# 300143


Alternative titles; symbols


Phenotype-Gene Relationships

Location Phenotype Phenotype
MIM number
Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
Xp21.3-p21.2 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 21 300143 XLR 3 IL1RAPL1 300206
Clinical Synopsis
Phenotypic Series

- X-linked recessive
- Mild dysmorphic features
- Hypotonic midface
- Prominent jaw
- Thick ears
- Upturned lobes
- Hypertelorism
- Upslanting palpebral fissures
- Synophrys
- Short nose
- Thickened alae nasi and columella
- Open mouth
- Tented upper lip
- Crowded dentition
- Hyperextensible joints
Central Nervous System
- Mental retardation, moderate
- Seizures (1 family)
Behavioral Psychiatric Manifestations
- Autistic features
- Hyperactivity
- Carrier females may have mild features
- Caused by mutation in the IL1 receptor accessory protein-like 1 gene (IL1RAPL, 300206.0001)
Intellectual developmental disorder, nonsyndromic, X-linked - PS309530 - 55 Entries
Location Phenotype Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
MIM number
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
Xp22.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 2 XL 2 300428 XLID2 300428
Xp22.2 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 73 XLR 2 300355 XLID73 300355
Xp22.2 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 104 XL 3 300983 FRMPD4 300838
Xp22.12 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 19 XLD 3 300844 RPS6KA3 300075
Xp22.11 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 103 XLR 3 300982 KLHL15 300980
Xp21.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 29 XLR 3 300419 ARX 300382
Xp21.3-p21.2 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 21 XLR 3 300143 IL1RAPL1 300206
Xp11-q21 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 20 XL 2 300047 XLID20 300047
Xp11.4 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 58 XLR 3 300210 TSPAN7 300096
Xp11.4 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 99, syndromic, female-restricted XLD 3 300968 USP9X 300072
Xp11.4 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 99 XLR 3 300919 USP9X 300072
Xp11.3-q13.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 14 XL 2 300062 XLID14 300062
Xp11.3-p11.21 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 45 XL 2 300498 XLID45 300498
Xp11.3-q22.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 84 XLR 2 300505 XLID84 300505
Xp11.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 89 XLD 2 300848 XLID89 300848
Xp11.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 92 XLR 2 300851 XLID92 300851
Xp11.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 108 XLR 3 301024 SLC9A7 300368
Xp11.3-p11.23 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 50 XL 3 300115 SYN1 313440
Xp11.2-q12 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 81 XLR 2 300433 XLID81 300433
Xp11.23 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 9 XLR 3 309549 FTSJ1 300499
Xp11.23 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 96 XLR 3 300802 SYP 313475
Xp11.23 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 105 XLR 3 300984 USP27X 300975
Xp11.22 Xp11.22 microduplication syndrome 4 300705 DUPXp11.22 300705
Xp11.22 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 1 XLD 3 309530 IQSEC2 300522
Xq12-q21.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 77 XLR 2 300454 XLID77 300454
Xq13.1 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 100 XLR 3 300923 KIF4A 300521
Xq13.1 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 90 XLR 3 300850 DLG3 300189
Xq13.1 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 112 XLR 3 301111 ZMYM3 300061
Xq13.1 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 106 XLR 3 300997 OGT 300255
Xq13.2 Tonne-Kalscheuer syndrome XL 3 300978 RLIM 300379
Xq13.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 91 XLD 4 300577 XLID91 300577
Xq13.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 98 XLD 3 300912 NEXMIF 300524
Xq21.1 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 93 XLR 3 300659 BRWD3 300553
Xq21.1 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 97 XL 3 300803 ZNF711 314990
Xq22.1 ?Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 113 XLR 3 301116 CSTF2 300907
Xq22.2-q26 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 53 XLR 2 300324 XLID53 300324
Xq22.3 ?Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 101 XLR 3 300928 MID2 300204
Xq23-q24 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 23 XL 2 300046 XLID23 300046
Xq23 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 63 XLD 3 300387 ACSL4 300157
Xq23 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 30 XLR 3 300558 PAK3 300142
Xq24-q25 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 82 XLR 2 300518 XLID82 300518
Xq24 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 88 XL 2 300852 XLID88 300852
Xq24 ?Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 107 XL 3 301013 STEEP1 301012
Xq25-q26 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 46 XLR 2 300436 XLID46 300436
Xq25 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked syndromic, Wu type XLR 3 300699 GRIA3 305915
Xq25 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked syndromic, Kumar type XL 3 300957 THOC2 300395
Xq26 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 42 2 300372 XLID42 300372
Xq26.3-q27.1 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 110 XLR 3 301095 FGF13 300070
Xq27.3 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 111 XL 3 301107 SLITRK2 300561
Xq28 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 109 XLR 3 309548 AFF2 300806
Xq28 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 114 XL 3 301134 SRPK3 301002
Xq28 Methylmalonic aciduria and homocysteinemia, cblX type XLR 3 309541 HCFC1 300019
Xq28 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 41 XLD 3 300849 GDI1 300104
Xq28 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 72 XLR 3 300271 RAB39B 300774
Chr.X Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 95 XLD 2 300716 XLID95 300716


