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2025-02-03 14:21:23 -08:00
Common Core
Contact Name,Nicole Zviedrite
Contact Email,
Public Access Level,public
Bureau Code,009:20
Program Code,009:028
Geographic Coverage,"United States, 50 States and D.C."
Temporal Applicability,"August 1, 2011 to June 30, 2019"
Data Quality
Suggested Citation,"Community Interventions for Infection Control Unit / Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, CDC. platform/ accessed on [DATE]."
Footnotes,"Data are collected via daily searches of publicly available online content (Google Alerts, Google, and Google News). A standard set of search terms are used to identify unplanned school closures lasting ≥1 day. Closures lasting ≥5 unplanned days were selected. Official state-level health and education department websites, and school and district-level websites are also searched. Because data were abstracted using information in publicly available closure announcements, some information may not have been complete or entirely accurate. The data are restricted to public K-12 schools and school districts, and are only collected for the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. Using the information found in publicly available closure accouncements, schools and districts in our data are manually matched to their relevant public school district identification (ID) number or school ID as obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics ( While utmost care was taken to accurately match our data to NCES IDs, some IDs may be inaccurate due to possible inaccuracies in announcements and/or human error."
Category,Public Health Surveillance
Tags,"school closure, emergency preparedness, pandemic preparedness, community mitigation"
Licensing and Attribution
License,Public Domain U.S. Government