diff --git a/client/cypress/integration/DatasetLinks.feature b/client/cypress/integration/DatasetLinks.feature
index 67dedf0f..29fd26ce 100644
--- a/client/cypress/integration/DatasetLinks.feature
+++ b/client/cypress/integration/DatasetLinks.feature
@@ -4,8 +4,3 @@ Feature: All links on the dataset cards should be functional
Given I am on the "Methodology" page
When I look for the "Datasets used in methodology" CTA
Then All links under "Datasets used in methodology" should work
- Scenario: If I click on any link in the additional indicators dataset, they should work
- Given I am on the "Methodology" page
- When I look for the "Additional Indicators" CTA
- Then All links under "Additional Indicators" should work
diff --git a/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.module.scss b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.module.scss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59264719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.module.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@use '../../styles/design-system.scss' as *;
+.categoriesContainer {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ flex-wrap: wrap;
+ @include u-margin-top(4);
diff --git a/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.module.scss.d.ts b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.module.scss.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e442d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.module.scss.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+declare namespace CategoriesNamespace {
+ export interface ICategoriesScss {
+ categoriesContainer: string;
+ }
+ }
+declare const CategoriesScssModule: CategoriesNamespace.ICategoriesScss & {
+ /** WARNING: Only available when `css-loader` is used without `style-loader` or `mini-css-extract-plugin` */
+ locals: CategoriesNamespace.ICategoriesScss;
+ };
+ export = CategoriesScssModule;
diff --git a/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.test.tsx b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24a00d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {render} from '@testing-library/react';
+import {LocalizedComponent} from '../../test/testHelpers';
+import Categories from './Categories';
+describe('rendering of the Categories', () => {
+ const {asFragment} = render(
+ ,
+ );
+ it('checks if component renders', () => {
+ expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
diff --git a/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.tsx b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11620154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/Categories/Categories.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Grid} from '@trussworks/react-uswds';
+import IndicatorCategory from '../CategoryCard';
+import J40MainGridContainer from '../J40MainGridContainer';
+import * as METHODOLOGY_COPY from '../../data/copy/methodology';
+import * as styles from './Categories.module.scss';
+const categories = [
+const Categories = () => {
+ return (
+ <>
diff --git a/client/src/components/DatasetCard/tests/__snapshots__/datasetCard.test.tsx.snap b/client/src/components/DatasetCard/tests/__snapshots__/datasetCard.test.tsx.snap
index eb464f92..91bd5c18 100644
--- a/client/src/components/DatasetCard/tests/__snapshots__/datasetCard.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/client/src/components/DatasetCard/tests/__snapshots__/datasetCard.test.tsx.snap
@@ -1,41 +1,43 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`rendering of addtional indicator dataset card checks if component renders 1`] = ``;
exports[`rendering of indicator dataset card checks if component renders 1`] = `
- Area Median Income
+ Low Income
- Median income of the census block group calculated as a percent
- of the metropolitan area’s or state's median income.
+ Percent of a block group's population in households where household income is at or below
+ 200% of the federal poverty level.
diff --git a/client/src/components/DatasetContainer/tests/__snapshots__/datasetContainer.test.tsx.snap b/client/src/components/DatasetContainer/tests/__snapshots__/datasetContainer.test.tsx.snap
index 4a69ba62..e9ced9f2 100644
--- a/client/src/components/DatasetContainer/tests/__snapshots__/datasetContainer.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/client/src/components/DatasetContainer/tests/__snapshots__/datasetContainer.test.tsx.snap
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
exports[`rendering of the DatasetContainer checks if various text fields are visible 1`] = `
- The datasets come from a variety of sources and were selected based on relevance, availability, recency, and quality. The datasets seek to identify a range of human health, environmental, climate-related, and other cumulative impacts on communities.
- Area Median Income
- Median income of the census block group calculated as a percent
- of the metropolitan area’s or state's median income.
+ Rate relative to the population in fatalities and injuries resulting from natural hazards each
+ year. Population loss is defined as the Spatial Hazard Events and Losses or National Centers
+ for Environmental Information’s reported number of fatalities and injuries caused by the
+ hazard occurrence. To combine fatalities and injuries for the computation of population loss value,
+ an injury is counted as one-tenth (1/10) of a fatality. The NCEI Storm Events Database
+ classifies injuries and fatalities as direct or indirect. Both direct and indirect injuries
+ and fatalities are counted as population loss. This total number of injuries and fatalities is
+ then divided by the population in the census tract to get a per-capita rate of population risk.
+ Used in:
+ Affordable and sustainable housing methodology
+ Proximity to hazardous waste facilities
+ Count of hazardous waste facilities (Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities and Large
+ Quantity Generators) within 5 km (or nearest beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.
+ Used in:
+ Reduction and remediation of legacy pollution methodology
+ Proximity to National Priorities List (NPL) Sites
+ Count of proposed or listed NPL - also known as superfund - sites within 5 km (or nearest one
+ beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.
