Vim USDS abf49a9cbc Make all page endpoints constants
- fix all cypress tests
- refactor all test to use LegacyTests/constants/PAGES_ENDPOINTS
- gatsby-config to use PAGES_ENDPOINTS
- remove ScoreStepList component
- update J40Header to use constants.PAGES_ENDPOINTS
- update snapshots
- there are 3 locations to update PAGES_ENDPOINTS, namely

1. LegacyTests/constants.tsx
2. constants.tsx
3. gatsby-config
2022-04-05 13:27:55 -07:00

18 lines
566 B

// / <reference types="Cypress" />
import {PAGES_ENDPOINTS} from './constants';
describe('Navigate to each endpoint', () => {
Object.values(PAGES_ENDPOINTS).map((endpoint) =>
it(`for the ${endpoint} page, it adds /en and redirects`, () => {
cy.url().should('include', '/en/');
// Todo VS: Understand how to create es content
// it('Sets page content to spanish when visiting Spanish URL', () => {
// cy.visit('http://localhost:8000/es');
// cy.get('h1').contains('Acerca de Justice40');
// });