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<div class="h1">NLM Tools for Electronic Health Record (EHR) Certification and Meaningful Use</div>
<p>The National Library of Medicine provides free access to vocabulary standards, applications, and related tools that can be used to meet US EHR certification criteria and to achieve Meaningful Use of EHRs. Below are resources either created by or supported by NLM that can be used for providing patient-specific education materials, e-prescribing, and creating, exchanging, and interpreting standardized lists of problems, medications, and test results.</p>
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<img src="images/network_low_res.jpg" alt="image of a central computer connected to several clients in a circle" />
<p class="caption">2014 Meaningful Use EHR Certification</p>
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<img alt="NLM Logo" src="images/nlm_logo_sm.jpg" class="logo-left">
<h3>Value Set Authority Center (VSAC)</h3>
<div class="description medium">Per Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), VSAC is the official repository for Value Sets that support CMS electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs). VSAC also hosts value sets such as Routes of Administration, many of the value sets defined by the Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA), as well as many value sets for specific clinical data registries. The VSAC provides Certified EHR implementers the ability to search for and retrieve these value sets both through a GUI interface as well as APIs that can be implemented into an automated system. VSAC will also provide authoring tools for value set authors that will leverage NLM expertise in synonymy (UMLS) as well as provide instant code/descriptor validation.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<li><strong>Publisher</strong>: <a target="_blank" href="//">National Library of Medicine</a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use </li>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="//">Value Set Authority Center web application</a></strong></li>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="//">CMS electronic Clinical Quality Measures Data Element Catalog (DEC)</a></strong></li>
</div> </div>
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<div class="tablet:grid-col-3"><div class="context-image">
<img alt="image of doctor with patients in the background" src="images/doctor_and_patient_low_res.jpg">
<p class="caption">Patient-Specific Education Materials</p>
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<div class="tablet:grid-col-9"><div class="application rounded-content-block"><img alt="MedlinePlus smal logo" src="images/medline_plus_logo_sm.jpg" class="logo-left">
<h3>MedlinePlus Connect</h3>
<div class="description medium">MedlinePlus Connect is a free service that allows health organizations and IT providers to link patient portals and electronic health record systems to <a target="blank" href="//">//</a>, the National Library of Medicines consumer health web site. MedlinePlus Connect accepts requests for information on diagnoses (problems), medications, and lab tests, and returns related MedlinePlus information. It is available as a Web application or a Web service.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<li><strong>Publisher</strong>: <a target="_blank" href="//">National Library of Medicine</a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use </li>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="//">MedlinePlus Connect Overview</a></strong></li>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="//">MedlinePlus Connect Technical Documentation</a></strong></li>
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<img alt="image of prescription drugs" src="images/pills_low_res.jpg">
<p class="caption">E-prescribing</p>
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<img alt="NLM logo" class="logo-left" src="images/nlm_logo_sm.jpg">
<div class="description medium">
2014 EHR certification criteria designate RxNorm as the vocabulary for medications.
RxNorm, a standardized nomenclature for clinical drugs and drug delivery
devices, is produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). RxNorm provides
normalized names for clinical drugs and links its names to many of the drug
vocabularies commonly used in pharmacy management and drug interaction software,
including those of First Databank, Micromedex, MediSpan, Gold Standard,
and Multum. By providing links between these vocabularies, RxNorm can mediate
messages between systems not using the same software and vocabulary.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library of Medicine</a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
RxNorm Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
RxNorm Overview</a></strong></li>
<a href="//;amp=&amp;term=meaningful%20use%20rxnorm%20AND%20%28electronic%20health%20record%2A%5Btw%5D%20OR%20electronic%20health%20records%5Bmh%5D%20OR%20electronic%20patient%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20medical%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20healthcare%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20health%20care%20record%2A%20OR%20personal%20health%20record%2A%20OR%20ehr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20ehrs%5Btw%5D%20OR%20phr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20phrs%5Btw%5D%20OR%20emr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20emrs%5Btw%5D%29" target="_blank">
PubMed Citations related to RxNorm and Meaningful Use</a></li>
<h4><a class="jig-ncbitoggler small">Helpful Subsets
<span class="ui-ncbitoggler-appended-text small">(click to open) </span></a>
<div class="subsets">
<div class="subset rounded-content-block">
<h5>RxNorm Current Prescribable Content</h5>
<div class="description medium">
The Current Prescribable Content (CPC) subset of RxNorm provides
content from RxNorm for satisfying this requirement. Each monthly
release of the CPC subset contains the names and codes for those
drugs that the NLM believes to be currently available on the US
market. This includes both National Drug Codes (NDCs) and RxNorm
Concept Unique Identifiers (RxCUIs). The CPC is limited to content
produced or derived by the NLM, eliminating intellectual property
considerations associated with using the full monthly RxNorm dataset.
