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NHANES,SC_NHANES03,Source,,"National Center for Health Statistics, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey."
NHANES,SC_NHANES04,Source,,"Find more information on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, methods, and definitions is available from: https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/analyticguidelines.aspx."
NHANES,NT_NHANES00,Note,,"Estimates for people reporting more than one race are not shown separately, because statistically reliable rates are difficult to make for this group. These estimates are included in the total."
NHANES,NA_NHANES06,Flag,*,"If a single asterisk (*) is shown in the table, estimates do not meet National Center for Health Statistics standards of reliability and will not appear in the chart."
NHANES,NA_NHANES07,Flag,- - -,Data not available. This is represented by a triple dash flag (- - -).
NHANESChronic,FN_NHANESCHRONIC01,Footnote,,Pregnant persons were excluded from analyses involving obesity and hypertension.
NHANESChronic,FN_NHANESCHRONIC02,Footnote,,Data for hypertension and high total cholesterol are only shown for adults aged 20 and older.
NHANESChronic,FN_NHANESCHRONIC03,Footnote,,"Hypertension: Systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 130 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 80 mmHg, or currently taking medication to lower high blood pressure."
NHANESChronic,FN_NHANESCHRONIC04,Footnote,,High total cholesterol: Serum total cholesterol greater than or equal to 240 mg/dL.
NHANESChronic,FN_NHANESCHRONIC05,Footnote,,"Obesity among adults: Body mass index (BMI, weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) greater than or equal to 30."
NHANESChronic,FN_NHANESCHRONIC06,Footnote,,Obesity among children and adolescents: BMI (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) greater than or equal to the age- and sex-specific 95th percentile of the 2000 CDC growth charts.
NHANESChronic,FN_NHANESCHRONIC17,Footnote,,Data are only available for Non-Hispanic Asian persons from 2011-2012 onward and for Hispanic persons from 2007-2008 onward.
NHANESDiet,FN_NHANESDIET07,Footnote,,Estimates are based on one dietary recall interview and are not adjusted for energy intake.
NHANESDiet,FN_NHANESDIET08,Footnote,,"Intakes of nutrients and other dietary components are based on the consumption of food and beverages, including water, and do not include intake from supplements or medications. Breast-fed children were excluded."
NHANESDiet,FN_NHANESDIET09,Footnote,,Estimates for vitamin D intake are only available for 2007-2008 onward.
NHANESDiet,FN_NHANESDIET17,Footnote,,Data are only available for Non-Hispanic Asian persons from 2011-2012 onward and for Hispanic persons from 2007-2008 onward.
NHANESInfectious,FN_NHANESINFECTIOUS10,Footnote,,Data for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) were not collected for people aged 50 years and older.
NHANESInfectious,FN_NHANESINFECTIOUS11,Footnote,,Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1): Antibody to herpes simplex virus type 1 from tested sera.
NHANESInfectious,FN_NHANESINFECTIOUS12,Footnote,,Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2): Antibody to herpes simplex virus type 2 from tested sera.
NHANESInfectious,FN_NHANESINFECTIOUS17,Footnote,,Data are only available for Non-Hispanic Asian persons from 2011-2012 onward and for Hispanic persons from 2007-2008 onward.
NHANESOral,FN_NHANESORAL13,Footnote,,"Estimates for dental caries in permanent and primary teeth are not available for 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 when tooth decay was only assessed in all teeth present at the time of examination, not just in permanent or primary teeth alone."
NHANESOral,FN_NHANESORAL14,Footnote,,Total dental caries in primary teeth: Treated and untreated tooth decay (dental cavity) in primary teeth. Data for dental caries in primary teeth are only shown for children ages 2-11 years.
NHANESOral,FN_NHANESORAL15,Footnote,,Untreated dental caries in primary teeth: Untreated tooth decay (dental cavity) in primary teeth. Data for dental caries in primary teeth are only shown for children ages 2-11 years.
NHANESOral,FN_NHANESORAL16,Footnote,,"Complete tooth loss: The loss of all natural, permanent teeth. Data for complete tooth loss are only shown for adults aged 60 and older."
NHANESOral,FN_NHANESORAL17,Footnote,,Data are only available for Non-Hispanic Asian persons from 2011-2012 onward and for Hispanic persons from 2007-2008 onward.
NHANESOral,FN_NHANESORAL18,Footnote,,Total dental caries in permanent teeth: Treated and untreated tooth decay (dental cavity) in permanent teeth. Data for dental caries in permanent teeth are shown separately for children ages 6-19 years and adults ages 20-69 years.
NHANESOral,FN_NHANESORAL19,Footnote,,Untreated dental caries in permanent teeth: Tooth decay (dental cavity) in permanent teeth that has not received appropriate treatment. Data for untreated dental caries in permanent teeth are shown separately for children ages 6-19 years and adults ages 20-69 years.