, Osuch J, Alciati MH, Baines C, Barton M, Bobo JK, Coleman C, Dolan M, Gaumer G, Kopans D, Kutner S, Lane DS, Lawson H, Meissner H, Moorman C, Pennypacker H, Pierce P, Sciandra E, Smith R, Coates R.CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians20052004Saslow D, Hannan J, Osuch J, Alciati MH, Baines C, Barton M, Bobo JK, Coleman C, Dolan M, Gaumer G, Kopans D, Kutner S, Lane DS, Lawson H, Meissner H, Moorman C, Pennypacker H, Pierce P, Sciandra E, Smith R, Coates R.Breast CancerJournal: CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (Volume: 54; Issue: 6; Pages: 327 - 344)Clinical breast examination: Practical recommendations for optimizing performance and reporting.|Saslow D|Hannan J, Osuch J, Alciati MH, Baines C, Barton M, Bobo JK, Coleman C, Dolan M, Gaumer G, Kopans D, Kutner S, Lane DS, Lawson H, Meissner H, Moorman C, Pennypacker H, Pierce P, Sciandra E, Smith R, Coates R.|CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians|54
358Clinical cancer advances 2016: annual report on progress against cancer from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.Dizon DS, Krilov L, Cohen E, Gangadhar T, Ganz PA, Hensing TA, Hunger S, Krishnamurthi SS, Lassman AB, Markham MJ, Mayer E, Neuss M, Pal SK, Richardson LC, Schilsky R, Schwartz GK, Spriggs DR, Villalona-Calero MA, Villani G, Masters G.Journal of Clinical Oncology20162016 DS, Krilov L, Cohen E, Gangadhar T, Ganz PA, Hensing TA, Hunger S, Krishnamurthi SS, Lassman AB, Markham MJ, Mayer E, Neuss M, Pal SK, Richardson LC, Schilsky R, Schwartz GK, Spriggs DR, Villalona-Calero MA, Villani G, Masters G.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Clinical Oncology (Volume: 34; Issue: 9; Pages: 987 - 011)Clinical cancer advances 2016: annual report on progress against cancer from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.|Dizon DS|Krilov L, Cohen E, Gangadhar T, Ganz PA, Hensing TA, Hunger S, Krishnamurthi SS, Lassman AB, Markham MJ, Mayer E, Neuss M, Pal SK, Richardson LC, Schilsky R, Schwartz GK, Spriggs DR, Villalona-Calero MA, Villani G, Masters G.|Journal of Clinical Oncology|34
359Clinical costs of colorectal cancer screening in 5 federally funded demonstration programs.Tangka FK, Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Hoover S, Royalty J, Seeff LC.Cancer20132013 FK, Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Hoover S, Royalty J, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 119; Issue: Suppl 15; Pages: 286 - 869)Clinical costs of colorectal cancer screening in 5 federally funded demonstration programs.|Tangka FK|Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Hoover S, Royalty J, Seeff LC.|Cancer|119
360Clinical counseling on sun protection and indoor tanning avoidance: A survey of current practices among U.S. health care providers.Holman DM., Qin J, Gottschlich EA, Balk SJ.Preventive Medicine20192019 DM., Qin J, Gottschlich EA, Balk SJ.Skin CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Clinical counseling on sun protection and indoor tanning avoidance: A survey of current practices among U.S. health care providers.|Holman DM.|Qin J, Gottschlich EA, Balk SJ.|Preventive Medicine|
361Clinical follow-up practices after cervical cancer screening by co-testing: A population-based study of adherence to U.S. guideline recommendations.Perkins RB, Adcock R, Benard V, Cuzick J, Waxman A, Howe J, Melkonian S, Gonzales J, Wiggins C, Wheeler CM; New Mexico HPV Pap Registry (NMHPVPR) Steering Committee.Preventive Medicine20212021 RB, Adcock R, Benard V, Cuzick J, Waxman A, Howe J, Melkonian S, Gonzales J, Wiggins C, Wheeler CM; New Mexico HPV Pap Registry (NMHPVPR) Steering Committee.Cervical CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Clinical follow-up practices after cervical cancer screening by co-testing: A population-based study of adherence to U.S. guideline recommendations.|Perkins RB|Adcock R, Benard V, Cuzick J, Waxman A, Howe J, Melkonian S, Gonzales J, Wiggins C, Wheeler CM; New Mexico HPV Pap Registry (NMHPVPR) Steering Committee.|Preventive Medicine|
362Clinical outcomes from CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.Seeff LC, Royalty J, Helsel WE, Kammerer WG, Boehm JE, Dwyer DM, Howe WR Jr, Joseph D, Lane DS, Laughlin M, Leypoldt M, Marroulis SC, Mattingly CA, Nadel MR, Phillips-Angeles E, Rockwell TJ, Ryerson AB, Tangka FK.Cancer20132013 LC, Royalty J, Helsel WE, Kammerer WG, Boehm JE, Dwyer DM, Howe WR Jr, Joseph D, Lane DS, Laughlin M, Leypoldt M, Marroulis SC, Mattingly CA, Nadel MR, Phillips-Angeles E, Rockwell TJ, Ryerson AB, Tangka FK.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 119; Issue: Suppl 15; Pages: 282 - 833)Clinical outcomes from CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.|Seeff LC|Royalty J, Helsel WE, Kammerer WG, Boehm JE, Dwyer DM, Howe WR Jr, Joseph D, Lane DS, Laughlin M, Leypoldt M, Marroulis SC, Mattingly CA, Nadel MR, Phillips-Angeles E, Rockwell TJ, Ryerson AB, Tangka FK.|Cancer|119
363Clinical outcomes from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Colorectal Cancer Control Program: 20092015.Nash SH, Verhage E, Flanagan C, Haverkamp D, Roik E, Zimpelman G, Redwood D.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20242024 SH, Verhage E, Flanagan C, Haverkamp D, Roik E, Zimpelman G, Redwood D.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Volume: 21; Issue: 5; Pages: - )Clinical outcomes from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Colorectal Cancer Control Program: 20092015.|Nash SH|Verhage E, Flanagan C, Haverkamp D, Roik E, Zimpelman G, Redwood D.|International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health|21
364Clinical trial enrollment among adolescents with cancer: supplement overview.Tai E, Beaupin L, Bleyer A.Pediatrics20142014 E, Beaupin L, Bleyer A.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: 133; Issue: Supplement 3; Pages: S85 - S90)Clinical trial enrollment among adolescents with cancer: supplement overview.|Tai E|Beaupin L, Bleyer A.|Pediatrics|133
365Clostridium difficile infection among children with cancer.Tai E, Richardson LC, Townsend J, Howard E, McDonald LC.Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal20112011Tai E, Richardson LC, Townsend J, Howard E, McDonald LC.Other ResearchJournal: Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Clostridium difficile infection among children with cancer.|Tai E|Richardson LC, Townsend J, Howard E, McDonald LC.|Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal|
366Coding completeness and quality of relative survival-related variables in the National Program of Cancer Registries cancer surveillance system, 19952008.Wilson RJ, O'Neil ME, Ntekop E, Zhang K, Ren Y.Journal of Registry Management20142014Wilson RJ, O'Neil ME, Ntekop E, Zhang K, Ren Y.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 41; Issue: 2; Pages: 65 - 71)Coding completeness and quality of relative survival-related variables in the National Program of Cancer Registries cancer surveillance system, 19952008.|Wilson RJ|O'Neil ME, Ntekop E, Zhang K, Ren Y.|Journal of Registry Management|41
367Cognitive and affective influences on perceived risk of ovarian cancer.Peipins LA, McCarty F, Hawkins NA, Rodriguez JL, Scholl LE, Leadbetter S.Psychooncology20142014 LA, McCarty F, Hawkins NA, Rodriguez JL, Scholl LE, Leadbetter S.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Psychooncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cognitive and affective influences on perceived risk of ovarian cancer.|Peipins LA|McCarty F, Hawkins NA, Rodriguez JL, Scholl LE, Leadbetter S.|Psychooncology|
368Collaborating to conquer cancer: a comprehensive approach to cancer control.Given LS, Black B, Lowry G, Huang P, Kerner JF.Cancer Causes and Control20062005Given LS, Black B, Lowry G, Huang P, Kerner JF.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 16; Issue: Suppl 1; Pages: 31 - 14)Collaborating to conquer cancer: a comprehensive approach to cancer control.|Given LS|Black B, Lowry G, Huang P, Kerner JF.|Cancer Causes and Control|16
369Collaborating to conquer cancer: the role of partnerships in comprehensive cancer control.Vinson CA, Staples C, Shafir S, Given L, Miller N.Cancer Causes and Control20192018 CA, Staples C, Shafir S, Given L, Miller N.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 29; Issue: 12; Pages: 117 - 180)Collaborating to conquer cancer: the role of partnerships in comprehensive cancer control.|Vinson CA|Staples C, Shafir S, Given L, Miller N.|Cancer Causes and Control|29
370Collaborating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program to increase receipt of ovarian cancer care from a gynecologic oncologist.Rim SH, Moore AR, Stewart SL.Journal of Women's Health20232022 SH, Moore AR, Stewart SL.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 31; Issue: 11; Pages: 151 - 525)Collaborating with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program to increase receipt of ovarian cancer care from a gynecologic oncologist.|Rim SH|Moore AR, Stewart SL.|Journal of Women's Health|31
371Colon cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 study.White A, Rim SH, Joseph D, Johnson CJ, Coleman MP, Allemani CCanadian Medical Association Journal20182017 A, Rim SH, Joseph D, Johnson CJ, Coleman MP, Allemani CCancer SurvivorshipJournal: Canadian Medical Association Journal (Volume: 123; Issue: S24; Pages: 501 - 036)Colon cancer survival in the United States by race and stage (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 study.|White A|Rim SH, Joseph D, Johnson CJ, Coleman MP, Allemani C|Canadian Medical Association Journal|123
372Colonoscopy quality measures and adherence to follow-up guidelines among endoscopists participating in a United States endoscopy registry.Shapiro JA, Holub JL, Dominitz JA, Sabatino SA, Nadel MR.Gastrointestinal Endoscopy20242024 JA, Holub JL, Dominitz JA, Sabatino SA, Nadel MR.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colonoscopy quality measures and adherence to follow-up guidelines among endoscopists participating in a United States endoscopy registry.|Shapiro JA|Holub JL, Dominitz JA, Sabatino SA, Nadel MR.|Gastrointestinal Endoscopy|
373Colorectal Cancer Control Program grantees' use of evidence-based interventions.Hannon PA, Maxwell AE, Escoffery C, Vu T, Kohn M, Leeman J, Carvalho ML, Pfeiffer DJ, Dwyer A, Fernandez ME, Vernon SW, Liang L, Degroff A.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20142013 PA, Maxwell AE, Escoffery C, Vu T, Kohn M, Leeman J, Carvalho ML, Pfeiffer DJ, Dwyer A, Fernandez ME, Vernon SW, Liang L, Degroff A.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 45; Issue: 5; Pages: 644 - 648)Colorectal Cancer Control Program grantees' use of evidence-based interventions.|Hannon PA|Maxwell AE, Escoffery C, Vu T, Kohn M, Leeman J, Carvalho ML, Pfeiffer DJ, Dwyer A, Fernandez ME, Vernon SW, Liang L, Degroff A.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|45
374Colorectal cancer in U.S. adults younger than 50 years of age, 1998-2001.Fairley TL, Cardinez CJ, Martin J, Alley L, Friedman C, Edwards B, Jamison P.Cancer20062006Fairley TL, Cardinez CJ, Martin J, Alley L, Friedman C, Edwards B, Jamison P.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 115 - 161)Colorectal cancer in U.S. adults younger than 50 years of age, 1998-2001.|Fairley TL|Cardinez CJ, Martin J, Alley L, Friedman C, Edwards B, Jamison P.|Cancer|107
375Colorectal cancer incidence and mortality disparities in new Mexico.Hoffman RM, Espey DK, Rhyne RL, Gonzales M, Rajput A, Mishra SI, Stone SN, Wiggins CL.Journal of Cancer Epidemiology20142014 RM, Espey DK, Rhyne RL, Gonzales M, Rajput A, Mishra SI, Stone SN, Wiggins CL.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer incidence and mortality disparities in new Mexico.|Hoffman RM|Espey DK, Rhyne RL, Gonzales M, Rajput A, Mishra SI, Stone SN, Wiggins CL.|Journal of Cancer Epidemiology|
376Colorectal cancer incidence and screening—United States, 2008 and 2010.Steele CB, Rim SH, Joseph DA, King JB, Seeff LC.MMWR20142013Steele CB, Rim SH, Joseph DA, King JB, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 62; Issue: 03; Pages: 53 - 60)Colorectal cancer incidence and screening—United States, 2008 and 2010.|Steele CB|Rim SH, Joseph DA, King JB, Seeff LC.|MMWR|62
377Colorectal cancer incidence in the United States, 1999-2004: an updated analysis of data from the National Program of Cancer Registries and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.Rim SH, Seeff L, Ahmed F, King JB, Coughlin SS.Cancer20092009Rim SH, Seeff L, Ahmed F, King JB, Coughlin SS.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 115; Issue: 9; Pages: 196 - 976)Colorectal cancer incidence in the United States, 1999-2004: an updated analysis of data from the National Program of Cancer Registries and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.|Rim SH|Seeff L, Ahmed F, King JB, Coughlin SS.|Cancer|115
378Colorectal cancer messaging and gaps in knowledge among screening-eligible individuals.Kincaid GE, Headley C, Jaffee A, Marlowe B, Moehring A, Murphy WA, Vercammen LK.Health Promotion Practice20252024 GE, Headley C, Jaffee A, Marlowe B, Moehring A, Murphy WA, Vercammen LK.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer messaging and gaps in knowledge among screening-eligible individuals.|Kincaid GE|Headley C, Jaffee A, Marlowe B, Moehring A, Murphy WA, Vercammen LK.|Health Promotion Practice|
379Colorectal cancer screening among Latinos from U.S. cities along the Texas-Mexico border.Fernandez ME, Wippold R, Torres I, Byrd T, Freeberg D, Bains Y, Guajardo J, Coughlin SS, Vernon SW.Cancer Causes and Control20082008Fernandez ME, Wippold R, Torres I, Byrd T, Freeberg D, Bains Y, Guajardo J, Coughlin SS, Vernon SW.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 19; Issue: 2; Pages: 195 - 206)Colorectal cancer screening among Latinos from U.S. cities along the Texas-Mexico border.|Fernandez ME|Wippold R, Torres I, Byrd T, Freeberg D, Bains Y, Guajardo J, Coughlin SS, Vernon SW.|Cancer Causes and Control|19
380Colorectal cancer screening by primary care physicians: recommendations and practices, 2006-2007.Klabunde CN, Lanier D, Nadel MR, McLeod C, Yuan G, Vernon SW.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20092009Klabunde CN, Lanier D, Nadel MR, McLeod C, Yuan G, Vernon SW.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 37; Issue: 1; Pages: 81 - 16)Colorectal cancer screening by primary care physicians: recommendations and practices, 2006-2007.|Klabunde CN|Lanier D, Nadel MR, McLeod C, Yuan G, Vernon SW.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|37
381Colorectal cancer screening in older men and women: Qualitative research findings and implications for intervention.Beeker C, Kraft JM, Southwell B, Jorgensen C.Journal of Community Health20002000Beeker C, Kraft JM, Southwell B, Jorgensen C.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: 25; Issue: 3; Pages: 263 - 278)Colorectal cancer screening in older men and women: Qualitative research findings and implications for intervention.|Beeker C|Kraft JM, Southwell B, Jorgensen C.|Journal of Community Health|25
382Colorectal cancer screening in the United States: Trends from 2008 to 2015 and variation by health insurance coveragede Moor JS, Cohen RA, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR, Sabatino SA, Robin Yabroff K, Fedewa S, Lee R, Paul Doria-Rose V, Altice C, Klabunde CNPreventive Medicine20182018 Moor JS, Cohen RA, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR, Sabatino SA, Robin Yabroff K, Fedewa S, Lee R, Paul Doria-Rose V, Altice C, Klabunde CNColorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer screening in the United States: Trends from 2008 to 2015 and variation by health insurance coverage|de Moor JS|Cohen RA, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR, Sabatino SA, Robin Yabroff K, Fedewa S, Lee R, Paul Doria-Rose V, Altice C, Klabunde CN|Preventive Medicine|
383Colorectal cancer screening interventions in 2 health care systems serving disadvantaged populations: Screening uptake and cost-effectiveness.Lara CL, Means KL, Morwood KD, Lighthall WR, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, French C, Gayle KD, DeGroff A, Subramanian S.Cancer20192018 CL, Means KL, Morwood KD, Lighthall WR, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, French C, Gayle KD, DeGroff A, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer screening interventions in 2 health care systems serving disadvantaged populations: Screening uptake and cost-effectiveness.|Lara CL|Means KL, Morwood KD, Lighthall WR, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, French C, Gayle KD, DeGroff A, Subramanian S.|Cancer|
384Colorectal cancer screening participation by older women.Mandelson MT, Curry SJ, Anderson LA, Nadel MR, Lee NC, Rutter CM, LaCroix AZ.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20012000Mandelson MT, Curry SJ, Anderson LA, Nadel MR, Lee NC, Rutter CM, LaCroix AZ.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 19; Issue: 3; Pages: 149 - 154)Colorectal cancer screening participation by older women.|Mandelson MT|Curry SJ, Anderson LA, Nadel MR, Lee NC, Rutter CM, LaCroix AZ.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|19
385Colorectal cancer screening practices among men and women in rural and nonrural areas of the United States, 1999.Coughlin SS, Thompson TD.Journal of Rural Health20042004Coughlin SS, Thompson TD.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Rural Health (Volume: 20; Issue: 2; Pages: 118 - 124)Colorectal cancer screening practices among men and women in rural and nonrural areas of the United States, 1999.|Coughlin SS|Thompson TD.|Journal of Rural Health|20
386Colorectal cancer screening: A comparison of 35 initiatives in 17 countries.Benson VS, Patnick J, Davies AK, Nadel MR, Smith RA, Atkin WS; on behalf of the International Colorectal Cancer Screening Network.International Journal of Cancer20082008Benson VS, Patnick J, Davies AK, Nadel MR, Smith RA, Atkin WS; on behalf of the International Colorectal Cancer Screening Network.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: International Journal of Cancer (Volume: 122; Issue: 6; Pages: 200 - 367)Colorectal cancer screening: A comparison of 35 initiatives in 17 countries.|Benson VS|Patnick J, Davies AK, Nadel MR, Smith RA, Atkin WS; on behalf of the International Colorectal Cancer Screening Network.|International Journal of Cancer|122
387Colorectal cancer screening: Estimated future colonoscopy need and current volume and capacity.Joseph DA, Meester RG, Zauber AG, Manninen DL, Winges L, Dong FB, Peaker B, van Ballegooijen M.Cancer20162016 DA, Meester RG, Zauber AG, Manninen DL, Winges L, Dong FB, Peaker B, van Ballegooijen M.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer screening: Estimated future colonoscopy need and current volume and capacity.|Joseph DA|Meester RG, Zauber AG, Manninen DL, Winges L, Dong FB, Peaker B, van Ballegooijen M.|Cancer|
388Colorectal cancer screening: Preferences, past behavior, and future intentionsMansfield C, Ekwueme DU, Tangka FKL, Brown DS, Smith JL, Guy GP Jr, Li C, Hauber BThe Patient20182018 C, Ekwueme DU, Tangka FKL, Brown DS, Smith JL, Guy GP Jr, Li C, Hauber BColorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: The Patient (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer screening: Preferences, past behavior, and future intentions|Mansfield C|Ekwueme DU, Tangka FKL, Brown DS, Smith JL, Guy GP Jr, Li C, Hauber B|The Patient|
389Colorectal cancer screening—United States, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008.Rim SH, Joseph DA, Steele CB, Thompson TD, Seeff LC.MMWR20112011Rim SH, Joseph DA, Steele CB, Thompson TD, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 60; Issue: 1; Pages: 42 - 46)Colorectal cancer screening—United States, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008.|Rim SH|Joseph DA, Steele CB, Thompson TD, Seeff LC.|MMWR|60
390Colorectal cancer survival in the USA and Europe: a CONCORD high-resolution study.Allemani C, Rachet B, Weir HK, Richardson LC, Lepage C, Faivre J, Gatta G, Capocaccia R, Sant M, Baili P, Lombardo C, Aareleid T, Ardanaz E, Bielska-Lasota M, Bolick S, Cress R, Elferink M, Fulton JP, Galceran J, Gózdz S, Hakulinen T, Primic-Zakelj M, Rachtan J, Diba CS, Sánchez MJ, Schymura MJ, Shen T, Tagliabue G, Tumino R, Vercelli M, Wolf HJ, Wu XC, Coleman MP.BMJ Open20132013 C, Rachet B, Weir HK, Richardson LC, Lepage C, Faivre J, Gatta G, Capocaccia R, Sant M, Baili P, Lombardo C, Aareleid T, Ardanaz E, Bielska-Lasota M, Bolick S, Cress R, Elferink M, Fulton JP, Galceran J, Gózdz S, Hakulinen T, Primic-Zakelj M, Rachtan J, Diba CS, Sánchez MJ, Schymura MJ, Shen T, Tagliabue G, Tumino R, Vercelli M, Wolf HJ, Wu XC, Coleman MP.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: BMJ Open (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer survival in the USA and Europe: a CONCORD high-resolution study.|Allemani C|Rachet B, Weir HK, Richardson LC, Lepage C, Faivre J, Gatta G, Capocaccia R, Sant M, Baili P, Lombardo C, Aareleid T, Ardanaz E, Bielska-Lasota M, Bolick S, Cress R, Elferink M, Fulton JP, Galceran J, Gózdz S, Hakulinen T, Primic-Zakelj M, Rachtan J, Diba CS, Sánchez MJ, Schymura MJ, Shen T, Tagliabue G, Tumino R, Vercelli M, Wolf HJ, Wu XC, Coleman MP.|BMJ Open|
391Colorectal cancer test use among Hispanic and non-Hispanic U.S. populations.Pollack LA, Blackman DK, Wilson KM, Seeff LC, Nadel MR.Preventing Chronic Disease20062006Pollack LA, Blackman DK, Wilson KM, Seeff LC, Nadel MR.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 3; Issue: 2; Pages: - )Colorectal cancer test use among Hispanic and non-Hispanic U.S. populations.|Pollack LA|Blackman DK, Wilson KM, Seeff LC, Nadel MR.|Preventing Chronic Disease|3
392Colorectal cancer test use among persons aged greater than or equal to 50 years—United States, 2001.Seeff LC, Nadel M, Blackman C, Pollack LA. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.MMWR20032003Seeff LC, Nadel M, Blackman C, Pollack LA. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 52; Issue: 10; Pages: 193 - 196)Colorectal cancer test use among persons aged greater than or equal to 50 years—United States, 2001.|Seeff LC|Nadel M, Blackman C, Pollack LA. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.|MMWR|52
393Colorectal cancer test use from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey.Shapiro JA, Seeff LC, Thompson TD, Nadel MR, Klabunde CN, Vernon SW.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20082008Shapiro JA, Seeff LC, Thompson TD, Nadel MR, Klabunde CN, Vernon SW.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 17; Issue: 7; Pages: 162 - 630)Colorectal cancer test use from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey.|Shapiro JA|Seeff LC, Thompson TD, Nadel MR, Klabunde CN, Vernon SW.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|17
394Colorectal cancer—screening tests and associated health behaviors.Shapiro JA, Seeff LC, Nadel MR.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20012001Shapiro JA, Seeff LC, Nadel MR.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 21; Issue: 2; Pages: 132 - 137)Colorectal cancer—screening tests and associated health behaviors.|Shapiro JA|Seeff LC, Nadel MR.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|21
395Colorectal carcinoma mortality among Appalachian men and women, 19691999.Armstrong LR, Thompson TD, Hall HI, Coughlin SS, Steele B, Rogers JD.Cancer20052004Armstrong LR, Thompson TD, Hall HI, Coughlin SS, Steele B, Rogers JD.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 101; Issue: 2; Pages: 285 - 858)Colorectal carcinoma mortality among Appalachian men and women, 19691999.|Armstrong LR|Thompson TD, Hall HI, Coughlin SS, Steele B, Rogers JD.|Cancer|101
396Combating gastric cancer in Alaska Native people: An expert and community symposium.Nolen LD, Vindigni SM, Parsonnet J; Symposium Leaders, Bruce MG, Martinson HA, Thomas TK, Sacco F, Nash S, Olnes MJ, Miernyk K, Bruden D, Ramaswamy M, McMahon B, Goodman KJ, Bass AJ, Hur C, Inoue M, Camargo MC, Cho SJ, ParnellK, Allen E, Woods T, Melkonian S.Gastroenterology20202019 LD, Vindigni SM, Parsonnet J; Symposium Leaders, Bruce MG, Martinson HA, Thomas TK, Sacco F, Nash S, Olnes MJ, Miernyk K, Bruden D, Ramaswamy M, McMahon B, Goodman KJ, Bass AJ, Hur C, Inoue M, Camargo MC, Cho SJ, ParnellK, Allen E, Woods T, Melkonian S.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Gastroenterology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Combating gastric cancer in Alaska Native people: An expert and community symposium.|Nolen LD|Vindigni SM, Parsonnet J; Symposium Leaders, Bruce MG, Martinson HA, Thomas TK, Sacco F, Nash S, Olnes MJ, Miernyk K, Bruden D, Ramaswamy M, McMahon B, Goodman KJ, Bass AJ, Hur C, Inoue M, Camargo MC, Cho SJ, ParnellK, Allen E, Woods T, Melkonian S.|Gastroenterology|
397Combined effect of oral contraceptive use and hormone replacement therapy on breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.Norman SA, Berlin JA, Weber AL, Strom BL, Daling JR, Weiss LK, Marchbanks PA, Bernstein L, Voigt LF, McDonald JA, Ursin G, Liff JM, Burkman RT, Malone KE, Simon MS, Folger SG, Deapen D, Wingo PA, Spirtas R.Cancer Causes and Control20042003Norman SA, Berlin JA, Weber AL, Strom BL, Daling JR, Weiss LK, Marchbanks PA, Bernstein L, Voigt LF, McDonald JA, Ursin G, Liff JM, Burkman RT, Malone KE, Simon MS, Folger SG, Deapen D, Wingo PA, Spirtas R.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 14; Issue: 10; Pages: 933 - 943)Combined effect of oral contraceptive use and hormone replacement therapy on breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.|Norman SA|Berlin JA, Weber AL, Strom BL, Daling JR, Weiss LK, Marchbanks PA, Bernstein L, Voigt LF, McDonald JA, Ursin G, Liff JM, Burkman RT, Malone KE, Simon MS, Folger SG, Deapen D, Wingo PA, Spirtas R.|Cancer Causes and Control|14
398Combined tobacco and alcohol use by pregnant and reproductive-aged women in the United States.Ebrahim SH, Decouffle P, Palakathodi AS.Obstetrics and Gynecology20012000Ebrahim SH, Decouffle P, Palakathodi AS.Lung CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 96; Issue: 5; Pages: 767 - 771)Combined tobacco and alcohol use by pregnant and reproductive-aged women in the United States.|Ebrahim SH|Decouffle P, Palakathodi AS.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|96
399Commentary on the State-of-the-Science Conference on the Role of Active Surveillance in the Management of Men with Localized Prostate Cancer.Hall IJ, Richardson LC.Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs20132012 IJ, Richardson LC.Prostate CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs (Volume: 2012; Issue: 45; Pages: 135 - 139)Commentary on the State-of-the-Science Conference on the Role of Active Surveillance in the Management of Men with Localized Prostate Cancer.|Hall IJ|Richardson LC.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs|2012
400Common abnormal results of Pap and human papillomavirus cotesting: what physicians are recommending for management.Berkowitz Z, Saraiya M, Benard V, Yabroff KR.Obstetrics and Gynecology20112010Berkowitz Z, Saraiya M, Benard V, Yabroff KR.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 116; Issue: 6; Pages: 133 - 340)Common abnormal results of Pap and human papillomavirus cotesting: what physicians are recommending for management.|Berkowitz Z|Saraiya M, Benard V, Yabroff KR.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|116
401Communicating the financial burden of treatment with patients.Nipp RD, Sonet EM, Guy GP Jr.American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book20182018 RD, Sonet EM, Guy GP Jr.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book (Volume: 38; Issue: ; Pages: 524 - 531)Communicating the financial burden of treatment with patients.|Nipp RD|Sonet EM, Guy GP Jr.|American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book|38
402Communicating with daughters about familial risk of breast cancer: individual, family, and provider influences on womens knowledge of cancer riskPeipins LA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Soman A, White MC, Hodgson ME, DeRoo LA, Sandler DPJournal of Women's Health20182018 LA, Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Soman A, White MC, Hodgson ME, DeRoo LA, Sandler DPBreast CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Communicating with daughters about familial risk of breast cancer: individual, family, and provider influences on womens knowledge of cancer risk|Peipins LA|Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Soman A, White MC, Hodgson ME, DeRoo LA, Sandler DP|Journal of Women's Health|
403Communication practices about HPV testing among providers in federally qualified health centers.Lin L., Benard VB, Greek A, Roland KB, Hawkins NA, Saraiya M.Preventive Medicine Reports20152015Lin L., Benard VB, Greek A, Roland KB, Hawkins NA, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine Reports (Volume: 2; Issue: ; Pages: 436 - 439)Communication practices about HPV testing among providers in federally qualified health centers.|Lin L.|Benard VB, Greek A, Roland KB, Hawkins NA, Saraiya M.|Preventive Medicine Reports|2
404Community health workers to increase cancer screening: 3 Community Guide systematic reviews.Okasako-Schmucker DL, Peng Y, Cobb J, Buchanan LR, Xiong KZ, Mercer SL, Sabatino SA, Melillo S, Remington PL, Kumanyika SK, Glenn B, Breslau ES, Escoffery C, Fernandez ME, Coronado GD, Glanz K, Mullen PD, Vernon SW; Community Preventive Services Task Force.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20232022 DL, Peng Y, Cobb J, Buchanan LR, Xiong KZ, Mercer SL, Sabatino SA, Melillo S, Remington PL, Kumanyika SK, Glenn B, Breslau ES, Escoffery C, Fernandez ME, Coronado GD, Glanz K, Mullen PD, Vernon SW; Community Preventive Services Task Force.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Community health workers to increase cancer screening: 3 Community Guide systematic reviews.|Okasako-Schmucker DL|Peng Y, Cobb J, Buchanan LR, Xiong KZ, Mercer SL, Sabatino SA, Melillo S, Remington PL, Kumanyika SK, Glenn B, Breslau ES, Escoffery C, Fernandez ME, Coronado GD, Glanz K, Mullen PD, Vernon SW; Community Preventive Services Task Force.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
