mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 10:04:18 -08:00
* Adds the PrioritizationCopy and TractPriotization - adds both components - removes logic around selecting AK data points - update snapshots * Add tests for TractPrioritization * Adds tests for PrioritizationCopy * Add income icon and tilde - this is dependent on imputed income and adjacency * Add tool tip to low income icon * Update snapshots * Removing AreaDetail test to allow tooltip library - This library react-tooltip creates random DOM ID which will not allow for snapshot testing as he IDs change on each build. Due to time constraints, we simply removed the AreaDetails test. The AreaDetails component is made up of sub component and each sub component has tests so this is low risk. - This is a temporary solution. Some longer terms solutions may be 1. Remove this library and get the USWDS tool tip to work 2. Re-factor the areaDetail.tests.tsx snapshot tests to do more DOM assertions rather than snapshots 3. Some combination of the two. * Fix Tribal percentage error
102 lines
3.6 KiB
102 lines
3.6 KiB
"name": "justice40-tool",
"version": "1.0.0",
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"description": "Justice40 Tool",
"author": "Nat Hillard",
"keywords": [
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"test": "jest",
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"test:intl-extraction": "node src/intl/testIntlExtraction",
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