A number sign (#) is used with this entry because X-linked intellectual developmental disorder-21 (XLID21) is caused by mutation in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206) on chromosome Xp21.


X-linked intellectual developmental disorder-21 (XLID21) is characterized by a spectrum of cognitive neurologic impairments or disabilities ranging from moderately impaired intellectual development to high-functioning autism. Males are typically severely affected, but some carrier females may manifest milder deficits (summary by Piton et al., 2008).

Clinical Features

Kozak et al. (1993) reported a 3-generation Italian family in which 4 male patients had moderate mental retardation without any specific or consistent phenotypic abnormalities. One obligate female carrier had mild retardation and another 2 had normal intelligence, suggesting incomplete penetrance in females.

Piton et al. (2008) reported a family in which 3 brothers had mental retardation with variable autistic features. The 8-year-old proband had mental retardation and showed some autistic signs, but was too impaired to be formally tested. The proband's 2 brothers had a less severe cognitive phenotype: one had pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDDNOS), and the other had mild mental retardation with repetitive behaviors, but no other signs of autism. Their carrier mother was unaffected.

Franek et al. (2011) reported 2 unrelated families with X-linked mental retardation resulting from deletions encompassing the immunoglobulin domain of the IL1RAPL1 gene. Three affected males in the first family had low IQ and other variable features, including hypotonia (2), pectus excavatum (2), prominent jaw (2), synophrys (2), and hyperextensible joints (2). Two had behavioral abnormalities, including impulsivity, oppositional disorder, and hyperactivity. One had pigmentary skin changes. Genetic analysis identified a 635-kb deletion spanning exons 2-5 in the IL1RAPL1 gene (see 300206.0003), although exact deletion breakpoints were not mapped. In the second family, there were 5 affected males, but only 2 brothers were described in detail. Both had moderate intellectual disability and seizures. Both had prominent jaw, strabismus, and hyperextensible elbows; 1 had synophrys and the other had depression. One of the brothers carried a fragile site at Xq28 (FRAXF; 300031) (Parrish et al., 1994), and both had a deletion of exons 1-5 of the IL1RAPL1 gene, which was inherited from their unaffected mother. None of the patients reported by Franek et al. (2011) had autism.

Clinical Variability

Piton et al. (2008) reported a French Canadian girl with high functioning autism consistent with Asperger syndrome and no mental retardation who had a heterozygous de novo 7-bp deletion (1730delTACTCTT) in exon 9 of the IL1RAPL1 gene, resulting in a frameshift and premature termination. The truncated protein was predicted to lack part of the transmembrane domain as well as the entire cytoplasmic domain and was not found in 276 control chromosomes. Although in vitro studies in rat hippocampal cells indicated that the deletion resulted in a loss of function, transfection of the truncated mutant alone did not affect neurite outgrowth.


By linkage analysis of a 3-generation Italian family with X-linked mental retardation, Kozak et al. (1993) found linkage to Xp22.3-p21.1 (maximum lod = 2.11 at theta = 0.00 with markers DXS164 and DXS278).


