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{"componentChunkName":"component---src-pages-404-tsx","path":"/es/404/","matchPath":"/es/*","result":{"pageContext":{"matchPath":"/es/*","language":"es","intl":{"language":"es","languages":["en","es"],"messages":{"about.page.sub.header.1.text.1":"El 27 de enero de 2021, President Biden directed the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to create a climate and economic justice screening tool. The purpose of the tool is to help Federal agencies identify disadvantaged communities and provide socioeconomic, environmental, and climate information and data to inform decisions that may affect these communities. The tool identifies disadvantaged communities as communities of focus through publicly available, nationally consistent, high-quality data.","about.page.sub.header.1.text.2":"La versión actual de la herramienta se encuentra en una versión beta pública y se actualizará en función de los comentarios del público.","about.page.sub.header.2.text.1":"La herramienta proporcionará información importante para la iniciativa Justice40. The goal of the Justice40 initiative is to provide 40-percent of the overall benefits of certain federal programs in seven key areas to disadvantaged communities. These seven key areas are: climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, the remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and the development of critical clean water infrastructure.","about.page.sub.header.2.text.2":"Leer más sobre la iniciativa Justice40","about.page.title.text":"Sobre nosotras","alert.alertBetaBody":"Teste sitio web puede actualizarse continuamente","alert.alertBetaTitle":"Public beta","alert.alertDataLimitedBody":"Datasets may be added, updated, or removed.","alert.alertDataLimitedTitle":"Limited data sources","areaDetail.categorization.community.of.focus":"Community of focus","areaDetail.categorization.not.community.of.focus":"Not a community of focus","areaDetail.geographicInfo.censusBlockGroup":"Census block group:","areaDetail.geographicInfo.county":"County:","areaDetail.geographicInfo.population":"Population:","areaDetail.geographicInfo.state":"State:","areaDetail.indicator.areaMedianIncome":"Area Median Income","areaDetail.indicator.asthma":"Asthma","areaDetail.indicator.description.area_median_income":"Median income of the census block group calculated as a percent of the metropolitan areas or state's median income","areaDetail.indicator.description.asthma":"People who answer yes to both of the questions: Have you ever been told by a doctor nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma? and Do you still have asthma?","areaDetail.indicator.description.diabetes":"People ages 18 and up who report having been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they have diabetes other than diabetes during pregnancy","areaDetail.indicator.description.dieselPartMatter":"Mixture of particles that is part of diesel exhaust in the air","areaDetail.indicator.description.education":"Percent of people age 25 or older that didnt get a high school diploma","areaDetail.indicator.description.energyBurden":"Average annual energy cost ($) divided by household income","areaDetail.indicator.description.femaRisk":"Expected Annual Loss Score, which is the average economic loss in dollars resulting from natural hazards each year.","areaDetail.indicator.description.heartDisease":"People ages 18 and up who report ever having been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professionals that they had angina or coronary heart disease","areaDetail.indicator.description.houseBurden":"Households that are low income and spend more than 30% of their income on housing costs","areaDetail.indicator.description.leadPaint":"Housing units built pre-1960, used as an indicator of potential lead paint exposure in homes","areaDetail.indicator.description.lifeExpect":"Estimated years of life expectancy","areaDetail.indicator.description.pm25":"Fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller