graph LR subgraph c["Community"] input["Community Input"] end subgraph ds["Data Selection (vision)"] input --> Intake input --> Evolution input --> Voting Intake --> Evolution --> Voting end subgraph s["Hosted by"] subgraph dp["Data Pipeline (Justice40 Repo)"] Voting --> a["Approved Datasets"] a -- ETL --> ncsv["Normalized CSVs"] ncsv--"Score Generation"--> ScoreCSV["Full CSV with Data and Score"] ScoreCSV-->GeoJSON GeoJSON-->MVT["Uncompressed MVT Tiles"] end subgraph j40["Justice40 Client"] MVT --"API (S3 Access)"--> vl["Justice40 Visualization Library (MapLibre)"] vl --> fe["Justice40 Static Site Frontend (Gatsby)"] end end subgraph oc["Other Clients"] ScoreCSV --"API (S3 Access)" --> DS["Data Scientists"] GeoJSON -- "API (S3 Access)" --> 3["Third Party Apps"] MVT -- "API (S3 Access)" --> 3["Third Party Apps"] end