Fries et al. (1993) reported mentally retarded female carriers in 2 Xp21 deletion syndrome families with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD; 310200), glycerol kinase deficiency (GKD; 307030), and adrenal hypoplasia (AHC; 300200) in affected males. In the first family, with normal karyotypes, a submicroscopic deletion was associated with DMD in the retarded male and with retardation in carrier females. In the second family, an X chromosome with a cytogenetically deleted Xp21 distal to the OTC (300461) and RP (see 312610) genes segregated in the affected male and retarded female carriers.

Raeymaekers et al. (1996) described a Belgian family with 6 males with nonspecific moderate mental retardation associated with a microdeletion in the Xp22.1-p21.3 region. The family was designated MRX34. There was allelic loss of DXS1218 in all affected relatives.

Billuart et al. (1996) carried out PCR screening of DNA samples from 192 patients with MRX for the presence of deletions in the Xp22.1-p21.3 region in which a nonspecific mental retardation locus had been assigned on the basis of deletions associated with contiguous gene syndromes (Fries et al., 1993), linkage analysis (Kozak et al., 1993), and other evidence. Billuart et al. (1996) analyzed a panel of 12 X-linked microsatellites that map between POLA (312040) and DXS1020 on chromosome Xp22.1-p21.3. Analysis of 192 mentally retarded males led to the identification of a microdeletion that extended from DXS1202 to DXS1065 in 1 case of nonspecific X-linked severe mental retardation. The presence of the deletion was confirmed by Southern blot analysis using a probe at the DXS28 locus that maps between the microsatellite markers DXS1202 and DXS1065.

Des Portes et al. (1998) reported a family in which 2 males had nonspecific moderate mental retardation with no additional neurologic impairment, statural growth deficiency, or dysmorphic features. Both boys had a microdeletion in Xp22.1-21.3, which included markers DXS1202, DXS1061, and DXS1218. The authors cited 9 unrelated families affected with nonspecific mental retardation assigned to Xp22.1-p21.3.

In a 6-year-old boy with mental retardation, Lepretre et al. (2003) identified an X chromosome inversion, inv(X)(p21.3q27.1). A similar chromosomal rearrangement was detected in his mildly mentally retarded mother. FISH, using a panel of ordered YAC clones, allowed the identification of YACs spanning both the Xp21.3 and Xq27.1 breakpoints, where many nonspecific mental retardation loci had been reported. Further investigations by FISH showed that the IL1RAPL1 gene at Xp21.3 was disrupted by the inversion.

Bhat et al. (2008) reported a 7-year-old boy with developmental delay, features of autism, facial dysmorphism, and a pericentromeric inversion disrupting the IL1RAPL1 gene: inv(X)(p22.1q13). His mother, who also carried the inversion, had mild mental retardation and autism. She had also experienced a severe CNS infection as an infant.

Molecular Genetics

In a small family with X-linked mental retardation, Carrie et al. (1999) identified a mutation in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0001). The results suggested that signal transduction through multifunctional proteins of the immune system may be critical for the development of physiologic processes underlying cognitive function.

In 4 affected males from a family originally reported by Kozak et al. (1993) and designated MRX21, Tabolacci et al. (2006) identified a mutation in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0002). Two female mutation carriers demonstrated learning disabilities, although blood leukocytes showed X-inactivation patterns favoring the wildtype allele. Tabolacci et al. (2006) suggested that brain neurons may show different X-inactivation patterns.

In 4 affected males in a family segregating nonspecific mental retardation showing linkage to Xp22.11-p21.2, Nawara et al. (2008) identified a deletion of exons 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0003). The deletion was also identified in 3 obligatory female carriers, who were apparently of normal intelligence.

In 3 brothers with variable severity of cognitive impairment, ranging from mental retardation to autistic features, Piton et al. (2008) identified a hemizygous 730-kb deletion in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0004). The mother carried the deletion but did not show any cognitive or behavioral abnormality. The deletion was identified by whole-genome search of copy number variants using comparative genomic hybridization.

