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<h2>Discovery Branch</h2>
<p>The Discovery Branch, User Services and Collection Division (USCD), National Library of Medicine, is dedicated to advancing research and healthcare through the curation and discovery of health information. Its overarching vision is a future where improved research, and healthcare decisions are rooted in credible, equitable, and accessible health information. The Discovery Branch operates through a collaborative and technology-driven approach, ensuring that NLM&rsquo;s curated collections are accessible and useful to a diverse range of users throughout the library community, healthcare and research communities, and the public.</p>
<h3>Office of the Chief</h3>
<p>The Discovery Branch Office of the Chief determines strategic direction, coordinates budget priorities, communicates opportunities and initiatives, and serves as the primary contact for administrative and operational tasks. The Office coordinates external collaborations and represents NLM, USCD, and the Discovery Branch to external groups within the library and scientific research communities.</p>
<h3>Data Applications and Systems Program (DAS)</h3>
<p>The Data Applications and Systems Program (DAS) manages the bibliographic and digital library systems used to support a broad range of NLM services and to enable curation and discovery of the NLM Collection. DAS Program staff evaluate and support numerous software applications for the Branch (some of which are highlighted below) and assist with automating work processes, as well as maintaining web pages for the Branch.</p>
<p>The DAS Program manages and maintains the internal library services platform and public discovery system (<a href="">LocatorPlus Catalog</a>) The system is used to support many NLM services, i.e., cataloging, acquisitions, circulation, electronic resources management, search, and discovery.</p>
<p>The Program leads the development of NLM&rsquo;s digital repository, <a href="">Digital Collections</a> which provides access to NLM&rsquo;s distinctive digital content in the areas of biomedicine, health care, and the history of medicine.</p>
<p>The Program also manages the new <a href="">Dataset Catalog</a>, which is a catalog of biomedical datasets from publicly available repositories.</p>
<h3>Health Information Program (HIP)</h3>
<p>The Health Information Program (HIP) manages the <a href="">MedlinePlus</a> consumer health website, a trusted resource offering high-quality, relevant health and wellness information. MedlinePlus is designed to be easily understandable and free from advertising, available in both English and Spanish. HIP ensures that patients, families, and caregivers have timely access to reliable, equitable, and accessible health information in multiple languages, empowering them to make informed healthcare decisions. We achieve this by collecting and curating authoritative health information from the National Institutes of Health and other credible sources, ensuring it is readily discoverable and widely accessible.</p>
<p>The HIP Program also manages <a href="">MedlinePlus Connect</a>, a free service provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This service enables healthcare organizations and health IT providers to seamlessly integrate patient portals and electronic health record (EHR) systems with MedlinePlus, offering patients, families, and healthcare providers a reliable, up-to-date health information resource.</p>
<h3>Metadata Management Program (MMP)</h3>
<p>The Metadata Management Program (MMP) supports findability by developing, managing, and applying inclusive and equitable metadata schema to biomedical resources with the goal of eliminating barriers to data discovery and reuse.</p>
<p>MMP is responsible for review and development of cataloging policies for descriptive and subject cataloging and classification of all print, audiovisual, and electronic resources and applying them to resources acquired for the NLM collection. This includes assigning NLM Title Abbreviations to select serial records. MMP responds to internal and external customer requests to modify cataloging records to maintain the accuracy of NLM bibliographic data.</p>
<p>MMP maintains and develops the <a href="">NLM Classification</a>, a product of the National Library of Medicine for the arrangement of library materials in the field of medicine and related sciences used internationally.</p>
<p>MMP creates links in PubMed between citations for original articles and citations for comments, retractions, erratum, and other relationships. Article citations are also linked to their associated grant and clinical trials information.</p>
<p>MMP creates, generates, transforms, and maintains metadata schemes for NLM products such as the Dataset Catalog and Digital Collections.</p>
<p>For further information, see the <a href="//">Metadata Management Program (MMP)</a> Home Page.</p>
<p class=”margin-top-5”><small>Last Reviewed: August 27, 2024</small></p>
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