405Community-wide interventions to prevent skin cancer: two Community Guide systematic reviews.Sandhu PK, Elder R, Patel M, Saraiya M, Holman DM, Perna F, Smith RA, Buller D, Sinclair C, Reeder A, Makin J, McNoe B, Glanz K; Community Preventive Services Task Force.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20172016 PK, Elder R, Patel M, Saraiya M, Holman DM, Perna F, Smith RA, Buller D, Sinclair C, Reeder A, Makin J, McNoe B, Glanz K; Community Preventive Services Task Force.Skin CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 51; Issue: 4; Pages: 531 - 539)Community-wide interventions to prevent skin cancer: two Community Guide systematic reviews.|Sandhu PK|Elder R, Patel M, Saraiya M, Holman DM, Perna F, Smith RA, Buller D, Sinclair C, Reeder A, Makin J, McNoe B, Glanz K; Community Preventive Services Task Force.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|51
406Comorbidities, smoking status, and life expectancy among individuals eligible for lung cancer screening.Howard DH, Richards TB, Bach PB, Kegler MC, Berg CJ.Cancer20152015 DH, Richards TB, Bach PB, Kegler MC, Berg CJ.Lung CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Comorbidities, smoking status, and life expectancy among individuals eligible for lung cancer screening.|Howard DH|Richards TB, Bach PB, Kegler MC, Berg CJ.|Cancer|
407Comorbidity burden and guideline-concordant care for breast cancer.Kimmick G, Fleming ST, Sabatino SA, Wu XC, Hwang W, Wilson JF, Lund MJ, Cress R, Anderson RT; The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registry Patterns of Care Study Group.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society20142014 G, Fleming ST, Sabatino SA, Wu XC, Hwang W, Wilson JF, Lund MJ, Cress R, Anderson RT; The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registry Patterns of Care Study Group.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Comorbidity burden and guideline-concordant care for breast cancer.|Kimmick G|Fleming ST, Sabatino SA, Wu XC, Hwang W, Wilson JF, Lund MJ, Cress R, Anderson RT; The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registry Patterns of Care Study Group.|Journal of the American Geriatrics Society|
408Comparative analysis of breast cancer risk factors among African-American women and White women.Hall IJ, Moorman PG, Millikan RC, Newman B.American Journal of Epidemiology20052005Hall IJ, Moorman PG, Millikan RC, Newman B.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Epidemiology (Volume: 161; Issue: 1; Pages: 40 - 51)Comparative analysis of breast cancer risk factors among African-American women and White women.|Hall IJ|Moorman PG, Millikan RC, Newman B.|American Journal of Epidemiology|161
409Comparative evaluation of uterine cancer staging data using two different staging systems, 2001&ampndash;2005.Duong LM, Ajani UA, Wilson RJ.Journal of Registry Management20102009Duong LM, Ajani UA, Wilson RJ.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 36; Issue: 4; Pages: 125 - 129)Comparative evaluation of uterine cancer staging data using two different staging systems, 2001&ampndash;2005.|Duong LM|Ajani UA, Wilson RJ.|Journal of Registry Management|36
410Comparison of fecal occult blood tests for colorectal cancer screening in an Alaska Native population with high prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection, 20082012.Redwood D, Provost E, Asay E, Roberts D, Haverkamp D, Perdue D, Bruce MG, Sacco F, Espey D.Preventing Chronic Disease20142014 D, Provost E, Asay E, Roberts D, Haverkamp D, Perdue D, Bruce MG, Sacco F, Espey D.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 11; Issue: ; Pages: - )Comparison of fecal occult blood tests for colorectal cancer screening in an Alaska Native population with high prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection, 20082012.|Redwood D|Provost E, Asay E, Roberts D, Haverkamp D, Perdue D, Bruce MG, Sacco F, Espey D.|Preventing Chronic Disease|11
411Comparison of program resources required for colonoscopy and fecal screening: findings from 5 years of the Colorectal Cancer Control Program.Subramanian S, Tangka FKL, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M, Joseph D, DeGroff A.Preventing Chronic Disease20192019 S, Tangka FKL, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M, Joseph D, DeGroff A.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 16; Issue: ; Pages: - )Comparison of program resources required for colonoscopy and fecal screening: findings from 5 years of the Colorectal Cancer Control Program.|Subramanian S|Tangka FKL, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M, Joseph D, DeGroff A.|Preventing Chronic Disease|16
412Comparison of racial/ethnic disparities in adult immunization and cancer screening.Lees KA, Wortley PM, Coughlin SS.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20062005Lees KA, Wortley PM, Coughlin SS.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 29; Issue: 5; Pages: 404 - 411)Comparison of racial/ethnic disparities in adult immunization and cancer screening.|Lees KA|Wortley PM, Coughlin SS.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|29
413Comparison of screening mammography in the United States and the United Kingdom.Smith-Bindman R, Chu PW, Miglioretti DL, Sickles EA, Blanks R, Ballard-Barbash R, Bobo JK, Lee NC, Wallis MG, Patnick J, Kerlikowske K.Journal of the American Medical Association20042003Smith-Bindman R, Chu PW, Miglioretti DL, Sickles EA, Blanks R, Ballard-Barbash R, Bobo JK, Lee NC, Wallis MG, Patnick J, Kerlikowske K.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of the American Medical Association (Volume: 290; Issue: 16; Pages: 212 - 137)Comparison of screening mammography in the United States and the United Kingdom.|Smith-Bindman R|Chu PW, Miglioretti DL, Sickles EA, Blanks R, Ballard-Barbash R, Bobo JK, Lee NC, Wallis MG, Patnick J, Kerlikowske K.|Journal of the American Medical Association|290
414Comparison of telephone sampling and area sampling: Response rates and within-household coverage.Brogan DJ, Denniston MM, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Coates RJ, Brinton LA.American Journal of Epidemiology20012001Brogan DJ, Denniston MM, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Coates RJ, Brinton LA.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: American Journal of Epidemiology (Volume: 153; Issue: ; Pages: 111 - 127)Comparison of telephone sampling and area sampling: Response rates and within-household coverage.|Brogan DJ|Denniston MM, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Coates RJ, Brinton LA.|American Journal of Epidemiology|153
415Complications at the end of life in ovarian cancer.Herrinton LJ, Neslund-Dudas C, Rolnick SJ, Hornbrook MC, Bachman DJ, Darbinian JA, Jackson JM, Coughlin SS.Journal of Pain and Symptom Management20072007Herrinton LJ, Neslund-Dudas C, Rolnick SJ, Hornbrook MC, Bachman DJ, Darbinian JA, Jackson JM, Coughlin SS.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Volume: 34; Issue: 3; Pages: 237 - 243)Complications at the end of life in ovarian cancer.|Herrinton LJ|Neslund-Dudas C, Rolnick SJ, Hornbrook MC, Bachman DJ, Darbinian JA, Jackson JM, Coughlin SS.|Journal of Pain and Symptom Management|34
416Complications of colonoscopy in an integrated health care delivery system.Levin TR, Zhao W, Conell C, Seeff LC, Manninen DL, Shapiro JA, Schulman J.Annals of Internal Medicine20072006Levin TR, Zhao W, Conell C, Seeff LC, Manninen DL, Shapiro JA, Schulman J.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Annals of Internal Medicine (Volume: 145; Issue: 12; Pages: 880 - 886)Complications of colonoscopy in an integrated health care delivery system.|Levin TR|Zhao W, Conell C, Seeff LC, Manninen DL, Shapiro JA, Schulman J.|Annals of Internal Medicine|145
417Complications of screening flexible sigmoidoscopy.Levin TR, Conell C, Shapiro JA, Chazan SG, Nadel MR, Selby JE.Gastroenterology20032002Levin TR, Conell C, Shapiro JA, Chazan SG, Nadel MR, Selby JE.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Gastroenterology (Volume: 123; Issue: 6; Pages: 178 - 792)Complications of screening flexible sigmoidoscopy.|Levin TR|Conell C, Shapiro JA, Chazan SG, Nadel MR, Selby JE.|Gastroenterology|123
418Comprehensive cancer control in the eye of Hurricane Katrina [letter].Williams D, Kaufman R, Hayden J, Robinson M, Tai E.Preventing Chronic Disease20102009Williams D, Kaufman R, Hayden J, Robinson M, Tai E.NCCCPJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 6; Issue: 4; Pages: - )Comprehensive cancer control in the eye of Hurricane Katrina [letter].|Williams D|Kaufman R, Hayden J, Robinson M, Tai E.|Preventing Chronic Disease|6
419Comprehensive cancer control in the U.S.: summarizing twenty years of progress and looking ahead.Hayes NS, Hohman K, Vinson C, Pratt-Chapman M.Cancer Causes and Control20192018 NS, Hohman K, Vinson C, Pratt-Chapman M.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 29; Issue: 12; Pages: 130 - 309)Comprehensive cancer control in the U.S.: summarizing twenty years of progress and looking ahead.|Hayes NS|Hohman K, Vinson C, Pratt-Chapman M.|Cancer Causes and Control|29
420Comprehensive cancer control in the United States: progress and opportunity.Given LS, Hohman K, La Porta M, Belle-Isle L, Rochester P.Cancer Causes and Control20112010Given LS, Hohman K, La Porta M, Belle-Isle L, Rochester P.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 21; Issue: 12; Pages: 196 - 965)Comprehensive cancer control in the United States: progress and opportunity.|Given LS|Hohman K, La Porta M, Belle-Isle L, Rochester P.|Cancer Causes and Control|21
421Comprehensive Cancer Control Initiative of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: An example of participatory innovation diffusion.Abed J, Reilley B, Butler MO, Kean T, Wong F, Hohman K.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice20002000Abed J, Reilley B, Butler MO, Kean T, Wong F, Hohman K.NCCCPJournal: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (Volume: 6; Issue: 2; Pages: 79 - 92)Comprehensive Cancer Control Initiative of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: An example of participatory innovation diffusion.|Abed J|Reilley B, Butler MO, Kean T, Wong F, Hohman K.|Journal of Public Health Management and Practice|6
422Comprehensive cancer control partners' use of and attitudes about evidence-based practices.Steele CB, Rose JM, Townsend JS, Fonseka J, Richardson LC, Chovnick G.Preventing Chronic Disease20152015 CB, Rose JM, Townsend JS, Fonseka J, Richardson LC, Chovnick G.NCCCPJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 12; Issue: ; Pages: - )Comprehensive cancer control partners' use of and attitudes about evidence-based practices.|Steele CB|Rose JM, Townsend JS, Fonseka J, Richardson LC, Chovnick G.|Preventing Chronic Disease|12
423Comprehensive cancer control programs and coalitions: partnering to launch successful colorectal cancer screening initiatives.Seeff LC, Major A, Townsend JS, Provost E, Redwood D, Espey D, Dwyer D, Villanueva R, Larsen L, Rowley K, Leonard B.Cancer Causes and Control20112010Seeff LC, Major A, Townsend JS, Provost E, Redwood D, Espey D, Dwyer D, Villanueva R, Larsen L, Rowley K, Leonard B.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 21; Issue: 12; Pages: 202 - 031)Comprehensive cancer control programs and coalitions: partnering to launch successful colorectal cancer screening initiatives.|Seeff LC|Major A, Townsend JS, Provost E, Redwood D, Espey D, Dwyer D, Villanueva R, Larsen L, Rowley K, Leonard B.|Cancer Causes and Control|21
424Comprehensive cancer control: progress and accomplishments.Rochester PW, Townsend JS, Given L, Krebill H, Balderrama S, Vinson C.Cancer Causes and Control20112010Rochester PW, Townsend JS, Given L, Krebill H, Balderrama S, Vinson C.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 21; Issue: 12; Pages: 196 - 977)Comprehensive cancer control: progress and accomplishments.|Rochester PW|Townsend JS, Given L, Krebill H, Balderrama S, Vinson C.|Cancer Causes and Control|21
425Comprehensive cancer control: promoting survivor health and wellness.Rohan EA, Miller N, Bonner F 3rd, Fultz-Butts K, Pratt-Chapman ML, Alfano CM, Santiago KC, Bergman K, Tai E.Cancer Causes and Control20192018 EA, Miller N, Bonner F 3rd, Fultz-Butts K, Pratt-Chapman ML, Alfano CM, Santiago KC, Bergman K, Tai E.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Comprehensive cancer control: promoting survivor health and wellness.|Rohan EA|Miller N, Bonner F 3rd, Fultz-Butts K, Pratt-Chapman ML, Alfano CM, Santiago KC, Bergman K, Tai E.|Cancer Causes and Control|
426Computable guidelines and clinical decision support for cervical cancer screening and management to improve outcomes and health equity.Saraiya M, Colbert J, Bhat GL, Almonte R, Winters DW, Sebastian S, O'Hanlon M, Meadows G, Nosal MR, Richards TB, Michaels M, Townsend JS, Miller JW, Perkins RB, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, White MC, Richardson LC.Journal of Women's Health20222022 M, Colbert J, Bhat GL, Almonte R, Winters DW, Sebastian S, O'Hanlon M, Meadows G, Nosal MR, Richards TB, Michaels M, Townsend JS, Miller JW, Perkins RB, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, White MC, Richardson LC.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 31; Issue: 4; Pages: 462 - 468)Computable guidelines and clinical decision support for cervical cancer screening and management to improve outcomes and health equity.|Saraiya M|Colbert J, Bhat GL, Almonte R, Winters DW, Sebastian S, O'Hanlon M, Meadows G, Nosal MR, Richards TB, Michaels M, Townsend JS, Miller JW, Perkins RB, Sawaya GF, Wentzensen N, White MC, Richardson LC.|Journal of Women's Health|31
427Connecting the dots: linking the National Program of Cancer Registries and the needs of survivors and clinicians.Ryerson AB, Eheman C, Styles T, Rycroft R, Snyder C.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 AB, Eheman C, Styles T, Rycroft R, Snyder C.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: S52 - 535)Connecting the dots: linking the National Program of Cancer Registries and the needs of survivors and clinicians.|Ryerson AB|Eheman C, Styles T, Rycroft R, Snyder C.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
428Consensus-based framework for evaluating data modernization initiatives: the case of cancer registration and electronic reporting.Subramanian S, Tangka FKL, Pordell P, Beizer J, Wilson R, Jones SF, Rogers JD, Benard VB, Richardson LC.JAMIA Open20232023 S, Tangka FKL, Pordell P, Beizer J, Wilson R, Jones SF, Rogers JD, Benard VB, Richardson LC.NPCRJournal: JAMIA Open (Volume: 6; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Consensus-based framework for evaluating data modernization initiatives: the case of cancer registration and electronic reporting.|Subramanian S|Tangka FKL, Pordell P, Beizer J, Wilson R, Jones SF, Rogers JD, Benard VB, Richardson LC.|JAMIA Open|6
429Considerations and opportunities for multilevel HPV vaccine communication interventions.Oh A, Gaysynsky A, Winer RL, Lee HY, Brewer NT, White A.Translational Behavioral Medicine20222022 A, Gaysynsky A, Winer RL, Lee HY, Brewer NT, White A.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Translational Behavioral Medicine (Volume: 12; Issue: 2; Pages: 343 - 349)Considerations and opportunities for multilevel HPV vaccine communication interventions.|Oh A|Gaysynsky A, Winer RL, Lee HY, Brewer NT, White A.|Translational Behavioral Medicine|12
430Considerations in recruiting underscreened women to focus groups on screening for cervical cancer.Wilson KM, Orians CE.Health Promotion Practice20062005Wilson KM, Orians CE.Cervical CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 6; Issue: 4; Pages: 379 - 384)Considerations in recruiting underscreened women to focus groups on screening for cervical cancer.|Wilson KM|Orians CE.|Health Promotion Practice|6
431Considering racial and ethnic preferences in communication and interactions among the patient, family member, and physician following diagnosis of localized prostate cancer: study of a U.S. population.Rim SH, Hall IJ, Fairweather ME, Fedorenko CR, Ekwueme DU, Smith JL, Thompson IM, Keane TE, Penson DF, Moinpour CM, Zeliadt SB, Ramsey SD.International Journal of General Medicine20112011Rim SH, Hall IJ, Fairweather ME, Fedorenko CR, Ekwueme DU, Smith JL, Thompson IM, Keane TE, Penson DF, Moinpour CM, Zeliadt SB, Ramsey SD.Prostate CancerJournal: International Journal of General Medicine (Volume: 4; Issue: ; Pages: 481 - 486)Considering racial and ethnic preferences in communication and interactions among the patient, family member, and physician following diagnosis of localized prostate cancer: study of a U.S. population.|Rim SH|Hall IJ, Fairweather ME, Fedorenko CR, Ekwueme DU, Smith JL, Thompson IM, Keane TE, Penson DF, Moinpour CM, Zeliadt SB, Ramsey SD.|International Journal of General Medicine|4
432Construction of a North American Cancer Survival Index to measure progress of cancer control efforts.Johnson CJ, Weir HK, Mariotto A, Wilson R, Nishri D.Preventing Chronic Disease20172017 CJ, Weir HK, Mariotto A, Wilson R, Nishri D.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 14; Issue: ; Pages: - )Construction of a North American Cancer Survival Index to measure progress of cancer control efforts.|Johnson CJ|Weir HK, Mariotto A, Wilson R, Nishri D.|Preventing Chronic Disease|14
433Content analysis of continuing medical education for cervical cancer screening.Roland KB, Larkins TL, Benard VB, Berkowitz Z, Saraiya M.Journal of Women's Health20102010Roland KB, Larkins TL, Benard VB, Berkowitz Z, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 19; Issue: 4; Pages: 651 - 657)Content analysis of continuing medical education for cervical cancer screening.|Roland KB|Larkins TL, Benard VB, Berkowitz Z, Saraiya M.|Journal of Women's Health|19
434Contextual analysis of breast and cervical cancer screening and factors associated with health care access among United States women, 2002.Coughlin SS, Leadbetter S, Richards T, Sabatino SA.Social Science and Medicine20082008Coughlin SS, Leadbetter S, Richards T, Sabatino SA.Breast CancerJournal: Social Science and Medicine (Volume: 66; Issue: 2; Pages: 260 - 275)Contextual analysis of breast and cervical cancer screening and factors associated with health care access among United States women, 2002.|Coughlin SS|Leadbetter S, Richards T, Sabatino SA.|Social Science and Medicine|66
435Contextual factors relevant to implementing social risk factor screening and referrals in cancer survivorship: a qualitative study.Astorino JA, Pratt-Chapman ML, Schubel L, Lee Smith J, White A, Sabatino SA, Littlejohn R, Buckley BO, Taylor T, Arem H.Preventing Chronic Disease20242024 JA, Pratt-Chapman ML, Schubel L, Lee Smith J, White A, Sabatino SA, Littlejohn R, Buckley BO, Taylor T, Arem H.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Contextual factors relevant to implementing social risk factor screening and referrals in cancer survivorship: a qualitative study.|Astorino JA|Pratt-Chapman ML, Schubel L, Lee Smith J, White A, Sabatino SA, Littlejohn R, Buckley BO, Taylor T, Arem H.|Preventing Chronic Disease|
436Continued rise in incidence of renal cell carcinoma, especially in young and high-grade disease, United States, 20012010.King SC, Pollack L, Li J, King JB, Master VA.Journal of Urology20142014 SC, Pollack L, Li J, King JB, Master VA.NPCRJournal: Journal of Urology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Continued rise in incidence of renal cell carcinoma, especially in young and high-grade disease, United States, 20012010.|King SC|Pollack L, Li J, King JB, Master VA.|Journal of Urology|
437Control of HPV-associated cancers with HPV vaccination.Schiffman M, Saraiya M.Lancet Infectious Diseases20162016 M, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Lancet Infectious Diseases (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Control of HPV-associated cancers with HPV vaccination.|Schiffman M|Saraiya M.|Lancet Infectious Diseases|
438Correction to: Financial navigation: staff perspectives on patients' financial burden of cancer care.Yeager KA, Zahnd WE, Eberth JM, Vanderpool RC, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost EL, Trapl E, Gonzalez SK, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Petermann V, Wheeler SB.Journal of Cancer Survivorship20222022 KA, Zahnd WE, Eberth JM, Vanderpool RC, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost EL, Trapl E, Gonzalez SK, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Petermann V, Wheeler SB.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Cancer Survivorship (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Correction to: Financial navigation: staff perspectives on patients' financial burden of cancer care.|Yeager KA|Zahnd WE, Eberth JM, Vanderpool RC, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost EL, Trapl E, Gonzalez SK, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Petermann V, Wheeler SB.|Journal of Cancer Survivorship|
439Correction to: Mammography use and breast cancer incidence among older U.S. women.Turbow SD, White MC, Breslau ES, Sabatino SA.Breast Cancer Research and Treatment20212021 SD, White MC, Breslau ES, Sabatino SA.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Correction to: Mammography use and breast cancer incidence among older U.S. women.|Turbow SD|White MC, Breslau ES, Sabatino SA.|Breast Cancer Research and Treatment|
440Correction: Disparities in incidence and trends of colorectal, lung, female breast, and cervical cancers among non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native people, 19992018.Melkonian SC, Chen L, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, King JB.Cancer Causes and Control20232023 SC, Chen L, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, King JB.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Correction: Disparities in incidence and trends of colorectal, lung, female breast, and cervical cancers among non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native people, 19992018.|Melkonian SC|Chen L, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, King JB.|Cancer Causes and Control|
441Correlates of colorectal cancer screening rates in primary care clinics serving low-income, medically underserved populations.Sharma KP., DeGroff A, Scott L, Shrestha S, Melillo S, Sabatino SA.Preventive Medicine20192019 KP., DeGroff A, Scott L, Shrestha S, Melillo S, Sabatino SA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Correlates of colorectal cancer screening rates in primary care clinics serving low-income, medically underserved populations.|Sharma KP.|DeGroff A, Scott L, Shrestha S, Melillo S, Sabatino SA.|Preventive Medicine|
442Correlates of depressive symptoms among women seeking cancer genetic counseling and risk assessment at a high-risk cancer clinic.Kodl MM, Lee JW, Matthews AK, Cummings SA, Olopade OI.Journal of Genetic Counseling20062006Kodl MM, Lee JW, Matthews AK, Cummings SA, Olopade OI.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Genetic Counseling (Volume: 15; Issue: 4; Pages: 267 - 276)Correlates of depressive symptoms among women seeking cancer genetic counseling and risk assessment at a high-risk cancer clinic.|Kodl MM|Lee JW, Matthews AK, Cummings SA, Olopade OI.|Journal of Genetic Counseling|15
443Correlates of intentional tanning among adolescents in the United States: a systematic review of the literature.Holman DM, Watson M.Journal of Adolescent Health20132013 DM, Watson M.Skin CancerJournal: Journal of Adolescent Health (Volume: 52; Issue: 5S; Pages: S52 - S59)Correlates of intentional tanning among adolescents in the United States: a systematic review of the literature.|Holman DM|Watson M.|Journal of Adolescent Health|52
444Correlates of sunburn experiences among U.S. adults: Results of the 2000 National Health Interview Survey.Hall HI, Saraiya M, Thompson T, Hartman A, Glanz K, Rimer B.Public Health Reports20042003Hall HI, Saraiya M, Thompson T, Hartman A, Glanz K, Rimer B.Skin CancerJournal: Public Health Reports (Volume: 118; Issue: 6; Pages: 540 - 549)Correlates of sunburn experiences among U.S. adults: Results of the 2000 National Health Interview Survey.|Hall HI|Saraiya M, Thompson T, Hartman A, Glanz K, Rimer B.|Public Health Reports|118
445Cost analysis of screening for, diagnosing, and staging prostate cancer based on a systematic review of published studies.Ekwueme DU, Stroud LA, Chen Y.Preventing Chronic Disease20082007Ekwueme DU, Stroud LA, Chen Y.Prostate CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 4; Issue: 4; Pages: - )Cost analysis of screening for, diagnosing, and staging prostate cancer based on a systematic review of published studies.|Ekwueme DU|Stroud LA, Chen Y.|Preventing Chronic Disease|4
446Cost analysis of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: selected states, 2003 to 2004.Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Bapat B, Richardson LC.Cancer20082008Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Bapat B, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 112; Issue: 3; Pages: 626 - 635)Cost analysis of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: selected states, 2003 to 2004.|Ekwueme DU|Gardner JG, Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Bapat B, Richardson LC.|Cancer|112
447Cost and effectiveness of reminders to promote colorectal cancer screening uptake in rural federally qualified health centers in West Virginia.Conn ME, Kennedy-Rea S, Subramanian S, Baus A, Hoover S, Cunningham C, Tangka FKL.Health Promotion Practice20202020 ME, Kennedy-Rea S, Subramanian S, Baus A, Hoover S, Cunningham C, Tangka FKL.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 21; Issue: 6; Pages: 891 - 897)Cost and effectiveness of reminders to promote colorectal cancer screening uptake in rural federally qualified health centers in West Virginia.|Conn ME|Kennedy-Rea S, Subramanian S, Baus A, Hoover S, Cunningham C, Tangka FKL.|Health Promotion Practice|21
448Cost of breast cancer treatment in Medicaid: implications for state programs providing coverage for low-income women.Subramanian S, Trogdon J, Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Whitmire JT, Rao C.Medical Care20112010Subramanian S, Trogdon J, Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Whitmire JT, Rao C.Breast CancerJournal: Medical Care (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost of breast cancer treatment in Medicaid: implications for state programs providing coverage for low-income women.|Subramanian S|Trogdon J, Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Whitmire JT, Rao C.|Medical Care|
449Cost of cancer-related neutropenia or fever hospitalizations, United States, 2012.Tai E, Guy GP, Dunbar A, Richardson LC.Journal of Oncology Practice20172017 E, Guy GP, Dunbar A, Richardson LC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Oncology Practice (Volume: 13; Issue: 6; Pages: e55 - 561)Cost of cancer-related neutropenia or fever hospitalizations, United States, 2012.|Tai E|Guy GP, Dunbar A, Richardson LC.|Journal of Oncology Practice|13
450Cost of cervical cancer treatment: implications for providing coverage to low-income women under the Medicaid expansion for cancer care.Subramanian S, Trogdon J, Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Whitmire JT, Rao CWomen's Health20102010Subramanian S, Trogdon J, Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Whitmire JT, Rao CCervical CancerJournal: Women's Health (Volume: 20; Issue: 6; Pages: 400 - 405)Cost of cervical cancer treatment: implications for providing coverage to low-income women under the Medicaid expansion for cancer care.|Subramanian S|Trogdon J, Ekwueme DU, Gardner JG, Whitmire JT, Rao C|Women's Health|20
451Cost of operating central cancer registries and factors that affect cost: findings from an economic evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registries.Tangka FK, Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Weir HK, Trebino D, Babcock F, Ewing J.Journal of Public Health Management and Practice20162015 FK, Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Weir HK, Trebino D, Babcock F, Ewing J.NPCRJournal: Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (Volume: 22; Issue: 5; Pages: 452 - 460)Cost of operating central cancer registries and factors that affect cost: findings from an economic evaluation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registries.|Tangka FK|Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Weir HK, Trebino D, Babcock F, Ewing J.|Journal of Public Health Management and Practice|22
452Cost of services provided by the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Ekwueme DU, Subramanian S, Trogdon JG, Miller JW, Royalty JE, Li C, Guy GP, Crouse W, Thompson H, Gardner JG.Cancer20142014 DU, Subramanian S, Trogdon JG, Miller JW, Royalty JE, Li C, Guy GP, Crouse W, Thompson H, Gardner JG.NBCCEDPJournal: Cancer (Volume: 120; Issue: Suppl 16; Pages: 260 - 611)Cost of services provided by the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Ekwueme DU|Subramanian S, Trogdon JG, Miller JW, Royalty JE, Li C, Guy GP, Crouse W, Thompson H, Gardner JG.|Cancer|120
453Cost of starting colorectal cancer screening programs: Results from five federally funded demonstration programs.Tangka FK, Subramanian S, Bapat B, Seeff LC, DeGroff A, Gardner J, Ryerson AB, Nadel M, Royalty J.Preventing Chronic Disease20082008Tangka FK, Subramanian S, Bapat B, Seeff LC, DeGroff A, Gardner J, Ryerson AB, Nadel M, Royalty J.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 5; Issue: 2; Pages: - )Cost of starting colorectal cancer screening programs: Results from five federally funded demonstration programs.|Tangka FK|Subramanian S, Bapat B, Seeff LC, DeGroff A, Gardner J, Ryerson AB, Nadel M, Royalty J.|Preventing Chronic Disease|5
454Cost of tobacco-related cancer hospitalizations in the U.S., 2014Tai EW, Guy GP Jr., Steele CB, Henley SJ, Gallaway MS, Richardson LCAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine20182018 EW, Guy GP Jr., Steele CB, Henley SJ, Gallaway MS, Richardson LCCervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost of tobacco-related cancer hospitalizations in the U.S., 2014|Tai EW|Guy GP Jr., Steele CB, Henley SJ, Gallaway MS, Richardson LC|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
455Cost savings to Medicare from pre-Medicare colorectal cancer screening.Goede SL, Kuntz KM, van Ballegooijen M, Knudsen AB, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Tangka FK, Howard DH, Chin J, Zauber AG, Seeff LC.Medical Care20152015 SL, Kuntz KM, van Ballegooijen M, Knudsen AB, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Tangka FK, Howard DH, Chin J, Zauber AG, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 53; Issue: 7; Pages: 630 - 638)Cost savings to Medicare from pre-Medicare colorectal cancer screening.|Goede SL|Kuntz KM, van Ballegooijen M, Knudsen AB, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Tangka FK, Howard DH, Chin J, Zauber AG, Seeff LC.|Medical Care|53