+ Used in:
+ Reduction and remediation of legacy pollution methodology
+ Proximity to Risk Management Plan (RMP) Sites
+ Count of RMP (potential chemical accident management plan) facilities within 5 km (or nearest
+ one beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.
+ Used in:
+ Critical clean water and waste infrastructure
+ Asthma
+ Weighted number of respondents people who answer “yes” both
+ to both of the following questions: “Have you ever been told by a doctor,
+ nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?” and the question
+ “Do you still have asthma?”
+ People ages 18 years and older who report having ever been
+ told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have
+ diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy.
+ People ages 18 years and older who report ever having been told
+ by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or
+ coronary heart disease.
+ Used in:
+ Training and workforce development
- Diabetes
- People ages 18 years and older who report having ever been
- told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have
- diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy.
- Weighted number of respondents people who answer “yes” both
- to both of the following questions: “Have you ever been told by a doctor,
- nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?” and the question
- “Do you still have asthma?”
- People ages 18 years and older who report ever having been told
- by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or
- coronary heart disease.
- Average economic loss in dollars resulting from natural
- hazards each year. It is calculated for each hazard type and quantifies
- loss for relevant consequence types: buildings, people, and agriculture.
+ );
+export default LowIncome;
diff --git a/client/src/components/LowIncome/__snapshots__/LowIncome.test.tsx.snap b/client/src/components/LowIncome/__snapshots__/LowIncome.test.tsx.snap
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6638d460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/LowIncome/__snapshots__/LowIncome.test.tsx.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`rendering of the LowIncome checks if component renders 1`] = `
+ *
+ Low Income
+ At or above 65th percentile for percent of census tract population of households where household
+ income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level
diff --git a/client/src/components/LowIncome/index.tsx b/client/src/components/LowIncome/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4efda8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/LowIncome/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import LowIncome from './LowIncome';
+export default LowIncome;
diff --git a/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.module.scss b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.module.scss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df189470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.module.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@use '../../styles/design-system.scss' as *;
+.formulaContainer {
+ @include u-margin-top(5);
+ p:not(:first-child) {
+ font-style: italic;
+ span {
+ @include u-text('bold');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.module.scss.d.ts b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.module.scss.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..caf51699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.module.scss.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+declare namespace MethodologyFormulaNamespace {
+ export interface IMethodologyFormulaScss {
+ formulaContainer: string;
+ }
+ }
+declare const MethodologyFormulaScssModule: MethodologyFormulaNamespace.IMethodologyFormulaScss & {
+ /** WARNING: Only available when `css-loader` is used without `style-loader` or `mini-css-extract-plugin` */
+ locals: MethodologyFormulaNamespace.IMethodologyFormulaScss;
+ };
+ export = MethodologyFormulaScssModule;
diff --git a/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.test.tsx b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec461f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {render} from '@testing-library/react';
+import {LocalizedComponent} from '../../test/testHelpers';
+import MethodologyFormula from './MethodologyFormula';
+describe('rendering of the MethodologyFormula', () => {
+ const {asFragment} = render(
+ ,
+ );
+ it('checks if component renders', () => {
+ expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
diff --git a/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.tsx b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c60f08c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/MethodologyFormula.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {useIntl} from 'gatsby-plugin-intl';
+import * as METHODOLOGY_COPY from '../../data/copy/methodology';
+import * as styles from './MethodologyFormula.module.scss';
+// The site shows the formula used in the methodology. The constants seen
+// below aim to capture the 3 part of that formula. These are not
+// reserved words.
+const MethodologyFormula = () => {
+ const intl = useIntl();
+ return (
+ );
+export default MethodologyFormula;
diff --git a/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/__snapshots__/MethodologyFormula.test.tsx.snap b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/__snapshots__/MethodologyFormula.test.tsx.snap
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17b1f85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/__snapshots__/MethodologyFormula.test.tsx.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`rendering of the MethodologyFormula checks if component renders 1`] = `
+ Under the current formula, a census tract will be considered disadvantaged:
+ IF
+ it is above the threshold for one or more climate or environmental indicator
+ it is above the threshold for one or more socioeconomic indicator
+ the community is considered disadvantaged.
diff --git a/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/index.tsx b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..542ad943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/MethodologyFormula/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import MethodologyFormula from './MethodologyFormula';
+export default MethodologyFormula;
diff --git a/client/src/components/__snapshots__/scoreStepsList.test.tsx.snap b/client/src/components/__snapshots__/scoreStepsList.test.tsx.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c62ef15..00000000
--- a/client/src/components/__snapshots__/scoreStepsList.test.tsx.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`rendering of the component should match the snapshot of the MapIntroduction component 1`] = `
- Methodology
- The methodology for identifying communities of focus is calculated at the census block group level. Census block geographical boundaries are determined by the U.S. Census Bureau once every ten years. This tool utilizes the census block boundaries from 2010.
- The following describes the process for identifying communities of focus.
- Gather datasets
- The methodology includes the following inputs that are equally weighted.
