# 606658


Alternative titles; symbols


Phenotype-Gene Relationships

Location Phenotype Phenotype
MIM number
Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
3p26.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 15 606658 AD 3 ITPR1 147265
Clinical Synopsis
Phenotypic Series

- Autosomal dominant
- Dysmetric saccades
- Nystagmus, horizontal, gaze-evoked
- Impaired smooth pursuit
Central Nervous System
- Cerebellar ataxia
- Gait ataxia
- Limb ataxia
- Truncal ataxia
- Dysarthria
- Scanning speech
- Hyperreflexia
- Action tremor
- Postural tremor
- Hyperreflexia
- Cerebellar atrophy
- Wide range of onset from childhood to adult (10 to 50 years)
- Very slow progression
- Most patients remain ambulatory
- Genetic heterogeneity, see SCA1 (164400)
- Caused by mutation in the inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 1 gene (ITPR1, 147265)
Spinocerebellar ataxia - PS164400 - 49 Entries
Location Phenotype Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
MIM number
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
1p36.33 Spinocerebellar ataxia 21 AD 3 607454 TMEM240 616101
1p35.2 Spinocerebellar ataxia 47 AD 3 617931 PUM1 607204
1p32.2-p32.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 37 AD 3 615945 DAB1 603448
1p13.2 Spinocerebellar ataxia 19 AD 3 607346 KCND3 605411
2p16.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 25 AD 3 608703 PNPT1 610316
3p26.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 15 AD 3 606658 ITPR1 147265
3p26.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 29, congenital nonprogressive AD 3 117360 ITPR1 147265
3p14.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 7 AD 3 164500 ATXN7 607640
3q25.2 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 43 AD 3 617018 MME 120520
4q27 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 41 AD 3 616410 TRPC3 602345
4q34.3-q35.1 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 30 AD 2 613371 SCA30 613371
5q32 Spinocerebellar ataxia 12 AD 3 604326 PPP2R2B 604325
5q33.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 45 AD 3 617769 FAT2 604269
6p22.3 Spinocerebellar ataxia 1 AD 3 164400 ATXN1 601556
6p12.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 38 AD 3 615957 ELOVL5 611805
6q14.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 34 AD 3 133190 ELOVL4 605512
6q24.3 Spinocerebellar ataxia 44 AD 3 617691 GRM1 604473
6q27 Spinocerebellar ataxia 17 AD 3 607136 TBP 600075
7q21.2 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 49 AD 3 619806 SAMD9L 611170
7q22-q32 Spinocerebellar ataxia 18 AD 2 607458 SCA18 607458
7q32-q33 Spinocerebellar ataxia 32 AD 2 613909 SCA32 613909
11q12 Spinocerebellar ataxia 20 AD 4 608687 SCA20 608687
11q13.2 Spinocerebellar ataxia 5 AD 3 600224 SPTBN2 604985
12q24.12 Spinocerebellar ataxia 2 AD 3 183090 ATXN2 601517
12q24.12 {Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, susceptibility to, 13} AD 3 183090 ATXN2 601517
13q21 Spinocerebellar ataxia 8 AD 3 608768 ATXN8 613289
13q21.33 Spinocerebellar ataxia 8 AD 3 608768 ATXN8OS 603680
13q33.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 27A AD 3 193003 FGF14 601515
13q33.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 27B, late-onset AD 3 620174 FGF14 601515
14q32.11-q32.12 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 40 AD 3 616053 CCDC88C 611204
14q32.12 Machado-Joseph disease AD 3 109150 ATXN3 607047
15q15.2 Spinocerebellar ataxia 11 AD 3 604432 TTBK2 611695
16p13.3 Spinocerebellar ataxia 48 AD 3 618093 STUB1 607207
16q21 Spinocerebellar ataxia 31 AD 3 117210 BEAN1 612051
16q22.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 51 AD 3 620947 THAP11 609119
16q22.2-q22.3 Spinocerebellar ataxia 4 AD 3 600223 ZFHX3 104155
17q21.33 Spinocerebellar ataxia 42 AD 3 616795 CACNA1G 604065
17q25.3 Spinocerebellar ataxia 50 AD 3 620158 NPTX1 602367
18p11.21 Spinocerebellar ataxia 28 AD 3 610246 AFG3L2 604581
19p13.3 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 26 AD 3 609306 EEF2 130610
19p13.13 Spinocerebellar ataxia 6 AD 3 183086 CACNA1A 601011
19q13.2 ?Spinocerebellar ataxia 46 AD 3 617770 PLD3 615698
19q13.33 Spinocerebellar ataxia 13 AD 3 605259 KCNC3 176264
19q13.42 Spinocerebellar ataxia 14 AD 3 605361 PRKCG 176980
20p13 Spinocerebellar ataxia 23 AD 3 610245 PDYN 131340
20p13 Spinocerebellar ataxia 35 AD 3 613908 TGM6 613900
20p13 Spinocerebellar ataxia 36 AD 3 614153 NOP56 614154
22q13.31 Spinocerebellar ataxia 10 AD 3 603516 ATXN10 611150
Not Mapped Spinocerebellar ataxia 9 612876 SCA9 612876


