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1,SampleID,Unique identification number,,
4,age.f,Age category,"(0,10]",0-10 years old
,,"","(10,20]",11-20 years old
,,"","(20,30]",21-30 years old
,,"","(30,40]",31-40 years old
,,"","(40,50]",41-50 years old
,,"","(50,90]",51-90 years old
5,luminex.mfi,Luminex MFI value,,
6,luminex,Luminex qualitative value (3 categories),-,Negative
7,luminex.dx,Luminex qualitative value (2 categories),-,Negative
8,elisa.od,"ELISA OD value, freshly-coated sample",,
9,elisa,ELISA freshly-coated sample qualitative value (3 categories),-,Negative
10,elisa.dx,ELISA freshly-coated sample qualitative value (2 categories),-,Negative
11,elisa.dx.mt,ELISA freshly-coated sample qualitative value (mixture model cutoff),-,Negative
12,elisa.pre.od,"ELISA OD value, pre-coated sample",,
13,elisa.pre,ELISA pre-coated sample qualitative value (3 categories),-,Negative
14,elisa.pre.dx,ELISA pre-coated sample qualitative value (2 categories),-,Negative
15,elisa.pre.dx.mt,ELISA pre-coated sample qualitative value (mixture model cutoff),-,Negative
16,lfa.serum,"LFA test result, serum sample, with indeterminate results",-,Negative
17,lfa.blood,"LFA test result, blood sample, with indeterminate results",-,Negative
18,lfa.3,Combined LFA test result using 3 categories from blood and serum,-.-,"Serum negative, blood negative"
,,"",?.-,"Serum indeterminate, blood negative"
,,"",+.-,"Serum positive, blood negative"
,,"",?.?,"Serum indeterminate, blood indeterminate"
,,"",+.?,"Serum positive, blood indeterminate"
,,"",-.+,"Serum negative, blood positive"
,,"",?.+,"Serum indeterminate, blood positive"
,,"",+.+,"Serum positive, blood positive"
19,lfa.serum.2,"LFA test result, serum sample, with indeterminate results treated as missing",-,Negative
20,lfa.blood.2,"LFA test result, serum sample, with indeterminate results treated as missing",-,Negative
21,lfa.2,Combined LFA test result using 2 categories from blood and serum,-.-,"Serum negative, blood negative"
,,"",+.-,"Serum positive, blood negative"
,,"",-.+,"Serum negative, blood positive"
,,"",+.+,"Serum positive, blood positive"