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2025-02-03 14:21:23 -08:00
Status [1],Topic,Objective Description,Baseline Value,Baseline Year,Final Value [2],Final Year,Target,Movement Toward Target [3],Movement Away From Baseline [4] (if movement not toward target),Movement Statistically Significant [5][6]
2,Access to Health Services,"AHS-1.1. Persons with medical insurance (percent, under age 65)",83.2,2008,89.0,2018,100.0,34.5,...,Yes
2,Access to Health Services,"AHS-1.2. Persons with dental insurance (percent, under age 65)",50.3,2008,54.4,2018,55.3,82.0,...,Yes
3,Access to Health Services,"AHS-1.3. Persons with prescription drug insurance (percent, under age 65)",62.2,2008,61.1,2018,68.4,...,1.8,No
3,Access to Health Services,AHS-3. Persons with a usual primary care provider (percent),76.3,2007,76.4,2016,83.9,1.3,...,No
2,Access to Health Services,"AHS-5.1. Persons with a source of ongoing care (percent, all ages)",86.4,2008,87.5,2018,95.0,12.8,...,Yes
2,Access to Health Services,"AHS-5.2. Children and youth with a source of ongoing care (percent, ages 17 years and under)",94.3,2008,95.3,2018,100.0,17.5,...,Yes
2,Access to Health Services,"AHS-5.3. Adults with a source of ongoing care (percent, ages 1864)",81.3,2008,82.5,2018,89.4,14.8,...,Yes
3,Access to Health Services,"AHS-5.4. Adults with a source of ongoing care (percent, ages 65 and over)",96.3,2008,95.8,2018,100.0,...,0.5,No
3,Access to Health Services,"AHS-6.1. Persons unable to obtain or delaying needed medical care, dental care, or prescription medications (percent)",10.0,2007,10.0,2016,9.0,...,0.0,...
1,Access to Health Services,AHS-6.2. Persons unable to obtain or delaying needed medical care (percent),4.7,2007,4.1,2016,4.2,120.0,...,Yes
1,Access to Health Services,AHS-6.3. Persons unable to obtain or delaying needed dental care (percent),5.5,2007,4.8,2016,5.0,140.0,...,No
4,Access to Health Services,AHS-6.4. Persons unable to obtain or delaying receipt of needed prescription medications (percent),3.1,2007,3.5,2016,2.8,...,12.9,Yes
1,Access to Health Services,AHS-9.1. Overall emergency department wait time exceeds recommended time frame,24.7,2010,19.2,2016,22.2,220.0,...,Yes
3,Access to Health Services,AHS-9.2. Level-1 (immediate) emergency department wait time exceeds recommended time frame,83.5,2010,78.9,2016,75.2,55.4,...,No
1,Access to Health Services,AHS-9.3. Level-2 (emergent) emergency department wait time exceeds recommended time frame,66.8,2010,56.8,2016,60.1,149.3,...,Yes
1,Access to Health Services,AHS-9.4. Level-3 (urgent) emergency department wait time exceeds recommended time frame,27.6,2010,20.5,2016,24.8,253.6,...,Yes
1,Access to Health Services,AHS-9.5. Level-4 (semiurgent) emergency department wait time exceeds recommended time frame,10.1,2010,6.3,2016,7.2,131.0,...,Yes
1,Adolescent Health,"AH-1. Adolescents receiving a wellness checkup in the past 12 months (percent, ages 1017)",68.7,2008,82.5,2018,75.6,200.0,...,Yes
3,Adolescent Health,"AH-2. Adolescents participating in extracurricular or out-of-school activities (percent, ages 1217)",82.4,2007,82.7,20112012,90.6,3.7,...,No
2,Adolescent Health,"AH-3.1. Adolescents having an adult in their lives with whom they can discuss serious problems (percent, ages 1217)",75.6,2008,79.0,2018,83.2,44.7,...,Yes
3,Adolescent Health,"AH-3.2. Adolescents whose parents attend their events and activities (percent, ages 1217)",82.1,2007,82.6,20112012,90.3,6.1,...,No
2,Adolescent Health,"AH-4.1. Adolescents in foster care who exhibit early readiness for adulthood (percent, age 17)",42.8,20102011,46.7,20162017,47.1,90.7,...,...
2,Adolescent Health,AH-5.1. Students graduating from high school within 4 years of starting 9th grade (percent),79,20102011,85,20162017,87,75.0,...,...
1,Adolescent Health,"AH-5.2. Students served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act who graduate high school with a diploma (percent, ages 1421)",59.1,20072008,70.5,20162017,65.0,193.2,...,...
1,Adolescent Health,AH-5.3.1. Fourth graders whose reading skills are at or above grade level (percent),33.0,2009,36.6,2017,36.3,109.1,...,Yes
1,Adolescent Health,AH-5.3.2. Eighth graders whose reading skills are at or above grade level (percent),32.4,2009,36.1,2017,35.6,115.6,...,Yes
2,Adolescent Health,AH-5.3.3. Twelfth graders whose reading skills are at or above grade level (percent),35.4,2005,37.4,2015,38.9,57.1,...,Yes
2,Adolescent Health,AH-5.4.1. Fourth graders whose mathematics skills are at or above grade level (percent),39.1,2009,40.2,2017,43.0,28.2,...,Yes
3,Adolescent Health,AH-5.4.2 .Eighth graders whose mathematics skills are at or above grade level (percent),33.9,2009,34.3,2017,37.3,11.8,...,No
3,Adolescent Health,AH-5.4.3. Twelfth graders whose mathematics skills are at or above grade level (percent),23.0,2005,24.5,2015,25.3,65.2,...,No
4,Adolescent Health,"AH-5.5. Adolescents who consider school work to be meaningful and important (percent, ages 1217)",26.4,2008,23.4,2018,29.0,...,11.4,Yes
3,Adolescent Health,"AH-5.6. Adolescents missing school for 11 or more days due to illness or injury (percent, ages 1217)",5.0,2008,5.0,2018,3.6,...,0.0,...
1,Adolescent Health,"AH-6. Schools with a school breakfast program (percent, elementary, middle, and high schools)",68.6,2006,77.1,2014,75.5,123.2,...,Yes
1,Adolescent Health,"AH-7. Adolescents who have been offered, sold, or given an illegal drug on school property (percent, grades 912)",22.7,2009,19.8,2017,20.4,126.1,...,No
2,Adolescent Health,"AH-8. Adolescents whose parents consider them to be safe at school (percent, ages 1217)",86.4,2007,90.9,20112012,95.0,52.3,...,Yes
1,Adolescent Health,AH-9. Proportion of middle and high schools that prohibit harassment based on a students sexual orientation or gender identity (median of reporting states),88.2,2010,94.1,2016,92.2,147.5,...,...
3,Adolescent Health,AH-10. Schools with a serious violent incident (percent),17.2,20072008,16.4,20092010,15.5,47.1,...,No
1,Adolescent Health,"AH-11.1. Arrests of minors and young adults for serious violent crimes (per 100,000 population, ages 1024)",444.0,2008,323.5,2012,399.6,271.4,...,...
1,Adolescent Health,"AH-11.2. Arrests of minors and young adults for serious property crimes (per 100,000 population, ages 1024)","1,526.7",2008,714.7,2017,"1,374.0",531.8,...,...
3,Adolescent Health,"AH-11.3. Secondary school students who report the presence of gangs at school (percent, ages 1218)",12.4,2013,10.7,2015,10.4,85.0,...,No
5,Adolescent Health,"AH-11.4. Youth victimization from crimes of violence (per 1,000 population, ages 1224)",42.0,2013,...,,37.8,...,...,...
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-1. Mean level of joint pain among adults with arthritis (age adjusted, mean, ages 18 and over)",5.6,2006,5.7,2014,5.0,...,1.8,No
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-2. Adults with activity limitations due to arthritis (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",39.4,2008,41.1,2018,35.5,...,4.3,No
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-3.1. Adults with arthritis who have difficulty walking a quarter mile (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",15.2,2008,16.1,2018,13.7,...,5.9,No
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-3.2. Adults with arthritis who have difficulty climbing 10 steps without resting (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",10.8,2008,11.5,2018,9.7,...,6.5,No
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-3.3. Adults with arthritis who have difficulty stooping, bending, or kneeling (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",21.7,2008,21.9,2018,19.5,...,0.9,No
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-3.4. Adults with arthritis who have difficulty grasping or handling small objects (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",4.4,2008,4.2,2018,4.0,50.0,...,No
4,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-4. Personal care limitations in adults with arthritis (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",2.7,2008,3.7,2018,2.4,...,37.0,Yes
4,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-5. Serious psychological distress in adults with arthritis (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",7.3,2008,9.7,2018,6.6,...,32.9,Yes
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-6.1. Unemployment rate among adults with arthritis (age-adjusted percent, ages 1864)",34.0,2008,34.1,2018,30.5,...,0.3,No
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-6.2. Adults with arthritis limited in their ability to work for pay (age-adjusted percent, ages 1864 )",33.1,2006,33.0,2014,29.8,3.0,...,No
1,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-7.1. Overweight and obese adults with arthritis counseled for weight reduction (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",41.2,2006,45.3,2014,45.3,100.0,...,Yes
1,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-7.2. Adults with arthritis counseled for physical activity or exercise (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",52.2,2006,61.0,2014,57.4,169.2,...,Yes
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-8. Adults with arthritis receiving arthritis education (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",10.6,2006,11.4,2014,11.7,72.7,...,No
2,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-9. Adults with chronic joint symptoms seeing a health care provider for their symptoms (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",72.0,2008,74.0,2018,79.2,27.8,...,Yes
4,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-10. Adults with osteoporosis (age-adjusted percent, ages 50 and over)",5.9,20052008,7.3,20132014,5.3,...,23.7,Yes
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-11.1. Hip fracture hospitalizations among females (age adjusted per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)",823.5,2007,778.2,2010,741.2,55.0,...,No
3,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-11.2. Hip fracture hospitalizations among males (age adjusted per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)",464.9,2007,442.6,2010,418.4,48.0,...,No
4,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-12. Adults with activity limitations due to chronic back conditions (age adjusted per 1,000 population, ages 18 and over)",30.7,2008,33.5,2018,27.6,...,9.1,Yes
6,"Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions","AOCBC-13. Adults with high-impact chronic pain (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",7.5,2016,6.7,2017,...,...,...,...
3,Blood Disorders and Blood Safety,BDBS-15. Persons with von Willebrand disease diagnosed by age 21 (percent),69.7,2012,69.7,2018,76.7,,0.0,
1,Blood Disorders and Blood Safety,BDBS-16. Persons with severe hemophilia who experience more than four joint bleeds (percent),15.9,2015,12.6,2018,14.3,206.3,,
3,Blood Disorders and Blood Safety,"BDBS-17. Persons donating blood (age-adjusted percent, 18 and over)",6.1,2008,5.7,2016,6.7,,6.6,No
1,Cancer,"C-1. Overall cancer deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",179.3,2007,152.5,2017,161.4,149.7,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-2. Lung cancer deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",50.6,2007,36.6,2017,45.5,274.5,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-3. Female breast cancer deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",23.0,2007,19.9,2017,20.7,134.8,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-4. Cervical cancer deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",2.4,2007,2.2,2017,2.2,100.0,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-5. Colorectal cancer deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",17.1,2007,13.8,2017,14.5,126.9,,Yes
3,Cancer,"C-6. Oropharyngeal cancer deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",2.5,2007,2.5,2017,2.3,,0.0,
1,Cancer,"C-7. Prostate cancer deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",24.2,2007,18.7,2017,21.8,229.2,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-8. Melanoma deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",2.7,2007,2.1,2017,2.4,200.0,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-9. New cases of invasive colorectal cancer (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",47.1,2007,37.4,2016,40.0,136.6,,Yes
2,Cancer,"C-10. New cases of invasive uterine cervical cancer (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",8.1,2007,7.7,2016,7.3,50.0,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-11. New cases of late-stage female breast cancer (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",44.7,2007,41.0,2016,42.4,160.9,,Yes
2,Cancer,C-12. Statewide cancer registries (number of states and the District of Columbia),43,2006,47,2016,51,50.0,,
2,Cancer,C-13. Relative 5-year cancer survival rate (percent),65.2,2007,66.9,2016,71.7,26.2,,Yes
4,Cancer,"C-15. Women receiving a Pap test within past 3 years (age-adjusted percent, ages 2165)",84.5,2008,80.5,2018,93.0,,4.7,Yes
2,Cancer,"C-16. Adults receiving colorectal cancer screening based on the most recent guidelines (age-adjusted percent, ages 5075)",52.1,2008,65.2,2018,70.5,71.2,,Yes
3,Cancer,"C-17. Women receiving a mammogram within past 2 years (age-adjusted percent, ages 5074)",73.7,2008,72.8,2018,81.1,,1.2,No
4,Cancer,"C-18.1. Women counseled about mammograms (age-adjusted percent, ages 5074)",69.8,2008,66.7,2015,76.8,,4.4,Yes
4,Cancer,"C-18.2. Women counseled about Pap tests (age-adjusted percent, ages 2165)",60.2,2008,52.8,2015,66.2,,12.3,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-19. Men ever counseled about advantages and disadvantages of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test (age-adjusted percent, ages 40 and over)",14.4,2010,21.3,2018,15.9,460.0,,Yes
6,Cancer,"C-20.1. Adolescents who report sunburn (percent, grades 912)",55.8,2015,57.2,2017,,,,
2,Cancer,"C-20.2. Adults reporting sunburn in the past 12 months (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",37.5,2010,35.3,2015,33.8,59.5,,Yes
1,Cancer,"C-20.3. Adolescents using indoor tanning devices (percent, grades 912)",15.6,2009,5.6,2017,14.0,625.0,,No
1,Cancer,"C-20.4. Adults using indoor tanning devices (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",5.6,2010,3.6,2015,3.6,100.0,,Yes
3,Cancer,"C-20.5. Adolescents using protective measures to prevent skin cancer (percent, grades 912)",9.3,2009,10.1,2013,11.2,42.1,,No
2,Cancer,"C-20.6. Adults using protective measures to prevent skin cancer (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",67.0,2008,70.8,2015,73.7,56.7,,Yes
3,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-1. Persons with chronic kidney disease (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",14.8,20012006,14.6,20072012,13.3,13.3,...,No
3,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-2. Persons with chronic kidney disease who know they have impaired renal function (age-adjusted percent, ages 45 and over)",9.4,20012006,8.4,20072012,13.4,...,10.6,No
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-3. Hospital patients with acute kidney injury who have renal evaluation within 6 months post discharge (percent, ages 65 and over)",11.2,2007,17.6,2016,12.3,581.8,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-4.1. Persons with chronic kidney disease receiving medical evaluation (percent, ages 65 and over)",25.8,2007,34.0,2016,28.4,315.4,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-4.2. Persons with type 1 or 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease receiving medical evaluation (percent, ages 65 and over)",23.0,2007,30.7,2016,25.3,334.8,...,Yes
2,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-5. Persons with diabetes and chronic kidney disease receiving recommended treatment (percent, ages 65 and over)",67.4,2007,71.4,2016,76.3,44.9,...,Yes
3,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-6.1. Persons with chronic kidney disease and hypertension (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",22.7,20012006,24.0,20072012,17.6,...,5.7,No
3,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-6.2. Persons with chronic kidney disease: statin use (age-adjusted percent, ages 50 and over)",21.6,20012006,21.9,20072012,25.6,7.5,...,No
6,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-7. Deaths among persons with chronic kidney disease (age adjusted, per 1,000 person years of follow-up, ages 18 and over)",22.2,19992004,20.1,20052010,...,...,...,...
2,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-8. New cases of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) (adjusted for age, sex, and race; per million population)",391.2,2007,358.1,2016,352.0,84.4,...,Yes
2,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-9.1. New cases of kidney failure due to diabetes (adjusted for age, sex, and race; per million population)",171.5,2007,166.3,2016,154.4,30.4,...,Yes
2,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-9.2. New cases of kidney failure due to diabetes among persons with diabetes (adjusted for age, sex, and race; per million persons with diabetes)","2,614.2",2007,"2,411.7",2016,"2,354.4",77.9,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,CKD-10. Chronic kidney disease patients under nephrologist's care 12 months or more before renal replacement therapy (percent),27.3,2007,36.8,2016,30.0,351.9,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-11.1. Hemodialysis patients using arteriovenous fistulas as primary access mode (percent, ages 18 and over)",46.0,2006,64.1,2016,50.6,393.5,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-11.2. Hemodialysis patients using catheters as only access mode (percent, ages 18 and over)",29.0,2006,15.9,2016,26.1,451.7,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-11.3. New hemodialysis patients using arteriovenous fistulas as primary access mode (percent, ages 18 and over)",31.6,2007,34.9,2016,34.8,103.1,...,Yes
4,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-12. Dialysis patients on waiting list for or receiving a kidney transplant within 1 year of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) start (percent, under age 70)",16.9,2006,15.8,2016,18.6,...,6.5,Yes
4,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-13.1. Persons receiving a kidney transplant within 3 years of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) (percent, under age 70)",18.3,2004,12.7,2013,20.1,...,30.6,Yes
6,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-13.2. Persons receiving a preemptive kidney transplant at the start of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) (percent, under age 70)",4.0,2007,4.0,2016,...,...,...,...
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-14.1. Total deaths among persons on dialysis (per 1,000 patient years at risk)",208.1,2007,173.1,2016,187.4,169.1,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-14.2. Deaths of persons on dialysis in first 3 months of renal replacement therapy (per 1,000 patient years at risk)",372.2,2007,291.3,2016,335.0,217.5,...,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-14.3. Cardiovascular disease deaths among persons on dialysis (per 1,000 patient years at risk)",90.3,2007,67.2,2016,81.3,256.7,...,Yes
4,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-14.4. Total deaths among persons with a functioning kidney transplant (per 1,000 patient years at risk)",30.8,2007,33.2,2016,27.8,...,7.8,Yes
1,Chronic Kidney Disease,"CKD-14.5. Cardiovascular disease deaths among persons with a functioning kidney transplant (per 1,000 patient years at risk)",5.0,2007,2.6,2016,3.0,120.0,...,Yes
3,"Dementias, Including Alzheimer's Disease","DIA-1. Diagnosis awareness among persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias or their caregiver (percent, ages 65 and over)",62.0,20072009,59.7,20132015,68.2,...,3.7,No
3,"Dementias, Including Alzheimer's Disease","DIA-2. Preventable hospitalizations among persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias (percent, ages 65 and over)",25.3,20062008,23.5,20132015,22.8,72.0,...,No
1,Diabetes,"D-1. New cases of diabetes (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 1884 years)",8.0,20062008,6.5,20162018,7.2,187.5,...,Yes
2,Diabetes,"D-3. Diabetes-related deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",74.0,2007,69.2,2017,66.6,64.9,...,Yes
6,Diabetes,"D-4. Lower extremity amputations in persons with diagnosed diabetes (age adjusted, per 1,000 population)",3.5,20052007,3.4,20082010,...,...,...,...
3,Diabetes,"D-5.1. Persons with diagnosed diabetes whose A1c value is greater than 9% (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",18.0,20052008,18.7,20132016,16.2,...,3.9,No
6,Diabetes,"D-5.2. Persons with diagnosed diabetes whose A1c value is less than 7% (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",53.1,20052008,50.6,20132016,...,...,...,...