456Cost-effectiveness analysis of four simulated colorectal cancer screening interventions, North Carolina.Hassmiller Lich K, Cornejo DA, Mayorga ME, Pignone M, Tangka FK, Richardson LC, Kuo TM, Meyer AM, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Durham TA, Chall SA, Crutchfield TM, Wheeler SB.Preventing Chronic Disease20172017 Lich K, Cornejo DA, Mayorga ME, Pignone M, Tangka FK, Richardson LC, Kuo TM, Meyer AM, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Durham TA, Chall SA, Crutchfield TM, Wheeler SB.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 14; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost-effectiveness analysis of four simulated colorectal cancer screening interventions, North Carolina.|Hassmiller Lich K|Cornejo DA, Mayorga ME, Pignone M, Tangka FK, Richardson LC, Kuo TM, Meyer AM, Hall IJ, Smith JL, Durham TA, Chall SA, Crutchfield TM, Wheeler SB.|Preventing Chronic Disease|14
457Cost-effectiveness of a patient navigation intervention to increase colonoscopy screening among low-income adults in New Hampshire.Rice K, Sharma K, Li C, Butterly L, Gersten J, DeGroff A.Cancer20192018 K, Sharma K, Li C, Butterly L, Gersten J, DeGroff A.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost-effectiveness of a patient navigation intervention to increase colonoscopy screening among low-income adults in New Hampshire.|Rice K|Sharma K, Li C, Butterly L, Gersten J, DeGroff A.|Cancer|
458Cost-effectiveness of breast cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Rim SH, Allaire BT, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Subramanian S, Hall IJ, Hoerger TJ.Cancer Causes and Control20192019 SH, Allaire BT, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Subramanian S, Hall IJ, Hoerger TJ.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost-effectiveness of breast cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Rim SH|Allaire BT, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Subramanian S, Hall IJ, Hoerger TJ.|Cancer Causes and Control|
459Cost-effectiveness of extending cervical cancer screening intervals among women with prior normal Pap tests.Kulasingam SL, Myers ER, Lawson HW, McConnell KJ, Kerlikowske K, Melnikow J, Washington AE, Sawaya GF.Obstetrics and Gynecology20062006Kulasingam SL, Myers ER, Lawson HW, McConnell KJ, Kerlikowske K, Melnikow J, Washington AE, Sawaya GF.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 107; Issue: 2 Pt 1; Pages: 321 - 328)Cost-effectiveness of extending cervical cancer screening intervals among women with prior normal Pap tests.|Kulasingam SL|Myers ER, Lawson HW, McConnell KJ, Kerlikowske K, Melnikow J, Washington AE, Sawaya GF.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|107
460Cost-effectiveness of human papillomavirus vaccination in the United States.Chesson HW, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE.Emerging Infectious Diseases20082008Chesson HW, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE.Cervical CancerJournal: Emerging Infectious Diseases (Volume: 14; Issue: 2; Pages: 244 - 251)Cost-effectiveness of human papillomavirus vaccination in the United States.|Chesson HW|Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE.|Emerging Infectious Diseases|14
461Cost-effectiveness of nonavalent HPV vaccination among males aged 22 through 26years in the United StatesChesson HW, Meites E, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Markowitz LEVaccine20182018Chesson HW, Meites E, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Markowitz LEHPV-Associated CancersJournal: Vaccine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost-effectiveness of nonavalent HPV vaccination among males aged 22 through 26years in the United States|Chesson HW|Meites E, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Markowitz LE|Vaccine|
462Cost-effectiveness of patient navigation for breast cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Allaire BT, Ekweme D, Hoerger TJ, DeGroff A, Rim SH, Subramanian S, Miller JW.Cancer Causes and Control20192019 BT, Ekweme D, Hoerger TJ, DeGroff A, Rim SH, Subramanian S, Miller JW.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost-effectiveness of patient navigation for breast cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Allaire BT|Ekweme D, Hoerger TJ, DeGroff A, Rim SH, Subramanian S, Miller JW.|Cancer Causes and Control|
463Cost-effectiveness of pharmacologic treatment options for women with endocrine-refractory or triple-negative metastatic breast cancer.Wheeler SB, Rotter J, Gogate A, Reeder-Hayes KE, Drier SW, Ekwueme DU, Fairley TL, Rocque GB, Trogdon JG.Journal of Clinical Oncology20232022 SB, Rotter J, Gogate A, Reeder-Hayes KE, Drier SW, Ekwueme DU, Fairley TL, Rocque GB, Trogdon JG.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Clinical Oncology (Volume: 41; Issue: 1; Pages: 32 - 42)Cost-effectiveness of pharmacologic treatment options for women with endocrine-refractory or triple-negative metastatic breast cancer.|Wheeler SB|Rotter J, Gogate A, Reeder-Hayes KE, Drier SW, Ekwueme DU, Fairley TL, Rocque GB, Trogdon JG.|Journal of Clinical Oncology|41
464Costs and benefits of an organized fecal immunochemical test-based colorectal cancer screening program in the United States.Guy GP Jr., Richardson LC, Pignone MP, Plescia M.Cancer20142014 GP Jr., Richardson LC, Pignone MP, Plescia M.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Costs and benefits of an organized fecal immunochemical test-based colorectal cancer screening program in the United States.|Guy GP Jr.|Richardson LC, Pignone MP, Plescia M.|Cancer|
465Costs of chronic diseases at the state level: the Chronic Disease Cost Calculator.Trogdon JG, Murphy LB, Khavjou OA, Li R, Maylahn CM, Tangka FK, Nurmagambetov TA, Ekwueme DU, Nwaise I, Chapman DP, Orenstein D.Preventing Chronic Disease20152015 JG, Murphy LB, Khavjou OA, Li R, Maylahn CM, Tangka FK, Nurmagambetov TA, Ekwueme DU, Nwaise I, Chapman DP, Orenstein D.Other ResearchJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 12; Issue: ; Pages: 150 - 131)Costs of chronic diseases at the state level: the Chronic Disease Cost Calculator.|Trogdon JG|Murphy LB, Khavjou OA, Li R, Maylahn CM, Tangka FK, Nurmagambetov TA, Ekwueme DU, Nwaise I, Chapman DP, Orenstein D.|Preventing Chronic Disease|12
466Costs of colorectal cancer screening provision in CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program: Comparisons of colonoscopy and FOBT/FIT based screening.Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Royalty J, DeGroff A, Joseph D.Evaluation and Program Planning20172017 S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Royalty J, DeGroff A, Joseph D.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Evaluation and Program Planning (Volume: 62; Issue: ; Pages: 73 - 80)Costs of colorectal cancer screening provision in CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program: Comparisons of colonoscopy and FOBT/FIT based screening.|Subramanian S|Tangka FK, Hoover S, Royalty J, DeGroff A, Joseph D.|Evaluation and Program Planning|62
467Costs of planning and implementing CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.Subramanian S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Beebe MC, Degroff A, Royalty J, Seeff LC.Cancer20132013 S, Tangka FK, Hoover S, Beebe MC, Degroff A, Royalty J, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 119; Issue: Suppl 15; Pages: 285 - 862)Costs of planning and implementing CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.|Subramanian S|Tangka FK, Hoover S, Beebe MC, Degroff A, Royalty J, Seeff LC.|Cancer|119
468Costs of promoting cancer screening: Evidence from CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP).Tangka FK, Subramanian S, Hoover S, Royalty J, Joseph K, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Chattopadhyay S.Evaluation and Program Planning20172016 FK, Subramanian S, Hoover S, Royalty J, Joseph K, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Chattopadhyay S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Evaluation and Program Planning (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Costs of promoting cancer screening: Evidence from CDC's Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP).|Tangka FK|Subramanian S, Hoover S, Royalty J, Joseph K, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Chattopadhyay S.|Evaluation and Program Planning|
469Cost-utility analysis of cancer prevention, treatment, and control: a systematic review.Winn AN, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Neumann PJ.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 AN, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Neumann PJ.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Cost-utility analysis of cancer prevention, treatment, and control: a systematic review.|Winn AN|Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Neumann PJ.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
470Counseling on sun protection and indoor tanning.Balk SJ, Gottschlich EA, Holman DM, Watson M.Pediatrics20182017 SJ, Gottschlich EA, Holman DM, Watson M.Skin CancerJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: 140; Issue: 6; Pages: - )Counseling on sun protection and indoor tanning.|Balk SJ|Gottschlich EA, Holman DM, Watson M.|Pediatrics|140
471Counseling parents and children on sun protection: A national survey of pediatricians.Balk SJ, O'Connor KG, Saraiya M.Pediatrics20052004Balk SJ, O'Connor KG, Saraiya M.Pediatric and Young Adult CancerJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: 114; Issue: 4; Pages: 105 - 064)Counseling parents and children on sun protection: A national survey of pediatricians.|Balk SJ|O'Connor KG, Saraiya M.|Pediatrics|114
472Counts, incidence rates, and trends of pediatric cancer in the United States, 20032019.Siegel DA, King JB, Lupo PJ, Durbin EB, Tai E, Mills K, Van Dyne E, Lunsford NB, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20232023 DA, King JB, Lupo PJ, Durbin EB, Tai E, Mills K, Van Dyne E, Lunsford NB, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Counts, incidence rates, and trends of pediatric cancer in the United States, 20032019.|Siegel DA|King JB, Lupo PJ, Durbin EB, Tai E, Mills K, Van Dyne E, Lunsford NB, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
473COVID-19 and the disruption of cancer screening programs: Key lessons for the recoveryRabeneck L, Saraiya M.Preventive Medicine20212021 L, Saraiya M.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 151; Issue: ; Pages: - )COVID-19 and the disruption of cancer screening programs: Key lessons for the recovery|Rabeneck L|Saraiya M.|Preventive Medicine|151
474COVID-19 impact on screening test volume through the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, JanuaryJune 2020, in the United StatesDeGroff A, Miller J, Sharma K, Sun J, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Rockwell T, Sheu A, Melillo S, Uhd J, Kenney K, Wong F, Saraiya M, Richardson LC.Preventive Medicine20212021 A, Miller J, Sharma K, Sun J, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Rockwell T, Sheu A, Melillo S, Uhd J, Kenney K, Wong F, Saraiya M, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 151; Issue: ; Pages: - )COVID-19 impact on screening test volume through the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, JanuaryJune 2020, in the United States|DeGroff A|Miller J, Sharma K, Sun J, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Rockwell T, Sheu A, Melillo S, Uhd J, Kenney K, Wong F, Saraiya M, Richardson LC.|Preventive Medicine|151
475Current cervical cancer screening knowledge, awareness, and practices among U.S. Affiliated Pacific Island providers: opportunities and challenges.Townsend JS, Stormo AR, Roland KB, Buenconsejo-Lum L, White S, Saraiya M.The Oncologist20142014 JS, Stormo AR, Roland KB, Buenconsejo-Lum L, White S, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: The Oncologist (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Current cervical cancer screening knowledge, awareness, and practices among U.S. Affiliated Pacific Island providers: opportunities and challenges.|Townsend JS|Stormo AR, Roland KB, Buenconsejo-Lum L, White S, Saraiya M.|The Oncologist|
476Current depression among adult cancer survivors: Findings from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.Zhao G, Okoro CA, Li J, White A, Dhingra S, Li C.Cancer Epidemiology20152014 G, Okoro CA, Li J, White A, Dhingra S, Li C.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: 38; Issue: 6; Pages: 757 - 764)Current depression among adult cancer survivors: Findings from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.|Zhao G|Okoro CA, Li J, White A, Dhingra S, Li C.|Cancer Epidemiology|38
477Data and trends in cancer screening in the United States: results from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey.Swan J, Breen N, Graubard BI, McNeel TS, Blackman D, Tangka FK, Ballard-Barbash R.Cancer20102010Swan J, Breen N, Graubard BI, McNeel TS, Blackman D, Tangka FK, Ballard-Barbash R.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Data and trends in cancer screening in the United States: results from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey.|Swan J|Breen N, Graubard BI, McNeel TS, Blackman D, Tangka FK, Ballard-Barbash R.|Cancer|
478Data-powered participatory decision making: Leveraging systems thinking and simulation to guide selection and implementation of evidence-based colorectal cancer screening interventionsWheeler SB, Leeman J, Hassmiller Lich K, Tangka FKL, Davis MM, Richardson LCThe Cancer Journal20182018 SB, Leeman J, Hassmiller Lich K, Tangka FKL, Davis MM, Richardson LCColorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: The Cancer Journal (Volume: 24; Issue: 3; Pages: 132 - 139)Data-powered participatory decision making: Leveraging systems thinking and simulation to guide selection and implementation of evidence-based colorectal cancer screening interventions|Wheeler SB|Leeman J, Hassmiller Lich K, Tangka FKL, Davis MM, Richardson LC|The Cancer Journal|24
479Decline in breast cancer incidence—United States, 1999-2003.Stewart SL, Sabatino SA, Foster SL, Richardson LC.MMWR20072007Stewart SL, Sabatino SA, Foster SL, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 56; Issue: 22; Pages: 549 - 553)Decline in breast cancer incidence—United States, 1999-2003.|Stewart SL|Sabatino SA, Foster SL, Richardson LC.|MMWR|56
480Decrease in prostate cancer testing following the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations.Li J., Berkowitz Z, Hall IJ.Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine20152015 J., Berkowitz Z, Hall IJ.Prostate CancerJournal: Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (Volume: 28; Issue: 4; Pages: 491 - 493)Decrease in prostate cancer testing following the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations.|Li J.|Berkowitz Z, Hall IJ.|Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine|28
481Decreasing trend in tobacco-related cancer incidence, United States 20052009.Underwood JM, Richards TB, Henley SJ, Momin B, Houston K, Rolle I, Holmes C, Stewart SL.Journal of Community Health20152014 JM, Richards TB, Henley SJ, Momin B, Houston K, Rolle I, Holmes C, Stewart SL.Lung CancerJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Decreasing trend in tobacco-related cancer incidence, United States 20052009.|Underwood JM|Richards TB, Henley SJ, Momin B, Houston K, Rolle I, Holmes C, Stewart SL.|Journal of Community Health|
482Defining care provided for breast cancer based on medical record review or Medicare claims: information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Patterns of Care Study.Fleming ST, Kimmick GG, Sabatino SA, Cress RD, Wu XC, Trentham-Dietz A, Huang B, Hwang W, Liff JM; Patterns of Care Study Group.Annals of Epidemiology20122012 ST, Kimmick GG, Sabatino SA, Cress RD, Wu XC, Trentham-Dietz A, Huang B, Hwang W, Liff JM; Patterns of Care Study Group.Breast CancerJournal: Annals of Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Defining care provided for breast cancer based on medical record review or Medicare claims: information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Patterns of Care Study.|Fleming ST|Kimmick GG, Sabatino SA, Cress RD, Wu XC, Trentham-Dietz A, Huang B, Hwang W, Liff JM; Patterns of Care Study Group.|Annals of Epidemiology|
483Delays in referral and diagnosis for chronic hematologic malignancies: a literature review.Abel GA, Friese CR, Magazu LS, Richardson LC, Fernandez ME, De Zengotita JJ, Earle CC.Leukemia and Lymphoma20082008Abel GA, Friese CR, Magazu LS, Richardson LC, Fernandez ME, De Zengotita JJ, Earle CC.Hematologic (Blood) CancersJournal: Leukemia and Lymphoma (Volume: 49; Issue: 7; Pages: 135 - 359)Delays in referral and diagnosis for chronic hematologic malignancies: a literature review.|Abel GA|Friese CR, Magazu LS, Richardson LC, Fernandez ME, De Zengotita JJ, Earle CC.|Leukemia and Lymphoma|49
484Demographics and tumor characteristics of colorectal cancers in the United States, 1998-2001.Matanoski G, Tao XG, Almon L, Adade AA, Davies-Cole JO.Cancer20062006Matanoski G, Tao XG, Almon L, Adade AA, Davies-Cole JO.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 111 - 120)Demographics and tumor characteristics of colorectal cancers in the United States, 1998-2001.|Matanoski G|Tao XG, Almon L, Adade AA, Davies-Cole JO.|Cancer|107
485Descriptive epidemiology of colorectal cancer in the United States, 1998-2001.Jackson-Thompson J, Ahmed F, German RR, Lai SM, Friedman C.Cancer20062006Jackson-Thompson J, Ahmed F, German RR, Lai SM, Friedman C.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 110 - 111)Descriptive epidemiology of colorectal cancer in the United States, 1998-2001.|Jackson-Thompson J|Ahmed F, German RR, Lai SM, Friedman C.|Cancer|107
486Descriptive epidemiology of malignant and nonmalignant primary spinal cord, spinal meninges, and cauda equina tumors, United States, 20042007.Duong LM, McCarthy BJ, McLendon RE, Dolecek TA, Kruchko C, Douglas LL, Ajani UA.Cancer20122012 LM, McCarthy BJ, McLendon RE, Dolecek TA, Kruchko C, Douglas LL, Ajani UA.NPCRJournal: Cancer (Volume: 118; Issue: 17; Pages: 422 - 227)Descriptive epidemiology of malignant and nonmalignant primary spinal cord, spinal meninges, and cauda equina tumors, United States, 20042007.|Duong LM|McCarthy BJ, McLendon RE, Dolecek TA, Kruchko C, Douglas LL, Ajani UA.|Cancer|118
487Descriptive epidemiology of malignant primary osteosarcoma using population-based registries, United States, 19992008.Duong LA, Richardson LC.Journal of Registry Management20132013Duong LA, Richardson LC.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 40; Issue: 2; Pages: 59 - 64)Descriptive epidemiology of malignant primary osteosarcoma using population-based registries, United States, 19992008.|Duong LA|Richardson LC.|Journal of Registry Management|40
488Descriptive epidemiology of vaginal cancer incidence and survival by race, ethnicity, and age in the United States.Wu X, Matanoski G, Chen VW, Saraiya M, Coughlin SS, King JB, Tao XG.Cancer20092008Wu X, Matanoski G, Chen VW, Saraiya M, Coughlin SS, King JB, Tao XG.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 287 - 882)Descriptive epidemiology of vaginal cancer incidence and survival by race, ethnicity, and age in the United States.|Wu X|Matanoski G, Chen VW, Saraiya M, Coughlin SS, King JB, Tao XG.|Cancer|113
489Designing colorectal cancer screening decision support: a cognitive engineering enterprise.Militello LG, Saleem JJ, Borders MR, Sushereba CE, Haverkamp D, Wolf SP, Doebbeling BN.Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making20162016Militello LG, Saleem JJ, Borders MR, Sushereba CE, Haverkamp D, Wolf SP, Doebbeling BN.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making (Volume: 10; Issue: 1; Pages: 74 - 90)Designing colorectal cancer screening decision support: a cognitive engineering enterprise.|Militello LG|Saleem JJ, Borders MR, Sushereba CE, Haverkamp D, Wolf SP, Doebbeling BN.|Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making|10
490Determinants of hospital length of stay for cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer: Does managed care matter?Berg GD, Chattopadhyay SK.American Journal of Managed Care20042004Berg GD, Chattopadhyay SK.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Managed Care (Volume: 10; Issue: 1; Pages: 33 - 38)Determinants of hospital length of stay for cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer: Does managed care matter?|Berg GD|Chattopadhyay SK.|American Journal of Managed Care|10
491Developing a claim-based version of the ACE-27 comorbidity index: a comparison with medical record review.Fleming ST, Sabatino SA, Kimmick G, Cress R, Wu XC, Trentham-Dietz A, Huang B, Hwang W, Liff J.Medical Care20112011Fleming ST, Sabatino SA, Kimmick G, Cress R, Wu XC, Trentham-Dietz A, Huang B, Hwang W, Liff J.Breast CancerJournal: Medical Care (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Developing a claim-based version of the ACE-27 comorbidity index: a comparison with medical record review.|Fleming ST|Sabatino SA, Kimmick G, Cress R, Wu XC, Trentham-Dietz A, Huang B, Hwang W, Liff J.|Medical Care|
492Developing a web-based cost assessment tool for colorectal cancer screening programsHoover S, Subramanian S, Tangka FPreventing Chronic Disease20192019 S, Subramanian S, Tangka FColorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 16; Issue: ; Pages: - )Developing a web-based cost assessment tool for colorectal cancer screening programs|Hoover S|Subramanian S, Tangka F|Preventing Chronic Disease|16
493Developing and testing a cost data collection instrument for noncommunicable disease registry planning.Subramanian S, Tangka F, Edwards P, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M.Cancer Epidemiology20172016 S, Tangka F, Edwards P, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M.Other ResearchJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Developing and testing a cost data collection instrument for noncommunicable disease registry planning.|Subramanian S|Tangka F, Edwards P, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M.|Cancer Epidemiology|
494Developing English and Spanish television public service announcements to promote colorectal cancer screening.Cooper CP, Gelb CA, Jameson H, Macario E, Jorgensen CM, Seeff L.Health Promotion Practice20062005Cooper CP, Gelb CA, Jameson H, Macario E, Jorgensen CM, Seeff L.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 6; Issue: 4; Pages: 385 - 393)Developing English and Spanish television public service announcements to promote colorectal cancer screening.|Cooper CP|Gelb CA, Jameson H, Macario E, Jorgensen CM, Seeff L.|Health Promotion Practice|6
495Developing partnerships to reduce disparities in cancer screening.Breslau ES, Rochester PW, Saslow D, Crocoll CE, Johnson LE, Vinson CA.Preventing Chronic Disease20112011Breslau ES, Rochester PW, Saslow D, Crocoll CE, Johnson LE, Vinson CA.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 7; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Developing partnerships to reduce disparities in cancer screening.|Breslau ES|Rochester PW, Saslow D, Crocoll CE, Johnson LE, Vinson CA.|Preventing Chronic Disease|7
496Developing spiritually framed breast cancer screening messages in consultation with African-American women.Best AL, Spencer M, Hall IJ, Friedman DB, Billings D.Health Communication20142014Best AL, Spencer M, Hall IJ, Friedman DB, Billings D.Breast CancerJournal: Health Communication (Volume: 16; Issue: ; Pages: 11 - 11)Developing spiritually framed breast cancer screening messages in consultation with African-American women.|Best AL|Spencer M, Hall IJ, Friedman DB, Billings D.|Health Communication|16
497Development of a federally funded demonstration colorectal cancer screening program.Seeff LC, DeGroff A, Tangka F, Wanliss E, Major A, Nadel M, Ryerson AB, Royalty J, Gelb C, Reed E.Preventing Chronic Disease20082008Seeff LC, DeGroff A, Tangka F, Wanliss E, Major A, Nadel M, Ryerson AB, Royalty J, Gelb C, Reed E.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 5; Issue: 2; Pages: - )Development of a federally funded demonstration colorectal cancer screening program.|Seeff LC|DeGroff A, Tangka F, Wanliss E, Major A, Nadel M, Ryerson AB, Royalty J, Gelb C, Reed E.|Preventing Chronic Disease|5
498Development of a field guide for assessing readiness to implement evidence-based cancer screening interventions in primary care clinics.Hohl SD, Melillo S, Vu TT, Escoffery C, DeGroff A, Schlueter D, Ross LW, Maxwell AE, Sharma KP, Boehm J, Joseph D, Hannon PA.Preventing Chronic Disease20222022 SD, Melillo S, Vu TT, Escoffery C, DeGroff A, Schlueter D, Ross LW, Maxwell AE, Sharma KP, Boehm J, Joseph D, Hannon PA.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 19; Issue: ; Pages: - )Development of a field guide for assessing readiness to implement evidence-based cancer screening interventions in primary care clinics.|Hohl SD|Melillo S, Vu TT, Escoffery C, DeGroff A, Schlueter D, Ross LW, Maxwell AE, Sharma KP, Boehm J, Joseph D, Hannon PA.|Preventing Chronic Disease|19
499Development of a flexible sigmoidoscopy training program for rural nurse practitioners and physician assistants to increase colorectal cancer screening among Alaska Native people.Redwood D, Joseph DA, Christensen C, Provost E, Peterson VL, Espey D, Sacco F.Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved20102009Redwood D, Joseph DA, Christensen C, Provost E, Peterson VL, Espey D, Sacco F.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Volume: 20; Issue: 4; Pages: 104 - 048)Development of a flexible sigmoidoscopy training program for rural nurse practitioners and physician assistants to increase colorectal cancer screening among Alaska Native people.|Redwood D|Joseph DA, Christensen C, Provost E, Peterson VL, Espey D, Sacco F.|Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved|20
500Development of a public health research program for ovarian cancer.Eheman CR, Peipins L, Wynn M, Ryerson B, Stewart SL, Coughlin SS, Hawkins NA, Saraiya M.Journal of Women's Health20062006Eheman CR, Peipins L, Wynn M, Ryerson B, Stewart SL, Coughlin SS, Hawkins NA, Saraiya M.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 15; Issue: 4; Pages: 339 - 345)Development of a public health research program for ovarian cancer.|Eheman CR|Peipins L, Wynn M, Ryerson B, Stewart SL, Coughlin SS, Hawkins NA, Saraiya M.|Journal of Women's Health|15
501Development of a spiritually based educational program to increase colorectal cancer screening among African American men and women.Holt CL, Roberts C, Scarinci I, Wiley SR, Eloubeidi M, Crowther M, Bolland J, Litaker MS, Southward V, Coughlin SS.Health Communication20092009Holt CL, Roberts C, Scarinci I, Wiley SR, Eloubeidi M, Crowther M, Bolland J, Litaker MS, Southward V, Coughlin SS.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Communication (Volume: 24; Issue: 5; Pages: 400 - 412)Development of a spiritually based educational program to increase colorectal cancer screening among African American men and women.|Holt CL|Roberts C, Scarinci I, Wiley SR, Eloubeidi M, Crowther M, Bolland J, Litaker MS, Southward V, Coughlin SS.|Health Communication|24
502Developmental milestones across the programmatic life cycle: Implementing CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.Glover-Kudon R, Degroff A, Rohan EA, Preissle J, Boehm JE.Cancer20132013 R, Degroff A, Rohan EA, Preissle J, Boehm JE.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 119; Issue: Suppl 15; Pages: 292 - 939)Developmental milestones across the programmatic life cycle: Implementing CDC's Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.|Glover-Kudon R|Degroff A, Rohan EA, Preissle J, Boehm JE.|Cancer|119
503Diabetes mellitus as a predictor of cancer mortality in a large cohort of U.S. adults.Coughlin SS, Calle EE, Teras LR, Petrelli J, Thun MJ.American Journal of Epidemiology20042004Coughlin SS, Calle EE, Teras LR, Petrelli J, Thun MJ.Other ResearchJournal: American Journal of Epidemiology (Volume: 159; Issue: 12; Pages: 116 - 167)Diabetes mellitus as a predictor of cancer mortality in a large cohort of U.S. adults.|Coughlin SS|Calle EE, Teras LR, Petrelli J, Thun MJ.|American Journal of Epidemiology|159
504Diagnostic accuracy of the Gail Model in the Black Women's Health Study.Richardson LC, Hall IJ.Breast Journal20072007Richardson LC, Hall IJ.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Journal (Volume: 13; Issue: 4; Pages: 329 - 331)Diagnostic accuracy of the Gail Model in the Black Women's Health Study.|Richardson LC|Hall IJ.|Breast Journal|13
505Diagnostic markers for ovarian cancer screening: Not ready for routine clinical use.Coates RJ, Kolor K, Stewart SL, Richardson LC.Clinical Cancer Research20092008Coates RJ, Kolor K, Stewart SL, Richardson LC.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Clinical Cancer Research (Volume: 14; Issue: 22; Pages: 757 - 576)Diagnostic markers for ovarian cancer screening: Not ready for routine clinical use.|Coates RJ|Kolor K, Stewart SL, Richardson LC.|Clinical Cancer Research|14
506Diet and lung cancer mortality in a National Health Interview Survey cohort study.Breslow R, Sinha R, Subar A, Graubard B.Cancer Causes and Control20002000Breslow R, Sinha R, Subar A, Graubard B.Lung CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 11; Issue: 5; Pages: 419 - 431)Diet and lung cancer mortality in a National Health Interview Survey cohort study.|Breslow R|Sinha R, Subar A, Graubard B.|Cancer Causes and Control|11
507Diet Quality Index as a predictor of short-term mortality in the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort.Seymour JD, Calle EE, Flagg EW, Coates RJ, Ford ES, Thun MJ.American Journal of Epidemiology20032003Seymour JD, Calle EE, Flagg EW, Coates RJ, Ford ES, Thun MJ.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: American Journal of Epidemiology (Volume: 157; Issue: 11; Pages: 980 - 988)Diet Quality Index as a predictor of short-term mortality in the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort.|Seymour JD|Calle EE, Flagg EW, Coates RJ, Ford ES, Thun MJ.|American Journal of Epidemiology|157
508Dietary behaviors related to cancer prevention among pre-adolescents and adolescents: the gap between recommendations and reality.Holman DM, White MC.Nutrition Journal20112011Holman DM, White MC.Other ResearchJournal: Nutrition Journal (Volume: 10; Issue: 1; Pages: - )Dietary behaviors related to cancer prevention among pre-adolescents and adolescents: the gap between recommendations and reality.|Holman DM|White MC.|Nutrition Journal|10