- Percent of Area Median Income
- If a census block group is in a metropolitan area, this value is the median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the metropolitan area’s median income.
- If a census block group is not in a metropolitan area, this value is the median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the state’s median income.
- Percent of households below or at 100% of the federal poverty line
- This is the percent of households in a state with a household income
- below or at 100% of the
- federal poverty line
- . This federal poverty line is calculated
- based on the composition of each household (e.g., based on household size), but it does not vary geographically.
- The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older
- The percent of individuals who are 25 or older who have received a high school degree.
- Determine communites of focus
- Under the existing formula, a census block group will be considered a community of focus if:
- (The median income is less than 80% of the area median income
- OR
- households living in poverty (at or below 100% of the federal poverty level) is greater than 20%)
- The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older is greater than 95%
diff --git a/client/src/components/scoreStepsList.test.tsx b/client/src/components/scoreStepsList.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d48c454..00000000
--- a/client/src/components/scoreStepsList.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {render} from '@testing-library/react';
-import ScoreStepsList from './scoreStepsList';
-import {LocalizedComponent} from '../test/testHelpers';
-// TODO: Move this to a location that will detect on all tests
-// See ticket: #550
-beforeAll(() => {
- jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error').mockImplementation((...params) => {
- console.error(params);
- });
-describe('rendering of the component', () => {
- const {asFragment} = render(
- ,
- );
- it('should match the snapshot of the MapIntroduction component', () => {
- expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot();
- });
- it('No console errors', () => {
- expect(console.error).toBeCalledTimes(0);
- });
diff --git a/client/src/data/copy/methodology.tsx b/client/src/data/copy/methodology.tsx
index 1db933d2..ee11849b 100644
--- a/client/src/data/copy/methodology.tsx
+++ b/client/src/data/copy/methodology.tsx
@@ -14,18 +14,68 @@ export const PAGE = defineMessages({
description: 'methodology page header text',
- id: 'methodology.page.paragraph.first',
- defaultMessage: 'The methodology for identifying communities of focus is currently ' +
- 'in a draft, pre-decisional form that may change over time as more datasets become available.',
- description: 'methodology page paragraph 1',
+ id: 'methodology.page.paragraph',
+ defaultMessage: `
+ This tool identifies commmunities that are economically disadvantaged, overburdened by
+ certain environmental risks, and marginalized by legacies of historic underinvestment.
+ A community qualifies as 'disadvantaged' when a census tract is at or above a certain
+ threshold for a climate or environmental burden indicator and also above a certain
+ threshold for a socioeconomic indicator. Census tract geographical boundaries are
+ determined by the U.S. Census Bureau once every ten years. This tool untilizes the
+ census tract boundaries from 2010.
+ `,
+ description: 'methodology page paragraph',
+ id: 'methodology.page.formula.intro',
+ defaultMessage: `
+ Under the current formula, a census tract will be considered disadvantaged:
+ `,
+ description: 'methodology page introducing the formula',
+ },
+ id: 'methodology.page.categories.title',
+ defaultMessage: `
+ Communities will be defined as disadvantaged if they meet the qualifications under one
+ or more of the 8 categories of criteria below.
+ `,
+ description: 'methodology page explanation of the categories',
+ },
+export const FORMULA = {
+ IF: IF,
+ }}
+ />,
+ }}
+ />,
+ }}
+ />,
// Download Package
export const DOWNLOAD_FILE_SIZE = '111MB';
-export const DOWNLOAD_LAST_UPDATED = '12/15/21';
-export const DOWNLOAD_LAST_UPDATED_ES = '15/12/21';
+export const DOWNLOAD_LAST_UPDATED = '12/13/21';
+export const DOWNLOAD_LAST_UPDATED_ES = '13/12/21';
export const VERSION_NUMBER = '0.1';
export const DOWNLOAD_ZIP_URL = [
@@ -37,7 +87,7 @@ export const DOWNLOAD_ZIP_URL = [
export const DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE = {
+// Indicator Categories copy constants:
+export const CATEGORIES = {
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ expAgrLossRate: expected agriculture loss rate,
+ expbuildLossRate: expected building loss rate,
+ expPopLossRate: expected population loss rate,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ energyCostBur: energy cost burden score,
+ pm25: PM2.5,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ dieselPM: diesel particulate matter,
+ traffic: traffic proximity and volume,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ lead: lead paint,
+ medianHomeVal: the median home value,
+ houseBur: housing cost burden,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ proxHaz: proximity to hazardous waste facilities,
+ proxNPL: proximity to NLP sites,
+ proxRMP: proximity to RMP sites,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ wasteWater: wastewater discharge,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ diabetes: diabetes,
+ asthma: asthma,
+ heart: heart disease,
+ life: low life expectancy,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
+ TITLE: ,
+ IF: IF,
+ lowMedInc: low median income relative to area median income,
+ linIso: linguistic isolation,
+ unemploy: unemployment,
+ poverty: poverty,
+ }}
+ />,
+ highSchool: the high school degree achievement rates,
+ }}
+ />,
+ asterisk: *,
+ }}
+ />,
+ },
// Dataset section
export const DATASETS = defineMessages({
@@ -97,291 +487,426 @@ export const DATASETS = defineMessages({
export const DATASET_CARD_LABELS = defineMessages({
- id: 'datasetCard.dataResolution',
- defaultMessage: 'Data resolution: ',
+ USED_IN: {
+ id: 'datasetCard.used.in',
+ defaultMessage: 'Used in: ',
description: 'label associated with explaining the card',
- id: 'datasetCard.dataSource',
- defaultMessage: 'Data source: ',
+ id: 'datasetCard.responsible.party',
+ defaultMessage: 'Responsible Party: ',
description: 'label associated with explaining the card',
- id: 'datasetCard.dataDateRange',
- defaultMessage: 'Data date range: ',
+ id: 'datasetCard.date.range',
+ defaultMessage: 'Date range: ',
description: 'label associated with explaining the card',
export const INDICATORS = [
- indicator: 'Area Median Income',
- description: `Median income of the census block group calculated as a percent
- of the metropolitan area’s or state's median income.`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ domID: 'low-income',
+ indicator: 'Low Income',
+ description: `
+ Percent of a block group's population in households where household income is at or below
+ 200% of the federal poverty level.