3,Diabetes,"D-6. Persons with diagnosed diabetes whose low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is under control (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",53.0,20052008,48.4,20132016,58.3,...,8.7,No
3,Diabetes,"D-7. Persons with diagnosed diabetes whose blood pressure is under control (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",51.8,20052008,56.3,20132016,57.0,86.5,...,No
3,Diabetes,"D-8. Annual dental examinations among persons with diagnosed diabetes (age-adjusted percent, ages 2 years and over)",55.6,2008,56.4,2018,61.2,14.3,...,No
3,Diabetes,"D-9. Annual foot examinations among adults with diagnosed diabetes (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",69.7,2012,69.8,2017,76.7,1.4,...,No
1,Diabetes,"D-10. Annual dilated eye examinations among adults with diagnosed diabetes (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",53.4,2008,62.3,2017,58.7,167.9,...,Yes
2,Diabetes,"D-11. A1c test, at least twice a year among adults with diagnosed diabetes (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",66.3,2012,70.7,2017,72.9,66.7,...,Yes
1,Diabetes,D-12. Annual urinary microalbumin measurement among Medicare beneficiaries with diagnosed diabetes (percent),33.6,2007,48.7,2016,37.0,444.1,...,Yes
4,Diabetes,"D-13. Self-monitoring of blood glucose at least once daily among adults with diagnosed diabetes (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",65.9,2012,61.5,2017,72.5,...,6.7,Yes
3,Diabetes,"D-14. Diabetes education among persons with diagnosed diabetes (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",53.1,2012,51.7,2017,58.4,...,2.6,No
3,Diabetes,"D-15. Persons with diabetes whose condition has been diagnosed (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",72.5,20052008,75.2,20132016,79.8,37.0,...,No
1,Diabetes,"D-16.1. Persons with prediabetes who increase their physical activity levels (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",44.6,20052008,55.6,20132016,49.1,244.4,...,Yes
1,Diabetes,"D-16.2. Persons with prediabetes who are trying to lose weight (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",50.0,20052008,58.7,20132016,55.0,174.0,...,Yes
3,Diabetes,"D-16.3. Persons with prediabetes who reduce fat or calories in their diet (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",48.5,20052008,51.0,20132016,53.4,51.0,...,No
1,Disability and Health,DH-1. Core data systems with standard questions to identify people with disabilities (number),4,2010,10,2018,8,150.0,,
1,Disability and Health,DH-2.1. State health promotion programs for persons with disabilities (number of states and the District of Columbia),16,2010,19,2019,18,150.0,,
2,Disability and Health,DH-2.2. State surveillance programs for caregivers (number of states and the District of Columbia),6,2010,12,2017,51,13.3,,
5,Disability and Health,DH-2.3. State health promotion programs for caregivers (number of states and the District of Columbia),0,2010,,,16,,,
5,Disability and Health,DH-3. Public health schools and programs that offer graduate-level studies in disability and health (percent),50.0,2011,,,55.0,,,
1,Disability and Health,"DH-4. Barriers to primary care (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",47.2,2009,41.6,2017,42.5,119.1,,Yes
3,Disability and Health,"DH-5. Youth with special health care needs receiving pediatric-to-adult health care transition planning (percent, ages 1217 years)",41.2,20052006,40.0,20092010,45.3,,2.9,No
3,Disability and Health,"DH-6. Persons with epilepsy and uncontrolled seizures receiving appropriate medical care (percent, ages 18 and over)",57.7,2010,60.1,2017,63.5,41.4,,No
2,Disability and Health,"DH-7. Inappropriate medication use among older adults with disabilities (percent, ages 65 and over)",18.0,2009,13.9,2016,10.8,56.9,,Yes
5,Disability and Health,"DH-8. Adults with disabilities with barriers to health and wellness programs (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",76.8,2011,,,69.1,,,
1,Disability and Health,DH-11. All occupied homes with a no-step entrance (percent),42.1,2007,51.3,2017,46.3,219.0,,
2,Disability and Health,"DH-12.1. Adults with disabilities living in congregate care facilities (number, ages 22 and over)","57,462",2008,"39,705",2016,"31,604",68.7,,
1,Disability and Health,"DH-12.2. Children and youth with disabilities living in congregate care facilities (number, ages 21 years and under)","20,762",2009,"13,399",2017,"18,686",354.7,,
2,Disability and Health,"DH-14. Inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in regular education programs (percent, ages 621 years)",56.8,20072008,63.5,20172018,73.8,39.4,,
1,Disability and Health,"DH-15. Unemployment rate for persons with disabilities (percent, ages 1664)",15.6,2009,8.7,2018,14.0,431.3,,Yes
3,Disability and Health,"DH-16. Employment rate for persons with disabilities (percent, ages 1664)",29.7,2009,30.4,2018,32.7,23.3,,No
3,Disability and Health,"DH-17. Adults with disabilities receiving sufficient social and emotional support (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",69.5,2008,70.0,2010,76.5,7.1,,No
1,Disability and Health,"DH-18. Adults with disabilities with serious psychological distress (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",14.4,2010,12.3,2017,13.0,150.0,,No
4,Disability and Health,"DH-19. Persons with disabilities with nonfatal unintentional injuries requiring medical care (age-adjusted percent, ages 5 years and over)",5.7,2010,7.2,2017,5.1,,26.3,Yes
1,Disability and Health,"DH-20. Children with disabilities receiving early intervention services (percent, ages 02 years)",91.0,2007,97.2,2017,95.0,155.0,,
3,Early and Middle Childhood,"EMC-2.2. Children who talk and share ideas with parents (percent, ages 617 years)",69.8,2007,70.4,20112012,76.8,8.6,...,No
3,Early and Middle Childhood,"EMC-2.3. Children whose family reads to them every day (percent, ages 05 years)",47.8,2007,47.9,20112012,52.6,2.1,...,No
2,Early and Middle Childhood,"EMC-2.4. Children whose doctor asked their parents about concerns regarding the child's development (percent, ages 05 years)",48.0,2007,51.8,20112012,52.8,79.2,...,Yes
3,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.1.1. Elementary schools requiring newly hired staff who teach health topics to have training in health education (percent),35.2,2006,36.2,2014,38.7,28.6,...,No
3,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.1.2. Middle schools requiring newly hired staff who teach health topics to have training in health education (percent),56.9,2006,54.0,2014,62.6,...,5.1,No
3,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.1.3. High schools requiring newly hired staff who teach health topics to have training in health education (percent),76.8,2006,70.6,2014,84.5,...,8.1,No
3,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.2.1. Elementary schools requiring newly hired staff who teach health topics to be certified in health education (percent),32.5,2006,29.6,2014,35.8,...,8.9,No
3,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.2.2. Middle schools requiring newly hired staff who teach health topics to be certified in health education (percent),50.7,2006,47.4,2014,55.8,...,6.5,No
3,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.2.3. High schools requiring newly hired staff who teach health topics to be certified in health education (percent),72.8,2006,73.1,2014,80.1,4.1,...,No
4,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.3.1. Elementary schools requiring health education instruction to meet national standards for cumulative time (percent),7.5,2006,1.7,2014,11.5,...,77.3,Yes
4,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.3.2. Middle schools requiring health education instruction to meet national standards for cumulative time (percent),10.3,2006,4.2,2014,14.3,...,59.2,Yes
3,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.3.3. High schools requiring health education instruction to meet national standards for cumulative time (percent),6.5,2006,5.5,2014,10.5,...,15.4,No
4,Early and Middle Childhood,EMC-4.4. Health education classes taught by a teacher who has had professional development related to teaching skills for behavior change in past 2 years (percent),52.5,2006,41.2,2014,57.8,...,21.5,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.1. Schools providing health education in all priority areas (percent, grades K12)",25.6,2006,20.5,2014,28.2,...,19.9,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.2. Schools providing health education to prevent unintentional injury (percent, grades K12)",81.7,2006,69.2,2014,89.9,...,15.3,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.3. Schools providing health education to prevent violence (percent, grades grades K12)",81.9,2006,77.3,2014,90.1,...,5.6,Yes
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.4. Schools providing health education to prevent suicide (percent, grades K12)",43.9,2006,39.1,2014,48.3,...,10.9,No
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.5. Schools providing health education to prevent tobacco use and addiction (percent, grades K12)",81.0,2006,65.7,2014,89.1,...,18.9,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.6. Schools providing health education to prevent alcohol and other drug use (percent, grades K12)",81.7,2006,62.3,2014,89.9,...,23.7,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.7. Schools providing health education to prevent unintended pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and STDs (percent, grades K12)",39.3,2006,31.0,2014,43.2,...,21.1,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.8. Schools providing health education to prevent unhealthy dietary patterns (percent, grades K12)",84.3,2006,74.1,2014,92.7,...,12.1,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-2.9. Schools providing health education to prevent inadequate physical activity (percent, grades K12)",79.2,2006,67.2,2014,87.1,...,15.2,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-3.1. Schools providing health education goals that address health promotion and disease prevention (percent, grades K12)",78.5,2006,71.5,2014,100.0,...,8.9,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-3.2. Schools providing health education goals that address skills in accessing health-promoting products and services (percent, grades K12)",69.4,2006,61.1,2014,100.0,...,12.0,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-3.3. Schools providing health education goals that address skills in advocating for health (percent, grades K12)",74.4,2006,65.8,2014,100.0,...,11.6,Yes
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-3.4. Schools providing health education, goals that address skills in analyzing the cultural influence on health (percent, grades K12)",68.8,2006,68.3,2014,100.0,...,0.7,No
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-3.5. Schools providing health education goals that address skills in health-enhancing behaviors (percent, grades K12)",80.0,2006,73.8,2014,100.0,...,7.8,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-3.6. Schools providing health education goals addressing skills in goal-setting to enhance health (percent, grades K12)",77.4,2006,69.5,2014,100.0,...,10.2,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-3.7. Schools providing health education goals that address skills in interpersonal communication to enhance health (percent, grades K12)",75.9,2006,68.9,2014,100.0,...,9.2,Yes
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-4.1. Schools providing health education in hand hygiene (percent, grades K12)",83.4,2006,82.2,2014,91.7,...,1.4,No
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-4.2. Schools providing health education in oral health (percent, grades K12)",64.8,2006,63.4,2014,71.3,...,2.2,No
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-4.3. Schools providing health education in growth and development (percent, grades K12)",76.0,2006,69.9,2014,83.6,...,8.0,Yes
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-4.4. Schools providing health education in sun safety and skin cancer prevention (percent, grades K12)",72.4,2006,66.0,2014,79.6,...,8.8,Yes
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-4.5. Schools providing health education in the benefits of rest and sleep (percent, grades K12)",90.2,2006,88.2,2014,99.2,...,2.2,No
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-4.6. Schools providing health education in vision and hearing loss prevention (percent, grades K12)",49.4,2006,35.0,2014,54.3,...,29.1,Yes
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-4.7. Schools providing health education in the need for health screenings and checkups (percent, grades K12)",60.6,2006,61.0,2014,66.7,6.6,...,No
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-5.1. Schools with a nurse-to-student ratio of at least 1:750 (percent, grades K12)",40.6,2006,51.1,2014,44.7,256.1,...,No
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-5.2. Senior high schools with a nurse-to-student ratio of at least 1:750 (percent),33.5,2006,37.9,2014,36.9,129.4,...,No
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-5.3. Middle schools with a nurse-to-student ratio of at least 1:750 (percent),43.9,2006,47.5,2014,48.3,81.8,...,No
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-5.4. Elementary schools with a nurse-to-student ratio of at least 1:750 (percent),41.4,2006,58.1,2014,45.5,407.3,...,No
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,"ECBP-6. Persons completing high school (percent, ages 1824)",89.0,2007,93.6,2018,97.9,51.7,...,Yes
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.1. College and university students receiving information on all priority health-risk behavior areas (percent),9.6,2009,10.8,2014,10.6,120.0,...,Yes
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.2. Students receiving information on unintentional injury from their college or university (percent),29.6,2009,32.9,2014,32.6,110.0,...,Yes
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.3. Students receiving information on violence from their college or university (percent),37.9,2009,42.3,2014,41.7,115.8,...,Yes
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.4. Students receiving information on suicide from their college or university (percent),32.6,2009,39.6,2014,35.9,212.1,...,Yes
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.5. Students receiving information on tobacco use and addiction from their college or university (percent),35.9,2009,39.2,2014,39.5,91.7,...,Yes
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.6. Students receiving information on alcohol and other drug use from their college or university (percent),75.1,2009,78.5,2014,82.6,45.3,...,Yes
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.7. Students receiving information on unintended pregnancy from their college or university (percent),44.0,2009,46.5,2014,48.4,56.8,...,Yes
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.8. Students receiving information on HIV/AIDS and STDs from their college or university (percent),57.6,2009,58.4,2014,63.4,13.8,...,No
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.9. Students receiving information on unhealthy dietary patterns from their college or university (percent),57.3,2009,57.5,2014,63.0,3.5,...,No
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-7.10. Students receiving information on inadequate physical activity from their college or university (percent),60.5,2009,61.8,2014,66.6,21.3,...,Yes
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.1. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in injury (percent),76.6,2008,...,,84.3,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.2. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in violence (percent),66.9,2008,...,,73.5,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.3. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in mental illness (percent),63.2,2008,...,,69.5,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.4. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in tobacco (percent),88.0,2008,...,,96.7,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.5. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in substance abuse (percent),68.9,2008,...,,75.8,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.6. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in unintended pregnancy (percent),81.3,2008,...,,89.4,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.7. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in chronic disease programs (percent),82.6,2008,...,,90.8,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.8. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in nutrition (percent),86.1,2008,...,,94.7,...,...,...
5,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-10.9. Community-based organizations providing primary prevention services in physical activity (percent),80.5,2008,...,,88.5,...,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-12.1. MD-granting medical schools with course content in counseling for health promotion and disease prevention (percent),95.2,2008,96.7,2019,100.0,31.3,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-12.2. MD-granting medical schools with course content in cultural diversity (percent),99.2,2008,100.0,2019,100.0,100.0,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-12.3. MD-granting medical schools with course content in evaluation of health sciences literature (percent),93.7,2008,98.7,2019,100.0,79.4,...,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-12.4. MD-granting medical schools with course content in environmental health (percent),85.7,2008,85.4,2019,94.3,...,0.4,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-12.5. MD-granting medical schools with course content in public health systems (percent),78.6,2008,95.4,2019,86.5,212.7,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-12.6. MD-granting medical schools with course content in global health (percent),77.8,2008,92.7,2019,85.6,191.0,...,...
6,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-13.1. DO-granting medical schools with course content in counseling for health promotion/disease prevention (percent),100.0,2009,97.4,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-13.2. DO-granting medical schools with course content in cultural diversity (percent),100.0,2009,100.0,2018,...,...,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-13.3. DO-granting medical schools with course content in evaluation of health sciences literature (percent),92.9,2009,100.0,2018,100.0,100.0,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-13.4. DO-granting medical schools with course content in environmental health (percent),64.3,2009,92.3,2018,70.7,437.5,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-13.5. DO-granting medical schools with course content in public health systems (percent),82.1,2009,89.7,2018,90.4,91.6,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-13.6. DO-granting medical schools with course content in global health (percent),46.4,2009,82.1,2018,51.1,759.6,...,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-14.1. Undergraduate nursing programs with course content in counseling for health promotion and disease prevention (percent),99,2009,98,2019,100,...,1.0,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-14.2. Undergraduate nursing programs with course content in cultural diversity (percent),98,2009,97,2019,100,...,1.0,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-14.3. Undergraduate nursing programs with course content in evaluation of health sciences literature (percent),97,2009,98,2019,100,33.3,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-14.4. Undergraduate nursing programs with course content in environmental health (percent),94,2009,95,2019,100,16.7,...,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-14.5. Undergraduate nursing programs with course content in public health systems (percent),97,2009,95,2019,100,...,2.1,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-14.6. Undergraduate nursing programs with course content in global health (percent),93,2009,92,2019,100,...,1.1,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-15.1. Nurse practitioner programs with course content in counseling for health promotion and disease prevention (percent),95.8,2008,94.7,2019,100.0,...,1.1,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-15.2. Nurse practitioner programs with course content in cultural diversity (percent),96.6,2008,99.0,2019,100.0,70.6,...,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-15.3. Nurse practitioner programs with course content in evaluation of health sciences literature (percent),98.1,2008,96.8,2019,100.0,...,1.3,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-15.4. Nurse practitioner programs with course content in environmental health (percent),74.3,2008,82.1,2019,81.7,105.4,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-15.5. Nurse practitioner programs with course content in public health systems (percent),81.5,2008,90.5,2019,89.7,109.8,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-15.6. Nurse practitioner programs with course content in global health (percent),72.5,2008,76.8,2019,79.8,58.9,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-16.1. Physician assistant programs with course content in counseling for health promotion and disease prevention (percent),97,2010,100,20152016,100,100.0,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-16.2. Physician assistant programs with course content in cultural diversity (percent),99,2010,100,20152016,100,100.0,...,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-16.3. Physician assistant programs with course content in evaluation of health sciences literature (percent),99,2010,99,20152016,100,...,0.0,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-16.4. Physician assistant programs with course content in environmental health (percent),53,2010,63,2014,58.3,188.7,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-16.5. Physician assistant programs with course content in public health systems (percent),89,2010,100,20152016,97.9,123.6,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-16.6. Physician assistant programs with course content in global health (percent),49,2010,63,2014,53.9,285.7,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-17.1. Pharmacist training with course content in counseling for health promotion and disease prevention (percent),98.4,2012,99.3,2018,100.0,56.2,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-17.2. Pharmacist training with course content in cultural diversity (percent),94.4,2012,98.6,2018,100.0,75.0,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-17.3. Pharmacist training with course content in evaluation of health sciences literature (percent),99.2,2012,100,2018,100.0,100.0,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-17.4. Pharmacist training with course content in environmental health (percent),75.0,2012,88.8,2018,82.5,184.0,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-17.5. Pharmacist training with course content in public health systems (percent),92.7,2012,98.6,2018,100.0,80.8,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-17.6. Pharmacist training with course content in global health (percent),75.0,2012,93.7,2018,82.5,249.3,...,...
3,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-18.1. Dentist training with course content in counseling for health promotion and disease prevention (percent),98.3,2010,98.1,2019,100.0,...,0.2,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-18.2. Dentist training with course content in cultural diversity (percent),93.1,2010,98.1,2019,100.0,72.5,...,...
6,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-18.3. Dentist training with course content in evaluation of health sciences literature (percent),100.0,2010,100.0,2019,...,...,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-18.4. Dentist training with course content in environmental health (percent),58.6,2010,71.2,2019,64.5,213.6,...,...
2,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-18.5. Dentist training with course content in public health systems (percent),84.5,2010,90.4,2019,93.0,69.4,...,...
1,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-18.6. Dentist training with course content in global health (percent),70.7,2010,78.8,2019,77.8,114.1,...,...
4,Educational and Community-Based Programs,ECBP-19. Health professions education programs that include interprofessional educational experiences (percent),33.3,2010,29.7,2015,36.6,...,10.8,...
1,Environmental Health,"EH-1. Air Quality Index greater than 100 (number of days, weighted by population and Air Quality Index value)","7,603,280,922",20062008,"4,295,962,018",20162018,"6,842,952,830",435.0,...,...
1,Environmental Health,EH-2.1. Trips to work by bicycling (percent),0.5,2008,0.6,2017,0.6,100.0,...,...
3,Environmental Health,EH-2.2. Trips to work by walking (percent),2.8,2008,2.7,2017,3.1,...,3.6,...
3,Environmental Health,EH-2.3. Trips to work by mass transit (percent),5.0,2008,5.0,2017,5.5,...,0.0,...
2,Environmental Health,EH-2.4. Persons who telecommute (percent),4.1,2008,4.4,2016,5.3,25.0,...,...
5,Environmental Health,"EH-3.1. Airborne toxic emissions from mobile sources (number, tons)","1,800,000",2005,...,,"1,000,000",...,...,...
5,Environmental Health,"EH-3.2. Airborne toxic emissions from area sources (number, tons)","1,300,000",2005,...,,"1,700,000",...,...,...
5,Environmental Health,"EH-3.3. Airborne toxic emissions from major sources (number, tons)","800,000",2005,...,,"700,000",...,...,...
1,Environmental Health,EH-4. Persons receiving safe drinking water from community systems (percent),92.0,2008,93.5,2013,91.0,...,...,...
4,Environmental Health,EH-5. Waterborne disease outbreaks in community water systems (number),7,19992008,30,20132014,2,...,328.6,...
1,Environmental Health,EH-6. Water conservation (per capita daily gallons of domestic water usage),99.0,2005,82.0,2015,89.1,171.7,...,...
3,Environmental Health,EH-7. Beaches open and safe for swimming (percentage of days during beach season),95.0,2008,94.7,2017,96.0,...,0.3,...
1,Environmental Health,"EH-8.1. Concentration of blood lead among children in the 97.5 percentile (µg/dL, ages 15 years)",5.8,20052008,3.3,20132016,5.2,416.7,...,No
1,Environmental Health,"EH-8.2. Mean blood lead levels in children (geometric mean, ages 15 years)",1.8,20032004,0.8,20152016,1.6,500.0,...,Yes
2,Environmental Health,EH-9. Hazardous sites on the National Priority List—Superfund sites (number),"1,279",2010,"1,212",2018,"1,151",52.3,...,...
2,Environmental Health,EH-10. Visits to a health care facility for pesticide exposure (number of visits),"14,963",2008,"14,317",2017,"9,819",12.6,...,...
3,Environmental Health,EH-11. Toxic pollutants released into the environment (tons),"1,944,200",2008,"1,939,245",2017,"1,749,780",2.5,...,...
2,Environmental Health,EH-12. Recycled municipal solid waste (percent),33.2,2008,34.7,2015,36.5,45.5,...,...
5,Environmental Health,EH-13.1. Indoor cockroach allergen levels (per grams of settled dust),0.51,2006,...,,0.46,...,...,...
5,Environmental Health,EH-13.2. Indoor mouse allergen levels (per grams of settled dust),0.16,2006,...,,0.14,...,...,...
2,Environmental Health,EH-14. Homes with operating radon mitigation systems (percent),10.2,2007,16.0,2012,30.0,29.3,...,...
2,Environmental Health,EH-15. New homes with radon-resistant construction (percent),28.6,2007,36.0,2012,100.0,10.4,...,...
