import unittest from unittest import mock import yamale from data_roadmap.utils.utils_data_set_description_schema import ( load_data_set_description_schema, load_data_set_description_field_descriptions, validate_descriptions_for_schema, validate_all_data_set_descriptions, write_data_set_description_template_file, ) class UtilsDataSetDescriptionSchema(unittest.TestCase): @mock.patch("yamale.make_schema") def test_load_data_set_description_schema(self, make_schema_mock): load_data_set_description_schema(file_path="mock.yaml") make_schema_mock.assert_called_once_with(path="mock.yaml") @mock.patch("yaml.safe_load") def test_load_data_set_description_field_descriptions(self, yaml_safe_load_mock): # Note: this isn't a great test, we could mock the actual YAML to # make it better. - Lucas mock_dict = { "name": "The name of the thing.", "age": "The age of the thing.", "height": "The height of the thing.", "awesome": "The awesome of the thing.", "field": "The field of the thing.", } yaml_safe_load_mock.return_value = mock_dict field_descriptions = load_data_set_description_field_descriptions() yaml_safe_load_mock.assert_called_once() self.assertDictEqual(field_descriptions, mock_dict) def test_validate_descriptions_for_schema(self): # Test when all descriptions are present. field_descriptions = { "name": "The name of the thing.", "age": "The age of the thing.", "height": "The height of the thing.", "awesome": "The awesome of the thing.", "field": "The field of the thing.", } schema = yamale.make_schema( content=""" name: str() age: int(max=200) height: num() awesome: bool() field: enum('option 1', 'option 2') """ ) # Should pass. validate_descriptions_for_schema( schema=schema, field_descriptions=field_descriptions ) field_descriptions_missing_one = { "name": "The name of the thing.", "age": "The age of the thing.", "height": "The height of the thing.", "awesome": "The awesome of the thing.", } # Should fail because of the missing field description. with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context_manager: validate_descriptions_for_schema( schema=schema, field_descriptions=field_descriptions_missing_one ) # Using `assertIn` because the file path is returned in the error # message, and it varies based on environment. self.assertIn( "Field `field` does not have a description. Please add one to file", str(context_manager.exception), ) field_descriptions_extra_one = { "name": "The name of the thing.", "age": "The age of the thing.", "height": "The height of the thing.", "awesome": "The awesome of the thing.", "field": "The field of the thing.", "extra": "Extra description.", } # Should fail because of the extra field description. with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context_manager: validate_descriptions_for_schema( schema=schema, field_descriptions=field_descriptions_extra_one ) # Using `assertIn` because the file path is returned in the error # message, and it varies based on environment. self.assertEquals( "Field `extra` has a description but is not in the schema.", str(context_manager.exception), ) def test_validate_all_data_set_descriptions(self): # Setup a few examples of `yamale` data *before* we mock the `make_data` # function. valid_data = yamale.make_data( content=""" name: Bill age: 26 height: 6.2 awesome: True field: option 1 """ ) invalid_data_1 = yamale.make_data( content=""" name: Bill age: asdf height: 6.2 awesome: asdf field: option 1 """ ) invalid_data_2 = yamale.make_data( content=""" age: 26 height: 6.2 awesome: True field: option 1 """ ) # Mock `make_data`. with mock.patch.object( yamale, "make_data", return_value=None ) as yamale_make_data_mock: schema = yamale.make_schema( content=""" name: str() age: int(max=200) height: num() awesome: bool() field: enum('option 1', 'option 2') """ ) # Make the `make_data` method return valid data. yamale_make_data_mock.return_value = valid_data # Should pass. validate_all_data_set_descriptions(data_set_description_schema=schema) # Make some of the data invalid. yamale_make_data_mock.return_value = invalid_data_1 # Should fail because of the invalid field values. with self.assertRaises(yamale.YamaleError) as context_manager: validate_all_data_set_descriptions(data_set_description_schema=schema) self.assertEqual( str(context_manager.exception), """Error validating data age: 'asdf' is not a int. awesome: 'asdf' is not a bool.""", ) # Make some of the data missing. yamale_make_data_mock.return_value = invalid_data_2 # Should fail because of the missing fields. with self.assertRaises(yamale.YamaleError) as context_manager: validate_all_data_set_descriptions(data_set_description_schema=schema) self.assertEqual( str(context_manager.exception), """Error validating data name: Required field missing""", ) @mock.patch("", new_callable=mock.mock_open) def test_write_data_set_description_template_file(self, builtins_writelines_mock): schema = yamale.make_schema( content=""" name: str() age: int(max=200) height: num() awesome: bool() field: enum('option 1', 'option 2') """ ) data_set_description_field_descriptions = { "name": "The name of the thing.", "age": "The age of the thing.", "height": "The height of the thing.", "awesome": "The awesome of the thing.", "field": "The field of the thing.", } write_data_set_description_template_file( data_set_description_schema=schema, data_set_description_field_descriptions=data_set_description_field_descriptions, template_file_path="mock_template.yaml", ) call_to_writelines = builtins_writelines_mock.mock_calls[2][1][0] self.assertListEqual( call_to_writelines, [ "# Note: This template is automatically generated by the function\n" "# `write_data_set_description_template_file` from the schema\n" "# and field descriptions files. Do not manually edit this file.\n\n", "name: \n", "# Description: The name of the thing.\n", "# Required field: True\n", "# Field type: str\n", "\n", "age: \n", "# Description: The age of the thing.\n", "# Required field: True\n", "# Field type: int\n", "\n", "height: \n", "# Description: The height of the thing.\n", "# Required field: True\n", "# Field type: num\n", "\n", "awesome: \n", "# Description: The awesome of the thing.\n", "# Required field: True\n", "# Field type: bool\n", "\n", "field: \n", "# Description: The field of the thing.\n", "# Required field: True\n", "# Field type: enum\n", "# Valid choices are one of the following: ('option 1', 'option 2')\n", "\n", ], )