import csv import json import os from pathlib import Path import subprocess import geopandas as gpd from data_pipeline.utils import get_module_logger, unzip_file_from_url from .etl_utils import get_state_fips_codes logger = get_module_logger(__name__) def download_census_csvs(data_path: Path) -> None: """Download all census shape files from the Census FTP and extract the geojson to generate national and by state Census Block Group CSVs and GeoJSONs Args: data_path (pathlib.Path): Name of the directory where the files and directories will be created Returns: None """ # the fips_states_2010.csv is generated from data here # state_fips_codes = get_state_fips_codes(data_path) geojson_dir_path = data_path / "census" / "geojson" for fips in state_fips_codes: # check if file exists shp_file_path: Path = ( data_path / "census" / "shp" / fips / f"tl_2010_{fips}_bg10.shp" ) geojson_file_path = data_path / "census" / "geojson" / f"{fips}.json""Checking if {fips} shp file exists") if not shp_file_path.is_file(): f"{fips} shp file does not exist. Downloading and extracting shape file" ) # 2020 tiger data is here: # But using 2010 for now cbg_state_url = f"{fips}" unzip_file_from_url( cbg_state_url, data_path / "tmp", data_path / "census" / "shp" / fips, )"Checking if {fips} geoJSON file exists ") if not geojson_file_path.is_file(): f"GeoJSON file {fips} does not exist. Converting shp to geoJSON" ) cmd = [ "ogr2ogr", "-f", "GeoJSON", str(geojson_file_path), str(shp_file_path), ], check=True) # generate CBG CSV table for pandas ## load in memory cbg_national = [] # in-memory global list cbg_per_state: dict = {} # in-memory dict per state for file in os.listdir(geojson_dir_path): if file.endswith(".json"):"Ingesting geoid10 for file {file}") with open(geojson_dir_path / file) as f: geojson = json.load(f) for feature in geojson["features"]: geoid10 = feature["properties"]["GEOID10"] cbg_national.append(str(geoid10)) geoid10_state_id = geoid10[:2] if not cbg_per_state.get(geoid10_state_id): cbg_per_state[geoid10_state_id] = [] cbg_per_state[geoid10_state_id].append(geoid10) csv_dir_path = data_path / "census" / "csv" ## write to individual state csv for state_id in cbg_per_state: geoid10_list = cbg_per_state[state_id] with open( csv_dir_path / f"{state_id}.csv", mode="w", newline="" ) as cbg_csv_file: cbg_csv_file_writer = csv.writer( cbg_csv_file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, ) for geoid10 in geoid10_list: cbg_csv_file_writer.writerow( [ geoid10, ] ) ## write US csv"Writing national us.csv file") with open(csv_dir_path / "us.csv", mode="w", newline="") as cbg_csv_file: cbg_csv_file_writer = csv.writer( cbg_csv_file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, ) for geoid10 in cbg_national: cbg_csv_file_writer.writerow( [ geoid10, ] ) ## create national geojson"Generating national geojson file") usa_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame() for file_name in geojson_dir_path.rglob("*.json"):"Ingesting {file_name}") state_gdf = gpd.read_file(file_name) usa_df = usa_df.append(state_gdf) usa_df = usa_df.to_crs("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")"Writing national geojson file") usa_df.to_file(geojson_dir_path / "us.json", driver="GeoJSON")"Census block groups downloading complete")