509Dietary intake of flavonoids and oesophageal and gastric cancer: incidence and survival in the United States of America (USA).Petrick JL, Steck SE, Bradshaw PT, Trivers KF, Abrahamson PE, Engel LS, He K, Chow WH, Mayne ST, Risch HA, Vaughan TL, Gammon MD.British Journal of Cancer20152015 JL, Steck SE, Bradshaw PT, Trivers KF, Abrahamson PE, Engel LS, He K, Chow WH, Mayne ST, Risch HA, Vaughan TL, Gammon MD.Other ResearchJournal: British Journal of Cancer (Volume: 112; Issue: 7; Pages: 129 - 300)Dietary intake of flavonoids and oesophageal and gastric cancer: incidence and survival in the United States of America (USA).|Petrick JL|Steck SE, Bradshaw PT, Trivers KF, Abrahamson PE, Engel LS, He K, Chow WH, Mayne ST, Risch HA, Vaughan TL, Gammon MD.|British Journal of Cancer|112
510Dietary patterns and prostate cancer risk in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiological Follow-up Study Cohort.Tseng M, Breslow RA, DeVellis RF, Ziegler RG.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20042004Tseng M, Breslow RA, DeVellis RF, Ziegler RG.Prostate CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 13; Issue: 1; Pages: 71 - 77)Dietary patterns and prostate cancer risk in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiological Follow-up Study Cohort.|Tseng M|Breslow RA, DeVellis RF, Ziegler RG.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|13
511Differences between men with screening-detected versus clinically diagnosed prostate cancers in the USA.Hoffman RM, Stone SN, Espey D, Potosky AL.BMC Cancer20052005Hoffman RM, Stone SN, Espey D, Potosky AL.Prostate CancerJournal: BMC Cancer (Volume: 5; Issue: 1; Pages: - )Differences between men with screening-detected versus clinically diagnosed prostate cancers in the USA.|Hoffman RM|Stone SN, Espey D, Potosky AL.|BMC Cancer|5
512Differences in breast cancer incidence among young women aged 2049 years by stage and tumor characteristics, age, race, and ethnicity, 20042013Shoemaker ML, White MC, Wu M, Weir HK, Romieu IBreast Cancer Research and Treatment20182018 ML, White MC, Wu M, Weir HK, Romieu IBreast CancerJournal: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Differences in breast cancer incidence among young women aged 2049 years by stage and tumor characteristics, age, race, and ethnicity, 20042013|Shoemaker ML|White MC, Wu M, Weir HK, Romieu I|Breast Cancer Research and Treatment|
513Differences in non-Hodgkin lymphoma survival between young adults and children.Tai E, Pollack LA, Townsend J, Li J, Steele CB, Richardson LC.Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine20102010Tai E, Pollack LA, Townsend J, Li J, Steele CB, Richardson LC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (Volume: 164; Issue: 3; Pages: 218 - 224)Differences in non-Hodgkin lymphoma survival between young adults and children.|Tai E|Pollack LA, Townsend J, Li J, Steele CB, Richardson LC.|Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine|164
514Directing the public to evidence-based online content.Cooper CP, Gelb CA, Vaughn AN, Smuland J, Hughes AG, Hawkins NA.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association20142014 CP, Gelb CA, Vaughn AN, Smuland J, Hughes AG, Hawkins NA.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Directing the public to evidence-based online content.|Cooper CP|Gelb CA, Vaughn AN, Smuland J, Hughes AG, Hawkins NA.|Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association|
515Discontinuation of radiation treatment among Medicaid-enrolled women with local and regional stage breast cancer.Ramsey SD, Zeliadt SB, Richardson LC, Pollack LA, Linden H, Blough DK, Cheteri MK, Tock L, Nagy K, Anderson N.Breast Journal20102009Ramsey SD, Zeliadt SB, Richardson LC, Pollack LA, Linden H, Blough DK, Cheteri MK, Tock L, Nagy K, Anderson N.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Journal (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Discontinuation of radiation treatment among Medicaid-enrolled women with local and regional stage breast cancer.|Ramsey SD|Zeliadt SB, Richardson LC, Pollack LA, Linden H, Blough DK, Cheteri MK, Tock L, Nagy K, Anderson N.|Breast Journal|
516Discussing uncertainty and risk in primary care: recommendations of a multi-disciplinary panel regarding communication around prostate cancer screening.Wilkes M, Srinivasan M, Cole G, Tardif R, Richardson LC, Plescia M.Journal of General Internal Medicine20132013 M, Srinivasan M, Cole G, Tardif R, Richardson LC, Plescia M.Prostate CancerJournal: Journal of General Internal Medicine (Volume: 28; Issue: 11; Pages: 141 - 419)Discussing uncertainty and risk in primary care: recommendations of a multi-disciplinary panel regarding communication around prostate cancer screening.|Wilkes M|Srinivasan M, Cole G, Tardif R, Richardson LC, Plescia M.|Journal of General Internal Medicine|28
517Discussions about prostate cancer screening between U.S. primary care physicians and their patients.Hall IJ, Taylor YJ, Ross LE, Richardson LC, Richards TB, Rim SH.Journal of General Internal Medicine20112011Hall IJ, Taylor YJ, Ross LE, Richardson LC, Richards TB, Rim SH.Prostate CancerJournal: Journal of General Internal Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Discussions about prostate cancer screening between U.S. primary care physicians and their patients.|Hall IJ|Taylor YJ, Ross LE, Richardson LC, Richards TB, Rim SH.|Journal of General Internal Medicine|
518Disenrollment from Medicaid after recent cancer diagnosis.Ramsey SD, Zeliadt SB, Richardson LC, Pollack L, Linden H, Blough DK, Anderson N.Medical Care20082008Ramsey SD, Zeliadt SB, Richardson LC, Pollack L, Linden H, Blough DK, Anderson N.Other ResearchJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 46; Issue: 1; Pages: 49 - 57)Disenrollment from Medicaid after recent cancer diagnosis.|Ramsey SD|Zeliadt SB, Richardson LC, Pollack L, Linden H, Blough DK, Anderson N.|Medical Care|46
519Disparities in breast cancer survival in the United States (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 studyMiller JW, Lee Smith J, Ryerson AB, Tucker TC, Allemani CCancer20182017 JW, Lee Smith J, Ryerson AB, Tucker TC, Allemani CBreast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 123; Issue: S24; Pages: 510 - 108)Disparities in breast cancer survival in the United States (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 study|Miller JW|Lee Smith J, Ryerson AB, Tucker TC, Allemani C|Cancer|123
520Disparities in breast-conserving therapy for non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native women compared with non-Hispanic White women.Erdrich J, Cordova-Marks F, Monetathchi AR, Wu M, White A, Melkonian S.Annals of Surgical Oncology20212021 J, Cordova-Marks F, Monetathchi AR, Wu M, White A, Melkonian S.Breast CancerJournal: Annals of Surgical Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Disparities in breast-conserving therapy for non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native women compared with non-Hispanic White women.|Erdrich J|Cordova-Marks F, Monetathchi AR, Wu M, White A, Melkonian S.|Annals of Surgical Oncology|
521Disparities in cancer incidence and trends among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 20102015.Melkonian SC, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, Wiggins CL, McCollum J, White MC, Kaur JS, Espey DK.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20202019 SC, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, Wiggins CL, McCollum J, White MC, Kaur JS, Espey DK.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 28; Issue: 10; Pages: 160 - 611)Disparities in cancer incidence and trends among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 20102015.|Melkonian SC|Jim MA, Haverkamp D, Wiggins CL, McCollum J, White MC, Kaur JS, Espey DK.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|28
522Disparities in cancer mortality and incidence among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States.White MC, Espey DK, Swan J, Wiggins CL, Eheman C, Kaur JS.American Journal of Public Health20142014 MC, Espey DK, Swan J, Wiggins CL, Eheman C, Kaur JS.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: American Journal of Public Health (Volume: 104 Suppl 3; Issue: ; Pages: S37 - 387)Disparities in cancer mortality and incidence among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States.|White MC|Espey DK, Swan J, Wiggins CL, Eheman C, Kaur JS.|American Journal of Public Health|104 Suppl 3
523Disparities in cervical cancer survival in the United States by race and stage at diagnosis: An analysis of 138,883 women diagnosed between 2001 and 2014 (CONCORD-3).Matz M, Weir HK, Alkhalawi E, Coleman MP, Allemani C; US CONCORD Working Group.Gynecologic Oncology20212021 M, Weir HK, Alkhalawi E, Coleman MP, Allemani C; US CONCORD Working Group.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Gynecologic Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Disparities in cervical cancer survival in the United States by race and stage at diagnosis: An analysis of 138,883 women diagnosed between 2001 and 2014 (CONCORD-3).|Matz M|Weir HK, Alkhalawi E, Coleman MP, Allemani C; US CONCORD Working Group.|Gynecologic Oncology|
524Disparities in mammography use among U.S. women aged 40-64 years, by race, ethnicity, income, and health insurance status, 1993 and 2005.Sabatino SA, Coates RJ, Uhler RJ, Breen N, Tangka F, Shaw KM.Medical Care20082008Sabatino SA, Coates RJ, Uhler RJ, Breen N, Tangka F, Shaw KM.Breast CancerJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 46; Issue: 7; Pages: 692 - 700)Disparities in mammography use among U.S. women aged 40-64 years, by race, ethnicity, income, and health insurance status, 1993 and 2005.|Sabatino SA|Coates RJ, Uhler RJ, Breen N, Tangka F, Shaw KM.|Medical Care|46
525Disparities in ovarian cancer survival in the United States (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 studyStewart SL, Harewood R, Matz M, Rim SH, Sabatino SA, Ward KC, Weir HKCancer20182017 SL, Harewood R, Matz M, Rim SH, Sabatino SA, Ward KC, Weir HKCancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 123; Issue: S24; Pages: 513 - 159)Disparities in ovarian cancer survival in the United States (20012009): findings from the CONCORD-2 study|Stewart SL|Harewood R, Matz M, Rim SH, Sabatino SA, Ward KC, Weir HK|Cancer|123
526Disparities in psychosocial distress screening and management of lung and ovarian cancer survivorsRohan EA, Gallaway MS, Huang GC, Ng D, Boehm JE, Samarasinha R, Stachon KJCO Oncology Practice20222022 EA, Gallaway MS, Huang GC, Ng D, Boehm JE, Samarasinha R, Stachon KCancer SurvivorshipJournal: JCO Oncology Practice (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Disparities in psychosocial distress screening and management of lung and ovarian cancer survivors|Rohan EA|Gallaway MS, Huang GC, Ng D, Boehm JE, Samarasinha R, Stachon K|JCO Oncology Practice|
527Disparities in the context of opportunities for cancer prevention in early life.Massetti GM, Thomas CC, Ragan KR.Pediatrics20172016 GM, Thomas CC, Ragan KR.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: 138; Issue: S1; Pages: S65 - S77)Disparities in the context of opportunities for cancer prevention in early life.|Massetti GM|Thomas CC, Ragan KR.|Pediatrics|138
528Disseminating effective cancer screening interventions.Glasgow RE, Marcus AC, Bull SS, Wilson KM.Cancer20042004Glasgow RE, Marcus AC, Bull SS, Wilson KM.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 101; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 123 - 250)Disseminating effective cancer screening interventions.|Glasgow RE|Marcus AC, Bull SS, Wilson KM.|Cancer|101
529Dissemination and translation: a frontier for cancer survivorship research.Pollack LA., Hawkins NA, Peaker BL, Buchanan N, Risendal BC.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20122011Pollack LA., Hawkins NA, Peaker BL, Buchanan N, Risendal BC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 20; Issue: 10; Pages: 209 - 098)Dissemination and translation: a frontier for cancer survivorship research.|Pollack LA.|Hawkins NA, Peaker BL, Buchanan N, Risendal BC.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|20
530Distribution of treatment for human papillomavirus-associated gynecologic carcinomas before prophylactic vaccine.Negoita S, Harrison JN, Qiao B, Ekwueme DU, Flowers LC, Kahn AR.Cancer20092008Negoita S, Harrison JN, Qiao B, Ekwueme DU, Flowers LC, Kahn AR.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 292 - 935)Distribution of treatment for human papillomavirus-associated gynecologic carcinomas before prophylactic vaccine.|Negoita S|Harrison JN, Qiao B, Ekwueme DU, Flowers LC, Kahn AR.|Cancer|113
531Divergent trends for gastric cancer incidence by anatomical subsite in US adults.Camargo MC, Anderson WF, King JB, Correa P, Thomas CC, Rosenberg PS, Eheman CR, Rabkin CS.Gut20112011Camargo MC, Anderson WF, King JB, Correa P, Thomas CC, Rosenberg PS, Eheman CR, Rabkin CS.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Gut (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Divergent trends for gastric cancer incidence by anatomical subsite in US adults.|Camargo MC|Anderson WF, King JB, Correa P, Thomas CC, Rosenberg PS, Eheman CR, Rabkin CS.|Gut|
532Diving deeper into distress screening implementation in oncology care.Rohan EA, Boehm JE, Samarasinha R, Stachon K, Gallaway MS, Huang G, Ng D, Manian N.Journal of Psychosocial Oncology20232023 EA, Boehm JE, Samarasinha R, Stachon K, Gallaway MS, Huang G, Ng D, Manian N.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Psychosocial Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: 11 - 16)Diving deeper into distress screening implementation in oncology care.|Rohan EA|Boehm JE, Samarasinha R, Stachon K, Gallaway MS, Huang G, Ng D, Manian N.|Journal of Psychosocial Oncology|
533Do cancer survivors change their prescription drug use for financial reasons? Findings from a nationally representative sample in the United States.Zheng Z, Han X, Guy GP Jr, Davidoff AJ, Li C, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR, Jemal A.Cancer20172017 Z, Han X, Guy GP Jr, Davidoff AJ, Li C, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR, Jemal A.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 123; Issue: 8; Pages: 145 - 463)Do cancer survivors change their prescription drug use for financial reasons? Findings from a nationally representative sample in the United States.|Zheng Z|Han X, Guy GP Jr, Davidoff AJ, Li C, Banegas MP, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR, Jemal A.|Cancer|123
534Do U.S. medical students report more training on evidence-based prevention topics?Frank E, Schlair S, Elon L, Saraiya M.Health Education Research20122012 E, Schlair S, Elon L, Saraiya M.Other ResearchJournal: Health Education Research (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Do U.S. medical students report more training on evidence-based prevention topics?|Frank E|Schlair S, Elon L, Saraiya M.|Health Education Research|
535Does health insurance coverage of office visits influence colorectal cancer testing?Varghese RK, Friedman C, Ahmed F, Franks AL, Manning M, Seeff LC.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20052005Varghese RK, Friedman C, Ahmed F, Franks AL, Manning M, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 14; Issue: 3; Pages: 744 - 747)Does health insurance coverage of office visits influence colorectal cancer testing?|Varghese RK|Friedman C, Ahmed F, Franks AL, Manning M, Seeff LC.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|14
536Donated television airplay of colorectal cancer education public service announcements—United States, 1999-2002.Jorgensen C, Gelb CA, Richards TB, Cooper CP. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.MMWR20032003Jorgensen C, Gelb CA, Richards TB, Cooper CP. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 52; Issue: 10; Pages: 196 - 199)Donated television airplay of colorectal cancer education public service announcements—United States, 1999-2002.|Jorgensen C|Gelb CA, Richards TB, Cooper CP. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.|MMWR|52
537Early assessment of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer screening services: The International Cancer Screening Network COVID-19 survey.Puricelli Perin DM, Elfström KM, Bulliard JL, Burón A, Campbell C, Flugelman AA, Giordano L, Kamineni A, Ponti A, Rabeneck L, Saraiya M, Smith RA, Broeders MJM; International Cancer Screening Network.Preventive Medicine20212021 Perin DM, Elfström KM, Bulliard JL, Burón A, Campbell C, Flugelman AA, Giordano L, Kamineni A, Ponti A, Rabeneck L, Saraiya M, Smith RA, Broeders MJM; International Cancer Screening Network.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 151; Issue: ; Pages: - )Early assessment of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer screening services: The International Cancer Screening Network COVID-19 survey.|Puricelli Perin DM|Elfström KM, Bulliard JL, Burón A, Campbell C, Flugelman AA, Giordano L, Kamineni A, Ponti A, Rabeneck L, Saraiya M, Smith RA, Broeders MJM; International Cancer Screening Network.|Preventive Medicine|151
538Early prevention and screening of cervical cancer in a developing country: reply.Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20152015 DU, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 48; Issue: 3; Pages: e2 - e3)Early prevention and screening of cervical cancer in a developing country: reply.|Ekwueme DU|Saraiya M.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|48
539Early-stage breast cancer treatment among medically underserved women diagnosed in a national screening program, 1992-1995.Richardson LC, Schulman J, Sever LS, Coates RJ, Lee NC.Breast Cancer Research and Treatment20012001Richardson LC, Schulman J, Sever LS, Coates RJ, Lee NC.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Volume: 69; Issue: 2; Pages: 133 - 142)Early-stage breast cancer treatment among medically underserved women diagnosed in a national screening program, 1992-1995.|Richardson LC|Schulman J, Sever LS, Coates RJ, Lee NC.|Breast Cancer Research and Treatment|69
540Economic analysis of the Nairobi cancer registry: implications for expanding and enhancing cancer registration in KenyaKorir A, Gakunga R, Subramanian S, Okerosi N, Chesumbai G, Edwards P, Tangka FKL, Joseph R, Buziba N, Rono V, Parkin D, Saraiya M.Cancer Epidemiology20172016 A, Gakunga R, Subramanian S, Okerosi N, Chesumbai G, Edwards P, Tangka FKL, Joseph R, Buziba N, Rono V, Parkin D, Saraiya M.Other ResearchJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Economic analysis of the Nairobi cancer registry: implications for expanding and enhancing cancer registration in Kenya|Korir A|Gakunga R, Subramanian S, Okerosi N, Chesumbai G, Edwards P, Tangka FKL, Joseph R, Buziba N, Rono V, Parkin D, Saraiya M.|Cancer Epidemiology|
541Economic assessment of central cancer registry operations, Part III: Results from 5 programs.Tangka F, Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Trebino D, Michaud F.Journal of Registry Management20112010Tangka F, Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Trebino D, Michaud F.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 37; Issue: 4; Pages: 152 - 155)Economic assessment of central cancer registry operations, Part III: Results from 5 programs.|Tangka F|Subramanian S, Beebe MC, Trebino D, Michaud F.|Journal of Registry Management|37
542Economic assessment of central cancer registry operations. Part I: Methods and conceptual framework.Subramanian S, Green J, Tangka F, Weir H, Michaud F, Ekwueme D.Journal of Registry Management20072007Subramanian S, Green J, Tangka F, Weir H, Michaud F, Ekwueme D.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 34; Issue: 3; Pages: 75 - 80)Economic assessment of central cancer registry operations. Part I: Methods and conceptual framework.|Subramanian S|Green J, Tangka F, Weir H, Michaud F, Ekwueme D.|Journal of Registry Management|34
543Economic assessment of central cancer registry operations. Part II: developing and testing a cost assessment tool.Subramanian S, Tangka F, Green J, Weir H, Michaud F.Journal of Registry Management20092009Subramanian S, Tangka F, Green J, Weir H, Michaud F.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 36; Issue: 2; Pages: 47 - 52)Economic assessment of central cancer registry operations. Part II: developing and testing a cost assessment tool.|Subramanian S|Tangka F, Green J, Weir H, Michaud F.|Journal of Registry Management|36
544Economic assessment of integrated cancer and cardiovascular registries: The Barbados experience.Martelly TN, Rose AMC, Subramanian S, Edwards P, Tangka FK, Saraiya M.Cancer Epidemiology20172016 TN, Rose AMC, Subramanian S, Edwards P, Tangka FK, Saraiya M.NPCRJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Economic assessment of integrated cancer and cardiovascular registries: The Barbados experience.|Martelly TN|Rose AMC, Subramanian S, Edwards P, Tangka FK, Saraiya M.|Cancer Epidemiology|
545Economic assessment of patient navigation to colonoscopy-based colorectal cancer screening in the real-world setting at the University of Chicago Medical Center.Kim KE, Randal F, Johnson M, Quinn M, Maene C, Hoover S, Richmond-Reese V, Tangka FKL, Joseph DA, Subramanian S.Cancer20192018 KE, Randal F, Johnson M, Quinn M, Maene C, Hoover S, Richmond-Reese V, Tangka FKL, Joseph DA, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 124; Issue: 21; Pages: 413 - 144)Economic assessment of patient navigation to colonoscopy-based colorectal cancer screening in the real-world setting at the University of Chicago Medical Center.|Kim KE|Randal F, Johnson M, Quinn M, Maene C, Hoover S, Richmond-Reese V, Tangka FKL, Joseph DA, Subramanian S.|Cancer|124
546Economic burden of chronic conditions among survivors of cancer in the United States.Guy GP Jr, Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Rim SH, Li R, Richardson LC.Journal of Clinical Oncology20172017 GP Jr, Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Rim SH, Li R, Richardson LC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Clinical Oncology (Volume: 35; Issue: 18; Pages: 205 - 061)Economic burden of chronic conditions among survivors of cancer in the United States.|Guy GP Jr|Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Rim SH, Li R, Richardson LC.|Journal of Clinical Oncology|35
547Economic burden of skin cancer treatment in the USA: an analysis of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data, 20122018.Kao SZ, Ekwueme DU, Holman DM, Rim SH, Thomas CC, Saraiya MCancer Causes and Control20222022 SZ, Ekwueme DU, Holman DM, Rim SH, Thomas CC, Saraiya MSkin CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Economic burden of skin cancer treatment in the USA: an analysis of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data, 20122018.|Kao SZ|Ekwueme DU, Holman DM, Rim SH, Thomas CC, Saraiya M|Cancer Causes and Control|
548Economic evaluation of interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening at federally qualified health centers.Tangka FKL, Subramanian S, Hoover S, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Wong FL, Richardson LC.Health Promotion Practice20202020 FKL, Subramanian S, Hoover S, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Wong FL, Richardson LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 21; Issue: 6; Pages: 877 - 883)Economic evaluation of interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening at federally qualified health centers.|Tangka FKL|Subramanian S, Hoover S, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Wong FL, Richardson LC.|Health Promotion Practice|21
549Economic evaluation of Mumbai and its satellite cancer registries: Implications for expansion of data collection.Koyande S, Subramanian S, Edwards P, Hoover S, Deshmane V, Tankga F, Dikshit R, Saraiya M.Cancer Epidemiology20172016 S, Subramanian S, Edwards P, Hoover S, Deshmane V, Tankga F, Dikshit R, Saraiya M.Other ResearchJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Economic evaluation of Mumbai and its satellite cancer registries: Implications for expansion of data collection.|Koyande S|Subramanian S, Edwards P, Hoover S, Deshmane V, Tankga F, Dikshit R, Saraiya M.|Cancer Epidemiology|
550Economics of multicomponent interventions to increase breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: a Community Guide systematic review.Mohan G, Chattopadhyay SK, Ekwueme DU, Sabatino SA, Okasako-Schmucker DL, Peng Y, Mercer SL, Thota AB; Community Preventive Services Task Force.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20192019 G, Chattopadhyay SK, Ekwueme DU, Sabatino SA, Okasako-Schmucker DL, Peng Y, Mercer SL, Thota AB; Community Preventive Services Task Force.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Economics of multicomponent interventions to increase breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: a Community Guide systematic review.|Mohan G|Chattopadhyay SK, Ekwueme DU, Sabatino SA, Okasako-Schmucker DL, Peng Y, Mercer SL, Thota AB; Community Preventive Services Task Force.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
551Economics of public health programs for underserved populations: a review of economic analysis of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Khushalani JS, Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.Cancer Causes and Control20202019 JS, Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.NBCCEDPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Economics of public health programs for underserved populations: a review of economic analysis of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Khushalani JS|Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.|Cancer Causes and Control|
552Economies of scale in federally funded, state-organized public health programs: results from the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Subramanian S, Crouse W.Health Care Management Science20142013 JG, Ekwueme DU, Subramanian S, Crouse W.NBCCEDPJournal: Health Care Management Science (Volume: 17; Issue: 4; Pages: 321 - 330)Economies of scale in federally funded, state-organized public health programs: results from the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Trogdon JG|Ekwueme DU, Subramanian S, Crouse W.|Health Care Management Science|17
553Editorial: Cancer in American Indian and Alaska Native populations continues to threaten an aging population: the need for tribal, state and federal action.Kaur JS, Hampton JW.Cancer20082008Kaur JS, Hampton JW.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S5; Pages: 111 - 119)Editorial: Cancer in American Indian and Alaska Native populations continues to threaten an aging population: the need for tribal, state and federal action.|Kaur JS|Hampton JW.|Cancer|113
554Effect of gynecologic oncologist availability on ovarian cancer mortality.Stewart SL, Cooney D, Hirsch S, Westervelt L, Richards TB, Rim SH, Thomas CC.World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology20142014 SL, Cooney D, Hirsch S, Westervelt L, Richards TB, Rim SH, Thomas CC.Gynecologic CancersJournal: World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 3; Issue: 2; Pages: 71 - 77)Effect of gynecologic oncologist availability on ovarian cancer mortality.|Stewart SL|Cooney D, Hirsch S, Westervelt L, Richards TB, Rim SH, Thomas CC.|World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology|3
555Effect of misclassified underlying cause of death on survival estimates of colon and rectal cancer.Yin D, Morris CR, Bates JH, German RR.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20112011Yin D, Morris CR, Bates JH, German RR.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Effect of misclassified underlying cause of death on survival estimates of colon and rectal cancer.|Yin D|Morris CR, Bates JH, German RR.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
556Effect of the staging schema on melanoma cancer reporting, 1999 to 2006.Lai SM, King JB, Garimella S, Keighley J, Lewis M.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology20122011Lai SM, King JB, Garimella S, Keighley J, Lewis M.NPCRJournal: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Volume: 65; Issue: 5 Suppl 1; Pages: S95 - 103)Effect of the staging schema on melanoma cancer reporting, 1999 to 2006.|Lai SM|King JB, Garimella S, Keighley J, Lewis M.|Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology|65
557Effect of usual source of care on depression among Medicare beneficiaries: an application of a simultaneous-equations model.Li C, Dick AW, Fiscella K, Conwell Y, Friedman B.Health Services Research20112011Li C, Dick AW, Fiscella K, Conwell Y, Friedman B.Other ResearchJournal: Health Services Research (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Effect of usual source of care on depression among Medicare beneficiaries: an application of a simultaneous-equations model.|Li C|Dick AW, Fiscella K, Conwell Y, Friedman B.|Health Services Research|
558Effectiveness and cost of implementing evidence-based interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening among an underserved population in Chicago.Kim KE, Tangka FKL, Jayaprakash M, Randal FT, Lam H, Freedman D, Carrier LA, Sargant C, Maene C, Hoover S, Joseph D, French C, Subramanian S.Health Promotion Practice20202020 KE, Tangka FKL, Jayaprakash M, Randal FT, Lam H, Freedman D, Carrier LA, Sargant C, Maene C, Hoover S, Joseph D, French C, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 21; Issue: 6; Pages: 884 - 890)Effectiveness and cost of implementing evidence-based interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening among an underserved population in Chicago.|Kim KE|Tangka FKL, Jayaprakash M, Randal FT, Lam H, Freedman D, Carrier LA, Sargant C, Maene C, Hoover S, Joseph D, French C, Subramanian S.|Health Promotion Practice|21
559Effectiveness and cost of multilayered colorectal cancer screening promotion interventions at federally qualified health centers in Washington state.Kemper KE, Glaze BL, Eastman CL, Waldron RC, Hoover S, Flagg T, Tangka FKL, Subramanian S.Cancer20192018 KE, Glaze BL, Eastman CL, Waldron RC, Hoover S, Flagg T, Tangka FKL, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Effectiveness and cost of multilayered colorectal cancer screening promotion interventions at federally qualified health centers in Washington state.|Kemper KE|Glaze BL, Eastman CL, Waldron RC, Hoover S, Flagg T, Tangka FKL, Subramanian S.|Cancer|
560Effectiveness and cost of organized outreach for colorectal cancer screening: a randomized controlled trial.Somsouk M, Rachocki C, Mannalithara A, Garcia D, Laleau V, Grimes B, Issaka RB, Chen E, Vittinghoff E, Shapiro JA, Ladabaum U.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20192019 M, Rachocki C, Mannalithara A, Garcia D, Laleau V, Grimes B, Issaka RB, Chen E, Vittinghoff E, Shapiro JA, Ladabaum U.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Effectiveness and cost of organized outreach for colorectal cancer screening: a randomized controlled trial.|Somsouk M|Rachocki C, Mannalithara A, Garcia D, Laleau V, Grimes B, Issaka RB, Chen E, Vittinghoff E, Shapiro JA, Ladabaum U.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