3,Environmental Health,EH-16.1. Schools with an indoor air quality management program (percent),51.4,2006,46.4,2014,56.5,...,9.7,No
1,Environmental Health,EH-16.2. Schools with a mold management plan (percent),67.0,2006,78.2,2014,73.7,167.2,...,Yes
3,Environmental Health,EH-16.3. Schools with a hazardous materials plan (percent),85.9,2006,84.5,2014,94.5,...,1.6,No
3,Environmental Health,EH-16.4. Schools using spot treatments and baiting rather than widespread pesticide application (percent),57.9,2006,54.5,2014,63.7,...,5.9,No
3,Environmental Health,EH-16.5. Schools marking areas treated with pesticides (percent),56.2,2006,52.5,2014,61.8,...,6.6,No
4,Environmental Health,EH-16.6. Schools informing students and staff prior to pesticide application (percent),65.4,2006,35.6,2014,71.9,...,45.6,Yes
4,Environmental Health,EH-16.7. Schools inspecting drinking water outlets for lead (percent),55.7,2006,45.8,2014,61.3,...,17.8,Yes
4,Environmental Health,EH-16.8. Schools inspecting drinking water outlets for bacteria (percent),58.8,2006,51.4,2014,64.7,...,12.6,Yes
4,Environmental Health,EH-16.9. Schools inspecting drinking water outlets for coliforms (percent),55.2,2006,48.5,2014,60.7,...,12.1,Yes
5,Environmental Health,EH-18.1. U.S. homes with lead-based paint (number),"37,000,000",20052006,...,,"33,300,000",...,...,...
5,Environmental Health,EH-18.2. U.S. homes with paint-lead hazards (number),"15,300,000",20052006,...,,"13,770,000",...,...,...
5,Environmental Health,EH-18.3. U.S. homes with dust-lead hazards (number),"13,700,000",20052006,...,,"12,330,000",...,...,...
5,Environmental Health,EH-18.4. U.S. homes with soil-lead hazards (number),"3,800,000",20052006,...,,"3,420,000",...,...,...
2,Environmental Health,EH-19. Occupied housing units with moderate or severe physical problems (percent),5.2,2007,5.1,2013,4.2,10.0,...,...
2,Environmental Health,"EH-20.1. Exposure to arsenic (µg/g of creatinine, ages 6 years and over)",20.0,20032004,16.2,20152016,14.0,63.3,...,...
2,Environmental Health,"EH-20.2. Exposure to cadmium (µg/L, ages 1 year and over)",1.60,20032004,1.22,20152016,1.12,79.2,...,...
1,Environmental Health,"EH-20.3. Exposure to lead (µg/dL, ages 1 year and over)",4.20,20032004,2.75,20152016,2.94,115.1,...,...
1,Environmental Health,"EH-20.4. Exposure to mercury among children (µg/L, ages 15 years)",1.80,20032004,1.06,20152016,1.26,137.0,...,...
5,Environmental Health,"EH-20.5. Exposure to mercury among females (µg/L, ages 1649 years)",4.60,20012002,...,,3.22,...,...,...
2,Environmental Health,"EH-20.9. Exposure to para-nitrophenol (methyl parathion and parathions) (µg/g of creatinine, ages 6 years and over)",2.98,20012002,2.62,20092010,2.02,37.5,...,...
1,Environmental Health,"EH-20.10. Exposure to 3,4,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (chlorpyrifos) (µg/g of creatinine, ages 6 years and over)",9.27,20012002,3.53,20092010,6.45,203.5,...,...
4,Environmental Health,"EH-20.11. Exposure to 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (µg/g of creatinine, ages 6 years and over)",3.35,20012002,5.44,20092010,2.32,...,62.4,...
1,Environmental Health,"EH-20.15. Exposure to bisphenol A (µg/g of creatinine, ages 6 years and over)",11.20,20032004,5.09,20132014,7.84,181.8,...,...
2,Environmental Health,"EH-20.16. Exposure to perchlorate (µg/g of creatinine, ages 6 years and over)",12.4,20032004,10.7,20132014,8.4,42.5,...,...
1,Environmental Health,"EH-20.17. Exposure to mono-n-butyl phthalate (µg/g of creatinine, ages 6 years and over)",91.6,20032004,36.1,20152016,64.1,202.0,...,...
5,Environmental Health,"EH-20.18. Exposure to BDE 47, (2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether) (ng/g of lipid, ages 12 years and over)",163.0,20032004,...,,114.1,...,...,...
3,Environmental Health,EH-21. Use of information systems to monitor environmental health (number of states and District of Columbia),23,2010,25,2017,51,7.1,...,...
2,Environmental Health,"EH-22.1. Monitoring diseases or conditions caused by lead poisoning (number of states, territories, and District of Columbia)",37,2009,51,2011,56,73.7,...,...
4,Environmental Health,"EH-22.2. Monitoring diseases or conditions caused by pesticide exposure (number of states, territories, and District of Columbia)",27,2009,24,2011,56,...,11.1,...
3,Environmental Health,"EH-22.3. Monitoring conditions caused by mercury poisoning (number of states, territories, and District of Columbia)",23,2009,22,2011,56,...,4.3,...
3,Environmental Health,"EH-22.4. Monitoring diseases or conditions caused by arsenic poisoning (number of states, territories, and District of Columbia)",19,2009,18,2011,56,...,5.3,...
4,Environmental Health,"EH-22.5. Monitoring diseases or conditions caused by cadmium poisoning (number of states, territories, and District of Columbia)",19,2009,15,2011,56,...,21.1,...
4,Environmental Health,"EH-22.6. Monitoring diseases or conditions caused by acute chemical poisoning (number of states, territories, and District of Columbia)",9,2009,8,2011,56,...,11.1,...
4,Environmental Health,"EH-22.7. Monitoring diseases or conditions caused by carbon monoxide poisoning (number of states, territories, and District of Columbia)",16,2009,14,2011,56,...,12.5,...
5,Environmental Health,EH-23. Public schools located within 150 meters of major highways in the United States (percent),3.3,20102011,...,,3.0,...,...,...
1,Environmental Health,EH-24. Global burden of disease (number of deaths),"1,900,000",2005,"1,400,000",2016,"1,710,000",263.2,...,...
2,Family Planning,"FP-1. Intended pregnancy (percent, females ages 1544)",51.0,2002,54.7,2011,56.0,74.0,...,...
2,Family Planning,"FP-2. Females experiencing pregnancy due to contraceptive failure (percent, ages 1544)",12.4,2002,10.3,20062010,9.9,84.0,...,...
2,Family Planning,FP-3.1. Publicly funded family planning clinics offering a full range of contraceptive methods onsite (percent),53.6,2010,59.1,2015,67.0,41.0,...,...
2,Family Planning,FP-3.2. Publicly funded family planning clinics providing emergency contraception onsite (percent),79.7,2003,85.4,2015,87.7,71.3,...,...
3,Family Planning,"FP-5. Pregnancies conceived within 18 months of a previous birth (percent, females ages 1544)",33.1,20062010,33.8,20152017,29.8,...,2.1,No
4,Family Planning,"FP-6. Contraceptive use at most recent sexual intercourse by females at risk of unintended pregnancy or use by their partners (percent, females ages 1544)",83.3,20062010,79.6,20152017,91.6,...,4.4,Yes
3,Family Planning,"FP-7.1. Sexually active females receiving reproductive health services (percent, ages 1544)",78.6,20062010,78.0,20152017,86.5,...,0.8,No
4,Family Planning,"FP-7.2. Sexually active males receiving reproductive health services (percent, ages 1544)",14.8,20062010,11.1,20152017,16.3,...,25.0,Yes
1,Family Planning,"FP-8.1. Pregnancy among adolescent females (per 1,000 population, ages 1517)",40.2,2005,20.8,2013,36.2,485.0,...,...
1,Family Planning,"FP-8.2. Pregnancy among adolescent females (per 1,000 population, ages 1819)",116.2,2005,76.1,2013,104.6,345.7,...,...
3,Family Planning,"FP-9.1. Adolescent females who have never had sexual intercourse (percent, ages 1517)",72.9,20062010,76.4,20152017,80.2,47.9,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-9.2. Adolescent males who have never had sexual intercourse (percent, ages 1517)",72.0,20062010,76.9,20152017,79.2,68.1,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-9.3. Adolescent females who have never had sexual intercourse (percent, ages 15 and under)",85.4,20062010,90.4,20152017,93.9,58.8,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-9.4. Adolescent males who have never had sexual intercourse (percent, ages 15 and under)",84.3,20062010,89.3,20152017,92.7,59.5,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-10.1. Condom use at first intercourse by sexually experienced adolescent females (percent, ages 1519)",68.0,20062010,63.4,20152017,74.8,...,6.8,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-10.2. Condom use at first intercourse by sexually experienced adolescent males (percent, ages 1519)",79.6,20062010,82.4,20152017,87.6,35.0,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-10.3. Condom use at last intercourse by sexually active adolescent females (percent, ages 1519)",50.5,20062010,47.8,20152017,55.6,...,5.3,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-10.4. Condom use at last intercourse by sexually active adolescent males (percent, ages 1519)",74.1,20062010,67.7,20152017,81.5,...,8.6,No
1,Family Planning,"FP-11.1. Condom and hormonal contraception use at first intercourse by sexually experienced adolescent females (percent, ages 1519)",14.0,20062010,18.4,20112015,15.4,314.3,...,No
1,Family Planning,"FP-11.2. Condom and hormonal contraception use at first intercourse by sexually experienced adolescent males (percent, ages 1519)",15.7,20062010,20.4,20152017,17.3,293.7,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-11.3. Condom and hormonal contraception use at last intercourse by sexually active adolescent females (percent, ages 1519)",18.3,20062010,19.4,20112015,20.1,61.1,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-11.4. Condom and hormonal contraception use at last intercourse by sexually active adolescent males (percent, ages 1519)",32.1,20062010,29.8,20152017,35.3,...,7.2,No
4,Family Planning,"FP-12.1. Adolescent females who received formal education on abstinence before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",88.7,20062010,81.3,20152017,97.6,...,8.3,Yes
3,Family Planning,"FP-12.2. Adolescent males who received formal education on abstinence before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",82.5,20062010,78.6,20152017,90.8,...,4.7,No
4,Family Planning,"FP-12.3. Adolescent females who received formal education on birth control before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",70.5,20062010,62.7,20152017,77.6,...,11.1,Yes
3,Family Planning,"FP-12.4. Adolescent males who received formal education on birth control before age 18 (percent, 1519)",60.8,20062010,61.7,20152017,66.9,14.8,...,No
4,Family Planning,"FP-12.5. Adolescent females who received formal education on HIV/AIDS prevention before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",89.3,20062010,82.9,20152017,98.2,...,7.2,Yes
3,Family Planning,"FP-12.6. Adolescent males who received formal education on HIV/AIDS prevention before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",87.9,20062010,85.7,20152017,96.7,...,2.5,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-12.7. Adolescent females who received formal education on STDs before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",93.8,20062010,90.2,20152017,95.8,...,3.8,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-12.8. Adolescent males who received formal education on STDs before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",91.8,20062010,93.1,20152017,93.8,65.0,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-13.1. Adolescent females who talked to a parent or guardian about abstinence before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",61.4,20062010,59.5,20152017,67.5,...,3.1,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-13.2. Adolescent males who talked to a parent or guardian about abstinence before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",41.2,20062010,39.2,20152017,45.3,...,4.9,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-13.3. Adolescent females who talked to a parent or guardian about birth control before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",51.0,20062010,50.5,20152017,56.1,...,1.0,No
1,Family Planning,"FP-13.4. Adolescent males who talked to a parent or guardian about birth control before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",29.2,20062010,32.9,20152017,32.1,127.6,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-13.5. Adolescent females who talked to a parent or guardian about HIV/AIDS prevention before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",40.9,20062010,38.0,20152017,45.0,...,7.1,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-13.6. Adolescent males who talked to a parent or guardian about HIV/AIDS prevention before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",37.8,20062010,35.0,20152017,41.6,...,7.4,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-13.7. Adolescent females who talked to a parent or guardian about STDs before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",54.2,20062010,54.4,20152017,59.6,3.7,...,No
3,Family Planning,"FP-13.8. Adolescent males who talked to a parent or guardian about STDs before age 18 (percent, ages 1519)",48.1,20062010,50.6,20152017,52.9,52.1,...,No
3,Family Planning,FP-14.1. States with income-eligibility levels for Medicaid family planning services at or above 133% of the poverty threshold (number),41,2015,41,2017,51,...,0.0,...
4,Family Planning,FP-14.2. States with income-eligibility levels for Medicaid family planning services at or above 185% of the poverty threshold (number),22,2015,19,2017,24,...,13.6,...
4,Family Planning,"FP-15. Females receiving needed publicly supported contraceptive services and supplies (percent, ages 1344 years)",53.8,2006,42.9,2015,64.5,...,20.3,...
3,Family Planning,"FP-16.1. Females at risk of unintended pregnancy using effective contraception (percent, ages 2044)",61.2,20112015,60.2,20152017,69.3,...,1.6,No
1,Family Planning,"FP-16.2. Females at risk of unintended pregnancy using effective contraception (percent, ages 1519)",45.4,20112015,56.3,20152017,54.1,125.3,...,Yes
2,Food Safety,"FS-1.1. Campylobacter (italics) species infections transmitted commonly through food (per 100,000 population)",12.7,20062008,12.2,2017,8.5,11.9,...,...
2,Food Safety,"FS-1.2. Escherichia coli (italics) O157:H7 infections commonly transmitted through food (per 100,000 population)",1.2,20062008,0.9,2017,0.6,50.0,...,...
3,Food Safety,"FS-1.3. Listeria monocytogenes (italics) infections commonly transmitted through food (per 100,000 population)",0.3,20062008,0.3,2017,0.2,...,0.0,...
2,Food Safety,"FS-1.4. Salmonella (italics) species infections commonly transmitted through food (per 100,000 population)",15.0,20062008,14.5,2017,11.4,13.9,...,...
2,Food Safety,"FS-1.5. Postdiarrheal hemolytic uremic syndrome in children under age 5 years (per 100,000 population)",2.0,20062008,1.3,2016,1.0,70.0,...,...
4,Food Safety,"FS-1.6. Vibrio (italics) species infections transmitted commonly through food (per 100,000 population)",0.3,20062008,0.5,2017,0.2,...,66.7,...
4,Food Safety,"FS-1.7. Yersinia (italics) species infections transmitted through food (per 100,000 population)",0.4,20062008,0.5,2017,0.3,...,25.0,...
1,Food Safety,"FS-2.1. Outbreak-associated infections due to Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (italics) O157, Campylobacter (italics), Listeria (italics), or Salmonella (italics) species associated with beef (number)",303,20062008,70,2017,273,776.7,...,...
1,Food Safety,"FS-2.2. Outbreak-associated infections due to Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (italics) O157, Campylobacter (italics), Listeria (italics), or Salmonella (italics) species associated with dairy (number)",773,20062008,62,2017,696,923.4,...,...
1,Food Safety,"FS-2.3. Outbreak-associated infections due to Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (italics) O157, Campylobacter (italics), Listeria (italics), or Salmonella (italics) species associated with fruits and nuts (number)",779,20062008,492,2017,701,367.9,...,...
4,Food Safety,"FS-2.4. Outbreak-associated infections due to Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (italics) O157, Campylobacter (italics), Listeria (italics), or Salmonella (italics) species associated with leafy vegetables (number)",215,20062008,274,2017,194,...,27.4,...
4,Food Safety,"FS-2.5. Outbreak-associated infections due to Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (italics) O157, Campylobacter (italics), Listeria (italics), or Salmonella (italics) species associated with poultry (number)",205,20062008,"1,317",2017,185,...,542.4,...
4,Food Safety,FS-3.1. Nontyphoidal Salmonella (italics) from humans with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinolone) (percent of isolates),2.6,20062008,7.5,2017,2.6,...,188.5,...
1,Food Safety,FS-3.2. Nontyphoidal Salmonella (italics) from humans resistant to ceftriaxone (third-generation cephalosporin) (percent of isolates),3.3,20062008,3.3,2017,3.3,...,...,...
1,Food Safety,FS-3.3. Nontyphoidal Salmonella (italics) from humans resistant to gentamicin (percent of isolates),1.9,20062008,0.9,2017,1.9,...,...,...
1,Food Safety,FS-3.4. Nontyphoidal Salmonella (italics) from humans resistant to ampicillin (percent of isolates),10.3,20062008,8.8,2017,10.3,...,...,...
1,Food Safety,FS-3.5. Nontyphoidal Salmonella (italics) from humans resistant to 3 or more classes of antimicrobial agents (percent of isolates),10.8,20062008,9.3,2017,10.8,...,...,...
4,Food Safety,FS-3.6. Campylobacter jejuni (italics) from humans resistant to erythromycin (percent of isolates),1.6,20062008,2.8,2017,1.6,...,75.0,...
3,Food Safety,"FS-4. Severe allergic reaction to foods among adults with food allergies (percent, ages 18 and over)",29.3,2006,23.4,2016,21.0,71.1,...,No
2,Food Safety,"FS-5.1. Consumers who wash hands and surfaces often during food preparation (percent, ages 18 and over)",67.2,2006,69.8,20152016,73.9,38.8,...,Yes
3,Food Safety,"FS-5.2. Consumers who separate (dont cross-contaminate) foods during food preparation (percent, ages 18 and over)",88.6,2006,87.8,20152016,92.0,...,0.9,No
2,Food Safety,"FS-5.3. Consumers who cook food to proper temperatures (percent, ages 18 and over)",36.9,2006,42.1,20152016,76.0,13.3,...,Yes
4,Food Safety,"FS-5.4. Consumers who refrigerate foods promptly (percent, ages 18 and over)",88.1,2006,86.1,20152016,91.1,...,2.3,Yes
4,Food Safety,FS-6.1. Fast-food restaurants where employees practice proper handwashing (percent),61.2,2008,41.6,20172018,69.3,...,32.0,Yes
1,Food Safety,FS-6.2. Fast-food restaurants where employees do not contact ready-to-eat foods with bare hands (percent),73.7,2008,91.7,20172018,81.0,246.6,...,No
3,Food Safety,FS-6.3. Fast-food restaurants where food contact surfaces are properly cleaned and sanitized (percent),58.3,2008,60.5,20172018,66.2,27.8,...,No
3,Food Safety,FS-6.4. Fast-food restaurants where foods are refrigerated properly (percent),32.0,2008,38.1,20172018,39.6,80.3,...,No
3,Food Safety,FS-6.5. Fast-food restaurants where hot foods are held at the proper temperature (percent),71.3,2008,75.4,20172018,79.0,53.2,...,No
3,Food Safety,FS-6.6. Full-service restaurants where employees practice proper handwashing (percent),24.2,2008,25.6,20172018,31.4,19.4,...,No
1,Food Safety,FS-6.7. Full-service restaurants where employees do not contact ready-to-eat foods with bare hands (percent),53.7,2008,75.6,20172018,62.1,260.7,...,No
3,Food Safety,FS-6.8. Full-service restaurants where food contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized properly (percent),36.5,2008,42.6,20172018,44.5,76.3,...,No
3,Food Safety,FS-6.9. Full-service restaurants where foods requiring refrigeration are held at the proper temperature (percent),28.1,2008,20.2,20172018,35.7,...,28.1,No
1,Food Safety,FS-6.10. Full-service restaurants where hot foods are held at the proper temperature (percent),60.2,2008,68.7,20172018,68.6,101.2,...,No
1,Genomics,"G-1. Women with a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or both who receive genetic counseling (age-adjusted, percent, ages 18 and over)",34.6,2005,52.9,2010,38.1,522.9,...,No
2,Global Health,GH-3. Countries with a Global Disease Detection Center (number),7,2009,10,2017,18,27.3,...,...
2,Global Health,"GH-4. Public health professionals trained by Global Disease Detection programs (number, worldwide)","37,221",2009,"123,909",2017,"300,000",33.0,...,...
2,Global Health,GH-5. Pathogen-specific tests for which Global Disease Detection Centers build capacity (number),156,2009,523,2017,"1,000",43.5,...,...
