#!/bin/bash echo echo "[pre-commit hook msg]: running pre-commit hook ..." # Husky by default expects pre-commit hooks in the root directory. We set up a custom directory for the client folder # https://typicode.github.io/husky/#/?id=custom-directory cd client # This file will automatically run intl:extract and compile on every commit # write the extracted errors into a file npm run intl:extract 2> extract-err.txt # check the extracted error files for warnings and abort commit if found if grep -F "warning" extract-err.txt then echo echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: ALERT: warnings found in extraction process. Please remove warnings and re-run "npm run intl:extract"' echo echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: aborting commit...' echo echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: removing extract-err file...' echo rm extract-err.txt echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: pre-commit hook incomplete.' echo exit 1 else echo echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: no warnings found, continuing with commit ...' echo echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: removing extract-err file ...' echo rm extract-err.txt echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: adding en.json to staging area ...' echo # add the en.json to staging so that the pre-commit hook can include it in the commit git add src/intl/en.json echo '[pre-commit hook msg]: pre-commit hook complete.' echo fi