# Rollback Plan > Note: This guide is up to date as of [this commit](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/commit/0d57dd572be027a2fc8b1625958ed68c4b900653), 12/16/2021. If you want to sanity check that this guide is still relevant, go to [Rollback Details](#rollback-details). ## When To Rollback? If for some reason the final map data that has been generated by the pipeline has become incorrect or is missing, this page documents the emergency steps to get the data back to a known good state. ## Rollback Theory The theory of rollback depends on two things: 1. The s3 bucket containing our data uses [s3 bucket versioning](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/Versioning.html), allowing us to revert specific files back to a previous version. 2. The [Combine and Tileify step](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/blob/main/.github/workflows/combine-tilefy.yml) consumes only two files in s3 as input, making the strategy of reverting those files to a previous version a feasible way to run this job against a previous version. If you feel confident in this and want to do the rollback now, proceed to [Rollback Steps](#rollback-steps). If you want to understand more deeply what's going on, and sanity check that the code hasn't changed since this guide was written, go to [Rollback Details](#rollback-details). ## Rollback Steps ### 1. List Object Versions ```shell aws s3api list-object-versions \ --bucket justice40-data \ --prefix data-sources/census.zip \ --query "Versions[*].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId,LastModified:LastModified}" ``` You should get something like: ``` [ ... { "Key": "data-sources/census.zip", "VersionId": "", "LastModified": "2021-11-29T18:57:40+00:00" } ... ] ``` Do the same thing with the score file: ```shell aws s3api list-object-versions \ --bucket justice40-data \ --prefix data-pipeline/data/score/csv/tiles/usa.csv \ --query "Versions[*].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId,LastModified:LastModified}" ``` ### 2. Download Previous Version Based on the output from the commands above, select the `` of the known good version of that file, and run the following command to download it: ```shell aws s3api get-object \ --bucket justice40-data \ --key data-sources/census.zip \ --version-id \ census.zip ``` Do the same for the score file: ```shell aws s3api get-object \ --bucket justice40-data \ --key data-pipeline/data/score/csv/tiles/usa.csv \ --version-id \ usa.csv ``` > Note: This command doesn't give you feedback like `curl` does on download progress, it just sits there. To verify the download is happening, open another terminal and check the output file size. ### 3. Upload New Version After you've verified that the local files are correct, you can overwrite the live versions by running a normal s3 copy: ```shell aws s3 cp census.zip s3://justice40-data/data-sources/census.zip aws s3 cp usa.csv s3://justice40-data/data-pipeline/data/score/csv/tiles/usa.csv ``` ### 4. Rerun Combine and Tileify Run the [Combine and Tileify Github Action](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/actions/workflows/combine-tilefy.yml) to regenerate the map tiles from the data you just rolled back. ## Rollback Details > Note: The links to the relevant code are included alongside the relevant snippets as a defense against this page becoming outdated. Make sure the code matches what the links point to, and verify that things still work as this guide assumes. The relevant step that consumes the files from s3 should be in the [Combine and Tileify Job](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/blob/main/.github/workflows/combine-tilefy.yml#L56-L59): ```yaml - name: Run Scripts run: | poetry run python3 data_pipeline/application.py geo-score -s aws poetry run python3 data_pipeline/application.py generate-map-tiles ``` This runs the [`score_geo` task](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/blob/main/data/data-pipeline/data_pipeline/application.py#L166): ```python score_geo(data_source=data_source) ``` This uses the [`GeoScoreETL` object to run the etl](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/blob/main/data/data-pipeline/data_pipeline/etl/runner.py#L121-L124): ```python score_geo = GeoScoreETL(data_source=data_source) score_geo.extract() score_geo.transform() score_geo.load() ``` In the extract step, `GeoScoreETL` calls [`check_census_data` and `check_score_data`](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/blob/main/data/data-pipeline/data_pipeline/etl/score/etl_score_geo.py#L57-L67): ```python # check census data check_census_data_source( census_data_path=self.DATA_PATH / "census", census_data_source=self.DATA_SOURCE, ) # check score data check_score_data_source( score_csv_data_path=self.SCORE_CSV_PATH, score_data_source=self.DATA_SOURCE, ) ``` The `check_score_data_source` function downloads [one file from s3](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/blob/main/data/data-pipeline/data_pipeline/etl/score/etl_utils.py#L32-L43): ```python TILE_SCORE_CSV_S3_URL = ( settings.AWS_JUSTICE40_DATAPIPELINE_URL + "/data/score/csv/tiles/usa.csv" ) TILE_SCORE_CSV = score_csv_data_path / "tiles" / "usa.csv" # download from s3 if census_data_source is aws if score_data_source == "aws": logger.info("Fetching Score Tile data from AWS S3") download_file_from_url( file_url=TILE_SCORE_CSV_S3_URL, download_file_name=TILE_SCORE_CSV ) ``` This can be found here: ``` % aws s3 ls s3://justice40-data/data-pipeline/data/score/csv/tiles/usa.csv 2021-12-13 15:23:49 27845542 usa.csv % curl --head https://justice40-data.s3.amazonaws.com/data-pipeline/data/score/csv/tiles/usa.csv HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... ``` The `check_census_data_source` function downloads [one file from s3](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/blob/main/data/data-pipeline/data_pipeline/etl/sources/census/etl_utils.py#L99-L109): ```python CENSUS_DATA_S3_URL = settings.AWS_JUSTICE40_DATASOURCES_URL + "/census.zip" DATA_PATH = settings.APP_ROOT / "data" # download from s3 if census_data_source is aws if census_data_source == "aws": logger.info("Fetching Census data from AWS S3") unzip_file_from_url( CENSUS_DATA_S3_URL, DATA_PATH / "tmp", DATA_PATH, ) ``` This can be found here: ``` % aws s3 ls s3://justice40-data/data-sources/census.zip 2021-11-29 13:57:40 845390373 census.zip % curl --head https://justice40-data.s3.amazonaws.com/data-sources/census.zip HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... ``` So this is how to see that the pipeline needs those two files. You can also confirm this in the [Combine and Tileify Github Action logs](https://github.com/usds/justice40-tool/actions/workflows/combine-tilefy.yml). If you feel confident in this and want to do the rollback now, proceed to [Rollback Steps](#rollback-steps).