2,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-1.1. Persons whose health care provider gives easy-to-understand instructions (percent, ages 18 and over)",64.1,2011,69.2,2016,70.5,79.7,,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-1.2. Persons whose health care provider asks how instructions will be followed (percent, ages 18 and over)",24.4,2011,30.5,2016,26.9,244.0,,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-1.3. Persons whose health care provider offers help in filling out forms (percent, ages 18 and over)",14.8,2011,17.8,2016,16.3,200.0,,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-2.1. Persons reporting that their health provider always listened carefully to them (percent, ages 18 and over)",59.0,2007,66.5,2016,65.0,125.0,,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-2.2. Persons reporting that their health provider always explained things so they can understand (percent, ages 18 and over)",60.0,2007,67.1,2016,66.0,118.3,,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-2.3. Persons reporting that their health provider always showed respect for what they had to say (percent, ages 18 and over)",62.0,2007,71.0,2016,68.2,145.2,,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-2.4. Persons reporting that their health provider always spent enough time with them (percent, ages 18 and over)",49.0,2007,58.9,2016,54.0,198.0,,Yes
3,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-3 Persons reporting that their health care provider always involved them in health care decisions (percent, ages 18 and over)",51.6,2007,52.8,2017,56.8,23.1,,No
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-5.1. Persons using the Internet to keep track of personal health information (percent, ages 18 and over)",14.3,2007,28.1,2013,15.7,985.7,,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-5.2. Persons using the Internet to communicate with their health care provider (percent, ages 18 and over)",13.6,2007,29.7,2013,15.0,"1,150.0",,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-6.1. Persons with access to the Internet (percent, ages 18 and over)",68.5,2007,81.2,2017,75.4,184.1,,Yes
4,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-6.2. Persons with broadband Internet access (percent, ages 18 and over)",75.6,2011,55.9,2017,83.2,,26.1,Yes
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-6.3. Persons using mobile devices for Internet access (percent, ages 18 and over)",6.7,2007,56.8,2014,7.4,"7,157.1",,No
2,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-7. Adults who talk to friends and family members about their health (percent, ages 18 and over)",79.5,2007,86.9,2017,87.5,92.5,,Yes
5,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-8.1. Health websites meeting three or more evaluation criteria for assessing information reliability (percent),58.0,2014,,,70.5,,,
5,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-8.2. Proportion of health-related websites that follow established usability principles (percent),42.0,2014,,,55.7,,,
3,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,"HC/HIT-9. Internet users who can easily access health information (percent, ages 18 and over)",40.9,2008,38.4,2017,45.0,,6.1,No
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-10. Office-based medical practices using electronic health records (percent),25.0,2007,76.2,2017,27.5,"2,048.0",,No
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-12.1. News stories on foodborne outbreaks and natural disasters that explain known threats to human health (percent),83.5,20102011,97.4,20142015,88.9,257.4,,Yes
3,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-12.2. News stories on foodborne outbreaks and natural disasters that explain unknown threats to human health (percent),21.4,20102011,18.1,20142015,27.5,,15.4,No
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-12.3. News stories on foodborne outbreaks and natural disasters that explain how the event occurred (percent),15.5,20102011,23.3,20142015,20.9,144.4,,Yes
3,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-12.4. News stories on foodborne outbreaks and natural disasters that promote steps to reduce risk (percent),25.4,20102011,26.7,20142015,31.8,20.3,,No
3,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-12.5. News stories on foodborne outbreaks and natural disasters that express empathy about the health risk (percent),4.6,20102011,2.3,20142015,7.7,,50.0,No
1,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-12.6. News stories on foodborne outbreaks and natural disasters that express commitment from the responsible party (percent),16.4,20102011,38.9,20142015,21.9,409.1,,Yes
4,Health Communication and Health Information Technology,HC/HIT-13.1. State health departments using social marketing in health promotion and disease prevention programs (number),8,2012,4,2019,50,,50.0,
5,Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being,"HRQOL/WB-1.1. Adults self-reporting good or better physical health (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",78.8,2010,...,,79.8,...,...,...
5,Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being,"HRQOL/WB-1.2. Adults self-reporting good or better mental health (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",79.1,2010,...,,80.1,...,...,...
2,Healthcare-Associated Infections,HAI-1. Central line-associated bloodstream infections (standardized infection ratio),1.00,2015,0.74,2018,0.50,52.0,...,...
2,Healthcare-Associated Infections,HAI-2. Invasive health care-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus (italics) aureus (italics) infections (standardized infection ratio),1.00,2015,0.84,2018,0.50,32.0,...,...
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,ENT—VSL-1.1. Newborns receiving hearing screening before age 1 month (percent),82.0,2007,95.0,2017,90.2,158.5,...,...
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,ENT—VSL-1.2. Infants with possible hearing loss receiving hearing evaluation before age 3 months (percent),66.0,2007,75.0,2017,72.6,136.4,...,...
2,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,ENT—VSL-1.3. Infants with hearing loss receiving intervention services before age 6 months (percent),50.0,2007,53.0,2017,55.0,60.0,...,...
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-2. Otitis media in children and adolescents (per 1,000 population, under age 18 years)",246.6,2007,256.1,2010,221.9,...,3.9,No
5,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-3.1. Use of hearing aids by adults with hearing loss (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 2069)",162.7,2007,...,,179.0,...,...,...
5,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-3.2. New cochlear implants in deaf or very hard-of-hearing persons (per 10,000 population)",76.8,2004,...,,84.5,...,...,...
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-3.3. Use of hearing aids by adults with hearing loss (per 1,000 population, ages 70 and over)",289.1,2007,324.6,2013,318.0,122.8,...,No
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-3.4. Use of assistive listening devices by adults with hearing loss (per 1,000 population, ages 70 and over)",100.0,20052006,81.3,20092010,110.0,...,18.7,No
5,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-4.1. Adults having a hearing examination in past 5 years (age-adjusted percent, ages 2069)",21.3,20112012,...,,23.4,...,...,...
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-4.2. Adults having a hearing examination in past 5 years (percent, ages 70 and over)",40.6,20032006,38.2,20072010,44.7,...,5.9,No
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-4.3. Adolescents having a hearing examination in past 5 years (percent, ages 1219)",79.3,20052006,78.9,20092010,87.2,...,0.5,No
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-5. Persons referred for hearing evaluation and treatment by primary care providers (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 18 years and over)",283.3,2007,355.6,2014,311.7,254.6,...,Yes
5,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-6.1. Adult use of ear protection devices when exposed to loud noises (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 2069)",483.0,20032004,...,,531.3,...,...,...
4,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-6.2. Adolescent use of ear protection devices when exposed to loud noises (per 1,000 population, ages 1219)",410.7,20052006,343.9,20092010,451.8,...,16.3,Yes
5,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-7. Adolescents with noise-induced hearing loss (both ears) (per 1,000 population, ages 1219)",45.9,20052006,...,,41.3,...,...,...
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-8. Adults with noise-induced hearing loss (both ears) (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 2069)",121.4,20032004,104.1,20112012,109.3,143.0,...,No
2,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-9.1. Adults bothered by tinnitus in the past 12 months who have seen a doctor (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",44.5,2007,48.5,2014,48.9,90.9,...,Yes
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-9.2. Adults with moderate to severe tinnitus in the past 5 years who have seen an audiologist or otolaryngologist (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",45.8,2007,61.8,2014,50.4,347.8,...,No
5,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-10. Adults with moderate to severe tinnitus who have tried appropriate treatments (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",14.7,2007,...,,16.2,...,...,...
4,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-11. Adults with balance or dizziness problems in the past 12 months who have seen a health care provider (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",48.4,2008,45.3,2016,53.2,...,6.4,Yes
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-12. Adults with moderate to severe balance or dizziness problems who have seen a health care specialist (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",65.4,2008,70.7,2016,72.0,80.3,...,No
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,ENT—VSL-13.1. Treatment for children aged 317 years with balance disorders (percent),30.7,2012,33.1,2016,...,...,...,...
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-13.2. Adults with moderate to severe balance or dizziness problems who have tried appropriate treatments (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",24.4,2008,26.6,2016,26.8,91.7,...,No
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-14.1. Adults whose balance or dizziness problems have not improved (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",61.5,2008,61.1,2016,55.3,6.5,...,No
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-14.2. Adults whose balance or dizziness problems prevent them from participating in regular activities (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",23.3,2008,23.2,2016,21.0,4.3,...,No
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-14.3. Adults who miss work or school days because of balance and dizziness problems (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",14.5,2008,12.2,2016,13.0,153.3,...,No
1,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-15.1. Adults who have fallen in the past 5 years due to dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",55.6,2008,42.1,2016,50.0,241.1,...,Yes
3,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-15.2. Adults with balance or dizziness problems who were injured from a fall in the past 12 months (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",41.7,2008,41.2,2016,37.5,11.9,...,No
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-16. Health care for smell or taste disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 40 and over)",18.5,20112014,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-17. Treatment for smell or taste disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 40 and over)",6.0,20112014,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-18. Quality of life with smell or taste disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 40 and over)",4.7,20112014,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-19. Health care for communication disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",12.8,2012,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-20. Rehabilitation services for communication disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",11.7,2012,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,ENT—VSL-21. Rehabilitation services for children aged 317 years with communication disorders (percent),59.7,2012,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-22. Quality of life after speech language pathology therapy for communication disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",71.5,2012,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-23.1. Internet resources for voice, speech, and language communication disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",31.9,2012,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-23.2. Internet resources for hearing-related disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",9.2,2014,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders,"ENT—VSL-23.3. Internet resources for balance disorders (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",20.3,2016,...,,...,...,...,...
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-2. Coronary heart disease deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",129.2,2007,92.9,2017,103.4,140.7,...,Yes
2,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-3. Stroke deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",43.5,2007,37.6,2017,34.8,67.8,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-4. Adults who had their blood pressure measured in past 2 years and know their blood pressure level (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",90.6,2008,92.8,2017,92.6,110.0,...,Yes
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-5.1. Adults with hypertension (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",29.9,20052008,29.5,20132016,26.9,13.3,...,No
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-5.2. Children and adolescents with hypertension (percent, ages 817 years)",3.5,20052008,2.2,20132016,3.2,433.3,...,No
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-6. Adults having blood cholesterol screening in past 5 years (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",74.6,2008,88.0,2017,82.1,178.7,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-7. Adults with high blood cholesterol levels (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",15.0,20052008,11.7,20132016,13.5,220.0,...,Yes
2,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-8. Mean total blood cholesterol levels (age adjusted, mg/dL, ages 20 and over)",197.7,20052008,190.9,20132016,177.9,34.3,...,Yes
4,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-9.1. Adults with prehypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for body mass index (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",28.7,20052008,23.2,20132016,33.0,...,19.2,Yes
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-9.2. Adults with prehypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for saturated fat consumption (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",31.4,20052008,26.6,20132016,35.7,...,15.3,No
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-9.4. Adults with prehypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for physical activity (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",37.4,20072010,40.1,20132016,42.1,57.4,...,No
4,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-10.1. Adults with hypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for body mass index (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",18.0,20052008,12.7,20132016,21.6,...,29.4,Yes
4,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-10.2. Adults with hypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for saturated fat consumption (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",30.5,20052008,25.9,20132016,35.7,...,15.1,Yes
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-10.3. Adults with hypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for sodium intake (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",0.66,20092012,0.83,20132016,1.19,32.1,...,No
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-10.4. Adults with hypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for physical activity (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",28.0,20072010,31.8,20132016,33.7,66.7,...,No
2,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-11. Adults with hypertension taking medication to lower blood pressure (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",63.2,20052008,67.2,20132016,69.5,63.5,...,Yes
2,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-12. Adults with hypertension whose blood pressure is under control (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",43.7,20052008,47.8,20132016,61.2,23.4,...,Yes
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-15.1. Physician office visits by women with no history of cardiovascular disease that include prescription of aspirin or other antiplatelet medication (percent, ages 5579)",17.7,20062007,21.5,20142015,24.8,53.5,...,No
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-15.2. Physician office visits by men with no history of cardiovascular disease that include prescription of aspirin or other antiplatelet medication (percent, ages 4579)",15.9,20062007,21.6,20142015,19.5,158.3,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-16.1. Adults who are aware of heart attack symptoms and the importance of calling 911 (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",37.2,2008,48.4,2017,40.9,302.7,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-16.2. Adults who are aware of heart attack symptoms (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",39.6,2008,50.1,2017,43.6,262.5,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-16.3. Adults who are aware of the importance of calling 911 for a heart attack (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",91.8,2008,95.0,2017,93.8,160.0,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-17.1. Adults who are aware of stroke symptoms and the importance of calling 911 (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",51.3,2009,67.3,2017,56.4,313.7,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-17.2. Adults who are aware of stroke symptoms (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",53.9,2009,68.9,2017,59.3,277.8,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-17.3. Adults who are aware of the importance of calling 911 for a stroke (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",92.7,2009,96.4,2017,94.7,185.0,...,Yes
4,Heart Disease and Stroke,HDS-19.1. Heart attack patients who receive fibrinolytic therapy within 30 minutes of hospital arrival (percent),70.0,2009,59.0,2017,77.0,...,15.7,Yes
2,Heart Disease and Stroke,HDS-19.2. Heart attack patients receiving percutaneous intervention within 90 minutes of hospital arrival (percent),90.4,2009,96.0,2017,99.4,62.2,...,Yes
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,HDS-19.3. Stroke patients receiving acute reperfusion therapy within 3 hours of symptom onset (percent),74.1,2009,88.5,2014,81.5,194.6,...,Yes
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-20.1. Adults with coronary heart disease who have their low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol at or below recommended levels (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",52.3,20052008,48.1,20132016,67.5,...,8.0,No
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-20.2. Adults who have had a stroke who have their low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol at or below recommended levels (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",33.4,20052008,29.1,20132016,56.1,...,12.9,No
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,HDS-21. Physician office visits by adults with a history of cardiovascular disease that include prescription of aspirin or other antiplatelet medication to prevent recurrent cardiovascular events (percent),45.7,20062007,51.6,20142015,51.9,95.2,...,No
4,Heart Disease and Stroke,HDS-22. Heart attack survivors referred to a cardiac rehabilitation program (percent),77.1,2009,69.7,2017,84.8,...,9.6,Yes
6,Heart Disease and Stroke,HDS-23. Stroke survivors assessed for or referred to stroke rehabilitation services (percent),96.2,2009,98.0,2014,...,...,...,...
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-24.1. Heart failure hospitalizations (per 1,000 population, ages 6574)",10.4,2007,8.7,2010,9.4,170.0,...,No
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-24.2. Heart failure hospitalizations (per 1,000 population, ages 7584)",23.4,2007,21.6,2010,21.1,78.3,...,No
3,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-24.3. Heart failure hospitalizations (per 1,000 population, ages 85 and over)",38.7,2007,43.7,2010,34.8,...,12.9,No
1,Heart Disease and Stroke,"HDS-25. Physician office visits by adults with hypertension whose blood pressure is controlled (percent, ages 18 and over)",58.3,20062007,64.5,20142015,64.1,106.9,...,Yes
2,HIV,"HIV-1. New HIV diagnoses (number, all ages)","43,806",2010,"38,739",2017,"32,855",46.3,...,...
2,HIV,"HIV-2. New HIV infections (number, ages 13 years and over)","41,100",2010,"38,700",2016,"31,400",24.7,...,Yes
1,HIV,"HIV-8.1. Perinatally acquired HIV infection, by year of birth (number)",253,2008,48,2016,191,330.6,...,...
1,HIV,"HIV-12. HIV infection deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",3.7,2007,1.6,2017,3.3,525.0,...,Yes
2,HIV,"HIV-13. Knowledge of serostatus among HIV-positive persons (percent, ages 13 years and over)",82.8,2010,85.8,2016,90.0,41.7,...,...
1,HIV,"HIV-14.2. Men who have sex with men tested for HIV in past 12 months (percent, ages 18 and over)",62.2,2008,76.6,2017,68.4,232.3,...,...
2,HIV,"HIV-19. Linkage to HIV medical care (percent, ages 13 years and over)",70.2,2010,78.3,2017,85.0,54.7,...,...
3,HIV,"HIV-20. Retention in HIV medical care among persons with diagnosed HIV infections (percent, ages 13 years and over)",54.7,2010,57.6,2016,90.0,8.2,...,...
2,HIV,"HIV-22.1. Viral suppression (percent, ages 13 years and over)",46.0,2010,61.5,2016,80.0,45.6,...,...
2,HIV,"HIV-22.2. Viral suppression among youth (percent, ages 1324)",30.9,2010,53.8,2016,80.0,46.6,...,...
2,HIV,"HIV-22.3. Viral suppression among injection drug users (percent, ages 13 years and over)",39.6,2010,53.6,2016,80.0,34.7,...,...
1,HIV,"HIV-24. HIV risk behaviors, young gay and bisexual males (percent, grades 912)",35.2,2015,29.1,2017,30.7,135.6,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-1.1. U.S.-acquired cases of congenital rubella syndrome in children (number, under age 1 year)",0,2008,0,2017,0,...,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-1.2. Cases of Haemophilus (italics) influenzae (italics) type b in children (per 100,000, under age 5 years)",0.30,2008,0.18,2017,0.27,400.0,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-1.3. New cases of hepatitis B (per 100,000, ages 218 years)",0.1,2007,0.0,2016,0.0,100.0,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-1.4. U.S.-acquired cases of measles (number),115,2008,99,2017,30,18.8,...,...
4,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-1.5. U.S.-acquired cases of mumps (number),421,2008,"6,027",2017,500,...,"1,331.6",...
4,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-1.6. Cases of pertussis in children (number, under age 1 year)","2,777",20042008,"3,056",20132017,"2,500",...,10.0,...
4,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-1.7. Cases of pertussis in adolescents (number, ages 1118)","3,995",20002004,"7,522",20132017,"2,000",...,88.3,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-1.8. U.S.-acquired cases of acute paralytic poliomyelitis (number),0,2008,0,2017,0,...,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-1.9. U.S.-acquired cases of rubella (number),10,2008,2,2017,10,...,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-1.10. Cases of varicella (chicken pox) (number, ages 17 years and under)","586,000",2008,"279,303",2015,"100,000",63.1,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-2. Early onset group B streptococcal disease in newborns (per 1,000 live births, ages 06 days)",0.30,2008,0.25,2013,0.25,100.0,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-3. Cases of meningococcal disease (number),"1,215",20042008,418,20132017,"1,094",658.7,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-4.1. New invasive pneumococcal infections in children (per 100,000 population, under age 5 years)",21.1,2008,9.6,2013,12.0,126.4,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-4.2. New invasive pneumococcal infections in adults (per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)",40.7,2008,30.5,2013,31.0,105.2,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-4.3. Invasive antibiotic-resistant pneumococcal infections in children (per 100,000 population, under age 5 years)",8.3,2008,3.7,2013,6.0,200.0,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-4.4. Invasive antibiotic-resistant pneumococcal infections in adults (per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)",12.2,2008,10.2,2013,9.0,62.5,...,...
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-5. Antibiotics prescribed for ear infections in children (percent, under age 5 years)",77.8,20062007,78.9,20102011,70.0,...,1.4,No
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-6. Antibiotics prescribed for common cold (percent),28.6,20062007,30.9,20102011,21.0,...,8.0,No
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.1. Children receiving 4 or more doses of DTaP vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),82.5,2012,83.8,2018,90.0,17.3,...,No
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.2. Children receiving 3 or more or 4 or more doses of Hib vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),80.9,2012,82.3,2018,90.0,15.4,...,No
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.3. Children receiving 3 or more doses of hepatitis B vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),89.7,2012,92.1,2018,90.0,800.0,...,No
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.4. Children receiving 1 or more doses of MMR vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),90.8,2012,92.1,2018,90.0,...,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.5. Children receiving 3 or more doses of polio vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),92.8,2012,93.6,2018,90.0,...,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.6. Children receiving 1 or more doses of varicella vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),90.2,2012,92.0,2018,90.0,...,...,...
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.7. Children receiving 4 or more doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) by ages 1935 months (percent),81.9,2012,83.3,2018,90.0,17.3,...,No
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.8. Children receiving 2 or more doses of hepatitis A vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),53.0,2012,62.1,2018,85.0,28.4,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.9. Children receiving a birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine within 3 days of birth (percent),70.6,20102012,73.5,20162018,85.0,20.1,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-7.10. Children receiving 2 or more doses of rotavirus vaccine by ages 1935 months (percent),68.6,2012,74.7,2018,80.0,53.5,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-8. Children receiving the recommended doses of DTaP, polio, MMR, Hib, hepatitis B, varicella, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) vaccines by ages 1935 months (percent)",68.4,2012,72.8,2018,80.0,37.9,...,Yes
6,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-9. Children receiving 0 doses of recommended vaccines by age 1935 months (percent),0.8,2012,1.2,2018,...,...,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-10.1. Children in kindergarten who received 4 or more doses of DTaP vaccine (percent),97.2,20092010,95.1,20172018,95.0,...,...,...
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-10.2. Children in kindergarten who received 2 or more doses of MMR vaccine (percent),95.0,20092010,94.3,20172018,95.0,...,0.7,...
