Vim 522872037a
Website copy layout styling updates for Tuesday launch (#685)
* Add basic accordion in AreaDetail

* Refactor AreaDetail to use a Grid layout

- adds useWindowSize to detect window resizes for mobile view
- Map and AreaDetail to use Grid
- removes some component styling from J40
- updates snapshot
- MapWrapper to use Grid

* Add custom Accordion styling

- make J40 map a 9:3 Grid layout split
- override native Accordion heading styles
- make the Accordion multi-selectable
- add some dummy data for indicators

* Update AreaDetail to match design

- remove styles in AreaDetail
- increase height of MapInfoPanel
- add Accordian items (indicators)
- updates snapshot

* Add a Beta Tag to the logo

* Change the line height on indicators descriptions

* Update package-lock after the rebase

* Remove threshold from MapLegend

- move feature selected border color to utils
- remove all tooltip logic
- remove all styles associated with tooltips
- add legend label and descript to constants
- refactor tests to be snapshots

* Add borders between additional indicators

* Modify copy and update styles

- add the ordinal superscript back
- update the copy
- update the snapshots

* Add additional indicators keys

* Connect indicator keys to the UI

- update the areaDetail snapshot

* Render additional indicators accordion open onLoad

- update snapshot

* Update copy on About page

* Update copy on indicator descriptions

- update snapshots

* Update the "How you can help section"

- update the snapshot

* Add a comma to "ZIP file will contain..."

* Add the Datasets section to the methodology page

- update snapshot

* Update Methodology process list to trussworks

- remove custom process list
- remove custom CSS from global file
- change copy

* Modify layout of Methodology to using Grid

- modify Dataset section to use Grid
- remove outdated component CSS
- update the snapshot

* Update copy based on product feedback

- update snapshots

* Remove Accordions

- updates snapshots
- white CBG groups will show "Not community of focus"
2021-09-16 10:21:25 -07:00

94 lines
3.3 KiB

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