A number sign (#) is used with this entry because of evidence that spinocerebellar ataxia-15 (SCA15) is caused by heterozygous mutation in the ITPR1 gene as well as by deletions involving the ITPR1 gene (147265) on chromosome 3p26.

Heterozygous mutation in the ITPR1 gene can also cause SCA29 (117360), which is distinguished by onset in infancy of delayed motor development followed by nonprogressive ataxia and mild cognitive impairment.


Spinocerebellar ataxia-15 (SCA15) is an autosomal dominant, adult-onset, slowly progressive form of cerebellar ataxia. Most patients also have disabling action and postural tremor, and some have pyramidal tract affection, dorsal column involvement, and gaze palsy. Brain imaging shows cerebellar atrophy mainly affecting the vermis (summary by Synofzik et al., 2011).

Autosomal dominant 'pure' cerebellar ataxia, classified as ADCA type III by Harding (1983, 1993), is a genetically heterogeneous disorder (see, e.g., 117210).

For a general discussion of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia, see SCA1 (164400).

Clinical Features

Storey et al. (2001) described an Australian kindred with a dominantly inherited 'pure' cerebellar ataxia in which linkage to known spinocerebellar ataxia loci was excluded by linkage studies and testing for trinucleotide repeat expansions. In 8 subjects studied, a notable clinical feature was slow progression, with the 3 least affected having only a mild degree of gait ataxia after 3 or more decades of disease duration. The name spinocerebellar ataxia-15 (SCA15) was applied.

Miyoshi et al. (2001) reported a 4-generation Japanese family with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia. The ages at onset of the 9 affected members (5 men and 4 women) ranged from 20 to 66 years. All showed pure cerebellar ataxia, and 3 patients also had head tremor. Head MRI demonstrated cerebellar atrophy without brainstem involvement. Mutation analysis by PCR excluded mutations in previously identified genes causing SCA. Based on initial mapping, the disorder was designated SCA16. Miura et al. (2006) provided follow-up on the family reported by Miyoshi et al. (2001). Three additional patients were ascertained and 1 individual previously reported as affected was determined to be unaffected. The main common clinical features were saccadic eye movements, horizontal gaze-evoked nystagmus, dysarthria, and limb and truncal ataxia. Two affected individuals had evidence of mental impairment.

Hara et al. (2004) reported 2 families with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia characterized by ataxic gait, cerebellar atrophy, and very slow progression. Several affected individuals also showed hyperreflexia and postural and action tremor of the hand, neck, and trunk. Both families originated from a northern province of Japan.

Synofzik et al. (2011) reported 5 German families in which 10 patients with SCA15 presented with slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, requiring a walker or wheelchair 15 to 17 years after onset, and vermal cerebellar atrophy. Seven of 10 patients had action and postural tremor of the hands or head, while all had intention tremor. Clinical and electrophysiological signs of extracerebellar affection, including pyramidal tract or dorsal column involvement, were mild and more variable. Two had psychiatric manifestations before onset of ataxia.


In the Australian kindred with SCA15 reported by Storey et al. (2001), Knight et al. (2003) found linkage to an 11.6-cM region flanked by markers D3S3630 and D3S1304 on chromosome 3pter-p24.2 (maximum multipoint lod score of 3.54 at D3S1560). Mutation analysis excluded the ITPR1 gene (147265) from being involved in the pathogenesis of the disorder.

