* Add script to un-nest the translated es.json file
* Update unit tests
* Update i18n IDs to conformity
* Update READMEs
* Make ordinal values in sidepanel i18n compliant
* remove redudant IDs in en.json
* Add oridinal i18n to IndicatorValue sub-text
* Update plurals in sidepanel
- Disadvantaged in 1 category
- Disadvantaged in 5 categories
- At or above 1 threshold
- At or above 10 thresholds
* Add en.json link to GHA
* Enable FormatJS linter rules to catch i18n issues
* Testing if commit hash will render in PR message
* Testing if commit hash will render in PR message
* Enable allow repeats
* Try to add run command
* remove attempts to link to en.json
* Define COMMIT HASH env variable
* Move commit hash to deploy job
* Fixed es.json
- converted remaining english to spanish in file so as to check more locations.
- the `formatjs compile` for Spanish was failing converted back to english for now. build does the correct thing, so it's more just to keep things correct in source.
* add support for eslint-plugin-formatjs
- eslint rules for formatjs
- we are mostly protected by typescript checking, but this is a nice sanity check.
* using the higher-level react-testing-library, and regenerating snapshot - renders real DOM elements
* Basic e2e testing with Cypress, following the guide here: https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/how-to/testing/end-to-end-testing/ ; needed to install cypress-local to avoid jest-cypress collision
* Adding accessibility testing support and basic a11y tests
* adding failure logging
* Adding nightly test run
* Fix misc stuff from lighthouse (#81)
* Removing local-cypress, relying instead on a combination
of type reference and eslint-plugin-cypress;
adding cypress to jest ignore paths to avoid conflict -
`npm test` is now jest-only, use `npm run test:e2e` to run cypress tests
* updating comment to clarify timezone
Addresses #11 item "Linting/formatting (eg eslnt, prettier)":
* Adding eslint, prettier, and config targeting Google, typescript, and both nodejs and client builds
* Addressing linter-found issues
* Adding lint and lint:fix commands
* Adding documentation
* Renaming workflow and adding lint check
* Adding documentation about VSCode linting/formatting, ran formatting on a few files, set up exclude list for gatsby develop, setup build to fail on error