561Effectiveness of interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening among American Indians and Alaska Natives.Haverkamp D, English K, Jacobs-Wingo J, Tjemsland A, Espey D.Preventing Chronic Disease20202020 D, English K, Jacobs-Wingo J, Tjemsland A, Espey D.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 17; Issue: ; Pages: E62 - E62)Effectiveness of interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening among American Indians and Alaska Natives.|Haverkamp D|English K, Jacobs-Wingo J, Tjemsland A, Espey D.|Preventing Chronic Disease|17
562Effectiveness of interventions to increase screening for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers: nine updated systematic reviews for the Guide to Community Preventive Services.Sabatino SA, Lawrence B, Elder R, Mercer SL, Wilson KM, Devinney B, Melillo S, Carvalho M, Taplin S, Bastani R, Rimer BK, Vernon SW, Melvin CL, Taylor V, Fernandez M, Glanz K; Community Preventive Services Task Force.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20122012 SA, Lawrence B, Elder R, Mercer SL, Wilson KM, Devinney B, Melillo S, Carvalho M, Taplin S, Bastani R, Rimer BK, Vernon SW, Melvin CL, Taylor V, Fernandez M, Glanz K; Community Preventive Services Task Force.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 43; Issue: 1; Pages: 97 - 118)Effectiveness of interventions to increase screening for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers: nine updated systematic reviews for the Guide to Community Preventive Services.|Sabatino SA|Lawrence B, Elder R, Mercer SL, Wilson KM, Devinney B, Melillo S, Carvalho M, Taplin S, Bastani R, Rimer BK, Vernon SW, Melvin CL, Taylor V, Fernandez M, Glanz K; Community Preventive Services Task Force.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|43
563Effectiveness of lay health worker outreach in reducing disparities in colorectal cancer screening in Vietnamese Americans.Nguyen BH, Stewart SL, Nguyen TT, Bui-Tong N, McPhee SJ.American Journal of Public Health20162015 BH, Stewart SL, Nguyen TT, Bui-Tong N, McPhee SJ.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Public Health (Volume: 105; Issue: 10; Pages: 208 - 089)Effectiveness of lay health worker outreach in reducing disparities in colorectal cancer screening in Vietnamese Americans.|Nguyen BH|Stewart SL, Nguyen TT, Bui-Tong N, McPhee SJ.|American Journal of Public Health|105
564Efforts to locate low-income women for a study on mammography rescreening: implications for public health practice.Bobo JK, Shapiro JA, Brustrom J.Journal of Community Health20062006Bobo JK, Shapiro JA, Brustrom J.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: 31; Issue: 3; Pages: 249 - 261)Efforts to locate low-income women for a study on mammography rescreening: implications for public health practice.|Bobo JK|Shapiro JA, Brustrom J.|Journal of Community Health|31
565Elevated colorectal cancer incidence among American Indian/Alaska Native persons in Alaska compared to other populations worldwide.Haverkamp D., Redwood D, Roik E, Vindigni S, Thomas T.International Journal of Circumpolar Health20232023 D., Redwood D, Roik E, Vindigni S, Thomas T.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: International Journal of Circumpolar Health (Volume: 82; Issue: 1; Pages: 218 - 749)Elevated colorectal cancer incidence among American Indian/Alaska Native persons in Alaska compared to other populations worldwide.|Haverkamp D.|Redwood D, Roik E, Vindigni S, Thomas T.|International Journal of Circumpolar Health|82
566Eliminating cost-sharing requirements for colon cancer screening in Medicare.Howard DH, Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU.Cancer20152014 DH, Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Eliminating cost-sharing requirements for colon cancer screening in Medicare.|Howard DH|Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU.|Cancer|
567Emergency department visits among people with cancer: Frequency, symptoms, and characteristics.Gallaway MS, Idaikkadar N, Tai E, Momin B, Rohan EA, Townsend J, Puckett M, Stewart SL.Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open20212021 MS, Idaikkadar N, Tai E, Momin B, Rohan EA, Townsend J, Puckett M, Stewart SL.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open (Volume: 2; Issue: 3; Pages: e12 - 438)Emergency department visits among people with cancer: Frequency, symptoms, and characteristics.|Gallaway MS|Idaikkadar N, Tai E, Momin B, Rohan EA, Townsend J, Puckett M, Stewart SL.|Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open|2
568Employment after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment among women in the Sister and the Two Sister studies.Peipins LA, Dasari S, Rodriguez JL, White MC, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP.Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation20212021 LA, Dasari S, Rodriguez JL, White MC, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Employment after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment among women in the Sister and the Two Sister studies.|Peipins LA|Dasari S, Rodriguez JL, White MC, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP.|Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation|
569Employment and labor force participation among prostate cancer survivors.Howard DH, Hall IJUrology Practice20232023 DH, Hall IJCancer SurvivorshipJournal: Urology Practice (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Employment and labor force participation among prostate cancer survivors.|Howard DH|Hall IJ|Urology Practice|
570Employment characteristics and tobacco product use, United States, 2021.Kava CM, Syamlal G, VanFrank B, Siegel DA, Henley SJ, Bryant-Genevier J, Qin J, Sabatino SA.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20242024 CM, Syamlal G, VanFrank B, Siegel DA, Henley SJ, Bryant-Genevier J, Qin J, Sabatino SA.Other ResearchJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: S0749-3797; Issue: 24; Pages: 141 - 147)Employment characteristics and tobacco product use, United States, 2021.|Kava CM|Syamlal G, VanFrank B, Siegel DA, Henley SJ, Bryant-Genevier J, Qin J, Sabatino SA.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|S0749-3797
571Employment implications of informal cancer Moor JS, Dowling EC, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Rodriguez J, Virgo KS, Han X, Kent EE, Li C, Litzelman K, McNeel TS, Liu B, Yabroff KR.Journal of Cancer Survivorship20162016 Moor JS, Dowling EC, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Rodriguez J, Virgo KS, Han X, Kent EE, Li C, Litzelman K, McNeel TS, Liu B, Yabroff KR.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Cancer Survivorship (Volume: 11; Issue: 1; Pages: 48 - 57)Employment implications of informal cancer caregiving.|de Moor JS|Dowling EC, Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Rodriguez J, Virgo KS, Han X, Kent EE, Li C, Litzelman K, McNeel TS, Liu B, Yabroff KR.|Journal of Cancer Survivorship|11
572Employment outcomes among cancer survivors in the United States: implications for cancer care deliveryde Moor JS, Kent EE, McNeel TS, Virgo KS, Swanberg J, Tracy JK, Banegas MP, Han X, Qin J, Yabroff KRJournal of the National Cancer Institute20202020 Moor JS, Kent EE, McNeel TS, Virgo KS, Swanberg J, Tracy JK, Banegas MP, Han X, Qin J, Yabroff KRCancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Employment outcomes among cancer survivors in the United States: implications for cancer care delivery|de Moor JS|Kent EE, McNeel TS, Virgo KS, Swanberg J, Tracy JK, Banegas MP, Han X, Qin J, Yabroff KR|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
573Endocrine health problems detected in 519 patients evaluated in a pediatric cancer survivor program.Patterson BC, Wasilewski-Masker K, Ryerson AB, Mertens A, Meacham L.Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism20122012 BC, Wasilewski-Masker K, Ryerson AB, Mertens A, Meacham L.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Volume: 97; Issue: 3; Pages: 810 - 818)Endocrine health problems detected in 519 patients evaluated in a pediatric cancer survivor program.|Patterson BC|Wasilewski-Masker K, Ryerson AB, Mertens A, Meacham L.|Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism|97
574End-of-life content in comprehensive cancer control plans: a systematic review.Theis KA, Rao JK, Anderson LA, Thompson PM.American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care20082007Theis KA, Rao JK, Anderson LA, Thompson PM.NCCCPJournal: American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care (Volume: 24; Issue: 5; Pages: 390 - 398)End-of-life content in comprehensive cancer control plans: a systematic review.|Theis KA|Rao JK, Anderson LA, Thompson PM.|American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care|24
575End-of-life medical costs of Medicaid cancer patients.Tangka FK, Subramanian S, Sabatino SA, Howard DH, Haber S, Hoover S, Richardson LC.Health Services Research20152014 FK, Subramanian S, Sabatino SA, Howard DH, Haber S, Hoover S, Richardson LC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Health Services Research (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )End-of-life medical costs of Medicaid cancer patients.|Tangka FK|Subramanian S, Sabatino SA, Howard DH, Haber S, Hoover S, Richardson LC.|Health Services Research|
576Engaging community health workers in primary care practices: provider understanding of roles, benefits, and barriers.Rohan EA, Townsend JS, Bermudez AT, Thompson HL, Holman DM, Reza A, Tharpe FS, Wennerstrom A.Journal of Ambulatory Care Management20242024 EA, Townsend JS, Bermudez AT, Thompson HL, Holman DM, Reza A, Tharpe FS, Wennerstrom A.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Ambulatory Care Management (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Engaging community health workers in primary care practices: provider understanding of roles, benefits, and barriers.|Rohan EA|Townsend JS, Bermudez AT, Thompson HL, Holman DM, Reza A, Tharpe FS, Wennerstrom A.|Journal of Ambulatory Care Management|
577Engaging community health workers to increase cancer screening: A Community Guide systematic economic review.Attipoe-Dorcoo S, Chattopadhyay SK, Verughese J, Ekwueme DU, Sabatino SA, Peng Y; Community Preventive Services Task Force.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20212020 S, Chattopadhyay SK, Verughese J, Ekwueme DU, Sabatino SA, Peng Y; Community Preventive Services Task Force.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Engaging community health workers to increase cancer screening: A Community Guide systematic economic review.|Attipoe-Dorcoo S|Chattopadhyay SK, Verughese J, Ekwueme DU, Sabatino SA, Peng Y; Community Preventive Services Task Force.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
578Engaging women's interest in colorectal cancer screening: A public health strategy.Burke W, Beeker C, Kraft JM, Pinsky L.Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine20002000Burke W, Beeker C, Kraft JM, Pinsky L.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine (Volume: 9; Issue: 4; Pages: 363 - 371)Engaging women's interest in colorectal cancer screening: A public health strategy.|Burke W|Beeker C, Kraft JM, Pinsky L.|Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine|9
579Enhancement of identifying cancer specialists through the linkage of Medicare claims to additional sources of physician specialty.Pollack LA, Adamache W, Eheman CR, Ryerson AB, Richardson LC.Health Services Research20092009Pollack LA, Adamache W, Eheman CR, Ryerson AB, Richardson LC.Other ResearchJournal: Health Services Research (Volume: 44; Issue: 2 Pt 1; Pages: 562 - 576)Enhancement of identifying cancer specialists through the linkage of Medicare claims to additional sources of physician specialty.|Pollack LA|Adamache W, Eheman CR, Ryerson AB, Richardson LC.|Health Services Research|44
580Enhancing cancer economic data resources: the Interagency Consortium to Promote Health Economics Research on Cancer (HEROiC).Halpern MT, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.Medical Care20242023 MT, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.Other ResearchJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 61; Issue: 12 Suppl 2; Pages: S10 - 115)Enhancing cancer economic data resources: the Interagency Consortium to Promote Health Economics Research on Cancer (HEROiC).|Halpern MT|Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.|Medical Care|61
581Enhancing cancer registry data for comparative effectiveness research (CER) project: overview and methodology.Chen VW, Eheman CR, Johnson CJ, Hernandez MN, Rousseau D, Styles TS, West DW, Hsieh M, Hakenewerth AM, Celaya MO, Rycroft RK, Wike JM, Pearson M, Brockhouse J, Mulvihill LG, Zhang KB.Journal of Registry Management20152014Chen VW, Eheman CR, Johnson CJ, Hernandez MN, Rousseau D, Styles TS, West DW, Hsieh M, Hakenewerth AM, Celaya MO, Rycroft RK, Wike JM, Pearson M, Brockhouse J, Mulvihill LG, Zhang KB.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 41; Issue: 3; Pages: 103 - 112)Enhancing cancer registry data for comparative effectiveness research (CER) project: overview and methodology.|Chen VW|Eheman CR, Johnson CJ, Hernandez MN, Rousseau D, Styles TS, West DW, Hsieh M, Hakenewerth AM, Celaya MO, Rycroft RK, Wike JM, Pearson M, Brockhouse J, Mulvihill LG, Zhang KB.|Journal of Registry Management|41
582Environmental and psychosocial barriers to and benefits of cervical cancer screening in Kenya.Buchanan Lunsford N, Ragan K, Lee Smith J, Saraiya M, Aketch M.The Oncologist20172017 Lunsford N, Ragan K, Lee Smith J, Saraiya M, Aketch M.Cervical CancerJournal: The Oncologist (Volume: 22; Issue: 2; Pages: 173 - 181)Environmental and psychosocial barriers to and benefits of cervical cancer screening in Kenya.|Buchanan Lunsford N|Ragan K, Lee Smith J, Saraiya M, Aketch M.|The Oncologist|22
583Epidemiology of homicide-suicide events: Oklahoma, 1994-2001.Comstock RD, Mallonee S, Kruger E, Rayno K, Vance A, Jordan F.American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology20052005Comstock RD, Mallonee S, Kruger E, Rayno K, Vance A, Jordan F.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology (Volume: 26; Issue: 3; Pages: 229 - 235)Epidemiology of homicide-suicide events: Oklahoma, 1994-2001.|Comstock RD|Mallonee S, Kruger E, Rayno K, Vance A, Jordan F.|American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology|26
584ERCC1 measurements in clinical oncology.Reed E.,New England Journal of Medicine20062006Reed E.,Other ResearchJournal: New England Journal of Medicine (Volume: 355; Issue: 10; Pages: 105 - 055)ERCC1 measurements in clinical oncology.|Reed E.||New England Journal of Medicine|355
585Erratum to: Data sources for identifying low-income, uninsured populations: application to public health—National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Dalzell LP, Tangka FK, Powers DS, O'Hara BJ, Holmes W, Joseph K, Royalty J.Cancer Causes and Control20152015 LP, Tangka FK, Powers DS, O'Hara BJ, Holmes W, Joseph K, Royalty J.NBCCEDPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 26; Issue: 5; Pages: 711 - 711)Erratum to: Data sources for identifying low-income, uninsured populations: application to public health—National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Dalzell LP|Tangka FK, Powers DS, O'Hara BJ, Holmes W, Joseph K, Royalty J.|Cancer Causes and Control|26
586Erratum to: The effectiveness of targeting never or rarely screened women in a national cervical cancer screening program for underserved women.Benard VB, Royalty J, Saraiya M, Rockwell T, Helsel W.Cancer Causes and Control20152015 VB, Royalty J, Saraiya M, Rockwell T, Helsel W.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 26; Issue: 5; Pages: 721 - 721)Erratum to: The effectiveness of targeting never or rarely screened women in a national cervical cancer screening program for underserved women.|Benard VB|Royalty J, Saraiya M, Rockwell T, Helsel W.|Cancer Causes and Control|26
587Establishing effective patient navigation programs in oncology.Lopez D, Pratt-Chapman ML, Rohan EA, Sheldon LK, Basen-Engquist K, Kline R, Shulman LN, Flores EJ.Supportive Care in Cancer20192019 D, Pratt-Chapman ML, Rohan EA, Sheldon LK, Basen-Engquist K, Kline R, Shulman LN, Flores EJ.Other ResearchJournal: Supportive Care in Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Establishing effective patient navigation programs in oncology.|Lopez D|Pratt-Chapman ML, Rohan EA, Sheldon LK, Basen-Engquist K, Kline R, Shulman LN, Flores EJ.|Supportive Care in Cancer|
588Establishment of a cancer surveillance programme: the South African experience.Singh E, Ruff P, Babb C, Sengayi M, Beery M, Khoali L, Kellett P, Underwood JM.Lancet Oncology20152015 E, Ruff P, Babb C, Sengayi M, Beery M, Khoali L, Kellett P, Underwood JM.NPCRJournal: Lancet Oncology (Volume: 16; Issue: 8; Pages: e41 - 421)Establishment of a cancer surveillance programme: the South African experience.|Singh E|Ruff P, Babb C, Sengayi M, Beery M, Khoali L, Kellett P, Underwood JM.|Lancet Oncology|16
589Estimated cost of emergency sunburn visits-reply.Guy GP Jr, Berkowitz Z, Watson M.JAMA Dermatology20172017 GP Jr, Berkowitz Z, Watson M.Skin CancerJournal: JAMA Dermatology (Volume: 153; Issue: 6; Pages: - )Estimated cost of emergency sunburn visits-reply.|Guy GP Jr|Berkowitz Z, Watson M.|JAMA Dermatology|153
590Estimated cost of sunburn-associated visits to U.S. hospital emergency departments.Guy GP Jr., Berkowitz Z, Watson M.JAMA Dermatology20172016 GP Jr., Berkowitz Z, Watson M.Skin CancerJournal: JAMA Dermatology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Estimated cost of sunburn-associated visits to U.S. hospital emergency departments.|Guy GP Jr.|Berkowitz Z, Watson M.|JAMA Dermatology|
591Estimated economic burden of cancer associated with suboptimal diet in the United States.Khushalani JS, Cudhea FP, Ekwueme DU, Ruan M, Shan Z, Harris DM, Mozaffarian D, Zhang FF.Cancer Causes and Control20222021 JS, Cudhea FP, Ekwueme DU, Ruan M, Shan Z, Harris DM, Mozaffarian D, Zhang FF.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Estimated economic burden of cancer associated with suboptimal diet in the United States.|Khushalani JS|Cudhea FP, Ekwueme DU, Ruan M, Shan Z, Harris DM, Mozaffarian D, Zhang FF.|Cancer Causes and Control|
592Estimated effects of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program on breast cancer mortality.Hoerger TJ, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Uzunangelov V, Hall IJ, Segel J, Royalty J, Gardner JG, Smith JL, Li C.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20112011Hoerger TJ, Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Uzunangelov V, Hall IJ, Segel J, Royalty J, Gardner JG, Smith JL, Li C.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 40; Issue: 4; Pages: 397 - 404)Estimated effects of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program on breast cancer mortality.|Hoerger TJ|Ekwueme DU, Miller JW, Uzunangelov V, Hall IJ, Segel J, Royalty J, Gardner JG, Smith JL, Li C.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|40
593Estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2018: a worldwide analysis.Arbyn M, Weiderpass E, Bruni L, de Sanjosé S, Saraiya M, Ferlay J, Bray F.Lancet Global Health20202019 M, Weiderpass E, Bruni L, de Sanjosé S, Saraiya M, Ferlay J, Bray F.Cervical CancerJournal: Lancet Global Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2018: a worldwide analysis.|Arbyn M|Weiderpass E, Bruni L, de Sanjosé S, Saraiya M, Ferlay J, Bray F.|Lancet Global Health|
594Estimates of the annual direct medical costs of the prevention and treatment of disease associated with human papillomavirus in the United States.Chesson HW, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Watson M, Lowy DR, Markowitz LE.Vaccine20122012 HW, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Watson M, Lowy DR, Markowitz LE.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Vaccine (Volume: 30; Issue: 42; Pages: 601 - 019)Estimates of the annual direct medical costs of the prevention and treatment of disease associated with human papillomavirus in the United States.|Chesson HW|Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Watson M, Lowy DR, Markowitz LE.|Vaccine|30
595Estimates of the timing of reductions in genital warts and high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after onset of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the United States.Chesson HW, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Dunne EF, Markowitz LE.Vaccine20132013 HW, Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Dunne EF, Markowitz LE.Cervical CancerJournal: Vaccine (Volume: 31; Issue: 37; Pages: 389 - 905)Estimates of the timing of reductions in genital warts and high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after onset of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the United States.|Chesson HW|Ekwueme DU, Saraiya M, Dunne EF, Markowitz LE.|Vaccine|31
596Estimates of young breast cancer survivors at risk for infertility in the U.S.Trivers KF, Fink AK, Partridge AH, Oktay K, Ginsburg ES, Li C, Pollack LA.Oncologist20142014 KF, Fink AK, Partridge AH, Oktay K, Ginsburg ES, Li C, Pollack LA.Breast CancerJournal: Oncologist (Volume: 19; Issue: 8; Pages: 814 - 822)Estimates of young breast cancer survivors at risk for infertility in the U.S.|Trivers KF|Fink AK, Partridge AH, Oktay K, Ginsburg ES, Li C, Pollack LA.|Oncologist|19
597Estimating health benefits and cost-savings for achieving the Healthy People 2020 objective of reducing invasive colorectal cancer.Hung MC, Ekwueme DU, White A, Rim SH, King JB, Wang JD, Chang SH.Preventive Medicine20172017 MC, Ekwueme DU, White A, Rim SH, King JB, Wang JD, Chang SH.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 106; Issue: ; Pages: 38 - 44)Estimating health benefits and cost-savings for achieving the Healthy People 2020 objective of reducing invasive colorectal cancer.|Hung MC|Ekwueme DU, White A, Rim SH, King JB, Wang JD, Chang SH.|Preventive Medicine|106
598Estimating personal costs incurred by a woman participating in mammography screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Ekwueme DU, Hall IJ, Richardson LC, Gardner JG, Royalty J, Thompson TD.Cancer20082008Ekwueme DU, Hall IJ, Richardson LC, Gardner JG, Royalty J, Thompson TD.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: 3; Pages: 592 - 601)Estimating personal costs incurred by a woman participating in mammography screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Ekwueme DU|Hall IJ, Richardson LC, Gardner JG, Royalty J, Thompson TD.|Cancer|113
599Estimating the cost of operating cancer registries: Experience in Vries E, Pardo C, Arias N, Bravo LE, Navarro E, Uribe C, Yepez MC, Jurado D, Garci LS, Piñeros M, Edwards P, Beebe MC, Tangka F, Subramanian S.Cancer Epidemiology20172016 Vries E, Pardo C, Arias N, Bravo LE, Navarro E, Uribe C, Yepez MC, Jurado D, Garci LS, Piñeros M, Edwards P, Beebe MC, Tangka F, Subramanian S.Other ResearchJournal: Cancer Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Estimating the cost of operating cancer registries: Experience in Colombia.|de Vries E|Pardo C, Arias N, Bravo LE, Navarro E, Uribe C, Yepez MC, Jurado D, Garci LS, Piñeros M, Edwards P, Beebe MC, Tangka F, Subramanian S.|Cancer Epidemiology|
600Estimating the health and economic burden of cancer among those diagnosed as adolescents and young adults.Guy GP Jr., Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Smith AW, Dowling EC, Rechis R, Nutt S, Richardson LC.Health Affairs20142014 GP Jr., Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Smith AW, Dowling EC, Rechis R, Nutt S, Richardson LC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Health Affairs (Volume: 33; Issue: 6; Pages: 102 - 031)Estimating the health and economic burden of cancer among those diagnosed as adolescents and young adults.|Guy GP Jr.|Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Smith AW, Dowling EC, Rechis R, Nutt S, Richardson LC.|Health Affairs|33
601Estimating the impact of increasing cervical cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program among low-income women in the USAPollack LM, Ekwueme DU, Hung MC, Miller JW, Chang SHCancer Causes and Control20202020 LM, Ekwueme DU, Hung MC, Miller JW, Chang SHBreast CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Estimating the impact of increasing cervical cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program among low-income women in the USA|Pollack LM|Ekwueme DU, Hung MC, Miller JW, Chang SH|Cancer Causes and Control|
602Estimation of breast cancer incident cases and medical care costs attributable to alcohol consumption among insured women aged < 45 years in the US.Ekwueme DU, Allaire BT, Parish WJ, Thomas CC, Poehler D, Guy GP Jr, Aldridge AP, Lahoti SR, Fairley TL, Trogdon JG.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20172017 DU, Allaire BT, Parish WJ, Thomas CC, Poehler D, Guy GP Jr, Aldridge AP, Lahoti SR, Fairley TL, Trogdon JG.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 53; Issue: 351; Pages: S47 - S54)Estimation of breast cancer incident cases and medical care costs attributable to alcohol consumption among insured women aged < 45 years in the US.|Ekwueme DU|Allaire BT, Parish WJ, Thomas CC, Poehler D, Guy GP Jr, Aldridge AP, Lahoti SR, Fairley TL, Trogdon JG.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|53
603Ethnic disparities in Americans of European descent versus Americans of African descent related to polymorphic ERCC1, ERCC2, XRCC1, and PARP1.Gao R, Price DK, Sissung T, Reed E, Figg WD.Molecular Cancer Therapeutics20082008Gao R, Price DK, Sissung T, Reed E, Figg WD.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Molecular Cancer Therapeutics (Volume: 7; Issue: 5; Pages: 124 - 250)Ethnic disparities in Americans of European descent versus Americans of African descent related to polymorphic ERCC1, ERCC2, XRCC1, and PARP1.|Gao R|Price DK, Sissung T, Reed E, Figg WD.|Molecular Cancer Therapeutics|7
604EUROGIN 2007 Patient Education Conference: Sharing experiences and action in cervical cancer prevention—an overview. Part 2.Pagliusi S, Lawson H, Singer A, Monsonego J.Vaccine20082008Pagliusi S, Lawson H, Singer A, Monsonego J.Cervical CancerJournal: Vaccine (Volume: 26; Issue: Suppl 1; Pages: A33 - A36)EUROGIN 2007 Patient Education Conference: Sharing experiences and action in cervical cancer prevention—an overview. Part 2.|Pagliusi S|Lawson H, Singer A, Monsonego J.|Vaccine|26
605Evaluating early case capture of pediatric cancers in seven central cancer registries in the United States, 2013.Puckett M, Neri A, Rohan E, Clerkin C, Underwood JM, Ryerson AB, Stewart SL.Public Health Reports20162016Puckett M, Neri A, Rohan E, Clerkin C, Underwood JM, Ryerson AB, Stewart SL.NPCRJournal: Public Health Reports (Volume: 131; Issue: 1; Pages: 126 - 136)Evaluating early case capture of pediatric cancers in seven central cancer registries in the United States, 2013.|Puckett M|Neri A, Rohan E, Clerkin C, Underwood JM, Ryerson AB, Stewart SL.|Public Health Reports|131
606Evaluating progress in radon control activities for lung cancer prevention in National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program plans, 20112015.Acree P, Puckett M, Neri A.Journal of Community Health20172017 P, Puckett M, Neri A.Lung CancerJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: 42; Issue: 5; Pages: 962 - 967)Evaluating progress in radon control activities for lung cancer prevention in National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program plans, 20112015.|Acree P|Puckett M, Neri A.|Journal of Community Health|42
607Evaluating quality of census tract data in the NPCR dataset.Singh S, Ajani UA, Wilson RJ, Thomas CC.Journal of Registry Management20102009Singh S, Ajani UA, Wilson RJ, Thomas CC.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 36; Issue: 4; Pages: 143 - 146)Evaluating quality of census tract data in the NPCR dataset.|Singh S|Ajani UA, Wilson RJ, Thomas CC.|Journal of Registry Management|36
608Evaluating the role of public health in implementation of genomics-related recommendations: a case study of hereditary cancers using the CDC Science Impact FrameworkGreen RF, Ari M, Kolor K, Dotson WD, Bowen S, Habarta N, Rodriguez JL, Richardson LC, Khoury MJGenetics in Medicine20182018 RF, Ari M, Kolor K, Dotson WD, Bowen S, Habarta N, Rodriguez JL, Richardson LC, Khoury MJOther ResearchJournal: Genetics in Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Evaluating the role of public health in implementation of genomics-related recommendations: a case study of hereditary cancers using the CDC Science Impact Framework|Green RF|Ari M, Kolor K, Dotson WD, Bowen S, Habarta N, Rodriguez JL, Richardson LC, Khoury MJ|Genetics in Medicine|
609Evaluating the sustainability of patient navigation programs in oncology by length of existence, funding, and payment model participationGarfield KM, Franklin EF, Battaglia TA, Dwyer AJ, Freund KM, Wightman PD, Rohan EA.Cancer20222022 KM, Franklin EF, Battaglia TA, Dwyer AJ, Freund KM, Wightman PD, Rohan EA.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 128; Issue: S13; Pages: 257 - 589)Evaluating the sustainability of patient navigation programs in oncology by length of existence, funding, and payment model participation|Garfield KM|Franklin EF, Battaglia TA, Dwyer AJ, Freund KM, Wightman PD, Rohan EA.|Cancer|128
610Evaluating uptake of evidence-based interventions in 355 clinics partnering with the Colorectal Cancer Control Program, 20152018.Maxwell AE, DeGroff A, Hohl SD, Sharma KP, Sun J, Escoffery C, Hannon PA.Preventing Chronic Disease20222022 AE, DeGroff A, Hohl SD, Sharma KP, Sun J, Escoffery C, Hannon PA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Evaluating uptake of evidence-based interventions in 355 clinics partnering with the Colorectal Cancer Control Program, 20152018.|Maxwell AE|DeGroff A, Hohl SD, Sharma KP, Sun J, Escoffery C, Hannon PA.|Preventing Chronic Disease|
611Evaluation of a Web-based program for African-American young breast cancer survivors.Johnson-Turbes A, Schlueter D, Moore AR, Buchanan ND, Fairley TL.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 A, Schlueter D, Moore AR, Buchanan ND, Fairley TL.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: S54 - 549)Evaluation of a Web-based program for African-American young breast cancer survivors.|Johnson-Turbes A|Schlueter D, Moore AR, Buchanan ND, Fairley TL.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