In 2 Japanese families with spinocerebellar ataxia, Hara et al. (2004) used genomewide linkage analysis to identify a 14.7-cM candidate region on chromosome 3p26.1-p25.3 between markers D3S1620 and D3S3691 (maximum multipoint lod score of 3.31 at D3S3728). The authors noted the overlap with the SCA15 region identified by Knight et al. (2003).

Although initial studies of an affected Japanese family with SCA16 suggested linkage to chromosome 8q22.1-24.1 (Miyoshi et al., 2001), additional studies of the same family by Miura et al. (2006) showed linkage to chromosome 3pter-p26.2 (maximum 2-point lod score of 5.17 at D3S2387). Haplotype analysis delineated a 6.4-Mb region between D3S2387 and D3S3050, and linkage to chromosome 8q was definitively excluded.


The transmission pattern of SCA15 in the families reported by Van de Leemput et al. (2007) was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance.

Molecular Genetics

Van de Leemput et al. (2007) identified heterozygous deletions involving the ITPR1 gene in affected members of 3 unrelated families with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia, including the SCA15 family of Australian origin used to map the locus (Storey et al., 2001; Knight et al., 2003). Using high-density genomewide SNP genotyping, Van de Leemput et al. (2007) identified a large deletion removing the first 3 exons of the SUMF1 gene (607939) and the first 10 exons of the ITPR1 gene in the family reported by Knight et al. (2003). Affected members of 2 additional families were found to have even larger deletions removing exons 1-44 and 1-40 of the ITPR1 gene, respectively. As homozygous mutations in the SUMF1 gene lead to a different phenotype (MSD; 272200) and heterozygous carriers of SUMF1 mutations do not exhibit a movement disorder, the authors concluded that deletions of the ITPR1 gene underlie the ataxia phenotype. Van de Leemput et al. (2007) noted that direct gene sequencing failed to identify mutations in the ITPR1 gene and that gene dosage studies were required for accurate diagnosis.

In affected members of a large Japanese family with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia reported by Miyoshi et al. (2001) and Miura et al. (2006), Iwaki et al. (2008) identified a heterozygous deletion of exons 1 to 48 of the ITPR1 gene (147265.0001). The SUMF1 gene was not affected. The findings indicated that SCA15 and SCA16 are the same disorder, due to haploinsufficiency of ITPR1.

In affected members of a Japanese family with SCA15 originally reported by Hara et al. (2004), Hara et al. (2008) identified a 414-kb deletion of chromosome 3p26 including all of the ITPR1 gene and exon 1 of the SUMF1 gene. Breakpoint analysis indicated that the deletion was mediated by nonhomologous end joining. RT-PCR showed that expression levels of both ITPR1 and SUMF1 in the patients were half of levels in normal controls. In affected members of a second unrelated Japanese family reported by Hara et al. (2004), Hara et al. (2008) identified a heterozygous mutation in the ITPR1 gene (147265.0002).

Synofzik et al. (2011) identified pathogenic ITPR1 deletions in 5 (8.9%) of 56 German families with autosomal dominant SCA who were negative for common SCA repeat expansions. All deletions detected by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) were confirmed by SNP array and spanned approximately 183 to 423 kb, and each family had a unique deletion. In 3 families, the deletions affected partly both the ITPR1 and SUMF1 genes, without including the 3-prime region of the ITPR1 gene. One family had a deletion preserving exons 1 and 2 in the 5-prime untranslated region of the ITPR1 gene.

Marelli et al. (2011) identified ITPR1 deletions in 6 (1.8%) of 333 families of European origin with autosomal dominant SCA who were negative for common SCA repeat expansions. In 3 families, the deletion included ITPR1 and SUMF1; in 1 family, the deletion included ITPR1, SUMF1, and SETMAR (609834); and in 2 families, the deletion was limited to ITPR1. Most presented with cerebellar gait ataxia and later developed ocular movement abnormalities and dysarthria. Two patients from 1 family had pyramidal signs, 2 additional patients from another family showed some executive decline, and some patients reported dysphagia.