Franek et al. (2011) identified a 635-kb deletion spanning exons 2-5 in the IL1RAPL1 gene (see 300206.0003) in 3 males from a family with X-linked mental retardation, although exact deletion breakpoints were not mapped. Two affected males from a second family had a deletion of exons 1-5 of the IL1RAPL1 gene, which was inherited from their unaffected mother. Franek et al. (2011) concluded that loss of function of the IL1RAPL1 protein is associated with intellectual disability.


  1. Bhat, S. S., Ladd, S., Grass, F., Spence, J. E., Brasington, C. K., Simensen, R. J., Schwartz, C. E., DuPont, B. R., Stevenson, R. E., Srivastava, A. K. Disruption of the IL1RAPL1 gene associated with a pericentromeric inversion of the X chromosome in a patient with mental retardation and autism. (Letter) Clin. Genet. 73: 94-96, 2008. [PubMed: 18005360, related citations] [Full Text]

  2. Billuart, P., Vinet, M. C., des Portes, V., Llense, S., Richard, L., Moutard, M. L., Recan, D., Bruls, T., Bienvenu, T., Kahn, A., Beldjord, C., Chelly, J. Identification by STS PCR screening of a microdeletion in Xp21.3-22.1 associated with non-specific mental retardation. Hum. Molec. Genet. 5: 977-979, 1996. [PubMed: 8817333, related citations] [Full Text]

  3. Carrie, A., Jun, L., Bienvenu, T., Vinet, M.-C., McDonell, N., Couvert, P., Zemni, R., Cardona, A., Van Buggenhout, G., Frints, S., Hamel, B., Moraine, C., and 10 others. A new member of the IL-1 receptor family highly expressed in hippocampus and involved in X-linked mental retardation. Nature Genet. 23: 25-31, 1999. [PubMed: 10471494, related citations] [Full Text]

  4. des Portes, V., Carrie, A., Billuart, P., Kieffer, V., Bienvenu, T., Vinet, M. C., Beldjord, C., Kahn, A., Ponsot, G., Chelly, J., Moutard, M. L. Inherited microdeletion in Xp21.3-22.1 involved in non-specific mental retardation. Clin. Genet. 53: 136-141, 1998. [PubMed: 9611075, related citations] [Full Text]

  5. Franek, K. J., Butler, J., Johnson, J., Simensen, R., Friez, M. J., Bartel, F., Moss, T., DuPont, B., Berry, K., Bauman, M., Skinner, C., Stevenson, R. E., Schwartz, C. E. Deletion of the immunoglobulin domain of IL1RAPL1 results in nonsyndromic X-linked intellectual disability associated with behavioral problems and mild dysmorphism. Am. J. Med. Genet. 155A: 1109-1114, 2011. [PubMed: 21484992, related citations] [Full Text]

  6. Fries, M. H., Lebo, R. V., Schonberg, S. A., Golabi, M., Seltzer, W. K., Gitelman, S. E., Golbus, M. S. Mental retardation locus in Xp21 chromosome microdeletion. Am. J. Med. Genet. 46: 363-368, 1993. [PubMed: 8357005, related citations] [Full Text]

  7. Kozak, L., Chiurazzi, P., Genuardi, M., Pomponi, M. G., Zollino, M., Neri, G. Mapping of a gene for non-specific X linked mental retardation: evidence for linkage to chromosomal region Xp21.3-Xp22.1. J. Med. Genet. 30: 866-869, 1993. [PubMed: 8230164, related citations] [Full Text]

  8. Lepretre, F., Delannoy, V., Froguel, P., Vasseur, F., Montpellier, C. Dissection of an inverted X(p21.3q27.1) chromosome associated with mental retardation. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 101: 124-129, 2003. [PubMed: 14610352, related citations] [Full Text]

  9. Nawara, M., Klapecki, J., Borg, K., Jurek, M., Moreno, S., Tryfon, J., Bal, J., Chelly, J., Mazurczak, T. Novel mutation of IL1RAPL1 gene in a nonspecific X-linked mental retardation (MRX) family. Am. J. Med. Genet. 146A: 3167-3172, 2008. [PubMed: 19012350, related citations] [Full Text]