<br>For information on discontinued/obsolete drugs, or to map RxNorm
codes to and from codes from other drug information sources, a user
will need to consult the full RxNorm dataset.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library
of Medicine</a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
RxNorm CPC Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<h4><a class="jig-ncbitoggler small">Helpful APIs
<span class="ui-ncbitoggler-appended-text small">(click to open) </span></a>
<div class="apis">
<div class="api rounded-content-block">
<h5>RxNorm API</h5>
<div class="description medium">
The RxNorm RESTful API is available to provide
developers with functions for retrieving RxNorm data from the most current
RxNorm data set. Useful for mapping names and codes from RxNorm source
vocabularies (First Databank, Multum, etc.), names from local formularies
and NDC codes to RxNorm identifiers. Can also help find the current
status of RxNorm identifiers (active, obsolete, remapped).</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National
Library of Medicine</a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use </li>
<a href="" target="_blank">
RxNorm API (RESTful) Documentation</a></strong></li>
<div class="api rounded-content-block">
<div class="description medium">
RxMix is a programmatic interface to the entire suite of RxNorm products,
allowing users to daisy-chain calls together from RxNorm, RxTerms, and
NDF-RT APIs.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National
Library of Medicine</a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use </li>
<li><strong><a href="//" target="_blank">
RxMix web site</a></strong></li>
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<img alt="image of doctor looking at a chest x-ray" src="images/doc_low_res.jpg">
<p class="caption">Problems</p>
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<img alt="IHTSDO Logo" class="logo-left" src="images/ihtsdo_logo_sm.jpg">
<h3>SNOMED CT&reg; - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terminology &reg;</h3>
<div class="description medium">
2014 EHR certification criteria designate SNOMED CT for problems. SNOMED
CT is a comprehensive clinical terminology that is freely available to US
users through NLM.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="" target="_blank">International Health Terminology
Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO)&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use in IHTSDO member countries*
<a href="//" target="_blank">
SNOMED CT International Release Files</a></strong></li>
<li><strong><a href="" target="_blank">US SNOMED
CT Content Request System</a></strong></li>
<a href="//;amp=&amp;term=meaningful%20use%20AND%20snomed%20AND%20%28electronic%20health%20record%2A%5Btw%5D%20OR%20electronic%20health%20records%5Bmh%5D%20OR%20electronic%20patient%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20medical%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20healthcare%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20health%20care%20record%2A%20OR%20personal%20health%20record%2A%20OR%20ehr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20ehrs%5Btw%5D%20OR%20phr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20phrs%5Btw%5D%20OR%20emr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20emrs%5Btw%5D%29" target="_blank">
See PubMed Citations related to SNOMED CT and Meaningful Use</a></li>
<h4><a class="jig-ncbitoggler small">Helpful Publications
<span class="ui-ncbitoggler-appended-text small">(click to open) </span></a>
<div class="extensions">
<div class="extension rounded-content-block">
<h5>US Edition of SNOMED CT</h5>
<div class="description medium">
The US Edition of SNOMED CT combines the SNOMED CT International
Release (from IHTSD0) along with concepts that come from the US
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library
of Medicine</a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
US Edition Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<a href="" target="_blank">US SNOMED CT
Content Request System</a></strong></li>
<h4><a class="jig-ncbitoggler small">Helpful Subsets
<span class="ui-ncbitoggler-appended-text small">(click to open) </span></a>
<div class="subsets">
<div class="subset rounded-content-block">
<h5>CORE Problem List of SNOMED CT</h5>
<div class="description medium">
The CORE (Clinical Observations Recording and Encoding) Problem List
Subset identifies important clinical concepts in SNOMED CT that occur
frequently in the problem list. It facilitates the use of SNOMED CT
for clinical documentation at the summary level.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library of
