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An official website of the United States government

Public beta - This website will be continuously updated

Limited data sources — This tool currently includes 16 datasets. Over time, datasets could be added, updated, or removed. The datasets come from a variety of sources based on availability, quality, and relevance to environmental, energy, and climate issues. Each dataset has limitations, such as how recently the data was updated.

Just Progress communities

Just Progress helps identify and prioritize communities across the United States and U.S. territories that have been historically overburdened and underserved. These communities will receive 40% of the benefits from investments in key areas outlined by the  Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.

Download the Just Progress packet or explore the map below to see the list of prioritized communities. To learn more about how these communities were prioritized check out the  Methodology  page.

Just Progress Packet
This downloadable packet includes the list of Just Progress prioritized communities (30,021 census block groups) and 18 datasets.

Explore the Tool


Prioritized Community
Threshold Community
Non-Prioritized Community

How You Can Help Improve the Tool

  • If you have information that could help, we’d love to hear from you.
  • View our full set of data sources and methodology where you can add or download sources and check statuses on our data roadmap.
  • Check out our timeline and send feedback or attend relevant events.
  • Contact us and share the stories of your community.