+ `,
+ usedIn:
+ ,
+ respPartyLabel:
+ ,
dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
- dataDateRange: `2015-2019`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
- indicator: 'Poverty',
- description: `Percent of a block group's population in households where the household income` +
- ` is at or below 100% of the federal poverty level.`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
- dataDateRange: `2015-2019`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Education, less than high school education',
- description: `Percent of people ages 25 years or older in a block group whose
- education level is less than a high school diploma.`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
- dataDateRange: `2015-2019`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Diabetes',
- description: `People ages 18 years and older who report having ever been
- told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have
- diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy.`,
- dataResolution: `Census tract`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/places/index.html`,
- dataDateRange: `2016-2019`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Asthma',
- description: `Weighted number of respondents people who answer “yes” both
- to both of the following questions: “Have you ever been told by a doctor,
- nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?” and the question
- “Do you still have asthma?”`,
- dataResolution: `Census tract`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/places/index.html`,
- dataDateRange: `2016-2019`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Heart disease',
- description: `People ages 18 years and older who report ever having been told
- by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or
- coronary heart disease.`,
- dataResolution: `Census tract`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/places/index.html`,
- dataDateRange: `2016-2019`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Life expectancy',
- description: `Estimated years of life expectancy.`,
- dataResolution: `Census tract`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- US Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/usaleep/usaleep.html#data`,
- dataDateRange: `2010-2015`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Traffic proximity and volume',
- description: `Count of vehicles (average annual daily traffic) at major roads
- within 500 meters, divided by distance in meters (not km).`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Department of Transportation (DOT) traffic data as compiled by EPA's EJSCREEN`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
- dataDateRange: `2017`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'FEMA Risk Index Expected Annual Loss Score',
- description: `Average economic loss in dollars resulting from natural
- hazards each year. It is calculated for each hazard type and quantifies
- loss for relevant consequence types: buildings, people, and agriculture.`,
- dataResolution: `Census tract`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)`,
+ domID: 'exp-agr-loss-rate',
+ indicator: 'Expected Agriculture Loss Rate',
+ description: `
+ Economic loss rate to agriculture resulting from natural hazards each year.
+ `,
+ usedIn: `Climate change methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)`,
dataSourceURL: `https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/expected-annual-loss`,
- dataDateRange: `2014-2017`,
+ dateRange: `2014-2021`,
+ domID: 'exp-bld-loss-rate',
+ indicator: 'Expected Building Loss Rate',
+ description: `
+ Economic loss rate to buildings resulting from natural hazards each year.
+ `,
+ usedIn: `Climate change methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/expected-annual-loss`,
+ dateRange: `2014-2021`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'exp-pop-loss-rate',
+ indicator: 'Expected Population Loss Rate',
+ description: `
+ Rate relative to the population in fatalities and injuries resulting from natural hazards each
+ year. Population loss is defined as the Spatial Hazard Events and Losses or National Centers
+ for Environmental Information’s reported number of fatalities and injuries caused by the
+ hazard occurrence. To combine fatalities and injuries for the computation of population loss value,
+ an injury is counted as one-tenth (1/10) of a fatality. The NCEI Storm Events Database
+ classifies injuries and fatalities as direct or indirect. Both direct and indirect injuries
+ and fatalities are counted as population loss. This total number of injuries and fatalities is
+ then divided by the population in the census tract to get a per-capita rate of population risk.