612Evaluation of North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) data for use in population-based cancer survival studies.Weir HK, Johnson CJ, Mariotto AB, Turner D, Wilson RJ, Nishri D, Ward KC.Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs.20152014 HK, Johnson CJ, Mariotto AB, Turner D, Wilson RJ, Nishri D, Ward KC.NPCRJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs. (Volume: 2014; Issue: 49; Pages: 198 - 209)Evaluation of North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) data for use in population-based cancer survival studies.|Weir HK|Johnson CJ, Mariotto AB, Turner D, Wilson RJ, Nishri D, Ward KC.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs.|2014
613Evaluation of patient-focused interventions to promote colorectal cancer screening among New York state Medicaid managed care patients.Dacus HLM, Wagner VL, Collins EA, Matson JM, Gates M, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, Larkins T, Subramanian S.Cancer20192018 HLM, Wagner VL, Collins EA, Matson JM, Gates M, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, Larkins T, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Evaluation of patient-focused interventions to promote colorectal cancer screening among New York state Medicaid managed care patients.|Dacus HLM|Wagner VL, Collins EA, Matson JM, Gates M, Hoover S, Tangka FKL, Larkins T, Subramanian S.|Cancer|
614Evaluation of primary/preferred language data collection.Duong LM, Singh SD, Buchanan N, Phillips JL, Gerlach K.Journal of Registry Management20132012Duong LM, Singh SD, Buchanan N, Phillips JL, Gerlach K.NPCRJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 39; Issue: 3; Pages: 121 - 132)Evaluation of primary/preferred language data collection.|Duong LM|Singh SD, Buchanan N, Phillips JL, Gerlach K.|Journal of Registry Management|39
615Evaluation of the vulvar cancer histology code reported by central cancer registries: importance in epidemiology.Siegel DA, Wilson R, Wilkinson EJ, Gargano JW, Watson M, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Lynch CF, Unger ER, Saraiya M.Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine20172017 DA, Wilson R, Wilkinson EJ, Gargano JW, Watson M, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Lynch CF, Unger ER, Saraiya M.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (Volume: 141; Issue: 1; Pages: 139 - 143)Evaluation of the vulvar cancer histology code reported by central cancer registries: importance in epidemiology.|Siegel DA|Wilson R, Wilkinson EJ, Gargano JW, Watson M, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Lynch CF, Unger ER, Saraiya M.|Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine|141
616Evaluation of the vulvar cancer histology code reported by central cancer registries: importance in epidemiology.Siegel DA, Wilson R, Wilkinson EJ, Gargano JW, Watson M, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Lynch CF, Unger ER, Saraiya M.Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine20172016 DA, Wilson R, Wilkinson EJ, Gargano JW, Watson M, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Lynch CF, Unger ER, Saraiya M.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Evaluation of the vulvar cancer histology code reported by central cancer registries: importance in epidemiology.|Siegel DA|Wilson R, Wilkinson EJ, Gargano JW, Watson M, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Lynch CF, Unger ER, Saraiya M.|Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine|
617Evidence is lacking to support pelvic examinations as a screening tool for non-cervical cancers or other conditions.Saraiya M,Evidence-Based Medicine20142014 M,Cervical CancerJournal: Evidence-Based Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Evidence is lacking to support pelvic examinations as a screening tool for non-cervical cancers or other conditions.|Saraiya M||Evidence-Based Medicine|
618Evidence-based cancer survivorship activities for comprehensive cancer control.Underwood JM, Lakhani N, Finifrock D, Pinkerton B, Johnson KL, Mallory SH, Santiago PM, Stewart SL.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 JM, Lakhani N, Finifrock D, Pinkerton B, Johnson KL, Mallory SH, Santiago PM, Stewart SL.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: S53 - 542)Evidence-based cancer survivorship activities for comprehensive cancer control.|Underwood JM|Lakhani N, Finifrock D, Pinkerton B, Johnson KL, Mallory SH, Santiago PM, Stewart SL.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
619Evidence-based interventions and colorectal cancer screening rates: The colorectal cancer screening program, 20152017.Sharma KP, DeGroff A, Maxwell AE, Cole AM, Escoffery NC, Hannon PA.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20212021 KP, DeGroff A, Maxwell AE, Cole AM, Escoffery NC, Hannon PA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Evidence-based interventions and colorectal cancer screening rates: The colorectal cancer screening program, 20152017.|Sharma KP|DeGroff A, Maxwell AE, Cole AM, Escoffery NC, Hannon PA.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
620Evidence-based interventions and screening recommendations for colorectal cancer in comprehensive cancer control plans: a content analysis.Townsend JS, Richardson LC, Steele CB, White DE.Preventing Chronic Disease20102009Townsend JS, Richardson LC, Steele CB, White DE.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 6; Issue: 4; Pages: - )Evidence-based interventions and screening recommendations for colorectal cancer in comprehensive cancer control plans: a content analysis.|Townsend JS|Richardson LC, Steele CB, White DE.|Preventing Chronic Disease|6
621Evolution of a CDC public health research agenda for low-risk prostate cancer.Hall IJ, Lee Smith J.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 IJ, Lee Smith J.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: S48 - 488)Evolution of a CDC public health research agenda for low-risk prostate cancer.|Hall IJ|Lee Smith J.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
622Evolution of cervical cancer screening and prevention in United States and Canada: Implications for public health practitioners and clinicians.Saraiya M, Steben M, Watson M, Markowitz L.Preventive Medicine20132013 M, Steben M, Watson M, Markowitz L.Cervical CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Evolution of cervical cancer screening and prevention in United States and Canada: Implications for public health practitioners and clinicians.|Saraiya M|Steben M, Watson M, Markowitz L.|Preventive Medicine|
623Examination of laws allowing sunscreen use in schools in the context of UV levels by statePatterson B, Holman DM, Qin J, Smith K, Zhou YJournal of Adolescent Health20202020 B, Holman DM, Qin J, Smith K, Zhou YPediatric and Young Adult CancerJournal: Journal of Adolescent Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Examination of laws allowing sunscreen use in schools in the context of UV levels by state|Patterson B|Holman DM, Qin J, Smith K, Zhou Y|Journal of Adolescent Health|
624Examination of the increase in thyroid cancer incidence among younger women in the United States by age, race, geography, and tumor size, 19992007.Holman DM, Soman A, Watson M, Weir HK, Trivers KF, White MC.Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology20122011Holman DM, Soman A, Watson M, Weir HK, Trivers KF, White MC.NPCRJournal: Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology (Volume: 1; Issue: 2; Pages: 95 - 102)Examination of the increase in thyroid cancer incidence among younger women in the United States by age, race, geography, and tumor size, 19992007.|Holman DM|Soman A, Watson M, Weir HK, Trivers KF, White MC.|Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology|1
625Examining acceptability of self-collection for human papillomavirus testing among women and healthcare providers with a broader lens.Senkomago V, Saraiya M.Journal of Women's Health20172017 V, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 26; Issue: 6; Pages: 597 - 599)Examining acceptability of self-collection for human papillomavirus testing among women and healthcare providers with a broader lens.|Senkomago V|Saraiya M.|Journal of Women's Health|26
626Examining adherence with recommendations for follow-up in the prevention among colorectal cancer survivors study.Hawkins NA, Berkowitz Z, Rodriguez J, Miller JW, Sabatino SA, Pollack LA.Oncology Nursing Forum20152015 NA, Berkowitz Z, Rodriguez J, Miller JW, Sabatino SA, Pollack LA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Oncology Nursing Forum (Volume: 42; Issue: 3; Pages: 233 - 240)Examining adherence with recommendations for follow-up in the prevention among colorectal cancer survivors study.|Hawkins NA|Berkowitz Z, Rodriguez J, Miller JW, Sabatino SA, Pollack LA.|Oncology Nursing Forum|42
627Examining advocacy and comprehensive cancer control.Selig WK, Jenkins KL, Reynolds SL, Benson D, Daven M.Cancer Causes and Control20062005Selig WK, Jenkins KL, Reynolds SL, Benson D, Daven M.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 16; Issue: Suppl 1; Pages: 61 - 68)Examining advocacy and comprehensive cancer control.|Selig WK|Jenkins KL, Reynolds SL, Benson D, Daven M.|Cancer Causes and Control|16
628Examining comprehensive cancer control partnerships, plans, and program interventions: successes and lessons learned from a utilization-focused evaluation.Pyron T, Fonseka J, Young M, Zimmerman L, Moore AR, Hayes N.Cancer Causes and Control20192018 T, Fonseka J, Young M, Zimmerman L, Moore AR, Hayes N.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 29; Issue: 12; Pages: 116 - 171)Examining comprehensive cancer control partnerships, plans, and program interventions: successes and lessons learned from a utilization-focused evaluation.|Pyron T|Fonseka J, Young M, Zimmerman L, Moore AR, Hayes N.|Cancer Causes and Control|29
629Examining the association between socioeconomic status and potential human papillomavirus-associated cancers.Benard VB, Johnson CJ, Thompson TD, Roland KB, Lai SM, Cokkinides V, Tangka F, Hawkins NA, Lawson H, and Weir HK.Cancer20092008Benard VB, Johnson CJ, Thompson TD, Roland KB, Lai SM, Cokkinides V, Tangka F, Hawkins NA, Lawson H, and Weir HK.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 291 - 918)Examining the association between socioeconomic status and potential human papillomavirus-associated cancers.|Benard VB|Johnson CJ, Thompson TD, Roland KB, Lai SM, Cokkinides V, Tangka F, Hawkins NA, Lawson H, and Weir HK.|Cancer|113
630Examining the effectiveness of provider incentives to increase CRC screening uptake in Neighborhood Healthcare: a California federally qualified health center.Barajas M, Tangka FKL, Schultz J, Tantod K, Kempster YM, Omelu N, Hoover S, Thomas M, Richmond-Reese V, Subramanian S.Health Promotion Practice20202020 M, Tangka FKL, Schultz J, Tantod K, Kempster YM, Omelu N, Hoover S, Thomas M, Richmond-Reese V, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: 21; Issue: 6; Pages: 898 - 904)Examining the effectiveness of provider incentives to increase CRC screening uptake in Neighborhood Healthcare: a California federally qualified health center.|Barajas M|Tangka FKL, Schultz J, Tantod K, Kempster YM, Omelu N, Hoover S, Thomas M, Richmond-Reese V, Subramanian S.|Health Promotion Practice|21
631Excess risk of subsequent primary cancers among colorectal carcinoma survivors, 1975-2001.Ahmed F, Goodman MT, Kosary C, Ruiz B, Wu XC, Chen VW, Correa CN.Cancer20062006Ahmed F, Goodman MT, Kosary C, Ruiz B, Wu XC, Chen VW, Correa CN.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 116 - 171)Excess risk of subsequent primary cancers among colorectal carcinoma survivors, 1975-2001.|Ahmed F|Goodman MT, Kosary C, Ruiz B, Wu XC, Chen VW, Correa CN.|Cancer|107
632Excessive weight gain, obesity, and cancer: opportunities for clinical intervention.Massetti GM, Dietz WH, Richardson LC.Journal of the American Medical Association20182017 GM, Dietz WH, Richardson LC.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of the American Medical Association (Volume: 318; Issue: 20; Pages: 197 - 976)Excessive weight gain, obesity, and cancer: opportunities for clinical intervention.|Massetti GM|Dietz WH, Richardson LC.|Journal of the American Medical Association|318
633Expanding the public health research agenda for ovarian cancer.Trivers KF, Stewart SL, Peipins L, Rim SH, White MC.Journal of Women's Health20092009Trivers KF, Stewart SL, Peipins L, Rim SH, White MC.Ovarian CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 18; Issue: 9; Pages: 129 - 305)Expanding the public health research agenda for ovarian cancer.|Trivers KF|Stewart SL, Peipins L, Rim SH, White MC.|Journal of Women's Health|18
634Expenditures on screening promotion activities in CDCs Colorectal Cancer Control Program, 20092014.Tangka FK, Subramanian S, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Chattopadhyay S.Preventing Chronic Disease20192019 FK, Subramanian S, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Chattopadhyay S.CRCCPJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 16; Issue: ; Pages: - )Expenditures on screening promotion activities in CDCs Colorectal Cancer Control Program, 20092014.|Tangka FK|Subramanian S, Hoover S, Cole-Beebe M, DeGroff A, Joseph D, Chattopadhyay S.|Preventing Chronic Disease|16
635Exploring barriers to the receipt of necessary medical care among cancer survivors under age 65 years.Banegas MP, Dickerson JF, Kent EE, de Moor JS, Virgo KS, Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU, Zheng Z, Nutt S, Pace L, Varga A, Waiwaiole L, Schneider J, Robin Yabroff K.Journal of Cancer Survivorship20172017 MP, Dickerson JF, Kent EE, de Moor JS, Virgo KS, Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU, Zheng Z, Nutt S, Pace L, Varga A, Waiwaiole L, Schneider J, Robin Yabroff K.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Cancer Survivorship (Volume: 12; Issue: 1; Pages: 28 - 37)Exploring barriers to the receipt of necessary medical care among cancer survivors under age 65 years.|Banegas MP|Dickerson JF, Kent EE, de Moor JS, Virgo KS, Guy GP Jr, Ekwueme DU, Zheng Z, Nutt S, Pace L, Varga A, Waiwaiole L, Schneider J, Robin Yabroff K.|Journal of Cancer Survivorship|12
636Exploring opportunities for colorectal cancer screening and prevention in the context of diabetes self-management: an analysis of the 2010 National Health Interview Survey.Adjaye-Gbewonyo K., Sabatino SA, White MC.Translational Behavioral Medicine20132013 K., Sabatino SA, White MC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Translational Behavioral Medicine (Volume: 3; Issue: 1; Pages: 72 - 81)Exploring opportunities for colorectal cancer screening and prevention in the context of diabetes self-management: an analysis of the 2010 National Health Interview Survey.|Adjaye-Gbewonyo K.|Sabatino SA, White MC.|Translational Behavioral Medicine|3
637Facilitators and challenges to start-up of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.DeGroff A, Boehm J, Green SG, Holden D, Seeff LC.Preventing Chronic Disease20082008DeGroff A, Boehm J, Green SG, Holden D, Seeff LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 5; Issue: 2; Pages: - )Facilitators and challenges to start-up of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program.|DeGroff A|Boehm J, Green SG, Holden D, Seeff LC.|Preventing Chronic Disease|5
638Factors affecting the adoption of electronic data reporting and outcomes among selected central cancer registries of the National Program of Cancer Registries.Tangka FKL, Edwards P, Pordell P, Wilson R, Blumenthal W, Jones SF, Jones M, Beizer J, Bernacet A, Cole-Beebe M, Subramanian S.JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics20212021 FKL, Edwards P, Pordell P, Wilson R, Blumenthal W, Jones SF, Jones M, Beizer J, Bernacet A, Cole-Beebe M, Subramanian S.NPCRJournal: JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics (Volume: 5; Issue: ; Pages: 921 - 932)Factors affecting the adoption of electronic data reporting and outcomes among selected central cancer registries of the National Program of Cancer Registries.|Tangka FKL|Edwards P, Pordell P, Wilson R, Blumenthal W, Jones SF, Jones M, Beizer J, Bernacet A, Cole-Beebe M, Subramanian S.|JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics|5
639Factors associated with accurate cancer detection during a clinical breast examination.Bobo JK, Lee NC.Annals of Epidemiology20012000Bobo JK, Lee NC.Breast CancerJournal: Annals of Epidemiology (Volume: 10; Issue: 7; Pages: - )Factors associated with accurate cancer detection during a clinical breast examination.|Bobo JK|Lee NC.|Annals of Epidemiology|10
640Factors associated with advanced disease stage at diagnosis in a population-based study of patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer.Hahn KM, Bondy ML, Selvan M, Lund MJ, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Brinton LA, Porter P, Eley JW, Coates RJ.American Journal of Epidemiology20082007Hahn KM, Bondy ML, Selvan M, Lund MJ, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Brinton LA, Porter P, Eley JW, Coates RJ.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Epidemiology (Volume: 166; Issue: 9; Pages: 103 - 044)Factors associated with advanced disease stage at diagnosis in a population-based study of patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer.|Hahn KM|Bondy ML, Selvan M, Lund MJ, Liff JM, Flagg EW, Brinton LA, Porter P, Eley JW, Coates RJ.|American Journal of Epidemiology|166
641Factors associated with breast MRI use among women with a family history of breast cancer.White MC, Soman A, Weinberg CR, Rodriguez JL, Sabatino SA, Peipins LA, DeRoo L, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP.Breast Journal20182018 MC, Soman A, Weinberg CR, Rodriguez JL, Sabatino SA, Peipins LA, DeRoo L, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP.Breast CancerJournal: Breast Journal (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Factors associated with breast MRI use among women with a family history of breast cancer.|White MC|Soman A, Weinberg CR, Rodriguez JL, Sabatino SA, Peipins LA, DeRoo L, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Sandler DP.|Breast Journal|
642Factors associated with continued participation in mammography screening.Barr JK, Franks AL, Lee NC, Herther P, Schachter M.Preventive Medicine20022001Barr JK, Franks AL, Lee NC, Herther P, Schachter M.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 33; Issue: 6; Pages: 661 - 667)Factors associated with continued participation in mammography screening.|Barr JK|Franks AL, Lee NC, Herther P, Schachter M.|Preventive Medicine|33
643Factors associated with guideline-concordant adjuvant therapy among breast cancer patients in rural Georgia.Guy GP Jr, Lipscomb J, Gillespie T, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Ward KC.Value in Health20132013 GP Jr, Lipscomb J, Gillespie T, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Ward KC.Breast CancerJournal: Value in Health (Volume: 16; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Factors associated with guideline-concordant adjuvant therapy among breast cancer patients in rural Georgia.|Guy GP Jr|Lipscomb J, Gillespie T, Goodman M, Richardson LC, Ward KC.|Value in Health|16
644Factors associated with health-related quality of life among colorectal cancer survivors.Rodriguez JL, Hawkins NA, Berkowitz Z, Li C.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 JL, Hawkins NA, Berkowitz Z, Li C.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6; Pages: S51 - 527)Factors associated with health-related quality of life among colorectal cancer survivors.|Rodriguez JL|Hawkins NA, Berkowitz Z, Li C.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
645Factors associated with human papillomavirus vaccination among young adult women in the United States.Williams WW, Lu PJ, Saraiya M, Yankey D, Dorell C, Rodriguez JL, Kepka D, Markowitz LE.Vaccine20132013 WW, Lu PJ, Saraiya M, Yankey D, Dorell C, Rodriguez JL, Kepka D, Markowitz LE.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Vaccine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Factors associated with human papillomavirus vaccination among young adult women in the United States.|Williams WW|Lu PJ, Saraiya M, Yankey D, Dorell C, Rodriguez JL, Kepka D, Markowitz LE.|Vaccine|
646Factors associated with initial treatment and survival for clinically localized prostate cancer: results from the CDC-NPCR Patterns of Care Study (PoC1).Schymura MJ, Kahn AR, German RR, Hsieh MC, Cress RD, Finch JL, Fulton JP, Shen T, Stuckart E.BMC Cancer20102010Schymura MJ, Kahn AR, German RR, Hsieh MC, Cress RD, Finch JL, Fulton JP, Shen T, Stuckart E.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: BMC Cancer (Volume: 10; Issue: 1; Pages: - )Factors associated with initial treatment and survival for clinically localized prostate cancer: results from the CDC-NPCR Patterns of Care Study (PoC1).|Schymura MJ|Kahn AR, German RR, Hsieh MC, Cress RD, Finch JL, Fulton JP, Shen T, Stuckart E.|BMC Cancer|10
647Factors associated with never being screened for colorectal cancer.Stanley SL, King JB, Thomas CC, Richardson LC.Journal of Community Health20122012 SL, King JB, Thomas CC, Richardson LC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Community Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Factors associated with never being screened for colorectal cancer.|Stanley SL|King JB, Thomas CC, Richardson LC.|Journal of Community Health|
648Factors associated with not receiving HPV vaccine among adolescents by metropolitan statistical area status, United States, National Immunization Survey-Teen, 20162017.Williams CL, Walker TY, Elam-Evans LD, Yankey D, Fredua B, Saraiya M, Stokley S.Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics20202019 CL, Walker TY, Elam-Evans LD, Yankey D, Fredua B, Saraiya M, Stokley S.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Factors associated with not receiving HPV vaccine among adolescents by metropolitan statistical area status, United States, National Immunization Survey-Teen, 20162017.|Williams CL|Walker TY, Elam-Evans LD, Yankey D, Fredua B, Saraiya M, Stokley S.|Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics|
649Factors associated with self-reported mammography use for women with and women without a disability.Courtney-Long E, Armour B, Frammartino B, Miller J.Journal of Women's Health20112011Courtney-Long E, Armour B, Frammartino B, Miller J.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Factors associated with self-reported mammography use for women with and women without a disability.|Courtney-Long E|Armour B, Frammartino B, Miller J.|Journal of Women's Health|
650Factors associated with sunburn in White children aged 6 months to 11 years.Hall HI, McDavid K, Jorgensen CM, Kraft JM.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20012001Hall HI, McDavid K, Jorgensen CM, Kraft JM.Pediatric and Young Adult CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 20; Issue: 1; Pages: 91 - 11)Factors associated with sunburn in White children aged 6 months to 11 years.|Hall HI|McDavid K, Jorgensen CM, Kraft JM.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|20
651Factors involved in the collaboration between national comprehensive cancer control programs and tobacco control programs: a qualitative study of 6 states, United States, 2012.Momin B, Neri A, Goode SA, Sarris Esquivel N, Schmitt CL, Kahende J, Zhang L, Stewart SL.Preventing Chronic Disease20152015 B, Neri A, Goode SA, Sarris Esquivel N, Schmitt CL, Kahende J, Zhang L, Stewart SL.Lung CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 12; Issue: ; Pages: E83 - E83)Factors involved in the collaboration between national comprehensive cancer control programs and tobacco control programs: a qualitative study of 6 states, United States, 2012.|Momin B|Neri A, Goode SA, Sarris Esquivel N, Schmitt CL, Kahende J, Zhang L, Stewart SL.|Preventing Chronic Disease|12
652Factors that support readiness to implement integrated evidence-based practice to increase cancer screening.Soloe C, Arena L, Schlueter D, Melillo S, DeGroff A, Tangka F, Hoover S, Subramanian S.Implementation Science Communications20232022 C, Arena L, Schlueter D, Melillo S, DeGroff A, Tangka F, Hoover S, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Implementation Science Communications (Volume: 3; Issue: 1; Pages: 106 - 106)Factors that support readiness to implement integrated evidence-based practice to increase cancer screening.|Soloe C|Arena L, Schlueter D, Melillo S, DeGroff A, Tangka F, Hoover S, Subramanian S.|Implementation Science Communications|3
653Factors that support sustainability of health systems change to increase colorectal cancer screening in primary care clinics: a longitudinal qualitative study.Schlueter D, DeGroff A, Soloe C, Arena L, Melillo S, Tangka F, Hoover S, Subramanian S.Health Promotion Practice20222022 D, DeGroff A, Soloe C, Arena L, Melillo S, Tangka F, Hoover S, Subramanian S.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Health Promotion Practice (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Factors that support sustainability of health systems change to increase colorectal cancer screening in primary care clinics: a longitudinal qualitative study.|Schlueter D|DeGroff A, Soloe C, Arena L, Melillo S, Tangka F, Hoover S, Subramanian S.|Health Promotion Practice|
654Faith-based messaging and materials for colorectal cancer screening in the United States: application of boot camp translation within the African Methodist Episcopal Church.Thompson J, Gautom P, Rivelli J, Johnson C, Burns M, Levell C, Hayes N, Coronado G.Journal of Religion and Health20252024 J, Gautom P, Rivelli J, Johnson C, Burns M, Levell C, Hayes N, Coronado G.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Religion and Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Faith-based messaging and materials for colorectal cancer screening in the United States: application of boot camp translation within the African Methodist Episcopal Church.|Thompson J|Gautom P, Rivelli J, Johnson C, Burns M, Levell C, Hayes N, Coronado G.|Journal of Religion and Health|
655Feasibility of visualizing cancer incidence data at sub-county level: Findings from 21 National Program of Cancer RegistriesEllington TD, Werner AK, Henley SJ, Paddock LE, Agovino PKSpatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology20232023Ellington TD, Werner AK, Henley SJ, Paddock LE, Agovino PKNPCRJournal: Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Feasibility of visualizing cancer incidence data at sub-county level: Findings from 21 National Program of Cancer Registries|Ellington TD|Werner AK, Henley SJ, Paddock LE, Agovino PK|Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology|
656Fecal occult blood testing beliefs and practices of U.S. primary care physicians: serious deviations from evidence-based recommendations.Nadel MR, Berkowitz Z, Klabunde CN, Smith RA, Coughlin SS, White MC.Journal of General Internal Medicine20102010Nadel MR, Berkowitz Z, Klabunde CN, Smith RA, Coughlin SS, White MC.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of General Internal Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Fecal occult blood testing beliefs and practices of U.S. primary care physicians: serious deviations from evidence-based recommendations.|Nadel MR|Berkowitz Z, Klabunde CN, Smith RA, Coughlin SS, White MC.|Journal of General Internal Medicine|
657Fertility-related experiences after breast cancer diagnosis in the Sister and Two Sister Studies.Hawkins Bressler L, Mersereau JE, Anderson C, Rodriguez JL, Hodgson ME, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Nichols HB.Cancer20192019 Bressler L, Mersereau JE, Anderson C, Rodriguez JL, Hodgson ME, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Nichols HB.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Fertility-related experiences after breast cancer diagnosis in the Sister and Two Sister Studies.|Hawkins Bressler L|Mersereau JE, Anderson C, Rodriguez JL, Hodgson ME, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP, Nichols HB.|Cancer|
658Financial hardship associated with cancer in the United States: findings from a population-based sample of adult cancer survivors.Yabroff KR, Dowling EC, Guy GP Jr, Banegas MP, Davidoff A, Han X, Virgo KS, McNeel TS, Chawla N, Blanch-Hartigan D, Kent EE, Li C, Rodriguez JL, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Jemal A, Ekwueme DU.Journal of Clinical Oncology20162015 KR, Dowling EC, Guy GP Jr, Banegas MP, Davidoff A, Han X, Virgo KS, McNeel TS, Chawla N, Blanch-Hartigan D, Kent EE, Li C, Rodriguez JL, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Jemal A, Ekwueme DU.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Clinical Oncology (Volume: 34; Issue: 3; Pages: 259 - 267)Financial hardship associated with cancer in the United States: findings from a population-based sample of adult cancer survivors.|Yabroff KR|Dowling EC, Guy GP Jr, Banegas MP, Davidoff A, Han X, Virgo KS, McNeel TS, Chawla N, Blanch-Hartigan D, Kent EE, Li C, Rodriguez JL, de Moor JS, Zheng Z, Jemal A, Ekwueme DU.|Journal of Clinical Oncology|34
659Financial navigation: Staff perspectives on patients' financial burden of cancer careYeager KA, Zahnd WE, Eberth JM, Vanderpool RC, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost EL, Trapl E, Gonzalez SK, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Petermann V, Wheeler SB.Journal of Cancer Survivorship20222022 KA, Zahnd WE, Eberth JM, Vanderpool RC, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost EL, Trapl E, Gonzalez SK, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Petermann V, Wheeler SB.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Cancer Survivorship (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Financial navigation: Staff perspectives on patients' financial burden of cancer care|Yeager KA|Zahnd WE, Eberth JM, Vanderpool RC, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost EL, Trapl E, Gonzalez SK, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Petermann V, Wheeler SB.|Journal of Cancer Survivorship|
660Finding bright spots: using multiple measures to examine local-area racial equity in cancer death outcomes.Scott LC, Bartley S, Dowling NF, Richardson LC.American Journal of Epidemiology20212020 LC, Bartley S, Dowling NF, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Epidemiology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Finding bright spots: using multiple measures to examine local-area racial equity in cancer death outcomes.|Scott LC|Bartley S, Dowling NF, Richardson LC.|American Journal of Epidemiology|
661Findings and lessons learned from a multi-partner collaboration to increase cervical cancer prevention efforts in Bolivia.Stormo AR, Espey D, Glenn J, Lara-Prieto E, Moreno A, Nuñez F, Padilla H, Waxman A, Flowers L, Santos C, Soria M, Luciani S, Saraiya M.Rural and Remote Health20142013Stormo AR, Espey D, Glenn J, Lara-Prieto E, Moreno A, Nuñez F, Padilla H, Waxman A, Flowers L, Santos C, Soria M, Luciani S, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Rural and Remote Health (Volume: 13; Issue: 4; Pages: 259 - 595)Findings and lessons learned from a multi-partner collaboration to increase cervical cancer prevention efforts in Bolivia.|Stormo AR|Espey D, Glenn J, Lara-Prieto E, Moreno A, Nuñez F, Padilla H, Waxman A, Flowers L, Santos C, Soria M, Luciani S, Saraiya M.|Rural and Remote Health|13
662Five genetic variants associated with prostate cancer.Coates RJ, Khoury MJ, Gwinn M.New England Journal of Medicine20082008Coates RJ, Khoury MJ, Gwinn M.Prostate CancerJournal: New England Journal of Medicine (Volume: 358; Issue: 25; Pages: - )Five genetic variants associated with prostate cancer.|Coates RJ|Khoury MJ, Gwinn M.|New England Journal of Medicine|358
663Five-year relative survival for HPV-associated cancer sites.Razzaghi H., Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Henley SJ, Viens L, Wilson R.Cancer20182017 H., Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Henley SJ, Viens L, Wilson R.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 124; Issue: 1; Pages: 203 - 211)Five-year relative survival for HPV-associated cancer sites.|Razzaghi H.|Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Henley SJ, Viens L, Wilson R.|Cancer|124
664Five-year U.S. trends in the North American Cancer Survival Index, 20052014.Morawski BM, Weir HK, Johnson CJAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine20202019 BM, Weir HK, Johnson CJCancer SurvivorshipJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Five-year U.S. trends in the North American Cancer Survival Index, 20052014.|Morawski BM|Weir HK, Johnson CJ|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|
665Focusing on public health: a different look at translating research to practice.Wilson KM, Fridinger F; The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Work Group on Translation.Journal of Women's Health20082008Wilson KM, Fridinger F; The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Work Group on Translation.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 17; Issue: 2; Pages: 173 - 179)Focusing on public health: a different look at translating research to practice.|Wilson KM|Fridinger F; The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Work Group on Translation.|Journal of Women's Health|17
666Follow-up for cervical abnormalities in a managed care plan, 1999-2004.Benard VB, Berkman ND, Kuo T, Martin CK, Richardson LC.Preventive Medicine20102010Benard VB, Berkman ND, Kuo T, Martin CK, Richardson LC.Cervical CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: 50; Issue: 40180; Pages: 81 - 85)Follow-up for cervical abnormalities in a managed care plan, 1999-2004.|Benard VB|Berkman ND, Kuo T, Martin CK, Richardson LC.|Preventive Medicine|50
667For working-age cancer survivors, medical debt and bankruptcy create financial hardships.Banegas MP, Guy GP Jr, de Moor JS, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS, Kent EE, Nutt S, Zheng Z, Rechis R, Yabroff KR.Health Affairs20162016 MP, Guy GP Jr, de Moor JS, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS, Kent EE, Nutt S, Zheng Z, Rechis R, Yabroff KR.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Health Affairs (Volume: 35; Issue: 1; Pages: 54 - 61)For working-age cancer survivors, medical debt and bankruptcy create financial hardships.|Banegas MP|Guy GP Jr, de Moor JS, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS, Kent EE, Nutt S, Zheng Z, Rechis R, Yabroff KR.|Health Affairs|35
668Foreword: Promoting the use of registry-based national cancer surveillance data for colorectal cancer prevention and control.Reed E, Ahmed F, Jackson-Thompson J, Friedman C, German RR, Lai SM, Wingo PA.Cancer20062006Reed E, Ahmed F, Jackson-Thompson J, Friedman C, German RR, Lai SM, Wingo PA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: S5; Pages: 110 - 102)Foreword: Promoting the use of registry-based national cancer surveillance data for colorectal cancer prevention and control.|Reed E|Ahmed F, Jackson-Thompson J, Friedman C, German RR, Lai SM, Wingo PA.|Cancer|107
669Formative development of a culturally appropriate mammography screening campaign for low-income African-American women.Leeks KD, Hall IJ, Johnson-Turbes CA, Kamalu N, Zavahir Y.Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice20132012Leeks KD, Hall IJ, Johnson-Turbes CA, Kamalu N, Zavahir Y.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice (Volume: 5; Issue: 3; Pages: - )Formative development of a culturally appropriate mammography screening campaign for low-income African-American women.|Leeks KD|Hall IJ, Johnson-Turbes CA, Kamalu N, Zavahir Y.|Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice|5
670Formative evaluation of the prostate cancer screening practices of African-American physicians.Stroud L, Ross LE, Rose SW.Journal of the National Medical Association20072006Stroud L, Ross LE, Rose SW.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Journal of the National Medical Association (Volume: 98; Issue: 10; Pages: 163 - 643)Formative evaluation of the prostate cancer screening practices of African-American physicians.|Stroud L|Ross LE, Rose SW.|Journal of the National Medical Association|98
671Forward: Cancer prevention can start early and last a lifetime.White MC, Holman DM, Massetti GM.Pediatrics20172016 MC, Holman DM, Massetti GM.Other ResearchJournal: Pediatrics (Volume: 138; Issue: S1; Pages: S1 - S2)Forward: Cancer prevention can start early and last a lifetime.|White MC|Holman DM, Massetti GM.|Pediatrics|138
672Frequency of cervical smear abnormalities within 3 years of normal cytology.Sawaya GF, Kerlikowske K, Lee NC, Gildengorin G, Washington AE.Obstetrics and Gynecology20012000Sawaya GF, Kerlikowske K, Lee NC, Gildengorin G, Washington AE.Cervical CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 96; Issue: 2; Pages: 219 - 223)Frequency of cervical smear abnormalities within 3 years of normal cytology.|Sawaya GF|Kerlikowske K, Lee NC, Gildengorin G, Washington AE.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|96
673From cancer screening to treatment: Service delivery and referral in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Miller JW, Hanson V, Johnson GD, Royalty JE, Richardson LC.Cancer20142014 JW, Hanson V, Johnson GD, Royalty JE, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 120; Issue: Suppl 16; Pages: 254 - 556)From cancer screening to treatment: Service delivery and referral in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Miller JW|Hanson V, Johnson GD, Royalty JE, Richardson LC.|Cancer|120
674From cultivation to cancer: formation of N-nitrosamines and other carcinogens in smokeless tobacco and their mutagenic implications.Stanfill SB, Hecht SS, Joerger AC, González PJ, Maia LB, Rivas MG, Moura JJG, Gupta AK, Le Brun NE, Crack JC, Hainaut P, Sparacino-Watkins C, Tyx RE, Pillai SD, Zaatari GS, Henley SJ, Blount BC, Watson CH, Kaina B, Mehrotra RCritical Reviews iln Toxicology20242023 SB, Hecht SS, Joerger AC, González PJ, Maia LB, Rivas MG, Moura JJG, Gupta AK, Le Brun NE, Crack JC, Hainaut P, Sparacino-Watkins C, Tyx RE, Pillai SD, Zaatari GS, Henley SJ, Blount BC, Watson CH, Kaina B, Mehrotra ROther ResearchJournal: Critical Reviews iln Toxicology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )From cultivation to cancer: formation of N-nitrosamines and other carcinogens in smokeless tobacco and their mutagenic implications.|Stanfill SB|Hecht SS, Joerger AC, González PJ, Maia LB, Rivas MG, Moura JJG, Gupta AK, Le Brun NE, Crack JC, Hainaut P, Sparacino-Watkins C, Tyx RE, Pillai SD, Zaatari GS, Henley SJ, Blount BC, Watson CH, Kaina B, Mehrotra R|Critical Reviews iln Toxicology|
675From planning to implementation to outcomes: comprehensive cancer control implementation building blocks.Given LS, Hohman K, Graaf L, Rochester P, Belle-Isle L.Cancer Causes and Control20112010Given LS, Hohman K, Graaf L, Rochester P, Belle-Isle L.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 21; Issue: 12; Pages: 198 - 994)From planning to implementation to outcomes: comprehensive cancer control implementation building blocks.|Given LS|Hohman K, Graaf L, Rochester P, Belle-Isle L.|Cancer Causes and Control|21
676From public health genomics to precision public health: a 20-year journeyKhoury MJ, Bowen MS, Clyne M, Dotson WD, Gwinn ML, Green RF, Kolor K, Rodriguez JL, Wulf A, Yu WGenetic Testing20182018 MJ, Bowen MS, Clyne M, Dotson WD, Gwinn ML, Green RF, Kolor K, Rodriguez JL, Wulf A, Yu WOther ResearchJournal: Genetic Testing (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )From public health genomics to precision public health: a 20-year journey|Khoury MJ|Bowen MS, Clyne M, Dotson WD, Gwinn ML, Green RF, Kolor K, Rodriguez JL, Wulf A, Yu W|Genetic Testing|
677Gallbladder cancer incidence among American Indians and Alaska Natives, U.S., 1999-2004.Lemrow SM, Perdue DG, Stewart SL, Richardson LC, Jim MA, French HT, Swan J, Edwards BK, Wiggins C, Dickie L, Espey DK.Cancer20082008Lemrow SM, Perdue DG, Stewart SL, Richardson LC, Jim MA, French HT, Swan J, Edwards BK, Wiggins C, Dickie L, Espey DK.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S5; Pages: 126 - 273)Gallbladder cancer incidence among American Indians and Alaska Natives, U.S., 1999-2004.|Lemrow SM|Perdue DG, Stewart SL, Richardson LC, Jim MA, French HT, Swan J, Edwards BK, Wiggins C, Dickie L, Espey DK.|Cancer|113
678Gallbladder cancer incidence and mortality, United States 19992011.Henley SJ, Weir HK, Jim MA, Watson M, Richardson LC.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20152015 SJ, Weir HK, Jim MA, Watson M, Richardson LC.NPCRJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 24; Issue: 9; Pages: 131 - 326)Gallbladder cancer incidence and mortality, United States 19992011.|Henley SJ|Weir HK, Jim MA, Watson M, Richardson LC.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|24
679Gastric cancer among American Indian and Alaska Native populations in the United States, 20052016.Melkonian SC, Pete D, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, Wiggins CL, Bruce MG, White MC.American Journal of Gastroenterology20202020 SC, Pete D, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, Wiggins CL, Bruce MG, White MC.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: American Journal of Gastroenterology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Gastric cancer among American Indian and Alaska Native populations in the United States, 20052016.|Melkonian SC|Pete D, Jim MA, Haverkamp D, Wiggins CL, Bruce MG, White MC.|American Journal of Gastroenterology|
680Gastric cancer among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999-2004.Wiggins CL, Perdue DG, Henderson JA, Bruce MG, Lanier AP, Kelley JJ, Seals BF, Espey DK.Cancer20082008Wiggins CL, Perdue DG, Henderson JA, Bruce MG, Lanier AP, Kelley JJ, Seals BF, Espey DK.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S5; Pages: 122 - 233)Gastric cancer among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1999-2004.|Wiggins CL|Perdue DG, Henderson JA, Bruce MG, Lanier AP, Kelley JJ, Seals BF, Espey DK.|Cancer|113
681Gastric cancer mortality rates among US and foreign-born persons: United States 20052014.Hallowell BD, Endeshaw M, Senkomago V, Razzaghi H, McKenna MT, Saraiya M.Gastric Cancer20192019 BD, Endeshaw M, Senkomago V, Razzaghi H, McKenna MT, Saraiya M.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Gastric Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Gastric cancer mortality rates among US and foreign-born persons: United States 20052014.|Hallowell BD|Endeshaw M, Senkomago V, Razzaghi H, McKenna MT, Saraiya M.|Gastric Cancer|
682Gender differences in colon cancer treatment.Oliver JS, Martin MY, Richardson L, Kim Y, Pisu M.Journal of Women's Health20132013 JS, Martin MY, Richardson L, Kim Y, Pisu M.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 22; Issue: 4; Pages: - )Gender differences in colon cancer treatment.|Oliver JS|Martin MY, Richardson L, Kim Y, Pisu M.|Journal of Women's Health|22
683Gender differences in young adults' beliefs about sunscreen use.Abroms L, Jorgensen CM, Southwell B, Emmons K, Geller A.Health Behavior and Education20032003Abroms L, Jorgensen CM, Southwell B, Emmons K, Geller A.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Health Behavior and Education (Volume: 30; Issue: 1; Pages: 29 - 43)Gender differences in young adults' beliefs about sunscreen use.|Abroms L|Jorgensen CM, Southwell B, Emmons K, Geller A.|Health Behavior and Education|30
684General and abdominal obesity and survival among young women with breast cancer.Abrahamson PE, Gammon MD, Lund MJ, Flagg EW, Porter PL, Stevens J, Swanson CA, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20072006Abrahamson PE, Gammon MD, Lund MJ, Flagg EW, Porter PL, Stevens J, Swanson CA, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 15; Issue: 10; Pages: 187 - 877)General and abdominal obesity and survival among young women with breast cancer.|Abrahamson PE|Gammon MD, Lund MJ, Flagg EW, Porter PL, Stevens J, Swanson CA, Brinton LA, Eley JW, Coates RJ.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|15
685Genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility: Evaluating direct-to-consumer marketing—Atlanta, Denver, Raleigh-Durham, and Seattle, 2003.Jacobellis J, Martin L, VanEenwyk J, Bradley LA, Kassim S, Jorgensen C, Litch JA, Myers MF.MMWR20042004Jacobellis J, Martin L, VanEenwyk J, Bradley LA, Kassim S, Jorgensen C, Litch JA, Myers MF.Breast CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 53; Issue: 27; Pages: 603 - 606)Genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility: Evaluating direct-to-consumer marketing—Atlanta, Denver, Raleigh-Durham, and Seattle, 2003.|Jacobellis J|Martin L, VanEenwyk J, Bradley LA, Kassim S, Jorgensen C, Litch JA, Myers MF.|MMWR|53
686Genetic variants in IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3, and adiponectin genes and colon cancer risk in African Americans and Whites.Keku TO, Vidal A, Oliver S, Hoyo C, Hall IJ, Omofoye O, McDoom M, Worley K, Galanko J, Sandler RS, Millikan R.Cancer Causes and Control20122012 TO, Vidal A, Oliver S, Hoyo C, Hall IJ, Omofoye O, McDoom M, Worley K, Galanko J, Sandler RS, Millikan R.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 23; Issue: 7; Pages: 112 - 138)Genetic variants in IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3, and adiponectin genes and colon cancer risk in African Americans and Whites.|Keku TO|Vidal A, Oliver S, Hoyo C, Hall IJ, Omofoye O, McDoom M, Worley K, Galanko J, Sandler RS, Millikan R.|Cancer Causes and Control|23
687Geographic access to cancer care and mortality among adolescentsTai E, Hallisey E, Peipins LA, Flanagan B, Lunsford NB, Wilt G, Graham SJournal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology20182018 E, Hallisey E, Peipins LA, Flanagan B, Lunsford NB, Wilt G, Graham SPediatric and Young Adult CancerJournal: Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology (Volume: 7; Issue: 1; Pages: 22 - 29)Geographic access to cancer care and mortality among adolescents|Tai E|Hallisey E, Peipins LA, Flanagan B, Lunsford NB, Wilt G, Graham S|Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology|7
688Geographic access to cancer care and mortality among adolescents.Tai E., Hallisey E, Peipins LA, Flanagan B, Buchanan Lunsford N, Wilt G, Graham S.Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology20172017Tai E., Hallisey E, Peipins LA, Flanagan B, Buchanan Lunsford N, Wilt G, Graham S.Pediatric and Young Adult CancerJournal: Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Geographic access to cancer care and mortality among adolescents.|Tai E.|Hallisey E, Peipins LA, Flanagan B, Buchanan Lunsford N, Wilt G, Graham S.|Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology|
689Geographic co-occurrence of mesothelioma and ovarian cancer incidence.Henley SJ., Peipins LA, Rim SH, Larson TC, Miller JW.Journal of Women's Health20202020 SJ., Peipins LA, Rim SH, Larson TC, Miller JW.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 29; Issue: 1; Pages: 111 - 118)Geographic co-occurrence of mesothelioma and ovarian cancer incidence.|Henley SJ.|Peipins LA, Rim SH, Larson TC, Miller JW.|Journal of Women's Health|29
690Geographic disparities in late-stage breast cancer diagnosis rates and their persistence over time.Mobley LR, Tangka FKL, Berkowitz Z, Miller J, Hall IJ, Wu M, Sabatino SA.Journal of Women's Health20212021 LR, Tangka FKL, Berkowitz Z, Miller J, Hall IJ, Wu M, Sabatino SA.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Geographic disparities in late-stage breast cancer diagnosis rates and their persistence over time.|Mobley LR|Tangka FKL, Berkowitz Z, Miller J, Hall IJ, Wu M, Sabatino SA.|Journal of Women's Health|
691Geographic examination of COVID-19 test percent positivity and proportional change in cancer screening volume, National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.Bermudez Y, Scott LC, Beckman M, DeGroff A, Kenney K, Sun J, Rockwell T, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Sheu A, Miller J, Richardson LC.Preventing Chronic Disease20222022 Y, Scott LC, Beckman M, DeGroff A, Kenney K, Sun J, Rockwell T, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Sheu A, Miller J, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 19; Issue: ; Pages: - )Geographic examination of COVID-19 test percent positivity and proportional change in cancer screening volume, National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.|Bermudez Y|Scott LC, Beckman M, DeGroff A, Kenney K, Sun J, Rockwell T, Helsel W, Kammerer W, Sheu A, Miller J, Richardson LC.|Preventing Chronic Disease|19
692Geographic variation in pediatric cancer incidence — United States, 20032014Siegel DA, Li J, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Lunsford NB, Tai E, Van Dyne EAMMWR20182018 DA, Li J, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Lunsford NB, Tai E, Van Dyne EANPCRJournal: MMWR (Volume: 67; Issue: 25; Pages: 707 - 713)Geographic variation in pediatric cancer incidence — United States, 20032014|Siegel DA|Li J, Henley SJ, Wilson RJ, Lunsford NB, Tai E, Van Dyne EA|MMWR|67
693Geographic variation in the incidence of colorectal cancer in the United States, 1998-2001.Lai SM, Zhang KB, Uhler RJ, Harrison JN, Clutter GG, Williams MA.Cancer20062006Lai SM, Zhang KB, Uhler RJ, Harrison JN, Clutter GG, Williams MA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 107; Issue: 5 Suppl; Pages: 117 - 180)Geographic variation in the incidence of colorectal cancer in the United States, 1998-2001.|Lai SM|Zhang KB, Uhler RJ, Harrison JN, Clutter GG, Williams MA.|Cancer|107
694Geographical distribution of cancer mortality in China, 20042005.Zhou MG, Wang XF, Hu JP, Li GL, Chen WQ, Zhang SW, Wan X, Wang LJ, Xiang C, Hu YS, Yang GH.Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine20102010Zhou MG, Wang XF, Hu JP, Li GL, Chen WQ, Zhang SW, Wan X, Wang LJ, Xiang C, Hu YS, Yang GH.Breast CancerJournal: Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 44; Issue: 4; Pages: 303 - 308)Geographical distribution of cancer mortality in China, 20042005.|Zhou MG|Wang XF, Hu JP, Li GL, Chen WQ, Zhang SW, Wan X, Wang LJ, Xiang C, Hu YS, Yang GH.|Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine|44
695Geographical, racial and socio-economic variation in life expectancy in the U.S. and their impact on cancer relative survivalMariotto AB, Zou Z, Johnson CJ, Scoppa S, Weir HK, Huang BPLoS One20182018 AB, Zou Z, Johnson CJ, Scoppa S, Weir HK, Huang BHealth Disparities in CancerJournal: PLoS One (Volume: 13; Issue: 7; Pages: - )Geographical, racial and socio-economic variation in life expectancy in the U.S. and their impact on cancer relative survival|Mariotto AB|Zou Z, Johnson CJ, Scoppa S, Weir HK, Huang B|PLoS One|13
696Getting beyond impressions: an evaluation of engagement with breast cancer-related Facebook content.Theiss SK, Burke RM, Cory JL, Fairley TL.Mhealth20172016 SK, Burke RM, Cory JL, Fairley TL.Breast CancerJournal: Mhealth (Volume: 2; Issue: 41; Pages: - )Getting beyond impressions: an evaluation of engagement with breast cancer-related Facebook content.|Theiss SK|Burke RM, Cory JL, Fairley TL.|Mhealth|2
697Global surveillance of cancer survival 1995-2009: analysis of individual data for 25676887 patients from 279 population-based registries in 67 countries (CONCORD-2).Allemani C, Weir HK, Carreira H, Harewood R, Spika D, Wang XS, Bannon F, Ahn JV, Johnson CJ, Bonaventure A, Marcos-Gragera R, Stiller C, Azevedo E Silva G, Chen WQ, Ogunbiyi OJ, Rachet B, Soeberg MJ, You H, Matsuda T, Bielska-Lasota M, Storm H, Tucker TC, Coleman MP; the CONCORD Working Group.Lancet20152014 C, Weir HK, Carreira H, Harewood R, Spika D, Wang XS, Bannon F, Ahn JV, Johnson CJ, Bonaventure A, Marcos-Gragera R, Stiller C, Azevedo E Silva G, Chen WQ, Ogunbiyi OJ, Rachet B, Soeberg MJ, You H, Matsuda T, Bielska-Lasota M, Storm H, Tucker TC, Coleman MP; the CONCORD Working Group.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Lancet (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Global surveillance of cancer survival 1995-2009: analysis of individual data for 25676887 patients from 279 population-based registries in 67 countries (CONCORD-2).|Allemani C|Weir HK, Carreira H, Harewood R, Spika D, Wang XS, Bannon F, Ahn JV, Johnson CJ, Bonaventure A, Marcos-Gragera R, Stiller C, Azevedo E Silva G, Chen WQ, Ogunbiyi OJ, Rachet B, Soeberg MJ, You H, Matsuda T, Bielska-Lasota M, Storm H, Tucker TC, Coleman MP; the CONCORD Working Group.|Lancet|
698Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 200014 (CONCORD-3): analysis of individual records for 37513025 patients diagnosed with one of 18 cancers from 322 population-based registries in 71 countriesAllemani C, Matsuda T, Di Carlo V, Harewood R, Matz M, Nikšic M, Bonaventure A, Valkov M, Johnson CJ, Estève J, Ogunbiyi OJ, Azevedo E Silva G, Chen WQ, Eser S, Engholm G, Stiller CA, Monnereau A, Woods RR, Visser O, Lim GH, Aitken J, Weir HK, Coleman MP; CONCORD Working Group.Lancet20182018 C, Matsuda T, Di Carlo V, Harewood R, Matz M, Nikšic M, Bonaventure A, Valkov M, Johnson CJ, Estève J, Ogunbiyi OJ, Azevedo E Silva G, Chen WQ, Eser S, Engholm G, Stiller CA, Monnereau A, Woods RR, Visser O, Lim GH, Aitken J, Weir HK, Coleman MP; CONCORD Working Group.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Lancet (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 200014 (CONCORD-3): analysis of individual records for 37513025 patients diagnosed with one of 18 cancers from 322 population-based registries in 71 countries|Allemani C|Matsuda T, Di Carlo V, Harewood R, Matz M, Nikšic M, Bonaventure A, Valkov M, Johnson CJ, Estève J, Ogunbiyi OJ, Azevedo E Silva G, Chen WQ, Eser S, Engholm G, Stiller CA, Monnereau A, Woods RR, Visser O, Lim GH, Aitken J, Weir HK, Coleman MP; CONCORD Working Group.|Lancet|
699Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years for 32 cancer groups, 1990 to 2015: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study.Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration, Fitzmaurice C, Allen C, Barber RM, Barregard L, Bhutta ZA, Brenner H, Dicker DJ, Chimed-Orchir O, Dandona R, Dandona L, Fleming T, Forouzanfar MH, Hancock J, Hay RJ, Hunter-Merrill R, Huynh C, Hosgood HD, Johnson CO, Jonas JB, Khubchandani J, Kumar GA, Kutz M, Lan Q, Larson HJ, Liang X, Lim SS, Lopez AD, MacIntyre MF, Marczak L, Marquez N, Mokdad AH, Pinho C, Pourmalek F, Salomon JA, Sanabria JR, Sandar L, Sartorius B, Schwartz SM, Shackelford KA, Shibuya K, Stanaway J, Steiner C, Sun J, et al.JAMA Oncology20172017 Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration, Fitzmaurice C, Allen C, Barber RM, Barregard L, Bhutta ZA, Brenner H, Dicker DJ, Chimed-Orchir O, Dandona R, Dandona L, Fleming T, Forouzanfar MH, Hancock J, Hay RJ, Hunter-Merrill R, Huynh C, Hosgood HD, Johnson CO, Jonas JB, Khubchandani J, Kumar GA, Kutz M, Lan Q, Larson HJ, Liang X, Lim SS, Lopez AD, MacIntyre MF, Marczak L, Marquez N, Mokdad AH, Pinho C, Pourmalek F, Salomon JA, Sanabria JR, Sandar L, Sartorius B, Schwartz SM, Shackelford KA, Shibuya K, Stanaway J, Steiner C, Sun J, et al.Breast CancerJournal: JAMA Oncology (Volume: 3; Issue: 4; Pages: 524 - 548)Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years for 32 cancer groups, 1990 to 2015: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study.|Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration|Fitzmaurice C, Allen C, Barber RM, Barregard L, Bhutta ZA, Brenner H, Dicker DJ, Chimed-Orchir O, Dandona R, Dandona L, Fleming T, Forouzanfar MH, Hancock J, Hay RJ, Hunter-Merrill R, Huynh C, Hosgood HD, Johnson CO, Jonas JB, Khubchandani J, Kumar GA, Kutz M, Lan Q, Larson HJ, Liang X, Lim SS, Lopez AD, MacIntyre MF, Marczak L, Marquez N, Mokdad AH, Pinho C, Pourmalek F, Salomon JA, Sanabria JR, Sandar L, Sartorius B, Schwartz SM, Shackelford KA, Shibuya K, Stanaway J, Steiner C, Sun J, et al.|JAMA Oncology|3
700Glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and risk of ovarian cancer: A HuGE review.Coughlin SS, Hall IJ.Genetics in Medicine20022002Coughlin SS, Hall IJ.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Genetics in Medicine (Volume: 4; Issue: 4; Pages: 250 - 257)Glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and risk of ovarian cancer: A HuGE review.|Coughlin SS|Hall IJ.|Genetics in Medicine|4
701Gonadotropin and steroid hormones stimulate proliferation of the rat ovarian surface epithelium.Stewart SL, Querec TD, Gruver BN, O'Hare B, Babb JS, Patriotis C.Journal of Cellular Physiology20042004Stewart SL, Querec TD, Gruver BN, O'Hare B, Babb JS, Patriotis C.Ovarian CancerJournal: Journal of Cellular Physiology (Volume: 198; Issue: 1; Pages: 119 - 124)Gonadotropin and steroid hormones stimulate proliferation of the rat ovarian surface epithelium.|Stewart SL|Querec TD, Gruver BN, O'Hare B, Babb JS, Patriotis C.|Journal of Cellular Physiology|198
702Growing disparity in the incidence of colorectal cancer among non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native populations—United States, 20132017.Haverkamp D, Melkonian SC, Jim MA.Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention20222021 D, Melkonian SC, Jim MA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Volume: 30; Issue: 10; Pages: 179 - 806)Growing disparity in the incidence of colorectal cancer among non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native populations—United States, 20132017.|Haverkamp D|Melkonian SC, Jim MA.|Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention|30
703Guidelines for school programs to prevent skin cancer.Glanz K, Saraiya M, Wechsler H.MMWR20022002Glanz K, Saraiya M, Wechsler H.Skin CancerJournal: MMWR (Volume: 51; Issue: RR04; Pages: 11 - 16)Guidelines for school programs to prevent skin cancer.|Glanz K|Saraiya M, Wechsler H.|MMWR|51
704Gynaecologic cancer symptom awareness, concern, and care seeking among U.S. women: a multi-site qualitative study.Purvis Cooper C, Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA.Family Practice20122012 Cooper C, Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA.Cervical CancerJournal: Family Practice (Volume: 30; Issue: 1; Pages: 96 - 104)Gynaecologic cancer symptom awareness, concern, and care seeking among U.S. women: a multi-site qualitative study.|Purvis Cooper C|Polonec L, Stewart SL, Gelb CA.|Family Practice|30
705Gynecologic cancer prevention and control in the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: progress, current activities, and future directions.Stewart SL, Lakhani N, Brown PM, Larkin OA, Moore AR, Hayes NS.Journal of Women's Health20132013 SL, Lakhani N, Brown PM, Larkin OA, Moore AR, Hayes NS.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: 22; Issue: 8; Pages: 651 - 657)Gynecologic cancer prevention and control in the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: progress, current activities, and future directions.|Stewart SL|Lakhani N, Brown PM, Larkin OA, Moore AR, Hayes NS.|Journal of Women's Health|22
706Gynecologic oncologist impact on adjuvant chemotherapy care for stage IIIV ovarian cancer patients.Weeks KS, Lynch CF, West M, Carnahan R, O'Rorke M, Oleson J, McDonald M, Stewart SL; Ovarian Cancer Treatment Study, Charlton M.Gynecologic Oncology20222021 KS, Lynch CF, West M, Carnahan R, O'Rorke M, Oleson J, McDonald M, Stewart SL; Ovarian Cancer Treatment Study, Charlton M.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Gynecologic Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Gynecologic oncologist impact on adjuvant chemotherapy care for stage IIIV ovarian cancer patients.|Weeks KS|Lynch CF, West M, Carnahan R, O'Rorke M, Oleson J, McDonald M, Stewart SL; Ovarian Cancer Treatment Study, Charlton M.|Gynecologic Oncology|
707Gynecologic oncologists and ovarian cancer treatment: avenues for improved survival.Stewart SL, Rim SH, Richards TBJournal of Women's Health20112011Stewart SL, Rim SH, Richards TBGynecologic CancersJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Gynecologic oncologists and ovarian cancer treatment: avenues for improved survival.|Stewart SL|Rim SH, Richards TB|Journal of Women's Health|
708Has recommended preventive service use increased after elimination of cost sharing as part of the Affordable Care Act in the United States?Han X, Robin Yabroff K, Guy GP Jr., Zheng Z, Jemal A.Preventive Medicine20152015 X, Robin Yabroff K, Guy GP Jr., Zheng Z, Jemal A.Breast CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Has recommended preventive service use increased after elimination of cost sharing as part of the Affordable Care Act in the United States?|Han X|Robin Yabroff K, Guy GP Jr., Zheng Z, Jemal A.|Preventive Medicine|
709Has the quality of patient-provider communication about survivorship care improved?Rai A, Chawla N, Han X, Rim SH, Smith T, de Moor J, Yabroff KR.Journal of Oncology Practice20192019 A, Chawla N, Han X, Rim SH, Smith T, de Moor J, Yabroff KR.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Oncology Practice (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Has the quality of patient-provider communication about survivorship care improved?|Rai A|Chawla N, Han X, Rim SH, Smith T, de Moor J, Yabroff KR.|Journal of Oncology Practice|
