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synced 2025-02-23 10:04:18 -08:00
* Adds flake8, pylint, liccheck, flake8 to dependencies for data-pipeline * Sets up and runs black autoformatting * Adds flake8 to tox linting * Fixes flake8 error F541 f string missing placeholders * Fixes flake8 E501 line too long * Fixes flake8 F401 imported but not used * Adds pylint to tox and disables the following pylint errors: - C0114: module docstrings - R0201: method could have been a function - R0903: too few public methods - C0103: name case styling - W0511: fix me - W1203: f-string interpolation in logging * Adds utils.py to tox.ini linting, runs black on utils.py * Fixes import related pylint errors: C0411 and C0412 * Fixes or ignores remaining pylint errors (for discussion later) * Adds safety and liccheck to tox.ini
20 lines
636 B
20 lines
636 B
# required because we use pyproject.toml
isolated_build = true
envlist = py37, py38, py39, lint, checkdeps
# only checks python versions installed locally
skip_missing_interpreters = true
# lints python code in src and tests
basepython = python3.9
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = black etl application.py config.py utils.py
flake8 etl application.py config.py utils.py
# pylint etl application.py config.py utils.py
# checks the dependencies for security vulnerabilities and open source licenses
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = safety check