+ `,
+ usedIn: `Climate change methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/expected-annual-loss`,
+ dateRange: `2014-2021`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'energy-burden',
indicator: 'Energy burden',
description: `Average annual energy cost ($) divided by household income.`,
- dataResolution: `Census tract`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Department of Energy (DOE) LEAD Score`,
+ usedIn: `Clean energy and energy efficiency methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Department of Energy (DOE) LEAD Score`,
dataSourceURL: `https://www.energy.gov/eere/slsc/low-income-energy-affordability-data-lead-tool`,
- dataDateRange: `2018`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Housing cost burden',
- description: `Households that are low income and spend more than 30% of their
- income to housing costs.`,
- dataResolution: `Census tract`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Department of Housing & Urban Development’s
- (HUD) Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy dataset`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/cp.html`,
- dataDateRange: `2013-2017`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Wastewater discharge',
- description: `RSEI modeled Toxic Concentrations at stream segments within 500
- meters, divided by distance in kilometers (km).`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Risk-Screening
- Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model as compiled by EPA's EJSCREEN`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
- dataDateRange: `2020`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Lead paint',
- description: `Percent of housing units built pre-1960, used as an
- indicator of potential lead paint exposure in homes.`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
- dataDateRange: `2015-2019`,
- },
- {
- indicator: 'Diesel particulate matter',
- description: `Mixture of particles that is part of diesel exhaust in the air.`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA)
- as compiled by EPA's EJSCREEN`,
- dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
- dataDateRange: `5-year estimates, 2015-2019`,
+ dateRange: `2018`,
+ domID: 'pm-25',
indicator: 'PM2.5',
- description: `Fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally
+ description: `Fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally
2.5 micrometers and smaller.`,
- dataResolution: `Census block group`,
- dataSourceLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Air
+ usedIn: `Clean energy and energy efficiency methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Air
and Radiation (OAR) fusion of model and monitor data as compiled by EPA's EJSCREEN`,
dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
- dataDateRange: `2017`,
+ dateRange: `2017`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'diesel-pm',
+ indicator: 'Diesel particulate matter',
+ description: `Mixture of particles that is part of diesel exhaust in the air.`,
+ usedIn: `Clean transportation methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA)
+ as compiled by EPA's EJSCREEN`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
+ dateRange: `2014`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'traffic-vol',
+ indicator: 'Traffic proximity and volume',
+ description: `Count of vehicles (average annual daily traffic) at major roads
+ within 500 meters, divided by distance in meters (not km).`,
+ usedIn: `Clean transportation methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Department of Transportation (DOT) traffic data as compiled by EPA's EJSCREEN`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
+ dateRange: `2017`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'house-burden',
+ indicator: 'Housing cost burden',
+ description: `Households that are low income and spend more than 30% of their
+ income to housing costs.`,
+ usedIn: `Affordable and sustainable housing methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Department of Housing & Urban Development’s
+ (HUD) Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy dataset`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/cp.html`,
+ dateRange: `2014-2018`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'lead-paint',
+ indicator: 'Lead paint',
+ description: `Percent of housing units built pre-1960, used as an
+ indicator of potential lead paint exposure in homes.`,
+ usedIn: `Affordable and sustainable housing methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'median-home',
+ indicator: 'Median home value',
+ description: `Median home value of owner-occupied housing units in the area.`,
+ usedIn: `Affordable and sustainable housing methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'prox-haz',
+ indicator: 'Proximity to hazardous waste facilities',
+ description: `
+ Count of hazardous waste facilities (Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities and Large
+ Quantity Generators) within 5 km (or nearest beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.
+ `,
+ usedIn: `Reduction and remediation of legacy pollution methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `
+ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) TSDF data calculated from EPA RCRAinfo database
+ as compiled by EPA’s EJSCREEN`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2020`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'prox-npl',
+ indicator: 'Proximity to National Priorities List (NPL) Sites',
+ description: `
+ Count of proposed or listed NPL - also known as superfund - sites within 5 km (or nearest one
+ beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.`,
+ usedIn: `Reduction and remediation of legacy pollution methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) CERCLIS database as compiled by EPA’s EJSCREEN`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://enviro.epa.gov/facts/rcrainfo/search.html`,
+ dateRange: `2020`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'prox-rmp',
+ indicator: 'Proximity to Risk Management Plan (RMP) Sites',
+ description: `
+ Count of RMP (potential chemical accident management plan) facilities within 5 km (or nearest
+ one beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.`,