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
CORE Subset Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<div class="subset rounded-content-block">
<h5>Convergent Medical Terminology Subsets</h5>
<div class="description medium">
In September 2010, Kaiser Permanente donated their CMT content and tooling
to the IHTSDO. The CMT subset is a set of over 75,000 clinician and
patient-friendly medical concepts that are linked to US and international
interoperability standards.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="" target="_blank">Kaiser Permanente&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
CMT Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<div class="subset rounded-content-block">
<h5>Nursing Problem List Subset of SNOMED CT</h5>
<div class="description medium">
The main purpose of the Nursing Problem List Subset of SNOMED CT is
to facilitate the use of SNOMED CT as the primary coding terminology
for nursing problems used in care planning, problem lists or other summary
level clinical documentation.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library of
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
Nursing Problem List Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<h4><a class="jig-ncbitoggler small">Helpful Mappings
<span class="ui-ncbitoggler-appended-text small ">(click to open) </span></a>
<div class="mappings">
<div class="mapping rounded-content-block">
<h5>ICD-9-CM Procedure Codes to SNOMED CT Map</h5>
<div class="description medium">
ICD-9-CM codes used in-patient claims data, as reported by the Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the year 2011. Map published
January 2013.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library of
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
ICD-9-CMv3 -&gt; SNOMED CT Mapping Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<div class="mapping rounded-content-block">
<h5>ICD-9-CM Diagnostic Codes to SNOMED CT Map</h5>
<div class="description medium">
ICD-9-CM codes used in short-stay and outpatient hospitals, as reported
by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the year
2009. Map published May 2012.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library of
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
ICD-9-CM -&gt; SNOMED CT Mapping Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<div class="mapping rounded-content-block">
<h5>SNOMED CT to ICD10-CM Map</h5>
<div class="description medium">
A rule-based map to support semi-automatic generation of ICD-10-CM codes
from clinical data encoded in SNOMED CT.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library of
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
SNOMED CT -&gt; ICD-10-CM Mapping Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
<div class="mapping rounded-content-block">
<h5>SNOMED CT to ICD9-CM Reimbursement Map</h5>
<div class="description medium">
This draft map consists of the 5,000 most commonly used SNOMED CT concepts
from Kaiser Permanente and the University of Nebraska. A more recent
version of the map is also available out of the UMLS Metathesaurus (MAPSETCUI
C3165219 in MRMAP/MRSMAP).</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<a href="//" target="_blank">National Library of
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use* </li>
<a href="//" target="_blank">
SNOMED CT -&gt; ICD-9-CM Mapping Files and Documentation</a></strong></li>
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<img alt="image of a hand holding a petri dish" src="images/petri_dish_low_res.jpg">
<p class="caption">Test Results</p>
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<div class="tablet:grid-col-9"><div class="terminology rounded-content-block"><img alt="LOINC Logo" src="images/loinc_logo_sm.jpg" class="logo-left">
<h3>LOINC&reg; - Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes</h3>
<div class="description medium">2014 EHR certification criteria designate LOINC as the vocabulary for reporting lab test results. LOINC provides a universal set of codes in the domain of laboratory and other clinical observations. LOINC can simplify integrating lab test results into an EHR system as structured data.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<li><strong>Publisher</strong>: <a target="_blank" href="">Regenstrief Institute&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use. </li>
