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The methodology for identifying communities of focus is currently in a draft, pre-decisional form that may change over time as more datasets become available.

Draft communities list (pre-decisional, 137MB)
The package includes the draft list of prioritized communities (.csv and .xlsx). This information should not be used to make program resource allocation decisions.

Limited data sourcesDatasets may be added, updated, or removed.

Datasets used methodology

The datasets come from a variety of sources and were selected based on relevance, availability, recency, and quality. The datasets seek to identify a range of human health, environmental, climate-related, and other cumulative impacts on disadvantaged communities.

Area Median Income

What is it?
Median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the metropolitan area’s or state's median income.

Households below 100% of the federal poverty line

What is it?
Percent of a block group's population in households where the household income is at or below 100% the federal "poverty level."

Education. less than high school education

What is it?
Percent of people age 25 or older in a block group whose education is short of a high school diploma.


What is it?
People ages 18 years and up who report having ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy.


What is it?
Weighted number of respondents people who answer “yes” both to both of the following questions: “Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?” and the question “Do you still have asthma?”

Heart disase

What is it?
People ages 18 years and up who report ever having been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or coronary heart disease.

Life expectancy

What is it?
Estimated years of life expectancy.

Traffic proximity and volume

What is it?
Count of vehicles (average annual daily traffic) at major roads within 500 meters, divided by distance in meters (not km).

FEMA Risk Index Expected Annual Loss Score

What is it?
Average economic loss in dollars resulting from natural hazards each year. It is calculated for each hazard type and quantifies loss for relevant consequence types: buildings, people, and agriculture.

Energy burden

What is it?
Average annual energy cost ($) divided by household income.

Housing cost burden

What is it?
Households that are low income and spend more than 30% of their income to housing costs.

Wastewater discharge

What is it?
RSEI modeled Toxic Concentrations at stream segments within 500 meters, divided by distance in kilometers (km).

Lead paint

What is it?
Percent of housing units built pre-1960, used as an indicator of potential lead paint exposure in homes.

Diesel particulate matter

What is it?
Mixture of particles that is part of diesel exhaust in the air.
  • Data resolution: Census block group
  • Data source: U.S. Census Bureau
  • Data date range: 5-year estimates, 2015-2019


What is it?
Fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller.


The methodology for identifying communities of focus is calculated at the census block group level. Census block geographical boundaries are determined by the U.S. Census Bureau once every ten years. This tool utilizes the census block boundaries from 2010.

The following describes the process for identifying disadvantaged communities.

  1. Gather datasets

    Data inputs

    The methodology includes the following inputs that are equally weighted.

    Percent of Area Median Income

    If a census block group is in a metropolitan area, this value is the median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the metropolitan area’s median income.

    If a census block group is not in a metropolitan area, this value is the median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the state’s median income.

    Percent of households below or at 100% of the federal poverty line

    This is the percent of households in a state with a household income below or at 100% of the federal poverty line. This federal poverty line is calculated based on the composition of each household (e.g., based on household size), but it does not vary geographically.

    The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older

    The percent of individuals who are 25 or older who have received a high school degree.

  2. Current Formula

    Under the existing formula, a census block group will be considered a community of focus if:

    (The median income is <80% of the area median income OR

    households living in poverty (at or below 100% of the federal poverty level) is >20%)


    The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older is <95%