Vim USDS 32f2609dde Add dropdown to navigation links
- add download page
- move main pages tests to their own folder
- add download and public eng snapshot test
- remove public engagement button on each page
- swap index with cejst
- update cypress ENDPOINTS
- upate gatsby-config sitemap
- update snapshots
- cypress tests are failing
2022-04-05 13:26:00 -07:00

15 lines
518 B

// / <reference types="Cypress" />
describe('Translation Test', () => {
it('Sets default language to /en and redirects', () => {
cy.url().should('include', '/en/');
// cy.get('[data-cy=about-page-heading]').contains('About');
// Todo VS: Understand how to create es content
// it('Sets page content to spanish when visiting Spanish URL', () => {
// cy.visit('http://localhost:8000/es');
// cy.get('h1').contains('Acerca de Justice40');
// });