<li><strong>Research</strong>: <a target="_blank" href="//;amp=&amp;term=meaningful%20use%20AND%20loinc%20AND%20%28electronic%20health%20record%2A%5Btw%5D%20OR%20electronic%20health%20records%5Bmh%5D%20OR%20electronic%20patient%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20medical%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20healthcare%20record%2A%20OR%20electronic%20health%20care%20record%2A%20OR%20personal%20health%20record%2A%20OR%20ehr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20ehrs%5Btw%5D%20OR%20phr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20phrs%5Btw%5D%20OR%20emr%5Btw%5D%20OR%20emrs%5Btw%5D%29">PubMed Citations related to LOINC and Meaningful Use</a></li>
<h4><a class="jig-ncbitoggler small">Helpful Subsets <span class="ui-ncbitoggler-appended-text small">(click to open) </span></a></h4>
<div class="subsets">
<div class="subset rounded-content-block">
<h5>LOINC Top 300+ Lab Orders</h5>
<div class="description medium">This is a collection of the top 300+ most common universal laboratory order codes for use by developers of order entry systems that deliver them in HL7 messages to laboratories, where they could be understood and fulfilled. This value set is designed to cover greater than 95% of the test ordering volume in the US, and was developed with both empirical and consensus-driven approaches. This list is referenced by the HITSP C80 Clinical Document and Messaging Terminology Construct in Table 2-96 "Laboratory Order Value Set" where it states that it "should be considered a minimum “starter” set" and "does not attempt to include all possible LOINC codes" or all possible lab orders.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<li><strong>Publisher</strong>: <a target="_blank" href="">Regenstrief Institute&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use </li>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">Top 300 Lab Orders (PDF, XLSX, XLS)&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></strong></li>
<div class="subset rounded-content-block">
<h5>LOINC Top 2000+ Lab Observations and Mapper's Guide</h5>
<div class="description medium">This is an empirically-based list of the most common LOINC result codes for laboratories, practices, researchers, and others who wish to map their laboratory test codes to universal LOINC codes. Knowing that relatively few codes account for much of the result volume, we think that the Top 2000+ list will be an excellent starter set. This list contains 2017 most commonly reported LOINC codes that represent about 98% of the test volume carried by three large organizations that mapped all of their laboratory tests to LOINC codes. To jump start your mapping effort, check out the Mapper's Guide to the Top 2000+ Lab Tests. It contains a wealth of advice and guidance about which codes to choose for a given purpose.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<li><strong>Publisher</strong>: <a target="_blank" href="">Regenstrief Institute&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use † </li>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">Top 2000+ Lab Observations (PDF, XLSX, CSV)&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></strong></li>
<div class="subset rounded-content-block">
<h5>LOINC Panels and Forms file</h5>
<div class="description medium">This file is an export of a key subset of the Panels and Forms represented in LOINC. The entire package of this key subset is currently available at <a target="_blank" href=""></a>, in addition to separate packages for Laboratory panels, Clinical panels, Consumer Health panels, HEDIS panels, the HL7 Clinical Genetics panels, Newborn Screening panels, PhenX panels, US Government panels (including the CMS survey instruments MDSv2, MDSv3, OASIS, and CARE), and Other Survey Instruments. The hierarchical structure is represented in the file by the PARENT_ID, ID and SEQUENCE fields. The root, or top level, records in the file are those records where the PARENT_ID = ID. The records are in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (compressed as a zip file) with separate worksheets (tabs) for the form structure, LOINC code details, and answer lists.</div>
<ul class="property-list medium">
<li><strong>Publisher</strong>: <a target="_blank" href="">Regenstrief Institute&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></li>
<li><strong>Access</strong>: Free for use † </li>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="">Panels and Forms Files/Documentation&nbsp;<img alt="" src="images/exit_arrow.png"></a></strong></li>
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<p>* Resource requires a <a target="_blank" href="">UMLS&reg; Metathesaurus&reg; License</a></p>
<p>† Resource requires a <a target="_blank" href="">LOINC account</a></p>
<p class=”margin-top-5”><small>Last Reviewed: May 23, 2018</small></p>
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