Vim USDS 32f2609dde Add dropdown to navigation links
- add download page
- move main pages tests to their own folder
- add download and public eng snapshot test
- remove public engagement button on each page
- swap index with cejst
- update cypress ENDPOINTS
- upate gatsby-config sitemap
- update snapshots
- cypress tests are failing
2022-04-05 13:26:00 -07:00

23 lines
928 B

// / <reference types="Cypress" />
// describe('Does the Census Block Group packet download?', () => {
// const filename = `Screening_Tool_Data.zip`;
// it('validate file download', () => {
// cy.visit('localhost:8000/en/methodology');
// cy.get('[data-cy="download-link"]').invoke('attr', 'target', '_blank').invoke('attr', 'download');
// cy.intercept('GET', '/data-pipeline/data/score/downloadable/Screening_Tool_Data.zip',
// {
// hostname: 'https://d3jqyw10j8e7p9.cloudfront.net',
// body: 'success',
// headers: {
// 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
// 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment',
// },
// },
// ).as('downloadRequest');
// cy.get('button[class*="downloadPacket"]').click();
// cy.wait('@downloadRequest');
// cy.readFile(`cypress/downloads/${filename}`).should('exist');
// });
// });