710Health and economic burden of breast cancer mortality in younger women aged 1844 years in the United States, 19702012.Ekwueme D, Guy G, Rim SH, White A, Dean H.Value in Health20162015 D, Guy G, Rim SH, White A, Dean H.Breast CancerJournal: Value in Health (Volume: 18; Issue: 7; Pages: A45 - 450)Health and economic burden of breast cancer mortality in younger women aged 1844 years in the United States, 19702012.|Ekwueme D|Guy G, Rim SH, White A, Dean H.|Value in Health|18
711Health and economic impact of breast cancer mortality in young women, 19702008.Ekwueme DU, Guy GP Jr, Rim SH, White A, Hall IJ, Fairley TL, Dean HD.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20142014 DU, Guy GP Jr, Rim SH, White A, Hall IJ, Fairley TL, Dean HD.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 46; Issue: 1; Pages: 71 - 79)Health and economic impact of breast cancer mortality in young women, 19702008.|Ekwueme DU|Guy GP Jr, Rim SH, White A, Hall IJ, Fairley TL, Dean HD.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|46
712Health behaviors and cancer screening among Californians with a family history of cancer.Townsend JS, Steele CB, Richardson LC, Stewart SL.Genetics in Medicine20132013 JS, Steele CB, Richardson LC, Stewart SL.Breast CancerJournal: Genetics in Medicine (Volume: 15; Issue: 3; Pages: 212 - 221)Health behaviors and cancer screening among Californians with a family history of cancer.|Townsend JS|Steele CB, Richardson LC, Stewart SL.|Genetics in Medicine|15
713Health behaviors and quality of life among colorectal cancer survivors.Rohan EA, Townsend JS, Fairley TL, Stewart SL.Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network20152015Rohan EA, Townsend JS, Fairley TL, Stewart SL.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (Volume: 13; Issue: 3; Pages: 297 - 302)Health behaviors and quality of life among colorectal cancer survivors.|Rohan EA|Townsend JS, Fairley TL, Stewart SL.|Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network|13
714Health behaviors and quality of life of cancer survivors in Massachusetts, 2006: data use for comprehensive cancer control.Fairley TL, Hawk H, Pierre S.Preventing Chronic Disease20102010Fairley TL, Hawk H, Pierre S.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 7; Issue: 1; Pages: - )Health behaviors and quality of life of cancer survivors in Massachusetts, 2006: data use for comprehensive cancer control.|Fairley TL|Hawk H, Pierre S.|Preventing Chronic Disease|7
715Health economics research in primary prevention of cancer: assessment, current challenges, and future directions.Ekwueme DU, Halpern MT, Chesson HW, Ashok M, Drope J, Hong YR, Maciosek M, Pesko MF, Kenkel DS.Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs20222022 DU, Halpern MT, Chesson HW, Ashok M, Drope J, Hong YR, Maciosek M, Pesko MF, Kenkel DS.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs (Volume: 22; Issue: 59; Pages: 28 - 41)Health economics research in primary prevention of cancer: assessment, current challenges, and future directions.|Ekwueme DU|Halpern MT, Chesson HW, Ashok M, Drope J, Hong YR, Maciosek M, Pesko MF, Kenkel DS.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs|22
716Health insurance and other factors associated with mammography surveillance among breast cancer survivors: results from a national survey.Sabatino SA, Thompson TD, Richardson LC, Miller J.Medical Care20122011Sabatino SA, Thompson TD, Richardson LC, Miller J.Breast CancerJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 50; Issue: 3; Pages: 270 - 276)Health insurance and other factors associated with mammography surveillance among breast cancer survivors: results from a national survey.|Sabatino SA|Thompson TD, Richardson LC, Miller J.|Medical Care|50
717Health insurance coverage and cost barriers to needed medical care among U.S. adult cancer survivors age <65 years.Sabatino SA, Coates RJ, Uhler RJ, Alley LG, Pollack LA.Cancer20062006Sabatino SA, Coates RJ, Uhler RJ, Alley LG, Pollack LA.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 106; Issue: 11; Pages: 246 - 475)Health insurance coverage and cost barriers to needed medical care among U.S. adult cancer survivors age <65 years.|Sabatino SA|Coates RJ, Uhler RJ, Alley LG, Pollack LA.|Cancer|106
718Health insurance status and clinical cancer screenings among U.S. adults.Zhao G, Okoro CA, Li J, Town M.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20182017 G, Okoro CA, Li J, Town M.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 54; Issue: 1; Pages: e11 - e19)Health insurance status and clinical cancer screenings among U.S. adults.|Zhao G|Okoro CA, Li J, Town M.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|54
719Health plan-based mailed fecal testing for colorectal cancer screening among dual-eligible Medicaid/Medicare enrollees: Outcomes of 2 program modelsBaldwin LM, Coronado GD, West II, Schwartz MR, Meenan RT, Vollmer WM, Petrik AF, Shapiro JA, Kulkarni-Sharma YR, Green BB.Cancer20212021 LM, Coronado GD, West II, Schwartz MR, Meenan RT, Vollmer WM, Petrik AF, Shapiro JA, Kulkarni-Sharma YR, Green BB.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Health plan-based mailed fecal testing for colorectal cancer screening among dual-eligible Medicaid/Medicare enrollees: Outcomes of 2 program models|Baldwin LM|Coronado GD, West II, Schwartz MR, Meenan RT, Vollmer WM, Petrik AF, Shapiro JA, Kulkarni-Sharma YR, Green BB.|Cancer|
720Health state utility impact of breast cancer in U.S. women aged 1844 years.Brown DS, Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Chamiec-Case L, Guy GP Jr, Tangka FK, Li C, Trivers KF, Rodriguez JL.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162016 DS, Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Chamiec-Case L, Guy GP Jr, Tangka FK, Li C, Trivers KF, Rodriguez JL.Breast CancerJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 50; Issue: 2; Pages: 255 - 261)Health state utility impact of breast cancer in U.S. women aged 1844 years.|Brown DS|Trogdon JG, Ekwueme DU, Chamiec-Case L, Guy GP Jr, Tangka FK, Li C, Trivers KF, Rodriguez JL.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|50
721Health status of adolescent and young adult cancer survivors.Tai E, Buchanan N, Townsend J, Fairley T, Moore A, Richardson LC.Cancer20122012 E, Buchanan N, Townsend J, Fairley T, Moore A, Richardson LC.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Health status of adolescent and young adult cancer survivors.|Tai E|Buchanan N, Townsend J, Fairley T, Moore A, Richardson LC.|Cancer|
722Health, preventive health care, and health care access among women with disabilities in the 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey, Supplement on Disability.Chevarley FM, Thierry JM, Gill CJ, Ryerson AB, Nosek MA.Womens Health Issues20072006Chevarley FM, Thierry JM, Gill CJ, Ryerson AB, Nosek MA.Breast CancerJournal: Womens Health Issues (Volume: 16; Issue: 6; Pages: 297 - 312)Health, preventive health care, and health care access among women with disabilities in the 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey, Supplement on Disability.|Chevarley FM|Thierry JM, Gill CJ, Ryerson AB, Nosek MA.|Womens Health Issues|16
723Healthcare access and cancer screening among victims of intimate partner violence.Massetti GM, Townsend JS, Thomas CC, Basile KC, Richardson LC.Journal of Women's Health20172017 GM, Townsend JS, Thomas CC, Basile KC, Richardson LC.Breast CancerJournal: Journal of Women's Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Healthcare access and cancer screening among victims of intimate partner violence.|Massetti GM|Townsend JS, Thomas CC, Basile KC, Richardson LC.|Journal of Women's Health|
724Healthcare expenditure burden among non-elderly cancer survivors, 20082012.Guy GP Jr., Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS, Han X, Banegas MP, Soni A, Zheng Z, Chawla N, Geiger AM.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20162015 GP Jr., Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS, Han X, Banegas MP, Soni A, Zheng Z, Chawla N, Geiger AM.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 49; Issue: 6S5; Pages: S48 - 497)Healthcare expenditure burden among non-elderly cancer survivors, 20082012.|Guy GP Jr.|Yabroff KR, Ekwueme DU, Virgo KS, Han X, Banegas MP, Soni A, Zheng Z, Chawla N, Geiger AM.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|49
725Healthcare utilization among veterans undergoing chemotherapy: The impact of a cancer care coordination/home-telehealth program.Chumbler NR, Kobb R, Harris L, Richardson LC, Darkins A, Sberna M, Dixit N, Ryan P, Donaldson M, Kreps GL.Journal of Ambulatory Care Management20082007Chumbler NR, Kobb R, Harris L, Richardson LC, Darkins A, Sberna M, Dixit N, Ryan P, Donaldson M, Kreps GL.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Ambulatory Care Management (Volume: 30; Issue: 4; Pages: 308 - 317)Healthcare utilization among veterans undergoing chemotherapy: The impact of a cancer care coordination/home-telehealth program.|Chumbler NR|Kobb R, Harris L, Richardson LC, Darkins A, Sberna M, Dixit N, Ryan P, Donaldson M, Kreps GL.|Journal of Ambulatory Care Management|30
726Health-related behavior change after cancer: results of the American Cancer Society's studies of cancer survivors (SCS).Hawkins NA, Smith T, Zhao L, Rodriguez J, Berkowitz Z, Stein KD.Journal of Cancer Survivorship20102010Hawkins NA, Smith T, Zhao L, Rodriguez J, Berkowitz Z, Stein KD.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Journal of Cancer Survivorship (Volume: 4; Issue: 1; Pages: 20 - 32)Health-related behavior change after cancer: results of the American Cancer Society's studies of cancer survivors (SCS).|Hawkins NA|Smith T, Zhao L, Rodriguez J, Berkowitz Z, Stein KD.|Journal of Cancer Survivorship|4
727Health-related quality of life among prostate cancer survivors with metastatic disease and non-metastatic disease and men without a cancer history in the USA.Zheng Z, Shi KS, Kamal A, Howard DH, Horný M, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.Journal of Cancer Survivorship20242023 Z, Shi KS, Kamal A, Howard DH, Horný M, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.Prostate CancerJournal: Journal of Cancer Survivorship (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Health-related quality of life among prostate cancer survivors with metastatic disease and non-metastatic disease and men without a cancer history in the USA.|Zheng Z|Shi KS, Kamal A, Howard DH, Horný M, Richards TB, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR.|Journal of Cancer Survivorship|
728Health-related quality of life in cancer survivors between ages 20 and 64 years: Population-based estimates from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.Richardson LC, Wingo PA, Zack MM, Zahran HS, King JB.Cancer20082008Richardson LC, Wingo PA, Zack MM, Zahran HS, King JB.Cancer SurvivorshipJournal: Cancer (Volume: 112; Issue: 6; Pages: 138 - 389)Health-related quality of life in cancer survivors between ages 20 and 64 years: Population-based estimates from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.|Richardson LC|Wingo PA, Zack MM, Zahran HS, King JB.|Cancer|112
729Health-related quality of life outcomes among breast cancer survivors.Park J, Rodriguez JL, O'Brien KM, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP.Cancer20212020 J, Rodriguez JL, O'Brien KM, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP.Breast CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Health-related quality of life outcomes among breast cancer survivors.|Park J|Rodriguez JL, O'Brien KM, Nichols HB, Hodgson ME, Weinberg CR, Sandler DP.|Cancer|
730Heart disease and cancer deaths—trends and projections in the United States, 19692020.Weir HK, Anderson RN, Coleman King SM, Soman A, Thompson TD, Hong Y, Moller B, Leadbetter S.Preventing Chronic Disease20172016 HK, Anderson RN, Coleman King SM, Soman A, Thompson TD, Hong Y, Moller B, Leadbetter S.Other ResearchJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 13; Issue: 160211; Pages: - )Heart disease and cancer deaths—trends and projections in the United States, 19692020.|Weir HK|Anderson RN, Coleman King SM, Soman A, Thompson TD, Hong Y, Moller B, Leadbetter S.|Preventing Chronic Disease|13
731Hepatocellular carcinoma—United States, 20012006.O'Connor S, Ward JW, Watson M, Momin B, Richardson LC.MMWR20102010O'Connor S, Ward JW, Watson M, Momin B, Richardson LC.NPCRJournal: MMWR (Volume: 59; Issue: 17; Pages: 517 - 520)Hepatocellular carcinoma—United States, 20012006.|O'Connor S|Ward JW, Watson M, Momin B, Richardson LC.|MMWR|59
732Higher incidence of clear cell adenocarcinoma of the cervix and vagina among women born between 1947 and 1971 in the United States.Smith EK, White MC, Weir HK, Peipins LA, Thompson TD.Cancer Causes and Control20122012 EK, White MC, Weir HK, Peipins LA, Thompson TD.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 23; Issue: 1; Pages: 207 - 211)Higher incidence of clear cell adenocarcinoma of the cervix and vagina among women born between 1947 and 1971 in the United States.|Smith EK|White MC, Weir HK, Peipins LA, Thompson TD.|Cancer Causes and Control|23
733Higher prevalence of hysterectomy among rural women than urban women: Implications for measures of disparities in uterine and cervical cancers.Adam EE., White MC, Saraiya M.Journal of Rural Health20212021 EE., White MC, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: Journal of Rural Health (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Higher prevalence of hysterectomy among rural women than urban women: Implications for measures of disparities in uterine and cervical cancers.|Adam EE.|White MC, Saraiya M.|Journal of Rural Health|
734High-grade vulvar, vaginal, and anal precancers among U.S. adolescents and young adults after human papillomavirus vaccine introduction.Mix JM, Saraiya M, Senkomago V, Unger ER.American Journal of Preventive Medicine20222021 JM, Saraiya M, Senkomago V, Unger ER.Gynecologic CancersJournal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Volume: 62; Issue: 1; Pages: 95 - 99)High-grade vulvar, vaginal, and anal precancers among U.S. adolescents and young adults after human papillomavirus vaccine introduction.|Mix JM|Saraiya M, Senkomago V, Unger ER.|American Journal of Preventive Medicine|62
735Highlights from a workshop on opportunities for cancer prevention during preadolescence and adolescence.Holman DM, Rodriguez JL, Peipins L, Watson M, White MC.Journal of Adolescent Health20132013 DM, Rodriguez JL, Peipins L, Watson M, White MC.Other ResearchJournal: Journal of Adolescent Health (Volume: 52; Issue: 5S; Pages: S8 - S14)Highlights from a workshop on opportunities for cancer prevention during preadolescence and adolescence.|Holman DM|Rodriguez JL, Peipins L, Watson M, White MC.|Journal of Adolescent Health|52
736Highlights from an expert meeting on opportunities for cancer prevention among older adults.Cancer Prevention during Older Adulthood Writing,The Gerontologist20192019 Prevention during Older Adulthood Writing,Other ResearchJournal: The Gerontologist (Volume: 59; Issue: S1; Pages: S94 - 101)Highlights from an expert meeting on opportunities for cancer prevention among older adults.|Cancer Prevention during Older Adulthood Writing||The Gerontologist|59
737Histologic lung cancer incidence rates and trends vary by race/ethnicity and residential county.Houston KA, Mitchell KA, King J, White A, Ryan BMJournal of Thoracic Oncology20182018 KA, Mitchell KA, King J, White A, Ryan BMHealth Disparities in CancerJournal: Journal of Thoracic Oncology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Histologic lung cancer incidence rates and trends vary by race/ethnicity and residential county.|Houston KA|Mitchell KA, King J, White A, Ryan BM|Journal of Thoracic Oncology|
738Hormonal content and potency of oral contraceptives and breast cancer risk among young women.Althuis MD, Brogan DR, Coates RJ, Daling JR, Gammon MD, Malone KE, Schoenberg JB, Brinton LA.British Journal of Cancer20032003Althuis MD, Brogan DR, Coates RJ, Daling JR, Gammon MD, Malone KE, Schoenberg JB, Brinton LA.Breast CancerJournal: British Journal of Cancer (Volume: 88; Issue: 1; Pages: 50 - 57)Hormonal content and potency of oral contraceptives and breast cancer risk among young women.|Althuis MD|Brogan DR, Coates RJ, Daling JR, Gammon MD, Malone KE, Schoenberg JB, Brinton LA.|British Journal of Cancer|88
739Hormone replacement therapy regimens and breast cancer risk.Weiss LK, Burkman RT, Cushing-Haugen KL, Voigt LF, Simon MS, Daling JR, Norman SA, Bernstein L, Ursin G, Marchbanks PA, Strom BL, Berlin JA, Weber AL, Doody DR, Wingo PA, McDonald JA, Malone KE, Folger SG.Obstetrics and Gynecology20032002Weiss LK, Burkman RT, Cushing-Haugen KL, Voigt LF, Simon MS, Daling JR, Norman SA, Bernstein L, Ursin G, Marchbanks PA, Strom BL, Berlin JA, Weber AL, Doody DR, Wingo PA, McDonald JA, Malone KE, Folger SG.Breast CancerJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 100; Issue: 6; Pages: 114 - 158)Hormone replacement therapy regimens and breast cancer risk.|Weiss LK|Burkman RT, Cushing-Haugen KL, Voigt LF, Simon MS, Daling JR, Norman SA, Bernstein L, Ursin G, Marchbanks PA, Strom BL, Berlin JA, Weber AL, Doody DR, Wingo PA, McDonald JA, Malone KE, Folger SG.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|100
740Hormone therapy and fatal breast cancer.Norman SA, Weber AL, Localio AR, Marchbanks PA, Ursin G, Strom BL, Weiss LK, Burkman RT, Bernstein L, Deapen DM, Folger SG, Simon MS, Nadel MR.Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety20102010Norman SA, Weber AL, Localio AR, Marchbanks PA, Ursin G, Strom BL, Weiss LK, Burkman RT, Bernstein L, Deapen DM, Folger SG, Simon MS, Nadel MR.Breast CancerJournal: Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (Volume: 19; Issue: 5; Pages: 440 - 447)Hormone therapy and fatal breast cancer.|Norman SA|Weber AL, Localio AR, Marchbanks PA, Ursin G, Strom BL, Weiss LK, Burkman RT, Bernstein L, Deapen DM, Folger SG, Simon MS, Nadel MR.|Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety|19
741Hospice use among cancer decedents in Alabama, 2002-2005.Jenkins TM, Chapman KL, Harshbarger DS, Townsend JS.Preventing Chronic Disease20102009Jenkins TM, Chapman KL, Harshbarger DS, Townsend JS.Other ResearchJournal: Preventing Chronic Disease (Volume: 6; Issue: 4; Pages: - )Hospice use among cancer decedents in Alabama, 2002-2005.|Jenkins TM|Chapman KL, Harshbarger DS, Townsend JS.|Preventing Chronic Disease|6
742Hospital length of stay, charges, and costs associated with a diagnosis of obesity in U.S. children and youth, 20062016Kompaniyets L, Lundeen EA, Belay B, Goodman AB, Tangka F, Blanck HMMedical Care20202020 L, Lundeen EA, Belay B, Goodman AB, Tangka F, Blanck HMOther ResearchJournal: Medical Care (Volume: 58; Issue: 8; Pages: 722 - 726)Hospital length of stay, charges, and costs associated with a diagnosis of obesity in U.S. children and youth, 20062016|Kompaniyets L|Lundeen EA, Belay B, Goodman AB, Tangka F, Blanck HM|Medical Care|58
743How are symptoms of ovarian cancer managed? A study of primary care physicians.Goff BA, Matthews B, Andrilla CH, Miller JW, Trivers KF, Berry D, Lishner DM, Baldwin LM.Cancer20112011Goff BA, Matthews B, Andrilla CH, Miller JW, Trivers KF, Berry D, Lishner DM, Baldwin LM.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )How are symptoms of ovarian cancer managed? A study of primary care physicians.|Goff BA|Matthews B, Andrilla CH, Miller JW, Trivers KF, Berry D, Lishner DM, Baldwin LM.|Cancer|
744How cancer programs identify and address the financial burdens of rural cancer patients.Petermann V, Zahnd WE, Vanderpool RC, Eberth JM, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost E, Trapl E, Koopman Gonzalez S, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Lee J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Wheeler SB.Supportive Care in Cancer20222021 V, Zahnd WE, Vanderpool RC, Eberth JM, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost E, Trapl E, Koopman Gonzalez S, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Lee J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Wheeler SB.Health Disparities in CancerJournal: Supportive Care in Cancer (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )How cancer programs identify and address the financial burdens of rural cancer patients.|Petermann V|Zahnd WE, Vanderpool RC, Eberth JM, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost E, Trapl E, Koopman Gonzalez S, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Lee J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Wheeler SB.|Supportive Care in Cancer|
745How many "get screened" messages does it take? Evidence from colorectal cancer screening promotion in the United States, 2012.Cooper CP, Gelb CA, Hawkins NA.Preventive Medicine20142013 CP, Gelb CA, Hawkins NA.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Preventive Medicine (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )How many "get screened" messages does it take? Evidence from colorectal cancer screening promotion in the United States, 2012.|Cooper CP|Gelb CA, Hawkins NA.|Preventive Medicine|
746How many endoscopies are performed for colorectal cancer screening? Results from CDC's survey of endoscopic capacity.Seeff LC, Richards TB, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR, Manninen DL, Given LS, Dong FB, Winges LD, McKenna MT.Gastroenterology20052004Seeff LC, Richards TB, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR, Manninen DL, Given LS, Dong FB, Winges LD, McKenna MT.Colorectal (Colon) CancerJournal: Gastroenterology (Volume: 127; Issue: 6; Pages: 167 - 677)How many endoscopies are performed for colorectal cancer screening? Results from CDC's survey of endoscopic capacity.|Seeff LC|Richards TB, Shapiro JA, Nadel MR, Manninen DL, Given LS, Dong FB, Winges LD, McKenna MT.|Gastroenterology|127
747How the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership shapes the public health workforce.Farrell MM, Gibson KM, Marler A, Given L, Van Kirk Villalobos A, Maynard CD, Bright FS, Kirklin GT, Green TC, Ruhe M, Thorsness J, Weiss S.Cancer Causes and Control20192018 MM, Gibson KM, Marler A, Given L, Van Kirk Villalobos A, Maynard CD, Bright FS, Kirklin GT, Green TC, Ruhe M, Thorsness J, Weiss S.NCCCPJournal: Cancer Causes and Control (Volume: 29; Issue: 12; Pages: 120 - 220)How the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership shapes the public health workforce.|Farrell MM|Gibson KM, Marler A, Given L, Van Kirk Villalobos A, Maynard CD, Bright FS, Kirklin GT, Green TC, Ruhe M, Thorsness J, Weiss S.|Cancer Causes and Control|29
748HPV prophylactic vaccines and the potential prevention of noncervical cancers in both men and women.Gillison ML, Chaturvedi AK, Lowy DR.Cancer20092008Gillison ML, Chaturvedi AK, Lowy DR.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 303 - 046)HPV prophylactic vaccines and the potential prevention of noncervical cancers in both men and women.|Gillison ML|Chaturvedi AK, Lowy DR.|Cancer|113
749HPV vaccine effect: is the glass half full or half empty?Saraiya M, Hariri S.Lancet20112011Saraiya M, Hariri S.Cervical CancerJournal: Lancet (Volume: 377; Issue: 9783; Pages: 205 - 058)HPV vaccine effect: is the glass half full or half empty?|Saraiya M|Hariri S.|Lancet|377
750Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer behavioral surveillance in the U.S.Tiro JA, Saraiya M, Jain N, Liddon N, Cokkinides V, Lai SM, Breen N, Wideroff L.Cancer20092008Tiro JA, Saraiya M, Jain N, Liddon N, Cokkinides V, Lai SM, Breen N, Wideroff L.Cervical CancerJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 301 - 030)Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer behavioral surveillance in the U.S.|Tiro JA|Saraiya M, Jain N, Liddon N, Cokkinides V, Lai SM, Breen N, Wideroff L.|Cancer|113
751Human papillomavirus and molecular considerations for cancer risk.Whiteside MA, Siegel EM, Unger ER.Cancer20092008Whiteside MA, Siegel EM, Unger ER.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Cancer (Volume: 113; Issue: S10; Pages: 298 - 994)Human papillomavirus and molecular considerations for cancer risk.|Whiteside MA|Siegel EM, Unger ER.|Cancer|113
752Human papillomavirus and Papanicolaou tests screening interval recommendations in the United States.Roland KB, Soman A, Benard VB, Saraiya M.American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology20112011Roland KB, Soman A, Benard VB, Saraiya M.Cervical CancerJournal: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Human papillomavirus and Papanicolaou tests screening interval recommendations in the United States.|Roland KB|Soman A, Benard VB, Saraiya M.|American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology|
753Human papillomavirus associated anal squamous cell carcinoma: Sociodemographic, geographic, and county-level economic trends in incidence rates-United States, 20012019.Gopalani SV, Senkomago V, Rim SH, Saraiya M.Journal of the National Cancer Institute20242023 SV, Senkomago V, Rim SH, Saraiya M.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Volume: ; Issue: ; Pages: - )Human papillomavirus associated anal squamous cell carcinoma: Sociodemographic, geographic, and county-level economic trends in incidence rates-United States, 20012019.|Gopalani SV|Senkomago V, Rim SH, Saraiya M.|Journal of the National Cancer Institute|
754Human papillomavirus detection in scrotal squamous cell carcinoma: case series from a population-based cancer registry.Mix JM, Miller MJ, Querec TD, Darragh TM, Saraiya M, Gopalani SV, Lynch CF, Thompson TD, Greek A, Tucker TC, Peters ES, Unger ER.Journal of Registry Management20242024Mix JM, Miller MJ, Querec TD, Darragh TM, Saraiya M, Gopalani SV, Lynch CF, Thompson TD, Greek A, Tucker TC, Peters ES, Unger ER.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Journal of Registry Management (Volume: 50; Issue: 4; Pages: 116 - 121)Human papillomavirus detection in scrotal squamous cell carcinoma: case series from a population-based cancer registry.|Mix JM|Miller MJ, Querec TD, Darragh TM, Saraiya M, Gopalani SV, Lynch CF, Thompson TD, Greek A, Tucker TC, Peters ES, Unger ER.|Journal of Registry Management|50
755Human papillomavirus DNA detection, p16INK4a, and oral cavity cancer in a U.S. population.Hernandez BY, Lynch CF, Chan OTM, Goodman MT, Unger ER, Steinau M, Thompson TD, Gillison M, Lyu C, Saraiya M; HPV Typing of Cancer Workgroup.Oral Oncology20192019 BY, Lynch CF, Chan OTM, Goodman MT, Unger ER, Steinau M, Thompson TD, Gillison M, Lyu C, Saraiya M; HPV Typing of Cancer Workgroup.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Oral Oncology (Volume: 91; Issue: ; Pages: 92 - 96)Human papillomavirus DNA detection, p16INK4a, and oral cavity cancer in a U.S. population.|Hernandez BY|Lynch CF, Chan OTM, Goodman MT, Unger ER, Steinau M, Thompson TD, Gillison M, Lyu C, Saraiya M; HPV Typing of Cancer Workgroup.|Oral Oncology|91
756Human papillomavirus genotype and oropharynx cancer survival in the United States of America.Goodman MT, Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Steinau M, Hernandez BY, Lynch CF, Lyu CW, Wilkinson EJ, Tucker T, Copeland G, Peters ES, Altekruse S, Unger ER.European Journal of Cancer20162015 MT, Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Steinau M, Hernandez BY, Lynch CF, Lyu CW, Wilkinson EJ, Tucker T, Copeland G, Peters ES, Altekruse S, Unger ER.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: European Journal of Cancer (Volume: 51; Issue: 18; Pages: 275 - 767)Human papillomavirus genotype and oropharynx cancer survival in the United States of America.|Goodman MT|Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Steinau M, Hernandez BY, Lynch CF, Lyu CW, Wilkinson EJ, Tucker T, Copeland G, Peters ES, Altekruse S, Unger ER.|European Journal of Cancer|51
757Human papillomavirus genotype prevalence in invasive penile cancers from a registry-based United States population.Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Unger ER, Steinau M, Powers A, Lynch CF, Cozen W, Saber MS, Peters ES, Wilkinson EJ, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Huang Y, Watson M, Altekruse SF, Lyu C, Saraiya M10; HPV Typing of Cancer Workgroup.Frontiers in Oncology20142014 BY, Goodman MT, Unger ER, Steinau M, Powers A, Lynch CF, Cozen W, Saber MS, Peters ES, Wilkinson EJ, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Huang Y, Watson M, Altekruse SF, Lyu C, Saraiya M10; HPV Typing of Cancer Workgroup.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Frontiers in Oncology (Volume: 4; Issue: ; Pages: - )Human papillomavirus genotype prevalence in invasive penile cancers from a registry-based United States population.|Hernandez BY|Goodman MT, Unger ER, Steinau M, Powers A, Lynch CF, Cozen W, Saber MS, Peters ES, Wilkinson EJ, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Huang Y, Watson M, Altekruse SF, Lyu C, Saraiya M10; HPV Typing of Cancer Workgroup.|Frontiers in Oncology|4
758Human papillomavirus genotype prevalence in invasive vaginal cancer from a registry-based population.Sinno AK, Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Steinau M, Lynch CF, Cozen W, Saber MS, Peters ES, Wilkinson EJ, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Watson M, Lyu C, Unger ER.Obstetrics and Gynecology20142014 AK, Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Steinau M, Lynch CF, Cozen W, Saber MS, Peters ES, Wilkinson EJ, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Watson M, Lyu C, Unger ER.Gynecologic CancersJournal: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Volume: 123; Issue: 4; Pages: 817 - 821)Human papillomavirus genotype prevalence in invasive vaginal cancer from a registry-based population.|Sinno AK|Saraiya M, Thompson TD, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Steinau M, Lynch CF, Cozen W, Saber MS, Peters ES, Wilkinson EJ, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Watson M, Lyu C, Unger ER.|Obstetrics and Gynecology|123
759Human papillomavirus prevalence in invasive anal cancers in the United States before vaccine introduction.Steinau M, Unger ER, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Cozen W, Saber MS, Huang Y, Peters ES, Lynch CF, Wilkinson EJ, Rajeevan MS, Lyu C, Saraiya M.Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease20132013 M, Unger ER, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Cozen W, Saber MS, Huang Y, Peters ES, Lynch CF, Wilkinson EJ, Rajeevan MS, Lyu C, Saraiya M.HPV-Associated CancersJournal: Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (Volume: 17; Issue: 4; Pages: 397 - 403)Human papillomavirus prevalence in invasive anal cancers in the United States before vaccine introduction.|Steinau M|Unger ER, Hernandez BY, Goodman MT, Copeland G, Hopenhayn C, Cozen W, Saber MS, Huang Y, Peters ES, Lynch CF, Wilkinson EJ, Rajeevan MS, Lyu C, Saraiya M.|Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease|17
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