Population Genetics

Based on their finding of SCA15 in 5 (8.9%) of 56 German families with unexplained SCAs, Synofzik et al. (2011) noted that SCA15 is the most common non-trinucleotide repeat SCA in Central Europe.

Animal Model

Van de Leemput et al. (2007) identified a spontaneous 18-bp deletion in exon 18 of the Itpr1 gene that caused a recessive movement disorder in mice. The deletion mutation resulted in markedly decreased levels of Itpr1 in cerebellar Purkinje cells.


  1. Hara, K., Fukushima, T., Suzuki, T., Shimohata, T., Oyake, M., Ishiguro, H., Hirota, K., Miyashita, A., Kuwano, R., Kurisaki, H., Yomono, H., Goto, J., Kanazawa, I., Tsuji, S. Japanese SCA families with an unusual phenotype linked to a locus overlapping with SCA15 locus. Neurology 62: 648-651, 2004. [PubMed: 14981189, related citations] [Full Text]

  2. Hara, K., Shiga, A., Nozaki, H., Mitsui, J., Takahashi, Y., Ishiguro, H., Yomono, H., Kurisaki, H., Goto, J., Ikeuchi, T., Tsuji, S., Nishizawa, M., Onodera, O. Total deletion and a missense mutation of ITPR1 in Japanese SCA15 families. Neurology 71: 547-551, 2008. [PubMed: 18579805, related citations] [Full Text]

  3. Harding, A. E. Classification of the hereditary ataxias and paraplegias. Lancet 321: 1151-1155, 1983. Note: Originally Volume I. [PubMed: 6133167, related citations] [Full Text]

  4. Harding, A. E. Clinical features and classification of inherited ataxias. Adv. Neurol. 61: 1-14, 1993. [PubMed: 8421960, related citations]

  5. Iwaki, A., Kawano, Y., Miura, S., Shibata, H., Matsuse, D., Li, W., Furuya, H., Ohyagi, Y., Taniwaki, T., Kira, J., Fukumaki, Y. Heterozygous deletion of ITPR1, but not SUMF1, in spinocerebellar ataxia type 16. J. Med. Genet. 45: 32-35, 2008. [PubMed: 17932120, related citations] [Full Text]

  6. Knight, M. A., Kennerson, M. L., Anney, R. J., Matsuura, T., Nicholson, G. A., Salimi-Tari, P., Gardner, R. J. M., Storey, E., Forrest, S. M. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 15 (SCA15) maps to 3p24.2-3pter: exclusion of the ITPR1 gene, the human orthologue of an ataxic mouse mutant. Neurobiol. Dis. 13: 147-157, 2003. [PubMed: 12828938, related citations] [Full Text]

  7. Marelli, C., van de Leemput, J., Johnson, J. O., Tison, F., Thauvin-Robinet, C., Picard, F., Tranchant, C., Hernandez, D. G., Huttin, B., Boulliat, J., Sangla, I., Marescaux, C., and 11 others. SCA15 due to large ITPR1 deletions in a cohort of 333 white families with dominant ataxia. Arch. Neurol. 68: 637-643, 2011. [PubMed: 21555639, images, related citations] [Full Text]

  8. Miura, S., Shibata, H., Furuya, H., Ohyagi, Y., Osoegawa, M., Miyoshi, Y., Matsunaga, H., Shibata, A., Matsumoto, N., Iwaki, A., Taniwaki, T., Kikuchi, H., Kira, J., Fukumaki, Y. The contactin 4 gene locus at 3p26 is a candidate gene of SCA16. Neurology 67: 1236-1241, 2006. Note: Erratum: Neurology 67: 2267 only, 2006. [PubMed: 17030759, related citations] [Full Text]

  9. Miyoshi, Y., Yamada, T., Tanimura, M., Taniwaki, T., Arakawa, K., Ohyagi, Y., Furuya, H., Yamamoto, K., Sakai, K., Sasazuki, T., Kira, J. A novel autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA16) linked to chromosome 8q22.1-24.1. Neurology 57: 96-100, 2001. [PubMed: 11445634, related citations] [Full Text]

  10. Storey, E., Gardner, R. J. M., Knight, M. A., Kennerson, M. L., Tuck, R. R., Forrest, S. M., Nicholson, G. A. A new autosomal dominant pure cerebellar ataxia. Neurology 57: 1913-1915, 2001. [PubMed: 11723290, related citations] [Full Text]