  10. Parrish, J. E., Oostra, B. A., Verkerk, A. J. M. H., Richards, C. S., Reynolds, J., Spikes, A. S., Shaffer, L. G., Nelson, D. L. Isolation of a GCC repeat showing expansion in FRAXF, a fragile site distal to FRAXA and FRAXE. Nature Genet. 8: 229-235, 1994. [PubMed: 7874164, related citations] [Full Text]

  11. Piton, A., Michaud, J. L., Peng, H., Aradhya, S., Gauthier, J., Mottron, L., Champagne, N., Lafreniere, R. G., Hamdan, F. F., S2D Project Team, Joober, R., Fombonne, E., Marineau, C., Cossette, P., Dube, M.-P., Haghighi, P., Drapeau, P., Barker, P. A., Carbonetto, S., Rouleau, G. A. Mutations in the calcium-related gene IL1RAPL1 are associated with autism. Hum. Molec. Genet. 17: 3965-3974, 2008. [PubMed: 18801879, related citations] [Full Text]

  12. Raeymaekers, P., Lin, J., Gu, X. X., Soekarman, D., Cassiman, J.-J., Fryns, J.-P., Marynen, P. A form of non-specific mental retardation is probably caused by a microdeletion in a Belgian family. (Abstract) Am. J. Med. Genet. 64: 16 only, 1996.

  13. Tabolacci, E., Pomponi, M. G., Pietrobono, R., Terracciano, A., Chiurazzi, P., Neri, G. A truncating mutation in the IL1RAPL1 gene is responsible for X-linked mental retardation in the MRX21 family. Am. J. Med. Genet. 140A: 482-487, 2006. [PubMed: 16470793, related citations] [Full Text]

Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 9/21/2011
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 4/4/2011
Nara Sobreira - updated : 9/8/2009
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 3/17/2008
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 3/21/2006
Creation Date:
Ada Hamosh : 9/2/1998
carol : 08/02/2021
carol : 12/13/2017
carol : 09/09/2016
carol : 02/21/2014
carol : 9/22/2011
ckniffin : 9/21/2011
carol : 6/1/2011
wwang : 4/11/2011
ckniffin : 4/4/2011
carol : 9/8/2009
wwang : 3/18/2008
ckniffin : 3/17/2008
wwang : 3/24/2006
wwang : 3/23/2006
ckniffin : 3/21/2006
joanna : 3/18/2004
carol : 4/4/2003
ckniffin : 4/1/2003
alopez : 3/26/2003
alopez : 8/31/1999
carol : 9/4/1998
carol : 9/2/1998

# 300143


Alternative titles; symbols


ORPHA: 777;   DO: 0112022;  

Phenotype-Gene Relationships

Location Phenotype Phenotype
MIM number
Inheritance Phenotype
mapping key
Gene/Locus Gene/Locus
MIM number
Xp21.3-p21.2 Intellectual developmental disorder, X-linked 21 300143 X-linked recessive 3 IL1RAPL1 300206


A number sign (#) is used with this entry because X-linked intellectual developmental disorder-21 (XLID21) is caused by mutation in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206) on chromosome Xp21.


X-linked intellectual developmental disorder-21 (XLID21) is characterized by a spectrum of cognitive neurologic impairments or disabilities ranging from moderately impaired intellectual development to high-functioning autism. Males are typically severely affected, but some carrier females may manifest milder deficits (summary by Piton et al., 2008).

Clinical Features

Kozak et al. (1993) reported a 3-generation Italian family in which 4 male patients had moderate mental retardation without any specific or consistent phenotypic abnormalities. One obligate female carrier had mild retardation and another 2 had normal intelligence, suggesting incomplete penetrance in females.

Piton et al. (2008) reported a family in which 3 brothers had mental retardation with variable autistic features. The 8-year-old proband had mental retardation and showed some autistic signs, but was too impaired to be formally tested. The proband's 2 brothers had a less severe cognitive phenotype: one had pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDDNOS), and the other had mild mental retardation with repetitive behaviors, but no other signs of autism. Their carrier mother was unaffected.

