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<p><a href="https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/">PubChem</a> | <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/glycans/">Glycans | <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/glycans/snfg.html">Symbol Nomenclature for Glycans (SNFG)</a></p>
<h1 id="History">History of the SNFG</h1>
<p>Issues regarding nomenclature are more controversial than scientific ones, as
there is never one correct answer, and some aspects are matters of opinion and
taste. In 1978, Kornfeld presented a system for symbolic representation of
vertebrate glycans, which enjoyed popular use and was eventually adopted and
standardized for the first edition of the <i>Essentials of
Glycobiology </i>textbook (1999). While this adoption increased
usage, the system had limitations and did not use color. Anticipating a second
edition, the editors updated the nomenclature and made it available to the
community in 2004 before publication. This was widely adopted and disseminated,
especially by the NIGMS-funded Consortium for Functional Glycomics (thus
sometimes being referred to as the "CFG Nomenclature"). After final publication
of the Second Edition in 2009, acceptance by the community remained incomplete,
and individual variations began to appear. Anticipating a third edition, a
reorganized group of <i>Essentials</i> editors
(supported by the NHLBI-funded Programs of Excellence in Glycoscience) further
refined and updated the symbol nomenclature, this time reaching beyond
vertebrate glycans and considering input from others using related systems. The
editors also coordinated with the IUPAC Carbohydrate Nomenclature committee,
linked each monosaccharide symbol to the corresponding entry in PubChem at
NCBI/NLM, and initiated coordination with other long-term online resources. The
system became an online advance Appendix to the Third Edition of <i>Essentials</i>.
New symbols were added, but to ensure compatibility with prior publications, no
changes were made to symbols in the Second Edition. For this historical reason,
chemical features and configurations associated with shapes and colors are
internally consistent only for some monosaccharides. For example, many of the
nonulosonates do not conform to the stereochemical features otherwise
represented in specified columns. Symbol colors are specified in CMYK and RGB
settings. Linkages can be shown as in the Second Edition system using IUPAC
style, with the originating carbon assumed, and hyphens (not commas) used as an
option. The Oxford system of angled monosaccharide linkages with embedded
specificity and anomericity can also be used.</p>
<p>Realizing the need for a standard acronym, the <i>Essentials </i>editors
suggested SNFG: Symbol Nomenclature For Glycans. This generic name recognizes
the fact that while the update arose from the editors need to standardize a
previous system for the textbook, many others eventually contributed towards its
final creation. The system thus belongs to the community. Accordingly, a broadly
representative SNFG Discussion Group now works with the NCBI on periodic
updates. The system is widely accepted in the literature and adopted by many
major journals. The efforts of the SNFG represent another step towards
mainstreaming glycan bioinformatics. This is a critical step to complete the
description of the molecular and cellular features of all living systems.</p>
<p>Following the initial release in 2015, the SNFG discussion group has worked with the NCBI
and PubChem to generate the <a href="snfg.html#Updates">Updates</a> as shown here.</p>
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