+ usedIn: `Affordable and sustainable housing methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) RMP database as compiled by EPA’s EJSCREEN`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
+ dateRange: `2020`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'waste-water',
+ indicator: 'Wastewater discharge',
+ description: `Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) modeled Toxic Concentrations at
+ stream segments within 500 meters, divided by distance in kilometers (km).`,
+ usedIn: `Critical clean water and waste infrastructure`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Risk-Screening
+ Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model as compiled by EPA's EJSCREEN`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/technical-documentation-ejscreen`,
+ dateRange: `2020`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'asthma',
+ indicator: 'Asthma',
+ description: `Weighted number of respondents people who answer “yes” both
+ to both of the following questions: “Have you ever been told by a doctor,
+ nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?” and the question
+ “Do you still have asthma?”`,
+ usedIn: `Health burdens methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/places/index.html`,
+ dateRange: `2016-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'diabetes',
+ indicator: 'Diabetes',
+ description: `People ages 18 years and older who report having ever been
+ told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have
+ diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy.`,
+ usedIn: `Health burdens methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/places/index.html`,
+ dateRange: `2016-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'heart-disease',
+ indicator: 'Heart disease',
+ description: `People ages 18 years and older who report ever having been told
+ by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or
+ coronary heart disease.`,
+ usedIn: `Health burdens methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/places/index.html`,
+ dateRange: `2016-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'life-exp',
+ indicator: 'Low life expectancy',
+ description: `Average number of years of life a person who has attained a given age can expect to live.`,
+ usedIn: `Health burdens methodology`,
+ respPartyLabel: `CDC’s U.S. Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project (USALEEP)`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/usaleep/usaleep.html#data`,
+ dateRange: `2010-2015`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'median-income',
+ indicator: 'Low median Income',
+ description: `Median income of the census tract calculated as a percent of the area’s median income.`,
+ usedIn: `Training and workforce development`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'ling-iso',
+ indicator: 'Linguistic Isolation',
+ description: `Households in which no one age 14 and over speaks English only or also speaks
+ a language other than English`,
+ usedIn: `Training and workforce development`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'unemploy',
+ indicator: 'Unemployment',
+ description: `Number of unemployed people as a percentage of the civilian labor force`,
+ usedIn: `Training and workforce development`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'poverty',
+ indicator: 'Poverty',
+ description: `Percent of a tract's population in households where the household income` +
+ ` is at or below 100% of the federal poverty level.`,
+ usedIn: `Training and workforce development`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
+ },
+ {
+ domID: 'high-school',
+ indicator: 'High school degree achievement rate',
+ description: `Percent of people ages 25 years or older in a census tract whose
+ education level is less than a high school diploma.`,
+ usedIn: `Training and workforce development`,
+ respPartyLabel: `Census's American Community Survey`,
+ dataSourceURL: `https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs`,
+ dateRange: `2015-2019`,
-// Methodology Steps:
-export const METHODOLOGY_STEPS = defineMessages({
- id: 'methodology.steps.heading',
- defaultMessage: `Methodology`,
- description: 'heading of methodology section',
- },
- id: 'methodology.steps.description.1',
- defaultMessage: 'The methodology for identifying communities of focus is'+
- ' calculated at the census block group level. Census block geographical boundaries'+
- ' are determined by the U.S. Census Bureau once every ten years. This tool utilizes'+
- ' the census block boundaries from 2010.',
- description: 'first description text ',
- },
- id: 'methodology.steps.description.2',
- defaultMessage: 'The following describes the process for identifying communities of focus.',
- description: 'second description text',
- },
- id: 'methodology.step.1.heading',
- defaultMessage: `Gather datasets`,
- description: 'first step heading',
- },
- STEP_1_INFO: {
- id: 'methodology.step.1.info',
- defaultMessage: `The methodology includes the following inputs that are equally weighted.`,
- description: 'first step info',
- },
- id: 'methodology.step.1.a.heading',
- defaultMessage: `Percent of Area Median Income`,
- description: 'step 1 a heading',
- },
- STEP_1_A_INFO_1: {
- id: 'methodology.step.1.a.info.1',
- defaultMessage: 'If a census block group is in a metropolitan area, this value is the'+
- ' median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of'+
- ' the metropolitan area’s median income.',
- description: 'step 1 a info 1',
- },
- STEP_1_A_INFO_2: {
- id: 'methodology.step.1.a.info.2',
- defaultMessage: 'If a census block group is not in a metropolitan area, this value is the'+
- ' median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the state’s median'+
- ' income.',
- description: 'step 1 a info 2',
- },
- id: 'methodology.step.1.b.heading',
- defaultMessage: `Percent of households below or at 100% of the federal poverty line`,
- description: 'step 1 b heading',
- },
- id: 'methodology.step.1.c.heading',
- defaultMessage: `The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older`,
- description: 'step 1 a heading',
- },
- STEP_1_C_INFO: {
- id: 'methodology.step.1.c.info',
- defaultMessage: 'The percent of individuals who are 25 or older who have received a high school degree.',
- description: 'step 1 c info',
- },
- id: 'methodology.step.2.heading',
