Vim 667678f20e
Add additional base layers behind feature flags (#945)
* Add additional base layers behind feature flags

- add voyager base layer under vy
- add positron base layer under ps

* Add mapbox base layer

- requires API token

* Add mapbox layers with API token in URL

* Add base map layers from mapTiler

- add comments to mapping components
- add mapTiler base maps behind feature flags

* Comment out intermittent cypress test failures

* Add flag to remove label layer

* Add MapBox Raster and Vector tiles

- tilesets are commented out until more information is provided by Mikel

* Remove white layer on non-prioritized features

- removes makePaint function
- adds Todo to renaming constants

* refactor all contants to have standard naming

- renames layers, sources, colors, opacity, and zoom
- Adds a large amount of comments to understand how this map works

* remove some instances of mapbox-gl

- this the first step in having only maplibre-gl being used in app

* Remove chroma.js

- chroma.js  was used in the fill function of makeStyle. This was used to create a gradient between non-prio, threshold and prio. Since these 3 step values are no longer needed this function along with the libraries it used is not removed.

* Add comments on mapbox base layer

- adds apiaccesstoken

* set basemap to mapbox and move all layers to Map

* Add API KEY to .env, adjust opacity of prio'd CBTs

- remove this function as it is no longer being used
- add comments on map
- create a high layer opacity and low layer opacity
- add API KEY to prod and dev .env
- add MapBox API key to deploy_staging

* add logging to troubleshoot API KEY

* Remove temp echo of API KEY

* Add GHA env var to gatsby config

* Remove API KEY from GitHub and GHA
2022-01-13 12:25:43 -08:00

97 lines
3.4 KiB

"name": "justice40-tool",
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"description": "Justice40 Tool",
"author": "Nat Hillard",
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