U.S. flag

An official website of the United States government

Public beta - This website will be continuously updated

Limited data sources — This tool currently includes 16 datasets. Over time, datasets could be added, updated, or removed. The datasets come from a variety of sources based on availability, quality, and relevance to environmental, energy, and climate issues. Each dataset has limitations, such as how recently the data was updated.

Explore the tool

Zoom into the map to see which communities the tool has currently identified as prioritized (the top 25% of communities) or on the threshold. Learn more about the formula and datasets that were used to prioritize these communities on the Data & methodology page.


Prioritized community
Communities that have cumulative index score of Xth percentile and above
Threshold community
Communities with a cumulative index score between Y - X.99th percentile
Limited data sources — Datasets may be added, updated, or removed.
ZIP file will contain one .xlsx, one .csv and one .pdf (30 MB).

How You Can Help Improve the Tool