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-10.3. Children in kindergarten who received 3 or more doses of polio vaccine (percent),96.2,20092010,94.2,20172018,95.0,...,2.1,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-10.4. Children in kindergarten who received 3 or more doses of hepatitis B vaccine (percent),97.0,20092010,96.0,20172018,95.0,...,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-10.5. Children in kindergarten who received 2 or more doses of varicella vaccine (percent),91.3,20092010,93.8,20172018,95.0,67.6,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-11.1. Adolescents receiving 1 or more doses of Tdap booster vaccine by ages 1315 years (percent),85.3,2012,88.2,2018,80.0,...,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-11.2. Adolescents receiving 2 or more doses of varicella vaccine by ages 1315 (percent),76.8,2012,91.1,2018,90.0,108.3,...,Yes
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-11.3. Adolescents receiving 1 or more doses of meningococcal vaccine by ages 1315 (percent),73.8,2012,86.2,2018,80.0,200.0,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-11.4. Female adolescents receiving 2 or 3 doses of HPV vaccine by ages 1315 (percent),45.1,2016,48.9,2018,80.0,10.9,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-11.5. Male adolescents receiving 2 or 3 doses of HPV vaccine by ages 1315 (percent),36.4,2016,47.1,2018,80.0,24.5,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-12.8. Institutionalized adults in long-term or nursing homes vaccinated against seasonal influenza (percent, ages 18 and over)",71.4,20052006,73.7,20162017,90.0,12.4,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-12.11. Children vaccinated against seasonal influenza (percent, ages 6 months17 years)",46.9,20102011,49.7,20162017,70.0,12.1,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-12.12. Noninstitutionalized adults vaccinated against seasonal influenza (percent, ages 18 and over)",38.1,20102011,45.2,20162017,70.0,22.3,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-12.13. Health care personnel vaccinated against seasonal influenza (percent, ages 18 and over)",55.8,20102011,70.0,20162017,90.0,41.5,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-12.14. Pregnant women vaccinated against seasonal influenza (percent, ages 1849)",40.4,20122013,53.5,20162017,80.0,33.1,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-13.1. Noninstitutionalized adults vaccinated against pneumococcal disease (percent, ages 65 and over)",60.0,2008,69.0,2017,90.0,30.0,...,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-13.2. Noninstitutionalized high-risk adults vaccinated against pneumococcal disease (percent, ages 1864)",16.6,2008,24.3,2017,60.0,17.7,...,Yes
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-13.3. Adults in long-term care or nursing homes vaccinated against pneumococcal disease (percent, 18+ years)",70.8,2015,69.8,2016,90.0,...,1.4,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-14. Adults vaccinated against zoster (shingles) (percent, ages 60 and over)",6.7,2008,34.9,2017,30.0,121.0,...,Yes
4,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-15.3. Health care personnel vaccinated against hepatitis B (percent),64.3,2008,60.4,2017,90.0,...,6.1,Yes
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-17.1. Public health providers who had their childhood vaccine coverage levels measured (percent),40.0,2009,46.6,2013,50.0,66.0,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-17.2. Private providers who had their childhood vaccine coverage levels measured (percent),33.0,2009,36.7,2013,50.0,21.8,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-18. Children participating in population-based immunization information systems (percent, under age 6 years)",75.0,2008,89.7,2013,95.0,73.5,...,...
3,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-19. States collecting kindergarten vaccination coverage data per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention minimum standards (number of states and District of Columbia),11,20092010,10,20172018,51,...,9.1,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-20. States with 80% of adolescents aged 1118 having 2 or more age-appropriate immunizations in an immunization information system (number of states, District of Columbia, and other reporting areas)",11,2012,15,2013,40,13.8,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-21. States using electronic rabies animal surveillance data to inform public health prevention programs (number of states),8,2010,14,2014,52,13.6,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-22. Public health laboratories monitoring influenza-virus resistance to antiviral agents (number),3,2009,22,2016,25,86.4,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-23. New cases of hepatitis A (per 100,000 population)",1.0,2007,0.6,2016,0.3,57.1,...,...
5,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-24. Chronic perinatal hepatitis B virus infections (number, ages 124 months)",799,2007,...,,400,...,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-25.1. New hepatitis B infections in adults (per 100,000 population, ages 19 and over)",2.0,2007,1.3,2016,1.5,140.0,...,...
4,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-25.2. New hepatitis B infections in injection drug users (number),285,2007,472,2016,215,...,65.6,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-25.3. New hepatitis B infections in men who have sex with men (number),62,2007,9,2016,45,311.8,...,...
4,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-26. New cases of hepatitis C (per 100,000 population)",0.28,2007,0.98,2016,0.25,...,250.0,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-27. Persons with hepatitis C who are aware of their infection (percent),53.0,20032008,55.6,20132016,60.0,37.1,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-29. New cases of tuberculosis (per 100,000 population)",4.8,2005,2.8,2017,1.0,52.6,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-30. Tuberculosis patients completing curative therapy within 12 months (percent),81.9,2005,84.6,2015,93.0,24.3,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-31. Persons who were diagnosed with latent tuberculosis infection and started treatment who complete a course of treatment (percent),68.1,2007,75.3,2015,79.0,66.1,...,...
2,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,IID-32. Patients with tuberculosis who had their laboratory tests confirmed within 2 days of specimen collection (percent),32.0,2008,43.0,2017,77.0,24.4,...,...
1,Immunization and Infectious Diseases,"IID-33. Tuberculosis patients tested for HIV (percent, ages 2544)",73.3,2008,93.2,2017,80.6,272.6,...,...
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-1.1. Injury deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",59.7,2007,71.5,2017,53.7,...,19.8,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-1.2. Nonfatal injury hospitalizations (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",617.6,2007,598.6,2010,555.8,30.7,...,No
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-1.3. Emergency department visits for nonfatal injuries (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)","8,370.4",2007,"10,074.2",2015,"7,533.4",...,20.4,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-2.1. Traumatic brain injury deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",17.4,2007,17.5,2017,15.7,...,0.6,No
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-2.2. Nonfatal traumatic brain injury hospitalizations (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",85.6,2007,96.6,2010,77.0,...,12.9,No
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-2.3. Emergency department visits for nonfatal traumatic brain injuries (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",407.2,2007,791.0,2015,366.5,...,94.3,Yes
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-3.1. Spinal cord injury deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",0.53,2007,0.48,2017,0.48,100.0,...,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-3.2. Nonfatal spinal cord injury hospitalizations (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",3.6,2007,4.2,2009,3.2,...,16.7,No
2,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-6. Statewide emergency department systems collecting external-cause-of-injury codes (percent, states and District of Columbia)",67.9,2008,76.7,2013,85.0,51.5,...,...
2,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-7. Statewide hospital discharge systems collecting external-cause-of-injury codes (percent, states and District of Columbia)",64.3,2008,68.2,2013,85.0,18.8,...,...
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-9.1. Poisoning deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",13.2,2007,23.2,2017,13.2,...,75.8,Yes
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-9.2. Poisoning deaths (per 100,000 population, ages 3554)",25.6,2007,41.0,2017,25.6,...,60.2,Yes
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-9.3. Poisoning deaths of unintentional or undetermined intent (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",11.1,2007,21.3,2017,11.1,...,91.9,Yes
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-9.4. Poisoning deaths of unintentional or undetermined intent (per 100,000 population, ages 3554)",21.6,2007,37.7,2017,21.6,...,74.5,Yes
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-10. Emergency department visits for nonfatal poisonings (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",304.8,2008,624.1,2017,304.8,...,104.8,Yes
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-11. Unintentional injury deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",40.4,2007,49.4,2017,36.4,...,22.3,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-12. Emergency department visits for nonfatal unintentional injuries (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)","9,233.5",2008,"8,621.1",2017,"8,310.1",66.3,...,No
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-13.1. Motor vehicle crash deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",13.8,2007,11.5,2017,12.4,164.3,...,Yes
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,IVP-13.2. Motor vehicle crash deaths on public roads (per 100 million vehicle miles),1.3,2008,1.2,2017,1.2,100.0,...,...
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-14. Nonfatal motor vehicle crash injuries on public roads (per 100,000 population)",771.4,2008,761.4,2015,694.3,13.0,...,No
2,Injury and Violence Prevention,IVP-15. Persons using safety belts (percent),84,2009,90,2018,92,75.0,...,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-16.1. Rear-facing child safety seat use in children (percent, ages 012 months)",86,2008,92,2017,95,66.7,...,No
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-16.2. Front-facing child safety seat use in children (percent, ages 13 years)",72,2008,71,2017,79,...,1.4,No
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-16.3. High-backed or backless booster seat use in children (percent, ages 47 years)",43,2008,40,2017,47,...,7.0,No
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-16.4. Seat belt use in children (percent, ages 812 years)",78,2008,75,2017,86,...,3.8,No
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-18. Pedestrian deaths on public roads (per 100,000 population)",1.5,2008,1.8,2017,1.4,...,20.0,...
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-19. Nonfatal pedestrian injuries on public roads (per 100,000 population)",22.6,2008,21.7,2015,20.3,39.1,...,No
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-20. Pedalcyclist deaths on public roads (per 100,000 population)",0.24,2008,0.24,2017,0.22,...,0.0,...
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,IVP-21. Bicycle helmet laws for riders under age 15 years (number of states and District of Columbia),19,2009,19,2016,27,...,0.0,...
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,IVP-22. Helmet use by motorcycle operators and passengers (percent),67,2009,71,2018,74,57.1,...,No
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-23.1. Deaths from unintentional falls (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",7.2,2007,9.4,2017,7.2,...,30.6,Yes
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-23.2. Deaths from unintentional falls (age adjusted, per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)",47.0,2007,63.3,2017,47.0,...,34.7,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-24.1. Unintentional suffocation deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",2.0,2007,1.9,2017,1.8,50.0,...,No
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-24.2. Unintentional suffocation deaths (per 100,000 population, ages 012 months)",23.1,2007,28.1,2017,20.8,...,21.6,Yes
2,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-24.3. Unintentional suffocation deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)",8.3,2007,7.9,2017,7.5,50.0,...,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-25. Drowning deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",1.2,2007,1.2,2017,1.1,...,0.0,...
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-26. Medically consulted sports and recreation injuries (age adjusted, per 1,000 population)",46.6,2008,49.3,2017,41.9,...,5.8,No
2,Injury and Violence Prevention,IVP-27.1. Schools requiring students to wear appropriate protective gear for physical education (percent),76.8,2006,84.2,2014,84.5,96.1,...,Yes
2,Injury and Violence Prevention,IVP-27.2. Schools requiring students to wear appropriate protective gear for intramural activities and physical activity clubs (percent),85.8,2006,93.1,2014,94.4,84.9,...,Yes
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-28. Residential fire deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",0.95,2007,0.67,2017,0.86,311.1,...,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-29. Homicides (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",6.1,2007,6.2,2017,5.5,...,1.6,No
4,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-30. Firearm-related deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",10.3,2007,12.0,2017,9.3,...,16.5,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-31. Emergency department visits for nonfatal firearm-related injuries (per 100,000 population)",20.7,2007,26.3,2015,18.6,...,27.1,No
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-32. Emergency department visits for nonfatal physical assault injuries (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",512.5,2008,511.1,2017,461.2,2.7,...,No
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-33. Physical assaults (per 1,000 population, ages 12 years and over)",21.3,2008,14.8,2015,19.2,309.5,...,Yes
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-34. Physical fighting among adolescents (percent, grades 912)",31.5,2009,23.6,2017,28.4,254.8,...,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-35. Bullying among adolescents (percent, grades 912)",19.9,2009,19.0,2017,17.9,45.0,...,No
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-36. Weapon carrying by adolescents on school property (percent, grades 912)",5.6,2009,3.8,2017,4.6,180.0,...,Yes
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-37. Child maltreatment deaths (per 100,000 population, under age 18 years)",2.3,2008,2.4,2017,2.1,...,4.3,...
2,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-38. Nonfatal child maltreatment (per 1,000 population, under age 18 years)",9.4,2008,9.0,2017,8.5,44.4,...,...
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-41. Emergency department visits for nonfatal, intentional self-harm injuries (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",124.9,2008,157.2,2017,112.4,...,25.9,No
3,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-42. Children exposed to violence (percent, ages 17 years and under)",58.9,2008,56.6,20132014,53.0,39.0,...,No
1,Injury and Violence Prevention,"IVP-43. Linkage of violent death data from death certificates, law enforcement, and coroner and medical examiner reports (number of states and District of Columbia)",16,2009,51,2018,51,100.0,...,...
2,"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health","LGBT-1.1. Data systems in Healthy People 2020 collecting data on lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations (number)",6,2008,8,2017,12,33.3,...,...
3,"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health",LGBT-1.3. Data systems in Healthy People 2020 collecting data on transgender populations (number),2,2008,2,2017,4,...,0.0,...
3,"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health",LGBT-2.1. Questions on sexual orientation and gender identity in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (number),31,2014,31,2017,54,,0.0,...
3,"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health",LGBT-2.2. Used provided module on sexual orientation and gender identity in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (number),20,2014,20,2017,22,,0.0,...
2,"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health",LGBT-2.3. Used provided module on sexual orientation and gender identity in the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (number),28,2015,30,2017,31,66.7,...,...
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.1. Fetal deaths (per 1,000 live births plus fetal deaths, 20 weeks of gestation or more)",6.2,2005,5.9,2017,5.6,50.0,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.2. Perinatal deaths (per 1,000 live births plus fetal deaths, 28 weeks gestation to less than 7 days after birth)",6.6,2005,5.9,2017,5.9,100.0,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.3. All Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births, under age 1 year)",6.7,2006,5.8,2017,6.0,128.6,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.4. Neonatal deaths (per 1,000 live births, under age 28 days)",4.5,2006,3.9,2017,4.1,150.0,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.5. Postneonatal deaths (per 1,000 live births, 28 days to under age 1 year)",2.2,2006,1.9,2017,2.0,150.0,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.6. Infant deaths due to birth defects (per 1,000 live births, under age 1 year)",1.4,2006,1.2,2017,1.3,200.0,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.7. Infant deaths due to congenital heart defects (per 1,000 live births, under age 1 year)",0.38,2006,0.31,2017,0.34,175.0,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.8. Infant deaths due to sudden infant death syndrome (per 1,000 live births, under age 1 year)",0.55,2006,0.35,2017,0.50,400.0,...,Yes
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-1.9. Infant deaths due to sudden unexpected or unexplained causes (per 1,000 live births, under age 1 year)",0.93,2006,0.93,2017,0.84,...,0.0,...
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-2. Deaths among infants with Down syndrome (per 1,000 population, under age 1 year)",48.6,20052006,48.8,20092010,43.7,...,0.4,...
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-3.1. Child deaths (per 100,000 population, ages 14 years)",29.4,2007,24.3,2017,26.5,175.9,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-3.2. Child deaths (per 100,000 population, ages 59 years)",13.8,2007,11.6,2017,12.4,157.1,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-4.1. Adolescent deaths (per 100,000 population, ages 1014)",16.5,2007,15.5,2017,14.8,58.8,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-4.2. Adolescent deaths (per 100,000 population, ages 1519)",60.3,2007,51.5,2017,54.3,146.7,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-4.3. Young adult deaths (per 100,000 population, ages 2024)",98.1,2007,95.6,2017,88.3,25.5,...,Yes
5,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-5. Maternal deaths (per 100,000 live births)",12.7,2007,...,,11.4,...,...,...
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-6. Maternal complications during hospitalized labor and delivery (per 100 deliveries),31.1,2007,31.3,2010,28.0,...,0.6,No
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-7.1. Cesarean births among low-risk women with no prior births (percent),27.4,2007,26.0,2017,24.7,51.9,...,Yes
5,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-7.2. Cesarean births among low-risk women with a prior cesarean birth (percent),90.8,2007,...,,81.7,...,...,...
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-8.1. Low birth weight infants (percent, less than 2,500 grams)",8.2,2007,8.3,2017,7.8,...,1.2,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-8.2.Very low birth weight infants (percent, less than 1,500 grams)",1.5,2007,1.4,2017,1.4,100.0,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-9.1. Total preterm live births (percent, less than 37 weeks gestation)",10.4,2007,9.9,2017,9.4,50.0,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-9.2. Late preterm live births (percent, 3436 weeks gestation)",7.5,2007,7.2,2017,6.8,42.9,...,Yes
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-9.3. Preterm live births (percent, 3233 weeks gestation)",1.2,2007,1.2,2017,1.1,...,0.0,...
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-9.4. Very preterm live births (percent, less than 32 weeks gestation)",1.7,2007,1.6,2017,1.5,50.0,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-10.1. Pregnant women beginning prenatal care in the first trimester (percent),77.1,2016,77.5,2018,84.8,5.2,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-10.2. Pregnant women receiving early and adequate prenatal care (percent),75.6,2016,76.4,2018,83.2,10.5,...,Yes
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-11.1. Pregnant women abstaining from alcohol in past 30 days (percent, ages 1544)",89.4,20072008,89.3,20172018,98.3,...,0.1,No
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-11.2. Pregnant women abstaining from binge drinking in past 30 days (percent, ages 1544)",95.5,20152016,95.0,20172018,100.0,...,0.5,No
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-11.3. Pregnant women abstaining from cigarette smoking (percent),92.8,2016,93.5,2018,98.6,12.1,...,Yes
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-11.4. Pregnant women abstaining from illicit drug use in the past 30 days (percent, ages 1544)",94.5,20152016,93.0,20172018,100.0,...,1.6,No
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-14. Nonpregnant women consuming 400 µg or more of folic acid daily (percent, ages 1544)",23.8,20032006,21.1,20112014,26.2,...,11.3,No
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-15. Nonpregnant women who have lower (below the 25th percentile) red blood cell folate concentrations (percent, ages 1544)",24.9,20072010,21.6,20112014,22.4,132.0,...,No
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-16.1. Mothers receiving preconception counseling (percent),24.5,2012,24.8,2014,27.0,12.0,...,No
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-16.2. Mothers who took daily multivitamins or folic acid in the month prior to pregnancy (percent),30.3,2007,34.7,2016,33.3,146.7,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-16.3. Mothers who did not smoke in the 3 months prior to pregnancy (percent),79.8,2011,84.4,2016,87.8,57.5,...,Yes
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-16.4. Mothers who did not drink alcohol in the 3 months prior to pregnancy (percent),50.6,2007,45.8,2016,55.6,...,9.5,Yes
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-16.5. Mothers having a healthy weight prior to pregnancy (percent),52.5,2007,48.1,2016,57.8,...,8.4,Yes
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-16.6. Mothers using most effective or moderately effective postpartum contraception (percent),53.2,2012,51.7,2016,58.5,...,2.8,Yes
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-17.1. Women with impaired fecundity (percent, ages 1844)",12.7,2002,13.2,20152017,11.4,...,3.9,No
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-18. Relapse after delivery among smokers who quit during pregnancy (percent),42.4,2011,38.1,2016,38.2,102.4,...,Yes
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-19. Mothers attending a postpartum care visit (percent),90.1,2012,89.5,2016,90.8,...,0.7,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-20. Infants put to sleep on their backs (percent, under age 8 months)",68.9,2007,78.8,2016,75.8,143.5,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-21.1. Infants ever breastfed (percent),76.1,2009,83.2,2015,81.9,122.4,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-21.2. Infants breastfed at 6 months (percent),46.6,2009,57.6,2015,60.6,78.6,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-21.3. Infants breastfed at 1 year (percent),24.6,2009,35.9,2015,34.1,118.9,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-21.4. Infants breastfed exclusively through 3 months (percent),35.9,2009,46.9,2015,46.2,106.8,...,Yes
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-21.5. Infants breastfed exclusively through 6 months (percent),15.6,2009,24.9,2015,25.5,93.9,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-22. Employers having worksite lactation support programs (percent),25,2009,49,2018,38,184.6,...,...
2,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-23. Breastfed newborns receiving formula supplementation in the first 2 days of life (percent),23.3,2009,17.2,2015,14.2,67.0,...,Yes
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-24. Live births in facilities providing recommended care for lactating mothers and babies (percent),2.9,2009,26.1,2018,8.1,446.2,...,...
6,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-25. Fetal alcohol syndrome (per 10,000 live births)",3.6,20012004,...,,...,...,...,...
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-26. Children with disorders diagnosed through a newborn bloodspot who require special education services for developmental delays (percent, ages 310 years)",15.1,19881996,12.9,20022005,13.6,146.7,...,No
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-27.1. Children aged 8 years with cerebral palsy born low birth weight (percent, less than 2,500 grams)",50.0,2006,47.0,2010,45.0,60.0,...,No
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-27.2. Children aged 8 years with cerebral palsy were born very low birth weight (percent, less than 1,500 grams)",32.5,2006,26.5,2010,25.7,88.2,...,No
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-28.1. Cases of spina bifida (per 100,000 live births)",34.2,20052006,30.5,2010,30.8,108.8,...,...
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-28.2. Cases of anencephaly (per 100,000 live births)",24.6,20052006,12.8,2010,22.1,472.0,...,...
1,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-29.1. Children screened for autism and other developmental delays in the past year (percent, ages 1035 months)",22.6,2007,38.0,20112012,24.9,669.6,...,Yes
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-29.2. Children with autism spectrum disorder receiving a first evaluation by age 36 months (percent, age 8 years)",42.7,2006,41.9,2014,47.0,...,1.9,No
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-29.3. Children with autism spectrum disorder receiving special services by age 48 months (percent, Metropolitan Atlanta, age 8 years)",52.4,2006,48.5,2014,57.6,...,7.4,No
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-30.1. Children having a medical home (percent, ages under 18 years)",57.5,2007,54.4,20112012,63.3,...,5.4,Yes
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-30.2. Children with special health care needs having a medical home (percent, ages under 18 years)",47.1,20052006,43.0,20092010,51.8,...,8.7,Yes
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-31.1. Children with special health care needs receiving care in family-centered, coordinated systems (percent, ages 011 years)",20.4,20052006,20.1,20092010,22.4,...,1.5,No
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health","MICH-31.2. Children with special health care needs receiving care in family-centered, coordinated systems (percent, ages 1217 years)",13.8,20052006,13.6,20092010,15.1,...,1.4,No
5,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-32.1. Statewide vital records linkage systems to verify newborn screening (number of states and District of Columbia),21,2010,...,,45,...,...,...