Franek et al. (2011) reported 2 unrelated families with X-linked mental retardation resulting from deletions encompassing the immunoglobulin domain of the IL1RAPL1 gene. Three affected males in the first family had low IQ and other variable features, including hypotonia (2), pectus excavatum (2), prominent jaw (2), synophrys (2), and hyperextensible joints (2). Two had behavioral abnormalities, including impulsivity, oppositional disorder, and hyperactivity. One had pigmentary skin changes. Genetic analysis identified a 635-kb deletion spanning exons 2-5 in the IL1RAPL1 gene (see 300206.0003), although exact deletion breakpoints were not mapped. In the second family, there were 5 affected males, but only 2 brothers were described in detail. Both had moderate intellectual disability and seizures. Both had prominent jaw, strabismus, and hyperextensible elbows; 1 had synophrys and the other had depression. One of the brothers carried a fragile site at Xq28 (FRAXF; 300031) (Parrish et al., 1994), and both had a deletion of exons 1-5 of the IL1RAPL1 gene, which was inherited from their unaffected mother. None of the patients reported by Franek et al. (2011) had autism.

Clinical Variability

Piton et al. (2008) reported a French Canadian girl with high functioning autism consistent with Asperger syndrome and no mental retardation who had a heterozygous de novo 7-bp deletion (1730delTACTCTT) in exon 9 of the IL1RAPL1 gene, resulting in a frameshift and premature termination. The truncated protein was predicted to lack part of the transmembrane domain as well as the entire cytoplasmic domain and was not found in 276 control chromosomes. Although in vitro studies in rat hippocampal cells indicated that the deletion resulted in a loss of function, transfection of the truncated mutant alone did not affect neurite outgrowth.


By linkage analysis of a 3-generation Italian family with X-linked mental retardation, Kozak et al. (1993) found linkage to Xp22.3-p21.1 (maximum lod = 2.11 at theta = 0.00 with markers DXS164 and DXS278).


Fries et al. (1993) reported mentally retarded female carriers in 2 Xp21 deletion syndrome families with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD; 310200), glycerol kinase deficiency (GKD; 307030), and adrenal hypoplasia (AHC; 300200) in affected males. In the first family, with normal karyotypes, a submicroscopic deletion was associated with DMD in the retarded male and with retardation in carrier females. In the second family, an X chromosome with a cytogenetically deleted Xp21 distal to the OTC (300461) and RP (see 312610) genes segregated in the affected male and retarded female carriers.

Raeymaekers et al. (1996) described a Belgian family with 6 males with nonspecific moderate mental retardation associated with a microdeletion in the Xp22.1-p21.3 region. The family was designated MRX34. There was allelic loss of DXS1218 in all affected relatives.

Billuart et al. (1996) carried out PCR screening of DNA samples from 192 patients with MRX for the presence of deletions in the Xp22.1-p21.3 region in which a nonspecific mental retardation locus had been assigned on the basis of deletions associated with contiguous gene syndromes (Fries et al., 1993), linkage analysis (Kozak et al., 1993), and other evidence. Billuart et al. (1996) analyzed a panel of 12 X-linked microsatellites that map between POLA (312040) and DXS1020 on chromosome Xp22.1-p21.3. Analysis of 192 mentally retarded males led to the identification of a microdeletion that extended from DXS1202 to DXS1065 in 1 case of nonspecific X-linked severe mental retardation. The presence of the deletion was confirmed by Southern blot analysis using a probe at the DXS28 locus that maps between the microsatellite markers DXS1202 and DXS1065.

Des Portes et al. (1998) reported a family in which 2 males had nonspecific moderate mental retardation with no additional neurologic impairment, statural growth deficiency, or dysmorphic features. Both boys had a microdeletion in Xp22.1-21.3, which included markers DXS1202, DXS1061, and DXS1218. The authors cited 9 unrelated families affected with nonspecific mental retardation assigned to Xp22.1-p21.3.