  11. Synofzik, M., Beetz, C., Bauer, C., Bonin, M., Sanchez-Ferrero, E., Schmitz-Hubsch, T., Wullner, U., Nagele, T., Riess, O., Schols, L., Bauer, P. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 15: diagnostic assessment, frequency, and phenotypic features. J. Med. Genet. 48: 407-412, 2011. [PubMed: 21367767, related citations] [Full Text]

  12. van de Leemput, J., Chandran, J., Knight, M. A., Holtzclaw, L. A., Scholz, S., Cookson, M. R., Houlden, H., Gwinn-Hardy, K., Fung, H.-C., Lin, X., Hernandez, D., Simon-Sanchez, J., and 11 others. Deletion at ITPR1 underlies ataxia in mice and spinocerebellar ataxia 15 in humans. PLoS Genet. 3: e108, 2007. Note: Electronic Article. [PubMed: 17590087, images, related citations] [Full Text]

Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 10/13/2011
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 7/8/2011
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 9/29/2008
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 2/29/2008
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 7/16/2007
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 9/16/2004
Creation Date:
Victor A. McKusick : 1/30/2002
carol : 09/06/2023
carol : 08/09/2023
joanna : 06/24/2016
alopez : 9/11/2014
carol : 2/5/2013
ckniffin : 2/4/2013
carol : 10/21/2011
ckniffin : 10/13/2011
wwang : 7/18/2011
ckniffin : 7/8/2011
terry : 12/22/2010
wwang : 7/27/2009
terry : 4/3/2009
wwang : 10/6/2008
ckniffin : 9/29/2008
wwang : 6/10/2008
wwang : 5/13/2008
wwang : 5/13/2008
ckniffin : 2/29/2008
ckniffin : 2/29/2008
wwang : 7/20/2007
ckniffin : 7/16/2007
ckniffin : 9/16/2004
mgross : 3/18/2004
tkritzer : 1/7/2004
ckniffin : 12/29/2003
carol : 1/30/2002

# 606658


Alternative titles; symbols


SNOMEDCT: 716724006;   ORPHA: 98769;   DO: 0050965;  

Phenotype-Gene Relationships

Location Phenotype Phenotype
MIM number
Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
3p26.1 Spinocerebellar ataxia 15 606658 Autosomal dominant 3 ITPR1 147265


A number sign (#) is used with this entry because of evidence that spinocerebellar ataxia-15 (SCA15) is caused by heterozygous mutation in the ITPR1 gene as well as by deletions involving the ITPR1 gene (147265) on chromosome 3p26.

Heterozygous mutation in the ITPR1 gene can also cause SCA29 (117360), which is distinguished by onset in infancy of delayed motor development followed by nonprogressive ataxia and mild cognitive impairment.


Spinocerebellar ataxia-15 (SCA15) is an autosomal dominant, adult-onset, slowly progressive form of cerebellar ataxia. Most patients also have disabling action and postural tremor, and some have pyramidal tract affection, dorsal column involvement, and gaze palsy. Brain imaging shows cerebellar atrophy mainly affecting the vermis (summary by Synofzik et al., 2011).

Autosomal dominant 'pure' cerebellar ataxia, classified as ADCA type III by Harding (1983, 1993), is a genetically heterogeneous disorder (see, e.g., 117210).

For a general discussion of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia, see SCA1 (164400).

Clinical Features

Storey et al. (2001) described an Australian kindred with a dominantly inherited 'pure' cerebellar ataxia in which linkage to known spinocerebellar ataxia loci was excluded by linkage studies and testing for trinucleotide repeat expansions. In 8 subjects studied, a notable clinical feature was slow progression, with the 3 least affected having only a mild degree of gait ataxia after 3 or more decades of disease duration. The name spinocerebellar ataxia-15 (SCA15) was applied.