4,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-32.2. Screen-positive children receiving follow-up testing within recommended time period (percent),98.3,20032006,86.3,2010,100.0,...,12.2,...
3,"Maternal, Infant, and Child Health",MICH-33. Very low birth weight infants born at Level III hospitals (percent),75.0,20032006,74.5,2010,83.7,...,0.7,...
1,Medical Product Safety,MPS-1. Hospitals reporting adverse drug events (percent),60.7,2009,81.5,2018,66.8,341.0,,Yes
6,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-2.4.1. Drug overdose deaths involving natural, semisynthetic, and synthetic opioids, excluding heroin (per 100,000 population)",5.4,2010,12.5,2017,,,,
6,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-2.4.2. Drug overdose deaths involving natural and semisynthetic opioids, excluding heroin (per 100,000 population)",3.5,2010,4.4,2017,,,,
6,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-2.4.3. Drug overdose deaths involving methadone (per 100,000 population)",1.5,2010,1.0,2017,,,,
6,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-2.4.4. Drug overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids, excluding methadone (per 100,000 population)",1.0,2010,9.0,2017,,,,
1,Medical Product Safety,MPS-4. Safe and effective medical products associated with predictive biomarkers (number),35,2014,65,2018,39,750.0,,
3,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-5.1. Emergency department visits for overdoses from oral anticoagulants (per 10,000 outpatient prescription visits)",35.9,20062007,36.9,20082009,32.3,,2.8,No
1,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-5.2. Emergency department visits for overdoses from injectable antidiabetic agents (per 10,000 outpatient prescription visits)",43.4,20062007,34.2,20082009,39.1,214.0,,No
1,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-5.3. Emergency department visits for overdoses from narrow-therapeutic-index medications (per 10,000 outpatient prescription visits)",8.9,20062007,7.6,20082009,8.0,144.4,,No
1,Medical Product Safety,"MPS-5.4. Emergency department visits for medication overdoses in children (per 10,000 population, under age 5 years)",32.7,20072008,27.1,20152016,29.4,169.7,,No
4,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-1. Suicide (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",11.3,2007,14.0,2017,10.2,...,23.9,Yes
4,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-2. Suicide attempts by adolescents that required medical attention (percent, grades 912)",1.9,2009,2.4,2017,1.7,...,26.3,Yes
4,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-3. Adolescents engaging in disordered eating to control their weight (percent, grades 912)",14.3,2009,16.7,2013,12.9,...,16.8,Yes
4,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-4.1. Adolescents with a major depressive episode in the past 12 months (percent, ages 1217)",8.3,2008,14.4,2018,7.5,...,73.5,Yes
4,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-4.2. Adults with a major depressive episode in the past 12 months (percent, ages 18 and over)",6.5,2008,7.2,2018,5.8,...,10.8,Yes
5,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,MHMD-5. Primary care facilities that provide mental health treatment (percent),79.0,2006,...,,87.0,...,...,...
3,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-6. Children with mental health problems receiving treatment (percent, ages 417 years)",68.9,2008,73.3,2018,75.8,63.8,...,No
3,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,MHMD-7. Juvenile residential facilities that screen admissions for mental health problems (percent),58.0,2006,57.0,2010,64.0,...,1.7,...
3,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-8. Persons with serious mental illness who are employed (percent, ages 18 and over)",56.0,2008,58.8,2018,61.6,50.0,...,No
3,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-9.1. Adults with serious mental illness who receive treatment (percent, ages 18 and over)",65.7,2008,64.1,2018,72.3,...,2.4,No
4,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-9.2. Adults with major depressive episodes who receive treatment (percent, ages 18 and over)",69.0,2008,64.8,2018,75.9,...,6.1,Yes
3,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-10. Persons with co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders who receive treatment (percent, ages 18 and over)",3.3,2008,3.4,2018,3.6,33.3,...,No
1,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-11.1. Primary care physician office visits by adults that include screening for depression (percent, ages 19 and over)",2.2,2012,9.0,2016,2.4,"3,400.0",...,No
5,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-11.2. Primary care physician office visits by youth that include screening for depression (percent, ages 1218 years)",1.6,20102012,...,,1.7,...,...,...
1,Mental Health and Mental Disorders,"MHMD-12. Homeless adults with mental health problems receiving mental health services (percent, ages 18 and over)",37.0,20052006,62.6,20142015,41.0,640.0,...,...
5,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-1. States with food and beverage nutrition standards for preschool children in child care (number of states and District of Columbia),24,2006,...,,34,...,...,...
1,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-2.1. Schools not offering calorically sweetened beverages (percent),9.3,2006,25.6,2014,21.3,135.8,...,Yes
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-2.2. School districts requiring schools to offer fruit and vegetables to students (percent),6.6,2006,16.3,2016,18.6,80.8,...,Yes
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-3. States with policies to incentivize food retail outlets to provide foods encouraged by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (number),8,2009,13,2017,18,50.0,...,...
5,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-5.1. Primary care physicians assessing body mass index in adult patients aged 18 and over (percent),48.7,2008,...,,53.6,...,...,...
5,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-5.2. Primary care physicians assessing body mass index in child or adolescent patients aged 217 years (percent),49.7,2008,...,,54.7,...,...,...
1,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-6.1. Physician office visits for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hyperlipidemia that include diet and nutrition counseling (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",11.5,2012,20.2,2015,12.7,725.0,...,No
1,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-6.2. Physician office visits by obese adults that include weight reduction, nutrition, or physical activity counseling (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",14.2,2012,24.8,2016,15.6,757.1,...,No
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-6.3. Physician office visits by child or adult patients that include nutrition and diet counseling (age-adjusted percent),7.9,2012,13.4,2016,15.2,75.3,...,Yes
4,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-8. Healthy weight among adults (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",30.8,20052008,27.7,20132016,33.9,...,10.1,Yes
4,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-9. Obesity among adults (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",33.9,20052008,38.6,20132016,30.5,...,13.9,Yes
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-10.1. Obesity among children (percent, ages 25 years)",10.4,20052008,11.6,20132016,9.4,...,11.5,No
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-10.2. Obesity among children (percent, ages 611 years)",17.4,20052008,17.9,20132016,15.7,...,2.9,No
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-10.3. Obesity among adolescents (percent, ages 1219)",17.9,20052008,20.6,20132016,16.1,...,15.1,No
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-10.4. Obesity among children and adolescents (percent, ages 219 years )",16.1,20052008,17.8,20132016,14.5,...,10.6,No
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-12. Very low food security among children in the past 12 months (percent of households),1.3,2008,0.6,2018,0.2,63.6,...,Yes
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-13. Households with food insecurity in the past 12 months (percent),14.6,2008,11.1,2018,6.0,40.7,...,Yes
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-14. Mean daily intake of fruits (age adjusted, cup equivalents per 1,000 calories, ages 2 years and over)",0.53,20052008,0.51,20132016,0.93,...,3.8,No
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-15.1. Mean daily intake of total vegetables (age adjusted, cup equivalents per 1,000 calories, ages 2 years and over)",0.76,20052008,0.76,20132016,1.16,...,0.0,...
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-15.2. Mean daily intake of dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, and beans and peas (age adjusted, cup equivalents per 1,000 calories, ages 2 years and over)",0.29,20052008,0.31,20132016,0.53,8.3,...,Yes
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-16. Mean daily intake of whole grains (age adjusted, ounce equivalents per 1,000 calories, ages 2 years and over)",0.34,20052008,0.46,20132016,0.66,37.5,...,Yes
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-17.1. Mean percent of total daily calorie intake from solid fats (age adjusted, ages 2 years and over)",16.6,20052008,14.9,20132016,14.2,70.8,...,Yes
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-17.2. Mean percent of total daily calorie intake from added sugars (age adjusted, ages 2 years and over)",15.1,20052008,13.5,20132016,9.7,29.6,...,Yes
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-17.3. Mean percent of total daily calorie intake from solid fats and added sugars (age adjusted, ages 2 years and over)",31.7,20052008,28.4,20132016,25.5,53.2,...,Yes
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-18. Mean percent of total daily calorie intake from saturated fats (age adjusted, ages 2 years and over)",11.3,20052008,11.4,20132016,9.9,...,0.9,No
2,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-19. Mean total daily sodium intake (age adjusted, mg, ages 2 years and over)","3,658",20092012,"3,604",20132016,"2,300",4.0,...,Yes
3,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-20. Mean total daily calcium intake (age adjusted, mg, ages 2 years and over)","1,099",20052008,"1,077",20132016,"1,384",...,2.0,No
1,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-21.1. Iron deficiency in children (percent, ages 12 years)",15.9,20052008,10.9,20152016,14.3,312.5,...,No
5,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-21.2. Iron deficiency in children (percent, ages 34 years)",5.3,20052008,...,,4.3,...,...,...
4,Nutrition and Weight Status,"NWS-21.3. Iron deficiency in females (percent, ages 1249 years)",10.5,20052008,13.2,20152016,9.4,...,25.7,Yes
5,Nutrition and Weight Status,NWS-22 Iron deficiency in pregnant females (percent),16.1,20032006,...,,14.5,...,...,...
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-1.1. Work-related injury deaths—All industries (per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers, ages 16 and over)",4.0,2007,3.5,2017,3.6,125.0,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-1.2. Work-related injury deaths—Mining (per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers, ages 16 and over)",21.4,2007,12.5,2017,19.3,423.8,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-1.3. Work-related injury deaths—Construction (per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers, ages 16 and over)",10.8,2007,9.4,2017,9.7,127.3,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-1.4. Work-related injury deaths—Transportation and warehousing (per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers, ages 16 and over)",16.5,2007,11.5,2017,14.8,294.1,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-1.5. Work-related injury deaths—Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting (per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers, ages 16 and over)",26.7,2007,22.4,2017,24.3,179.2,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,OSH-2.1. Work-related nonfatal injuries (per 100 full-time equivalent workers),4.2,2007,2.8,2017,3.8,350.0,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,OSH-2.2. Emergency department visits for work-related injuries (per 100 full-time equivalent workers),2.4,2007,1.7,2017,2.2,350.0,...,No
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-2.3. Emergency department visits for work-related illness and injuries (per 100 full-time equivalent workers, ages 1519)",5.5,2007,3.3,2017,5.0,440.0,...,No
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-3. Overexertion or repetitive motion injuries (per 10,000 full-time workers)",29.6,2008,22.6,2017,26.6,233.3,...,...
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-4. Pneumoconiosis deaths (number, ages 15 and over)","2,430",2005,"1,676",2016,"2,187",310.3,...,...
1,Occupational Safety and Health,OSH-5. Work-related homicides (number),628,2007,458,2017,565,269.8,...,...
3,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-6. Emergency department visits for work-related assaults (per 10,000 full-time equivalent workers, ages 15 and over)",8.4,2007,10.0,2017,7.6,...,19.0,No
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-7. Persons with blood lead levels 10 or more µg/dL (per 100,000 workers, ages 16 and over)",26.6,2010,15.8,2017,23.9,400.0,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-8. Occupational skin diseases or disorders (per 10,000 full-time workers)",4.4,2008,2.2,2017,4.0,550.0,...,...
2,Occupational Safety and Health,OSH-9. Proportion of employees who have access to workplace programs that prevent or reduce employee stress (percent),36,2010,38,2014,40,50.0,...,Yes
1,Occupational Safety and Health,"OSH-10. Work-related noise-induced hearing loss (per 10,000 full-time workers)",2.2,2008,1.4,2017,2.0,400.0,...,...
2,Older Adults,OA-1. Older adults using the Welcome to Medicare benefit (percent),6.4,2008,6.8,2013,7.0,66.7,...,...
3,Older Adults,"OA-2.1. Males who are current on a core set of clinical preventive services (percent, ages 65 and over)",40.5,2012,41.2,2014,44.6,17.1,...,No
3,Older Adults,"OA-2.2. Females who are current on a core set of clinical preventive services (percent, ages 65 and over)",42.5,2012,42.6,2014,46.8,2.3,...,No
4,Older Adults,"OA-4. Older adults with diabetes who have had diabetes self-management training (percent, Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes)",2.0,2008,0.6,2013,2.2,...,70.0,...
4,Older Adults,"OA-5. Older adults with at least one activity of daily living limitation or living in a long-term care facility (age-adjusted percent, ages 65 and over)",29.3,2007,32.2,2011,26.4,...,9.9,Yes
1,Older Adults,"OA-6. Older adults with reduced physical or cognitive function who engage in leisure-time physical activities (percent, ages 65 and over)",32.6,2008,41.3,2018,35.9,263.6,...,Yes
3,Older Adults,OA-7.1. Physicians with geriatric certification (percent),2.7,2009,2.5,2014,3.0,...,7.4,...
3,Older Adults,OA-7.2. Psychiatrists with geriatric certification (percent),4.3,2009,4.2,2014,4.7,...,2.3,...
4,Older Adults,OA-7.3. Registered nurses with geriatric certification (percent),1.4,2004,0.5,2013,1.5,...,64.3,...
4,Older Adults,OA-7.4. Dentists with geriatric certification (percent),0.20,2007,0.10,2012,0.22,...,50.0,...
1,Older Adults,OA-7.5. Physical therapists with geriatric certification (percent),0.6,2009,0.9,2016,0.7,300.0,...,...
1,Older Adults,OA-7.6. Registered dieticians with geriatric certification (percent),0.30,2009,0.60,2013,0.33,999.99,...,...
3,Older Adults,"OA-10. Pressure ulcer-related hospitalizations among older adults (per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)",985.8,2007,962.7,2014,887.3,23.5,...,No
3,Older Adults,"OA-11. Emergency department visits for falls (age adjusted, per 100,000 population, ages 65 and over)","5,235.1",2007,"6,306.2",2015,"4,711.6",...,20.5,No
5,Older Adults,OA-12.1. States reporting information about victims and perpetrators of elder abuse (number of states and District of Columbia),3,2004,...,,4,...,...,...
1,Oral Health,"OH-1.1. Children with dental caries experience in their primary teeth (percent, ages 35 years)",33.3,19992004,27.9,20132016,30.0,163.6,...,No
3,Oral Health,"OH-1.2. Children with dental caries experience in their primary or permanent teeth (percent, ages 69 years)",54.4,19992004,51.6,20132016,49.0,51.9,...,No
3,Oral Health,"OH-1.3. Adolescents with dental caries experience in their permanent teeth (percent, ages 1315)",53.7,19992004,49.9,20132016,48.3,70.4,...,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-2.1. Children with untreated dental decay in their primary teeth (percent, ages 35 years)",23.8,19992004,11.9,20132016,21.4,495.8,...,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-2.2. Children with untreated dental decay in their primary or permanent teeth (percent, ages 69 years)",28.8,19992004,15.5,20132016,25.9,458.6,...,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-2.3. Adolescents with untreated dental decay in their permanent teeth (percent, ages 1315)",17.0,19992004,14.1,20132016,15.3,170.6,...,No
3,Oral Health,"OH-3.1. Adults with untreated dental decay (percent, ages 3544)",27.8,19992004,28.2,20132016,25.0,...,1.4,No
3,Oral Health,"OH-3.2. Adults with untreated coronal caries (percent, ages 6574)",17.1,19992004,15.8,20132016,15.4,76.5,...,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-3.3. Adults with untreated root surface caries (percent, ages 75 and over)",37.9,19992004,29.1,20152016,34.1,231.6,...,No
2,Oral Health,"OH-4.1. Adults with permanent tooth loss due to dental caries or periodontal disease (percent, ages 4564)",76.4,19992004,71.7,20132016,68.8,61.8,...,Yes
1,Oral Health,"OH-4.2. Adults with complete tooth loss (percent, ages 6574)",24.0,19992004,12.5,20132016,21.6,479.2,...,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-5. Adults with moderate or severe periodontitis (percent, ages 4574)",47.5,20092010,37.4,20132014,40.8,150.7,...,Yes
3,Oral Health,OH-6. Oral and pharyngeal cancers detected at the earliest stage (percent),32.6,2007,29.5,2016,35.9,...,9.5,...
3,Oral Health,"OH-7. Children, adolescents, and adults who visited the dentist in the past year (age-adjusted percent, ages 2 years and over)",44.5,2007,43.3,2016,49.0,...,2.7,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-8. Low-income children and adolescents receiving preventive dental services in the past year (percent, ages 218 years, at or below 200% of poverty level)",30.2,2007,38.7,2016,33.2,283.3,...,Yes
1,Oral Health,OH-9.1. School-based health centers with an oral health component that includes dental sealants (percent),17.1,20072008,24.4,20102011,18.8,429.4,...,...
1,Oral Health,OH-9.2. School-based health centers with an oral health component that includes dental care (percent),6.4,20072008,9.1,20102011,7.0,450.0,...,...
1,Oral Health,OH-9.3. School-based health centers with an oral health component that includes topical fluoride (percent),20.6,20072008,33.1,20102011,22.7,595.2,...,...
2,Oral Health,OH-10.1. Federally Qualified Health Centers with an oral health care program (percent),66.6,2007,71.2,2015,73.3,68.7,...,...
5,Oral Health,OH-10.2. Local health departments with oral health prevention or care programs (percent),25.8,2008,...,,28.4,...,...,...
2,Oral Health,OH-11. Patients at Federally Qualified Health Centers receiving dental services (percent),17.5,2007,21.4,2015,33.3,24.7,...,...
1,Oral Health,"OH-12.1. Children receiving dental sealants on primary molar teeth (percent, ages 35 years)",1.4,19992004,4.3,20112012,1.5,"2,900.0",...,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-12.2. Children receiving dental sealants on permanent first molar teeth (percent, ages 69 years)",25.5,19992004,38.2,20132016,28.1,488.5,...,No
1,Oral Health,"OH-12.3. Adolescents receiving dental sealants on their first and second permanent molars (percent, ages 1315)",19.9,19992004,42.4,20132016,21.9,"1,125.0",...,No
3,Oral Health,OH-13. Population served by community water systems with optimally fluoridated water (percent),72.4,2008,72.8,2016,79.6,5.6,...,...
3,Oral Health,"OH-14.1. Adults who received information on reducing tobacco use from a dentist (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",10.5,20112012,11.5,20152016,13.2,37.0,...,No
3,Oral Health,"OH-14.2. Adults who received an oral cancer screening from a dentist (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",23.3,20112012,26.3,20152016,28.6,56.6,...,No
3,Oral Health,"OH-14.3. Adults who were tested or referred for glycemic control by a dentist (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",5.7,20112012,6.3,20152016,7.3,37.5,...,No
1,Oral Health,OH-15.1. States and the District of Columbia with a recording system for cleft lips and cleft palates (number),35,2013,39,2014,39,100.0,...,...
1,Oral Health,OH-15.2. States and the District of Columbia with a referral system for cleft lips and cleft palates (number),31,2013,36,2014,34,166.7,...,...
5,Oral Health,OH-16. Oral and craniofacial state-based surveillance systems (number of states and District of Columbia),32,2009,...,,51,...,...,...
5,Oral Health,"OH-17.1. State and local dental programs directed by public health dental professionals (percent of jurisdictions, population 250,000 or more)",23.4,2008,...,,25.7,...,...,...
5,Oral Health,"OH-17.2. Indian Health Service and Tribal dental programs directed by public health dental professionals (number of jurisdictions, population 30,000 or more)",11,2010,...,,12,...,...,...
1,Physical Activity,"PA-1. Adults engaging in no leisure-time physical activity (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",36.2,2008,25.4,2018,32.6,300.0,...,Yes
1,Physical Activity,"PA-2.1. Adults engaging in regular physical activity—Light or moderate for 150 minutes or more per week or vigorous for 75 minutes or more per week (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",43.5,2008,54.2,2018,47.9,243.2,...,Yes
1,Physical Activity,"PA-2.2. Adults engaging in regular physical activity—Light or moderate for 300 minutes or more per week or vigorous for 150 minutes or more per week (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",28.4,2008,37.4,2018,31.3,310.3,...,Yes
1,Physical Activity,"PA-2.3. Adults performing muscle-strengthening activities 2 days or more per week (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",21.9,2008,27.6,2018,24.1,259.1,...,Yes
1,Physical Activity,"PA-2.4. Adults meeting aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening objectives (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",18.2,2008,24.0,2018,20.1,305.3,...,Yes
4,Physical Activity,"PA-3.1. Adolescents meeting federal physical activity guidelines (percent, grades 912)",28.7,2011,26.1,2017,31.6,...,9.1,Yes
4,Physical Activity,"PA-3.2. Adolescents meeting federal guidelines for muscle-strengthening activity (percent, grades 912)",55.6,2011,51.1,2017,61.2,...,8.1,Yes
3,Physical Activity,"PA-3.3. Adolescents meeting federal guidelines for aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening activity (percent, grades 912)",21.9,2011,20.0,2017,24.1,...,8.7,No
3,Physical Activity,PA-4.1. Elementary schools requiring daily physical education (percent),4.4,2006,3.6,2014,4.8,...,18.2,No
4,Physical Activity,PA-4.2. Middle and junior high schools requiring daily physical education (percent),10.5,2006,3.4,2014,11.5,...,67.6,Yes
1,Physical Activity,PA-4.3. Senior high schools requiring daily physical education (percent),2.1,2006,4.0,2014,2.3,950.0,...,No
3,Physical Activity,"PA-5. Adolescents participating in daily school physical education (percent, grades 912)",33.3,2009,29.9,2017,36.6,...,10.2,No
5,Physical Activity,PA-6.1. States requiring regular elementary school recess (number),7,2006,...,,17,...,...,...