- defaultMessage: `Determine communites of focus`,
- description: 'second step heading',
- },
- STEP_2_INFO: {
- id: 'methodology.step.2.info',
- defaultMessage: `Under the existing formula, a census block group will be considered a community of focus if:`,
- description: 'second step info',
- },
-const FED_POVERTY_LINE_URL = 'https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/poverty/guidance/poverty-measures.html';
-// Copy that has links or other HTML tags in them
-export const COMPLEX_METH_STEPS = {
- federal poverty line
- ,
- }}
- />,
- (The median income is less than 80% of the area median income
- ,
- or:
- OR
- livingAtPovery:
- households living in poverty (at or below 100% of the federal poverty level) is greater than 20%)
- and:
- education:
- The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older is greater than 95%
- }}
+export const RETURN_TO_TOP = {
+ LINK: ,
+// Methodology Steps:
+// export const METHODOLOGY_STEPS = defineMessages({
+// HEADING: {
+// id: 'methodology.steps.heading',
+// defaultMessage: `Methodology`,
+// description: 'heading of methodology section',
+// },
+// id: 'methodology.steps.description.1',
+// defaultMessage: 'The methodology for identifying communities of focus is'+
+// ' calculated at the census block group level. Census block geographical boundaries'+
+// ' are determined by the U.S. Census Bureau once every ten years. This tool utilizes'+
+// ' the census block boundaries from 2010.',
+// description: 'first description text ',
+// },
+// id: 'methodology.steps.description.2',
+// defaultMessage: 'The following describes the process for identifying communities of focus.',
+// description: 'second description text',
+// },
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.heading',
+// defaultMessage: `Gather datasets`,
+// description: 'first step heading',
+// },
+// STEP_1_INFO: {
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.info',
+// defaultMessage: `The methodology includes the following inputs that are equally weighted.`,
+// description: 'first step info',
+// },
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.a.heading',
+// defaultMessage: `Percent of Area Median Income`,
+// description: 'step 1 a heading',
+// },
+// STEP_1_A_INFO_1: {
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.a.info.1',
+// defaultMessage: 'If a census block group is in a metropolitan area, this value is the'+
+// ' median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of'+
+// ' the metropolitan area’s median income.',
+// description: 'step 1 a info 1',
+// },
+// STEP_1_A_INFO_2: {
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.a.info.2',
+// defaultMessage: 'If a census block group is not in a metropolitan area, this value is the'+
+// ' median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the state’s median'+
+// ' income.',
+// description: 'step 1 a info 2',
+// },
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.b.heading',
+// defaultMessage: `Percent of households below or at 100% of the federal poverty line`,
+// description: 'step 1 b heading',
+// },
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.c.heading',
+// defaultMessage: `The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older`,
+// description: 'step 1 a heading',
+// },
+// STEP_1_C_INFO: {
+// id: 'methodology.step.1.c.info',
+// defaultMessage: 'The percent of individuals who are 25 or older who have received a high school degree.',
+// description: 'step 1 c info',
+// },
+// id: 'methodology.step.2.heading',
+// defaultMessage: `Determine communites of focus`,
+// description: 'second step heading',
+// },
+// STEP_2_INFO: {
+// id: 'methodology.step.2.info',
+// defaultMessage: `Under the existing formula, a census block group will be considered a community of focus if:`,
+// description: 'second step info',
+// },
+// });
+// const FED_POVERTY_LINE_URL = 'https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/poverty/guidance/poverty-measures.html';
+// // Copy that has links or other HTML tags in them
+// export const COMPLEX_METH_STEPS = {
+// STEP_2_B_INFO:
+// federal poverty line
+// ,
+// }}
+// />,
+// (The median income is less than 80% of the area median income
+// ,
+// or:
+// OR
+// livingAtPovery:
+// households living in poverty (at or below 100% of the federal poverty level) is greater than 20%)
+// and:
+// AND
+// education:
+// The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older is greater than 95%
+// }}
+// />,
+// };
diff --git a/client/src/pages/__snapshots__/methodology.test.tsx.snap b/client/src/pages/__snapshots__/methodology.test.tsx.snap
index 376ded09..099e00c6 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/__snapshots__/methodology.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/client/src/pages/__snapshots__/methodology.test.tsx.snap
@@ -317,17 +317,60 @@ exports[`rendering of the DatasetContainer checks if various text fields are vis
- The methodology for identifying communities of focus is currently in a draft, pre-decisional form that may change over time as more datasets become available.
+ This tool identifies commmunities that are economically disadvantaged, overburdened by
+ certain environmental risks, and marginalized by legacies of historic underinvestment.
+ A community qualifies as 'disadvantaged' when a census tract is at or above a certain
+ threshold for a climate or environmental burden indicator and also above a certain
+ threshold for a socioeconomic indicator. Census tract geographical boundaries are
+ determined by the U.S. Census Bureau once every ten years. This tool untilizes the
+ census tract boundaries from 2010.
+ Under the current formula, a census tract will be considered disadvantaged:
+ IF
+ it is above the threshold for one or more climate or environmental indicator
+ it is above the threshold for one or more socioeconomic indicator
+ the community is considered disadvantaged.
+ Communities will be defined as disadvantaged if they meet the qualifications under one
+ or more of the 8 categories of criteria below.
- The package includes draft v0.1 of the list of communities of focus (.csv and .xlsx) and information about how to use the list (.pdf).
+ The package includes draft v0.1 of the list of disadvantaged communities
+ (.csv and .xlsx) and information (.pdf) about how to use the list.