Miyoshi et al. (2001) reported a 4-generation Japanese family with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia. The ages at onset of the 9 affected members (5 men and 4 women) ranged from 20 to 66 years. All showed pure cerebellar ataxia, and 3 patients also had head tremor. Head MRI demonstrated cerebellar atrophy without brainstem involvement. Mutation analysis by PCR excluded mutations in previously identified genes causing SCA. Based on initial mapping, the disorder was designated SCA16. Miura et al. (2006) provided follow-up on the family reported by Miyoshi et al. (2001). Three additional patients were ascertained and 1 individual previously reported as affected was determined to be unaffected. The main common clinical features were saccadic eye movements, horizontal gaze-evoked nystagmus, dysarthria, and limb and truncal ataxia. Two affected individuals had evidence of mental impairment.

Hara et al. (2004) reported 2 families with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia characterized by ataxic gait, cerebellar atrophy, and very slow progression. Several affected individuals also showed hyperreflexia and postural and action tremor of the hand, neck, and trunk. Both families originated from a northern province of Japan.

Synofzik et al. (2011) reported 5 German families in which 10 patients with SCA15 presented with slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, requiring a walker or wheelchair 15 to 17 years after onset, and vermal cerebellar atrophy. Seven of 10 patients had action and postural tremor of the hands or head, while all had intention tremor. Clinical and electrophysiological signs of extracerebellar affection, including pyramidal tract or dorsal column involvement, were mild and more variable. Two had psychiatric manifestations before onset of ataxia.


In the Australian kindred with SCA15 reported by Storey et al. (2001), Knight et al. (2003) found linkage to an 11.6-cM region flanked by markers D3S3630 and D3S1304 on chromosome 3pter-p24.2 (maximum multipoint lod score of 3.54 at D3S1560). Mutation analysis excluded the ITPR1 gene (147265) from being involved in the pathogenesis of the disorder.

In 2 Japanese families with spinocerebellar ataxia, Hara et al. (2004) used genomewide linkage analysis to identify a 14.7-cM candidate region on chromosome 3p26.1-p25.3 between markers D3S1620 and D3S3691 (maximum multipoint lod score of 3.31 at D3S3728). The authors noted the overlap with the SCA15 region identified by Knight et al. (2003).

Although initial studies of an affected Japanese family with SCA16 suggested linkage to chromosome 8q22.1-24.1 (Miyoshi et al., 2001), additional studies of the same family by Miura et al. (2006) showed linkage to chromosome 3pter-p26.2 (maximum 2-point lod score of 5.17 at D3S2387). Haplotype analysis delineated a 6.4-Mb region between D3S2387 and D3S3050, and linkage to chromosome 8q was definitively excluded.


The transmission pattern of SCA15 in the families reported by Van de Leemput et al. (2007) was consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance.

Molecular Genetics

Van de Leemput et al. (2007) identified heterozygous deletions involving the ITPR1 gene in affected members of 3 unrelated families with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia, including the SCA15 family of Australian origin used to map the locus (Storey et al., 2001; Knight et al., 2003). Using high-density genomewide SNP genotyping, Van de Leemput et al. (2007) identified a large deletion removing the first 3 exons of the SUMF1 gene (607939) and the first 10 exons of the ITPR1 gene in the family reported by Knight et al. (2003). Affected members of 2 additional families were found to have even larger deletions removing exons 1-44 and 1-40 of the ITPR1 gene, respectively. As homozygous mutations in the SUMF1 gene lead to a different phenotype (MSD; 272200) and heterozygous carriers of SUMF1 mutations do not exhibit a movement disorder, the authors concluded that deletions of the ITPR1 gene underlie the ataxia phenotype. Van de Leemput et al. (2007) noted that direct gene sequencing failed to identify mutations in the ITPR1 gene and that gene dosage studies were required for accurate diagnosis.

In affected members of a large Japanese family with autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia reported by Miyoshi et al. (2001) and Miura et al. (2006), Iwaki et al. (2008) identified a heterozygous deletion of exons 1 to 48 of the ITPR1 gene (147265.0001). The SUMF1 gene was not affected. The findings indicated that SCA15 and SCA16 are the same disorder, due to haploinsufficiency of ITPR1.

In affected members of a Japanese family with SCA15 originally reported by Hara et al. (2004), Hara et al. (2008) identified a 414-kb deletion of chromosome 3p26 including all of the ITPR1 gene and exon 1 of the SUMF1 gene. Breakpoint analysis indicated that the deletion was mediated by nonhomologous end joining. RT-PCR showed that expression levels of both ITPR1 and SUMF1 in the patients were half of levels in normal controls. In affected members of a second unrelated Japanese family reported by Hara et al. (2004), Hara et al. (2008) identified a heterozygous mutation in the ITPR1 gene (147265.0002).