1,Physical Activity,PA-6.2. School districts requiring regular elementary school recess (percent),57.1,2006,64.8,2016,62.8,135.1,...,No
3,Physical Activity,PA-7. School districts requiring regular elementary school recess for 20 minutes or more (percent),61.5,2006,64.5,2016,67.7,48.4,...,No
5,Physical Activity,"PA-8.1. Children viewing no television, videos, or video games on weekdays (percent, ages 02 years)",40.6,2007,...,,44.7,...,...,...
3,Physical Activity,"PA-8.2.1. Children viewing television, videos, or video games for 2 hours or less a day (percent, ages 25 years)",75.6,20052008,76.2,20092012,83.2,7.9,...,No
5,Physical Activity,"PA-8.2.2. Children and adolescents viewing television, videos, or video games for 2 hours or less a day (percent, ages 614 years)",78.9,2007,...,,86.8,...,...,...
1,Physical Activity,"PA-8.2.3. Adolescents viewing television, videos, or video games for 2 hours or less a day (percent, grades 912)",67.2,2009,79.3,2017,73.9,180.6,...,Yes
6,Physical Activity,"PA-8.3.1. Children using a computer for nonschool work for 2 hours or less a day (percent, ages 25 years)",97.4,20052008,97.5,20092012,...,...,...,...
5,Physical Activity,"PA-8.3.2. Children and adolescents using a computer for nonschool work for 2 hours or less a day (percent, ages 614 years)",93.3,2007,...,,100.0,...,...,...
4,Physical Activity,"PA-8.3.3. Adolescents using a computer for nonschool work for 2 hours or less a day (percent, grades 912)",75.1,2009,57.0,2017,82.6,...,24.1,Yes
5,Physical Activity,PA-9.1. State child care licensing regulations requiring activity programs for large muscle or gross motor activity (number of states),25,2006,...,,35,...,...,...
5,Physical Activity,PA-9.2. State child care licensing regulations requiring child participation in vigorous or moderate physical activity (number of states),3,2006,...,,13,...,...,...
5,Physical Activity,PA-9.3. State child care licensing regulations requiring child participation in physical activity for a specified time period (number of states),1,2006,...,,11,...,...,...
3,Physical Activity,PA-10. Schools providing access to physical activity facilities during nonschool time (percent),28.8,2006,25.9,2014,31.7,...,10.1,No
1,Physical Activity,"PA-11.1. Office visits for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hyperlipidemia that include exercise counseling (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",7.7,2012,15.0,2015,8.5,912.5,...,No
1,Physical Activity,PA-11.2. Physician visits by child or adult patients that include exercise counseling (age-adjusted percent),5.3,2012,9.4,2015,5.8,820.0,...,No
5,Physical Activity,"PA-13.1. Walking for transportation—Adults—Trips of 1 mile or less (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",33.4,2009,...,,36.7,...,...,...
5,Physical Activity,"PA-13.2. Walking to school—Children and adolescents—Trips of 1 mile or less (percent, ages 515 years)",28.8,2009,...,,31.7,...,...,...
5,Physical Activity,"PA-14.1. Bicycling for transportation—Adults—Trips of 5 miles or less (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",1.0,2009,...,,3.0,...,...,...
5,Physical Activity,"PA-14.2. Bicycling to school—Children and adolescents—Trips of 2 miles or less (percent, ages 515 years)",1.4,2009,...,,3.4,...,...,...
5,Preparedness,PREP-2. Designated personnel report-to-duty time in a public health emergency (average time in minutes),66,2009,...,,59,...,...,...
5,Preparedness,PREP-4. Timely production of after-action reports and improvement plans after simulation exercise (average time in days),46,2009,...,,41,...,...,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-5.1. School districts requiring schools to include family reunification plans (percent),67.8,2012,74.4,2016,74.6,97.1,...,Yes
3,Preparedness,PREP-5.2. School districts requiring response procedures for pandemic flu or other infectious disease outbreaks (percent),69.0,2012,65.3,2016,75.9,...,5.4,No
3,Preparedness,PREP-5.3. School districts requiring schools to include provisions for students and staff with special needs (percent),79.9,2012,79.9,2016,87.9,...,0.0,...
1,Preparedness,PREP-5.4. School districts requiring schools to include mental health services for students and staff after a crisis has occurred (percent),69.3,2012,77.6,2016,76.2,120.3,...,Yes
3,Preparedness,PREP-7. Household discussions of emergency plans (percent),79.2,2011,76.9,2012,89.5,...,2.9,No
3,Preparedness,"PREP-13. Adults whose households have a disaster emergency plan (percent, ages 18 and over)",46.0,2011,43.2,2012,51.2,...,6.1,No
2,Preparedness,PREP-15.1. Active bystander CPR for patients with a nontraumatic cardiac arrest (percent),39.6,2015,40.5,2018,44.6,18.0,...,Yes
2,Preparedness,PREP-15.2. Active bystander AED use for patients with a nontraumatic cardiac arrest in a public location (percent),11.2,2015,12.3,2018,13.7,44.0,...,Yes
3,Preparedness,PREP-15.3. Active bystander intervention and survival to hospital discharge (percent),14.2,2015,14.2,2018,16.7,...,0.0,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-15.4. Active bystander intervention and survival to hospital discharge for patients with a bystander witnessed nontraumatic cardiac arrest (percent),39.1,2015,40.7,2018,44.1,32.0,...,Yes
3,Preparedness,PREP-16.1. Medical Reserve Corps units participating in preparedness training and exercises (percent),90,2013,83,2017,95,...,7.8,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-16.2. Medical Reserve Corps units participating in public health activities (percent),58,2013,72,2015,75,82.4,...,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-16.3. Medical Reserve Corps complying with the National Incident Management System (percent),95,2013,97,2015,99,50.0,...,...
1,Preparedness,PREP-17.1. Preparedness training and exercises in which Medical Reserve Corps units participate (number),"4,854",2013,"5,956",2015,"5,097",453.5,...,...
1,Preparedness,PREP-17.2. Public health activities in which Medical Reserve Corps units participate (number),"2,881",2013,"7,485",2015,"3,371",939.6,...,...
6,Preparedness,PREP-18.1. Healthcare coalition members (number),"24,143",2015,"28,055",2017,...,...,...,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-19. Emergency medical services call-reporting to the National EMS information system (number of states and District of Columbia),0,2015,9,2019,51,17.6,...,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-20.1. Evacuation plans with relocation site required of child care providers (number of states and District of Columbia),17,2009,38,2015,51,61.8,...,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-20.2. Postdisaster reunification plans for relocated families required of child care providers (number of states and District of Columbia),12,2009,39,2015,51,69.2,...,...
2,Preparedness,PREP-20.3. Emergency plans for children with access and functional needs including disabilities required of child care providers (number of states and District of Columbia),10,2009,32,2015,51,53.7,...,...
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-1.3.1. State public health agencies incorporating Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into job descriptions (percent),25,2012,34,2016,28,300.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-1.3.2. State public health agencies incorporating Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into performance evaluations (percent),15,2012,22,2016,16,700.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-1.4.1. Local public health agencies incorporating Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into job descriptions (percent),13,2013,26,2016,14,"1,300.0",,Yes
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-1.4.2. Local public health agencies incorporating Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into performance evaluations (percent),14,2013,23,2016,15,900.0,,Yes
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-2.2. State public health agencies incorporating Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into developing training plans (percent),52,2012,72,2016,57,400.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-2.3. Local public health agencies incorporating Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into developing training plans (percent),14,2013,28,2016,18,350.0,,Yes
3,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-3. Schools of public health and schools of nursing incorporating Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals into curricula (percent),91,2006,88,2016,94,,3.3,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-4.1. Public health or related graduate degrees and postbaccalaureate certificates awarded (number),"16,188",20142015,"18,579",20162017,"17,807",147.7,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-4.2. Public health or related bachelors degrees awarded (number),"10,722",20142015,"14,016",20162017,"11,794",307.3,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-6.1. Public health or related associate degrees and sub-baccalaureate certificates awarded (number),719,20142015,881,20162017,791,225.0,,
6,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-7.1. Population-based objectives that report estimates by race and ethnicity (percent),39.9,2013,40.4,2017,,,,
6,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-7.2. Population-based objectives that report estimates by sex (percent),85.7,2013,83.1%,2017,,,,
6,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-7.3. Population-based objectives that report estimates by socioeconomic status (percent),57.1,2013,57.6,2017,,,,
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-8.1. Objectives that have at least one data point (percent),81,2014,84,2017,97,18.8,,
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-8.2. Objectives that have at least two data points (percent),48,2014,75,2017,84,75.0,,
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-8.3. Objectives that are tracked at least every 3 years (percent),45,2014,62,2017,66,81.0,,
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-9. Objectives for which national data are reported in a timely manner (percent),74,2014,80,2018,81,85.7,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,"PHI-10.1. Reporting areas using the latest U.S. Standard Birth Certificate (number of states, the District of Columbia, and New York City)",28,2008,52,2018,52,100.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,"PHI-10.2. Reporting areas using the latest U.S. Standard Death Certificate (number of states, the District of Columbia, and New York City)",32,2008,52,2018,52,100.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,"PHI-10.3. Reporting areas using the latest U.S. Standard Fetal Death Report (number of states, the District of Columbia, and New York City)",22,2008,52,2018,52,100.0,,
2,Public Health Infrastructure,"PHI-11.1. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories supporting disease prevention, control, and surveillance (percent)",90,2008,98,2018,99,88.9,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.2. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that incorporate integrated data management (percent),55,2008,96,2018,60,820.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.3. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that support reference and specialized testing (percent),78,2008,91,2018,86,162.5,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.4. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that support environmental health and protection (percent),55,2008,62,2018,60,140.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.5. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that support food safety (percent),27,2008,60,2018,30,"1,100.0",,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.6. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that advance laboratory improvement and regulation (percent),43,2008,82,2018,47,975.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.7. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that support policy development (percent),67,2008,76,2018,74,128.6,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.8. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that support emergency response (percent),69,2008,100,2018,76,442.9,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.9. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that support public health research (percent),29,2008,58,2018,32,966.7,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.10. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that support training and education programs (percent),49,2008,93,2018,54,880.0,,
4,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-11.11. Tribal and state public health agencies with laboratories that foster partnerships and communication (percent),61,2008,42,2018,67,,31.1,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.1. Public health laboratory systems that monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems at a high level of quality (percent),35,2012,43,2016,38,266.7,,
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.2. Public health laboratory systems that diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community at a high level of quality (percent),58,2012,63,2016,64,83.3,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,"PHI-12.3. Public health laboratory systems that inform, educate, and empower people about health issues at a high level of quality (percent)",28,2012,48,2016,31,666.7,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.4. Public health laboratory systems that mobilize community partnerships and action to identify and solve health problems at a high level of quality (percent),14,2012,18%,2016,15%,400.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.5. Public health laboratory systems that develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts at a high level of quality (percent),26,2012,35,2016,29,300.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.6. Public health laboratory systems that enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety at a high level of quality (percent),60,2012,70,2016,66,166.7,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.7. Public health laboratory systems that link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable at a high level of quality (percent),35,2012,40,2016,38,166.7,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.8. Public health laboratory systems that assure a competent public and personal health care workforce at a high level of quality (percent),21,2012,35,2016,23,700.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,"PHI-12.9. Public health laboratory systems that evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services at a high level of quality (percent)",5,2012,10,2016,6,500.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-12.10. Public health laboratory systems that support research into new insights and innovative solutions to health problems at a high level of quality (percent),5,2012,15,2016,6,"1,000.0",,
3,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-13.1. State epidemiologists with formal training in epidemiology (percent),87,2009,88,2013,100,7.7,,No
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-13.3. State public health agencies providing comprehensive epidemiology services (percent),55,2009,84,2017,100,64.4,,
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-13.4. Local public health agencies providing comprehensive epidemiology services (percent),35,2008,43,2016,100,12.3,,Yes
5,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-14.1. State public health systems conducting public health system assessments (percent),49,2009,,,78,,,
5,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-14.2. Local public health systems conducting public health system assessments (percent),28,2009,,,50,,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-15.2. State public health agencies with a health improvement plan (percent),49,2012,88,2016,54,780.0,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-15.3. Local public health agencies with a health improvement plan (percent),55,2013,67,2016,61,200.0,,Yes
2,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-15.4. Local public health agencies with a health improvement plan linked to their state plan (percent),64,2013,67,2016,72,37.5,,Yes
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-16.2. State public health agencies with an agency-wide quality improvement program (percent),27,2012,47,2016,30,666.7,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-16.3. Local public health agencies with an agency-wide quality improvement program (percent),23,2013,27,2016,25,200.0,,Yes
6,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-17.1. Accredited tribal public health agencies (number),0,2014,3,2019,,,,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-17.2. Accredited state public health agencies (percent),9.8,2014,70.6,2019,15.8,"1,013.0",,
1,Public Health Infrastructure,PHI-17.3. Accredited local public health agencies (percent),1.7,2014,13.4,2019,3.7,585.0,,
6,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-1.1. Asthma deaths among children and adults (per million population, under age 35 years)",3.4,2007,4.0,2017,...,...,...,...
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-1.2. Asthma deaths among adults (per million population, ages 3564)",11.0,2007,11.4,2017,4.9,...,3.6,No
2,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-1.3. Asthma deaths among adults (per million population, ages 65 and over)",43.4,2007,30.4,2017,21.5,59.4,...,Yes
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-2.1. Hospitalizations for asthma among children (per 10,000 population, under age 5 years)",41.4,2007,40.6,2009,18.2,3.4,...,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-2.2. Hospitalizations for asthma among children and adults (age adjusted, per 10,000 population, ages 564 years)",11.1,2007,10.5,2010,8.7,25.0,...,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-2.3. Hospitalizations for asthma among adults (age adjusted, per 10,000 population, ages 65 and over)",25.3,2007,25.5,2010,20.1,...,0.8,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-3.1. Emergency department visits for asthma among children (per 10,000 population, under age 5 years)",132.8,20052007,129.6,20132015,95.7,8.6,...,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-3.2. Emergency department visits for asthma among children and adults (per 10,000 population, ages 564 years)",57.0,20052007,59.0,20132015,49.6,...,3.5,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-3.3. Emergency department visits for asthma among adults (per 10,000 population, ages 65 and over)",21.9,20052007,16.0,20132015,13.7,72.0,...,No
1,Respiratory Diseases,RD-4. Activity limitations among persons with asthma (age-adjusted percent),12.7,2008,9.4,2018,10.3,137.5,...,Yes
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-5.1. Children with asthma who miss school days (percent, ages 517 years)",58.7,2008,53.3,2018,48.8,54.5,...,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-5.2. Adults with asthma who miss work days (percent, ages 1864)",33.2,2008,37.6,2018,26.7,...,13.3,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,RD-6. Persons with asthma receiving patient education (age-adjusted percent),12.1,2008,12.8,2013,14.5,29.2,...,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,RD-7.1. Persons with asthma receiving written asthma plans from health care providers (age-adjusted percent),33.4,2008,35.5,2018,36.8,61.8,...,No
6,Respiratory Diseases,RD-7.2. Persons with asthma receiving proper use instructions with prescribed inhalers (age-adjusted percent),95.9,2008,...,,...,...,...,...
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-7.3. Persons with asthma receiving education on early signs, symptoms, and responses to asthma episodes (age-adjusted percent)",64.8,2008,68.4,2018,68.5,97.3,...,No
4,Respiratory Diseases,RD-7.4. Persons with asthma who do not use more than 1 beta agonist inhalation canister per month (age-adjusted percent),87.9,2008,84.2,2018,90.2,...,4.2,Yes
4,Respiratory Diseases,RD-7.5. Persons with asthma receiving advice from health professionals in reducing exposure to environmental risk factors (age-adjusted percent),50.8,2008,45.2,2018,54.6,...,11.0,Yes
4,Respiratory Diseases,RD-7.6. Persons with asthma who have had at least one routine medical follow-up visit in the past 12 months (age-adjusted percent),57.2,2013,54.0,2018,60.4,...,5.6,Yes
3,Respiratory Diseases,RD-7.7. Persons with asthma whose doctor assessed their asthma control at the last visit (age-adjusted percent),52.2,2013,49.6,2018,55.9,...,5.0,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-7.8. Adults with current asthma who have discussed with a doctor or other health professional whether their asthma was work related (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",14.4,2010,12.1,2018,17.9,...,16.0,No
4,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-8. States, District of Columbia, and territories with comprehensive asthma surveillance systems (number)",43,2009,37,2018,47,...,14.0,...
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-9. Activity limitations among persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (age-adjusted percent, ages 45 and over)",23.2,2008,20.6,2018,18.7,57.8,...,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-10. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population, ages 45 and over)",113.9,2007,113.4,2017,102.6,4.4,...,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-11. Hospitalizations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (age adjusted, per 10,000 population, ages 45 and over)",56.0,2007,58.7,2010,50.1,...,4.8,No
3,Respiratory Diseases,"RD-12. Emergency department visits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (age adjusted, per 10,000 population, ages 45 and over)",81.7,2007,80.7,2015,56.8,4.0,...,No
4,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-1.1. Chlamydia trachomatis infections among females attending family planning clinics (percent, ages 1524)",8.0,2015,9.0,2017,7.2,...,12.5,...
2,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-1.2. Chlamydia trachomatis infections among females enrolled in a National Job Training Program (percent, ages 1524 )",12.8,2008,11.8,2017,11.5,76.9,...,...
2,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-1.3. Chlamydia trachomatis infections among males enrolled in a National Job Training Program (percent, ages 1524)",7.0,2008,6.6,2017,6.3,57.1,...,...
2,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-3.1. Sexually active females on Medicaid screened for genital chlamydia (percent, ages 1620)",52.7,2008,57.2,2017,70.9,24.7,...,...
2,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-3.2. Sexually active females on Medicaid screened for genital chlamydia (percent, ages 2124)",59.4,2008,65.5,2017,80.0,29.6,...,...
2,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-4.1. Sexually active females with commercial health insurance screened for genital chlamydia (percent, ages 1620)",40.1,2008,45.8,2017,61.3,26.9,...,...
2,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-4.2. Sexually active females with commercial health insurance screened for genital chlamydia (percent, ages 2124)",43.5,2008,56.4,2017,74.6,41.5,...,...
1,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-5. Females ever treated for pelvic inflammatory disease (percent, ages 1544)",4.2,20062010,3.2,20152017,3.8,250.0,...,No
4,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-6.1. New cases of gonorrhea among females (per 100,000 population, ages 1544)",279.9,2008,350.0,2017,251.9,...,25.0,...
4,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-6.2. New cases of gonorrhea among males (per 100,000 population, ages 1544)",216.5,2008,440.4,2017,194.8,...,103.4,...
4,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-7.1. New cases of primary and secondary syphilis among females (per 100,000 population)",1.4,2008,2.3,2017,1.3,...,64.3,...
4,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-7.2. New cases of primary and secondary syphilis among males (per 100,000 population)",7.4,2008,16.9,2017,6.7,...,128.4,...
4,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-8. New cases of congenital syphilis (per 100,000 live births)",10.7,2008,23.3,2017,9.6,...,117.8,...