- Last updated: 12/15/21
+ Last updated: 12/13/21
@@ -372,11 +418,422 @@ exports[`rendering of the DatasetContainer checks if various text fields are vis
+ *
+ Low Income
+ At or above 65th percentile for percent of census tract population of households where household
+ income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level
- The datasets come from a variety of sources and were selected based on relevance, availability, recency, and quality. The datasets seek to identify a range of human health, environmental, climate-related, and other cumulative impacts on communities.
- Area Median Income
- Median income of the census block group calculated as a percent
- of the metropolitan area’s or state's median income.
+ Rate relative to the population in fatalities and injuries resulting from natural hazards each
+ year. Population loss is defined as the Spatial Hazard Events and Losses or National Centers
+ for Environmental Information’s reported number of fatalities and injuries caused by the
+ hazard occurrence. To combine fatalities and injuries for the computation of population loss value,
+ an injury is counted as one-tenth (1/10) of a fatality. The NCEI Storm Events Database
+ classifies injuries and fatalities as direct or indirect. Both direct and indirect injuries
+ and fatalities are counted as population loss. This total number of injuries and fatalities is
+ then divided by the population in the census tract to get a per-capita rate of population risk.
+ Used in:
+ Affordable and sustainable housing methodology
+ Proximity to hazardous waste facilities
+ Count of hazardous waste facilities (Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities and Large
+ Quantity Generators) within 5 km (or nearest beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.
+ Used in:
+ Reduction and remediation of legacy pollution methodology
+ Proximity to National Priorities List (NPL) Sites
+ Count of proposed or listed NPL - also known as superfund - sites within 5 km (or nearest one
+ beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.
+ Used in:
+ Reduction and remediation of legacy pollution methodology
+ Proximity to Risk Management Plan (RMP) Sites
+ Count of RMP (potential chemical accident management plan) facilities within 5 km (or nearest
+ one beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in kilometers.
+ Used in:
+ Critical clean water and waste infrastructure
+ Asthma
+ Weighted number of respondents people who answer “yes” both
+ to both of the following questions: “Have you ever been told by a doctor,
+ nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?” and the question
+ “Do you still have asthma?”
+ People ages 18 years and older who report having ever been
+ told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have
+ diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy.
+ People ages 18 years and older who report ever having been told
+ by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or
+ coronary heart disease.
+ Used in:
+ Training and workforce development
- Diabetes
- People ages 18 years and older who report having ever been
- told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have
- diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy.
- Weighted number of respondents people who answer “yes” both
- to both of the following questions: “Have you ever been told by a doctor,
- nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?” and the question
- “Do you still have asthma?”
- People ages 18 years and older who report ever having been told
- by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or
- coronary heart disease.
- Average economic loss in dollars resulting from natural
- hazards each year. It is calculated for each hazard type and quantifies
- loss for relevant consequence types: buildings, people, and agriculture.
- The methodology for identifying communities of focus is calculated at the census block group level. Census block geographical boundaries are determined by the U.S. Census Bureau once every ten years. This tool utilizes the census block boundaries from 2010.
- The following describes the process for identifying communities of focus.
- Gather datasets
- The methodology includes the following inputs that are equally weighted.
- Percent of Area Median Income
- If a census block group is in a metropolitan area, this value is the median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the metropolitan area’s median income.
- If a census block group is not in a metropolitan area, this value is the median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the state’s median income.
- Percent of households below or at 100% of the federal poverty line
- This is the percent of households in a state with a household income
- below or at 100% of the
- federal poverty line
- . This federal poverty line is calculated
- based on the composition of each household (e.g., based on household size), but it does not vary geographically.
- The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older
- The percent of individuals who are 25 or older who have received a high school degree.
- Determine communites of focus
- Under the existing formula, a census block group will be considered a community of focus if:
- (The median income is less than 80% of the area median income
- OR
- households living in poverty (at or below 100% of the federal poverty level) is greater than 20%)
- The high school degree achievement rate for adults 25 years and older is greater than 95%
+ Return to top
diff --git a/client/src/pages/methodology.tsx b/client/src/pages/methodology.tsx
index d48080ec..26cf8c1d 100644
--- a/client/src/pages/methodology.tsx
+++ b/client/src/pages/methodology.tsx
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ import * as React from 'react';
import {Grid} from '@trussworks/react-uswds';
import {useIntl} from 'gatsby-plugin-intl';
+import Categories from '../components/Categories';
import DatasetContainer from '../components/DatasetContainer';
import DownloadPacket from '../components/DownloadPacket';
import J40MainGridContainer from '../components/J40MainGridContainer';
+import MethodologyFormula from '../components/MethodologyFormula';
import Layout from '../components/layout';
-import ScoreStepsList from '../components/scoreStepsList';
+import LowIncome from '../components/LowIncome';
+// import ScoreStepsList from '../components/scoreStepsList';
import * as METHODOLOGY_COPY from '../data/copy/methodology';
@@ -14,7 +17,6 @@ interface MethodPageProps {
location: Location;
-// markup
const IndexPage = ({location}: MethodPageProps) => {
const intl = useIntl();
@@ -25,29 +27,44 @@ const IndexPage = ({location}: MethodPageProps) => {