Synofzik et al. (2011) identified pathogenic ITPR1 deletions in 5 (8.9%) of 56 German families with autosomal dominant SCA who were negative for common SCA repeat expansions. All deletions detected by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) were confirmed by SNP array and spanned approximately 183 to 423 kb, and each family had a unique deletion. In 3 families, the deletions affected partly both the ITPR1 and SUMF1 genes, without including the 3-prime region of the ITPR1 gene. One family had a deletion preserving exons 1 and 2 in the 5-prime untranslated region of the ITPR1 gene.

Marelli et al. (2011) identified ITPR1 deletions in 6 (1.8%) of 333 families of European origin with autosomal dominant SCA who were negative for common SCA repeat expansions. In 3 families, the deletion included ITPR1 and SUMF1; in 1 family, the deletion included ITPR1, SUMF1, and SETMAR (609834); and in 2 families, the deletion was limited to ITPR1. Most presented with cerebellar gait ataxia and later developed ocular movement abnormalities and dysarthria. Two patients from 1 family had pyramidal signs, 2 additional patients from another family showed some executive decline, and some patients reported dysphagia.

Population Genetics

Based on their finding of SCA15 in 5 (8.9%) of 56 German families with unexplained SCAs, Synofzik et al. (2011) noted that SCA15 is the most common non-trinucleotide repeat SCA in Central Europe.

Animal Model

Van de Leemput et al. (2007) identified a spontaneous 18-bp deletion in exon 18 of the Itpr1 gene that caused a recessive movement disorder in mice. The deletion mutation resulted in markedly decreased levels of Itpr1 in cerebellar Purkinje cells.


  1. Hara, K., Fukushima, T., Suzuki, T., Shimohata, T., Oyake, M., Ishiguro, H., Hirota, K., Miyashita, A., Kuwano, R., Kurisaki, H., Yomono, H., Goto, J., Kanazawa, I., Tsuji, S. Japanese SCA families with an unusual phenotype linked to a locus overlapping with SCA15 locus. Neurology 62: 648-651, 2004. [PubMed: 14981189] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1212/01.wnl.0000110190.08412.25]

  2. Hara, K., Shiga, A., Nozaki, H., Mitsui, J., Takahashi, Y., Ishiguro, H., Yomono, H., Kurisaki, H., Goto, J., Ikeuchi, T., Tsuji, S., Nishizawa, M., Onodera, O. Total deletion and a missense mutation of ITPR1 in Japanese SCA15 families. Neurology 71: 547-551, 2008. [PubMed: 18579805] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1212/01.wnl.0000311277.71046.a0]

  3. Harding, A. E. Classification of the hereditary ataxias and paraplegias. Lancet 321: 1151-1155, 1983. Note: Originally Volume I. [PubMed: 6133167] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(83)92879-9]

  4. Harding, A. E. Clinical features and classification of inherited ataxias. Adv. Neurol. 61: 1-14, 1993. [PubMed: 8421960]

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Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 10/13/2011
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 7/8/2011
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 9/29/2008
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 2/29/2008
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 7/16/2007
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 9/16/2004

Creation Date:
Victor A. McKusick : 1/30/2002

Edit History:
carol : 09/06/2023
carol : 08/09/2023
joanna : 06/24/2016
alopez : 9/11/2014
carol : 2/5/2013
ckniffin : 2/4/2013
carol : 10/21/2011
ckniffin : 10/13/2011
wwang : 7/18/2011
ckniffin : 7/8/2011
terry : 12/22/2010
wwang : 7/27/2009
terry : 4/3/2009
wwang : 10/6/2008
ckniffin : 9/29/2008
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wwang : 5/13/2008
ckniffin : 2/29/2008
ckniffin : 2/29/2008
wwang : 7/20/2007
ckniffin : 7/16/2007
ckniffin : 9/16/2004
mgross : 3/18/2004
tkritzer : 1/7/2004
ckniffin : 12/29/2003
carol : 1/30/2002