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Public beta — Welcome to the public beta of the Just Progress Map, a climate and economic justice screening tool. The tool will be continuously updated. Please submit feedback.

Limited data sources — This tool currently includes 16 datasets. Over time, datasets could be added, updated, or removed. The datasets come from a variety of sources based on availability, quality, and relevance to environmental, energy, and climate issues. Each dataset has limitations, such as how recently the data was updated.


Throughout the Process

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Continuously engage with stakeholders and community members to get feedback on the screening tool, scoring, and overall process.

Continuously source data that meets data principles as defined through community input.


  1. Milestone 1

    Publish data principles on this site by June 2021.

  2. Milestone 2

    Make the first version of a screening tool available by July 2021.

  3. Milestone 3

    Create a public scorecard to ensure accountability of investments by February 2022.