1,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,"STD-10. Genital herpes infection due to herpes simplex type 2 among young adults (percent, ages 2029)",10.5,20052008,7.2,20132016,9.5,330.0,...,No
1,Sleep Health,"SH-1. Adults with symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea who seek medical evaluation (age-adjusted percent, ages 20 and over)",25.6,20052008,32.8,20152016,27.8,327.3,...,Yes
3,Sleep Health,SH-2. Motor vehicle crashes involving drowsy driving (per 100 million vehicle miles),2.7,2008,2.9,2015,2.1,...,7.4,No
4,Sleep Health,"SH-3. Students getting sufficient sleep on school nights (percent, grades 912)",30.9,2009,25.4,2017,33.1,...,17.8,Yes
4,Sleep Health,"SH-4. Adults getting sufficient sleep per night (percent, ages 18 and over)",71.6,2008,67.4,2018,72.8,...,5.9,Yes
6,Social Determinants of Health,"SDOH-1. Children living with at least one parent employed year round, full time (percent, ages 17 years and under)",71,2010,78,2017,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,"SDOH-2. High school completers enrolled in college the October following high school completion (percent, ages 1624)",68.1,2010,69.1,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,"SDOH-3.1. Persons living in poverty (percent, all ages)",15.1,2010,11.8,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,"SDOH-3.2. Children living in poverty (percent, ages 17 years and under)",22.0,2010,16.2,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,SDOH-4.1.1. Households that spend more than 30% of income on housing (percent),34.6,2007,34.2,2013,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,SDOH-4.1.2. Households earning less than 200% of the poverty threshold that spend more than 30% of income on housing (percent),65.1,2007,65.4,2013,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,SDOH-4.2.1. Households that spend more than 50% of income on housing (percent),15.5,2007,16.2,2013,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,SDOH-4.2.2. Renter households that spend more than 50% of income on housing (percent),22.2,2007,24.2,2013,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,"SDOH-5. Children of incarcerated parents (percent, ages 17 years and under)",6.9,20112012,...,,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,"SDOH-6.1. Registered voters (percent, citizens ages 18 and over)",65.1,2010,66.9,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Social Determinants of Health,"SDOH-6.2. Registered voters who voted (percent, citizens ages 18 and over)",45.5,2010,53.4,2018,...,...,...,...
1,Substance Abuse,"SA-1. Adolescents who, within the past 30 days, rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol (percent, grades 912)",28.3,2009,16.5,2017,25.5,421.4,...,Yes
2,Substance Abuse,"SA-2.1. At-risk adolescents who, in the past year, refrained from alcohol use for the first time (percent, ages 1217)",85.6,2008,88.5,2018,94.2,33.7,...,Yes
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-2.2. At-risk adolescents who, in the past year, refrained from marijuana use for the first time (percent, ages 1217)",94.3,2008,94.0,2018,96.3,...,0.3,No
1,Substance Abuse,SA-2.3. High school seniors never using alcoholic beverages (percent),27.7,2009,41.5,2018,30.5,492.9,...,Yes
3,Substance Abuse,SA-2.4. High school seniors never using illicit drugs (percent),53.3,2009,52.2,2018,58.6,...,2.1,No
3,Substance Abuse,SA-3.1. Adolescents who disapprove of having 12 alcoholic drinks every day—8th graders (percent),78.5,2009,77.9,2018,86.4,...,0.8,No
3,Substance Abuse,SA-3.2. Adolescents who disapprove of having 12 alcoholic drinks every day—10th graders (percent),77.6,2009,77.9,2018,85.4,3.8,...,No
2,Substance Abuse,SA-3.3. Adolescents who disapprove of having 12 alcoholic drinks every day—12th graders (percent),70.5,2009,74.7,2018,77.6,59.2,...,Yes
4,Substance Abuse,SA-3.4. Adolescents who disapprove of trying marijuana or hashish once or twice—8th graders (percent),75.3,2009,64.5,2018,82.8,...,14.3,Yes
4,Substance Abuse,SA-3.5. Adolescents who disapprove of trying marijuana or hashish once or twice—10th graders (percent),60.1,2009,47.9,2018,66.1,...,20.3,Yes
4,Substance Abuse,SA-3.6. Adolescents who disapprove of trying marijuana or hashish once or twice—12th graders (percent),54.8,2009,41.1,2018,60.3,...,25.0,Yes
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-4.1. Adolescents perceiving great risk in consuming 5 or more alcoholic drinks once or twice a week (percent, ages 1217)",42.5,2015,43.2,2018,46.8,16.3,...,No
4,Substance Abuse,"SA-4.2. Adolescents perceiving great risk in smoking marijuana once a month (percent, ages 1217)",27.3,2015,22.8,2018,30.0,...,16.5,Yes
4,Substance Abuse,"SA-4.3. Adolescents perceiving great risk in using cocaine once a month (percent, ages 1217)",56.7,2015,54.2,2018,62.4,...,4.4,Yes
5,Substance Abuse,SA-6. States with mandatory ignition interlock laws for impaired driving offenders (number of states and District of Columbia),13,2009,...,,51,...,...,...
1,Substance Abuse,SA-7. Admissions to substance abuse treatment programs for treatment of injection drug use (number),"255,374",2006,"300,230",2011,"280,911",175.7,...,...
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-8.1. Persons who needed and received illicit drug treatment at a specialty facility in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",18.3,2015,15.9,2018,20.1,...,13.1,No
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-8.2. Persons who needed and received illicit drug treatment, alcohol treatment, or both at a specialty facility in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",10.8,2015,11.1,2018,11.9,27.3,...,No
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-8.3. Persons who needed and received alcohol treatment at a specialty facility in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",8.2,2015,8.9,2018,9.0,87.5,...,No
5,Substance Abuse,SA-10. Levels I and II trauma centers implementing evidence-based alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention (number),325,2009,...,,358,...,...,...
4,Substance Abuse,"SA-11. Cirrhosis deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",9.1,2007,10.9,2017,8.2,...,19.8,Yes
4,Substance Abuse,"SA-12. Drug-induced deaths (age adjusted, per 100,000 population)",12.6,2007,22.8,2017,11.3,...,81.0,Yes
2,Substance Abuse,"SA-13.1. Adolescents using alcohol or illicit drugs in past 30 days (percent, ages 1217)",14.2,2015,13.2,2018,12.8,71.4,...,Yes
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-13.2. Adolescents using marijuana in past 30 days (percent, ages 1217)",6.7,2008,6.7,2018,6.0,...,0.0,...
4,Substance Abuse,"SA-13.3. Adults using any illicit drugs in the past 30 days (percent, ages 18 and over)",10.2,2015,12.0,2018,9.2,...,17.6,Yes
1,Substance Abuse,SA-14.1. Binge drinking in past 2 weeks—High school seniors (percent),25.2,2009,13.8,2018,22.7,456.0,...,Yes
1,Substance Abuse,SA-14.2. Binge drinking in past 2 weeks—College students (percent),41.1,2007,28.3,2018,37.0,312.2,...,...
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-14.3. Binge drinking in past month—Adults (percent, ages 18 and over)",26.9,2015,26.5,2018,24.2,14.8,...,No
1,Substance Abuse,"SA-14.4. Binge drinking in past month—Adolescents (percent, ages 1217)",5.8,2015,4.7,2018,5.2,183.3,...,Yes
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-15. Adults who drank excessively in past 30 days (percent, ages 18 and over)",27.8,2015,27.4,2018,25.0,14.3,...,No
3,Substance Abuse,"SA-16. Average annual alcohol consumption (gallons per person, ages 14 and over)",2.3,2007,2.3,2017,2.1,...,0.0,...
1,Substance Abuse,"SA-17. Alcohol-related motor vehicle crash deaths (per 100 million vehicle miles, 0.08 blood alcohol content)",0.39,2008,0.34,2017,0.38,500.0,...,Yes
6,Substance Abuse,SA-18.1. Steroid use among 8th graders in the past year (percent),0.78,2009,0.64,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Substance Abuse,SA-18.2. Steroid use among 10th graders in the past year (percent),0.79,2009,0.64,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Substance Abuse,SA-18.3. Steroid use among 12th graders in the past year (percent),1.49,2009,1.11,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Substance Abuse,"SA-19.1. Persons with nonmedical use of prescription pain relievers in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",4.7,2015,3.6,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Substance Abuse,"SA-19.2. Persons with nonmedical use of prescription tranquilizers in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",2.3,2015,2.1,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Substance Abuse,"SA-19.3. Persons with nonmedical use of prescription stimulants in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",1.96,2015,1.87,2018,...,...,...,...
6,Substance Abuse,"SA-19.4. Persons with nonmedical use of prescription sedatives in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",0.56,2015,0.40,2018,...,...,...,...
1,Substance Abuse,"SA-19.5. Persons with nonmedical use of any prescription psychotherapeutic drug in the past year (percent, ages 12 years and over)",7.1,2015,6.2,2018,6.4,128.6,...,Yes
4,Substance Abuse,SA-20. Deaths attributable to alcohol (average annual number),"79,646",200105,"87,798",200610,"71,681",...,10.2,...
6,Substance Abuse,"SA-21. Adolescents using inhalants in the past year (percent, ages 1217)",2.7,2015,2.7,2018,...,...,...,...
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-1.1. Adult cigarette smoking (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",20.6,2008,13.9,2018,12.0,77.9,,Yes
5,Tobacco Use,"TU-1.2. Adult use of smokeless tobacco products (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",2.2,2015,,,0.2,,,
5,Tobacco Use,"TU-1.3. Adult cigar smoking (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",2.3,2015,,,0.3,,,
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-2.1. Adolescent tobacco use in past 30 days (percent, grades 912)",26.0,2009,17.0,2015,21.0,180.0,,Yes
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-2.2. Adolescent cigarette smoking in past 30 days (percent, grades 912)",19.5,2009,8.8,2017,16.0,305.7,,Yes
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-2.3. Adolescent use of smokeless tobacco in past 30 days (percent, grades 912)",8.9,2009,7.3,2015,6.9,80.0,,No
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-2.4. Adolescent cigar smoking in past 30 days (percent, grades 912)",14.0,2009,8.0,2017,8.0,100.0,,Yes
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.1. Children and adolescents initiating use of tobacco products in past 12 months (percent, ages 1217)",5.0,2015,3.7,2018,3.0,65.0,,Yes
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.2. Children and adolescents initiating cigarette smoking in past 12 months (percent, ages 1217)",6.3,2008,2.5,2018,4.3,190.0,,Yes
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.3. Children and adolescents initiating use of smokeless tobacco in past 12 months (percent, ages 1217)",1.9,2015,1.3,2018,0.0,31.6,,Yes
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.4. Children and adolescents initiating cigar smoking in past 12 months (percent, ages 1217)",4.9,2008,2.0,2018,2.9,145.0,,Yes
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.5. Young adults initiating use of tobacco products in past 12 months (percent, ages 1825)",8.7,2015,7.8,2018,6.7,45.0,,No
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.6. Young adults initiating cigarette smoking in past 12 months (percent, ages 1825)",8.4,2008,5.8,2018,6.4,130.0,,Yes
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.7. Young adults initiating use of smokeless tobacco in past 12 months (percent, ages 1825)",1.8,2015,1.4,2018,0.0,22.2,,Yes
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-3.8. Young adults initiating cigar smoking in past 12 months (percent, ages 1825)",6.3,2008,5.2,2018,4.3,55.0,,Yes
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-4.1. Adult smokers attempting smoking cessation in past 12 months (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",50.2,2008,56.0,2018,80.0,19.5,,Yes
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-5.1. Adult smokers who successfully stopped smoking within past 6 months to 1 year (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",6.0,2008,8.3,2018,8.0,115.0,,Yes
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-6. Pregnant female smokers ceasing smoking during first trimester and remainder of pregnancy (percent, ages 1849)",11.3,2005,17.0,2015,30.0,30.5,,No
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-7. Adolescent smokers attempting smoking cessation in past 12 months (percent, grades 912)",58.5,2009,55.7,2013,64.0,,4.8,No
2,Tobacco Use,TU-8. Medicaid coverage of treatment for nicotine dependency (number of states and the District of Columbia),6,2008,15,2018,51,20.0,,
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-9.1. Visits to office-based ambulatory care settings that include tobacco screening (percent, ages 18 and over)",75.7,2012,86.7,2016,83.3,144.7,,Yes
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-9.2. Visits to hospital ambulatory care settings that include tobacco screening (percent, ages 18 and over)",60.2,2007,62.7,2011,66.2,41.7,,No
3,Tobacco Use,TU-9.3. General practice dentists who ask patients if they use tobacco (percent),52.9,2010,53.1,2017,58.2,3.8,,No
1,Tobacco Use,TU-9.4. Tobacco screening in substance abuse care settings (percent),49.8,2011,66.0,2017,54.8,324.0,,
6,Tobacco Use,TU-9.5. Tobacco screening in mental health care settings,45.1,2014,51.5,2017,,,,
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-10.1. Visits to office-based ambulatory care settings that include cessation counseling for tobacco users (percent, ages 18 and over)",11.1,2012,20.2,2016,12.2,827.3,,No
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-10.2. Visits to hospital ambulatory care settings that include cessation counseling for tobacco users (percent, ages 18 and over)",22.6,2007,22.3,2011,24.9,,1.3,No
3,Tobacco Use,TU-10.3. General practice dentists who offer tobacco cessation counseling to patients (percent),35.7,2010,37.1,2017,39.3,38.9,,No
1,Tobacco Use,TU-10.4. Tobacco cessation counseling in substance abuse care settings (percent),34.2,2011,49.5,2017,37.6,450.0,,
1,Tobacco Use,TU-10.5. Tobacco cessation counseling in mental health care settings (percent of facilities),24.0,2010,39.1,2017,26.4,629.2,,
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-11.1. Children exposed to secondhand smoke (percent, nonsmokers, ages 311 years)",52.2,20052008,38.1,20132016,47.0,271.2,,Yes
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-11.2. Adolescents exposed to secondhand smoke (percent, nonsmokers, ages 1217)",45.5,20052008,32.6,20132016,41.0,286.7,,No
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-11.3. Adults exposed to secondhand smoke (age-adjusted percent, nonsmokers, ages 18 and over)",37.6,20052008,22.6,20132016,33.8,394.7,,Yes
4,Tobacco Use,"TU-12. Persons covered by indoor worksite policies prohibiting smoking (percent, ages 18 and over)",83.4,20102011,81.0,20142015,100.0,,2.9,Yes
2,Tobacco Use,TU-13.1. State laws prohibiting smoking in private worksites (number of states and the District of Columbia),30,2009,35,2018,51,23.8,,
2,Tobacco Use,TU-13.2. State laws prohibiting smoking in public worksites (number of states and the District of Columbia),34,2009,39,2018,51,29.4,,
2,Tobacco Use,TU-13.3. State laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants (number of states and the District of Columbia),28,2009,35,2018,51,30.4,,
2,Tobacco Use,TU-13.4. State laws prohibiting smoking in bars (number of states and the District of Columbia),22,2009,29,2018,51,24.1,,
2,Tobacco Use,TU-13.5. State laws prohibiting smoking in gaming halls (number of states and the District of Columbia),25,2009,28,2018,51,11.5,,
2,Tobacco Use,TU-13.6. State laws prohibiting smoking in commercial daycare centers (number of states and the District of Columbia),38,2009,41,2018,51,23.1,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.7. State laws prohibiting smoking in home-based daycare centers (number of states and the District of Columbia),37,2009,38,2018,51,7.1,,
2,Tobacco Use,TU-13.8. State laws prohibiting smoking in public transportation (number of states and the District of Columbia),37,2009,41,2018,51,28.6,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.9. State laws prohibiting smoking in hotels and motels (number of states and the District of Columbia),0,2009,3,2018,51,5.9,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.10. State laws prohibiting smoking in multiunit housing (number of states and the District of Columbia),0,2009,0,2018,51,,0.0,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.11. State laws prohibiting smoking in vehicles with children (number of states and the District of Columbia),4,2009,8,2018,51,8.5,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.12. State laws prohibiting smoking in prisons and correctional facilities (number of states and the District of Columbia),8,2009,9,2018,51,2.3,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.13. State laws prohibiting smoking in substance abuse treatment facilities (number of states and the District of Columbia),10,2009,13,2018,51,7.3,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.14. State laws prohibiting smoking in mental health treatment facilities (number of states and the District of Columbia),10,2009,13,2018,51,7.3,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.15. State laws prohibiting smoking at entrances and exits of all public places (number of states and the District of Columbia),1,2009,1,2018,51,,0.0,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.16. State laws prohibiting smoking on hospital campuses (number of states and the District of Columbia),1,2009,2,2018,51,2.0,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-13.17. State laws prohibiting smoking on college and university campuses (number of states and the District of Columbia),1,2009,1,2018,51,,0.0,
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-14. Adults living in smoke-free homes (percent, ages 18 and over)",79.1,20062007,86.5,20142015,87.0,93.7,,Yes
3,Tobacco Use,TU-15.1. Tobacco-free environments in elementary schools (percent),65.4,2006,61.2,2014,100.0,,6.4,No
3,Tobacco Use,TU-15.2. Tobacco-free environments in middle schools (percent),58.7,2006,66.2,2014,100.0,18.2,,No
2,Tobacco Use,TU-15.3. Tobacco-free environments in high schools (percent),66.1,2006,74.5,2014,100.0,24.8,,Yes
3,Tobacco Use,TU-16.1. State laws preempting stronger local laws on smoke-free indoor air (number of states and the District of Columbia),12,2009,12,2018,0,,0.0,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-16.2. State laws preempting stronger local laws on tobacco advertising (number of states and the District of Columbia),18,2009,18,2018,0,,0.0,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-16.3. State laws preempting stronger local laws on youth access to tobacco (number of states and the District of Columbia),22,2009,23,2018,0,,4.5,
4,Tobacco Use,TU-16.4. State laws preempting stronger local laws on licensure (number of states and the District of Columbia),9,2009,11,2018,0,,22.2,
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-17.1. Increases of $1.50 in taxes on cigarettes (number of states, the District of Columbia, and federal government)",1,2010,4,2018,52,5.9,,
3,Tobacco Use,"TU-17.2. Increases of $1.50 in taxes on smokeless tobacco products (number of states, the District of Columbia, and federal government)",0,2010,0,2018,52,,0.0,
4,Tobacco Use,"TU-18.1. Adolescents and young adults exposed to tobacco marketing on the Internet (percent, grades 612)",36.8,2009,42.7,2018,33.1,,16.0,Yes
2,Tobacco Use,"TU-18.2. Adolescents and young adults exposed to tobacco marketing in magazines and newspapers (percent, grades 612)",48.6,2009,35.9,2018,19.3,43.3,,Yes
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-18.3. Adolescents and young adults exposed to tobacco marketing in movies and television (percent, grades 612)",77.6,2009,34.9,2018,69.8,547.4,,Yes
1,Tobacco Use,"TU-18.4. Adolescents and young adults exposed to tobacco marketing at point of purchase (percent, grades 612)",85.7,2009,68.3,2018,77.1,202.3,,Yes
3,Tobacco Use,TU-19.1. States with 5% or less of illegal tobacco sales rate among minors (number of states and the District of Columbia),5,2009,9,2018,51,8.7,,
2,Tobacco Use,TU-19.2. Territories with 5% or less of illegal tobacco sales rate among minors (number),1,2009,3,2018,8,28.6,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-20.1. States with comprehensive evidence-based tobacco control programs (number of states and the District of Columbia),10,2009,13,2016,51,7.3,,
3,Tobacco Use,TU-21.1. High-tech tax stamps on packs of cigarettes (number of states and the District of Columbia),2,2009,4,2018,51,4.1,,
1,Vision,V-1. Preschool children ages 5 years and under receiving vision screening (percent),40.1,2008,50.0,2017,44.1,247.5,...,Yes
4,Vision,"V-2. Blindness and visual impairment in children and adolescents ages 17 years and under (per 1,000 population)",28.2,2008,38.0,2018,25.4,...,34.8,Yes
1,Vision,"V-3.1. Occupational eye injuries resulting in lost work days (per 10,000 full-time workers in private industry)",2.9,2008,2.0,2017,2.6,300.0,...,...
1,Vision,"V-3.2. Occupational eye injuries treated in emergency departments (per 10,000 full-time workers)",12.9,2008,8.8,2018,11.6,315.4,...,No
2,Vision,"V-4. Adults receiving a dilated eye examination within the past 2 years (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",55.0,2008,58.8,2017,60.5,69.1,...,Yes
5,Vision,"V-5.1. Visual impairment due to uncorrected refractive errors (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 12 years and over)",136.1,20052008,...,,122.5,...,...,...
3,Vision,"V-5.2. Visual impairment due to diabetic retinopathy (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 18 years and over with diabetes)",34.2,2008,33.0,2017,30.8,35.3,...,No
3,Vision,"V-5.3. Visual impairment due to glaucoma (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 45 and over)",13.9,2008,13.2,2017,12.5,50.0,...,No
4,Vision,"V-5.4. Visual impairment due to cataract (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 65 and over)",110.0,2008,141.2,2017,99.0,...,28.4,Yes
3,Vision,"V-5.5. Visual impairment due to age-related macular degeneration (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 45 and over)",15.5,2008,15.6,2017,14.0,...,0.6,No
1,Vision,"V-6.1. Use of protective eyewear at home by children and adolescents (percent, ages 617 years)",16.5,2008,21.8,2017,18.2,311.8,...,No
1,Vision,"V-6.2. Use of protective eyewear at home by adults (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",39.7,2008,46.5,2017,43.7,170.0,...,Yes
1,Vision,"V-7.1. Use of vision rehabilitation services by persons with visual impairment (age adjusted, per 1,000 population, ages 18 and over)",30.2,2008,43.4,2017,33.2,440.0,...,No
1,Vision,"V-7.2. Use of assistive and adaptive devices by persons with visual impairment (age-adjusted percent, ages 18 and over)",11.2,2008,12.4,2017,12.3,109.1,...,No