In a 6-year-old boy with mental retardation, Lepretre et al. (2003) identified an X chromosome inversion, inv(X)(p21.3q27.1). A similar chromosomal rearrangement was detected in his mildly mentally retarded mother. FISH, using a panel of ordered YAC clones, allowed the identification of YACs spanning both the Xp21.3 and Xq27.1 breakpoints, where many nonspecific mental retardation loci had been reported. Further investigations by FISH showed that the IL1RAPL1 gene at Xp21.3 was disrupted by the inversion.

Bhat et al. (2008) reported a 7-year-old boy with developmental delay, features of autism, facial dysmorphism, and a pericentromeric inversion disrupting the IL1RAPL1 gene: inv(X)(p22.1q13). His mother, who also carried the inversion, had mild mental retardation and autism. She had also experienced a severe CNS infection as an infant.

Molecular Genetics

In a small family with X-linked mental retardation, Carrie et al. (1999) identified a mutation in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0001). The results suggested that signal transduction through multifunctional proteins of the immune system may be critical for the development of physiologic processes underlying cognitive function.

In 4 affected males from a family originally reported by Kozak et al. (1993) and designated MRX21, Tabolacci et al. (2006) identified a mutation in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0002). Two female mutation carriers demonstrated learning disabilities, although blood leukocytes showed X-inactivation patterns favoring the wildtype allele. Tabolacci et al. (2006) suggested that brain neurons may show different X-inactivation patterns.

In 4 affected males in a family segregating nonspecific mental retardation showing linkage to Xp22.11-p21.2, Nawara et al. (2008) identified a deletion of exons 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0003). The deletion was also identified in 3 obligatory female carriers, who were apparently of normal intelligence.

In 3 brothers with variable severity of cognitive impairment, ranging from mental retardation to autistic features, Piton et al. (2008) identified a hemizygous 730-kb deletion in the IL1RAPL1 gene (300206.0004). The mother carried the deletion but did not show any cognitive or behavioral abnormality. The deletion was identified by whole-genome search of copy number variants using comparative genomic hybridization.

Franek et al. (2011) identified a 635-kb deletion spanning exons 2-5 in the IL1RAPL1 gene (see 300206.0003) in 3 males from a family with X-linked mental retardation, although exact deletion breakpoints were not mapped. Two affected males from a second family had a deletion of exons 1-5 of the IL1RAPL1 gene, which was inherited from their unaffected mother. Franek et al. (2011) concluded that loss of function of the IL1RAPL1 protein is associated with intellectual disability.


  1. Bhat, S. S., Ladd, S., Grass, F., Spence, J. E., Brasington, C. K., Simensen, R. J., Schwartz, C. E., DuPont, B. R., Stevenson, R. E., Srivastava, A. K. Disruption of the IL1RAPL1 gene associated with a pericentromeric inversion of the X chromosome in a patient with mental retardation and autism. (Letter) Clin. Genet. 73: 94-96, 2008. [PubMed: 18005360] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1399-0004.2007.00920.x]

  2. Billuart, P., Vinet, M. C., des Portes, V., Llense, S., Richard, L., Moutard, M. L., Recan, D., Bruls, T., Bienvenu, T., Kahn, A., Beldjord, C., Chelly, J. Identification by STS PCR screening of a microdeletion in Xp21.3-22.1 associated with non-specific mental retardation. Hum. Molec. Genet. 5: 977-979, 1996. [PubMed: 8817333] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/5.7.977]

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Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 9/21/2011
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 4/4/2011
Nara Sobreira - updated : 9/8/2009
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 3/17/2008
Cassandra L. Kniffin - updated : 3/21/2006

Creation Date:
Ada Hamosh : 9/2/1998

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carol : 08/02/2021
carol : 12/13/2017
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carol : 02/21/2014
carol : 9/22/2011
ckniffin : 9/21/2011
carol : 6/1/2011
wwang : 4/11/2011
ckniffin : 4/4/2011
carol : 9/8/2009
wwang : 3/18/2008
ckniffin : 3/17/2008
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wwang : 3/23/2006
ckniffin : 3/21/2006
joanna : 3/18/2004
carol : 4/4/2003
ckniffin : 4/1/2003
alopez : 3/26/2003
alopez : 8/31/1999
carol : 9/4/1998
carol : 9/2/1998